\";\n return div.innerHTML.indexOf('
') > 0\n}\n\n// #3663: IE encodes newlines inside attribute values while other browsers don't\nvar shouldDecodeNewlines = inBrowser ? getShouldDecode(false) : false;\n// #6828: chrome encodes content in a[href]\nvar shouldDecodeNewlinesForHref = inBrowser ? getShouldDecode(true) : false;\n\n/* */\n\nvar idToTemplate = cached(function (id) {\n var el = query(id);\n return el && el.innerHTML\n});\n\nvar mount = Vue.prototype.$mount;\nVue.prototype.$mount = function (\n el,\n hydrating\n) {\n el = el && query(el);\n\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n if (el === document.body || el === document.documentElement) {\n process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && warn(\n \"Do not mount Vue to or - mount to normal elements instead.\"\n );\n return this\n }\n\n var options = this.$options;\n // resolve template/el and convert to render function\n if (!options.render) {\n var template = options.template;\n if (template) {\n if (typeof template === 'string') {\n if (template.charAt(0) === '#') {\n template = idToTemplate(template);\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && !template) {\n warn(\n (\"Template element not found or is empty: \" + (options.template)),\n this\n );\n }\n }\n } else if (template.nodeType) {\n template = template.innerHTML;\n } else {\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {\n warn('invalid template option:' + template, this);\n }\n return this\n }\n } else if (el) {\n template = getOuterHTML(el);\n }\n if (template) {\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && config.performance && mark) {\n mark('compile');\n }\n\n var ref = compileToFunctions(template, {\n shouldDecodeNewlines: shouldDecodeNewlines,\n shouldDecodeNewlinesForHref: shouldDecodeNewlinesForHref,\n delimiters: options.delimiters,\n comments: options.comments\n }, this);\n var render = ref.render;\n var staticRenderFns = ref.staticRenderFns;\n options.render = render;\n options.staticRenderFns = staticRenderFns;\n\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && config.performance && mark) {\n mark('compile end');\n measure((\"vue \" + (this._name) + \" compile\"), 'compile', 'compile end');\n }\n }\n }\n return mount.call(this, el, hydrating)\n};\n\n/**\n * Get outerHTML of elements, taking care\n * of SVG elements in IE as well.\n */\nfunction getOuterHTML (el) {\n if (el.outerHTML) {\n return el.outerHTML\n } else {\n var container = document.createElement('div');\n container.appendChild(el.cloneNode(true));\n return container.innerHTML\n }\n}\n\nVue.compile = compileToFunctions;\n\nexport default Vue;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/vue/dist/vue.esm.js\n// module id = 7+uW\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\nvar settle = require('./../core/settle');\nvar buildURL = require('./../helpers/buildURL');\nvar parseHeaders = require('./../helpers/parseHeaders');\nvar isURLSameOrigin = require('./../helpers/isURLSameOrigin');\nvar createError = require('../core/createError');\nvar btoa = (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.btoa && window.btoa.bind(window)) || require('./../helpers/btoa');\n\nmodule.exports = function xhrAdapter(config) {\n return new Promise(function dispatchXhrRequest(resolve, reject) {\n var requestData = config.data;\n var requestHeaders = config.headers;\n\n if (utils.isFormData(requestData)) {\n delete requestHeaders['Content-Type']; // Let the browser set it\n }\n\n var request = new XMLHttpRequest();\n var loadEvent = 'onreadystatechange';\n var xDomain = false;\n\n // For IE 8/9 CORS support\n // Only supports POST and GET calls and doesn't returns the response headers.\n // DON'T do this for testing b/c XMLHttpRequest is mocked, not XDomainRequest.\n if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'test' &&\n typeof window !== 'undefined' &&\n window.XDomainRequest && !('withCredentials' in request) &&\n !isURLSameOrigin(config.url)) {\n request = new window.XDomainRequest();\n loadEvent = 'onload';\n xDomain = true;\n request.onprogress = function handleProgress() {};\n request.ontimeout = function handleTimeout() {};\n }\n\n // HTTP basic authentication\n if (config.auth) {\n var username = config.auth.username || '';\n var password = config.auth.password || '';\n requestHeaders.Authorization = 'Basic ' + btoa(username + ':' + password);\n }\n\n request.open(config.method.toUpperCase(), buildURL(config.url, config.params, config.paramsSerializer), true);\n\n // Set the request timeout in MS\n request.timeout = config.timeout;\n\n // Listen for ready state\n request[loadEvent] = function handleLoad() {\n if (!request || (request.readyState !== 4 && !xDomain)) {\n return;\n }\n\n // The request errored out and we didn't get a response, this will be\n // handled by onerror instead\n // With one exception: request that using file: protocol, most browsers\n // will return status as 0 even though it's a successful request\n if (request.status === 0 && !(request.responseURL && request.responseURL.indexOf('file:') === 0)) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Prepare the response\n var responseHeaders = 'getAllResponseHeaders' in request ? parseHeaders(request.getAllResponseHeaders()) : null;\n var responseData = !config.responseType || config.responseType === 'text' ? request.responseText : request.response;\n var response = {\n data: responseData,\n // IE sends 1223 instead of 204 (https://github.com/axios/axios/issues/201)\n status: request.status === 1223 ? 204 : request.status,\n statusText: request.status === 1223 ? 'No Content' : request.statusText,\n headers: responseHeaders,\n config: config,\n request: request\n };\n\n settle(resolve, reject, response);\n\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n };\n\n // Handle low level network errors\n request.onerror = function handleError() {\n // Real errors are hidden from us by the browser\n // onerror should only fire if it's a network error\n reject(createError('Network Error', config, null, request));\n\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n };\n\n // Handle timeout\n request.ontimeout = function handleTimeout() {\n reject(createError('timeout of ' + config.timeout + 'ms exceeded', config, 'ECONNABORTED',\n request));\n\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n };\n\n // Add xsrf header\n // This is only done if running in a standard browser environment.\n // Specifically not if we're in a web worker, or react-native.\n if (utils.isStandardBrowserEnv()) {\n var cookies = require('./../helpers/cookies');\n\n // Add xsrf header\n var xsrfValue = (config.withCredentials || isURLSameOrigin(config.url)) && config.xsrfCookieName ?\n cookies.read(config.xsrfCookieName) :\n undefined;\n\n if (xsrfValue) {\n requestHeaders[config.xsrfHeaderName] = xsrfValue;\n }\n }\n\n // Add headers to the request\n if ('setRequestHeader' in request) {\n utils.forEach(requestHeaders, function setRequestHeader(val, key) {\n if (typeof requestData === 'undefined' && key.toLowerCase() === 'content-type') {\n // Remove Content-Type if data is undefined\n delete requestHeaders[key];\n } else {\n // Otherwise add header to the request\n request.setRequestHeader(key, val);\n }\n });\n }\n\n // Add withCredentials to request if needed\n if (config.withCredentials) {\n request.withCredentials = true;\n }\n\n // Add responseType to request if needed\n if (config.responseType) {\n try {\n request.responseType = config.responseType;\n } catch (e) {\n // Expected DOMException thrown by browsers not compatible XMLHttpRequest Level 2.\n // But, this can be suppressed for 'json' type as it can be parsed by default 'transformResponse' function.\n if (config.responseType !== 'json') {\n throw e;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Handle progress if needed\n if (typeof config.onDownloadProgress === 'function') {\n request.addEventListener('progress', config.onDownloadProgress);\n }\n\n // Not all browsers support upload events\n if (typeof config.onUploadProgress === 'function' && request.upload) {\n request.upload.addEventListener('progress', config.onUploadProgress);\n }\n\n if (config.cancelToken) {\n // Handle cancellation\n config.cancelToken.promise.then(function onCanceled(cancel) {\n if (!request) {\n return;\n }\n\n request.abort();\n reject(cancel);\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n });\n }\n\n if (requestData === undefined) {\n requestData = null;\n }\n\n // Send the request\n request.send(requestData);\n });\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/xhr.js\n// module id = 7GwW\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar addScriptPromise = null;\n\n/** Adds proviced script to the page, once **/\nfunction addPlatformScript(src) {\n if (!addScriptPromise) {\n var s = document.createElement('script');\n s.setAttribute('src', src);\n document.body.appendChild(s);\n addScriptPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n s.onload = function () {\n resolve(window.twttr);\n };\n });\n }\n return addScriptPromise;\n}\n\nvar defaultProps = {\n id: {\n type: String,\n requred: true\n },\n sourceType: {\n type: String\n },\n options: Object\n\n /** Basic function used to mount Twitter component */\n};var twitterEmbedComponent = function twitterEmbedComponent(me) {\n return {\n data: function data() {\n return {\n isLoaded: false,\n isAvailable: false\n };\n },\n\n props: Object.assign({}, defaultProps, me.props),\n mounted: function mounted() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var params = this.sourceType ? { sourceType: this.sourceType, screenName: this.id } : this.id;\n\n Promise.resolve(window.twttr ? window.twttr : addPlatformScript('//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js')).then(function (twttr) {\n return me.embedComponent(twttr, params, _this.$el, _this.options);\n }).then(function (data) {\n _this.isAvailable = data !== undefined;\n _this.isLoaded = true;\n });\n },\n render: function render(h) {\n if (this.isLoaded && this.isAvailable) {\n return h('div', { class: this.$props.widgetClass });\n }\n\n if (this.isLoaded && !this.isAvailable && this.$props.errorMessage) {\n var $errorMsg = h('div', { class: this.$props.errorMessageClass }, this.$props.errorMessage);\n return h('div', [$errorMsg]);\n }\n\n return h('div', { class: this.$props.widgetClass }, this.$slots.default);\n }\n };\n};\n\nmodule.exports = { addPlatformScript: addPlatformScript, twitterEmbedComponent: twitterEmbedComponent };\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/vue-tweet-embed/dist/core/index.js\n// module id = 7rWN\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", {\n value: true\n});\n\nvar _core = require('../core');\n\nvar Tweet = (0, _core.twitterEmbedComponent)({\n embedComponent: function embedComponent(twttr) {\n var _twttr$widgets;\n\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n return (_twttr$widgets = twttr.widgets).createTweetEmbed.apply(_twttr$widgets, args);\n },\n\n props: {\n errorMessage: {\n type: String,\n default: 'Whoops! We couldn\\'t access this Tweet.'\n },\n errorMessageClass: {\n type: String,\n required: false\n },\n widgetClass: {\n type: String,\n required: false\n }\n }\n});\n\nexports.default = Tweet;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/vue-tweet-embed/dist/tweet/index.js\n// module id = BUnK\n// module chunks = 0","/*!\n * Font Awesome Free 5.2.0 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com\n * License - https://fontawesome.com/license (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)\n */\nvar noop = function noop() {};\n\nvar _WINDOW = {};\nvar _DOCUMENT = {};\nvar _MUTATION_OBSERVER$1 = null;\nvar _PERFORMANCE = { mark: noop, measure: noop };\n\ntry {\n if (typeof window !== 'undefined') _WINDOW = window;\n if (typeof document !== 'undefined') _DOCUMENT = document;\n if (typeof MutationObserver !== 'undefined') _MUTATION_OBSERVER$1 = MutationObserver;\n if (typeof performance !== 'undefined') _PERFORMANCE = performance;\n} catch (e) {}\n\nvar _ref = _WINDOW.navigator || {};\nvar _ref$userAgent = _ref.userAgent;\nvar userAgent = _ref$userAgent === undefined ? '' : _ref$userAgent;\n\nvar WINDOW = _WINDOW;\nvar DOCUMENT = _DOCUMENT;\nvar MUTATION_OBSERVER = _MUTATION_OBSERVER$1;\nvar PERFORMANCE = _PERFORMANCE;\n\nvar IS_DOM = !!DOCUMENT.documentElement && !!DOCUMENT.head && typeof DOCUMENT.addEventListener === 'function' && typeof DOCUMENT.createElement === 'function';\nvar IS_IE = ~userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') || ~userAgent.indexOf('Trident/');\n\nvar NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER = '___FONT_AWESOME___';\nvar UNITS_IN_GRID = 16;\nvar DEFAULT_FAMILY_PREFIX = 'fa';\nvar DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CLASS = 'svg-inline--fa';\nvar DATA_FA_I2SVG = 'data-fa-i2svg';\nvar DATA_FA_PSEUDO_ELEMENT = 'data-fa-pseudo-element';\nvar DATA_PREFIX = 'data-prefix';\nvar DATA_ICON = 'data-icon';\nvar HTML_CLASS_I2SVG_BASE_CLASS = 'fontawesome-i2svg';\nvar TAGNAMES_TO_SKIP_FOR_PSEUDOELEMENTS = ['HTML', 'HEAD', 'STYLE', 'SCRIPT'];\nvar PRODUCTION = function () {\n try {\n return process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';\n } catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n}();\n\nvar oneToTen = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];\nvar oneToTwenty = oneToTen.concat([11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]);\n\nvar ATTRIBUTES_WATCHED_FOR_MUTATION = ['class', 'data-prefix', 'data-icon', 'data-fa-transform', 'data-fa-mask'];\n\nvar RESERVED_CLASSES = ['xs', 'sm', 'lg', 'fw', 'ul', 'li', 'border', 'pull-left', 'pull-right', 'spin', 'pulse', 'rotate-90', 'rotate-180', 'rotate-270', 'flip-horizontal', 'flip-vertical', 'stack', 'stack-1x', 'stack-2x', 'inverse', 'layers', 'layers-text', 'layers-counter'].concat(oneToTen.map(function (n) {\n return n + 'x';\n})).concat(oneToTwenty.map(function (n) {\n return 'w-' + n;\n}));\n\nvar classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) {\n if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\");\n }\n};\n\nvar createClass = function () {\n function defineProperties(target, props) {\n for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {\n var descriptor = props[i];\n descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;\n descriptor.configurable = true;\n if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;\n Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);\n }\n }\n\n return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {\n if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);\n if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);\n return Constructor;\n };\n}();\n\n\n\nvar _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n var source = arguments[i];\n\n for (var key in source) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return target;\n};\n\n\n\nvar slicedToArray = function () {\n function sliceIterator(arr, i) {\n var _arr = [];\n var _n = true;\n var _d = false;\n var _e = undefined;\n\n try {\n for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) {\n _arr.push(_s.value);\n\n if (i && _arr.length === i) break;\n }\n } catch (err) {\n _d = true;\n _e = err;\n } finally {\n try {\n if (!_n && _i[\"return\"]) _i[\"return\"]();\n } finally {\n if (_d) throw _e;\n }\n }\n\n return _arr;\n }\n\n return function (arr, i) {\n if (Array.isArray(arr)) {\n return arr;\n } else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) {\n return sliceIterator(arr, i);\n } else {\n throw new TypeError(\"Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance\");\n }\n };\n}();\n\nvar toConsumableArray = function (arr) {\n if (Array.isArray(arr)) {\n for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];\n\n return arr2;\n } else {\n return Array.from(arr);\n }\n};\n\nvar initial = WINDOW.FontAwesomeConfig || {};\n\nfunction getAttrConfig(attr) {\n var element = DOCUMENT.querySelector('script[' + attr + ']');\n\n if (element) {\n return element.getAttribute(attr);\n }\n}\n\nfunction coerce(val) {\n // Getting an empty string will occur if the attribute is set on the HTML tag but without a value\n // We'll assume that this is an indication that it should be toggled to true\n // For example \n if (val === '') return true;\n if (val === 'false') return false;\n if (val === 'true') return true;\n return val;\n}\n\nif (DOCUMENT && typeof DOCUMENT.querySelector === 'function') {\n var attrs = [['data-family-prefix', 'familyPrefix'], ['data-replacement-class', 'replacementClass'], ['data-auto-replace-svg', 'autoReplaceSvg'], ['data-auto-add-css', 'autoAddCss'], ['data-auto-a11y', 'autoA11y'], ['data-search-pseudo-elements', 'searchPseudoElements'], ['data-observe-mutations', 'observeMutations'], ['data-keep-original-source', 'keepOriginalSource'], ['data-measure-performance', 'measurePerformance'], ['data-show-missing-icons', 'showMissingIcons']];\n\n attrs.forEach(function (_ref) {\n var _ref2 = slicedToArray(_ref, 2),\n attr = _ref2[0],\n key = _ref2[1];\n\n var val = coerce(getAttrConfig(attr));\n\n if (val !== undefined && val !== null) {\n initial[key] = val;\n }\n });\n}\n\nvar _default = _extends({\n familyPrefix: DEFAULT_FAMILY_PREFIX,\n replacementClass: DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CLASS,\n autoReplaceSvg: true,\n autoAddCss: true,\n autoA11y: true,\n searchPseudoElements: false,\n observeMutations: true,\n keepOriginalSource: true,\n measurePerformance: false,\n showMissingIcons: true\n}, initial);\n\nif (!_default.autoReplaceSvg) _default.observeMutations = false;\n\nvar config = _extends({}, _default);\n\nWINDOW.FontAwesomeConfig = config;\n\nvar w = WINDOW || {};\n\nif (!w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER]) w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER] = {};\nif (!w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER].styles) w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER].styles = {};\nif (!w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER].hooks) w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER].hooks = {};\nif (!w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER].shims) w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER].shims = [];\n\nvar namespace = w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER];\n\nvar functions = [];\nvar listener = function listener() {\n DOCUMENT.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', listener);\n loaded = 1;\n functions.map(function (fn) {\n return fn();\n });\n};\n\nvar loaded = false;\n\nif (IS_DOM) {\n loaded = (DOCUMENT.documentElement.doScroll ? /^loaded|^c/ : /^loaded|^i|^c/).test(DOCUMENT.readyState);\n\n if (!loaded) DOCUMENT.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', listener);\n}\n\nvar domready = function (fn) {\n if (!IS_DOM) return;\n loaded ? setTimeout(fn, 0) : functions.push(fn);\n};\n\nvar d = UNITS_IN_GRID;\n\nvar meaninglessTransform = {\n size: 16,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n rotate: 0,\n flipX: false,\n flipY: false\n};\n\nfunction isReserved(name) {\n return ~RESERVED_CLASSES.indexOf(name);\n}\n\n\n\nfunction insertCss(css) {\n if (!css || !IS_DOM) {\n return;\n }\n\n var style = DOCUMENT.createElement('style');\n style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');\n style.innerHTML = css;\n\n var headChildren = DOCUMENT.head.childNodes;\n var beforeChild = null;\n\n for (var i = headChildren.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {\n var child = headChildren[i];\n var tagName = (child.tagName || '').toUpperCase();\n if (['STYLE', 'LINK'].indexOf(tagName) > -1) {\n beforeChild = child;\n }\n }\n\n DOCUMENT.head.insertBefore(style, beforeChild);\n\n return css;\n}\n\nvar _uniqueId = 0;\n\nfunction nextUniqueId() {\n _uniqueId++;\n\n return _uniqueId;\n}\n\nfunction toArray(obj) {\n var array = [];\n\n for (var i = (obj || []).length >>> 0; i--;) {\n array[i] = obj[i];\n }\n\n return array;\n}\n\nfunction classArray(node) {\n if (node.classList) {\n return toArray(node.classList);\n } else {\n return (node.getAttribute('class') || '').split(' ').filter(function (i) {\n return i;\n });\n }\n}\n\nfunction getIconName(familyPrefix, cls) {\n var parts = cls.split('-');\n var prefix = parts[0];\n var iconName = parts.slice(1).join('-');\n\n if (prefix === familyPrefix && iconName !== '' && !isReserved(iconName)) {\n return iconName;\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n}\n\nfunction htmlEscape(str) {\n return ('' + str).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/\"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(//g, '>');\n}\n\nfunction joinAttributes(attributes) {\n return Object.keys(attributes || {}).reduce(function (acc, attributeName) {\n return acc + (attributeName + '=\"' + htmlEscape(attributes[attributeName]) + '\" ');\n }, '').trim();\n}\n\nfunction joinStyles(styles) {\n return Object.keys(styles || {}).reduce(function (acc, styleName) {\n return acc + (styleName + ': ' + styles[styleName] + ';');\n }, '');\n}\n\nfunction transformIsMeaningful(transform) {\n return transform.size !== meaninglessTransform.size || transform.x !== meaninglessTransform.x || transform.y !== meaninglessTransform.y || transform.rotate !== meaninglessTransform.rotate || transform.flipX || transform.flipY;\n}\n\nfunction transformForSvg(_ref) {\n var transform = _ref.transform,\n containerWidth = _ref.containerWidth,\n iconWidth = _ref.iconWidth;\n\n var outer = {\n transform: 'translate(' + containerWidth / 2 + ' 256)'\n };\n var innerTranslate = 'translate(' + transform.x * 32 + ', ' + transform.y * 32 + ') ';\n var innerScale = 'scale(' + transform.size / 16 * (transform.flipX ? -1 : 1) + ', ' + transform.size / 16 * (transform.flipY ? -1 : 1) + ') ';\n var innerRotate = 'rotate(' + transform.rotate + ' 0 0)';\n var inner = {\n transform: innerTranslate + ' ' + innerScale + ' ' + innerRotate\n };\n var path = {\n transform: 'translate(' + iconWidth / 2 * -1 + ' -256)'\n };\n return {\n outer: outer,\n inner: inner,\n path: path\n };\n}\n\nfunction transformForCss(_ref2) {\n var transform = _ref2.transform,\n _ref2$width = _ref2.width,\n width = _ref2$width === undefined ? UNITS_IN_GRID : _ref2$width,\n _ref2$height = _ref2.height,\n height = _ref2$height === undefined ? UNITS_IN_GRID : _ref2$height,\n _ref2$startCentered = _ref2.startCentered,\n startCentered = _ref2$startCentered === undefined ? false : _ref2$startCentered;\n\n var val = '';\n\n if (startCentered && IS_IE) {\n val += 'translate(' + (transform.x / d - width / 2) + 'em, ' + (transform.y / d - height / 2) + 'em) ';\n } else if (startCentered) {\n val += 'translate(calc(-50% + ' + transform.x / d + 'em), calc(-50% + ' + transform.y / d + 'em)) ';\n } else {\n val += 'translate(' + transform.x / d + 'em, ' + transform.y / d + 'em) ';\n }\n\n val += 'scale(' + transform.size / d * (transform.flipX ? -1 : 1) + ', ' + transform.size / d * (transform.flipY ? -1 : 1) + ') ';\n val += 'rotate(' + transform.rotate + 'deg) ';\n\n return val;\n}\n\nvar ALL_SPACE = {\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n width: '100%',\n height: '100%'\n};\n\nvar makeIconMasking = function (_ref) {\n var children = _ref.children,\n attributes = _ref.attributes,\n main = _ref.main,\n mask = _ref.mask,\n transform = _ref.transform;\n var mainWidth = main.width,\n mainPath = main.icon;\n var maskWidth = mask.width,\n maskPath = mask.icon;\n\n\n var trans = transformForSvg({ transform: transform, containerWidth: maskWidth, iconWidth: mainWidth });\n\n var maskRect = {\n tag: 'rect',\n attributes: _extends({}, ALL_SPACE, {\n fill: 'white'\n })\n };\n var maskInnerGroup = {\n tag: 'g',\n attributes: _extends({}, trans.inner),\n children: [{ tag: 'path', attributes: _extends({}, mainPath.attributes, trans.path, { fill: 'black' }) }]\n };\n var maskOuterGroup = {\n tag: 'g',\n attributes: _extends({}, trans.outer),\n children: [maskInnerGroup]\n };\n var maskId = 'mask-' + nextUniqueId();\n var clipId = 'clip-' + nextUniqueId();\n var maskTag = {\n tag: 'mask',\n attributes: _extends({}, ALL_SPACE, {\n id: maskId,\n maskUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse',\n maskContentUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse'\n }),\n children: [maskRect, maskOuterGroup]\n };\n var defs = {\n tag: 'defs',\n children: [{ tag: 'clipPath', attributes: { id: clipId }, children: [maskPath] }, maskTag]\n };\n\n children.push(defs, { tag: 'rect', attributes: _extends({ fill: 'currentColor', 'clip-path': 'url(#' + clipId + ')', mask: 'url(#' + maskId + ')' }, ALL_SPACE) });\n\n return {\n children: children,\n attributes: attributes\n };\n};\n\nvar makeIconStandard = function (_ref) {\n var children = _ref.children,\n attributes = _ref.attributes,\n main = _ref.main,\n transform = _ref.transform,\n styles = _ref.styles;\n\n var styleString = joinStyles(styles);\n\n if (styleString.length > 0) {\n attributes['style'] = styleString;\n }\n\n if (transformIsMeaningful(transform)) {\n var trans = transformForSvg({ transform: transform, containerWidth: main.width, iconWidth: main.width });\n children.push({\n tag: 'g',\n attributes: _extends({}, trans.outer),\n children: [{\n tag: 'g',\n attributes: _extends({}, trans.inner),\n children: [{\n tag: main.icon.tag,\n children: main.icon.children,\n attributes: _extends({}, main.icon.attributes, trans.path)\n }]\n }]\n });\n } else {\n children.push(main.icon);\n }\n\n return {\n children: children,\n attributes: attributes\n };\n};\n\nvar asIcon = function (_ref) {\n var children = _ref.children,\n main = _ref.main,\n mask = _ref.mask,\n attributes = _ref.attributes,\n styles = _ref.styles,\n transform = _ref.transform;\n\n if (transformIsMeaningful(transform) && main.found && !mask.found) {\n var width = main.width,\n height = main.height;\n\n var offset = {\n x: width / height / 2,\n y: 0.5\n };\n attributes['style'] = joinStyles(_extends({}, styles, {\n 'transform-origin': offset.x + transform.x / 16 + 'em ' + (offset.y + transform.y / 16) + 'em'\n }));\n }\n\n return [{\n tag: 'svg',\n attributes: attributes,\n children: children\n }];\n};\n\nvar asSymbol = function (_ref) {\n var prefix = _ref.prefix,\n iconName = _ref.iconName,\n children = _ref.children,\n attributes = _ref.attributes,\n symbol = _ref.symbol;\n\n var id = symbol === true ? prefix + '-' + config.familyPrefix + '-' + iconName : symbol;\n\n return [{\n tag: 'svg',\n attributes: {\n style: 'display: none;'\n },\n children: [{\n tag: 'symbol',\n attributes: _extends({}, attributes, { id: id }),\n children: children\n }]\n }];\n};\n\nfunction makeInlineSvgAbstract(params) {\n var _params$icons = params.icons,\n main = _params$icons.main,\n mask = _params$icons.mask,\n prefix = params.prefix,\n iconName = params.iconName,\n transform = params.transform,\n symbol = params.symbol,\n title = params.title,\n extra = params.extra,\n _params$watchable = params.watchable,\n watchable = _params$watchable === undefined ? false : _params$watchable;\n\n var _ref = mask.found ? mask : main,\n width = _ref.width,\n height = _ref.height;\n\n var widthClass = 'fa-w-' + Math.ceil(width / height * 16);\n var attrClass = [config.replacementClass, iconName ? config.familyPrefix + '-' + iconName : '', widthClass].filter(function (c) {\n return extra.classes.indexOf(c) === -1;\n }).concat(extra.classes).join(' ');\n\n var content = {\n children: [],\n attributes: _extends({}, extra.attributes, {\n 'data-prefix': prefix,\n 'data-icon': iconName,\n 'class': attrClass,\n 'role': 'img',\n 'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg',\n 'viewBox': '0 0 ' + width + ' ' + height\n })\n };\n\n if (watchable) {\n content.attributes[DATA_FA_I2SVG] = '';\n }\n\n if (title) content.children.push({ tag: 'title', attributes: { id: content.attributes['aria-labelledby'] || 'title-' + nextUniqueId() }, children: [title] });\n\n var args = _extends({}, content, {\n prefix: prefix,\n iconName: iconName,\n main: main,\n mask: mask,\n transform: transform,\n symbol: symbol,\n styles: extra.styles\n });\n\n var _ref2 = mask.found && main.found ? makeIconMasking(args) : makeIconStandard(args),\n children = _ref2.children,\n attributes = _ref2.attributes;\n\n args.children = children;\n args.attributes = attributes;\n\n if (symbol) {\n return asSymbol(args);\n } else {\n return asIcon(args);\n }\n}\n\nfunction makeLayersTextAbstract(params) {\n var content = params.content,\n width = params.width,\n height = params.height,\n transform = params.transform,\n title = params.title,\n extra = params.extra,\n _params$watchable2 = params.watchable,\n watchable = _params$watchable2 === undefined ? false : _params$watchable2;\n\n\n var attributes = _extends({}, extra.attributes, title ? { 'title': title } : {}, {\n 'class': extra.classes.join(' ')\n });\n\n if (watchable) {\n attributes[DATA_FA_I2SVG] = '';\n }\n\n var styles = _extends({}, extra.styles);\n\n if (transformIsMeaningful(transform)) {\n styles['transform'] = transformForCss({ transform: transform, startCentered: true, width: width, height: height });\n styles['-webkit-transform'] = styles['transform'];\n }\n\n var styleString = joinStyles(styles);\n\n if (styleString.length > 0) {\n attributes['style'] = styleString;\n }\n\n var val = [];\n\n val.push({\n tag: 'span',\n attributes: attributes,\n children: [content]\n });\n\n if (title) {\n val.push({ tag: 'span', attributes: { class: 'sr-only' }, children: [title] });\n }\n\n return val;\n}\n\nfunction makeLayersCounterAbstract(params) {\n var content = params.content,\n title = params.title,\n extra = params.extra;\n\n\n var attributes = _extends({}, extra.attributes, title ? { 'title': title } : {}, {\n 'class': extra.classes.join(' ')\n });\n\n var styleString = joinStyles(extra.styles);\n\n if (styleString.length > 0) {\n attributes['style'] = styleString;\n }\n\n var val = [];\n\n val.push({\n tag: 'span',\n attributes: attributes,\n children: [content]\n });\n\n if (title) {\n val.push({ tag: 'span', attributes: { class: 'sr-only' }, children: [title] });\n }\n\n return val;\n}\n\nvar noop$2 = function noop() {};\nvar p = config.measurePerformance && PERFORMANCE && PERFORMANCE.mark && PERFORMANCE.measure ? PERFORMANCE : { mark: noop$2, measure: noop$2 };\nvar preamble = 'FA \"5.2.0\"';\n\nvar begin = function begin(name) {\n p.mark(preamble + ' ' + name + ' begins');\n return function () {\n return end(name);\n };\n};\n\nvar end = function end(name) {\n p.mark(preamble + ' ' + name + ' ends');\n p.measure(preamble + ' ' + name, preamble + ' ' + name + ' begins', preamble + ' ' + name + ' ends');\n};\n\nvar perf = { begin: begin, end: end };\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Internal helper to bind a function known to have 4 arguments\n * to a given context.\n */\nvar bindInternal4 = function bindInternal4 (func, thisContext) {\n return function (a, b, c, d) {\n return func.call(thisContext, a, b, c, d);\n };\n};\n\n'use strict';\n\n\n\n/**\n * # Reduce\n *\n * A fast object `.reduce()` implementation.\n *\n * @param {Object} subject The object to reduce over.\n * @param {Function} fn The reducer function.\n * @param {mixed} initialValue The initial value for the reducer, defaults to subject[0].\n * @param {Object} thisContext The context for the reducer.\n * @return {mixed} The final result.\n */\nvar reduce = function fastReduceObject (subject, fn, initialValue, thisContext) {\n var keys = Object.keys(subject),\n length = keys.length,\n iterator = thisContext !== undefined ? bindInternal4(fn, thisContext) : fn,\n i, key, result;\n\n if (initialValue === undefined) {\n i = 1;\n result = subject[keys[0]];\n }\n else {\n i = 0;\n result = initialValue;\n }\n\n for (; i < length; i++) {\n key = keys[i];\n result = iterator(result, subject[key], key, subject);\n }\n\n return result;\n};\n\nvar styles$2 = namespace.styles;\nvar shims = namespace.shims;\n\n\nvar _byUnicode = {};\nvar _byLigature = {};\nvar _byOldName = {};\n\nvar build = function build() {\n var lookup = function lookup(reducer) {\n return reduce(styles$2, function (o, style, prefix) {\n o[prefix] = reduce(style, reducer, {});\n return o;\n }, {});\n };\n\n _byUnicode = lookup(function (acc, icon, iconName) {\n acc[icon[3]] = iconName;\n\n return acc;\n });\n\n _byLigature = lookup(function (acc, icon, iconName) {\n var ligatures = icon[2];\n\n acc[iconName] = iconName;\n\n ligatures.forEach(function (ligature) {\n acc[ligature] = iconName;\n });\n\n return acc;\n });\n\n var hasRegular = 'far' in styles$2;\n\n _byOldName = reduce(shims, function (acc, shim) {\n var oldName = shim[0];\n var prefix = shim[1];\n var iconName = shim[2];\n\n if (prefix === 'far' && !hasRegular) {\n prefix = 'fas';\n }\n\n acc[oldName] = { prefix: prefix, iconName: iconName };\n\n return acc;\n }, {});\n};\n\nbuild();\n\nfunction byUnicode(prefix, unicode) {\n return _byUnicode[prefix][unicode];\n}\n\nfunction byLigature(prefix, ligature) {\n return _byLigature[prefix][ligature];\n}\n\nfunction byOldName(name) {\n return _byOldName[name] || { prefix: null, iconName: null };\n}\n\nvar styles$1 = namespace.styles;\n\n\nvar emptyCanonicalIcon = function emptyCanonicalIcon() {\n return { prefix: null, iconName: null, rest: [] };\n};\n\nfunction getCanonicalIcon(values) {\n return values.reduce(function (acc, cls) {\n var iconName = getIconName(config.familyPrefix, cls);\n\n if (styles$1[cls]) {\n acc.prefix = cls;\n } else if (iconName) {\n var shim = acc.prefix === 'fa' ? byOldName(iconName) : {};\n\n acc.iconName = shim.iconName || iconName;\n acc.prefix = shim.prefix || acc.prefix;\n } else if (cls !== config.replacementClass && cls.indexOf('fa-w-') !== 0) {\n acc.rest.push(cls);\n }\n\n return acc;\n }, emptyCanonicalIcon());\n}\n\nfunction iconFromMapping(mapping, prefix, iconName) {\n if (mapping && mapping[prefix] && mapping[prefix][iconName]) {\n return {\n prefix: prefix,\n iconName: iconName,\n icon: mapping[prefix][iconName]\n };\n }\n}\n\nfunction toHtml(abstractNodes) {\n var tag = abstractNodes.tag,\n _abstractNodes$attrib = abstractNodes.attributes,\n attributes = _abstractNodes$attrib === undefined ? {} : _abstractNodes$attrib,\n _abstractNodes$childr = abstractNodes.children,\n children = _abstractNodes$childr === undefined ? [] : _abstractNodes$childr;\n\n\n if (typeof abstractNodes === 'string') {\n return htmlEscape(abstractNodes);\n } else {\n return '<' + tag + ' ' + joinAttributes(attributes) + '>' + children.map(toHtml).join('') + '' + tag + '>';\n }\n}\n\nvar noop$1 = function noop() {};\n\nfunction isWatched(node) {\n var i2svg = node.getAttribute ? node.getAttribute(DATA_FA_I2SVG) : null;\n\n return typeof i2svg === 'string';\n}\n\nfunction getMutator() {\n if (config.autoReplaceSvg === true) {\n return mutators.replace;\n }\n\n var mutator = mutators[config.autoReplaceSvg];\n\n return mutator || mutators.replace;\n}\n\nvar mutators = {\n replace: function replace(mutation) {\n var node = mutation[0];\n var abstract = mutation[1];\n var newOuterHTML = abstract.map(function (a) {\n return toHtml(a);\n }).join('\\n');\n\n if (node.parentNode && node.outerHTML) {\n node.outerHTML = newOuterHTML + (config.keepOriginalSource && node.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'svg' ? '' : '');\n } else if (node.parentNode) {\n var newNode = document.createElement('span');\n node.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, node);\n newNode.outerHTML = newOuterHTML;\n }\n },\n nest: function nest(mutation) {\n var node = mutation[0];\n var abstract = mutation[1];\n\n // If we already have a replaced node we do not want to continue nesting within it.\n // Short-circuit to the standard replacement\n if (~classArray(node).indexOf(config.replacementClass)) {\n return mutators.replace(mutation);\n }\n\n var forSvg = new RegExp(config.familyPrefix + '-.*');\n\n delete abstract[0].attributes.style;\n\n var splitClasses = abstract[0].attributes.class.split(' ').reduce(function (acc, cls) {\n if (cls === config.replacementClass || cls.match(forSvg)) {\n acc.toSvg.push(cls);\n } else {\n acc.toNode.push(cls);\n }\n\n return acc;\n }, { toNode: [], toSvg: [] });\n\n abstract[0].attributes.class = splitClasses.toSvg.join(' ');\n\n var newInnerHTML = abstract.map(function (a) {\n return toHtml(a);\n }).join('\\n');\n node.setAttribute('class', splitClasses.toNode.join(' '));\n node.setAttribute(DATA_FA_I2SVG, '');\n node.innerHTML = newInnerHTML;\n }\n};\n\nfunction perform(mutations, callback) {\n var callbackFunction = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : noop$1;\n\n if (mutations.length === 0) {\n callbackFunction();\n } else {\n var frame = WINDOW.requestAnimationFrame || function (op) {\n return op();\n };\n\n frame(function () {\n var mutator = getMutator();\n var mark = perf.begin('mutate');\n\n mutations.map(mutator);\n\n mark();\n\n callbackFunction();\n });\n }\n}\n\nvar disabled = false;\n\nfunction disableObservation(operation) {\n disabled = true;\n operation();\n disabled = false;\n}\n\nvar mo = null;\n\nfunction observe(options) {\n if (!MUTATION_OBSERVER) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (!config.observeMutations) {\n return;\n }\n\n var treeCallback = options.treeCallback,\n nodeCallback = options.nodeCallback,\n pseudoElementsCallback = options.pseudoElementsCallback,\n _options$observeMutat = options.observeMutationsRoot,\n observeMutationsRoot = _options$observeMutat === undefined ? DOCUMENT.body : _options$observeMutat;\n\n\n mo = new MUTATION_OBSERVER(function (objects) {\n if (disabled) return;\n\n toArray(objects).forEach(function (mutationRecord) {\n if (mutationRecord.type === 'childList' && mutationRecord.addedNodes.length > 0 && !isWatched(mutationRecord.addedNodes[0])) {\n if (config.searchPseudoElements) {\n pseudoElementsCallback(mutationRecord.target);\n }\n\n treeCallback(mutationRecord.target);\n }\n\n if (mutationRecord.type === 'attributes' && mutationRecord.target.parentNode && config.searchPseudoElements) {\n pseudoElementsCallback(mutationRecord.target.parentNode);\n }\n\n if (mutationRecord.type === 'attributes' && isWatched(mutationRecord.target) && ~ATTRIBUTES_WATCHED_FOR_MUTATION.indexOf(mutationRecord.attributeName)) {\n if (mutationRecord.attributeName === 'class') {\n var _getCanonicalIcon = getCanonicalIcon(classArray(mutationRecord.target)),\n prefix = _getCanonicalIcon.prefix,\n iconName = _getCanonicalIcon.iconName;\n\n if (prefix) mutationRecord.target.setAttribute('data-prefix', prefix);\n if (iconName) mutationRecord.target.setAttribute('data-icon', iconName);\n } else {\n nodeCallback(mutationRecord.target);\n }\n }\n });\n });\n\n if (!IS_DOM) return;\n\n mo.observe(observeMutationsRoot, {\n childList: true, attributes: true, characterData: true, subtree: true\n });\n}\n\nfunction disconnect() {\n if (!mo) return;\n\n mo.disconnect();\n}\n\nvar styleParser = function (node) {\n var style = node.getAttribute('style');\n\n var val = [];\n\n if (style) {\n val = style.split(';').reduce(function (acc, style) {\n var styles = style.split(':');\n var prop = styles[0];\n var value = styles.slice(1);\n\n if (prop && value.length > 0) {\n acc[prop] = value.join(':').trim();\n }\n\n return acc;\n }, {});\n }\n\n return val;\n};\n\nfunction toHex(unicode) {\n var result = '';\n\n for (var i = 0; i < unicode.length; i++) {\n var hex = unicode.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);\n result += ('000' + hex).slice(-4);\n }\n\n return result;\n}\n\nvar classParser = function (node) {\n var existingPrefix = node.getAttribute('data-prefix');\n var existingIconName = node.getAttribute('data-icon');\n var innerText = node.innerText !== undefined ? node.innerText.trim() : '';\n\n var val = getCanonicalIcon(classArray(node));\n\n if (existingPrefix && existingIconName) {\n val.prefix = existingPrefix;\n val.iconName = existingIconName;\n }\n\n if (val.prefix && innerText.length > 1) {\n val.iconName = byLigature(val.prefix, node.innerText);\n } else if (val.prefix && innerText.length === 1) {\n val.iconName = byUnicode(val.prefix, toHex(node.innerText));\n }\n\n return val;\n};\n\nvar parseTransformString = function parseTransformString(transformString) {\n var transform = {\n size: 16,\n x: 0,\n y: 0,\n flipX: false,\n flipY: false,\n rotate: 0\n };\n\n if (!transformString) {\n return transform;\n } else {\n return transformString.toLowerCase().split(' ').reduce(function (acc, n) {\n var parts = n.toLowerCase().split('-');\n var first = parts[0];\n var rest = parts.slice(1).join('-');\n\n if (first && rest === 'h') {\n acc.flipX = true;\n return acc;\n }\n\n if (first && rest === 'v') {\n acc.flipY = true;\n return acc;\n }\n\n rest = parseFloat(rest);\n\n if (isNaN(rest)) {\n return acc;\n }\n\n switch (first) {\n case 'grow':\n acc.size = acc.size + rest;\n break;\n case 'shrink':\n acc.size = acc.size - rest;\n break;\n case 'left':\n acc.x = acc.x - rest;\n break;\n case 'right':\n acc.x = acc.x + rest;\n break;\n case 'up':\n acc.y = acc.y - rest;\n break;\n case 'down':\n acc.y = acc.y + rest;\n break;\n case 'rotate':\n acc.rotate = acc.rotate + rest;\n break;\n }\n\n return acc;\n }, transform);\n }\n};\n\nvar transformParser = function (node) {\n return parseTransformString(node.getAttribute('data-fa-transform'));\n};\n\nvar symbolParser = function (node) {\n var symbol = node.getAttribute('data-fa-symbol');\n\n return symbol === null ? false : symbol === '' ? true : symbol;\n};\n\nvar attributesParser = function (node) {\n var extraAttributes = toArray(node.attributes).reduce(function (acc, attr) {\n if (acc.name !== 'class' && acc.name !== 'style') {\n acc[attr.name] = attr.value;\n }\n return acc;\n }, {});\n\n var title = node.getAttribute('title');\n\n if (config.autoA11y) {\n if (title) {\n extraAttributes['aria-labelledby'] = config.replacementClass + '-title-' + nextUniqueId();\n } else {\n extraAttributes['aria-hidden'] = 'true';\n }\n }\n\n return extraAttributes;\n};\n\nvar maskParser = function (node) {\n var mask = node.getAttribute('data-fa-mask');\n\n if (!mask) {\n return emptyCanonicalIcon();\n } else {\n return getCanonicalIcon(mask.split(' ').map(function (i) {\n return i.trim();\n }));\n }\n};\n\nvar blankMeta = {\n iconName: null,\n title: null,\n prefix: null,\n transform: meaninglessTransform,\n symbol: false,\n mask: null,\n extra: { classes: [], styles: {}, attributes: {} }\n};\n\nfunction parseMeta(node) {\n var _classParser = classParser(node),\n iconName = _classParser.iconName,\n prefix = _classParser.prefix,\n extraClasses = _classParser.rest;\n\n var extraStyles = styleParser(node);\n var transform = transformParser(node);\n var symbol = symbolParser(node);\n var extraAttributes = attributesParser(node);\n var mask = maskParser(node);\n\n return {\n iconName: iconName,\n title: node.getAttribute('title'),\n prefix: prefix,\n transform: transform,\n symbol: symbol,\n mask: mask,\n extra: {\n classes: extraClasses,\n styles: extraStyles,\n attributes: extraAttributes\n }\n };\n}\n\nfunction MissingIcon(error) {\n this.name = 'MissingIcon';\n this.message = error || 'Icon unavailable';\n this.stack = new Error().stack;\n}\n\nMissingIcon.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);\nMissingIcon.prototype.constructor = MissingIcon;\n\nvar FILL = { fill: 'currentColor' };\nvar ANIMATION_BASE = {\n attributeType: 'XML',\n repeatCount: 'indefinite',\n dur: '2s'\n};\nvar RING = {\n tag: 'path',\n attributes: _extends({}, FILL, {\n d: 'M156.5,447.7l-12.6,29.5c-18.7-9.5-35.9-21.2-51.5-34.9l22.7-22.7C127.6,430.5,141.5,440,156.5,447.7z M40.6,272H8.5 c1.4,21.2,5.4,41.7,11.7,61.1L50,321.2C45.1,305.5,41.8,289,40.6,272z M40.6,240c1.4-18.8,5.2-37,11.1-54.1l-29.5-12.6 C14.7,194.3,10,216.7,8.5,240H40.6z M64.3,156.5c7.8-14.9,17.2-28.8,28.1-41.5L69.7,92.3c-13.7,15.6-25.5,32.8-34.9,51.5 L64.3,156.5z M397,419.6c-13.9,12-29.4,22.3-46.1,30.4l11.9,29.8c20.7-9.9,39.8-22.6,56.9-37.6L397,419.6z M115,92.4 c13.9-12,29.4-22.3,46.1-30.4l-11.9-29.8c-20.7,9.9-39.8,22.6-56.8,37.6L115,92.4z M447.7,355.5c-7.8,14.9-17.2,28.8-28.1,41.5 l22.7,22.7c13.7-15.6,25.5-32.9,34.9-51.5L447.7,355.5z M471.4,272c-1.4,18.8-5.2,37-11.1,54.1l29.5,12.6 c7.5-21.1,12.2-43.5,13.6-66.8H471.4z M321.2,462c-15.7,5-32.2,8.2-49.2,9.4v32.1c21.2-1.4,41.7-5.4,61.1-11.7L321.2,462z M240,471.4c-18.8-1.4-37-5.2-54.1-11.1l-12.6,29.5c21.1,7.5,43.5,12.2,66.8,13.6V471.4z M462,190.8c5,15.7,8.2,32.2,9.4,49.2h32.1 c-1.4-21.2-5.4-41.7-11.7-61.1L462,190.8z M92.4,397c-12-13.9-22.3-29.4-30.4-46.1l-29.8,11.9c9.9,20.7,22.6,39.8,37.6,56.9 L92.4,397z M272,40.6c18.8,1.4,36.9,5.2,54.1,11.1l12.6-29.5C317.7,14.7,295.3,10,272,8.5V40.6z M190.8,50 c15.7-5,32.2-8.2,49.2-9.4V8.5c-21.2,1.4-41.7,5.4-61.1,11.7L190.8,50z M442.3,92.3L419.6,115c12,13.9,22.3,29.4,30.5,46.1 l29.8-11.9C470,128.5,457.3,109.4,442.3,92.3z M397,92.4l22.7-22.7c-15.6-13.7-32.8-25.5-51.5-34.9l-12.6,29.5 C370.4,72.1,384.4,81.5,397,92.4z'\n })\n};\nvar OPACITY_ANIMATE = _extends({}, ANIMATION_BASE, {\n attributeName: 'opacity'\n});\nvar DOT = {\n tag: 'circle',\n attributes: _extends({}, FILL, {\n cx: '256',\n cy: '364',\n r: '28'\n }),\n children: [{ tag: 'animate', attributes: _extends({}, ANIMATION_BASE, { attributeName: 'r', values: '28;14;28;28;14;28;' }) }, { tag: 'animate', attributes: _extends({}, OPACITY_ANIMATE, { values: '1;0;1;1;0;1;' }) }]\n};\nvar QUESTION = {\n tag: 'path',\n attributes: _extends({}, FILL, {\n opacity: '1',\n d: 'M263.7,312h-16c-6.6,0-12-5.4-12-12c0-71,77.4-63.9,77.4-107.8c0-20-17.8-40.2-57.4-40.2c-29.1,0-44.3,9.6-59.2,28.7 c-3.9,5-11.1,6-16.2,2.4l-13.1-9.2c-5.6-3.9-6.9-11.8-2.6-17.2c21.2-27.2,46.4-44.7,91.2-44.7c52.3,0,97.4,29.8,97.4,80.2 c0,67.6-77.4,63.5-77.4,107.8C275.7,306.6,270.3,312,263.7,312z'\n }),\n children: [{ tag: 'animate', attributes: _extends({}, OPACITY_ANIMATE, { values: '1;0;0;0;0;1;' }) }]\n};\nvar EXCLAMATION = {\n tag: 'path',\n attributes: _extends({}, FILL, {\n opacity: '0',\n d: 'M232.5,134.5l7,168c0.3,6.4,5.6,11.5,12,11.5h9c6.4,0,11.7-5.1,12-11.5l7-168c0.3-6.8-5.2-12.5-12-12.5h-23 C237.7,122,232.2,127.7,232.5,134.5z'\n }),\n children: [{ tag: 'animate', attributes: _extends({}, OPACITY_ANIMATE, { values: '0;0;1;1;0;0;' }) }]\n};\n\nvar missing = { tag: 'g', children: [RING, DOT, QUESTION, EXCLAMATION] };\n\nvar styles = namespace.styles;\n\nvar LAYERS_TEXT_CLASSNAME = 'fa-layers-text';\nvar FONT_FAMILY_PATTERN = /Font Awesome 5 (Solid|Regular|Light|Brands|Free|Pro)/;\nvar STYLE_TO_PREFIX = {\n 'Solid': 'fas',\n 'Regular': 'far',\n 'Light': 'fal',\n 'Brands': 'fab'\n};\nvar FONT_WEIGHT_TO_PREFIX = {\n '900': 'fas',\n '400': 'far',\n '300': 'fal'\n};\n\nfunction findIcon(iconName, prefix) {\n var val = {\n found: false,\n width: 512,\n height: 512,\n icon: missing\n };\n\n if (iconName && prefix && styles[prefix] && styles[prefix][iconName]) {\n var icon = styles[prefix][iconName];\n var width = icon[0];\n var height = icon[1];\n var vectorData = icon.slice(4);\n\n val = {\n found: true,\n width: width,\n height: height,\n icon: { tag: 'path', attributes: { fill: 'currentColor', d: vectorData[0] } }\n };\n } else if (iconName && prefix && !config.showMissingIcons) {\n throw new MissingIcon('Icon is missing for prefix ' + prefix + ' with icon name ' + iconName);\n }\n\n return val;\n}\n\nfunction generateSvgReplacementMutation(node, nodeMeta) {\n var iconName = nodeMeta.iconName,\n title = nodeMeta.title,\n prefix = nodeMeta.prefix,\n transform = nodeMeta.transform,\n symbol = nodeMeta.symbol,\n mask = nodeMeta.mask,\n extra = nodeMeta.extra;\n\n\n return [node, makeInlineSvgAbstract({\n icons: {\n main: findIcon(iconName, prefix),\n mask: findIcon(mask.iconName, mask.prefix)\n },\n prefix: prefix,\n iconName: iconName,\n transform: transform,\n symbol: symbol,\n mask: mask,\n title: title,\n extra: extra,\n watchable: true\n })];\n}\n\nfunction generateLayersText(node, nodeMeta) {\n var title = nodeMeta.title,\n transform = nodeMeta.transform,\n extra = nodeMeta.extra;\n\n\n var width = null;\n var height = null;\n\n if (IS_IE) {\n var computedFontSize = parseInt(getComputedStyle(node).fontSize, 10);\n var boundingClientRect = node.getBoundingClientRect();\n width = boundingClientRect.width / computedFontSize;\n height = boundingClientRect.height / computedFontSize;\n }\n\n if (config.autoA11y && !title) {\n extra.attributes['aria-hidden'] = 'true';\n }\n\n return [node, makeLayersTextAbstract({\n content: node.innerHTML,\n width: width,\n height: height,\n transform: transform,\n title: title,\n extra: extra,\n watchable: true\n })];\n}\n\nfunction generateMutation(node) {\n var nodeMeta = parseMeta(node);\n\n if (~nodeMeta.extra.classes.indexOf(LAYERS_TEXT_CLASSNAME)) {\n return generateLayersText(node, nodeMeta);\n } else {\n return generateSvgReplacementMutation(node, nodeMeta);\n }\n}\n\nfunction searchPseudoElements(root) {\n if (!IS_DOM) return;\n\n var end = perf.begin('searchPseudoElements');\n\n disableObservation(function () {\n toArray(root.querySelectorAll('*')).filter(function (n) {\n return n.parentNode !== document.head && !~TAGNAMES_TO_SKIP_FOR_PSEUDOELEMENTS.indexOf(n.tagName.toUpperCase()) && !n.getAttribute(DATA_FA_PSEUDO_ELEMENT) && (!n.parentNode || n.parentNode.tagName !== 'svg');\n }).forEach(function (node) {\n [':before', ':after'].forEach(function (pos) {\n var children = toArray(node.children);\n var alreadyProcessedPseudoElement = children.filter(function (c) {\n return c.getAttribute(DATA_FA_PSEUDO_ELEMENT) === pos;\n })[0];\n\n var styles = WINDOW.getComputedStyle(node, pos);\n var fontFamily = styles.getPropertyValue('font-family').match(FONT_FAMILY_PATTERN);\n var fontWeight = styles.getPropertyValue('font-weight');\n\n if (alreadyProcessedPseudoElement && !fontFamily) {\n // If we've already processed it but the current computed style does not result in a font-family,\n // that probably means that a class name that was previously present to make the icon has been\n // removed. So we now should delete the icon.\n node.removeChild(alreadyProcessedPseudoElement);\n } else if (fontFamily) {\n var content = styles.getPropertyValue('content');\n var prefix = ~['Light', 'Regular', 'Solid', 'Brands'].indexOf(fontFamily[1]) ? STYLE_TO_PREFIX[fontFamily[1]] : FONT_WEIGHT_TO_PREFIX[fontWeight];\n var iconName = byUnicode(prefix, toHex(content.length === 3 ? content.substr(1, 1) : content));\n // Only convert the pseudo element in this :before/:after position into an icon if we haven't\n // already done so with the same prefix and iconName\n if (!alreadyProcessedPseudoElement || alreadyProcessedPseudoElement.getAttribute(DATA_PREFIX) !== prefix || alreadyProcessedPseudoElement.getAttribute(DATA_ICON) !== iconName) {\n if (alreadyProcessedPseudoElement) {\n // Delete the old one, since we're replacing it with a new one\n node.removeChild(alreadyProcessedPseudoElement);\n }\n\n var extra = blankMeta.extra;\n\n extra.attributes[DATA_FA_PSEUDO_ELEMENT] = pos;\n var abstract = makeInlineSvgAbstract(_extends({}, blankMeta, {\n icons: {\n main: findIcon(iconName, prefix),\n mask: emptyCanonicalIcon()\n },\n prefix: prefix,\n iconName: iconName,\n extra: extra,\n watchable: true\n }));\n\n var element = DOCUMENT.createElement('svg');\n\n if (pos === ':before') {\n node.insertBefore(element, node.firstChild);\n } else {\n node.appendChild(element);\n }\n\n element.outerHTML = abstract.map(function (a) {\n return toHtml(a);\n }).join('\\n');\n }\n }\n });\n });\n });\n\n end();\n}\n\nfunction onTree(root) {\n var callback = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null;\n\n if (!IS_DOM) return;\n\n var htmlClassList = DOCUMENT.documentElement.classList;\n var hclAdd = function hclAdd(suffix) {\n return htmlClassList.add(HTML_CLASS_I2SVG_BASE_CLASS + '-' + suffix);\n };\n var hclRemove = function hclRemove(suffix) {\n return htmlClassList.remove(HTML_CLASS_I2SVG_BASE_CLASS + '-' + suffix);\n };\n var prefixes = Object.keys(styles);\n var prefixesDomQuery = ['.' + LAYERS_TEXT_CLASSNAME + ':not([' + DATA_FA_I2SVG + '])'].concat(prefixes.map(function (p) {\n return '.' + p + ':not([' + DATA_FA_I2SVG + '])';\n })).join(', ');\n\n if (prefixesDomQuery.length === 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n var candidates = toArray(root.querySelectorAll(prefixesDomQuery));\n\n if (candidates.length > 0) {\n hclAdd('pending');\n hclRemove('complete');\n } else {\n return;\n }\n\n var mark = perf.begin('onTree');\n\n var mutations = candidates.reduce(function (acc, node) {\n try {\n var mutation = generateMutation(node);\n\n if (mutation) {\n acc.push(mutation);\n }\n } catch (e) {\n if (!PRODUCTION) {\n if (e instanceof MissingIcon) {\n console.error(e);\n }\n }\n }\n\n return acc;\n }, []);\n\n mark();\n\n perform(mutations, function () {\n hclAdd('active');\n hclAdd('complete');\n hclRemove('pending');\n\n if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();\n });\n}\n\nfunction onNode(node) {\n var callback = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null;\n\n var mutation = generateMutation(node);\n\n if (mutation) {\n perform([mutation], callback);\n }\n}\n\nvar baseStyles = \"svg:not(:root).svg-inline--fa {\\n overflow: visible; }\\n\\n.svg-inline--fa {\\n display: inline-block;\\n font-size: inherit;\\n height: 1em;\\n overflow: visible;\\n vertical-align: -.125em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-lg {\\n vertical-align: -.225em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-1 {\\n width: 0.0625em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-2 {\\n width: 0.125em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-3 {\\n width: 0.1875em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-4 {\\n width: 0.25em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-5 {\\n width: 0.3125em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-6 {\\n width: 0.375em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-7 {\\n width: 0.4375em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-8 {\\n width: 0.5em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-9 {\\n width: 0.5625em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-10 {\\n width: 0.625em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-11 {\\n width: 0.6875em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-12 {\\n width: 0.75em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-13 {\\n width: 0.8125em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-14 {\\n width: 0.875em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-15 {\\n width: 0.9375em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-16 {\\n width: 1em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-17 {\\n width: 1.0625em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-18 {\\n width: 1.125em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-19 {\\n width: 1.1875em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-w-20 {\\n width: 1.25em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-pull-left {\\n margin-right: .3em;\\n width: auto; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-pull-right {\\n margin-left: .3em;\\n width: auto; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-border {\\n height: 1.5em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-li {\\n width: 2em; }\\n .svg-inline--fa.fa-fw {\\n width: 1.25em; }\\n\\n.fa-layers svg.svg-inline--fa {\\n bottom: 0;\\n left: 0;\\n margin: auto;\\n position: absolute;\\n right: 0;\\n top: 0; }\\n\\n.fa-layers {\\n display: inline-block;\\n height: 1em;\\n position: relative;\\n text-align: center;\\n vertical-align: -.125em;\\n width: 1em; }\\n .fa-layers svg.svg-inline--fa {\\n -webkit-transform-origin: center center;\\n transform-origin: center center; }\\n\\n.fa-layers-text, .fa-layers-counter {\\n display: inline-block;\\n position: absolute;\\n text-align: center; }\\n\\n.fa-layers-text {\\n left: 50%;\\n top: 50%;\\n -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\\n transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\\n -webkit-transform-origin: center center;\\n transform-origin: center center; }\\n\\n.fa-layers-counter {\\n background-color: #ff253a;\\n border-radius: 1em;\\n -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\\n box-sizing: border-box;\\n color: #fff;\\n height: 1.5em;\\n line-height: 1;\\n max-width: 5em;\\n min-width: 1.5em;\\n overflow: hidden;\\n padding: .25em;\\n right: 0;\\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\\n top: 0;\\n -webkit-transform: scale(0.25);\\n transform: scale(0.25);\\n -webkit-transform-origin: top right;\\n transform-origin: top right; }\\n\\n.fa-layers-bottom-right {\\n bottom: 0;\\n right: 0;\\n top: auto;\\n -webkit-transform: scale(0.25);\\n transform: scale(0.25);\\n -webkit-transform-origin: bottom right;\\n transform-origin: bottom right; }\\n\\n.fa-layers-bottom-left {\\n bottom: 0;\\n left: 0;\\n right: auto;\\n top: auto;\\n -webkit-transform: scale(0.25);\\n transform: scale(0.25);\\n -webkit-transform-origin: bottom left;\\n transform-origin: bottom left; }\\n\\n.fa-layers-top-right {\\n right: 0;\\n top: 0;\\n -webkit-transform: scale(0.25);\\n transform: scale(0.25);\\n -webkit-transform-origin: top right;\\n transform-origin: top right; }\\n\\n.fa-layers-top-left {\\n left: 0;\\n right: auto;\\n top: 0;\\n -webkit-transform: scale(0.25);\\n transform: scale(0.25);\\n -webkit-transform-origin: top left;\\n transform-origin: top left; }\\n\\n.fa-lg {\\n font-size: 1.33333em;\\n line-height: 0.75em;\\n vertical-align: -.0667em; }\\n\\n.fa-xs {\\n font-size: .75em; }\\n\\n.fa-sm {\\n font-size: .875em; }\\n\\n.fa-1x {\\n font-size: 1em; }\\n\\n.fa-2x {\\n font-size: 2em; }\\n\\n.fa-3x {\\n font-size: 3em; }\\n\\n.fa-4x {\\n font-size: 4em; }\\n\\n.fa-5x {\\n font-size: 5em; }\\n\\n.fa-6x {\\n font-size: 6em; }\\n\\n.fa-7x {\\n font-size: 7em; }\\n\\n.fa-8x {\\n font-size: 8em; }\\n\\n.fa-9x {\\n font-size: 9em; }\\n\\n.fa-10x {\\n font-size: 10em; }\\n\\n.fa-fw {\\n text-align: center;\\n width: 1.25em; }\\n\\n.fa-ul {\\n list-style-type: none;\\n margin-left: 2.5em;\\n padding-left: 0; }\\n .fa-ul > li {\\n position: relative; }\\n\\n.fa-li {\\n left: -2em;\\n position: absolute;\\n text-align: center;\\n width: 2em;\\n line-height: inherit; }\\n\\n.fa-border {\\n border: solid 0.08em #eee;\\n border-radius: .1em;\\n padding: .2em .25em .15em; }\\n\\n.fa-pull-left {\\n float: left; }\\n\\n.fa-pull-right {\\n float: right; }\\n\\n.fa.fa-pull-left,\\n.fas.fa-pull-left,\\n.far.fa-pull-left,\\n.fal.fa-pull-left,\\n.fab.fa-pull-left {\\n margin-right: .3em; }\\n\\n.fa.fa-pull-right,\\n.fas.fa-pull-right,\\n.far.fa-pull-right,\\n.fal.fa-pull-right,\\n.fab.fa-pull-right {\\n margin-left: .3em; }\\n\\n.fa-spin {\\n -webkit-animation: fa-spin 2s infinite linear;\\n animation: fa-spin 2s infinite linear; }\\n\\n.fa-pulse {\\n -webkit-animation: fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8);\\n animation: fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8); }\\n\\n@-webkit-keyframes fa-spin {\\n 0% {\\n -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);\\n transform: rotate(0deg); }\\n 100% {\\n -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);\\n transform: rotate(360deg); } }\\n\\n@keyframes fa-spin {\\n 0% {\\n -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);\\n transform: rotate(0deg); }\\n 100% {\\n -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);\\n transform: rotate(360deg); } }\\n\\n.fa-rotate-90 {\\n -ms-filter: \\\"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1)\\\";\\n -webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);\\n transform: rotate(90deg); }\\n\\n.fa-rotate-180 {\\n -ms-filter: \\\"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2)\\\";\\n -webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);\\n transform: rotate(180deg); }\\n\\n.fa-rotate-270 {\\n -ms-filter: \\\"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3)\\\";\\n -webkit-transform: rotate(270deg);\\n transform: rotate(270deg); }\\n\\n.fa-flip-horizontal {\\n -ms-filter: \\\"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=0, mirror=1)\\\";\\n -webkit-transform: scale(-1, 1);\\n transform: scale(-1, 1); }\\n\\n.fa-flip-vertical {\\n -ms-filter: \\\"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2, mirror=1)\\\";\\n -webkit-transform: scale(1, -1);\\n transform: scale(1, -1); }\\n\\n.fa-flip-horizontal.fa-flip-vertical {\\n -ms-filter: \\\"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=2, mirror=1)\\\";\\n -webkit-transform: scale(-1, -1);\\n transform: scale(-1, -1); }\\n\\n:root .fa-rotate-90,\\n:root .fa-rotate-180,\\n:root .fa-rotate-270,\\n:root .fa-flip-horizontal,\\n:root .fa-flip-vertical {\\n -webkit-filter: none;\\n filter: none; }\\n\\n.fa-stack {\\n display: inline-block;\\n height: 2em;\\n position: relative;\\n width: 2em; }\\n\\n.fa-stack-1x,\\n.fa-stack-2x {\\n bottom: 0;\\n left: 0;\\n margin: auto;\\n position: absolute;\\n right: 0;\\n top: 0; }\\n\\n.svg-inline--fa.fa-stack-1x {\\n height: 1em;\\n width: 1em; }\\n\\n.svg-inline--fa.fa-stack-2x {\\n height: 2em;\\n width: 2em; }\\n\\n.fa-inverse {\\n color: #fff; }\\n\\n.sr-only {\\n border: 0;\\n clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);\\n height: 1px;\\n margin: -1px;\\n overflow: hidden;\\n padding: 0;\\n position: absolute;\\n width: 1px; }\\n\\n.sr-only-focusable:active, .sr-only-focusable:focus {\\n clip: auto;\\n height: auto;\\n margin: 0;\\n overflow: visible;\\n position: static;\\n width: auto; }\\n\";\n\nvar css = function () {\n var dfp = DEFAULT_FAMILY_PREFIX;\n var drc = DEFAULT_REPLACEMENT_CLASS;\n var fp = config.familyPrefix;\n var rc = config.replacementClass;\n var s = baseStyles;\n\n if (fp !== dfp || rc !== drc) {\n var dPatt = new RegExp('\\\\.' + dfp + '\\\\-', 'g');\n var rPatt = new RegExp('\\\\.' + drc, 'g');\n\n s = s.replace(dPatt, '.' + fp + '-').replace(rPatt, '.' + rc);\n }\n\n return s;\n};\n\nfunction define(prefix, icons) {\n var normalized = Object.keys(icons).reduce(function (acc, iconName) {\n var icon = icons[iconName];\n var expanded = !!icon.icon;\n\n if (expanded) {\n acc[icon.iconName] = icon.icon;\n } else {\n acc[iconName] = icon;\n }\n return acc;\n }, {});\n\n if (typeof namespace.hooks.addPack === 'function') {\n namespace.hooks.addPack(prefix, normalized);\n } else {\n namespace.styles[prefix] = _extends({}, namespace.styles[prefix] || {}, normalized);\n }\n\n /**\n * Font Awesome 4 used the prefix of `fa` for all icons. With the introduction\n * of new styles we needed to differentiate between them. Prefix `fa` is now an alias\n * for `fas` so we'll easy the upgrade process for our users by automatically defining\n * this as well.\n */\n if (prefix === 'fas') {\n define('fa', icons);\n }\n}\n\nvar Library = function () {\n function Library() {\n classCallCheck(this, Library);\n\n this.definitions = {};\n }\n\n createClass(Library, [{\n key: 'add',\n value: function add() {\n var _this = this;\n\n for (var _len = arguments.length, definitions = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n definitions[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n var additions = definitions.reduce(this._pullDefinitions, {});\n\n Object.keys(additions).forEach(function (key) {\n _this.definitions[key] = _extends({}, _this.definitions[key] || {}, additions[key]);\n define(key, additions[key]);\n build();\n });\n }\n }, {\n key: 'reset',\n value: function reset() {\n this.definitions = {};\n }\n }, {\n key: '_pullDefinitions',\n value: function _pullDefinitions(additions, definition) {\n var normalized = definition.prefix && definition.iconName && definition.icon ? { 0: definition } : definition;\n\n Object.keys(normalized).map(function (key) {\n var _normalized$key = normalized[key],\n prefix = _normalized$key.prefix,\n iconName = _normalized$key.iconName,\n icon = _normalized$key.icon;\n\n\n if (!additions[prefix]) additions[prefix] = {};\n\n additions[prefix][iconName] = icon;\n });\n\n return additions;\n }\n }]);\n return Library;\n}();\n\nfunction prepIcon(icon) {\n var width = icon[0];\n var height = icon[1];\n var vectorData = icon.slice(4);\n\n return {\n found: true,\n width: width,\n height: height,\n icon: { tag: 'path', attributes: { fill: 'currentColor', d: vectorData[0] } }\n };\n}\n\nfunction ensureCss() {\n if (config.autoAddCss && !_cssInserted) {\n insertCss(css());\n _cssInserted = true;\n }\n}\n\nfunction apiObject(val, abstractCreator) {\n Object.defineProperty(val, 'abstract', {\n get: abstractCreator\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(val, 'html', {\n get: function get() {\n return val.abstract.map(function (a) {\n return toHtml(a);\n });\n }\n });\n\n Object.defineProperty(val, 'node', {\n get: function get() {\n if (!IS_DOM) return;\n\n var container = DOCUMENT.createElement('div');\n container.innerHTML = val.html;\n return container.children;\n }\n });\n\n return val;\n}\n\nfunction findIconDefinition(params) {\n var _params$prefix = params.prefix,\n prefix = _params$prefix === undefined ? 'fa' : _params$prefix,\n iconName = params.iconName;\n\n\n if (!iconName) return;\n\n return iconFromMapping(library.definitions, prefix, iconName) || iconFromMapping(namespace.styles, prefix, iconName);\n}\n\nfunction resolveIcons(next) {\n return function (maybeIconDefinition) {\n var params = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n\n var iconDefinition = (maybeIconDefinition || {}).icon ? maybeIconDefinition : findIconDefinition(maybeIconDefinition || {});\n\n var mask = params.mask;\n\n\n if (mask) {\n mask = (mask || {}).icon ? mask : findIconDefinition(mask || {});\n }\n\n return next(iconDefinition, _extends({}, params, { mask: mask }));\n };\n}\n\nvar library = new Library();\n\nvar noAuto = function noAuto() {\n config.autoReplaceSvg = false;\n config.observeMutations = false;\n\n disconnect();\n};\n\nvar _cssInserted = false;\n\nvar dom = {\n i2svg: function i2svg() {\n var params = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};\n\n if (IS_DOM) {\n ensureCss();\n\n var _params$node = params.node,\n node = _params$node === undefined ? DOCUMENT : _params$node,\n _params$callback = params.callback,\n callback = _params$callback === undefined ? function () {} : _params$callback;\n\n\n if (config.searchPseudoElements) {\n searchPseudoElements(node);\n }\n\n onTree(node, callback);\n }\n },\n\n css: css,\n\n insertCss: function insertCss$$1() {\n if (!_cssInserted) {\n insertCss(css());\n _cssInserted = true;\n }\n },\n\n watch: function watch() {\n var params = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};\n var autoReplaceSvgRoot = params.autoReplaceSvgRoot,\n observeMutationsRoot = params.observeMutationsRoot;\n\n\n if (config.autoReplaceSvg === false) {\n config.autoReplaceSvg = true;\n }\n\n config.observeMutations = true;\n\n domready(function () {\n autoReplace({\n autoReplaceSvgRoot: autoReplaceSvgRoot\n });\n\n observe({\n treeCallback: onTree,\n nodeCallback: onNode,\n pseudoElementsCallback: searchPseudoElements,\n observeMutationsRoot: observeMutationsRoot\n });\n });\n }\n};\n\nvar parse = {\n transform: function transform(transformString) {\n return parseTransformString(transformString);\n }\n};\n\nvar icon = resolveIcons(function (iconDefinition) {\n var params = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n var _params$transform = params.transform,\n transform = _params$transform === undefined ? meaninglessTransform : _params$transform,\n _params$symbol = params.symbol,\n symbol = _params$symbol === undefined ? false : _params$symbol,\n _params$mask = params.mask,\n mask = _params$mask === undefined ? null : _params$mask,\n _params$title = params.title,\n title = _params$title === undefined ? null : _params$title,\n _params$classes = params.classes,\n classes = _params$classes === undefined ? [] : _params$classes,\n _params$attributes = params.attributes,\n attributes = _params$attributes === undefined ? {} : _params$attributes,\n _params$styles = params.styles,\n styles = _params$styles === undefined ? {} : _params$styles;\n\n\n if (!iconDefinition) return;\n\n var prefix = iconDefinition.prefix,\n iconName = iconDefinition.iconName,\n icon = iconDefinition.icon;\n\n\n return apiObject(_extends({ type: 'icon' }, iconDefinition), function () {\n ensureCss();\n\n if (config.autoA11y) {\n if (title) {\n attributes['aria-labelledby'] = config.replacementClass + '-title-' + nextUniqueId();\n } else {\n attributes['aria-hidden'] = 'true';\n }\n }\n\n return makeInlineSvgAbstract({\n icons: {\n main: prepIcon(icon),\n mask: mask ? prepIcon(mask.icon) : { found: false, width: null, height: null, icon: {} }\n },\n prefix: prefix,\n iconName: iconName,\n transform: _extends({}, meaninglessTransform, transform),\n symbol: symbol,\n title: title,\n extra: {\n attributes: attributes,\n styles: styles,\n classes: classes\n }\n });\n });\n});\n\nvar text = function text(content) {\n var params = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n var _params$transform2 = params.transform,\n transform = _params$transform2 === undefined ? meaninglessTransform : _params$transform2,\n _params$title2 = params.title,\n title = _params$title2 === undefined ? null : _params$title2,\n _params$classes2 = params.classes,\n classes = _params$classes2 === undefined ? [] : _params$classes2,\n _params$attributes2 = params.attributes,\n attributes = _params$attributes2 === undefined ? {} : _params$attributes2,\n _params$styles2 = params.styles,\n styles = _params$styles2 === undefined ? {} : _params$styles2;\n\n\n return apiObject({ type: 'text', content: content }, function () {\n ensureCss();\n\n return makeLayersTextAbstract({\n content: content,\n transform: _extends({}, meaninglessTransform, transform),\n title: title,\n extra: {\n attributes: attributes,\n styles: styles,\n classes: [config.familyPrefix + '-layers-text'].concat(toConsumableArray(classes))\n }\n });\n });\n};\n\nvar counter = function counter(content) {\n var params = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n var _params$title3 = params.title,\n title = _params$title3 === undefined ? null : _params$title3,\n _params$classes3 = params.classes,\n classes = _params$classes3 === undefined ? [] : _params$classes3,\n _params$attributes3 = params.attributes,\n attributes = _params$attributes3 === undefined ? {} : _params$attributes3,\n _params$styles3 = params.styles,\n styles = _params$styles3 === undefined ? {} : _params$styles3;\n\n\n return apiObject({ type: 'counter', content: content }, function () {\n ensureCss();\n\n return makeLayersCounterAbstract({\n content: content.toString(),\n title: title,\n extra: {\n attributes: attributes,\n styles: styles,\n classes: [config.familyPrefix + '-layers-counter'].concat(toConsumableArray(classes))\n }\n });\n });\n};\n\nvar layer = function layer(assembler) {\n return apiObject({ type: 'layer' }, function () {\n ensureCss();\n\n var children = [];\n\n assembler(function (args) {\n Array.isArray(args) ? args.map(function (a) {\n children = children.concat(a.abstract);\n }) : children = children.concat(args.abstract);\n });\n\n return [{\n tag: 'span',\n attributes: { class: config.familyPrefix + '-layers' },\n children: children\n }];\n });\n};\n\nvar api = {\n noAuto: noAuto,\n config: config,\n dom: dom,\n library: library,\n parse: parse,\n findIconDefinition: findIconDefinition,\n icon: icon,\n text: text,\n counter: counter,\n layer: layer,\n toHtml: toHtml\n};\n\nvar autoReplace = function autoReplace() {\n var params = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};\n var _params$autoReplaceSv = params.autoReplaceSvgRoot,\n autoReplaceSvgRoot = _params$autoReplaceSv === undefined ? DOCUMENT : _params$autoReplaceSv;\n\n\n if (Object.keys(namespace.styles).length > 0 && IS_DOM && config.autoReplaceSvg) api.dom.i2svg({ node: autoReplaceSvgRoot });\n};\n\nexport { icon, noAuto, config, toHtml, layer, text, counter, library, dom, parse, findIconDefinition };\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core/index.es.js\n// module id = C/JF\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\n\nfunction encode(val) {\n return encodeURIComponent(val).\n replace(/%40/gi, '@').\n replace(/%3A/gi, ':').\n replace(/%24/g, '$').\n replace(/%2C/gi, ',').\n replace(/%20/g, '+').\n replace(/%5B/gi, '[').\n replace(/%5D/gi, ']');\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a URL by appending params to the end\n *\n * @param {string} url The base of the url (e.g., http://www.google.com)\n * @param {object} [params] The params to be appended\n * @returns {string} The formatted url\n */\nmodule.exports = function buildURL(url, params, paramsSerializer) {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n if (!params) {\n return url;\n }\n\n var serializedParams;\n if (paramsSerializer) {\n serializedParams = paramsSerializer(params);\n } else if (utils.isURLSearchParams(params)) {\n serializedParams = params.toString();\n } else {\n var parts = [];\n\n utils.forEach(params, function serialize(val, key) {\n if (val === null || typeof val === 'undefined') {\n return;\n }\n\n if (utils.isArray(val)) {\n key = key + '[]';\n } else {\n val = [val];\n }\n\n utils.forEach(val, function parseValue(v) {\n if (utils.isDate(v)) {\n v = v.toISOString();\n } else if (utils.isObject(v)) {\n v = JSON.stringify(v);\n }\n parts.push(encode(key) + '=' + encode(v));\n });\n });\n\n serializedParams = parts.join('&');\n }\n\n if (serializedParams) {\n url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + serializedParams;\n }\n\n return url;\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/buildURL.js\n// module id = DQCr\n// module chunks = 0","/*!\n * Font Awesome Free 5.2.0 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com\n * License - https://fontawesome.com/license (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)\n */\nvar prefix = \"fab\";\nvar fa500px = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: '500px', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f26e\", \"M103.3 344.3c-6.5-14.2-6.9-18.3 7.4-23.1 25.6-8 8 9.2 43.2 49.2h.3v-93.9c1.2-50.2 44-92.2 97.7-92.2 53.9 0 97.7 43.5 97.7 96.8 0 63.4-60.8 113.2-128.5 93.3-10.5-4.2-2.1-31.7 8.5-28.6 53 0 89.4-10.1 89.4-64.4 0-61-77.1-89.6-116.9-44.6-23.5 26.4-17.6 42.1-17.6 157.6 50.7 31 118.3 22 160.4-20.1 24.8-24.8 38.5-58 38.5-93 0-35.2-13.8-68.2-38.8-93.3-24.8-24.8-57.8-38.5-93.3-38.5s-68.8 13.8-93.5 38.5c-.3.3-16 16.5-21.2 23.9l-.5.6c-3.3 4.7-6.3 9.1-20.1 6.1-6.9-1.7-14.3-5.8-14.3-11.8V20c0-5 3.9-10.5 10.5-10.5h241.3c8.3 0 8.3 11.6 8.3 15.1 0 3.9 0 15.1-8.3 15.1H130.3v132.9h.3c104.2-109.8 282.8-36 282.8 108.9 0 178.1-244.8 220.3-310.1 62.8zm63.3-260.8c-.5 4.2 4.6 24.5 14.6 20.6C306 56.6 384 144.5 390.6 144.5c4.8 0 22.8-15.3 14.3-22.8-93.2-89-234.5-57-238.3-38.2zM393 414.7C283 524.6 94 475.5 61 310.5c0-12.2-30.4-7.4-28.9 3.3 24 173.4 246 256.9 381.6 121.3 6.9-7.8-12.6-28.4-20.7-20.4zM213.6 306.6c0 4 4.3 7.3 5.5 8.5 3 3 6.1 4.4 8.5 4.4 3.8 0 2.6.2 22.3-19.5 19.6 19.3 19.1 19.5 22.3 19.5 5.4 0 18.5-10.4 10.7-18.2L265.6 284l18.2-18.2c6.3-6.8-10.1-21.8-16.2-15.7L249.7 268c-18.6-18.8-18.4-19.5-21.5-19.5-5 0-18 11.7-12.4 17.3L234 284c-18.1 17.9-20.4 19.2-20.4 22.6z\"] };\nvar faAccessibleIcon = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'accessible-icon', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f368\", \"M423.9 255.8L411 413.1c-3.3 40.7-63.9 35.1-60.6-4.9l10-122.5-41.1 2.3c10.1 20.7 15.8 43.9 15.8 68.5 0 41.2-16.1 78.7-42.3 106.5l-39.3-39.3c57.9-63.7 13.1-167.2-74-167.2-25.9 0-49.5 9.9-67.2 26L73 243.2c22-20.7 50.1-35.1 81.4-40.2l75.3-85.7-42.6-24.8-51.6 46c-30 26.8-70.6-18.5-40.5-45.4l68-60.7c9.8-8.8 24.1-10.2 35.5-3.6 0 0 139.3 80.9 139.5 81.1 16.2 10.1 20.7 36 6.1 52.6L285.7 229l106.1-5.9c18.5-1.1 33.6 14.4 32.1 32.7zm-64.9-154c28.1 0 50.9-22.8 50.9-50.9C409.9 22.8 387.1 0 359 0c-28.1 0-50.9 22.8-50.9 50.9 0 28.1 22.8 50.9 50.9 50.9zM179.6 456.5c-80.6 0-127.4-90.6-82.7-156.1l-39.7-39.7C36.4 287 24 320.3 24 356.4c0 130.7 150.7 201.4 251.4 122.5l-39.7-39.7c-16 10.9-35.3 17.3-56.1 17.3z\"] };\nvar faAccusoft = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'accusoft', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f369\", \"M482.2 372.1C476.5 365.2 250 75 242.3 65.5c-13.7-17.2 0-16.8 19.2-16.9 9.7-.1 106.3-.6 116.5-.6 24.1-.1 28.7.6 38.4 12.8 2.1 2.7 205.1 245.8 207.2 248.3 5.5 6.7 15.2 19.1 7.2 23.4-2.4 1.3-114.6 47.7-117.8 48.9-10.1 4-17.5 6.8-30.8-9.3m114.7-5.6s-115 50.4-117.5 51.6c-16 7.3-26.9-3.2-36.7-14.6l-57.1-74c-5.4-.9-60.4-9.6-65.3-9.3-3.1.2-9.6.8-14.4 2.9-4.9 2.1-145.2 52.8-150.2 54.7-5.1 2-11.4 3.6-11.1 7.6.2 2.5 2 2.6 4.6 3.5 2.7.8 300.9 67.6 308 69.1 15.6 3.3 38.5 10.5 53.6 1.7 2.1-1.2 123.8-76.4 125.8-77.8 5.4-4 4.3-6.8-1.7-8.2-2.3-.3-24.6-4.7-38-7.2m-326-181.3s-12 1.6-25 15.1c-9 9.3-242.1 239.1-243.4 240.9-7 10 1.6 6.8 15.7 1.7.8 0 114.5-36.6 114.5-36.6.5-.6-.1-.1.6-.6-.4-5.1-.8-26.2-1-27.7-.6-5.2 2.2-6.9 7-8.9l92.6-33.8c.6-.8 88.5-81.7 90.2-83.3v-1l-51.2-65.8\"] };\nvar faAdn = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'adn', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f170\", \"M248 167.5l64.9 98.8H183.1l64.9-98.8zM496 256c0 136.9-111.1 248-248 248S0 392.9 0 256 111.1 8 248 8s248 111.1 248 248zm-99.8 82.7L248 115.5 99.8 338.7h30.4l33.6-51.7h168.6l33.6 51.7h30.2z\"] };\nvar faAdversal = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'adversal', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f36a\", \"M482.1 32H28.7C5.8 32 0 37.9 0 60.9v390.2C0 474.4 5.8 480 28.7 480h453.4c24.4 0 29.9-5.2 29.9-29.7V62.2c0-24.6-5.4-30.2-29.9-30.2zM178.4 220.3c-27.5-20.2-72.1-8.7-84.2 23.4-4.3 11.1-9.3 9.5-17.5 8.3-9.7-1.5-17.2-3.2-22.5-5.5-28.8-11.4 8.6-55.3 24.9-64.3 41.1-21.4 83.4-22.2 125.3-4.8 40.9 16.8 34.5 59.2 34.5 128.5 2.7 25.8-4.3 58.3 9.3 88.8 1.9 4.4.4 7.9-2.7 10.7-8.4 6.7-39.3 2.2-46.6-7.4-1.9-2.2-1.8-3.6-3.9-6.2-3.6-3.9-7.3-2.2-11.9 1-57.4 36.4-140.3 21.4-147-43.3-3.1-29.3 12.4-57.1 39.6-71 38.2-19.5 112.2-11.8 114-30.9 1.1-10.2-1.9-20.1-11.3-27.3zm286.7 222c0 15.1-11.1 9.9-17.8 9.9H52.4c-7.4 0-18.2 4.8-17.8-10.7.4-13.9 10.5-9.1 17.1-9.1 132.3-.4 264.5-.4 396.8 0 6.8 0 16.6-4.4 16.6 9.9zm3.8-340.5v291c0 5.7-.7 13.9-8.1 13.9-12.4-.4-27.5 7.1-36.1-5.6-5.8-8.7-7.8-4-12.4-1.2-53.4 29.7-128.1 7.1-144.4-85.2-6.1-33.4-.7-67.1 15.7-100 11.8-23.9 56.9-76.1 136.1-30.5v-71c0-26.2-.1-26.2 26-26.2 3.1 0 6.6.4 9.7 0 10.1-.8 13.6 4.4 13.6 14.3-.1.2-.1.3-.1.5zm-51.5 232.3c-19.5 47.6-72.9 43.3-90 5.2-15.1-33.3-15.5-68.2.4-101.5 16.3-34.1 59.7-35.7 81.5-4.8 20.6 28.8 14.9 84.6 8.1 101.1zm-294.8 35.3c-7.5-1.3-33-3.3-33.7-27.8-.4-13.9 7.8-23 19.8-25.8 24.4-5.9 49.3-9.9 73.7-14.7 8.9-2 7.4 4.4 7.8 9.5 1.4 33-26.1 59.2-67.6 58.8z\"] };\nvar faAffiliatetheme = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'affiliatetheme', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f36b\", \"M159.7 237.4C108.4 308.3 43.1 348.2 14 326.6-15.2 304.9 2.8 230 54.2 159.1c51.3-70.9 116.6-110.8 145.7-89.2 29.1 21.6 11.1 96.6-40.2 167.5zm351.2-57.3C437.1 303.5 319 367.8 246.4 323.7c-25-15.2-41.3-41.2-49-73.8-33.6 64.8-92.8 113.8-164.1 133.2 49.8 59.3 124.1 96.9 207 96.9 150 0 271.6-123.1 271.6-274.9.1-8.5-.3-16.8-1-25z\"] };\nvar faAlgolia = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'algolia', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f36c\", \"M229.3 182.6c-49.3 0-89.2 39.9-89.2 89.2 0 49.3 39.9 89.2 89.2 89.2s89.2-39.9 89.2-89.2c0-49.3-40-89.2-89.2-89.2zm62.7 56.6l-58.9 30.6c-1.8.9-3.8-.4-3.8-2.3V201c0-1.5 1.3-2.7 2.7-2.6 26.2 1 48.9 15.7 61.1 37.1.7 1.3.2 3-1.1 3.7zM389.1 32H58.9C26.4 32 0 58.4 0 90.9V421c0 32.6 26.4 59 58.9 59H389c32.6 0 58.9-26.4 58.9-58.9V90.9C448 58.4 421.6 32 389.1 32zm-202.6 84.7c0-10.8 8.7-19.5 19.5-19.5h45.3c10.8 0 19.5 8.7 19.5 19.5v15.4c0 1.8-1.7 3-3.3 2.5-12.3-3.4-25.1-5.1-38.1-5.1-13.5 0-26.7 1.8-39.4 5.5-1.7.5-3.4-.8-3.4-2.5v-15.8zm-84.4 37l9.2-9.2c7.6-7.6 19.9-7.6 27.5 0l7.7 7.7c1.1 1.1 1 3-.3 4-6.2 4.5-12.1 9.4-17.6 14.9-5.4 5.4-10.4 11.3-14.8 17.4-1 1.3-2.9 1.5-4 .3l-7.7-7.7c-7.6-7.5-7.6-19.8 0-27.4zm127.2 244.8c-70 0-126.6-56.7-126.6-126.6s56.7-126.6 126.6-126.6c70 0 126.6 56.6 126.6 126.6 0 69.8-56.7 126.6-126.6 126.6z\"] };\nvar faAmazon = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'amazon', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f270\", \"M257.2 162.7c-48.7 1.8-169.5 15.5-169.5 117.5 0 109.5 138.3 114 183.5 43.2 6.5 10.2 35.4 37.5 45.3 46.8l56.8-56S341 288.9 341 261.4V114.3C341 89 316.5 32 228.7 32 140.7 32 94 87 94 136.3l73.5 6.8c16.3-49.5 54.2-49.5 54.2-49.5 40.7-.1 35.5 29.8 35.5 69.1zm0 86.8c0 80-84.2 68-84.2 17.2 0-47.2 50.5-56.7 84.2-57.8v40.6zm136 163.5c-7.7 10-70 67-174.5 67S34.2 408.5 9.7 379c-6.8-7.7 1-11.3 5.5-8.3C88.5 415.2 203 488.5 387.7 401c7.5-3.7 13.3 2 5.5 12zm39.8 2.2c-6.5 15.8-16 26.8-21.2 31-5.5 4.5-9.5 2.7-6.5-3.8s19.3-46.5 12.7-55c-6.5-8.3-37-4.3-48-3.2-10.8 1-13 2-14-.3-2.3-5.7 21.7-15.5 37.5-17.5 15.7-1.8 41-.8 46 5.7 3.7 5.1 0 27.1-6.5 43.1z\"] };\nvar faAmazonPay = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'amazon-pay', icon: [611, 512, [], \"f42c\", \"M0 325.2c2.3-4.2 5.2-4.9 9.7-2.5 10.4 5.6 20.6 11.4 31.2 16.7 40.7 20.4 83.2 35.6 127.4 46.3 20.9 5 41.9 9 63.2 11.8 31.5 4.2 63.2 6 95 5.2 17.4-.4 34.8-1.8 52.1-3.8 56.4-6.7 110.9-20.8 163.3-42.8 2.9-1.2 5.9-2 9.1-1.2 6.7 1.8 9 9 4.1 13.9-2.8 2.8-6.3 5.1-9.6 7.4-30.7 21.1-64.2 36.4-99.6 47.9-24.6 7.9-49.6 13.8-75.1 17.6-17.6 2.6-35.4 4.4-53.2 4.8-.8 0-1.7.2-2.5.3H294c-.8-.1-1.7-.3-2.5-.3-3.6-.2-7.2-.3-10.7-.4-16.9-.7-33.7-2.6-50.4-5.3-27.4-4.5-54.2-11.4-80.4-20.9-54.1-19.6-102.6-48.6-145.6-87-1.8-1.6-3-3.8-4.4-5.7v-2zM158 65c-1.4.2-2.9.4-4.3.6-14 1.7-26.6 6.9-38 15.1-2.4 1.7-4.6 3.5-7.1 5.4-.2-.5-.4-1-.4-1.4-.4-2.7-.8-5.5-1.3-8.2-.7-4.6-3-6.6-7.6-6.6H87.8c-6.9 0-8.2 1.3-8.2 8.2v209.3c0 1 0 2 .1 3 .2 3 2 4.9 4.9 5 7 .1 14.1.1 21.1 0 2.9 0 4.7-2 5-5 .1-1 .1-2 .1-3V215c1.1.9 1.7 1.4 2.2 1.9 17.9 14.9 38.5 19.8 61 15.4 20.4-4 34.6-16.5 43.8-34.9 7-13.9 9.9-28.7 10.3-44.1.5-17.1-1.2-33.9-8.1-49.8-8.5-19.6-22.6-32.5-43.9-36.9-3.2-.7-6.5-1-9.8-1.5-2.8-.1-5.5-.1-8.3-.1zm-47.4 41.9c0-1.5.4-2.4 1.7-3.3 13.7-9.5 28.8-14.5 45.6-13.2 14.9 1.1 27.1 8.4 33.5 25.9 3.9 10.7 4.9 21.8 4.9 33 0 10.4-.8 20.6-4 30.6-6.8 21.3-22.4 29.4-42.6 28.5-14-.6-26.2-6-37.4-13.9-1.2-.9-1.7-1.7-1.7-3.3.1-14.1 0-28.1 0-42.2 0-14 .1-28 0-42.1zM316.3 65c-1 .1-2 .3-2.9.4-9.8.5-19.4 1.7-28.9 4.1-6.1 1.6-12 3.8-17.9 5.8-3.6 1.2-5.4 3.8-5.3 7.7.1 3.3-.1 6.6 0 9.9.1 4.8 2.1 6.1 6.8 4.9 7.8-2 15.6-4.2 23.5-5.7 12.3-2.3 24.7-3.3 37.2-1.4 6.5 1 12.6 2.9 16.8 8.4 3.7 4.8 5.1 10.5 5.3 16.4.3 8.3.2 16.6.3 24.9 0 .4-.1.9-.2 1.4-.5-.1-.9 0-1.3-.1-10.5-2.5-21.1-4.3-32-4.9-11.3-.6-22.5.1-33.3 3.9-12.9 4.5-23.3 12.3-29.4 24.9-4.7 9.8-5.4 20.2-3.9 30.7 2 14 9 24.8 21.4 31.7 11.9 6.6 24.8 7.4 37.9 5.4 15.1-2.3 28.5-8.7 40.3-18.4.4-.4.9-.7 1.6-1.1.6 3.8 1.1 7.4 1.8 11 .6 3.1 2.5 5.1 5.4 5.2 5.4.1 10.9.1 16.3 0 2.7-.1 4.5-1.9 4.8-4.7.1-.9.1-1.9.1-2.8v-106c0-4.3-.2-8.6-.9-12.9-1.9-12.9-7.4-23.5-19-30.4-6.7-4-14.1-6-21.8-7.1-3.6-.5-7.2-.8-10.8-1.3-3.9.1-7.9.1-11.9.1zm35 127.7c0 1.3-.4 2.2-1.5 3-11.2 8.1-23.5 13.5-37.4 14.9-5.7.6-11.4.4-16.8-1.8-6.3-2.5-10.4-6.9-12.4-13.3s-2-13-.1-19.4c2.5-8.3 8.4-13 16.4-15.6 8.1-2.6 16.5-3 24.8-2.2 8.4.7 16.6 2.3 25 3.4 1.6.2 2.1 1 2.1 2.6-.1 4.8 0 9.5 0 14.3-.1 4.7-.2 9.4-.1 14.1zm259.9 129.4c-1-5-4.8-6.9-9.1-8.3-6.8-2.3-13.9-3.3-21-3.9-13.1-1.1-26.2-.5-39.2 1.9-14.3 2.7-27.9 7.3-40 15.6-1.4 1-2.8 2.1-3.7 3.5-.7 1.1-.9 2.8-.5 4 .4 1.5 2.1 1.9 3.6 1.8.7 0 1.5 0 2.2-.1 7.8-.8 15.5-1.7 23.3-2.5 11.4-1.1 22.9-1.8 34.3-.9 4.8.3 9.7 1.4 14.4 2.7 5.1 1.4 7.4 5.2 7.6 10.4.4 8-1.4 15.7-3.5 23.3-4.1 15.4-10 30.3-15.8 45.1-.4 1-.8 2-1 3-.5 2.9 1.2 4.8 4.1 4.1 1.7-.4 3.6-1.3 4.8-2.5 4.4-4.3 8.9-8.6 12.7-13.4 12.8-16.4 20.3-35.3 24.7-55.6.8-3.6 1.4-7.3 2.1-10.9v-17.3zM479.1 198.9c-12.9-35.7-25.8-71.5-38.7-107.2-2-5.7-4.2-11.3-6.3-16.9-1.1-2.9-3.2-4.8-6.4-4.8-7.6-.1-15.2-.2-22.9-.1-2.5 0-3.7 2-3.2 4.5.5 2.1 1.1 4.1 1.9 6.1 19.6 48.5 39.3 97.1 59.1 145.5 1.7 4.1 2.1 7.6.2 11.8-3.3 7.3-5.9 15-9.3 22.3-3 6.5-8 11.4-15.2 13.3-5.1 1.4-10.2 1.6-15.4 1.1-2.5-.2-5-.8-7.5-1-3.4-.2-5.1 1.3-5.2 4.8-.1 3.3-.1 6.6 0 9.9.1 5.5 2 8 7.4 8.9 5.6 1 11.3 1.9 16.9 2 17.1.4 30.7-6.5 39.5-21.4 3.5-5.9 6.7-12.1 9.2-18.4 23.7-59.8 47.1-119.7 70.6-179.6.7-1.8 1.3-3.6 1.6-5.5.4-2.8-.9-4.4-3.7-4.4-6.6-.1-13.3 0-19.9 0-3.7 0-6.3 1.6-7.7 5.2-.5 1.4-1.1 2.7-1.6 4.1-11.6 33.3-23.2 66.6-34.8 100-2.5 7.2-5.1 14.5-7.7 22.2-.4-1.1-.6-1.7-.9-2.4z\"] };\nvar faAmilia = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'amilia', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f36d\", \"M240.1 32c-61.9 0-131.5 16.9-184.2 55.4-5.1 3.1-9.1 9.2-7.2 19.4 1.1 5.1 5.1 27.4 10.2 39.6 4.1 10.2 14.2 10.2 20.3 6.1 32.5-22.3 96.5-47.7 152.3-47.7 57.9 0 58.9 28.4 58.9 73.1v38.5C203 227.7 78.2 251 46.7 264.2 11.2 280.5 16.3 357.7 16.3 376s15.2 104 124.9 104c47.8 0 113.7-20.7 153.3-42.1v25.4c0 3 2.1 8.2 6.1 9.1 3.1 1 50.7 2 59.9 2s62.5.3 66.5-.7c4.1-1 5.1-6.1 5.1-9.1V168c-.1-80.3-57.9-136-192-136zm-87.9 327.7c0-12.2-3-42.7 18.3-52.9 24.3-13.2 75.1-29.4 119.8-33.5V380c-21.4 13.2-48.7 24.4-79.1 24.4-52.8 0-58.9-33.5-59-44.7\"] };\nvar faAndroid = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'android', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f17b\", \"M89.6 204.5v115.8c0 15.4-12.1 27.7-27.5 27.7-15.3 0-30.1-12.4-30.1-27.7V204.5c0-15.1 14.8-27.5 30.1-27.5 15.1 0 27.5 12.4 27.5 27.5zm10.8 157c0 16.4 13.2 29.6 29.6 29.6h19.9l.3 61.1c0 36.9 55.2 36.6 55.2 0v-61.1h37.2v61.1c0 36.7 55.5 36.8 55.5 0v-61.1h20.2c16.2 0 29.4-13.2 29.4-29.6V182.1H100.4v179.4zm248-189.1H99.3c0-42.8 25.6-80 63.6-99.4l-19.1-35.3c-2.8-4.9 4.3-8 6.7-3.8l19.4 35.6c34.9-15.5 75-14.7 108.3 0L297.5 34c2.5-4.3 9.5-1.1 6.7 3.8L285.1 73c37.7 19.4 63.3 56.6 63.3 99.4zm-170.7-55.5c0-5.7-4.6-10.5-10.5-10.5-5.7 0-10.2 4.8-10.2 10.5s4.6 10.5 10.2 10.5c5.9 0 10.5-4.8 10.5-10.5zm113.4 0c0-5.7-4.6-10.5-10.2-10.5-5.9 0-10.5 4.8-10.5 10.5s4.6 10.5 10.5 10.5c5.6 0 10.2-4.8 10.2-10.5zm94.8 60.1c-15.1 0-27.5 12.1-27.5 27.5v115.8c0 15.4 12.4 27.7 27.5 27.7 15.4 0 30.1-12.4 30.1-27.7V204.5c0-15.4-14.8-27.5-30.1-27.5z\"] };\nvar faAngellist = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'angellist', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f209\", \"M347.1 215.4c11.7-32.6 45.4-126.9 45.4-157.1 0-26.6-15.7-48.9-43.7-48.9-44.6 0-84.6 131.7-97.1 163.1C242 144 196.6 0 156.6 0c-31.1 0-45.7 22.9-45.7 51.7 0 35.3 34.2 126.8 46.6 162-6.3-2.3-13.1-4.3-20-4.3-23.4 0-48.3 29.1-48.3 52.6 0 8.9 4.9 21.4 8 29.7-36.9 10-51.1 34.6-51.1 71.7C46 435.6 114.4 512 210.6 512c118 0 191.4-88.6 191.4-202.9 0-43.1-6.9-82-54.9-93.7zM311.7 108c4-12.3 21.1-64.3 37.1-64.3 8.6 0 10.9 8.9 10.9 16 0 19.1-38.6 124.6-47.1 148l-34-6 33.1-93.7zM142.3 48.3c0-11.9 14.5-45.7 46.3 47.1l34.6 100.3c-15.6-1.3-27.7-3-35.4 1.4-10.9-28.8-45.5-119.7-45.5-148.8zM140 244c29.3 0 67.1 94.6 67.1 107.4 0 5.1-4.9 11.4-10.6 11.4-20.9 0-76.9-76.9-76.9-97.7.1-7.7 12.7-21.1 20.4-21.1zm184.3 186.3c-29.1 32-66.3 48.6-109.7 48.6-59.4 0-106.3-32.6-128.9-88.3-17.1-43.4 3.8-68.3 20.6-68.3 11.4 0 54.3 60.3 54.3 73.1 0 4.9-7.7 8.3-11.7 8.3-16.1 0-22.4-15.5-51.1-51.4-29.7 29.7 20.5 86.9 58.3 86.9 26.1 0 43.1-24.2 38-42 3.7 0 8.3.3 11.7-.6 1.1 27.1 9.1 59.4 41.7 61.7 0-.9 2-7.1 2-7.4 0-17.4-10.6-32.6-10.6-50.3 0-28.3 21.7-55.7 43.7-71.7 8-6 17.7-9.7 27.1-13.1 9.7-3.7 20-8 27.4-15.4-1.1-11.2-5.7-21.1-16.9-21.1-27.7 0-120.6 4-120.6-39.7 0-6.7.1-13.1 17.4-13.1 32.3 0 114.3 8 138.3 29.1 18.1 16.1 24.3 113.2-31 174.7zm-98.6-126c9.7 3.1 19.7 4 29.7 6-7.4 5.4-14 12-20.3 19.1-2.8-8.5-6.2-16.8-9.4-25.1z\"] };\nvar faAngrycreative = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'angrycreative', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f36e\", \"M640 238.2l-3.2 28.2-34.5 2.3-2 18.1 34.5-2.3-3.2 28.2-34.4 2.2-2.3 20.1 34.4-2.2-3 26.1-64.7 4.1 12.7-113.2L527 365.2l-31.9 2-23.8-117.8 30.3-2 13.6 79.4 31.7-82.4 93.1-6.2zM426.8 371.5l28.3-1.8L468 249.6l-28.4 1.9-12.8 120zM162 388.1l-19.4-36-3.5 37.4-28.2 1.7 2.7-29.1c-11 18-32 34.3-56.9 35.8C23.9 399.9-3 377 .3 339.7c2.6-29.3 26.7-62.8 67.5-65.4 37.7-2.4 47.6 23.2 51.3 28.8l2.8-30.8 38.9-2.5c20.1-1.3 38.7 3.7 42.5 23.7l2.6-26.6 64.8-4.2-2.7 27.9-36.4 2.4-1.7 17.9 36.4-2.3-2.7 27.9-36.4 2.3-1.9 19.9 36.3-2.3-2.1 20.8 55-117.2 23.8-1.6L370.4 369l8.9-85.6-22.3 1.4 2.9-27.9 75-4.9-3 28-24.3 1.6-9.7 91.9-58 3.7-4.3-15.6-39.4 2.5-8 16.3-126.2 7.7zm-44.3-70.2l-26.4 1.7C84.6 307.2 76.9 303 65 303.8c-19 1.2-33.3 17.5-34.6 33.3-1.4 16 7.3 32.5 28.7 31.2 12.8-.8 21.3-8.6 28.9-18.9l27-1.7 2.7-29.8zm56.1-7.7c1.2-12.9-7.6-13.6-26.1-12.4l-2.7 28.5c14.2-.9 27.5-2.1 28.8-16.1zm21.1 70.8l5.8-60c-5 13.5-14.7 21.1-27.9 26.6l22.1 33.4zm135.4-45l-7.9-37.8-15.8 39.3 23.7-1.5zm-170.1-74.6l-4.3-17.5-39.6 2.6-8.1 18.2-31.9 2.1 57-121.9 23.9-1.6 30.7 102 9.9-104.7 27-1.8 37.8 63.6 6.5-66.6 28.5-1.9-4 41.2c7.4-13.5 22.9-44.7 63.6-47.5 40.5-2.8 52.4 29.3 53.4 30.3l3.3-32 39.3-2.7c12.7-.9 27.8.3 36.3 9.7l-4.4-11.9 32.2-2.2 12.9 43.2 23-45.7 31-2.2-43.6 78.4-4.8 44.3-28.4 1.9 4.8-44.3-15.8-43c1 22.3-9.2 40.1-32 49.6l25.2 38.8-36.4 2.4-19.2-36.8-4 38.3-28.4 1.9 3.3-31.5c-6.7 9.3-19.7 35.4-59.6 38-26.2 1.7-45.6-10.3-55.4-39.2l-4 40.3-25 1.6-37.6-63.3-6.3 66.2-56.8 3.7zm276.6-82.1c10.2-.7 17.5-2.1 21.6-4.3 4.5-2.4 7-6.4 7.6-12.1.6-5.3-.6-8.8-3.4-10.4-3.6-2.1-10.6-2.8-22.9-2l-2.9 28.8zM327.7 214c5.6 5.9 12.7 8.5 21.3 7.9 4.7-.3 9.1-1.8 13.3-4.1 5.5-3 10.6-8 15.1-14.3l-34.2 2.3 2.4-23.9 63.1-4.3 1.2-12-31.2 2.1c-4.1-3.7-7.8-6.6-11.1-8.1-4-1.7-8.1-2.8-12.2-2.5-8 .5-15.3 3.6-22 9.2-7.7 6.4-12 14.5-12.9 24.4-1.1 9.6 1.4 17.3 7.2 23.3zm-201.3 8.2l23.8-1.6-8.3-37.6-15.5 39.2z\"] };\nvar faAngular = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'angular', icon: [415, 512, [], \"f420\", \"M169.7 268.1h76.2l-38.1-91.6-38.1 91.6zM207.8 32L0 106.4l31.8 275.7 176 97.9 176-97.9 31.8-275.7L207.8 32zM338 373.8h-48.6l-26.2-65.4H152.6l-26.2 65.4H77.7L207.8 81.5 338 373.8z\"] };\nvar faAppStore = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'app-store', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f36f\", \"M255.9 120.9l9.1-15.7c5.6-9.8 18.1-13.1 27.9-7.5 9.8 5.6 13.1 18.1 7.5 27.9l-87.5 151.5h63.3c20.5 0 32 24.1 23.1 40.8H113.8c-11.3 0-20.4-9.1-20.4-20.4 0-11.3 9.1-20.4 20.4-20.4h52l66.6-115.4-20.8-36.1c-5.6-9.8-2.3-22.2 7.5-27.9 9.8-5.6 22.2-2.3 27.9 7.5l8.9 15.7zm-78.7 218l-19.6 34c-5.6 9.8-18.1 13.1-27.9 7.5-9.8-5.6-13.1-18.1-7.5-27.9l14.6-25.2c16.4-5.1 29.8-1.2 40.4 11.6zm168.9-61.7h53.1c11.3 0 20.4 9.1 20.4 20.4 0 11.3-9.1 20.4-20.4 20.4h-29.5l19.9 34.5c5.6 9.8 2.3 22.2-7.5 27.9-9.8 5.6-22.2 2.3-27.9-7.5-33.5-58.1-58.7-101.6-75.4-130.6-17.1-29.5-4.9-59.1 7.2-69.1 13.4 23 33.4 57.7 60.1 104zM256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm216 248c0 118.7-96.1 216-216 216-118.7 0-216-96.1-216-216 0-118.7 96.1-216 216-216 118.7 0 216 96.1 216 216z\"] };\nvar faAppStoreIos = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'app-store-ios', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f370\", \"M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM127 384.5c-5.5 9.6-17.8 12.8-27.3 7.3-9.6-5.5-12.8-17.8-7.3-27.3l14.3-24.7c16.1-4.9 29.3-1.1 39.6 11.4L127 384.5zm138.9-53.9H84c-11 0-20-9-20-20s9-20 20-20h51l65.4-113.2-20.5-35.4c-5.5-9.6-2.2-21.8 7.3-27.3 9.6-5.5 21.8-2.2 27.3 7.3l8.9 15.4 8.9-15.4c5.5-9.6 17.8-12.8 27.3-7.3 9.6 5.5 12.8 17.8 7.3 27.3l-85.8 148.6h62.1c20.2 0 31.5 23.7 22.7 40zm98.1 0h-29l19.6 33.9c5.5 9.6 2.2 21.8-7.3 27.3-9.6 5.5-21.8 2.2-27.3-7.3-32.9-56.9-57.5-99.7-74-128.1-16.7-29-4.8-58 7.1-67.8 13.1 22.7 32.7 56.7 58.9 102h52c11 0 20 9 20 20 0 11.1-9 20-20 20z\"] };\nvar faApper = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'apper', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f371\", \"M42.1 239.1c22.2 0 29 2.8 33.5 14.6h.8v-22.9c0-11.3-4.8-15.4-17.9-15.4-11.3 0-14.4 2.5-15.1 12.8H4.8c.3-13.9 1.5-19.1 5.8-24.4C17.9 195 29.5 192 56.7 192c33 0 47.1 5 53.9 18.9 2 4.3 4 15.6 4 23.7v76.3H76.3l1.3-19.1h-1c-5.3 15.6-13.6 20.4-35.5 20.4-30.3 0-41.1-10.1-41.1-37.3 0-25.2 12.3-35.8 42.1-35.8zm17.1 48.1c13.1 0 16.9-3 16.9-13.4 0-9.1-4.3-11.6-19.6-11.6-13.1 0-17.9 3-17.9 12.1-.1 10.4 3.7 12.9 20.6 12.9zm77.8-94.9h38.3l-1.5 20.6h.8c9.1-17.1 15.9-20.9 37.5-20.9 14.4 0 24.7 3 31.5 9.1 9.8 8.6 12.8 20.4 12.8 48.1 0 30-3 43.1-12.1 52.9-6.8 7.3-16.4 10.1-33.2 10.1-20.4 0-29.2-5.5-33.8-21.2h-.8v70.3H137v-169zm80.9 60.7c0-27.5-3.3-32.5-20.7-32.5-16.9 0-20.7 5-20.7 28.7 0 28 3.5 33.5 21.2 33.5 16.4 0 20.2-5.6 20.2-29.7zm57.9-60.7h38.3l-1.5 20.6h.8c9.1-17.1 15.9-20.9 37.5-20.9 14.4 0 24.7 3 31.5 9.1 9.8 8.6 12.8 20.4 12.8 48.1 0 30-3 43.1-12.1 52.9-6.8 7.3-16.4 10.1-33.3 10.1-20.4 0-29.2-5.5-33.8-21.2h-.8v70.3h-39.5v-169zm80.9 60.7c0-27.5-3.3-32.5-20.7-32.5-16.9 0-20.7 5-20.7 28.7 0 28 3.5 33.5 21.2 33.5 16.4 0 20.2-5.6 20.2-29.7zm53.8-3.8c0-25.4 3.3-37.8 12.3-45.8 8.8-8.1 22.2-11.3 45.1-11.3 42.8 0 55.7 12.8 55.7 55.7v11.1h-75.3c-.3 2-.3 4-.3 4.8 0 16.9 4.5 21.9 20.1 21.9 13.9 0 17.9-3 17.9-13.9h37.5v2.3c0 9.8-2.5 18.9-6.8 24.7-7.3 9.8-19.6 13.6-44.3 13.6-27.5 0-41.6-3.3-50.6-12.3-8.5-8.5-11.3-21.3-11.3-50.8zm76.4-11.6c-.3-1.8-.3-3.3-.3-3.8 0-12.3-3.3-14.6-19.6-14.6-14.4 0-17.1 3-18.1 15.1l-.3 3.3h38.3zm55.6-45.3h38.3l-1.8 19.9h.7c6.8-14.9 14.4-20.2 29.7-20.2 10.8 0 19.1 3.3 23.4 9.3 5.3 7.3 6.8 14.4 6.8 34 0 1.5 0 5 .2 9.3h-35c.3-1.8.3-3.3.3-4 0-15.4-2-19.4-10.3-19.4-6.3 0-10.8 3.3-13.1 9.3-1 3-1 4.3-1 12.3v68h-38.3V192.3z\"] };\nvar faApple = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'apple', icon: [376, 512, [], \"f179\", \"M314.7 268.7c-.2-36.7 16.4-64.4 50-84.8-18.8-26.9-47.2-41.7-84.7-44.6-35.5-2.8-74.3 20.7-88.5 20.7-15 0-49.4-19.7-76.4-19.7C59.3 141.2 0 184.8 0 273.5c0 26.2 4.8 53.3 14.4 81.2 12.8 36.7 59 126.7 107.2 125.2 25.2-.6 43-17.9 75.8-17.9 31.8 0 48.3 17.9 76.4 17.9 48.6-.7 90.4-82.5 102.6-119.3-65.2-30.7-61.7-90-61.7-91.9zm-56.6-164.2c27.3-32.4 24.8-61.9 24-72.5-24.1 1.4-52 16.4-67.9 34.9-17.5 19.8-27.8 44.3-25.6 71.9 26.1 2 49.9-11.4 69.5-34.3z\"] };\nvar faApplePay = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'apple-pay', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f415\", \"M116.9 158.5c-7.5 8.9-19.5 15.9-31.5 14.9-1.5-12 4.4-24.8 11.3-32.6 7.5-9.1 20.6-15.6 31.3-16.1 1.2 12.4-3.7 24.7-11.1 33.8m10.9 17.2c-17.4-1-32.3 9.9-40.5 9.9-8.4 0-21-9.4-34.8-9.1-17.9.3-34.5 10.4-43.6 26.5-18.8 32.3-4.9 80 13.3 106.3 8.9 13 19.5 27.3 33.5 26.8 13.3-.5 18.5-8.6 34.5-8.6 16.1 0 20.8 8.6 34.8 8.4 14.5-.3 23.6-13 32.5-26 10.1-14.8 14.3-29.1 14.5-29.9-.3-.3-28-10.9-28.3-42.9-.3-26.8 21.9-39.5 22.9-40.3-12.5-18.6-32-20.6-38.8-21.1m100.4-36.2v194.9h30.3v-66.6h41.9c38.3 0 65.1-26.3 65.1-64.3s-26.4-64-64.1-64h-73.2zm30.3 25.5h34.9c26.3 0 41.3 14 41.3 38.6s-15 38.8-41.4 38.8h-34.8V165zm162.2 170.9c19 0 36.6-9.6 44.6-24.9h.6v23.4h28v-97c0-28.1-22.5-46.3-57.1-46.3-32.1 0-55.9 18.4-56.8 43.6h27.3c2.3-12 13.4-19.9 28.6-19.9 18.5 0 28.9 8.6 28.9 24.5v10.8l-37.8 2.3c-35.1 2.1-54.1 16.5-54.1 41.5.1 25.2 19.7 42 47.8 42zm8.2-23.1c-16.1 0-26.4-7.8-26.4-19.6 0-12.3 9.9-19.4 28.8-20.5l33.6-2.1v11c0 18.2-15.5 31.2-36 31.2zm102.5 74.6c29.5 0 43.4-11.3 55.5-45.4L640 193h-30.8l-35.6 115.1h-.6L537.4 193h-31.6L557 334.9l-2.8 8.6c-4.6 14.6-12.1 20.3-25.5 20.3-2.4 0-7-.3-8.9-.5v23.4c1.8.4 9.3.7 11.6.7z\"] };\nvar faAsymmetrik = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'asymmetrik', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f372\", \"M517.5 309.2c38.8-40 58.1-80 58.5-116.1.8-65.5-59.4-118.2-169.4-135C277.9 38.4 118.1 73.6 0 140.5 52 114 110.6 92.3 170.7 82.3c74.5-20.5 153-25.4 221.3-14.8C544.5 91.3 588.8 195 490.8 299.2c-10.2 10.8-22 21.1-35 30.6L304.9 103.4 114.7 388.9c-65.6-29.4-76.5-90.2-19.1-151.2 20.8-22.2 48.3-41.9 79.5-58.1 20-12.2 39.7-22.6 62-30.7-65.1 20.3-122.7 52.9-161.6 92.9-27.7 28.6-41.4 57.1-41.7 82.9-.5 35.1 23.4 65.1 68.4 83l-34.5 51.7h101.6l22-34.4c22.2 1 45.3 0 68.6-2.7l-22.8 37.1h135.5L340 406.3c18.6-5.3 36.9-11.5 54.5-18.7l45.9 71.8H542L468.6 349c18.5-12.1 35-25.5 48.9-39.8zm-187.6 80.5l-25-40.6-32.7 53.3c-23.4 3.5-46.7 5.1-69.2 4.4l101.9-159.3 78.7 123c-17.2 7.4-35.3 13.9-53.7 19.2z\"] };\nvar faAudible = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'audible', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f373\", \"M640 199.9v54l-320 200L0 254v-54l320 200 320-200.1zm-194.5 72l47.1-29.4c-37.2-55.8-100.7-92.6-172.7-92.6-72 0-135.5 36.7-172.6 92.4h.3c2.5-2.3 5.1-4.5 7.7-6.7 89.7-74.4 219.4-58.1 290.2 36.3zm-220.1 18.8c16.9-11.9 36.5-18.7 57.4-18.7 34.4 0 65.2 18.4 86.4 47.6l45.4-28.4c-20.9-29.9-55.6-49.5-94.8-49.5-38.9 0-73.4 19.4-94.4 49zM103.6 161.1c131.8-104.3 318.2-76.4 417.5 62.1l.7 1 48.8-30.4C517.1 112.1 424.8 58.1 319.9 58.1c-103.5 0-196.6 53.5-250.5 135.6 9.9-10.5 22.7-23.5 34.2-32.6zm467 32.7z\"] };\nvar faAutoprefixer = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'autoprefixer', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f41c\", \"M318.4 16l-161 480h77.5l25.4-81.4h119.5L405 496h77.5L318.4 16zm-40.3 341.9l41.2-130.4h1.5l40.9 130.4h-83.6zM640 405l-10-31.4L462.1 358l19.4 56.5L640 405zm-462.1-47L10 373.7 0 405l158.5 9.4 19.4-56.4z\"] };\nvar faAvianex = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'avianex', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f374\", \"M453.1 32h-312c-38.9 0-76.2 31.2-83.3 69.7L1.2 410.3C-5.9 448.8 19.9 480 58.9 480h312c38.9 0 76.2-31.2 83.3-69.7l56.7-308.5c7-38.6-18.8-69.8-57.8-69.8zm-58.2 347.3l-32 13.5-115.4-110c-14.7 10-29.2 19.5-41.7 27.1l22.1 64.2-17.9 12.7-40.6-61-52.4-48.1 15.7-15.4 58 31.1c9.3-10.5 20.8-22.6 32.8-34.9L203 228.9l-68.8-99.8 18.8-28.9 8.9-4.8L265 207.8l4.9 4.5c19.4-18.8 33.8-32.4 33.8-32.4 7.7-6.5 21.5-2.9 30.7 7.9 9 10.5 10.6 24.7 2.7 31.3-1.8 1.3-15.5 11.4-35.3 25.6l4.5 7.3 94.9 119.4-6.3 7.9z\"] };\nvar faAviato = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'aviato', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f421\", \"M107.2 283.5l-19-41.8H36.1l-19 41.8H0l62.2-131.4 62.2 131.4h-17.2zm-45-98.1l-19.6 42.5h39.2l-19.6-42.5zm112.7 102.4l-62.2-131.4h17.1l45.1 96 45.1-96h17l-62.1 131.4zm80.6-4.3V156.4H271v127.1h-15.5zm209.1-115.6v115.6h-17.3V167.9h-41.2v-11.5h99.6v11.5h-41.1zM640 218.8c0 9.2-1.7 17.8-5.1 25.8-3.4 8-8.2 15.1-14.2 21.1-6 6-13.1 10.8-21.1 14.2-8 3.4-16.6 5.1-25.8 5.1s-17.8-1.7-25.8-5.1c-8-3.4-15.1-8.2-21.1-14.2-6-6-10.8-13-14.2-21.1-3.4-8-5.1-16.6-5.1-25.8s1.7-17.8 5.1-25.8c3.4-8 8.2-15.1 14.2-21.1 6-6 13-8.4 21.1-11.9 8-3.4 16.6-5.1 25.8-5.1s17.8 1.7 25.8 5.1c8 3.4 15.1 5.8 21.1 11.9 6 6 10.7 13.1 14.2 21.1 3.4 8 5.1 16.6 5.1 25.8zm-15.5 0c0-7.3-1.3-14-3.9-20.3-2.6-6.3-6.2-11.7-10.8-16.3-4.6-4.6-10-8.2-16.2-10.9-6.2-2.7-12.8-4-19.8-4s-13.6 1.3-19.8 4c-6.2 2.7-11.6 6.3-16.2 10.9-4.6 4.6-8.2 10-10.8 16.3-2.6 6.3-3.9 13.1-3.9 20.3 0 7.3 1.3 14 3.9 20.3 2.6 6.3 6.2 11.7 10.8 16.3 4.6 4.6 10 8.2 16.2 10.9 6.2 2.7 12.8 4 19.8 4s13.6-1.3 19.8-4c6.2-2.7 11.6-6.3 16.2-10.9 4.6-4.6 8.2-10 10.8-16.3 2.6-6.3 3.9-13.1 3.9-20.3zm-94.8 96.7v-6.3l88.9-10-242.9 13.4c.6-2.2 1.1-4.6 1.4-7.2.3-2 .5-4.2.6-6.5l64.8-8.1-64.9 1.9c0-.4-.1-.7-.1-1.1-2.8-17.2-25.5-23.7-25.5-23.7l-1.1-26.3h23.8l19 41.8h17.1L348.6 152l-62.2 131.4h17.1l19-41.8h23.6L345 268s-22.7 6.5-25.5 23.7c-.1.3-.1.7-.1 1.1l-64.9-1.9 64.8 8.1c.1 2.3.3 4.4.6 6.5.3 2.6.8 5 1.4 7.2L78.4 299.2l88.9 10v6.3c-5.9.9-10.5 6-10.5 12.2 0 6.8 5.6 12.4 12.4 12.4 6.8 0 12.4-5.6 12.4-12.4 0-6.2-4.6-11.3-10.5-12.2v-5.8l80.3 9v5.4c-5.7 1.1-9.9 6.2-9.9 12.1 0 6.8 5.6 10.2 12.4 10.2 6.8 0 12.4-3.4 12.4-10.2 0-6-4.3-11-9.9-12.1v-4.9l28.4 3.2v23.7h-5.9V360h5.9v-6.6h5v6.6h5.9v-13.8h-5.9V323l38.3 4.3c8.1 11.4 19 13.6 19 13.6l-.1 6.7-5.1.2-.1 12.1h4.1l.1-5h5.2l.1 5h4.1l-.1-12.1-5.1-.2-.1-6.7s10.9-2.1 19-13.6l38.3-4.3v23.2h-5.9V360h5.9v-6.6h5v6.6h5.9v-13.8h-5.9v-23.7l28.4-3.2v4.9c-5.7 1.1-9.9 6.2-9.9 12.1 0 6.8 5.6 10.2 12.4 10.2 6.8 0 12.4-3.4 12.4-10.2 0-6-4.3-11-9.9-12.1v-5.4l80.3-9v5.8c-5.9.9-10.5 6-10.5 12.2 0 6.8 5.6 12.4 12.4 12.4 6.8 0 12.4-5.6 12.4-12.4-.2-6.3-4.7-11.4-10.7-12.3zm-200.8-87.6l19.6-42.5 19.6 42.5h-17.9l-1.7-40.3-1.7 40.3h-17.9z\"] };\nvar faAws = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'aws', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f375\", \"M180.41 203.01c-.72 22.65 10.6 32.68 10.88 39.05a8.164 8.164 0 0 1-4.1 6.27l-12.8 8.96a10.66 10.66 0 0 1-5.63 1.92c-.43-.02-8.19 1.83-20.48-25.61a78.608 78.608 0 0 1-62.61 29.45c-16.28.89-60.4-9.24-58.13-56.21-1.59-38.28 34.06-62.06 70.93-60.05 7.1.02 21.6.37 46.99 6.27v-15.62c2.69-26.46-14.7-46.99-44.81-43.91-2.4.01-19.4-.5-45.84 10.11-7.36 3.38-8.3 2.82-10.75 2.82-7.41 0-4.36-21.48-2.94-24.2 5.21-6.4 35.86-18.35 65.94-18.18a76.857 76.857 0 0 1 55.69 17.28 70.285 70.285 0 0 1 17.67 52.36l-.01 69.29zM93.99 235.4c32.43-.47 46.16-19.97 49.29-30.47 2.46-10.05 2.05-16.41 2.05-27.4-9.67-2.32-23.59-4.85-39.56-4.87-15.15-1.14-42.82 5.63-41.74 32.26-1.24 16.79 11.12 31.4 29.96 30.48zm170.92 23.05c-7.86.72-11.52-4.86-12.68-10.37l-49.8-164.65c-.97-2.78-1.61-5.65-1.92-8.58a4.61 4.61 0 0 1 3.86-5.25c.24-.04-2.13 0 22.25 0 8.78-.88 11.64 6.03 12.55 10.37l35.72 140.83 33.16-140.83c.53-3.22 2.94-11.07 12.8-10.24h17.16c2.17-.18 11.11-.5 12.68 10.37l33.42 142.63L420.98 80.1c.48-2.18 2.72-11.37 12.68-10.37h19.72c.85-.13 6.15-.81 5.25 8.58-.43 1.85 3.41-10.66-52.75 169.9-1.15 5.51-4.82 11.09-12.68 10.37h-18.69c-10.94 1.15-12.51-9.66-12.68-10.75L328.67 110.7l-32.78 136.99c-.16 1.09-1.73 11.9-12.68 10.75h-18.3zm273.48 5.63c-5.88.01-33.92-.3-57.36-12.29a12.802 12.802 0 0 1-7.81-11.91v-10.75c0-8.45 6.2-6.9 8.83-5.89 10.04 4.06 16.48 7.14 28.81 9.6 36.65 7.53 52.77-2.3 56.72-4.48 13.15-7.81 14.19-25.68 5.25-34.95-10.48-8.79-15.48-9.12-53.13-21-4.64-1.29-43.7-13.61-43.79-52.36-.61-28.24 25.05-56.18 69.52-55.95 12.67-.01 46.43 4.13 55.57 15.62 1.35 2.09 2.02 4.55 1.92 7.04v10.11c0 4.44-1.62 6.66-4.87 6.66-7.71-.86-21.39-11.17-49.16-10.75-6.89-.36-39.89.91-38.41 24.97-.43 18.96 26.61 26.07 29.7 26.89 36.46 10.97 48.65 12.79 63.12 29.58 17.14 22.25 7.9 48.3 4.35 55.44-19.08 37.49-68.42 34.44-69.26 34.42zm40.2 104.86c-70.03 51.72-171.69 79.25-258.49 79.25A469.127 469.127 0 0 1 2.83 327.46c-6.53-5.89-.77-13.96 7.17-9.47a637.37 637.37 0 0 0 316.88 84.12 630.22 630.22 0 0 0 241.59-49.55c11.78-5 21.77 7.8 10.12 16.38zm29.19-33.29c-8.96-11.52-59.28-5.38-81.81-2.69-6.79.77-7.94-5.12-1.79-9.47 40.07-28.17 105.88-20.1 113.44-10.63 7.55 9.47-2.05 75.41-39.56 106.91-5.76 4.87-11.27 2.3-8.71-4.1 8.44-21.25 27.39-68.49 18.43-80.02z\"] };\nvar faBandcamp = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'bandcamp', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f2d5\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm48.2 326.1h-181L199.9 178h181l-84.7 156.1z\"] };\nvar faBehance = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'behance', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f1b4\", \"M232 237.2c31.8-15.2 48.4-38.2 48.4-74 0-70.6-52.6-87.8-113.3-87.8H0v354.4h171.8c64.4 0 124.9-30.9 124.9-102.9 0-44.5-21.1-77.4-64.7-89.7zM77.9 135.9H151c28.1 0 53.4 7.9 53.4 40.5 0 30.1-19.7 42.2-47.5 42.2h-79v-82.7zm83.3 233.7H77.9V272h84.9c34.3 0 56 14.3 56 50.6 0 35.8-25.9 47-57.6 47zm358.5-240.7H376V94h143.7v34.9zM576 305.2c0-75.9-44.4-139.2-124.9-139.2-78.2 0-131.3 58.8-131.3 135.8 0 79.9 50.3 134.7 131.3 134.7 61.3 0 101-27.6 120.1-86.3H509c-6.7 21.9-34.3 33.5-55.7 33.5-41.3 0-63-24.2-63-65.3h185.1c.3-4.2.6-8.7.6-13.2zM390.4 274c2.3-33.7 24.7-54.8 58.5-54.8 35.4 0 53.2 20.8 56.2 54.8H390.4z\"] };\nvar faBehanceSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'behance-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f1b5\", \"M186.5 293c0 19.3-14 25.4-31.2 25.4h-45.1v-52.9h46c18.6.1 30.3 7.8 30.3 27.5zm-7.7-82.3c0-17.7-13.7-21.9-28.9-21.9h-39.6v44.8H153c15.1 0 25.8-6.6 25.8-22.9zm132.3 23.2c-18.3 0-30.5 11.4-31.7 29.7h62.2c-1.7-18.5-11.3-29.7-30.5-29.7zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM271.7 185h77.8v-18.9h-77.8V185zm-43 110.3c0-24.1-11.4-44.9-35-51.6 17.2-8.2 26.2-17.7 26.2-37 0-38.2-28.5-47.5-61.4-47.5H68v192h93.1c34.9-.2 67.6-16.9 67.6-55.9zM380 280.5c0-41.1-24.1-75.4-67.6-75.4-42.4 0-71.1 31.8-71.1 73.6 0 43.3 27.3 73 71.1 73 33.2 0 54.7-14.9 65.1-46.8h-33.7c-3.7 11.9-18.6 18.1-30.2 18.1-22.4 0-34.1-13.1-34.1-35.3h100.2c.1-2.3.3-4.8.3-7.2z\"] };\nvar faBimobject = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'bimobject', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f378\", \"M416 32H32C14.4 32 0 46.4 0 64v384c0 17.6 14.4 32 32 32h384c17.6 0 32-14.4 32-32V64c0-17.6-14.4-32-32-32zm-64 257.4c0 49.4-11.4 82.6-103.8 82.6h-16.9c-44.1 0-62.4-14.9-70.4-38.8h-.9V368H96V136h64v74.7h1.1c4.6-30.5 39.7-38.8 69.7-38.8h17.3c92.4 0 103.8 33.1 103.8 82.5v35zm-64-28.9v22.9c0 21.7-3.4 33.8-38.4 33.8h-45.3c-28.9 0-44.1-6.5-44.1-35.7v-19c0-29.3 15.2-35.7 44.1-35.7h45.3c35-.2 38.4 12 38.4 33.7z\"] };\nvar faBitbucket = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'bitbucket', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f171\", \"M23.1 32C14.2 31.9 7 38.9 6.9 47.8c0 .9.1 1.8.2 2.8L74.9 462c1.7 10.4 10.7 18 21.2 18.1h325.1c7.9.1 14.7-5.6 16-13.4l67.8-416c1.4-8.7-4.5-16.9-13.2-18.3-.9-.1-1.8-.2-2.8-.2L23.1 32zm285.3 297.3H204.6l-28.1-146.8h157l-25.1 146.8z\"] };\nvar faBitcoin = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'bitcoin', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f379\", \"M504 256c0 136.967-111.033 248-248 248S8 392.967 8 256 119.033 8 256 8s248 111.033 248 248zm-141.651-35.33c4.937-32.999-20.191-50.739-54.55-62.573l11.146-44.702-27.213-6.781-10.851 43.524c-7.154-1.783-14.502-3.464-21.803-5.13l10.929-43.81-27.198-6.781-11.153 44.686c-5.922-1.349-11.735-2.682-17.377-4.084l.031-.14-37.53-9.37-7.239 29.062s20.191 4.627 19.765 4.913c11.022 2.751 13.014 10.044 12.68 15.825l-12.696 50.925c.76.194 1.744.473 2.829.907-.907-.225-1.876-.473-2.876-.713l-17.796 71.338c-1.349 3.348-4.767 8.37-12.471 6.464.271.395-19.78-4.937-19.78-4.937l-13.51 31.147 35.414 8.827c6.588 1.651 13.045 3.379 19.4 5.006l-11.262 45.213 27.182 6.781 11.153-44.733a1038.209 1038.209 0 0 0 21.687 5.627l-11.115 44.523 27.213 6.781 11.262-45.128c46.404 8.781 81.299 5.239 95.986-36.727 11.836-33.79-.589-53.281-25.004-65.991 17.78-4.098 31.174-15.792 34.747-39.949zm-62.177 87.179c-8.41 33.79-65.308 15.523-83.755 10.943l14.944-59.899c18.446 4.603 77.6 13.717 68.811 48.956zm8.417-87.667c-7.673 30.736-55.031 15.12-70.393 11.292l13.548-54.327c15.363 3.828 64.836 10.973 56.845 43.035z\"] };\nvar faBity = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'bity', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f37a\", \"M78.4 67.2C173.8-22 324.5-24 421.5 71c14.3 14.1-6.4 37.1-22.4 21.5-84.8-82.4-215.8-80.3-298.9-3.2-16.3 15.1-36.5-8.3-21.8-22.1zm98.9 418.6c19.3 5.7 29.3-23.6 7.9-30C73 421.9 9.4 306.1 37.7 194.8c5-19.6-24.9-28.1-30.2-7.1-32.1 127.4 41.1 259.8 169.8 298.1zm148.1-2c121.9-40.2 192.9-166.9 164.4-291-4.5-19.7-34.9-13.8-30 7.9 24.2 107.7-37.1 217.9-143.2 253.4-21.2 7-10.4 36 8.8 29.7zm-62.9-79l.2-71.8c0-8.2-6.6-14.8-14.8-14.8-8.2 0-14.8 6.7-14.8 14.8l-.2 71.8c0 8.2 6.6 14.8 14.8 14.8s14.8-6.6 14.8-14.8zm71-269c2.1 90.9 4.7 131.9-85.5 132.5-92.5-.7-86.9-44.3-85.5-132.5 0-21.8-32.5-19.6-32.5 0v71.6c0 69.3 60.7 90.9 118 90.1 57.3.8 118-20.8 118-90.1v-71.6c0-19.6-32.5-21.8-32.5 0z\"] };\nvar faBlackTie = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'black-tie', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f27e\", \"M0 32v448h448V32H0zm316.5 325.2L224 445.9l-92.5-88.7 64.5-184-64.5-86.6h184.9L252 173.2l64.5 184z\"] };\nvar faBlackberry = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'blackberry', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f37b\", \"M166 116.9c0 23.4-16.4 49.1-72.5 49.1H23.4l21-88.8h67.8c42.1 0 53.8 23.3 53.8 39.7zm126.2-39.7h-67.8L205.7 166h70.1c53.8 0 70.1-25.7 70.1-49.1.1-16.4-11.6-39.7-53.7-39.7zM88.8 208.1H21L0 296.9h70.1c56.1 0 72.5-23.4 72.5-49.1 0-16.3-11.7-39.7-53.8-39.7zm180.1 0h-67.8l-18.7 88.8h70.1c53.8 0 70.1-23.4 70.1-49.1 0-16.3-11.7-39.7-53.7-39.7zm189.3-53.8h-67.8l-18.7 88.8h70.1c53.8 0 70.1-23.4 70.1-49.1.1-16.3-11.6-39.7-53.7-39.7zm-28 137.9h-67.8L343.7 381h70.1c56.1 0 70.1-23.4 70.1-49.1 0-16.3-11.6-39.7-53.7-39.7zM240.8 346H173l-18.7 88.8h70.1c56.1 0 70.1-25.7 70.1-49.1.1-16.3-11.6-39.7-53.7-39.7z\"] };\nvar faBlogger = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'blogger', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f37c\", \"M162.4 196c4.8-4.9 6.2-5.1 36.4-5.1 27.2 0 28.1.1 32.1 2.1 5.8 2.9 8.3 7 8.3 13.6 0 5.9-2.4 10-7.6 13.4-2.8 1.8-4.5 1.9-31.1 2.1-16.4.1-29.5-.2-31.5-.8-10.3-2.9-14.1-17.7-6.6-25.3zm61.4 94.5c-53.9 0-55.8.2-60.2 4.1-3.5 3.1-5.7 9.4-5.1 13.9.7 4.7 4.8 10.1 9.2 12 2.2 1 14.1 1.7 56.3 1.2l47.9-.6 9.2-1.5c9-5.1 10.5-17.4 3.1-24.4-5.3-4.7-5-4.7-60.4-4.7zm223.4 130.1c-3.5 28.4-23 50.4-51.1 57.5-7.2 1.8-9.7 1.9-172.9 1.8-157.8 0-165.9-.1-172-1.8-8.4-2.2-15.6-5.5-22.3-10-5.6-3.8-13.9-11.8-17-16.4-3.8-5.6-8.2-15.3-10-22C.1 423 0 420.3 0 256.3 0 93.2 0 89.7 1.8 82.6 8.1 57.9 27.7 39 53 33.4c7.3-1.6 332.1-1.9 340-.3 21.2 4.3 37.9 17.1 47.6 36.4 7.7 15.3 7-1.5 7.3 180.6.2 115.8 0 164.5-.7 170.5zm-85.4-185.2c-1.1-5-4.2-9.6-7.7-11.5-1.1-.6-8-1.3-15.5-1.7-12.4-.6-13.8-.8-17.8-3.1-6.2-3.6-7.9-7.6-8-18.3 0-20.4-8.5-39.4-25.3-56.5-12-12.2-25.3-20.5-40.6-25.1-3.6-1.1-11.8-1.5-39.2-1.8-42.9-.5-52.5.4-67.1 6.2-27 10.7-46.3 33.4-53.4 62.4-1.3 5.4-1.6 14.2-1.9 64.3-.4 62.8 0 72.1 4 84.5 9.7 30.7 37.1 53.4 64.6 58.4 9.2 1.7 122.2 2.1 133.7.5 20.1-2.7 35.9-10.8 50.7-25.9 10.7-10.9 17.4-22.8 21.8-38.5 3.2-10.9 2.9-88.4 1.7-93.9z\"] };\nvar faBloggerB = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'blogger-b', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f37d\", \"M446.6 222.7c-1.8-8-6.8-15.4-12.5-18.5-1.8-1-13-2.2-25-2.7-20.1-.9-22.3-1.3-28.7-5-10.1-5.9-12.8-12.3-12.9-29.5-.1-33-13.8-63.7-40.9-91.3-19.3-19.7-40.9-33-65.5-40.5-5.9-1.8-19.1-2.4-63.3-2.9-69.4-.8-84.8.6-108.4 10C45.9 59.5 14.7 96.1 3.3 142.9 1.2 151.7.7 165.8.2 246.8c-.6 101.5.1 116.4 6.4 136.5 15.6 49.6 59.9 86.3 104.4 94.3 14.8 2.7 197.3 3.3 216 .8 32.5-4.4 58-17.5 81.9-41.9 17.3-17.7 28.1-36.8 35.2-62.1 4.9-17.6 4.5-142.8 2.5-151.7zm-322.1-63.6c7.8-7.9 10-8.2 58.8-8.2 43.9 0 45.4.1 51.8 3.4 9.3 4.7 13.4 11.3 13.4 21.9 0 9.5-3.8 16.2-12.3 21.6-4.6 2.9-7.3 3.1-50.3 3.3-26.5.2-47.7-.4-50.8-1.2-16.6-4.7-22.8-28.5-10.6-40.8zm191.8 199.8l-14.9 2.4-77.5.9c-68.1.8-87.3-.4-90.9-2-7.1-3.1-13.8-11.7-14.9-19.4-1.1-7.3 2.6-17.3 8.2-22.4 7.1-6.4 10.2-6.6 97.3-6.7 89.6-.1 89.1-.1 97.6 7.8 12.1 11.3 9.5 31.2-4.9 39.4z\"] };\nvar faBluetooth = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'bluetooth', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f293\", \"M292.6 171.1L249.7 214l-.3-86 43.2 43.1m-43.2 219.8l43.1-43.1-42.9-42.9-.2 86zM416 259.4C416 465 344.1 512 230.9 512S32 465 32 259.4 115.4 0 228.6 0 416 53.9 416 259.4zm-158.5 0l79.4-88.6L211.8 36.5v176.9L138 139.6l-27 26.9 92.7 93-92.7 93 26.9 26.9 73.8-73.8 2.3 170 127.4-127.5-83.9-88.7z\"] };\nvar faBluetoothB = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'bluetooth-b', icon: [320, 512, [], \"f294\", \"M196.48 260.023l92.626-103.333L143.125 0v206.33l-86.111-86.111-31.406 31.405 108.061 108.399L25.608 368.422l31.406 31.405 86.111-86.111L145.84 512l148.552-148.644-97.912-103.333zm40.86-102.996l-49.977 49.978-.338-100.295 50.315 50.317zM187.363 313.04l49.977 49.978-50.315 50.316.338-100.294z\"] };\nvar faBtc = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'btc', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f15a\", \"M310.204 242.638c27.73-14.18 45.377-39.39 41.28-81.3-5.358-57.351-52.458-76.573-114.85-81.929V0h-48.528v77.203c-12.605 0-25.525.315-38.444.63V0h-48.528v79.409c-17.842.539-38.622.276-97.37 0v51.678c38.314-.678 58.417-3.14 63.023 21.427v217.429c-2.925 19.492-18.524 16.685-53.255 16.071L3.765 443.68c88.481 0 97.37.315 97.37.315V512h48.528v-67.06c13.234.315 26.154.315 38.444.315V512h48.528v-68.005c81.299-4.412 135.647-24.894 142.895-101.467 5.671-61.446-23.32-88.862-69.326-99.89zM150.608 134.553c27.415 0 113.126-8.507 113.126 48.528 0 54.515-85.71 48.212-113.126 48.212v-96.74zm0 251.776V279.821c32.772 0 133.127-9.138 133.127 53.255-.001 60.186-100.355 53.253-133.127 53.253z\"] };\nvar faBuromobelexperte = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'buromobelexperte', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f37f\", \"M0 32v128h128V32H0zm120 120H8V40h112v112zm40-120v128h128V32H160zm120 120H168V40h112v112zm40-120v128h128V32H320zm120 120H328V40h112v112zM0 192v128h128V192H0zm120 120H8V200h112v112zm40-120v128h128V192H160zm120 120H168V200h112v112zm40-120v128h128V192H320zm120 120H328V200h112v112zM0 352v128h128V352H0zm120 120H8V360h112v112zm40-120v128h128V352H160zm120 120H168V360h112v112zm40-120v128h128V352H320z\"] };\nvar faBuysellads = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'buysellads', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f20d\", \"M224 150.7l42.9 160.7h-85.8L224 150.7zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-65.3 325.3l-94.5-298.7H159.8L65.3 405.3H156l111.7-91.6 24.2 91.6h90.8z\"] };\nvar faCcAmazonPay = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'cc-amazon-pay', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f42d\", \"M124.7 201.8c.1-11.8 0-23.5 0-35.3v-35.3c0-1.3.4-2 1.4-2.7 11.5-8 24.1-12.1 38.2-11.1 12.5.9 22.7 7 28.1 21.7 3.3 8.9 4.1 18.2 4.1 27.7 0 8.7-.7 17.3-3.4 25.6-5.7 17.8-18.7 24.7-35.7 23.9-11.7-.5-21.9-5-31.4-11.7-.9-.8-1.4-1.6-1.3-2.8zm154.9 14.6c4.6 1.8 9.3 2 14.1 1.5 11.6-1.2 21.9-5.7 31.3-12.5.9-.6 1.3-1.3 1.3-2.5-.1-3.9 0-7.9 0-11.8 0-4-.1-8 0-12 0-1.4-.4-2-1.8-2.2-7-.9-13.9-2.2-20.9-2.9-7-.6-14-.3-20.8 1.9-6.7 2.2-11.7 6.2-13.7 13.1-1.6 5.4-1.6 10.8.1 16.2 1.6 5.5 5.2 9.2 10.4 11.2zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-207.5 23.9c.4 1.7.9 3.4 1.6 5.1 16.5 40.6 32.9 81.3 49.5 121.9 1.4 3.5 1.7 6.4.2 9.9-2.8 6.2-4.9 12.6-7.8 18.7-2.6 5.5-6.7 9.5-12.7 11.2-4.2 1.1-8.5 1.3-12.9.9-2.1-.2-4.2-.7-6.3-.8-2.8-.2-4.2 1.1-4.3 4-.1 2.8-.1 5.6 0 8.3.1 4.6 1.6 6.7 6.2 7.5 4.7.8 9.4 1.6 14.2 1.7 14.3.3 25.7-5.4 33.1-17.9 2.9-4.9 5.6-10.1 7.7-15.4 19.8-50.1 39.5-100.3 59.2-150.5.6-1.5 1.1-3 1.3-4.6.4-2.4-.7-3.6-3.1-3.7-5.6-.1-11.1 0-16.7 0-3.1 0-5.3 1.4-6.4 4.3-.4 1.1-.9 2.3-1.3 3.4l-29.1 83.7c-2.1 6.1-4.2 12.1-6.5 18.6-.4-.9-.6-1.4-.8-1.9-10.8-29.9-21.6-59.9-32.4-89.8-1.7-4.7-3.5-9.5-5.3-14.2-.9-2.5-2.7-4-5.4-4-6.4-.1-12.8-.2-19.2-.1-2.2 0-3.3 1.6-2.8 3.7zM242.4 206c1.7 11.7 7.6 20.8 18 26.6 9.9 5.5 20.7 6.2 31.7 4.6 12.7-1.9 23.9-7.3 33.8-15.5.4-.3.8-.6 1.4-1 .5 3.2.9 6.2 1.5 9.2.5 2.6 2.1 4.3 4.5 4.4 4.6.1 9.1.1 13.7 0 2.3-.1 3.8-1.6 4-3.9.1-.8.1-1.6.1-2.3v-88.8c0-3.6-.2-7.2-.7-10.8-1.6-10.8-6.2-19.7-15.9-25.4-5.6-3.3-11.8-5-18.2-5.9-3-.4-6-.7-9.1-1.1h-10c-.8.1-1.6.3-2.5.3-8.2.4-16.3 1.4-24.2 3.5-5.1 1.3-10 3.2-15 4.9-3 1-4.5 3.2-4.4 6.5.1 2.8-.1 5.6 0 8.3.1 4.1 1.8 5.2 5.7 4.1 6.5-1.7 13.1-3.5 19.7-4.8 10.3-1.9 20.7-2.7 31.1-1.2 5.4.8 10.5 2.4 14.1 7 3.1 4 4.2 8.8 4.4 13.7.3 6.9.2 13.9.3 20.8 0 .4-.1.7-.2 1.2-.4 0-.8 0-1.1-.1-8.8-2.1-17.7-3.6-26.8-4.1-9.5-.5-18.9.1-27.9 3.2-10.8 3.8-19.5 10.3-24.6 20.8-4.1 8.3-4.6 17-3.4 25.8zM98.7 106.9v175.3c0 .8 0 1.7.1 2.5.2 2.5 1.7 4.1 4.1 4.2 5.9.1 11.8.1 17.7 0 2.5 0 4-1.7 4.1-4.1.1-.8.1-1.7.1-2.5v-60.7c.9.7 1.4 1.2 1.9 1.6 15 12.5 32.2 16.6 51.1 12.9 17.1-3.4 28.9-13.9 36.7-29.2 5.8-11.6 8.3-24.1 8.7-37 .5-14.3-1-28.4-6.8-41.7-7.1-16.4-18.9-27.3-36.7-30.9-2.7-.6-5.5-.8-8.2-1.2h-7c-1.2.2-2.4.3-3.6.5-11.7 1.4-22.3 5.8-31.8 12.7-2 1.4-3.9 3-5.9 4.5-.1-.5-.3-.8-.4-1.2-.4-2.3-.7-4.6-1.1-6.9-.6-3.9-2.5-5.5-6.4-5.6h-9.7c-5.9-.1-6.9 1-6.9 6.8zM493.6 339c-2.7-.7-5.1 0-7.6 1-43.9 18.4-89.5 30.2-136.8 35.8-14.5 1.7-29.1 2.8-43.7 3.2-26.6.7-53.2-.8-79.6-4.3-17.8-2.4-35.5-5.7-53-9.9-37-8.9-72.7-21.7-106.7-38.8-8.8-4.4-17.4-9.3-26.1-14-3.8-2.1-6.2-1.5-8.2 2.1v1.7c1.2 1.6 2.2 3.4 3.7 4.8 36 32.2 76.6 56.5 122 72.9 21.9 7.9 44.4 13.7 67.3 17.5 14 2.3 28 3.8 42.2 4.5 3 .1 6 .2 9 .4.7 0 1.4.2 2.1.3h17.7c.7-.1 1.4-.3 2.1-.3 14.9-.4 29.8-1.8 44.6-4 21.4-3.2 42.4-8.1 62.9-14.7 29.6-9.6 57.7-22.4 83.4-40.1 2.8-1.9 5.7-3.8 8-6.2 4.3-4.4 2.3-10.4-3.3-11.9zm50.4-27.7c-.8-4.2-4-5.8-7.6-7-5.7-1.9-11.6-2.8-17.6-3.3-11-.9-22-.4-32.8 1.6-12 2.2-23.4 6.1-33.5 13.1-1.2.8-2.4 1.8-3.1 3-.6.9-.7 2.3-.5 3.4.3 1.3 1.7 1.6 3 1.5.6 0 1.2 0 1.8-.1l19.5-2.1c9.6-.9 19.2-1.5 28.8-.8 4.1.3 8.1 1.2 12 2.2 4.3 1.1 6.2 4.4 6.4 8.7.3 6.7-1.2 13.1-2.9 19.5-3.5 12.9-8.3 25.4-13.3 37.8-.3.8-.7 1.7-.8 2.5-.4 2.5 1 4 3.4 3.5 1.4-.3 3-1.1 4-2.1 3.7-3.6 7.5-7.2 10.6-11.2 10.7-13.8 17-29.6 20.7-46.6.7-3 1.2-6.1 1.7-9.1.2-4.7.2-9.6.2-14.5z\"] };\nvar faCcAmex = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'cc-amex', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f1f3\", \"M576 255.4c-37.9-.2-44.2-.9-54.5 5v-5c-45.3 0-53.5-1.7-64.9 5.2v-5.2h-78.2v5.1c-11.4-6.5-21.4-5.1-75.7-5.1v5.6c-6.3-3.7-14.5-5.6-24.3-5.6h-58c-3.5 3.8-12.5 13.7-15.7 17.2-12.7-14.1-10.5-11.6-15.5-17.2h-83.1v92.3h82c3.3-3.5 12.9-13.9 16.1-17.4 12.7 14.3 10.3 11.7 15.4 17.4h48.9c0-14.7.1-8.3.1-23 11.5.2 24.3-.2 34.3-6.2 0 13.9-.1 17.1-.1 29.2h39.6c0-18.5.1-7.4.1-25.3 6.2 0 7.7 0 1.3 0 0 0 25.2 152.8 0 145.9 1.1 156.7-4.5v4.5c34.8 0 54.8 2.2 67.5-6.1V432c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V228.3h26.6c4.2-10.1 2.2-5.3 6.4-15.3h19.2c4.2 10 2.2 5.2 6.4 15.3h52.9v-11.4c2.2 5 1.1 2.5 5.1 11.4h29.5c2.4-5.5 2.6-5.8 5.1-11.4v11.4h135.5v-25.1c6.4 0 8-.1 9.8.2 0 0-.2 10.9.1 24.8h66.5v-8.9c7.4 5.9 17.4 8.9 29.7 8.9h26.8c4.2-10.1 2.2-5.3 6.4-15.3h19c6.5 15 .2.5 6.6 15.3h52.8v-21.9c11.8 19.7 7.8 12.9 13.2 21.9h41.6v-92h-39.9v18.4c-12.2-20.2-6.3-10.4-11.2-18.4h-43.3v20.6c-6.2-14.6-4.6-10.8-8.8-20.6h-32.4c-.4 0-2.3.2-2.3-.3h-27.6c-12.8 0-23.1 3.2-30.7 9.3v-9.3h-39.9v5.3c-10.8-6.1-20.7-5.1-64.4-5.3-.1 0-11.6-.1-11.6 0h-103c-2.5 6.1-6.8 16.4-12.6 30-2.8-6-11-23.8-13.9-30h-46V157c-7.4-17.4-4.7-11-9-21.1H22.9c-3.4 7.9-13.7 32-23.1 53.9V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v175.4zm-186.6-80.6c-.3.2-1.4 2.2-1.4 7.6 0 6 .9 7.7 1.1 1.1.5 3.4.5l7.3-16.9c-1.1 0-2.1-.1-3.1-.1-5.6 0-7 .7-7.3 1zm-19.9 130.9c9.2 3.3 11 9.5 11 18.4l-.1 13.8h-16.6l.1-11.5c0-11.8-3.8-13.8-14.8-13.8h-17.6l-.1 25.3h-16.6l.1-69.3h39.4c13 0 27.1 2.3 27.1 18.7-.1 7.6-4.2 15.3-11.9 18.4zm-6.3-15.4c0-6.4-5.6-7.4-10.7-7.4h-21v15.6h20.7c5.6 0 11-1.3 11-8.2zm181.7-7.1H575v-14.6h-32.9c-12.8 0-23.8 6.6-23.8 20.7 0 33 42.7 12.8 42.7 27.4 0 5.1-4.3 6.4-8.4 6.4h-32l-.1 14.8h32c8.4 0 17.6-1.8 22.5-8.9v-25.8c-10.5-13.8-39.3-1.3-39.3-13.5 0-5.8 4.6-6.5 9.2-6.5zm-99.2-.3v-14.3h-55.2l-.1 69.3h55.2l.1-14.3-38.6-.3v-13.8H445v-14.1h-37.8v-12.5h38.5zm42.2 40.1h-32.2l-.1 14.8h32.2c14.8 0 26.2-5.6 26.2-22 0-33.2-42.9-11.2-42.9-26.3 0-5.6 4.9-6.4 9.2-6.4h30.4v-14.6h-33.2c-12.8 0-23.5 6.6-23.5 20.7 0 33 42.7 12.5 42.7 27.4-.1 5.4-4.7 6.4-8.8 6.4zm-78.1-158.7c-17.4-.3-33.2-4.1-33.2 19.7 0 11.8 2.8 19.9 16.1 19.9h7.4l23.5-54.5h24.8l27.9 65.4v-65.4h25.3l29.1 48.1v-48.1h16.9v69H524l-31.2-51.9v51.9h-33.7l-6.6-15.3h-34.3l-6.4 15.3h-19.2c-22.8 0-33-11.8-33-34 0-23.3 10.5-35.3 34-35.3h16.1v15.2zm14.3 24.5h22.8l-11.2-27.6-11.6 27.6zm-72.6-39.6h-16.9v69.3h16.9v-69.3zm-38.1 37.3c9.5 3.3 11 9.2 11 18.4v13.5h-16.6c-.3-14.8 3.6-25.1-14.8-25.1h-18v25.1h-16.4v-69.3l39.1.3c13.3 0 27.4 2 27.4 18.4.1 8-4.3 15.7-11.7 18.7zm-6.7-15.3c0-6.4-5.6-7.4-10.7-7.4h-21v15.3h20.7c5.7 0 11-1.3 11-7.9zm-59.5-7.4v-14.6h-55.5v69.3h55.5v-14.3h-38.9v-13.8h37.8v-14.1h-37.8v-12.5h38.9zm-84.6 54.7v-54.2l-24 54.2H124l-24-54.2v54.2H66.2l-6.4-15.3H25.3l-6.4 15.3H1l29.7-69.3h24.5l28.1 65.7v-65.7h27.1l21.7 47 19.7-47h27.6v69.3h-16.8zM53.9 188.8l-11.5-27.6-11.2 27.6h22.7zm253 102.5c0 27.9-30.4 23.3-49.3 23.3l-.1 23.3h-32.2l-20.4-23-21.3 23h-65.4l.1-69.3h66.5l20.5 22.8 21-22.8H279c15.6 0 27.9 5.4 27.9 22.7zm-112.7 11.8l-17.9-20.2h-41.7v12.5h36.3v14.1h-36.3v13.8h40.6l19-20.2zM241 276l-25.3 27.4 25.3 28.1V276zm48.3 15.3c0-6.1-4.6-8.4-10.2-8.4h-21.5v17.6h21.2c5.9 0 10.5-2.8 10.5-9.2z\"] };\nvar faCcApplePay = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'cc-apple-pay', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f416\", \"M302.2 218.4c0 17.2-10.5 27.1-29 27.1h-24.3v-54.2h24.4c18.4 0 28.9 9.8 28.9 27.1zm47.5 62.6c0 8.3 7.2 13.7 18.5 13.7 14.4 0 25.2-9.1 25.2-21.9v-7.7l-23.5 1.5c-13.3.9-20.2 5.8-20.2 14.4zM576 79v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V79c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM127.8 197.2c8.4.7 16.8-4.2 22.1-10.4 5.2-6.4 8.6-15 7.7-23.7-7.4.3-16.6 4.9-21.9 11.3-4.8 5.5-8.9 14.4-7.9 22.8zm60.6 74.5c-.2-.2-19.6-7.6-19.8-30-.2-18.7 15.3-27.7 16-28.2-8.8-13-22.4-14.4-27.1-14.7-12.2-.7-22.6 6.9-28.4 6.9-5.9 0-14.7-6.6-24.3-6.4-12.5.2-24.2 7.3-30.5 18.6-13.1 22.6-3.4 56 9.3 74.4 6.2 9.1 13.7 19.1 23.5 18.7 9.3-.4 13-6 24.2-6 11.3 0 14.5 6 24.3 5.9 10.2-.2 16.5-9.1 22.8-18.2 6.9-10.4 9.8-20.4 10-21zm135.4-53.4c0-26.6-18.5-44.8-44.9-44.8h-51.2v136.4h21.2v-46.6h29.3c26.8 0 45.6-18.4 45.6-45zm90 23.7c0-19.7-15.8-32.4-40-32.4-22.5 0-39.1 12.9-39.7 30.5h19.1c1.6-8.4 9.4-13.9 20-13.9 13 0 20.2 6 20.2 17.2v7.5l-26.4 1.6c-24.6 1.5-37.9 11.6-37.9 29.1 0 17.7 13.7 29.4 33.4 29.4 13.3 0 25.6-6.7 31.2-17.4h.4V310h19.6v-68zM516 210.9h-21.5l-24.9 80.6h-.4l-24.9-80.6H422l35.9 99.3-1.9 6c-3.2 10.2-8.5 14.2-17.9 14.2-1.7 0-4.9-.2-6.2-.3v16.4c1.2.4 6.5.5 8.1.5 20.7 0 30.4-7.9 38.9-31.8L516 210.9z\"] };\nvar faCcDinersClub = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'cc-diners-club', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f24c\", \"M239.7 79.9c-96.9 0-175.8 78.6-175.8 175.8 0 96.9 78.9 175.8 175.8 175.8 97.2 0 175.8-78.9 175.8-175.8 0-97.2-78.6-175.8-175.8-175.8zm-39.9 279.6c-41.7-15.9-71.4-56.4-71.4-103.8s29.7-87.9 71.4-104.1v207.9zm79.8.3V151.6c41.7 16.2 71.4 56.7 71.4 104.1s-29.7 87.9-71.4 104.1zM528 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM329.7 448h-90.3c-106.2 0-193.8-85.5-193.8-190.2C45.6 143.2 133.2 64 239.4 64h90.3c105 0 200.7 79.2 200.7 193.8 0 104.7-95.7 190.2-200.7 190.2z\"] };\nvar faCcDiscover = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'cc-discover', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f1f2\", \"M83 212.1c0 7.9-3.2 15.5-8.9 20.7-4.9 4.4-11.6 6.4-21.9 6.4H48V185h4.2c10.3 0 16.7 1.7 21.9 6.6 5.7 5 8.9 12.6 8.9 20.5zM504.8 184h-4.9v24.9h4.7c10.3 0 15.8-4.4 15.8-12.8 0-7.9-5.5-12.1-15.6-12.1zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM428 253h45.3v-13.8H444V217h28.3v-13.8H444V185h29.3v-14H428v82zm-86.2-82l35 84.2h8.6l35.5-84.2h-17.5l-22.2 55.2-21.9-55.2h-17.5zm-83 41.6c0 24.6 19.9 44.6 44.6 44.6 24.6 0 44.6-19.9 44.6-44.6 0-24.6-19.9-44.6-44.6-44.6-24.6 0-44.6 19.9-44.6 44.6zm-68-.5c0 32.5 33.6 52.5 63.3 38.2v-19c-19.3 19.3-46.8 5.8-46.8-19.2 0-23.7 26.7-39.1 46.8-19v-19c-30.2-15-63.3 6.8-63.3 38zm-33.9 28.3c-7.6 0-13.8-3.7-17.5-10.8l-10.3 9.9c17.8 26.1 56.6 18.2 56.6-11.3 0-13.1-5.4-19-23.6-25.6-9.6-3.4-12.3-5.9-12.3-10.3 0-8.7 14.5-14.1 24.9-2.5l8.4-10.8c-19.1-17.1-49.7-8.9-49.7 14.3 0 11.3 5.2 17.2 20.2 22.7 25.7 9.1 14.7 24.4 3.3 24.4zm-57.4-28.3c0-24.1-18-41.1-44.1-41.1H32v82h23.4c30.9 0 44.1-22.4 44.1-40.9zm23.4-41.1h-16v82h16v-82zM544 288c-33.3 20.8-226.4 124.4-416 160h401c8.2 0 15-6.8 15-15V288zm0-35l-25.9-34.5c12.1-2.5 18.7-10.6 18.7-23.2 0-28.5-30.3-24.4-52.9-24.4v82h16v-32.8h2.2l22.2 32.8H544z\"] };\nvar faCcJcb = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'cc-jcb', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f24b\", \"M431.5 244.3V212c41.2 0 38.5.2 38.5.2 7.3 1.3 13.3 7.3 13.3 16 0 8.8-6 14.5-13.3 15.8-1.2.4-3.3.3-38.5.3zm42.8 20.2c-2.8-.7-3.3-.5-42.8-.5v35c39.6 0 40 .2 42.8-.5 7.5-1.5 13.5-8 13.5-17 0-8.7-6-15.5-13.5-17zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM182 192.3h-57c0 67.1 10.7 109.7-35.8 109.7-19.5 0-38.8-5.7-57.2-14.8v28c30 8.3 68 8.3 68 8.3 97.9 0 82-47.7 82-131.2zm178.5 4.5c-63.4-16-165-14.9-165 59.3 0 77.1 108.2 73.6 165 59.2V287C312.9 311.7 253 309 253 256s59.8-55.6 107.5-31.2v-28zM544 286.5c0-18.5-16.5-30.5-38-32v-.8c19.5-2.7 30.3-15.5 30.3-30.2 0-19-15.7-30-37-31 0 0 6.3-.3-120.3-.3v127.5h122.7c24.3.1 42.3-12.9 42.3-33.2z\"] };\nvar faCcMastercard = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'cc-mastercard', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f1f1\", \"M482.9 410.3c0 6.8-4.6 11.7-11.2 11.7-6.8 0-11.2-5.2-11.2-11.7 0-6.5 4.4-11.7 11.2-11.7 6.6 0 11.2 5.2 11.2 11.7zm-310.8-11.7c-7.1 0-11.2 5.2-11.2 11.7 0 6.5 4.1 11.7 11.2 11.7 6.5 0 10.9-4.9 10.9-11.7-.1-6.5-4.4-11.7-10.9-11.7zm117.5-.3c-5.4 0-8.7 3.5-9.5 8.7h19.1c-.9-5.7-4.4-8.7-9.6-8.7zm107.8.3c-6.8 0-10.9 5.2-10.9 11.7 0 6.5 4.1 11.7 10.9 11.7 6.8 0 11.2-4.9 11.2-11.7 0-6.5-4.4-11.7-11.2-11.7zm105.9 26.1c0 . 1.1 0 .3-.3.5-.3 1.1-.3.3-.3.5-.5.8-.3.3-.5.5-1.1.5-.3.3-.5.3-1.1.3-.3 0-.5 0-1.1-.3-.3 0-.5-.3-.8-.5-.3-.3-.5-.5-.5-.8-.3-.5-.3-.8-.3-1.1 0-.5 0-.8.3-1.1 0-.5.3-.8.5-1.1.3-.3.5-.3.8-.5.5-.3.8-.3 1.1-.3.5 0 .8 0 1.1.5s.2.6.5 1.1zm-2.2 1.4c.5 0 .5-.3.8-.3.3-.3.3-.5.3-.8 0-.3 0-.5-.3-.8-.3 0-.5-.3-1.1-.3h-1.6v3.5h.8V426h.3l1.1 1.4h.8l-1.1-1.3zM576 81v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V81c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM64 220.6c0 76.5 62.1 138.5 138.5 138.5 27.2 0 53.9-8.2 76.5-23.1-72.9-59.3-72.4-171.2 0-230.5-22.6-15-49.3-23.1-76.5-23.1-76.4-.1-138.5 62-138.5 138.2zm224 108.8c70.5-55 70.2-162.2 0-217.5-70.2 55.3-70.5 162.6 0 217.5zm-142.3 76.3c0-8.7-5.7-14.4-14.7-14.7-4.6 0-9.5 1.4-12.8 6.5-2.4-4.1-6.5-6.5-12.2-6.5-3.8 0-7.6 1.4-10.6 5.4V392h-8.2v36.7h8.2c0-18.9-2.5-30.2 9-30.2 10.2 0 8.2 10.2 8.2 30.2h7.9c0-18.3-2.5-30.2 9-30.2 10.2 0 8.2 10 8.2 30.2h8.2v-23zm44.9-13.7h-7.9v4.4c-2.7-3.3-6.5-5.4-11.7-5.4-10.3 0-18.2 8.2-18.2 19.3 0 11.2 7.9 19.3 18.2 19.3 5.2 0 9-1.9 11.7-5.4v4.6h7.9V392zm40.5 25.6c0-15-22.9-8.2-22.9-15.2 0-5.7 11.9-4.8 18.5-1.1l3.3-6.5c-9.4-6.1-30.2-6-30.2 8.2 0 14.3 22.9 8.3 22.9 15 0 6.3-13.5 5.8-20.7.8l-3.5 6.3c11.2 7.6 32.6 6 32.6-7.5zm35.4 9.3l-2.2-6.8c-3.8 2.1-12.2 4.4-12.2-4.1v-16.6h13.1V392h-13.1v-11.2h-8.2V392h-7.6v7.3h7.6V416c0 17.6 17.3 14.4 22.6 10.9zm13.3-13.4h27.5c0-16.2-7.4-22.6-17.4-22.6-10.6 0-18.2 7.9-18.2 19.3 0 20.5 22.6 23.9 33.8 14.2l-3.8-6c-7.8 6.4-19.6 5.8-21.9-4.9zm59.1-21.5c-4.6-2-11.6-1.8-15.2 4.4V392h-8.2v36.7h8.2V408c0-11.6 9.5-10.1 12.8-8.4l2.4-7.6zm10.6 18.3c0-11.4 11.6-15.1 20.7-8.4l3.8-6.5c-11.6-9.1-32.7-4.1-32.7 15 0 19.8 22.4 23.8 32.7 15l-3.8-6.5c-9.2 6.5-20.7 2.6-20.7-8.6zm66.7-18.3H408v4.4c-8.3-11-29.9-4.8-29.9 13.9 0 19.2 22.4 24.7 29.9 13.9v4.6h8.2V392zm33.7 0c-2.4-1.2-11-2.9-15.2 4.4V392h-7.9v36.7h7.9V408c0-11 9-10.3 12.8-8.4l2.4-7.6zm40.3-14.9h-7.9v19.3c-8.2-10.9-29.9-5.1-29.9 13.9 0 19.4 22.5 24.6 29.9 13.9v4.6h7.9v-51.7zm7.6-75.1v4.6h.8V302h1.9v-.8h-4.6v.8h1.9zm6.6 123.8c0-.5 0-1.1-.3-1.6-.3-.3-.5-.8-.8-1.1-.3-.3-.8-.5-1.1-.8-.5 0-1.1-.3-1.6-.3-.3 0-.8.3-1.4.3-.5.3-.8.5-1.1.8-.5.3-.8.8-.8 1.1-.3.5-.3 1.1-.3 1.6 0 .3 0 .8.3 1.4 0 . 1.1.3 0 1.1 0 1.6-.3.3-.3.8-.5 1.1-.8.3-.3.5-.8.8-1.1.3-.6.3-1.1.3-1.4zm3.2-124.7h-1.4l-1.6 3.5-1.6-3.5h-1.4v5.4h.8v-4.1l1.6 3.5h1.1l1.4-3.5v4.1h1.1v-5.4zm4.4-80.5c0-76.2-62.1-138.3-138.5-138.3-27.2 0-53.9 8.2-76.5 23.1 72.1 59.3 73.2 171.5 0 230.5 22.6 15 49.5 23.1 76.5 23.1 76.4.1 138.5-61.9 138.5-138.4z\"] };\nvar faCcPaypal = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'cc-paypal', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f1f4\", \"M186.3 258.2c0 12.2-9.7 21.5-22 21.5-9.2 0-16-5.2-16-15 0-12.2 9.5-22 21.7-22 9.3 0 16.3 5.7 16.3 15.5zM80.5 209.7h-4.7c-1.5 0-3 1-3.2 2.7l-4.3 26.7 8.2-.3c11 0 19.5-1.5 21.5-14.2 2.3-13.4-6.2-14.9-17.5-14.9zm284 0H360c-1.8 0-3 1-3.2 2.7l-4.2 26.7 8-.3c13 0 22-3 22-18-.1-10.6-9.6-11.1-18.1-11.1zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM128.3 215.4c0-21-16.2-28-34.7-28h-40c-2.5 0-5 2-5.2 4.7L32 294.2c-.3 2 1.2 4 3.2 4h19c2.7 0 5.2-2.9 5.5-5.7l4.5-26.6c1-7.2 13.2-4.7 18-4.7 28.6 0 46.1-17 46.1-45.8zm84.2 8.8h-19c-3.8 0-4 5.5-4.2 8.2-5.8-8.5-14.2-10-23.7-10-24.5 0-43.2 21.5-43.2 45.2 0 19.5 12.2 32.2 31.7 32.2 9 0 20.2-4.9 26.5-11.9-.5 1.5-1 4.7-1 6.2 0 2.3 1 4 3.2 4H200c2.7 0 5-2.9 5.5-5.7l10.2-64.3c.3-1.9-1.2-3.9-3.2-3.9zm40.5 97.9l63.7-92.6c.5-.5.5-1 .5-1.7 0-1.7-1.5-3.5-3.2-3.5h-19.2c-1.7 0-3.5 1-4.5 2.5l-26.5 39-11-37.5c-.8-2.2-3-4-5.5-4h-18.7c-1.7 0-3.2 1.8-3.2 3.5 0 1.2 19.5 56.8 21.2 62.1-2.7 3.8-20.5 28.6-20.5 31.6 0 1.8 1.5 3.2 3.2 3.2h19.2c1.8-.1 3.5-1.1 4.5-2.6zm159.3-106.7c0-21-16.2-28-34.7-28h-39.7c-2.7 0-5.2 2-5.5 4.7l-16.2 102c-.2 2 1.3 4 3.2 4h20.5c2 0 3.5-1.5 4-3.2l4.5-29c1-7.2 13.2-4.7 18-4.7 28.4 0 45.9-17 45.9-45.8zm84.2 8.8h-19c-3.8 0-4 5.5-4.3 8.2-5.5-8.5-14-10-23.7-10-24.5 0-43.2 21.5-43.2 45.2 0 19.5 12.2 32.2 31.7 32.2 9.3 0 20.5-4.9 26.5-11.9-.3 1.5-1 4.7-1 6.2 0 2.3 1 4 3.2 4H484c2.7 0 5-2.9 5.5-5.7l10.2-64.3c.3-1.9-1.2-3.9-3.2-3.9zm47.5-33.3c0-2-1.5-3.5-3.2-3.5h-18.5c-1.5 0-3 1.2-3.2 2.7l-16.2 104-.3.5c0 1.8 1.5 3.5 3.5 3.5h16.5c2.5 0 5-2.9 5.2-5.7L544 191.2v-.3zm-90 51.8c-12.2 0-21.7 9.7-21.7 22 0 9.7 7 15 16.2 15 12 0 21.7-9.2 21.7-21.5.1-9.8-6.9-15.5-16.2-15.5z\"] };\nvar faCcStripe = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'cc-stripe', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f1f5\", \"M396.9 256.5c0 19.1-8.8 33.4-21.9 33.4-8.3 0-13.3-3-16.8-6.7l-.2-52.8c3.7-4.1 8.8-7 17-7 12.9-.1 21.9 14.5 21.9 33.1zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM122.2 281.1c0-42.3-54.3-34.7-54.3-50.7 0-5.5 4.6-7.7 12.1-7.7 10.8 0 24.5 3.3 35.3 9.1v-33.4c-11.8-4.7-23.5-6.5-35.3-6.5-28.8 0-48 15-48 40.2 0 39.3 54 32.9 54 49.9 0 6.6-5.7 8.7-13.6 8.7-11.8 0-26.9-4.9-38.9-11.3v33.9c13.2 5.7 26.6 8.1 38.8 8.1 29.6-.2 49.9-14.7 49.9-40.3zm68.9-86.9h-27v-30.8l-34.7 7.4-.2 113.9c0 21 15.8 36.5 36.9 36.5 11.6 0 20.2-2.1 24.9-4.7v-28.9c-4.5 1.8-27 8.3-27-12.6v-50.5h27v-30.3zm73.8 0c-4.7-1.7-21.3-4.8-29.6 10.5l-2.2-10.5h-30.7v124.5h35.5v-84.4c8.4-11 22.6-8.9 27.1-7.4v-32.7zm44.2 0h-35.7v124.5h35.7V194.2zm0-47.3l-35.7 7.6v28.9l35.7-7.6v-28.9zm122.7 108.8c0-41.3-23.5-63.8-48.4-63.8-13.9 0-22.9 6.6-27.8 11.1l-1.8-8.8h-31.3V360l35.5-7.5.1-40.2c5.1 3.7 12.7 9 25.1 9 25.4-.1 48.6-20.5 48.6-65.6zm112.2 1.2c0-36.4-17.6-65.1-51.3-65.1-33.8 0-54.3 28.7-54.3 64.9 0 42.8 24.2 64.5 58.8 64.5 17 0 29.7-3.9 39.4-9.2v-28.6c-9.7 4.9-20.8 7.9-34.9 7.9-13.8 0-26-4.9-27.6-21.5h69.5c.1-2 .4-9.4.4-12.9zm-51.6-36.1c-8.9 0-18.7 6.7-18.7 22.7h36.7c0-16-9.3-22.7-18-22.7z\"] };\nvar faCcVisa = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'cc-visa', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f1f0\", \"M470.1 231.3s7.6 37.2 9.3 45H446c3.3-8.9 16-43.5 16-43.5-.2.3 3.3-9.1 5.3-14.9l2.8 13.4zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM152.5 331.2L215.7 176h-42.5l-39.3 106-4.3-21.5-14-71.4c-2.3-9.9-9.4-12.7-18.2-13.1H32.7l-.7 3.1c15.8 4 29.9 9.8 42.2 17.1l35.8 135h42.5zm94.4.2L272.1 176h-40.2l-25.1 155.4h40.1zm139.9-50.8c.2-17.7-10.6-31.2-33.7-42.3-14.1-7.1-22.7-11.9-22.7-19.2.2-6.6 7.3-13.4 23.1-13.4 13.1-.3 22.7 2.8 29.9 5.9l3.6 1.7 5.5-33.6c-7.9-3.1-20.5-6.6-36-6.6-39.7 0-67.6 21.2-67.8 51.4-.3 22.3 20 34.7 35.2 42.2 15.5 7.6 20.8 12.6 20.8 19.3-.2 10.4-12.6 15.2-24.1 15.2-16 0-24.6-2.5-37.7-8.3l-5.3-2.5-5.6 34.9c9.4 4.3 26.8 8.1 44.8 8.3 42.2.1 69.7-20.8 70-53zM528 331.4L495.6 176h-31.1c-9.6 0-16.9 2.8-21 12.9l-59.7 142.5H426s6.9-19.2 8.4-23.3H486c1.2 5.5 4.8 23.3 4.8 23.3H528z\"] };\nvar faCentercode = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'centercode', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f380\", \"M329.2 268.6c-3.8 35.2-35.4 60.6-70.6 56.8-35.2-3.8-60.6-35.4-56.8-70.6 3.8-35.2 35.4-60.6 70.6-56.8 35.1 3.8 60.6 35.4 56.8 70.6zm-85.8 235.1C96.7 496-8.2 365.5 10.1 224.3c11.2-86.6 65.8-156.9 139.1-192 161-77.1 349.7 37.4 354.7 216.6 4.1 147-118.4 262.2-260.5 254.8zm179.9-180c27.9-118-160.5-205.9-237.2-234.2-57.5 56.3-69.1 188.6-33.8 344.4 68.8 15.8 169.1-26.4 271-110.2z\"] };\nvar faChrome = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'chrome', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f268\", \"M131.5 217.5L55.1 100.1c47.6-59.2 119-91.8 192-92.1 42.3-.3 85.5 10.5 124.8 33.2 43.4 25.2 76.4 61.4 97.4 103L264 133.4c-58.1-3.4-113.4 29.3-132.5 84.1zm32.9 38.5c0 46.2 37.4 83.6 83.6 83.6s83.6-37.4 83.6-83.6-37.4-83.6-83.6-83.6-83.6 37.3-83.6 83.6zm314.9-89.2L339.6 174c37.9 44.3 38.5 108.2 6.6 157.2L234.1 503.6c46.5 2.5 94.4-7.7 137.8-32.9 107.4-62 150.9-192 107.4-303.9zM133.7 303.6L40.4 120.1C14.9 159.1 0 205.9 0 256c0 124 90.8 226.7 209.5 244.9l63.7-124.8c-57.6 10.8-113.2-20.8-139.5-72.5z\"] };\nvar faCloudscale = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'cloudscale', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f383\", \"M318.1 154l-9.4 7.6c-22.5-19.3-51.5-33.6-83.3-33.6C153.8 128 96 188.8 96 260.3c0 6.6.4 13.1 1.4 19.4-2-56 41.8-97.4 92.6-97.4 24.2 0 46.2 9.4 62.6 24.7l-25.2 20.4c-8.3-.9-16.8 1.8-23.1 8.1-11.1 11-11.1 28.9 0 40 11.1 11 28.9 11 40 0 6.3-6.3 9-14.9 8.1-23.1l75.2-88.8c6.3-6.5-3.3-15.9-9.5-9.6zm-83.8 111.5c-5.6 5.5-14.6 5.5-20.2 0-5.6-5.6-5.6-14.6 0-20.2s14.6-5.6 20.2 0 5.6 14.7 0 20.2zM224 32C100.5 32 0 132.5 0 256s100.5 224 224 224 224-100.5 224-224S347.5 32 224 32zm0 384c-88.2 0-160-71.8-160-160S135.8 96 224 96s160 71.8 160 160-71.8 160-160 160z\"] };\nvar faCloudsmith = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'cloudsmith', icon: [332, 512, [], \"f384\", \"M332.5 419.9c0 46.4-37.6 84.1-84 84.1s-84-37.7-84-84.1 37.6-84 84-84 84 37.6 84 84zm-84-243.9c46.4 0 80-37.6 80-84s-33.6-84-80-84-88 37.6-88 84-29.6 76-76 76-84 41.6-84 88 37.6 80 84 80 84-33.6 84-80 33.6-80 80-80z\"] };\nvar faCloudversify = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'cloudversify', icon: [616, 512, [], \"f385\", \"M148.6 304c8.2 68.5 67.4 115.5 146 111.3 51.2 43.3 136.8 45.8 186.4-5.6 69.2 1.1 118.5-44.6 131.5-99.5 14.8-62.5-18.2-132.5-92.1-155.1-33-88.1-131.4-101.5-186.5-85-57.3 17.3-84.3 53.2-99.3 109.7-7.8 2.7-26.5 8.9-45 24.1 11.7 0 15.2 8.9 15.2 19.5v20.4c0 10.7-8.7 19.5-19.5 19.5h-20.2c-10.7 0-19.5-6-19.5-16.7V240H98.8C95 240 88 244.3 88 251.9v40.4c0 6.4 5.3 11.8 11.7 11.8h48.9zm227.4 8c-10.7 46.3 21.7 72.4 55.3 86.8C324.1 432.6 259.7 348 296 288c-33.2 21.6-33.7 71.2-29.2 92.9-17.9-12.4-53.8-32.4-57.4-79.8-3-39.9 21.5-75.7 57-93.9C297 191.4 369.9 198.7 400 248c-14.1-48-53.8-70.1-101.8-74.8 30.9-30.7 64.4-50.3 114.2-43.7 69.8 9.3 133.2 82.8 67.7 150.5 35-16.3 48.7-54.4 47.5-76.9l10.5 19.6c11.8 22 15.2 47.6 9.4 72-9.2 39-40.6 68.8-79.7 76.5-32.1 6.3-83.1-5.1-91.8-59.2zM128 208H88.2c-8.9 0-16.2-7.3-16.2-16.2v-39.6c0-8.9 7.3-16.2 16.2-16.2H128c8.9 0 16.2 7.3 16.2 16.2v39.6c0 8.9-7.3 16.2-16.2 16.2zM10.1 168C4.5 168 0 163.5 0 157.9v-27.8c0-5.6 4.5-10.1 10.1-10.1h27.7c5.5 0 10.1 4.5 10.1 10.1v27.8c0 5.6-4.5 10.1-10.1 10.1H10.1zM168 142.7v-21.4c0-5.1 4.2-9.3 9.3-9.3h21.4c5.1 0 9.3 4.2 9.3 9.3v21.4c0 5.1-4.2 9.3-9.3 9.3h-21.4c-5.1 0-9.3-4.2-9.3-9.3zM56 235.5v25c0 6.3-5.1 11.5-11.4 11.5H19.4C13.1 272 8 266.8 8 260.5v-25c0-6.3 5.1-11.5 11.4-11.5h25.1c6.4 0 11.5 5.2 11.5 11.5z\"] };\nvar faCodepen = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'codepen', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f1cb\", \"M502.285 159.704l-234-156c-7.987-4.915-16.511-4.96-24.571 0l-234 156C3.714 163.703 0 170.847 0 177.989v155.999c0 7.143 3.714 14.286 9.715 18.286l234 156.022c7.987 4.915 16.511 4.96 24.571 0l234-156.022c6-3.999 9.715-11.143 9.715-18.286V177.989c-.001-7.142-3.715-14.286-9.716-18.285zM278 63.131l172.286 114.858-76.857 51.429L278 165.703V63.131zm-44 0v102.572l-95.429 63.715-76.857-51.429L234 63.131zM44 219.132l55.143 36.857L44 292.846v-73.714zm190 229.715L61.714 333.989l76.857-51.429L234 346.275v102.572zm22-140.858l-77.715-52 77.715-52 77.715 52-77.715 52zm22 140.858V346.275l95.429-63.715 76.857 51.429L278 448.847zm190-156.001l-55.143-36.857L468 219.132v73.714z\"] };\nvar faCodiepie = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'codiepie', icon: [472, 512, [], \"f284\", \"M422.5 202.9c30.7 0 33.5 53.1-.3 53.1h-10.8v44.3h-26.6v-97.4h37.7zM472 352.6C429.9 444.5 350.4 504 248 504 111 504 0 393 0 256S111 8 248 8c97.4 0 172.8 53.7 218.2 138.4l-186 108.8L472 352.6zm-38.5 12.5l-60.3-30.7c-27.1 44.3-70.4 71.4-122.4 71.4-82.5 0-149.2-66.7-149.2-148.9 0-82.5 66.7-149.2 149.2-149.2 48.4 0 88.9 23.5 116.9 63.4l59.5-34.6c-40.7-62.6-104.7-100-179.2-100-121.2 0-219.5 98.3-219.5 219.5S126.8 475.5 248 475.5c78.6 0 146.5-42.1 185.5-110.4z\"] };\nvar faConnectdevelop = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'connectdevelop', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f20e\", \"M550.5 241l-50.089-86.786c1.071-2.142 1.875-4.553 1.875-7.232 0-8.036-6.696-14.733-14.732-15.001l-55.447-95.893c.536-1.607 1.071-3.214 1.071-4.821 0-8.571-6.964-15.268-15.268-15.268-4.821 0-8.839 2.143-11.786 5.625H299.518C296.839 18.143 292.821 16 288 16s-8.839 2.143-11.518 5.625H170.411C167.464 18.143 163.447 16 158.625 16c-8.303 0-15.268 6.696-15.268 15.268 0 1.607.536 3.482 1.072 4.821l-55.983 97.233c-5.356 2.41-9.107 7.5-9.107 13.661 0 .535.268 1.071.268 1.607l-53.304 92.143c-7.232 1.339-12.59 7.5-12.59 15 0 7.232 5.089 13.393 12.054 15l55.179 95.358c-.536 1.607-.804 2.946-.804 4.821 0 7.232 5.089 13.393 12.054 14.732l51.697 89.732c-.536 1.607-1.071 3.482-1.071 5.357 0 8.571 6.964 15.268 15.268 15.268 4.821 0 8.839-2.143 11.518-5.357h106.875C279.161 493.857 283.447 496 288 496s8.839-2.143 11.518-5.357h107.143c2.678 2.946 6.696 4.821 10.982 4.821 8.571 0 15.268-6.964 15.268-15.268 0-1.607-.267-2.946-.803-4.285l51.697-90.268c6.964-1.339 12.054-7.5 12.054-14.732 0-1.607-.268-3.214-.804-4.821l54.911-95.358c6.964-1.339 12.322-7.5 12.322-15-.002-7.232-5.092-13.393-11.788-14.732zM153.535 450.732l-43.66-75.803h43.66v75.803zm0-83.839h-43.66c-.268-1.071-.804-2.142-1.339-3.214l44.999-47.41v50.624zm0-62.411l-50.357 53.304c-1.339-.536-2.679-1.34-4.018-1.607L43.447 259.75c.535-1.339.535-2.679.535-4.018s0-2.41-.268-3.482l51.965-90c2.679-.268 5.357-1.072 7.768-2.679l50.089 51.965v92.946zm0-102.322l-45.803-47.41c1.339-2.143 2.143-4.821 2.143-7.767 0-.268-.268-.804-.268-1.072l43.928-15.804v72.053zm0-80.625l-43.66 15.804 43.66-75.536v59.732zm326.519 39.108l.804 1.339L445.5 329.125l-63.75-67.232 98.036-101.518.268.268zM291.75 355.107l11.518 11.786H280.5l11.25-11.786zm-.268-11.25l-83.303-85.446 79.553-84.375 83.036 87.589-79.286 82.232zm5.357 5.893l79.286-82.232 67.5 71.25-5.892 28.125H313.714l-16.875-17.143zM410.411 44.393c1.071.536 2.142 1.072 3.482 1.34l57.857 100.714v.536c0 2.946.803 5.624 2.143 7.767L376.393 256l-83.035-87.589L410.411 44.393zm-9.107-2.143L287.732 162.518l-57.054-60.268 166.339-60h4.287zm-123.483 0c2.678 2.678 6.16 4.285 10.179 4.285s7.5-1.607 10.179-4.285h75L224.786 95.821 173.893 42.25h103.928zm-116.249 5.625l1.071-2.142a33.834 33.834 0 0 0 2.679-.804l51.161 53.84-54.911 19.821V47.875zm0 79.286l60.803-21.964 59.732 63.214-79.553 84.107-40.982-42.053v-83.304zm0 92.678L198 257.607l-36.428 38.304v-76.072zm0 87.858l42.053-44.464 82.768 85.982-17.143 17.678H161.572v-59.196zm6.964 162.053c-1.607-1.607-3.482-2.678-5.893-3.482l-1.071-1.607v-89.732h99.91l-91.607 94.821h-1.339zm129.911 0c-2.679-2.41-6.428-4.285-10.447-4.285s-7.767 1.875-10.447 4.285h-96.429l91.607-94.821h38.304l91.607 94.821H298.447zm120-11.786l-4.286 7.5c-1.339.268-2.41.803-3.482 1.339l-89.196-91.875h114.376l-17.412 83.036zm12.856-22.232l12.858-60.803h21.964l-34.822 60.803zm34.822-68.839h-20.357l4.553-21.16 17.143 18.214c-.535.803-1.071 1.874-1.339 2.946zm66.161-107.411l-55.447 96.697c-1.339.535-2.679 1.071-4.018 1.874l-20.625-21.964 34.554-163.928 45.803 79.286c-.267 1.339-.803 2.678-.803 4.285 0 1.339.268 2.411.536 3.75z\"] };\nvar faContao = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'contao', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f26d\", \"M45.4 305c14.4 67.1 26.4 129 68.2 175H34c-18.7 0-34-15.2-34-34V66c0-18.7 15.2-34 34-34h57.7C77.9 44.6 65.6 59.2 54.8 75.6c-45.4 70-27 146.8-9.4 229.4zM478 32h-90.2c21.4 21.4 39.2 49.5 52.7 84.1l-137.1 29.3c-14.9-29-37.8-53.3-82.6-43.9-24.6 5.3-41 19.3-48.3 34.6-8.8 18.7-13.2 39.8 8.2 140.3 21.1 100.2 33.7 117.7 49.5 131.2 12.9 11.1 33.4 17 58.3 11.7 44.5-9.4 55.7-40.7 57.4-73.2l137.4-29.6c3.2 71.5-18.7 125.2-57.4 163.6H478c18.7 0 34-15.2 34-34V66c0-18.8-15.2-34-34-34z\"] };\nvar faCpanel = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'cpanel', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f388\", \"M52.9 213.7h40l-6.2 23.6c-1.9 6.5-7.4 10.9-14.3 10.9H53.8c-24.9 0-24.7 37.4 0 37.4h11.3c4.2 0 7.6 3.9 6.4 8.3L64.4 320H52c-33.5 0-59-31.4-50.3-65.2 7.3-27 28.3-41.1 51.2-41.1M73.1 320L108 189.9c1.8-6.4 7.2-10.9 14.3-10.9h37c24.1 0 45.4 16.4 51 41.2 6.6 29.1-14.5 65.3-51.7 65.3h-32l6.4-23.8c1.8-6.2 7.3-10.8 14.3-10.8h10.3c12.4 0 20.8-11.7 18.3-22.6-2.1-9.2-9.9-14.8-18.3-14.8h-19.8L112 309.2c-1.9 6.2-7.4 10.7-14.2 10.7l-24.7.1m220.6-69.4c.3-1 1.9-5.3-2.1-5.3h-57.5c-9.7 0-16.6-8.9-14.2-18.5l3.5-13.4h77.9c18.8 0 33.3 17.6 28.5 36.8l-14 51.8c-2.8 10.6-12.2 17.8-23.4 17.8l-57.5-.2c-42.9 0-38.5-63.8.7-63.8H284l-3.5 13.2c-1.9 6.2-7.4 10.8-14.2 10.8h-21.6c-5.3 0-5.3 7.9 0 7.9h34.9c4.6 0 5.1-3.9 5.5-5.3l8.6-31.8m103.1-36.9c34.4 0 59.3 32.3 50.3 65.4l-8.8 33.1c-1.2 4.9-5.7 7.8-10.3 7.8h-19.1c-4.5 0-7.6-4-6.4-8.3l10.6-40c3.3-11.6-5.6-23.4-18.1-23.4h-19.8l-17.2 64c-1.2 4.8-5.6 7.8-10.4 7.8h-18.9c-4.2 0-7.6-3.9-6.4-8.3l26.2-98h48.3M498 251.6l-8 30c-.9 3.3 1.5 6.7 5.1 6.7h73.3l-5.7 21c-1.9 6.2-7.4 10.7-14.2 10.7h-66.7c-20 0-33.3-19-28.3-36.7l10.8-40c4.8-17.6 20.7-29.6 38.6-29.6h47.3c19 0 33.2 17.7 28.3 36.8l-3.2 12c-2.9 11-12.7 17.6-23.2 17.6h-53.4l3.5-13c1.6-6.2 7.2-10.8 14.2-10.8H538c2 0 3.3-1 3.9-3l.7-2.6c.7-2.7-1.3-5.1-3.9-5.1h-32.9c-4.1 0-6.9 2.1-7.8 6zm70.2 68.4l35.6-133.1c1.2-4.7 5.5-7.9 10.4-7.9h18.9c4.5 0 7.7 4 6.5 8.3l-26.5 98.2c-5.1 20.7-24.2 34.5-44.9 34.5\"] };\nvar faCreativeCommons = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'creative-commons', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f25e\", \"M245.83 214.87l-33.22 17.28c-9.43-19.58-25.24-19.93-27.46-19.93-22.13 0-33.22 14.61-33.22 43.84 0 23.57 9.21 43.84 33.22 43.84 14.47 0 24.65-7.09 30.57-21.26l30.55 15.5c-6.17 11.51-25.69 38.98-65.1 38.98-22.6 0-73.96-10.32-73.96-77.05 0-58.69 43-77.06 72.63-77.06 30.72-.01 52.7 11.95 65.99 35.86zm143.05 0l-32.78 17.28c-9.5-19.77-25.72-19.93-27.9-19.93-22.14 0-33.22 14.61-33.22 43.84 0 23.55 9.23 43.84 33.22 43.84 14.45 0 24.65-7.09 30.54-21.26l31 15.5c-2.1 3.75-21.39 38.98-65.09 38.98-22.69 0-73.96-9.87-73.96-77.05 0-58.67 42.97-77.06 72.63-77.06 30.71-.01 52.58 11.95 65.56 35.86zM247.56 8.05C104.74 8.05 0 123.11 0 256.05c0 138.49 113.6 248 247.56 248 129.93 0 248.44-100.87 248.44-248 0-137.87-106.62-248-248.44-248zm.87 450.81c-112.54 0-203.7-93.04-203.7-202.81 0-105.42 85.43-203.27 203.72-203.27 112.53 0 202.82 89.46 202.82 203.26-.01 121.69-99.68 202.82-202.84 202.82z\"] };\nvar faCreativeCommonsBy = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'creative-commons-by', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f4e7\", \"M314.9 194.4v101.4h-28.3v120.5h-77.1V295.9h-28.3V194.4c0-4.4 1.6-8.2 4.6-11.3 3.1-3.1 6.9-4.7 11.3-4.7H299c4.1 0 7.8 1.6 11.1 4.7 3.1 3.2 4.8 6.9 4.8 11.3zm-101.5-63.7c0-23.3 11.5-35 34.5-35s34.5 11.7 34.5 35c0 23-11.5 34.5-34.5 34.5s-34.5-11.5-34.5-34.5zM247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3z\"] };\nvar faCreativeCommonsNc = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'creative-commons-nc', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f4e8\", \"M247.6 8C387.4 8 496 115.9 496 256c0 147.2-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.1 504 0 393.2 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zM55.8 189.1c-7.4 20.4-11.1 42.7-11.1 66.9 0 110.9 92.1 202.4 203.7 202.4 122.4 0 177.2-101.8 178.5-104.1l-93.4-41.6c-7.7 37.1-41.2 53-68.2 55.4v38.1h-28.8V368c-27.5-.3-52.6-10.2-75.3-29.7l34.1-34.5c31.7 29.4 86.4 31.8 86.4-2.2 0-6.2-2.2-11.2-6.6-15.1-14.2-6-1.8-.1-219.3-97.4zM248.4 52.3c-38.4 0-112.4 8.7-170.5 93l94.8 42.5c10-31.3 40.4-42.9 63.8-44.3v-38.1h28.8v38.1c22.7 1.2 43.4 8.9 62 23L295 199.7c-42.7-29.9-83.5-8-70 11.1 53.4 24.1 43.8 19.8 93 41.6l127.1 56.7c4.1-17.4 6.2-35.1 6.2-53.1 0-57-19.8-105-59.3-143.9-39.3-39.9-87.2-59.8-143.6-59.8z\"] };\nvar faCreativeCommonsNcEu = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'creative-commons-nc-eu', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f4e9\", \"M247.7 8C103.6 8 0 124.8 0 256c0 136.3 111.7 248 247.7 248C377.9 504 496 403.1 496 256 496 117 388.4 8 247.7 8zm.6 450.7c-112 0-203.6-92.5-203.6-202.7 0-23.2 3.7-45.2 10.9-66l65.7 29.1h-4.7v29.5h23.3c0 6.2-.4 3.2-.4 19.5h-22.8v29.5h27c11.4 67 67.2 101.3 124.6 101.3 26.6 0 50.6-7.9 64.8-15.8l-10-46.1c-8.7 4.6-28.2 10.8-47.3 10.8-28.2 0-58.1-10.9-67.3-50.2h90.3l128.3 56.8c-1.5 2.1-56.2 104.3-178.8 104.3zm-16.7-190.6l-.5-.4.9.4h-.4zm77.2-19.5h3.7v-29.5h-70.3l-28.6-12.6c2.5-5.5 5.4-10.5 8.8-14.3 12.9-15.8 31.1-22.4 51.1-22.4 18.3 0 35.3 5.4 46.1 10l11.6-47.3c-15-6.6-37-12.4-62.3-12.4-39 0-72.2 15.8-95.9 42.3-5.3 6.1-9.8 12.9-13.9 20.1l-81.6-36.1c64.6-96.8 157.7-93.6 170.7-93.6 113 0 203 90.2 203 203.4 0 18.7-2.1 36.3-6.3 52.9l-136.1-60.5z\"] };\nvar faCreativeCommonsNcJp = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'creative-commons-nc-jp', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f4ea\", \"M247.7 8C103.6 8 0 124.8 0 256c0 136.4 111.8 248 247.7 248C377.9 504 496 403.2 496 256 496 117.2 388.5 8 247.7 8zm.6 450.7c-112 0-203.6-92.5-203.6-202.7 0-21.1 3-41.2 9-60.3l127 56.5h-27.9v38.6h58.1l5.7 11.8v18.7h-63.8V360h63.8v56h61.7v-56h64.2v-35.7l81 36.1c-1.5 2.2-57.1 98.3-175.2 98.3zm87.6-137.3h-57.6v-18.7l2.9-5.6 54.7 24.3zm6.5-51.4v-17.8h-38.6l63-116H301l-43.4 96-23-10.2-39.6-85.7h-65.8l27.3 51-81.9-36.5c27.8-44.1 82.6-98.1 173.7-98.1 112.8 0 203 90 203 203.4 0 21-2.7 40.6-7.9 59l-101-45.1z\"] };\nvar faCreativeCommonsNd = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'creative-commons-nd', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f4eb\", \"M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm94 144.3v42.5H162.1V197h180.3zm0 79.8v42.5H162.1v-42.5h180.3z\"] };\nvar faCreativeCommonsPd = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'creative-commons-pd', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f4ec\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119.1 0 256c0 137 111 248 248 248s248-111 248-248C496 119.1 385 8 248 8zm0 449.5c-139.2 0-235.8-138-190.2-267.9l78.8 35.1c-2.1 10.5-3.3 21.5-3.3 32.9 0 99 73.9 126.9 120.4 126.9 22.9 0 53.5-6.7 79.4-29.5L297 311.1c-5.5 6.3-17.6 16.7-36.3 16.7-37.8 0-53.7-39.9-53.9-71.9 230.4 102.6 216.5 96.5 217.9 96.8-34.3 62.4-100.6 104.8-176.7 104.8zm194.2-150l-224-100c18.8-34 54.9-30.7 74.7-11l40.4-41.6c-27.1-23.3-58-27.5-78.1-27.5-47.4 0-80.9 20.5-100.7 51.6l-74.9-33.4c36.1-54.9 98.1-91.2 168.5-91.2 111.1 0 201.5 90.4 201.5 201.5 0 18-2.4 35.4-6.8 52-.3-.1-.4-.2-.6-.4z\"] };\nvar faCreativeCommonsPdAlt = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'creative-commons-pd-alt', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f4ed\", \"M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zM135.5 323.3V186h68.2c33.7 0 50.5 15.5 50.5 46.5 0 9-3 46.5-57.1 46.5h-27v44.3h-34.6zm34.1-111.6v41.6h29.2c27.9 0 30-41.6-.9-41.6h-28.3zm93.9 111.6V186h53.2c21.4 0 70 5.2 70 68.6 0 63.5-48.6 68.6-70 68.6h-53.2zm34.1-108.5v79.7h19.9c24 0 34.5-15.3 34.5-39.9 0-42-31.2-39.9-35-39.9l-19.4.1z\"] };\nvar faCreativeCommonsRemix = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'creative-commons-remix', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f4ee\", \"M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm161.7 207.7l4.9 2.2v70c-7.2 3.6-63.4 27.5-67.3 28.8-6.5-1.8-113.7-46.8-137.3-56.2l-64.2 26.6-63.3-27.5v-63.8l59.3-24.8c-.7-.7-.4 5-.4-70.4l67.3-29.7L361 178.5v61.6l49.1 20.3zm-70.4 81.5v-43.8h-.4v-1.8l-113.8-46.5V295l113.8 46.9v-.4l.4.4zm7.5-57.6l39.9-16.4-36.8-15.5-39 16.4 35.9 15.5zm52.3 38.1v-43L355.2 298v43.4l44.3-19z\"] };\nvar faCreativeCommonsSa = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'creative-commons-sa', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f4ef\", \"M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zM137.7 221c13-83.9 80.5-95.7 108.9-95.7 99.8 0 127.5 82.5 127.5 134.2 0 63.6-41 132.9-128.9 132.9-38.9 0-99.1-20-109.4-97h62.5c1.5 30.1 19.6 45.2 54.5 45.2 23.3 0 58-18.2 58-82.8 0-82.5-49.1-80.6-56.7-80.6-33.1 0-51.7 14.6-55.8 43.8h18.2l-49.2 49.2-49-49.2h19.4z\"] };\nvar faCreativeCommonsSampling = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'creative-commons-sampling', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f4f0\", \"M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm3.6 53.2c2.8-.3 11.5 1 11.5 11.5l6.6 107.2 4.9-59.3c0-6 4.7-10.6 10.6-10.6 5.9 0 10.6 4.7 10.6 10.6 0 2.5-.5-5.7 5.7 81.5l5.8-64.2c.3-2.9 2.9-9.3 10.2-9.3 3.8 0 9.9 2.3 10.6 8.9l11.5 96.5 5.3-12.8c1.8-4.4 5.2-6.6 10.2-6.6h58v21.3h-50.9l-18.2 44.3c-3.9 9.9-19.5 9.1-20.8-3.1l-4-31.9-7.5 92.6c-.3 3-3 9.3-10.2 9.3-3 0-9.8-2.1-10.6-9.3 0-1.9.6 5.8-6.2-77.9l-5.3 72.2c-1.1 4.8-4.8 9.3-10.6 9.3-2.9 0-9.8-2-10.6-9.3 0-1.9.5 6.7-5.8-87.7l-5.8 94.8c0 6.3-3.6 12.4-10.6 12.4-5.2 0-10.6-4.1-10.6-12l-5.8-87.7c-5.8 92.5-5.3 84-5.3 85.9-1.1 4.8-4.8 9.3-10.6 9.3-3 0-9.8-2.1-10.6-9.3 0-.7-.4-1.1-.4-2.6l-6.2-88.6L182 348c-.7 6.5-6.7 9.3-10.6 9.3-5.8 0-9.6-4.1-10.6-8.9L149.7 272c-2 4-3.5 8.4-11.1 8.4H87.2v-21.3H132l13.7-27.9c4.4-9.9 18.2-7.2 19.9 2.7l3.1 20.4 8.4-97.9c0-6 4.8-10.6 10.6-10.6.5 0 10.6-.2 10.6 12.4l4.9 69.1 6.6-92.6c0-10.1 9.5-10.6 10.2-10.6.6 0 10.6.7 10.6 10.6l5.3 80.6 6.2-97.9c.1-1.1-.6-10.3 9.9-11.5z\"] };\nvar faCreativeCommonsSamplingPlus = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'creative-commons-sampling-plus', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f4f1\", \"M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm107 205.6c-4.7 0-9 2.8-10.7 7.2l-4 9.5-11-92.8c-1.7-13.9-22-13.4-23.1.4l-4.3 51.4-5.2-68.8c-1.1-14.3-22.1-14.2-23.2 0l-3.5 44.9-5.9-94.3c-.9-14.5-22.3-14.4-23.2 0l-5.1 83.7-4.3-66.3c-.9-14.4-22.2-14.4-23.2 0l-5.3 80.2-4.1-57c-1.1-14.3-22-14.3-23.2-.2l-7.7 89.8-1.8-12.2c-1.7-11.4-17.1-13.6-22-3.3l-13.2 27.7H87.5v23.2h51.3c4.4 0 8.4-2.5 10.4-6.4l10.7 73.1c2 13.5 21.9 13 23.1-.7l3.8-43.6 5.7 78.3c1.1 14.4 22.3 14.2 23.2-.1l4.6-70.4 4.8 73.3c.9 14.4 22.3 14.4 23.2-.1l4.9-80.5 4.5 71.8c.9 14.3 22.1 14.5 23.2.2l4.6-58.6 4.9 64.4c1.1 14.3 22 14.2 23.1.1l6.8-83 2.7 22.3c1.4 11.8 17.7 14.1 22.3 3.1l18-43.4h50.5V258l-58.4.3zm-78 5.2h-21.9v21.9c0 4.1-3.3 7.5-7.5 7.5-4.1 0-7.5-3.3-7.5-7.5v-21.9h-21.9c-4.1 0-7.5-3.3-7.5-7.5 0-4.1 3.4-7.5 7.5-7.5h21.9v-21.9c0-4.1 3.4-7.5 7.5-7.5s7.5 3.3 7.5 7.5v21.9h21.9c4.1 0 7.5 3.3 7.5 7.5 0 4.1-3.4 7.5-7.5 7.5z\"] };\nvar faCreativeCommonsShare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'creative-commons-share', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f4f2\", \"M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm101 132.4c7.8 0 13.7 6.1 13.7 13.7v182.5c0 7.7-6.1 13.7-13.7 13.7H214.3c-7.7 0-13.7-6-13.7-13.7v-54h-54c-7.8 0-13.7-6-13.7-13.7V131.1c0-8.2 6.6-12.7 12.4-13.7h136.4c7.7 0 13.7 6 13.7 13.7v54h54zM159.9 300.3h40.7V198.9c0-7.4 5.8-12.6 12-13.7h55.8v-40.3H159.9v155.4zm176.2-88.1H227.6v155.4h108.5V212.2z\"] };\nvar faCss3 = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'css3', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f13c\", \"M480 32l-64 368-223.3 80L0 400l19.6-94.8h82l-8 40.6L210 390.2l134.1-44.4 18.8-97.1H29.5l16-82h333.7l10.5-52.7H56.3l16.3-82H480z\"] };\nvar faCss3Alt = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'css3-alt', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f38b\", \"M0 32l34.9 395.8L192 480l157.1-52.2L384 32H0zm313.1 80l-4.8 47.3L193 208.6l-.3.1h111.5l-12.8 146.6-98.2 28.7-98.8-29.2-6.4-73.9h48.9l3.2 38.3 52.6 13.3 54.7-15.4 3.7-61.6-166.3-.5v-.1l-.2.1-3.6-46.3L193.1 162l6.5-2.7H76.7L70.9 112h242.2z\"] };\nvar faCuttlefish = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'cuttlefish', icon: [440, 512, [], \"f38c\", \"M344 305.5c-17.5 31.6-57.4 54.5-96 54.5-56.6 0-104-47.4-104-104s47.4-104 104-104c38.6 0 78.5 22.9 96 54.5 13.7-50.9 41.7-93.3 87-117.8C385.7 39.1 320.5 8 248 8 111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248c72.5 0 137.7-31.1 183-80.7-45.3-24.5-73.3-66.9-87-117.8z\"] };\nvar faDAndD = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'd-and-d', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f38d\", \"M82.5 98.9c-.6-17.2 2-33.8 12.7-48.2.3 7.4 1.2 14.5 4.2 21.6 5.9-27.5 19.7-49.3 42.3-65.5-1.9 5.9-3.5 11.8-3 17.7 8.7-7.4 18.8-17.8 44.4-22.7 14.7-2.8 29.7-2 42.1 1 38.5 9.3 61 34.3 69.7 72.3 5.3 23.1.7 45-8.3 66.4-5.2 12.4-12 24.4-20.7 35.1-2-1.9-3.9-3.8-5.8-5.6-42.8-40.8-26.8-25.2-37.4-37.4-1.1-1.2-1-2.2-.1-3.6 8.3-13.5 11.8-28.2 10-44-1.1-9.8-4.3-18.9-11.3-26.2-14.5-15.3-39.2-15-53.5.6-11.4 12.5-14.1 27.4-10.9 43.6.2 1.3.4 2.7 0 3.9-3.4 13.7-4.6 27.6-2.5 1.1.1 1.6 0 .3-.1.5-.2 1.1-21.8-11-36-28.3-43.2-52.2-8.3 17.8-11.1 35.5-6.6 54.1-15.6-15.2-21.3-34.3-22-55.2zm469.6 123.2c-11.6-11.6-25-20.4-40.1-26.6-12.8-5.2-26-7.9-39.9-7.1-10 .6-19.6 3.1-29 6.4-2.5.9-5.1 1.6-7.7 2.2-4.9 1.2-7.3-3.1-4.7-6.8 3.2-4.6 3.4-4.2 15-12 .6-.4 1.2-.8 2.2-1.5h-2.5c-.6 0-1.2.2-1.9.3-19.3 3.3-30.7 15.5-48.9 29.6-10.4 8.1-13.8 3.8-12-.5 1.4-3.5 3.3-6.7 5.1-10 1-1.8 2.3-3.4 3.5-5.1-.2-.2-.5-.3-.7-.5-27 18.3-46.7 42.4-57.7 1 .9.3-.6.5-1.2.9-1.7 10.4-12.1 22.8-21.8 36.6-29.8 18.2-10.6 37.5-18.3 58.7-20.2 4.3-.4 8.7-.1 13.1-.1-1.8.7-3.5.9-5.3 1.1-18.5 2.4-35.5 9-51.5 18.5-30.2 17.9-54.5 42.2-75.1 70.4-.3.4-.4.9-.7 1.3 14.5 5.3 24 17.3 36.1 25.6.2-.1.3-.2.4-.4l1.2-2.7c12.2-26.9 27-52.3 46.7-74.5 16.7-18.8 38-25.3 62.5-20 5.9 1.3 11.4 4.4 17.2 6.8 2.3-1.4 5.1-3.2 8-4.7 8.4-4.3 17.4-7 26.7-9 14.7-3.1 29.5-4.9 44.5-1.3v-.5c-.5-.4-1.2-.8-1.7-1.4zM316.7 397.6c-39.4-33-22.8-19.5-42.7-35.6-.8.9 0-.2-1.9 3-11.2 19.1-25.5 35.3-44 47.6-10.3 6.8-21.5 11.8-34.1 11.8-21.6 0-38.2-9.5-49.4-27.8-12-19.5-13.3-40.7-8.2-62.6 7.8-33.8 30.1-55.2 38.6-64.3-18.7-6.2-33 1.7-46.4 13.9.8-13.9 4.3-26.2 11.8-37.3-24.3 10.6-45.9 25-64.8 43.9-.3-5.8 5.4-43.7 5.6-44.7.3-2.7-.6-5.3-3-7.4-24.2 24.7-44.5 51.8-56.1 84.6 7.4-5.9 14.9-11.4 23.6-16.2-8.3 22.3-19.6 52.8-7.8 101.1 4.6 19 11.9 36.8 24.1 52.3 2.9 3.7 6.3 6.9 9.5 10.3.2-.2.4-.3.6-.5-1.4-7-2.2-14.1-1.5-21.9 2.2 3.2 3.9 6 5.9 8.6 12.6 16 28.7 27.4 47.2 35.6 25 11.3 51.1 13.3 77.9 8.6 54.9-9.7 90.7-48.6 116-98.8 1-1.8.6-2.9-.9-4.2zm172-46.4c-9.5-3.1-22.2-4.2-28.7-2.9 9.9 4 14.1 6.6 18.8 12 12.6 14.4 10.4 34.7-5.4 45.6-11.7 8.1-24.9 10.5-38.9 9.1-1.2-.1-2.3-.4-3-.6 2.8-3.7 6-7 8.1-10.8 9.4-16.8 5.4-42.1-8.7-56.1-2.1-2.1-4.6-3.9-7-5.9-.3 1.3-.1 2.1.1 2.8 4.2 16.6-8.1 32.4-24.8 31.8-7.6-.3-13.9-3.8-19.6-8.5-19.5-16.1-39.1-32.1-58.5-48.3-5.9-4.9-12.5-8.1-20.1-8.7-4.6-.4-9.3-.6-13.9-.9-5.9-.4-8.8-2.8-10.4-8.4-.9-3.4-1.5-6.8-2.2-10.2-1.5-8.1-6.2-13-14.3-14.2-4.4-.7-8.9-1-13.3-1.5-13-1.4-19.8-7.4-22.6-20.3-5 11-1.6 22.4 7.3 29.9 4.5 3.8 9.3 7.3 13.8 11.2 4.6 3.8 7.4 8.7 7.9 14.8.4 4.7.8 9.5 1.8 14.1 2.2 10.6 8.9 18.4 17 25.1 16.5 13.7 33 27.3 49.5 41.1 17.9 15 13.9 32.8 13 56-.9 22.9 12.2 42.9 33.5 51.2 1 .4 2 .6 3.6 1.1-15.7-18.2-10.1-44.1.7-52.3.3 2.2.4 4.3.9 6.4 9.4 44.1 45.4 64.2 85 56.9 16-2.9 30.6-8.9 42.9-19.8 2-1.8 3.7-4.1 5.9-6.5-19.3 4.6-35.8.1-50.9-10.6.7-.3 1.3-.3 1.9-.3 21.3 1.8 40.6-3.4 57-17.4 19.5-16.6 26.6-42.9 17.4-66-8.3-20.1-23.6-32.3-43.8-38.9zM99.4 179.3c-5.3-9.2-13.2-15.6-22.1-21.3 13.7-.5 26.6.2 39.6 3.7-7-12.2-8.5-24.7-5-38.7 5.3 11.9 13.7 20.1 23.6 26.8 19.7 13.2 35.7 19.6 46.7 30.2 3.4 3.3 6.3 7.1 9.6 10.9-.8-2.1-1.4-4.1-2.2-6-5-10.6-13-18.6-22.6-25-1.8-1.2-2.8-2.5-3.4-4.5-3.3-12.5-3-25.1-.7-37.6 1-5.5 2.8-10.9 4.5-16.3.8-2.4 2.3-4.6 4-6.6.6 6.9 0 25.5 19.6 46 10.8 11.3 22.4 21.9 33.9 32.7 9 8.5 18.3 16.7 25.5 26.8 1.1 1.6 2.2 3.3 3.8 4.7-5-13-14.2-24.1-24.2-33.8-9.6-9.3-19.4-18.4-29.2-27.4-3.3-3-4.6-6.7-5.1-10.9-1.2-10.4 0-20.6 4.3-30.2.5-1 1.1-2 1.9-3.3.5 4.2.6 7.9 1.4 11.6 4.8 23.1 20.4 36.3 49.3 63.5 10 9.4 19.3 19.2 25.6 31.6 4.8 9.3 7.3 19 5.7 29.6-.1.6.5 1.7 1.1 2 6.2 2.6 10 6.9 9.7 14.3 7.7-2.6 12.5-8 16.4-14.5 4.2 20.2-9.1 50.3-27.2 58.7.4-4.5 5-23.4-16.5-27.7-6.8-1.3-12.8-1.3-22.9-2.1 4.7-9 10.4-20.6.5-22.4-24.9-4.6-52.8 1.9-57.8 4.6 8.2.4 16.3 1 23.5 3.3-2 6.5-4 12.7-5.8 18.9-1.9 6.5 2.1 14.6 9.3 9.6 1.2-.9 2.3-1.9 3.3-2.7-3.1 17.9-2.9 15.9-2.8 18.3.3 10.2 9.5 7.8 15.7 7.3-2.5 11.8-29.5 27.3-45.4 25.8 7-4.7 12.7-10.3 15.9-17.9-6.5.8-12.9 1.6-19.2 2.4l-.3-.9c4.7-3.4 8-7.8 10.2-13.1 8.7-21.1-3.6-38-25-39.9-9.1-.8-17.8.8-25.9 5.5 6.2-15.6 17.2-26.6 32.6-34.5-15.2-4.3-8.9-2.7-24.6-6.3 14.6-9.3 30.2-13.2 46.5-14.6-5.2-3.2-48.1-3.6-70.2 20.9 7.9 1.4 15.5 2.8 23.2 4.2-23.8 7-44 19.7-62.4 35.6 1.1-4.8 2.7-9.5 3.3-14.3.6-4.5.8-9.2.1-13.6-1.5-9.4-8.9-15.1-19.7-16.3-7.9-.9-15.6.1-23.3 1.3-.9.1-1.7.3-2.9 0 15.8-14.8 36-21.7 53.1-33.5 6-4.5 6.8-8.2 3-14.9zm128.4 26.8c3.3 16 12.6 25.5 23.8 24.3-4.6-11.3-12.1-19.5-23.8-24.3z\"] };\nvar faDashcube = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'dashcube', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f210\", \"M326.6 104H110.4c-51.1 0-91.2 43.3-91.2 93.5V427c0 50.5 40.1 85 91.2 85h227.2c51.1 0 91.2-34.5 91.2-85V0L326.6 104zM153.9 416.5c-17.7 0-32.4-15.1-32.4-32.8V240.8c0-17.7 14.7-32.5 32.4-32.5h140.7c17.7 0 32 14.8 32 32.5v123.5l51.1 52.3H153.9z\"] };\nvar faDelicious = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'delicious', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f1a5\", \"M446.5 68c-.4-1.5-.9-3-1.4-4.5-.9-2.5-2-4.8-3.3-7.1-1.4-2.4-3-4.8-4.7-6.9-2.1-2.5-4.4-4.8-6.9-6.8-1.1-.9-2.2-1.7-3.3-2.5-1.3-.9-2.6-1.7-4-2.4-1.8-1-3.6-1.8-5.5-2.5-1.7-.7-3.5-1.3-5.4-1.7-3.8-1-7.9-1.5-12-1.5H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 4.1.5 8.2 1.5 12 2 7.7 5.8 14.6 11 20.3 1 1.1 2.1 2.2 3.3 3.3 5.7 5.2 12.6 9 20.3 11 3.8 1 7.9 1.5 12 1.5h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c-.1-4.1-.6-8.2-1.6-12zM416 432c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16H224V256H32V80c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h176v192h192v176z\"] };\nvar faDeploydog = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'deploydog', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f38e\", \"M382.2 136h51.7v239.6h-51.7v-20.7c-19.8 24.8-52.8 24.1-73.8 14.7-26.2-11.7-44.3-38.1-44.3-71.8 0-29.8 14.8-57.9 43.3-70.8 20.2-9.1 52.7-10.6 74.8 12.9V136zm-64.7 161.8c0 18.2 13.6 33.5 33.2 33.5 19.8 0 33.2-16.4 33.2-32.9 0-17.1-13.7-33.2-33.2-33.2-19.6 0-33.2 16.4-33.2 32.6zM188.5 136h51.7v239.6h-51.7v-20.7c-19.8 24.8-52.8 24.1-73.8 14.7-26.2-11.7-44.3-38.1-44.3-71.8 0-29.8 14.8-57.9 43.3-70.8 20.2-9.1 52.7-10.6 74.8 12.9V136zm-64.7 161.8c0 18.2 13.6 33.5 33.2 33.5 19.8 0 33.2-16.4 33.2-32.9 0-17.1-13.7-33.2-33.2-33.2-19.7 0-33.2 16.4-33.2 32.6zM448 96c17.5 0 32 14.4 32 32v256c0 17.5-14.4 32-32 32H64c-17.5 0-32-14.4-32-32V128c0-17.5 14.4-32 32-32h384m0-32H64C28.8 64 0 92.8 0 128v256c0 35.2 28.8 64 64 64h384c35.2 0 64-28.8 64-64V128c0-35.2-28.8-64-64-64z\"] };\nvar faDeskpro = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'deskpro', icon: [480, 512, [], \"f38f\", \"M205.9 512l31.1-38.4c12.3-.2 25.6-1.4 36.5-6.6 38.9-18.6 38.4-61.9 38.3-63.8-.1-5-.8-4.4-28.9-37.4H362c-.2 50.1-7.3 68.5-10.2 75.7-9.4 23.7-43.9 62.8-95.2 69.4-8.7 1.1-32.8 1.2-50.7 1.1zm200.4-167.7c38.6 0 58.5-13.6 73.7-30.9l-175.5-.3-17.4 31.3 119.2-.1zm-43.6-223.9v168.3h-73.5l-32.7 55.5H250c-52.3 0-58.1-56.5-58.3-58.9-1.2-13.2-21.3-11.6-20.1 1.8 1.4 15.8 8.8 40 26.4 57.1h-91c-25.5 0-110.8-26.8-107-114V16.9C0 .9 9.7.3 15 .1h82c.2 0 . 4.3-.4 50.1-2.1 50.1 43.7 0 13.3 20.2 13.4 20.2 0 0-18.2-5.5-32.8-15.8-43.7h84.2c108.7-.4 126.5 79.4 126.5 120.2zm-132.5 56l64 29.3c13.3-45.5-42.2-71.7-64-29.3z\"] };\nvar faDeviantart = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'deviantart', icon: [320, 512, [], \"f1bd\", \"M320 93.2l-98.2 179.1 7.4 9.5H320v127.7H159.1l-13.5 9.2-43.7 84c-.3 0-8.6 8.6-9.2 9.2H0v-93.2l93.2-179.4-7.4-9.2H0V102.5h156l13.5-9.2 43.7-84c.3 0 8.6-8.6 9.2-9.2H320v93.1z\"] };\nvar faDigg = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'digg', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f1a6\", \"M81.7 172.3H0v174.4h132.7V96h-51v76.3zm0 133.4H50.9v-92.3h30.8v92.3zm297.2-133.4v174.4h81.8v28.5h-81.8V416H512V172.3H378.9zm81.8 133.4h-30.8v-92.3h30.8v92.3zm-235.6 41h82.1v28.5h-82.1V416h133.3V172.3H225.1v174.4zm51.2-133.3h30.8v92.3h-30.8v-92.3zM153.3 96h51.3v51h-51.3V96zm0 76.3h51.3v174.4h-51.3V172.3z\"] };\nvar faDigitalOcean = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'digital-ocean', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f391\", \"M256 504v-96.1c101.8 0 180.8-100.9 141.7-208-14.3-39.6-46.1-71.4-85.8-85.7-107.1-38.8-208.1 39.9-208.1 141.7H8C8 93.7 164.9-32.8 335 20.3c74.2 23.3 133.6 82.4 156.6 156.6C544.8 347.2 418.6 504 256 504zm.3-191.4h-95.6v95.6h95.6v-95.6zm-95.6 95.6H87v73.6h73.7v-73.6zM87 346.6H25.4v61.6H87v-61.6z\"] };\nvar faDiscord = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'discord', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f392\", \"M297.216 243.2c0 15.616-11.52 28.416-26.112 28.416-14.336 0-26.112-12.8-26.112-28.416s11.52-28.416 26.112-28.416c14.592 0 26.112 12.8 26.112 28.416zm-119.552-28.416c-14.592 0-26.112 12.8-26.112 28.416s11.776 28.416 26.112 28.416c14.592 0 26.112-12.8 26.112-28.416.256-15.616-11.52-28.416-26.112-28.416zM448 52.736V512c-64.494-56.994-43.868-38.128-118.784-107.776l13.568 47.36H52.48C23.552 451.584 0 428.032 0 398.848V52.736C0 23.552 23.552 0 52.48 0h343.04C424.448 0 448 23.552 448 52.736zm-72.96 242.688c0-82.432-36.864-149.248-36.864-149.248-36.864-27.648-71.936-26.88-71.936-26.88l-3.584 4.096c43.52 13.312 63.744 32.512 63.744 32.512-60.811-33.329-132.244-33.335-191.232-7.424-9.472 4.352-15.104 7.424-15.104 7.424s21.248-20.224 67.328-33.536l-2.56-3.072s-35.072-.768-71.936 26.88c0 0-36.864 66.816-36.864 149.248 0 0 21.504 37.12 78.08 38.912 0 0 9.472-11.52 17.152-21.248-32.512-9.728-44.8-30.208-44.8-30.208 3.766 2.636 9.976 6.053 10.496 6.4 43.21 24.198 104.588 32.126 159.744 8.96 8.96-3.328 18.944-8.192 29.44-15.104 0 0-12.8 20.992-46.336 30.464 7.68 9.728 16.896 20.736 16.896 20.736 56.576-1.792 78.336-38.912 78.336-38.912z\"] };\nvar faDiscourse = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'discourse', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f393\", \"M225.9 32C103.3 32 0 130.5 0 252.1 0 256 .1 480 .1 480l225.8-.2c122.7 0 222.1-102.3 222.1-223.9C448 134.3 348.6 32 225.9 32zM224 384c-19.4 0-37.9-4.3-54.4-12.1L88.5 392l22.9-75c-9.8-18.1-15.4-38.9-15.4-61 0-70.7 57.3-128 128-128s128 57.3 128 128-57.3 128-128 128z\"] };\nvar faDochub = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'dochub', icon: [416, 512, [], \"f394\", \"M397.9 160H256V19.6L397.9 160zM304 192v130c0 66.8-36.5 100.1-113.3 100.1H96V84.8h94.7c12 0 23.1.8 33.1 2.5v-84C212.9 1.1 201.4 0 189.2 0H0v512h189.2C329.7 512 400 447.4 400 318.1V192h-96z\"] };\nvar faDocker = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'docker', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f395\", \"M349.9 236.3h-66.1v-59.4h66.1v59.4zm0-204.3h-66.1v60.7h66.1V32zm78.2 144.8H362v59.4h66.1v-59.4zm-156.3-72.1h-66.1v60.1h66.1v-60.1zm78.1 0h-66.1v60.1h66.1v-60.1zm276.8 100c-14.4-9.7-47.6-13.2-73.1-8.4-3.3-24-16.7-44.9-41.1-63.7l-14-9.3-9.3 14c-18.4 27.8-23.4 73.6-3.7 103.8-8.7 4.7-25.8 11.1-48.4 10.7H2.4c-8.7 50.8 5.8 116.8 44 162.1 37.1 43.9 92.7 66.2 165.4 66.2 157.4 0 273.9-72.5 328.4-204.2 21.4.4 67.6.1 91.3-45.2 1.5-2.5 6.6-13.2 8.5-17.1l-13.3-8.9zm-511.1-27.9h-66v59.4h66.1v-59.4zm78.1 0h-66.1v59.4h66.1v-59.4zm78.1 0h-66.1v59.4h66.1v-59.4zm-78.1-72.1h-66.1v60.1h66.1v-60.1z\"] };\nvar faDraft2digital = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'draft2digital', icon: [480, 512, [], \"f396\", \"M369.9 425.4V371l47.1 27.2-47.1 27.2zM82.4 380.6c25.5-27.3 97.7-104.7 150.9-170 35.1-43.1 40.3-82.4 28.4-112.7-7.4-18.8-17.5-30.2-24.3-35.7 45.3 2.1 68 23.4 82.2 38.3 0 0 42.4 48.2 5.8 113.3-37 65.9-110.9 147.5-128.5 166.7H82.4zm51.8-219.2c0 12.4-10 22.4-22.4 22.4-12.4 0-22.4-10-22.4-22.4 0-12.4 10-22.4 22.4-22.4 12.4 0 22.4 10.1 22.4 22.4M336 315.9v64.7h-91.3c30.8-35 81.8-95.9 111.8-149.3 35.2-62.6 16.1-123.4-12.8-153.3-4.4-4.6-62.2-62.9-166-41.2-59.1 12.4-89.4 43.4-104.3 67.3-13.1 20.9-17 39.8-18.2 47.7-5.5 33 19.4 67.1 56.7 67.1 31.7 0 57.3-25.7 57.3-57.4 0-27.1-19.7-52.1-48-56.8 1.8-7.3 17.7-21.1 26.3-24.7 41.1-17.3 78 5.2 83.3 33.5 8.3 44.3-37.1 90.4-69.7 127.6C84.5 328.1 18.3 396.8 0 415.9l336-.1V480l144-81.9-144-82.2z\"] };\nvar faDribbble = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'dribbble', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f17d\", \"M256 8C119.252 8 8 119.252 8 256s111.252 248 248 248 248-111.252 248-248S392.748 8 256 8zm163.97 114.366c29.503 36.046 47.369 81.957 47.835 131.955-6.984-1.477-77.018-15.682-147.502-6.818-5.752-14.041-11.181-26.393-18.617-41.614 78.321-31.977 113.818-77.482 118.284-83.523zM396.421 97.87c-3.81 5.427-35.697 48.286-111.021 76.519-34.712-63.776-73.185-116.168-79.04-124.008 67.176-16.193 137.966 1.27 190.061 47.489zm-230.48-33.25c5.585 7.659 43.438 60.116 78.537 122.509-99.087 26.313-186.36 25.934-195.834 25.809C62.38 147.205 106.678 92.573 165.941 64.62zM44.17 256.323c0-2.166.043-4.322.108-6.473 9.268.19 111.92 1.513 217.706-30.146 6.064 11.868 11.857 23.915 17.174 35.949-76.599 21.575-146.194 83.527-180.531 142.306C64.794 360.405 44.17 310.73 44.17 256.323zm81.807 167.113c22.127-45.233 82.178-103.622 167.579-132.756 29.74 77.283 42.039 142.053 45.189 160.638-68.112 29.013-150.015 21.053-212.768-27.882zm248.38 8.489c-2.171-12.886-13.446-74.897-41.152-151.033 66.38-10.626 124.7 6.768 131.947 9.055-9.442 58.941-43.273 109.844-90.795 141.978z\"] };\nvar faDribbbleSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'dribbble-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f397\", \"M90.2 228.2c8.9-42.4 37.4-77.7 75.7-95.7 3.6 4.9 28 38.8 50.7 79-64 17-120.3 16.8-126.4 16.7zM314.6 154c-33.6-29.8-79.3-41.1-122.6-30.6 3.8 5.1 28.6 38.9 51 80 48.6-18.3 69.1-45.9 71.6-49.4zM140.1 364c40.5 31.6 93.3 36.7 137.3 18-2-12-10-53.8-29.2-103.6-55.1 18.8-93.8 56.4-108.1 85.6zm98.8-108.2c-3.4-7.8-7.2-15.5-11.1-23.2C159.6 253 93.4 252.2 87.4 252c0 1.4-.1 2.8-.1 4.2 0 35.1 13.3 67.1 35.1 91.4 22.2-37.9 67.1-77.9 116.5-91.8zm34.9 16.3c17.9 49.1 25.1 89.1 26.5 97.4 30.7-20.7 52.5-53.6 58.6-91.6-4.6-1.5-42.3-12.7-85.1-5.8zm-20.3-48.4c4.8 9.8 8.3 17.8 12 26.8 45.5-5.7 90.7 3.4 95.2 4.4-.3-32.3-11.8-61.9-30.9-85.1-2.9 3.9-25.8 33.2-76.3 53.9zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-64 176c0-88.2-71.8-160-160-160S64 167.8 64 256s71.8 160 160 160 160-71.8 160-160z\"] };\nvar faDropbox = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'dropbox', icon: [528, 512, [], \"f16b\", \"M264.4 116.3l-132 84.3 132 84.3-132 84.3L0 284.1l132.3-84.3L0 116.3 132.3 32l132.1 84.3zM131.6 395.7l132-84.3 132 84.3-132 84.3-132-84.3zm132.8-111.6l132-84.3-132-83.6L395.7 32 528 116.3l-132.3 84.3L528 284.8l-132.3 84.3-131.3-85z\"] };\nvar faDrupal = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'drupal', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f1a9\", \"M319.5 114.7c-22.2-14-43.5-19.5-64.7-33.5-13-8.8-31.3-30-46.5-48.3-2.7 29.3-11.5 41.2-22 49.5-21.3 17-34.8 22.2-53.5 32.3C117 123 32 181.5 32 290.5 32 399.7 123.8 480 225.8 480 327.5 480 416 406 416 294c0-112.3-83-171-96.5-179.3zm2.5 325.6c-20.1 20.1-90.1 28.7-116.7 4.2-4.8-4.8.3-12 6.5-12 0 0 17 13.3 51.5 13.3 27 0 46-7.7 54.5-14 6.1-4.6 8.4 4.3 4.2 8.5zm-54.5-52.6c8.7-3.6 29-3.8 36.8 1.3 4.1 2.8 16.1 18.8 6.2 23.7-8.4 4.2-1.2-15.7-26.5-15.7-14.7 0-19.5 5.2-26.7 11-7 6-9.8 8-12.2 4.7-6-8.2 15.9-22.3 22.4-25zM360 405c-15.2-1-45.5-48.8-65-49.5-30.9-.9-104.1 80.7-161.3 42-38.8-26.6-14.6-104.8 51.8-105.2 49.5-.5 83.8 49 108.5 48.5 21.3-.3 61.8-41.8 81.8-41.8 48.7 0 23.3 109.3-15.8 106z\"] };\nvar faDyalog = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'dyalog', icon: [416, 512, [], \"f399\", \"M0 32v119.2h64V96h107.2C284.6 96 352 176.2 352 255.9 352 332 293.4 416 171.2 416H0v64h171.2C331.9 480 416 367.3 416 255.9c0-58.7-22.1-113.4-62.3-154.3C308.9 56 245.7 32 171.2 32H0z\"] };\nvar faEarlybirds = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'earlybirds', icon: [480, 512, [], \"f39a\", \"M313.2 47.5c1.2-13 21.3-14 36.6- 26.2 9.7 19 15.2-27.9-7.4-56.4 18.2-55.6-6.5zm-201 6.9c30.7-8.1 62 20 61.1-7.1-1.3-14.2-23.4-15.3-40.2-9.6-1 .3-28.7 10.5-20.9 16.7zM319.4 160c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16s7.2 16 16 16 16-7.2 16-16-7.2-16-16-16zm-159.7 0c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16s7.2 16 16 16 16-7.2 16-16-7.2-16-16-16zm318.5 163.2c-9.9 24-40.7 11-63.9-1.2-13.5 69.1-58.1 111.4-126.3 24 1 33.6 1.4 63.8-3.1 97.4-8-19.8-13.8-11.4-37.1-9.8-38.1 1.4-.9 14.7 1.7 21.6 11.5 8.6-12.5 28.4-14.8 30.2-13.6 1.6 1.1 6.6 20.9-6.9 34.6 4.7-.9 8.2-1.6 9.8-2.1 2.6-.8 17.7 11.3 3.1 13.3-14.3 2.3-22.6 5.1-47.1 10.8-45.9 10.7-85.9 11.8-117.7 12.8l1 11.6c3.8 18.1-23.4 24.3-27.6 6.2.8 17.9-27.1 21.8-28.4-1l-.5 5.3c-.7 18.4-28.4 17.9-28.3-.6-7.5 13.5-28.1 6.8-26.4-8.5l1.2-12.4c-36.7.9-59.7 3.1-61.8 3.1-20.9 0-20.9-31.6 0-31.6 2.4 0 27.7 1.3 63.2 2.8-61.1-15.5-103.7-55-114.9-118.2-25 12.8-57.5 26.8-68.2.8-10.5-25.4 21.5-42.6 66.8-73.4.7-6.6 1.6-13.3 2.7-19.8-14.4-19.6-11.6-36.3-16.1-60.4-16.8 2.4-23.2-9.1-23.6-23.1.3-7.3 2.1-14.9 2.4-15.4 1.1-1.8 10.1-2 12.7-2.6 6-31.7 50.6-33.2 90.9-34.5 19.7-21.8 45.2-41.5 80.9-48.3C203.3 29 215.2 8.5 216.2 8c1.7-.8 21.2 4.3 26.3 23.2 5.2-8.8 18.3-11.4 19.6-10.7 1.1.6 6.4 15-4.9 25.9 40.3 3.5 72.2 24.7 96 50.7 36.1 1.5 71.8 5.9 77.1 34 2.7.6 11.6.8 12.7 2.1 8.1 2.4 15.4-.5 13.9-6.8 25.4-23.6 23.1-3.2 17.3-2.7 32.9-8.7 47.7 2.4 11.7 4 23.8 4.8 36.4 37 25.4 70.3 42.5 60.3 66.9zM207.4 159.9c.9-44-37.9-42.2-78.6-40.3-21.7 1-38.9 1.9-45.5 13.9-11.4 20.9 5.9 92.9 23.2 101.2 9.8 4.7 73.4 7.9 86.3-7.1 8.2-9.4 15-49.4 14.6-67.7zm52 58.3c-4.3-12.4-6-30.1-15.3-32.7-2-.5-9-.5-11 0-10 2.8-10.8 22.1-17 37.2 15.4 0 19.3 9.7 23.7 9.7 4.3 0 6.3-11.3 19.6-14.2zm135.7-84.7c-6.6-12.1-24.8-12.9-46.5-13.9-40.2-1.9-78.2-3.8-77.3 40.3-.5 18.3 5 58.3 13.2 67.8 13 14.9 76.6 11.8 86.3 7.1 15.8-7.6 36.5-78.9 24.3-101.3z\"] };\nvar faEbay = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'ebay', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f4f4\", \"M405.2 263.8c-29.1.9-47.2 6.2-47.2 25.3 0 12.4 9.9 25.8 35 25.8 33.7 0 51.6-18.4 51.6-48.4v-3.3c-11.8 0-26.3.1-39.4.6m71.5 39.7c0 9.3.3 18.6 1 26.8h-29.8c-.8-6.9-1.1-13.6-1.1-20.2-16.1 19.8-35.3 25.5-61.9 25.5-39.5 0-60.6-20.9-60.6-45 0-35 28.8-47.3 78.6-48.4 13.7-.3 29-.4 41.7-.4v-3.4c0-23.4-15-33-41-33-19.3 0-33.6 8-35 21.8h-33.7c3.6-34.4 39.7-43.1 71.5-43.1 38.1 0 70.3 13.5 70.3 53.8v65.6zm-349-56.8c-2.3-54.7-87.5-56.6-94.4 0h94.4zm-95 21.4c3.5 58.3 79.2 57.4 91.2 21.6H157c-6.4 34.4-43 46.1-74.4 46.1-57.2 0-82.5-31.5-82.5-74 0-46.8 26.2-77.6 83-77.6 45.3 0 78.4 23.7 78.4 75.4v8.5H32.7zm211 45.7c29.8 0 50.2-21.5 50.2-53.8 0-32.4-20.4-53.8-50.2-53.8-29.6 0-50.2 21.4-50.2 53.8 0 32.3 20.6 53.8 50.2 53.8m-82.2-186h32.1v80.6c15.7-18.7 37.4-24.2 58.7-24.2 35.7 0 75.4 24.1 75.4 76.2 0 43.6-31.5 75.4-76 75.4-23.3 0-45.1-8.3-58.7-24.9 0 6.6-.4 13.2-1.1 19.5h-31.5c.5-10.2 1.1-22.8 1.1-33.1V127.8zM640 189.5l-99.2 194.8h-35.9l28.5-54.1-74.6-140.7h37.5l54.9 109.9L606 189.5h34z\"] };\nvar faEdge = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'edge', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f282\", \"M25.714 228.163c.111-.162.23-.323.342-.485-.021.162-.045.323-.065.485h-.277zm460.572 15.508c0-44.032-7.754-84.465-28.801-122.405C416.498 47.879 343.912 8.001 258.893 8.001 118.962 7.724 40.617 113.214 26.056 227.679c42.429-61.312 117.073-121.376 220.375-124.966 0 0 109.666 0 99.419 104.957H169.997c6.369-37.386 18.554-58.986 34.339-78.926-75.048 34.893-121.85 96.096-120.742 188.315.83 71.448 50.124 144.836 120.743 171.976 83.357 31.847 192.776 7.2 240.132-21.324V363.307c-80.864 56.494-270.871 60.925-272.255-67.572h314.073v-52.064z\"] };\nvar faElementor = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'elementor', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f430\", \"M425.6 32H22.4C10 32 0 42 0 54.4v403.2C0 470 10 480 22.4 480h403.2c12.4 0 22.4-10 22.4-22.4V54.4C448 42 438 32 425.6 32M164.3 355.5h-39.8v-199h39.8v199zm159.3 0H204.1v-39.8h119.5v39.8zm0-79.6H204.1v-39.8h119.5v39.8zm0-79.7H204.1v-39.8h119.5v39.8z\"] };\nvar faEllo = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'ello', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f5f1\", \"M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm143.84 285.2C375.31 358.51 315.79 404.8 248 404.8s-127.31-46.29-143.84-111.6c-1.65-7.44 2.48-15.71 9.92-17.36 7.44-1.65 15.71 2.48 17.36 9.92 14.05 52.91 62 90.11 116.56 90.11s102.51-37.2 116.56-90.11c1.65-7.44 9.92-12.4 17.36-9.92 7.44 1.65 12.4 9.92 9.92 17.36z\"] };\nvar faEmber = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'ember', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f423\", \"M639.9 254.6c-1.1-10.7-10.7-6.8-10.7-6.8s-15.6 12.1-29.3 10.7c-13.7-1.3-9.4-32-9.4-32s3-28.1-5.1-30.4c-8.1-2.4-18 7.3-18 7.3s-12.4 13.7-18.3 31.2l-1.6.5s1.9-30.6-.3-37.6c-1.6-3.5-16.4-3.2-18.8 3s-14.2 49.2-15 67.2c0 0-23.1 19.6-43.3 22.8s-25-9.4-25-9.4 54.8-15.3 52.9-59.1c-1.9-43.8-44.2-27.6-49-24-4.6 3.5-29.4 18.4-36.6 59.7-.2 1.4-.7 7.5-.7 7.5s-21.2 14.2-33 18c0 0 33-55.6-7.3-80.9-18.3-11-32.8 12.1-32.8 12.1s54.5-60.7 42.5-112c-5.8-24.4-18-27.1-29.2-23.1-17 6.7-23.5 16.7-23.5 16.7s-22 32-27.1 79.5-12.6 105.1-12.6 105.1-10.5 10.2-20.2 10.7-5.4-28.7-5.4-28.7 7.5-44.6 7-52.1-1.1-11.6-9.9-14.2c-8.9-2.7-18.5 8.6-18.5 8.6s-25.5 38.7-27.7 44.6l-1.3 2.4-1.3-1.6s18-52.7.8-53.5c-17.2-.8-28.5 18.8-28.5 18.8s-19.6 32.8-20.4 36.5l-1.3-1.6s8.1-38.2 6.4-47.6c-1.6-9.4-10.5-7.5-10.5-7.5s-11.3-1.3-14.2 5.9-13.7 55.3-15 70.7c0 0-28.2 20.2-46.8 20.4-18.5.3-16.7-11.8-16.7-11.8s68-23.3 49.4-69.2c-8.3-11.8-18-15.5-31.7-15.3-13.7.3-30.3 8.6-41.3 33.3-5.3 11.8-6.8 23-7.8 31.5 0 0-12.3 2.4-18.8-2.9s-10 0-10 0-11.2 14-.1 18.3 28.1 6.1 28.1 6.1c1.6 7.5 6.2 19.5 19.6 29.7 20.2 15.3 58.8-1.3 58.8-1.3l15.9-8.8s.5 14.6 12.1 16.7c11.6 2.1 16.4 1 36.5-47.9 11.8-25 12.6-23.6 12.6-23.6l1.3-.3s-9.1 46.8-5.6 59.7C187.7 319.4 203 318 203 318s8.3 2.4 15-21.2c6.7-23.6 19.6-49.9 19.6-49.9h1.6s-5.6 48.1 3 63.7c8.6 15.6 30.9 5.3 30.9 5.3s15.6-7.8 18-10.2c0 0 18.5 15.8 44.6 12.9 58.3-11.5 79.1-25.9 79.1-25.9s10 24.4 41.1 26.7c35.5 2.7 54.8-18.6 54.8-18.6s-.3 13.5 12.1 18.6c12.4 5.1 20.7-22.8 20.7-22.8l20.7-57.2h1.9s1.1 37.3 21.5 43.2 47-13.7 47-13.7 6.4-3.5 5.3-14.3zm-578 5.3c.8-32 21.8-45.9 29-39 7.3 7 4.6 22-9.1 31.4-13.7 9.5-19.9 7.6-19.9 7.6zm272.8-123.8s19.1-49.7 23.6-25.5-40 96.2-40 96.2c.5-16.2 16.4-70.7 16.4-70.7zm22.8 138.4c-12.6 33-43.3 19.6-43.3 19.6s-3.5-11.8 6.4-44.9 33.3-20.2 33.3-20.2 16.2 12.4 3.6 45.5zm84.6-14.6s-3-10.5 8.1-30.6c11-20.2 19.6-9.1 19.6-9.1s9.4 10.2-1.3 25.5-26.4 14.2-26.4 14.2z\"] };\nvar faEmpire = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'empire', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f1d1\", \"M287.6 54.2c-10.8-2.2-22.1-3.3-33.5-3.6V32.4c78.1 2.2 146.1 44 184.6 106.6l-15.8 9.1c-6.1-9.7-12.7-18.8-20.2-27.1l-18 15.5c-26-29.6-61.4-50.7-101.9-58.4l4.8-23.9zM53.4 322.4l23-7.7c-6.4-18.3-10-38.2-10-58.7s3.3-40.4 9.7-58.7l-22.7-7.7c3.6-10.8 8.3-21.3 13.6-31l-15.8-9.1C34 181 24.1 217.5 24.1 256s10 75 27.1 106.6l15.8-9.1c-5.3-10-9.7-20.3-13.6-31.1zM213.1 434c-40.4-8-75.8-29.1-101.9-58.7l-18 15.8c-7.5-8.6-14.4-17.7-20.2-27.4l-16 9.4c38.5 62.3 106.8 104.3 184.9 106.6v-18.3c-11.3-.3-22.7-1.7-33.5-3.6l4.7-23.8zM93.3 120.9l18 15.5c26-29.6 61.4-50.7 101.9-58.4l-4.7-23.8c10.8-2.2 22.1-3.3 33.5-3.6V32.4C163.9 34.6 95.9 76.4 57.4 139l15.8 9.1c6-9.7 12.6-18.9 20.1-27.2zm309.4 270.2l-18-15.8c-26 29.6-61.4 50.7-101.9 58.7l4.7 23.8c-10.8 1.9-22.1 3.3-33.5 3.6v18.3c78.1-2.2 146.4-44.3 184.9-106.6l-16.1-9.4c-5.7 9.7-12.6 18.8-20.1 27.4zM496 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S0 393 0 256 111 8 248 8s248 111 248 248zm-12.2 0c0-130.1-105.7-235.8-235.8-235.8S12.2 125.9 12.2 256 117.9 491.8 248 491.8 483.8 386.1 483.8 256zm-39-106.6l-15.8 9.1c5.3 9.7 10 20.2 13.6 31l-22.7 7.7c6.4 18.3 9.7 38.2 9.7 58.7s-3.6 40.4-10 58.7l23 7.7c-3.9 10.8-8.3 21-13.6 31l15.8 9.1C462 331 471.9 294.5 471.9 256s-9.9-75-27.1-106.6zm-183 177.7c16.3-3.3 30.4-11.6 40.7-23.5l51.2 44.8c11.9-13.6 21.3-29.3 27.1-46.8l-64.2-22.1c2.5-7.5 3.9-15.2 3.9-23.5s-1.4-16.1-3.9-23.5l64.5-22.1c-6.1-17.4-15.5-33.2-27.4-46.8l-51.2 44.8c-10.2-11.9-24.4-20.5-40.7-23.8l13.3-66.4c-8.6-1.9-17.7-2.8-27.1-2.8-9.4 0-18.5.8-27.1 2.8l13.3 66.4c-16.3 3.3-30.4 11.9-40.7 23.8l-51.2-44.8c-11.9 13.6-21.3 29.3-27.4 46.8l64.5 22.1c-2.5 7.5-3.9 15.2-3.9 23.5s1.4 16.1 3.9 23.5l-64.2 22.1c5.8 17.4 15.2 33.2 27.1 46.8l51.2-44.8c10.2 11.9 24.4 20.2 40.7 23.5l-13.3 66.7c8.6 1.7 17.7 2.8 27.1 2.8 9.4 0 18.5-1.1 27.1-2.8l-13.3-66.7z\"] };\nvar faEnvira = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'envira', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f299\", \"M0 32c477.6 0 366.6 317.3 367.1 366.3L448 480h-26l-70.4-71.2c-39 4.2-124.4 34.5-214.4-37C47 300.3 52 214.7 0 32zm79.7 46c-49.7-23.5-5.2 9.2-5.2 9.2 45.2 31.2 66 73.7 90.2 119.9 31.5 60.2 79 139.7 144.2 167.7 65 28 34.2 12.5 6-8.5-28.2-21.2-68.2-87-91-130.2-31.7-60-61-118.6-144.2-158.1z\"] };\nvar faErlang = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'erlang', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f39d\", \"M21.7 246.4c-.1 86.8 29 159.5 78.7 212.1H0v-405h87.2c-41.5 50.2-65.6 116.2-65.5 192.9zM640 53.6h-83.6c31.4 42.7 48.7 97.5 46.2 162.7.5 6 .5 11.7 0 24.1H230.2c-.2 109.7 38.9 194.9 138.6 195.3 68.5-.3 118-51 151.9-106.1l96.4 48.2c-17.4 30.9-36.5 57.8-57.9 80.8H640v-405zm-80.8 405s0-.1 0 0h-.2.2zm-3.1-405h.3l-.1-.1-.2.1zm-230.7 9.6c-45.9.1-85.1 33.5-89.2 83.2h169.9c-1.1-49.7-34.5-83.1-80.7-83.2z\"] };\nvar faEthereum = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'ethereum', icon: [320, 512, [], \"f42e\", \"M311.9 260.8L160 353.6 8 260.8 160 0l151.9 260.8zM160 383.4L8 290.6 160 512l152-221.4-152 92.8z\"] };\nvar faEtsy = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'etsy', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f2d7\", \"M384 348c-1.75 10.75-13.75 110-15.5 132-117.879-4.299-219.895-4.743-368.5 0v-25.5c45.457-8.948 60.627-8.019 61-35.25 1.793-72.322 3.524-244.143 0-322-1.029-28.46-12.13-26.765-61-36v-25.5c73.886 2.358 255.933 8.551 362.999-3.75-3.5 38.25-7.75 126.5-7.75 126.5H332C320.947 115.665 313.241 68 277.25 68h-137c-10.25 0-10.75 3.5-10.75 9.75V241.5c58 .5 88.5-2.5 88.5-2.5 29.77-.951 27.56-8.502 40.75-65.251h25.75c-4.407 101.351-3.91 61.829-1.75 160.25H257c-9.155-40.086-9.065-61.045-39.501-61.5 0 0-21.5-2-88-2v139c0 26 14.25 38.25 44.25 38.25H263c63.636 0 66.564-24.996 98.751-99.75H384z\"] };\nvar faExpeditedssl = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'expeditedssl', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f23e\", \"M248 43.4C130.6 43.4 35.4 138.6 35.4 256S130.6 468.6 248 468.6 460.6 373.4 460.6 256 365.4 43.4 248 43.4zm-97.4 132.9c0-53.7 43.7-97.4 97.4-97.4s97.4 43.7 97.4 97.4v26.6c0 5-3.9 8.9-8.9 8.9h-17.7c-5 0-8.9-3.9-8.9-8.9v-26.6c0-82.1-124-82.1-124 0v26.6c0 5-3.9 8.9-8.9 8.9h-17.7c-5 0-8.9-3.9-8.9-8.9v-26.6zM389.7 380c0 9.7-8 17.7-17.7 17.7H124c-9.7 0-17.7-8-17.7-17.7V238.3c0-9.7 8-17.7 17.7-17.7h248c9.7 0 17.7 8 17.7 17.7V380zm-248-137.3v132.9c0 2.5-1.9 4.4-4.4 4.4h-8.9c-2.5 0-4.4-1.9-4.4-4.4V242.7c0-2.5 1.9-4.4 4.4-4.4h8.9c2.5 0 4.4 1.9 4.4 4.4zm141.7 48.7c0 13-7.2 24.4-17.7 30.4v31.6c0 5-3.9 8.9-8.9 8.9h-17.7c-5 0-8.9-3.9-8.9-8.9v-31.6c-10.5-6.1-17.7-17.4-17.7-30.4 0-19.7 15.8-35.4 35.4-35.4s35.5 15.8 35.5 35.4zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 478.3C121 486.3 17.7 383 17.7 256S121 25.7 248 25.7 478.3 129 478.3 256 375 486.3 248 486.3z\"] };\nvar faFacebook = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'facebook', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f09a\", \"M448 56.7v398.5c0 13.7-11.1 24.7-24.7 24.7H309.1V306.5h58.2l8.7-67.6h-67v-43.2c0-19.6 5.4-32.9 33.5-32.9h35.8v-60.5c-6.2-.8-27.4-2.7-52.2-2.7-51.6 0-87 31.5-87 89.4v49.9h-58.4v67.6h58.4V480H24.7C11.1 480 0 468.9 0 455.3V56.7C0 43.1 11.1 32 24.7 32h398.5c13.7 0 24.8 11.1 24.8 24.7z\"] };\nvar faFacebookF = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'facebook-f', icon: [264, 512, [], \"f39e\", \"M76.7 512V283H0v-91h76.7v-71.7C76.7 42.4 124.3 0 193.8 0c33.3 0 61.9 2.5 70.2 3.6V85h-48.2c-37.8 0-45.1 18-45.1 44.3V192H256l-11.7 91h-73.6v229\"] };\nvar faFacebookMessenger = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'facebook-messenger', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f39f\", \"M224 32C15.9 32-77.5 278 84.6 400.6V480l75.7-42c142.2 39.8 285.4-59.9 285.4-198.7C445.8 124.8 346.5 32 224 32zm23.4 278.1L190 250.5 79.6 311.6l121.1-128.5 57.4 59.6 110.4-61.1-121.1 128.5z\"] };\nvar faFacebookSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'facebook-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f082\", \"M448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48h-85.3V302.8h60.6l8.7-67.6h-69.3V192c0-19.6 5.4-32.9 33.5-32.9H384V98.7c-6.2-.8-27.4-2.7-52.2-2.7-51.6 0-87 31.5-87 89.4v49.9H184v67.6h60.9V480H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48z\"] };\nvar faFirefox = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'firefox', icon: [480, 512, [], \"f269\", \"M478.1 235.3c-.7-4.5-1.4-7.1-1.4-7.1s-1.8 2-4.7 5.9c-.9-10.7-2.8-21.2-5.8-31.6-3.7-12.9-8.5-25.4-14.5-37.4-3.8-8-8.2-15.6-13.3-22.8-1.8-2.7-3.7-5.4-5.6-7.9-8.8-14.4-19-23.3-30.7-40-7.6-12.8-12.9-26.9-15.4-41.6-3.2 8.9-5.7 18-7.4 27.3-12.1-12.2-22.5-20.8-28.9-26.7C319.4 24.2 323 9.1 323 9.1S264.7 74.2 289.9 142c8.7 23 23.8 43.1 43.4 57.9 24.4 20.2 50.8 36 64.7 76.6-11.2-21.3-28.1-39.2-48.8-51.5 6.2 14.7 9.4 30.6 9.3 46.5 0 61-49.6 110.5-110.6 110.4-8.3 0-16.5-.9-24.5-2.8-9.5-1.8-18.7-4.9-27.4-9.3-12.9-7.8-24-18.1-32.8-30.3l-.2-.3 2 .7c4.6 1.6 9.2 2.8 14 3.7 18.7 4 38.3 1.7 55.6-6.6 17.5-9.7 28-16.9 36.6-14h.2c8.4 2.7 15-5.5 9-14-10.4-13.4-27.4-20-44.2-17-17.5 2.5-33.5 15-56.4 2.9-1.5-.8-2.9-1.6-4.3-2.5-1.6-.9 4.9 1.3 3.4.3-5-2.5-9.8-5.4-14.4-8.6-.3-.3 3.5 1.1 3.1.8-5.9-4-11-9.2-15-15.2-4.1-7.4-4.5-16.4-1-24.1 2.1-3.8 5.4-6.9 9.3-8.7 3 1.5 4.8 2.6 4.8 2.6s-1.3-2.5-2.1-3.8c.3-.1.5 0 .8-.2 2.6 1.1 8.3 4 11.4 5.8 2.1 1.1 3.8 2.7 5.2 4.7 0 0 1-.5.3-2.7-1.1-2.7-2.9-5-5.4-6.6h.2c2.3 1.2 4.5 2.6 6.6 4.1 1.9-4.4 2.8-9.2 2.6-14 .2-2.6-.2-5.3-1.1-7.8-.8-1.6.5-2.2 1.9-.5-.2-1.3-.7-2.5-1.2-3.7v-.1s.8-1.1 1.2-1.5c1-1 2.1-1.9 3.4-2.7 7.2-4.5 14.8-8.4 22.7-11.6 6.4-2.8 11.7-4.9 12.8-5.6 1.6-1 3.1-2.2 4.5-3.5 5.3-4.5 9-10.8 10.2-17.7.1-.9.2-1.8.3-2.8v-1.5c-.9-3.5-6.9-6.1-38.4-9.1-11.1-1.8-20-10.1-22.5-21.1v.1c-.4 1.1-.9 2.3-1.3 3.5.4-1.2.8-2.3 1.3-3.5v-.2c6-15.7 16.8-29.1 30.8-38.3.8-.7-3.2.2-2.4-.5 2.7-1.3 5.4-2.5 8.2-3.5 1.4-.6-6-3.4-12.6-2.7-4 .2-8 1.2-11.7 2.8 1.6-1.3 6.2-3.1 5.1-3.1-8.4 1.6-16.5 4.7-23.9 9 0-.8.1-1.5.5-2.2-5.9 2.5-11 6.5-15 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0l219.4 128zm-17.1 10.3L224 20.9 21.7 138.3v235.1L224 491.1l202.3-117.7V138.3zM224 37.1l187.7 109.4v218.9L224 474.9 36.3 365.4V146.6L224 37.1zm0 50.9c-92.3 0-166.9 75.1-166.9 168 0 92.6 74.6 167.7 166.9 167.7 92 0 166.9-75.1 166.9-167.7 0-92.9-74.9-168-166.9-168z\"] };\nvar faFirstOrderAlt = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'first-order-alt', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f50a\", \"M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm0 488.21C115.34 496.21 7.79 388.66 7.79 256S115.34 15.79 248 15.79 488.21 123.34 488.21 256 380.66 496.21 248 496.21zm0-459.92C126.66 36.29 28.29 134.66 28.29 256S126.66 475.71 248 475.71 467.71 377.34 467.71 256 369.34 36.29 248 36.29zm0 431.22c-116.81 0-211.51-94.69-211.51-211.51S131.19 44.49 248 44.49 459.51 139.19 459.51 256 364.81 467.51 248 467.51zm186.23-162.98a191.613 191.613 0 0 1-20.13 48.69l-74.13-35.88 61.48 54.82a193.515 193.515 0 0 1-37.2 37.29l-54.8-61.57 35.88 74.27a190.944 190.944 0 0 1-48.63 20.23l-27.29-78.47 4.79 82.93c-8.61 1.18-17.4 1.8-26.33 1.8s-17.72-.62-26.33-1.8l4.76-82.46-27.15 78.03a191.365 191.365 0 0 1-48.65-20.2l35.93-74.34-54.87 61.64a193.85 193.85 0 0 1-37.22-37.28l61.59-54.9-74.26 35.93a191.638 191.638 0 0 1-20.14-48.69l77.84-27.11-82.23 4.76c-1.16-8.57-1.78-17.32-1.78-26.21 0-9 .63-17.84 1.82-26.51l82.38 4.77-77.94-27.16a191.726 191.726 0 0 1 20.23-48.67l74.22 35.92-61.52-54.86a193.85 193.85 0 0 1 37.28-37.22l54.76 61.53-35.83-74.17a191.49 191.49 0 0 1 48.65-20.13l26.87 77.25-4.71-81.61c8.61-1.18 17.39-1.8 26.32-1.8s17.71.62 26.32 1.8l-4.74 82.16 27.05-77.76c17.27 4.5 33.6 11.35 48.63 20.17l-35.82 74.12 54.72-61.47a193.13 193.13 0 0 1 37.24 37.23l-61.45 54.77 74.12-35.86a191.515 191.515 0 0 1 20.2 48.65l-77.81 27.1 82.24-4.75c1.19 8.66 1.82 17.5 1.82 26.49 0 8.88-.61 17.63-1.78 26.19l-82.12-4.75 77.72 27.09z\"] };\nvar faFirstdraft = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'firstdraft', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f3a1\", \"M384 192h-64v128H192v128H0v-25.6h166.4v-128h128v-128H384V192zm-25.6 38.4v128h-128v128H64V512h192V384h128V230.4h-25.6zm25.6 192h-89.6V512H320v-64h64v-25.6zM0 0v384h128V256h128V128h128V0H0z\"] };\nvar faFlickr = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'flickr', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f16e\", \"M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM144.5 319c-35.1 0-63.5-28.4-63.5-63.5s28.4-63.5 63.5-63.5 63.5 28.4 63.5 63.5-28.4 63.5-63.5 63.5zm159 0c-35.1 0-63.5-28.4-63.5-63.5s28.4-63.5 63.5-63.5 63.5 28.4 63.5 63.5-28.4 63.5-63.5 63.5z\"] };\nvar faFlipboard = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'flipboard', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f44d\", \"M0 32v448h448V32H0zm358.4 179.2h-89.6v89.6h-89.6v89.6H89.6V121.6h268.8v89.6z\"] };\nvar faFly = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'fly', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f417\", \"M197.8 427.8c12.9 11.7 33.7 33.3 33.2 50.7 0 .8-.1 1.6-.1 2.5-1.8 19.8-18.8 31.1-39.1 31-25-.1-39.9-16.8-38.7-35.8 1-16.2 20.5-36.7 32.4-47.6 2.3-2.1 2.7-2.7 5.6-3.6 3.4 0 3.9.3 6.7 2.8zM331.9 67.3c-16.3-25.7-38.6-40.6-63.3-52.1C243.1 4.5 214-.2 192 0c-44.1 0-71.2 13.2-81.1 17.3C57.3 45.2 26.5 87.2 28 158.6c7.1 82.2 97 176 155.8 233.8 1.7 1.6 4.5 4.5 6.2 5.1l3.3.1c2.1-.7 1.8-.5 3.5-2.1 52.3-49.2 140.7-145.8 155.9-215.7 7-39.2 3.1-72.5-20.8-112.5zM186.8 351.9c-28-51.1-65.2-130.7-69.3-189-3.4-47.5 11.4-131.2 69.3-136.7v325.7zM328.7 180c-16.4 56.8-77.3 128-118.9 170.3C237.6 298.4 275 217 277 158.4c1.6-45.9-9.8-105.8-48-131.4 88.8 18.3 115.5 98.1 99.7 153z\"] };\nvar faFontAwesome = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'font-awesome', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f2b4\", \"M397.8 32H50.2C22.7 32 0 54.7 0 82.2v347.6C0 457.3 22.7 480 50.2 480h347.6c27.5 0 50.2-22.7 50.2-50.2V82.2c0-27.5-22.7-50.2-50.2-50.2zm-45.4 284.3c0 4.2-3.6 6-7.8 7.8-16.7 7.2-34.6 13.7-53.8 13.7-26.9 0-39.4-16.7-71.7-16.7-23.3 0-47.8 8.4-67.5 17.3-1.2.6-2.4.6-3.6 1.2V385c0 1.8 0 3.6-.6 4.8v1.2c-2.4 8.4-10.2 14.3-19.1 14.3-11.3 0-20.3-9-20.3-20.3V166.4c-7.8-6-13.1-15.5-13.1-26.3 0-18.5 14.9-33.5 33.5-33.5 18.5 0 33.5 14.9 33.5 33.5 0 10.8-4.8 20.3-13.1 26.3v18.5c1.8-.6 3.6-1.2 5.4-2.4 18.5-7.8 40.6-14.3 61.5-14.3 22.7 0 40.6 6 60.9 13.7 4.2 1.8 8.4 2.4 13.1 2.4 22.7 0 47.8-16.1 53.8-16.1 4.8 0 9 3.6 9 7.8v140.3z\"] };\nvar faFontAwesomeAlt = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'font-awesome-alt', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f35c\", \"M397.8 67.8c7.8 0 14.3 6.6 14.3 14.3v347.6c0 7.8-6.6 14.3-14.3 14.3H50.2c-7.8 0-14.3-6.6-14.3-14.3V82.2c0-7.8 6.6-14.3 14.3-14.3h347.6m0-35.9H50.2C22.7 32 0 54.7 0 82.2v347.6C0 457.3 22.7 480 50.2 480h347.6c27.5 0 50.2-22.7 50.2-50.2V82.2c0-27.5-22.7-50.2-50.2-50.2zm-58.5 139.2c-6 0-29.9 15.5-52.6 15.5-4.2 0-8.4-.6-12.5-2.4-19.7-7.8-37-13.7-59.1-13.7-20.3 0-41.8 6.6-59.7 13.7-1.8.6-3.6 1.2-4.8 1.8v-17.9c7.8-6 12.5-14.9 12.5-25.7 0-17.9-14.3-32.3-32.3-32.3s-32.3 14.3-32.3 32.3c0 10.2 4.8 19.7 12.5 25.7v212.1c0 10.8 9 19.7 19.7 19.7 9 0 16.1-6 18.5-13.7V385c.6-1.8.6-3 .6-4.8V336c1.2 0 2.4-.6 3-1.2 19.7-8.4 43-16.7 65.7-16.7 31.1 0 43 16.1 69.3 16.1 18.5 0 36.4-6.6 52-13.7 4.2-1.8 7.2-3.6 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0zm-58.9 324.9c0 4.8-4.1 6.9-8.9 8.9-19.2 8.1-39.7 15.7-61.5 15.7-40.5 0-68.7-44.8-163.2 2.5v51.8c0 30.3-45.7 30.2-45.7 0v-250c-9-7-15-17.9-15-30.3 0-21 17.1-38.2 38.2-38.2 21 0 38.2 17.1 38.2 38.2 0 12.2-5.8 23.2-14.9 30.2v21c37.1-12 65.5-34.4 146.1-3.4 26.6 11.4 68.7-15.7 76.5-15.7 5.5 0 10.3 4.1 10.3 8.9v160.4zm432.9-174.2h-137v70.1H825c39.8 0 40.4 62.2 0 62.2H691.6v105.6c0 45.5-70.7 46.4-70.7 0V128.3c0-22 18-39.8 39.8-39.8h167.8c39.6 0 40.5 62.2.1 62.2zm191.1 23.4c-169.3 0-169.1 252.4 0 252.4 169.9 0 169.9-252.4 0-252.4zm0 196.1c-81.6 0-82.1-139.8 0-139.8 82.5 0 82.4 139.8 0 139.8zm372.4 53.4c-17.5 0-31.4-13.9-31.4-31.4v-117c0-62.4-72.6-52.5-99.1-16.4v133.4c0 41.5-63.3 41.8-63.3 0V208c0-40 63.1-41.6 63.1 0v3.4c43.3-51.6 162.4-60.4 162.4 39.3v141.5c.3 30.4-31.5 31.4-31.7 31.4zm179.7 2.9c-44.3 0-68.3-22.9-68.3-65.8V235.2H1488c-35.6 0-36.7-55.3 0-55.3h15.5v-37.3c0-41.3 63.8-42.1 63.8 0v37.5h24.9c35.4 0 35.7 55.3 0 55.3h-24.9v108.5c0 29.6 26.1 26.3 27.4 26.3 31.4 0 52.6 56.3-22.9 56.3zM1992 123c-19.5-50.2-95.5-50-114.5 0-107.3 275.7-99.5 252.7-99.5 262.8 0 42.8 58.3 51.2 72.1 14.4l13.5-35.9H2006l13 35.9c14.2 37.7 72.1 27.2 72.1-14.4 0-10.1 5.3 6.8-99.1-262.8zm-108.9 179.1l51.7-142.9 51.8 142.9h-103.5zm591.3-85.6l-53.7 176.3c-12.4 41.2-72 41-84 0l-42.3-135.9-42.3 135.9c-12.4 40.9-72 41.2-84.5 0l-54.2-176.3c-12.5-39.4 49.8-56.1 60.2-16.9L2213 342l45.3-139.5c10.9-32.7 59.6-34.7 71.2 0l45.3 139.5 39.3-142.4c10.3-38.3 72.6-23.8 60.3 16.9zm275.4 75.1c0-42.4-33.9-117.5-119.5-117.5-73.2 0-124.4 56.3-124.4 126 0 77.2 55.3 126.4 128.5 126.4 31.7 0 93-11.5 93-39.8 0-18.3-21.1-31.5-39.3-22.4-49.4 26.2-109 8.4-115.9-43.8h148.3c16.3 0 29.3-13.4 29.3-28.9zM2571 277.7c9.5-73.4 113.9-68.6 118.6 0H2571zm316.7 148.8c-31.4 0-81.6-10.5-96.6-31.9-12.4-17 2.5-39.8 21.8-39.8 16.3 0 36.8 22.9 77.7 22.9 27.4 0 40.4-11 40.4-25.8 0-39.8-142.9-7.4-142.9-102 0-40.4 35.3-75.7 98.6-75.7 31.4 0 74.1 9.9 87.6 29.4 10.8 14.8-1.4 36.2-20.9 36.2-15.1 0-26.7-17.3-66.2-17.3-22.9 0-37.8 10.5-37.8 23.8 0 35.9 142.4 6 142.4 103.1-.1 43.7-37.4 77.1-104.1 77.1zm266.8-252.4c-169.3 0-169.1 252.4 0 252.4 170.1 0 169.6-252.4 0-252.4zm0 196.1c-81.8 0-82-139.8 0-139.8 82.5 0 82.4 139.8 0 139.8zm476.9 22V268.7c0-53.8-61.4-45.8-85.7-10.5v134c0 41.3-63.8 42.1-63.8 0V268.7c0-52.1-59.5-47.4-85.7-10.1v133.6c0 41.5-63.3 41.8-63.3 0V208c0-40 63.1-41.6 63.1 0v3.4c9.9-14.4 41.8-37.3 78.6-37.3 35.3 0 57.7 16.4 66.7 43.8 13.9-21.8 45.8-43.8 82.6-43.8 44.3 0 70.7 23.4 70.7 72.7v145.3c.5 17.3-13.5 31.4-31.9 31.4 3.5.1-31.3 1.1-31.3-31.3zM3992 291.6c0-42.4-32.4-117.5-117.9-117.5-73.2 0-127.5 56.3-127.5 126 0 77.2 58.3 126.4 131.6 126.4 31.7 0 91.5-11.5 91.5-39.8 0-18.3-21.1-31.5-39.3-22.4-49.4 26.2-110.5 8.4-117.5-43.8h149.8c16.3 0 29.1-13.4 29.3-28.9zm-180.5-13.9c9.7-74.4 115.9-68.3 120.1 0h-120.1z\"] };\nvar faFonticons = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'fonticons', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f280\", \"M0 32v448h448V32H0zm167.4 196h67.4l-11.1 37.3H168v112.9c0 5.8-2 6.7 3.2 7.3l43.5 4.1v25.1H84V389l21.3-2c5.2-.6 6.7-2.3 6.7-7.9V267.7c0-2.3-2.9-2.3-5.8-2.3H84V228h28v-21c0-49.6 26.5-70 77.3-70 34.1 0 64.7 8.2 64.7 52.8l-50.7 6.1c.3-18.7-4.4-23-16.3-23-18.4 0-19 9.9-19 27.4v23.3c0 2.4-3.5 4.4-.6 4.4zM364 414.7H261.3v-25.1l20.4-2.6c5.2-.6 7.6-1.7 7.6-7.3V271.8c0-4.1-2.9-6.7-6.7-7.9l-24.2-6.4 6.7-29.5h80.2v151.7c0 5.8-2.6 6.4 2.9 7.3l15.7 2.6v25.1zm-21.9-255.5l9 33.2-7.3 7.3-31.2-16.6-31.2 16.6-7.3-7.3 9-33.2-21.8-24.2 3.5-9.6h27.7l15.5-28h9.3l15.5 28h27.7l3.5 9.6-21.9 24.2z\"] };\nvar faFonticonsFi = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'fonticons-fi', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f3a2\", \"M114.4 224h92.4l-15.2 51.2h-76.4V433c0 8-2.8 9.2 4.4 10l59.6 5.6V483H0v-35.2l29.2-2.8c7.2-.8 9.2-3.2 9.2-10.8V278.4c0-3.2-4-3.2-8-3.2H0V224h38.4v-28.8c0-68 36.4-96 106-96 46.8 0 88.8 11.2 88.8 72.4l-69.6 8.4c.4-25.6-6-31.6-22.4-31.6-25.2 0-26 13.6-26 37.6v32c0 3.2-4.8 6-.8 6zM384 483H243.2v-34.4l28-3.6c7.2-.8 10.4-2.4 10.4-10V287c0-5.6-4-9.2-9.2-10.8l-33.2-8.8 9.2-40.4h110v208c0 8-3.6 8.8 4 10l21.6 3.6V483zm-30-347.2l12.4 45.6-10 10-42.8-22.8-42.8 22.8-10-10 12.4-45.6-30-36.4 4.8-10h38L307.2 51H320l21.2 38.4h38l4.8 13.2-30 33.2z\"] };\nvar faFortAwesome = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'fort-awesome', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f286\", \"M489.2 287.9h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6v32h-36.6V146.2c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6v32h-36.6v-32c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6v32h-36.6v-32c0-6-8-4.6-11.7-4.6v-38c8.3-2 17.1-3.4 25.7-3.4 10.9 0 20.9 4.3 31.4 4.3 4.6 0 27.7-1.1 27.7-8v-60c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6-5.1 0-15.1 4.3-24 4.3-9.7 0-20.9-4.3-32.6-4.3-8 0-16 1.1-23.7 2.9v-4.9c5.4-2.6 9.1-8.3 9.1-14.3 0-20.7-31.4-20.8-31.4 0 0 6 3.7 11.7 9.1 14.3v111.7c-3.7 0-11.7-1.4-11.7 4.6v32h-36.6v-32c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6v32H128v-32c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6H96c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6v178.3H54.8v-32c0-2.6-2-4.6-4.6-4.6H22.8c-2.6 0-4.6 2-4.6 4.6V512h182.9v-96c0-72.6 109.7-72.6 109.7 0v96h182.9V292.5c.1-2.6-1.9-4.6-4.5-4.6zm-288.1-4.5c0 2.6-2 4.6-4.6 4.6h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6-2-4.6-4.6v-64c0-2.6 2-4.6 4.6-4.6h27.4c2.6 0 4.6 2 4.6 4.6v64zm146.4 0c0 2.6-2 4.6-4.6 4.6h-27.4c-2.6 0-4.6-2-4.6-4.6v-64c0-2.6 2-4.6 4.6-4.6h27.4c2.6 0 4.6 2 4.6 4.6v64z\"] };\nvar faFortAwesomeAlt = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'fort-awesome-alt', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f3a3\", \"M211.7 241.1v51.7c0 2.1-1.6 3.7-3.7 3.7h-22.2c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7v-51.7c0-2.1 1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7H208c2.1 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7zm114.5-3.7H304c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v51.7c0 2.1 1.6 3.7 3.7 3.7h22.2c2.1 0 3.7-1.6 3.7-3.7v-51.7c-.1-2.1-1.7-3.7-3.7-3.7zm-29.1 263.2c-.9.1-1.7.3-2.6.4-1 .2-2.1.3-3.1.5-.9.1-1.8.3-2.8.4-1 .1-2 .3-3 .4-1 .1-2 .2-2.9.3-1 .1-1.9.2-2.9.3-1 .1-2.1.2-3.1.3-.9.1-1.8.2-2.7.2-1.1.1-2.3.1-3.4.2-.8 0-1.7.1-2.5.1-1.3.1-2.6.1-3.9.1-.7 0-1.4.1-2.1.1-2 0-4 .1-6 .1s-4 0-6-.1c-.7 0-1.4 0-2.1-.1-1.3 0-2.6-.1-3.9-.1-.8 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0-.8-.1-1.5-.1-2.3-.1-1.3-.1-2.7-.2-4 0-.7 0-1.3-.1-2 0-2-.1-4-.1-6 0-53.5 16.9-103 45.8-143.6 2.3-3.2 4.7-6.4 7.1-9.5 4.9-6.2 10.1-12.3 15.6-18 2.7-2.9 5.5-5.7 8.4-8.4 2.9-2.7 5.8-5.4 8.8-8 4.5-3.9 9.1-7.6 13.9-11.2 1.6-1.2 3.2-2.4 4.8-3.5C140 34.2 171.7 20.1 206 13c16.1-3.3 32.9-5 50-5s33.8 1.7 50 5c34.3 7 66 21.1 93.6 40.7 1.6 1.2 3.2 2.3 4.8 3.5 4.8 3.6 9.4 7.3 13.9 11.2 12 10.4 23 21.9 32.8 34.4 2.5 3.1 4.8 6.3 7.1 9.5C487.1 153 504 202.5 504 256c0 2 0 4-.1 6 0 .7 0 1.3-.1 2 0 1.3-.1 2.7-.2 4 0 .8-.1 1.5-.1 2.3-.1 1.2-.1 2.4-.2.7-.1.8-.1 1.6-.2 2.4-.1 1.2-.2 2.4-.3 3.5-.1.8-.2 1.6-.2 2.4-.1 1.2-.3 2.4-.4 3.6-.1.8-.2 1.5-.3 2.3-.2 1.3-.4 2.6-.5 3.9-.1.6-.2 1.3-.3 1.9l-.9 5.7c-.1.6-.2 1.1-.3 1.7-.2 1.3-.5 2.7-.8 4-.2.8-.3 1.6-.5 2.4-.2 1.1-.5 2.2-.7 3.2-.2.9-.4 1.7-.6 2.6-.2 1-.5 2-.7 3-.2.9-.5 1.8-.7 2.7-.3 1-.5 1.9-.8 2.9-.2.9-.5 1.8-.8 2.7-.3.9-.6 1.9-.8 2.8-.3.9-.5 1.8-.8 2.7-.3.9-.6 1.8-.9 2.8-.5 1.6-1.1 3.3-1.7 4.9-.3.9-.6 1.8-1 2.8-.4 1-.7 2-1.1 3-.3.8-.6 1.5-.9 2.3l-1.2 3c-.3.7-.6 1.5-.9 2.2-.4 1-.8 2-1.3 3l-.9 2.1c-.4 1-.9 2-1.4 3-.3.7-.6 1.3-.9 2-.5 1-1 2.1-1.5 3.1-.3.6-.6 1.1-.8 1.7-.6 1.1-1.1 2.2-1.7 3.3-.1.2-.2.3-.3.5-2.2 4.1-4.4 8.2-6.8 12.2-.2.4-.5.8-.7 1.2-.7 1.1-1.3 2.2-2 3.3-.3.5-.6.9-.9 1.4-.7 1.1-1.4 2.1-2 3.2-.3.5-.6.9-.9 1.4-.7 1.1-1.4 2.1-2.1 3.2-.3.4-.6.8-.8 1.2-.8 1.1-1.5 2.2-2.3 3.3-.2.2-.3.5-.5.7-37.6 54.7-94.5 91.4-160.1 102.4zm117.3-86.2c13-13 24.2-27.4 33.6-42.9v-71.3c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7h-22.2c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7V326h-29.5V182c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7h-22.1c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v25.9h-29.5V182c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7H304c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v25.9h-29.5V182c0-4.8-6.5-3.7-9.5-3.7v-30.7c6.7-1.6 13.8-2.8 20.8-2.8 8.8 0 16.8 3.5 25.4 3.5 3.7 0 22.4-.9 22.4-6.5V93.4c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7-4.2 0-12.2 3.5-19.4 3.5-7.9 0-16.9-3.5-26.3-3.5-6.5 0-12.9.9-19.2 2.3v-3.9c4.4-2.1 7.4-6.7 7.4-11.5 0-16.8-25.4-16.8-25.4 0 0 4.8 3 9.5 7.4 11.5v90.2c-3 0-9.5-1.1-9.5 3.7v25.9h-29.5V182c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7h-22.2c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v25.9h-29.5V182c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7h-22.1c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v144H93.5v-25.8c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7H67.7c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v71.3c9.4 15.5 20.6 29.9 33.6 42.9 20.6 20.6 44.5 36.7 71.2 48 13.9 5.9 28.2 10.3 42.9 13.2v-75.8c0-58.6 88.6-58.6 88.6 0v75.8c14.7-2.9 29-7.4 42.9-13.2 26.7-11.3 50.6-27.4 71.2-48\"] };\nvar faForumbee = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'forumbee', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f211\", \"M5.8 309.7C2 292.7 0 275.5 0 258.3 0 135 99.8 35 223.1 35c16.6 0 33.3 2 49.3 5.5C149 87.5 51.9 186 5.8 309.7zm392.9-189.2C385 103 369 87.8 350.9 75.2c-149.6 44.3-266.3 162.1-309.7 312 12.5 18.1 28 35.6 45.2 49 43.1-151.3 161.2-271.7 312.3-315.7zm15.8 252.7c15.2-25.1 25.4-53.7 29.5-82.8-79.4 42.9-145 110.6-187.6 190.3 30-4.4 58.9-15.3 84.6-31.3 35 13.1 70.9 24.3 107 33.6-9.3-36.5-20.4-74.5-33.5-109.8zm29.7-145.5c-2.6-19.5-7.9-38.7-15.8-56.8C290.5 216.7 182 327.5 137.1 466c18.1 7.6 37 12.5 56.6 15.2C240 367.1 330.5 274.4 444.2 227.7z\"] };\nvar faFoursquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'foursquare', icon: [368, 512, [], \"f180\", \"M323.1 3H49.9C12.4 3 0 31.3 0 49.1v433.8c0 20.3 12.1 27.7 18.2 30.1 6.2 2.5 22.8 4.6 32.9-7.1C180 356.5 182.2 354 182.2 354c3.1-3.4 3.4-3.1 6.8-3.1h83.4c35.1 0 40.6-25.2 44.3-39.7l48.6-243C373.8 25.8 363.1 3 323.1 3zm-16.3 73.8l-11.4 59.7c-1.2 6.5-9.5 13.2-16.9 13.2H172.1c-12 0-20.6 8.3-20.6 20.3v13c0 12 8.6 20.6 20.6 20.6h90.4c8.3 0 16.6 9.2 14.8 18.2-1.8 8.9-10.5 53.8-11.4 58.8-.9 4.9-6.8 13.5-16.9 13.5h-73.5c-13.5 0-17.2 1.8-26.5 12.6 0 0-8.9 11.4-89.5 108.3-.9.9-1.8.6-1.8-.3V75.9c0-7.7 6.8-16.6 16.6-16.6h219c8.2 0 15.6 7.7 13.5 17.5z\"] };\nvar faFreeCodeCamp = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'free-code-camp', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f2c5\", \"M69.3 144.5c-41 68.5-36.4 163 1 227C92.5 409.7 120 423.9 120 438c0 6.8-6 13-12.8 13C87.7 451 8 375.5 8 253.2c0-111.5 78-186 97.1-186 6 0 14.9 4.8 14.9 11.1 0 12.7-28.3 28.6-50.7 66.2zm195.8 213.8c4.5 1.8 12.3 5.2 12.3-1.2 0-2.7-2.2-2.9-4.3-3.6-8.5-3.4-14-7.7-19.1-15.2-8.2-12.1-10.1-24.2-10.1-38.6 0-32.1 44.2-37.9 44.2-70 0-12.3-7.7-15.9-7.7-19.3 0-2.2.7-2.2 2.9-2.2 8 0 19.1 13.3 22.5 19.8 2.2 4.6 2.4 6 2.4 11.1 0 7-.7 14.2-.7 21.3 0 27 31.9 19.8 31.9 6.8 0-6-3.6-11.6-3.6-17.4 0-.7 0-1.2.7-1.2 3.4 0 9.4 7.7 11.1 10.1 5.8 8.9 8.5 20.8 8.5 31.4 0 32.4-29.5 49-29.5 56 0 1 2.9 7.7 12.1 1.9 29.7-15.1 53.1-47.6 53.1-89.8 0-33.6-8.7-57.7-32.1-82.6-3.9-4.1-16.4-16.9-22.5-16.9-8.2 0 7.2 18.6 7.2 31.2 0 7.2-4.8 12.3-12.3 12.3-11.6 0-14.5-25.4-15.9-33.3-5.8-33.8-12.8-58.2-46.4-74.1-10.4-5-36.5-11.8-36.5-2.2 0 2.4 2.7 4.1 4.6 5.1 9.2 5.6 19.6 21.4 19.6 38.2 0 46.1-57.7 88.2-57.7 136.2-.2 40.3 28.1 72.6 65.3 86.2zM470.4 67c-6 0-14.4 6.5-14.4 12.6 0 8.7 12.1 19.6 17.6 25.4 81.6 85.1 78.6 214.3 17.6 291-7 8.9-35.3 35.3-35.3 43.5 0 5.1 8.2 11.4 13.2 11.4 25.4 0 98.8-80.8 98.8-185.7C568 145.9 491.8 67 470.4 67zm-42.3 323.1H167c-9.4 0-15.5 7.5-15.5 16.4 0 8.5 7 15.5 15.5 15.5h261.1c9.4 0 11.9-7.5 11.9-16.4 0-8.5-3.5-15.5-11.9-15.5z\"] };\nvar faFreebsd = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'freebsd', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3a4\", \"M303.7 96.2c11.1-11.1 115.5-77 139.2-53.2 23.7 23.7-42.1 128.1-53.2 139.2-11.1 11.1-39.4.9-63.1-22.9-23.8-23.7-34.1-52-22.9-63.1zM109.9 68.1C73.6 47.5 22 24.6 5.6 41.1c-16.6 16.6 7.1 69.4 27.9 105.7 18.5-32.2 44.8-59.3 76.4-78.7zM406.7 174c3.3 11.3 2.7 20.7-2.7 26.1-20.3 20.3-87.5-27-109.3-70.1-18-32.3-11.1-53.4 14.9-48.7 5.7-3.6 12.3-7.6 19.6-11.6-29.8-15.5-63.6-24.3-99.5-24.3-119.1 0-215.6 96.5-215.6 215.6 0 119 96.5 215.6 215.6 215.6S445.3 380.1 445.3 261c0-38.4-10.1-74.5-27.7-105.8-3.9 7-7.6 13.3-10.9 18.8z\"] };\nvar faFulcrum = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'fulcrum', icon: [269, 512, [], \"f50b\", \"M70.75 164.14l-35.38 43.55L0 164.14l35.38-43.55 35.37 43.55zM119.23 0L98.69 198.18 47.72 256l50.98 57.82L119.23 512V300.89L78.15 256l41.08-44.89V0zm79.67 164.14l35.38 43.55 35.38-43.55-35.38-43.55-35.38 43.55zm-48.48 46.97L191.5 256l-41.08 44.89V512l20.54-198.18L221.94 256l-50.98-57.82L150.42 0v211.11z\"] };\nvar faGalacticRepublic = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'galactic-republic', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f50c\", \"M248 504C111.25 504 0 392.75 0 256S111.25 8 248 8s248 111.25 248 248-111.25 248-248 248zm0-479.47C120.37 24.53 16.53 128.37 16.53 256S120.37 487.47 248 487.47 479.47 383.63 479.47 256 375.63 24.53 248 24.53zm27.62 21.81v24.62a185.933 185.933 0 0 1 83.57 34.54l17.39-17.36c-28.75-22.06-63.3-36.89-100.96-41.8zm-55.37.07c-37.64 4.94-72.16 19.8-100.88 41.85l17.28 17.36h.08c24.07-17.84 52.55-30.06 83.52-34.67V46.41zm12.25 50.17v82.87c-10.04 2.03-19.42 5.94-27.67 11.42l-58.62-58.59-21.93 21.93 58.67 58.67c-5.47 8.23-9.45 17.59-11.47 27.62h-82.9v31h82.9c2.02 10.02 6.01 19.31 11.47 27.54l-58.67 58.69 21.93 21.93 58.62-58.62a77.873 77.873 0 0 0 27.67 11.47v82.9h31v-82.9c10.05-2.03 19.37-6.06 27.62-11.55l58.67 58.69 21.93-21.93-58.67-58.69c5.46-8.23 9.47-17.52 11.5-27.54h82.87v-31h-82.87c-2.02-10.02-6.03-19.38-11.5-27.62l58.67-58.67-21.93-21.93-58.67 58.67c-8.25-5.49-17.57-9.47-27.62-11.5V96.58h-31zm183.24 30.72l-17.36 17.36a186.337 186.337 0 0 1 34.67 83.67h24.62c-4.95-37.69-19.83-72.29-41.93-101.03zm-335.55.13c-22.06 28.72-36.91 63.26-41.85 100.91h24.65c4.6-30.96 16.76-59.45 34.59-83.52l-17.39-17.39zM38.34 283.67c4.92 37.64 19.75 72.18 41.8 100.9l17.36-17.39c-17.81-24.07-29.92-52.57-34.51-83.52H38.34zm394.7 0c-4.61 30.99-16.8 59.5-34.67 83.6l17.36 17.36c22.08-28.74 36.98-63.29 41.93-100.96h-24.62zM136.66 406.38l-17.36 17.36c28.73 22.09 63.3 36.98 100.96 41.93v-24.64c-30.99-4.63-59.53-16.79-83.6-34.65zm222.53.05c-24.09 17.84-52.58 30.08-83.57 34.67v24.57c37.67-4.92 72.21-19.79 100.96-41.85l-17.31-17.39h-.08z\"] };\nvar faGalacticSenate = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'galactic-senate', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f50d\", \"M249.86 33.48v26.07C236.28 80.17 226 168.14 225.39 274.9c11.74-15.62 19.13-33.33 19.13-48.24v-16.88c-.03-5.32.75-10.53 2.19-15.65.65-2.14 1.39-4.08 2.62-5.82 1.23-1.75 3.43-3.79 6.68-3.79 3.24 0 5.45 2.05 6.68 3.79 1.23 1.75 1.97 3.68 2.62 5.82 1.44 5.12 2.22 10.33 2.19 15.65v16.88c0 14.91 7.39 32.62 19.13 48.24-.63-106.76-10.91-194.73-24.49-215.35V33.48h-12.28zm-26.34 147.77c-9.52 2.15-18.7 5.19-27.46 9.08 8.9 16.12 9.76 32.64 1.71 37.29-8 4.62-21.85-4.23-31.36-19.82-11.58 8.79-21.88 19.32-30.56 31.09 14.73 9.62 22.89 22.92 18.32 30.66-4.54 7.7-20.03 7.14-35.47-.96-5.78 13.25-9.75 27.51-11.65 42.42 9.68.18 18.67 2.38 26.18 6.04 17.78-.3 32.77-1.96 40.49-4.22 5.55-26.35 23.02-48.23 46.32-59.51.73-25.55 1.88-49.67 3.48-72.07zm64.96 0c1.59 22.4 2.75 46.52 3.47 72.07 23.29 11.28 40.77 33.16 46.32 59.51 7.72 2.26 22.71 3.92 40.49 4.22 7.51-3.66 16.5-5.85 26.18-6.04-1.9-14.91-5.86-29.17-11.65-42.42-15.44 8.1-30.93 8.66-35.47.96-4.57-7.74 3.6-21.05 18.32-30.66-8.68-11.77-18.98-22.3-30.56-31.09-9.51 15.59-23.36 24.44-31.36 19.82-8.05-4.65-7.19-21.16 1.71-37.29a147.49 147.49 0 0 0-27.45-9.08zm-32.48 8.6c-3.23 0-5.86 8.81-6.09 19.93h-.05v16.88c0 41.42-49.01 95.04-93.49 95.04-52 0-122.75-1.45-156.37 29.17v2.51c9.42 17.12 20.58 33.17 33.18 47.97C45.7 380.26 84.77 360.4 141.2 360c45.68 1.02 79.03 20.33 90.76 0 .05 7.67 2.14 15.85 3.23 24.04 3.21 8.19.02 16.37-1.07 24.04-3.21.01-.01-.01-.04 0-.05 11.74-20.54 45.08-39.85 90.76-40.87 56.43.39 95.49 20.26 108.02 41.35 12.6-14.8 23.76-30.86 33.18-47.97v-2.51c-33.61-30.62-104.37-29.17-156.37-29.17-44.48 0-93.49-53.62-93.49-95.04v-16.88h-.05c-.23-11.12-2.86-19.93-6.09-19.93zm0 96.59c22.42 0 40.6 18.18 40.6 40.6s-18.18 40.65-40.6 40.65-40.6-18.23-40.6-40.65c0-22.42 18.18-40.6 40.6-40.6zm0 7.64c-18.19 0-32.96 14.77-32.96 32.96S237.81 360 256 360s32.96-14.77 32.96-32.96-14.77-32.96-32.96-32.96zm0 6.14c14.81 0 26.82 12.01 26.82 26.82s-12.01 26.82-26.82 26.82-26.82-12.01-26.82-26.82 12.01-26.82 26.82-26.82zm-114.8 66.67c-10.19.07-21.6.36-30.5 1.66.43 4.42 1.51 18.63 7.11 29.76 9.11-2.56 18.36-3.9 27.62-3.9 41.28.94 71.48 34.35 78.26 74.47l.11 4.7c10.4 1.91 21.19 2.94 32.21 2.94 11.03 0 21.81-1.02 32.21-2.94l.11-4.7c6.78-40.12 36.98-73.53 78.26-74.47 9.26 0 18.51 1.34 27.62 3.9 5.6-11.13 6.68-25.34 7.11-29.76-8.9-1.3-20.32-1.58-30.5-1.66-18.76.42-35.19 4.17-48.61 9.67-12.54 16.03-29.16 30.03-49.58 33.07-.09.02-.17.04-.27.05-.05.01-.11.04-.16.05-5.24 1.07-10.63 1.6-16.19 1.6-5.55 0-10.95-.53-16.19-1.6-.05-.01-.11-.04-.16-.05-.1-.02-.17-.04-.27-.05-20.42-3.03-37.03-17.04-49.58-33.07-13.42-5.49-29.86-9.25-48.61-9.67z\"] };\nvar faGetPocket = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'get-pocket', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f265\", \"M407.6 64h-367C18.5 64 0 82.5 0 104.6v135.2C0 364.5 99.7 464 224.2 464c124 0 223.8-99.5 223.8-224.2V104.6c0-22.4-17.7-40.6-40.4-40.6zm-162 268.5c-12.4 11.8-31.4 11.1-42.4 0C89.5 223.6 88.3 227.4 88.3 209.3c0-16.9 13.8-30.7 30.7-30.7 17 0 16.1 3.8 105.2 89.3 90.6-86.9 88.6-89.3 105.5-89.3 16.9 0 30.7 13.8 30.7 30.7 0 17.8-2.9 15.7-114.8 123.2z\"] };\nvar faGg = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'gg', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f260\", \"M179.2 230.4l102.4 102.4-102.4 102.4L0 256 179.2 76.8l44.8 44.8-25.6 25.6-19.2-19.2-128 128 128 128 51.5-51.5-77.1-76.5 25.6-25.6zM332.8 76.8L230.4 179.2l102.4 102.4 25.6-25.6-77.1-76.5 51.5-51.5 128 128-128 128-19.2-19.2-25.6 25.6 44.8 44.8L512 256 332.8 76.8z\"] };\nvar faGgCircle = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'gg-circle', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f261\", \"M257 8C120 8 9 119 9 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S394 8 257 8zm-49.5 374.8L81.8 257.1l125.7-125.7 35.2 35.4-24.2 24.2-11.1-11.1-77.2 77.2 77.2 77.2 26.6-26.6-53.1-52.9 24.4-24.4 77.2 77.2-75 75.2zm99-2.2l-35.2-35.2 24.1-24.4 11.1 11.1 77.2-77.2-77.2-77.2-26.5 26.5 53.1 52.9-24.4 24.4-77.2-77.2 75-75L432.2 255 306.5 380.6z\"] };\nvar faGit = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'git', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f1d3\", \"M18.8 221.7c0 25.3 16.2 60 41.5 68.5v1c-18.8 8.3-24 50.6 1 65.8v1C34 367 16 384.3 16 414.2c0 51.5 48.8 65.8 91.5 65.8 52 0 90.7-18.7 90.7-76 0-70.5-101-44.5-101-82.8 0-13.5 7.2-18.7 19.7-21.3 41.5-7.7 67.5-40 67.5-82.2 0-7.3-1.5-14.2-4-21 6.7-1.5 13.2-3.3 19.7-5.5v-50.5c-17.2 6.8-35.7 11.8-54.5 11.8-53.8-31-126.8 1.3-126.8 69.2zm87.7 163.8c17 0 41.2 3 41.2 25 0 21.8-19.5 26.3-37.7 26.3-17.3 0-43.3-2.7-43.3-25.2.1-22.3 22.1-26.1 39.8-26.1zM103.3 256c-22 0-31.3-13-31.3-33.8 0-49.3 61-48.8 61-.5 0 20.3-8 34.3-29.7 34.3zM432 305.5v49c-13.3 7.3-30.5 9.8-45.5 9.8-53.5 0-59.8-42.2-59.8-85.7v-87.7h.5v-1c-7 0-7.3-1.6-24 1v-47.5h24c0-22.3.3-31-1.5-41.2h56.7c-2 13.8-1.5 27.5-1.5 41.2h51v47.5s-19.3-1-51-1V281c0 14.8 3.3 32.8 21.8 32.8 9.8 0 21.3-2.8 29.3-8.3zM286 68.7c0 18.7-14.5 36.2-33.8 36.2-19.8 0-34.5-17.2-34.5-36.2 0-19.3 14.5-36.7 34.5-36.7C272 32 286 50 286 68.7zm-6.2 74.5c-1.8 14.6-1.6 199.8 0 217.8h-55.5c1.6-18.1 1.8-203 0-217.8h55.5z\"] };\nvar faGitSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'git-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f1d2\", \"M140.1 348.5c12.1 0 29.5 2.1 29.5 17.9 0 15.5-13.9 18.8-27 18.8-12.3 0-30.9-2-30.9-18s15.7-18.7 28.4-18.7zm-24.7-116.6c0 14.8 6.6 24.1 22.3 24.1 15.5 0 21.2-10 21.2-24.5.1-34.4-43.5-34.8-43.5.4zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-241 93.7c-12.3 4.8-25.5 8.4-38.9 8.4-38.5-22.1-90.7.9-90.7 49.5 0 18 11.6 42.9 29.6 48.9v.7c-13.4 5.9-17.1 36.1.7 47v.7c-19.5 6.4-32.3 18.8-32.3 40.2 0 36.8 34.8 47 65.4 47 37.1 0 64.8-13.4 64.8-54.3 0-50.4-72.1-31.8-72.1-59.1 0-9.6 5.2-13.4 14.1-15.2 29.6-5.5 48.2-28.6 48.2-58.7 0-5.2-1.1-10.2-2.9-15 4.8-1.1 9.5-2.3 14.1-3.9v-36.2zm56.8 1.8h-39.6c1.3 10.6 1.1 142.6 0 155.5h39.6c-1.1-12.8-1.2-145.1 0-155.5zm4.5-53.3c0-13.4-10-26.2-24.1-26.2-14.3 0-24.6 12.5-24.6 26.2 0 13.6 10.5 25.9 24.6 25.9 13.7 0 24.1-12.5 24.1-25.9zm104.3 53.3h-36.4c0-9.8-.4-19.6 1.1-29.5h-40.5c1.3 7.3 1.1 13.6 1.1 29.5h-17.1v33.9c11.9-1.9 12.1-.7 17.1-.7v.7h-.4v62.7c0 31.1 4.5 61.2 42.7 61.2 10.7 0 23-1.8 32.5-7v-35c-5.7 3.9-13.9 5.9-20.9 5.9-13.2 0-15.5-12.9-15.5-23.4v-65.2c22.7 0 36.4.7 36.4.7v-33.8z\"] };\nvar faGithub = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'github', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f09b\", \"M165.9 397.4c0 2-2.3 3.6-5.2 3.6-3.3.3-5.6-1.3-5.6-3.6 0-2 2.3-3.6 5.2-3.6 3-.3 5.6 1.3 5.6 3.6zm-31.1-4.5c-.7 2 1.3 4.3 4.3 4.9 2.6 1 5.6 0 6.2-2s-1.3-4.3-4.3-5.2c-2.6-.7-5.5.3-6.2 2.3zm44.2-1.7c-2.9.7-4.9 2.6-4.6 4.9.3 2 2.9 3.3 5.9 2.6 2.9-.7 4.9-2.6 4.6-4.6-.3-1.9-3-3.2-5.9-2.9zM244.8 8C106.1 8 0 113.3 0 252c0 110.9 69.8 205.8 169.5 239.2 12.8 2.3 17.3-5.6 17.3-12.1 0-6.2-.3-40.4-.3-61.4 0 0-70 15-84.7-29.8 0 0-11.4-29.1-27.8-36.6 0 0-22.9-15.7 1.6-15.4 0 0 24.9 2 38.6 25.8 21.9 38.6 58.6 27.5 72.9 20.9 2.3-16 8.8-27.1 16-33.7-55.9-6.2-112.3-14.3-112.3-110.5 0-27.5 7.6-41.3 23.6-58.9-2.6-6.5-11.1-33.3 2.6-67.9 20.9-6.5 69 27 69 27 20-5.6 41.5-8.5 62.8-8.5s42.8 2.9 62.8 8.5c0 0 48.1-33.6 69-27 13.7 34.7 5.2 61.4 2.6 67.9 16 17.7 25.8 31.5 25.8 58.9 0 96.5-58.9 104.2-114.8 110.5 9.2 7.9 17 22.9 17 46.4 0 33.7-.3 75.4-.3 83.6 0 6.5 4.6 14.4 17.3 12.1C428.2 457.8 496 362.9 496 252 496 113.3 383.5 8 244.8 8zM97.2 352.9c-1.3 1-1 3.3.7 5.2 1.6 1.6 3.9 2.3 5.2 1 1.3-1 1-3.3-.7-5.2-1.6-1.6-3.9-2.3-5.2-1zm-10.8-8.1c-.7 1.3.3 2.9 2.3 3.9 1.6 1 3.6.7 4.3-.7.7-1.3-.3-2.9-2.3-3.9-2-.6-3.6-.3-4.3.7zm32.4 35.6c-1.6 1.3-1 4.3 1.3 6.2 2.3 2.3 5.2 2.6 6.5 1 1.3-1.3.7-4.3-1.3-6.2-2.2-2.3-5.2-2.6-6.5-1zm-11.4-14.7c-1.6 1-1.6 3.6 0 5.9 1.6 2.3 4.3 3.3 5.6 2.3 1.6-1.3 1.6-3.9 0-6.2-1.4-2.3-4-3.3-5.6-2z\"] };\nvar faGithubAlt = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'github-alt', icon: [480, 512, [], \"f113\", \"M186.1 328.7c0 20.9-10.9 55.1-36.7 55.1s-36.7-34.2-36.7-55.1 10.9-55.1 36.7-55.1 36.7 34.2 36.7 55.1zM480 278.2c0 31.9-3.2 65.7-17.5 95-37.9 76.6-142.1 74.8-216.7 74.8-75.8 0-186.2 2.7-225.6-74.8-14.6-29-20.2-63.1-20.2-95 0-41.9 13.9-81.5 41.5-113.6-5.2-15.8-7.7-32.4-7.7-48.8 0-21.5 4.9-32.3 14.6-51.8 45.3 0 74.3 9 108.8 36 29-6.9 58.8-10 88.7-10 27 0 54.2 2.9 80.4 9.2 34-26.7 63-35.2 107.8-35.2 9.8 19.5 14.6 30.3 14.6 51.8 0 16.4-2.6 32.7-7.7 48.2 27.5 32.4 39 72.3 39 114.2zm-64.3 50.5c0-43.9-26.7-82.6-73.5-82.6-18.9 0-37 3.4-56 6-14.9 2.3-29.8 3.2-45.1 3.2-15.2 0-30.1-.9-45.1-3.2-18.7-2.6-37-6-56-6-46.8 0-73.5 38.7-73.5 82.6 0 87.8 80.4 101.3 150.4 101.3h48.2c70.3 0 150.6-13.4 150.6-101.3zm-82.6-55.1c-25.8 0-36.7 34.2-36.7 55.1s10.9 55.1 36.7 55.1 36.7-34.2 36.7-55.1-10.9-55.1-36.7-55.1z\"] };\nvar faGithubSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'github-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f092\", \"M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM277.3 415.7c-8.4 1.5-11.5-3.7-11.5-8 0-5.4.2-33 .2-55.3 0-15.6-5.2-25.5-11.3-30.7 37-4.1 76-9.2 76-73.1 0-18.2-6.5-27.3-17.1-39 1.7-4.3 7.4-22-1.7-45-13.9-4.3-45.7 17.9-45.7 17.9-13.2-3.7-27.5-5.6-41.6-5.6-14.1 0-28.4 1.9-41.6 5.6 0 0-31.8-22.2-45.7-17.9-9.1 22.9-3.5 40.6-1.7 45-10.6 11.7-15.6 20.8-15.6 39 0 63.6 37.3 69 74.3 73.1-4.8 4.3-9.1 11.7-10.6 22.3-9.5 4.3-33.8 11.7-48.3-13.9-9.1-15.8-25.5-17.1-25.5-17.1-16.2-.2-1.1 10.2-1.1 10.2 10.8 5 18.4 24.2 18.4 24.2 9.7 29.7 56.1 19.7 56.1 19.7 0 13.9.2 36.5.2 40.6 0 4.3-3 9.5-11.5 8-66-22.1-112.2-84.9-112.2-158.3 0-91.8 70.2-161.5 162-161.5S388 165.6 388 257.4c.1 73.4-44.7 136.3-110.7 158.3zm-98.1-61.1c-1.9.4-3.7-.4-3.9-1.7-.2-1.5 1.1-2.8 3-3.2 1.9-.2 3.7.6 3.9 1.9.3 1.3-1 2.6-3 3zm-9.5-.9c0 1.3-1.5 2.4-3.5 2.4-2.2.2-3.7-.9-3.7-2.4 0-1.3 1.5-2.4 3.5-2.4 1.9-.2 3.7.9 3.7 2.4zm-13.7-1.1c-.4 1.3-2.4 1.9-4.1 1.3-1.9-.4-3.2-1.9-2.8-3.2.4-1.3 2.4-1.9 4.1-1.5 2 .6 3.3 2.1 2.8 3.4zm-12.3-5.4c-.9 1.1-2.8.9-4.3-.6-1.5-1.3-1.9-3.2-.9-4.1.9-1.1 2.8-.9 4.3.6 1.3 1.3 1.8 3.3.9 4.1zm-9.1-9.1c-.9.6-2.6 0-3.7-1.5s-1.1-3.2 0-3.9c1.1-.9 2.8-.2 3.7 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.1 3.3 0 4.1zm-6.5-9.7c-.9.9-2.4.4-3.5-.6-1.1-1.3-1.3-2.8-.4-3.5.9-.9 2.4-.4 3.5.6 1.1 1.3 1.3 2.8.4 3.5zm-6.7-7.4c-.4.9-1.7 1.1-2.8.4-1.3-.6-1.9-1.7-1.5-2.6.4-.6 1.5-.9 2.8-.4 1.3.7 1.9 1.8 1.5 2.6z\"] };\nvar faGitkraken = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'gitkraken', icon: [592, 512, [], \"f3a6\", \"M565.7 118.1c-2.3-6.1-9.3-9.2-15.3-6.6-5.7 2.4-8.5 8.9-6.3 14.6 10.9 29 16.9 60.5 16.9 93.3 0 134.6-100.3 245.7-230.2 262.7V358.4c7.9-1.5 15.5-3.6 23-6.2v104c106.7-25.9 185.9-122.1 185.9-236.8 0-91.8-50.8-171.8-125.8-213.3-5.7-3.2-13-.9-15.9 5-2.7 5.5-.6 12.2 4.7 15.1 67.9 37.6 113.9 110 113.9 193.2 0 93.3-57.9 173.1-139.8 205.4v-92.2c14.2-4.5 24.9-17.7 24.9-33.5 0-13.1-6.8-24.4-17.3-30.5 8.3-79.5 44.5-58.6 44.5-83.9V170c0-38-87.9-161.8-129-164.7-2.5-.2-5-.2-7.6 0C251.1 8.3 163.2 132 163.2 170v14.8c0 25.3 36.3 4.3 44.5 83.9-10.6 6.1-17.3 17.4-17.3 30.5 0 15.8 10.6 29 24.8 33.5v92.2c-81.9-32.2-139.8-112-139.8-205.4 0-83.1 46-155.5 113.9-193.2 5.4-3 7.4-9.6 4.7-15.1-2.9-5.9-10.1-8.2-15.9-5-75 41.5-125.8 121.5-125.8 213.3 0 114.7 79.2 210.8 185.9 236.8v-104c7.6 2.5 15.1 4.6 23 6.2v123.7C131.4 465.2 31 354.1 31 219.5c0-32.8 6-64.3 16.9-93.3 2.2-5.8-.6-12.2-6.3-14.6-6-2.6-13 .4-15.3 6.6C14.5 149.7 8 183.8 8 219.5c0 155.1 122.6 281.6 276.3 287.8V361.4c6.8.4 15 .5 23.4 0v145.8C461.4 501.1 584 374.6 584 219.5c0-35.7-6.5-69.8-18.3-101.4zM365.9 275.5c13 0 23.7 10.5 23.7 23.7 0 13.1-10.6 23.7-23.7 23.7-13 0-23.7-10.5-23.7-23.7 0-13.1 10.6-23.7 23.7-23.7zm-139.8 47.3c-13.2 0-23.7-10.7-23.7-23.7s10.5-23.7 23.7-23.7c13.1 0 23.7 10.6 23.7 23.7 0 13-10.5 23.7-23.7 23.7z\"] };\nvar faGitlab = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'gitlab', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f296\", \"M29.782 199.732L256 493.714 8.074 309.699c-6.856-5.142-9.712-13.996-7.141-21.993l28.849-87.974zm75.405-174.806c-3.142-8.854-15.709-8.854-18.851 0L29.782 199.732h131.961L105.187 24.926zm56.556 174.806L256 493.714l94.257-293.982H161.743zm349.324 87.974l-28.849-87.974L256 493.714l247.926-184.015c6.855-5.142 9.711-13.996 7.141-21.993zm-85.404-262.78c-3.142-8.854-15.709-8.854-18.851 0l-56.555 174.806h131.961L425.663 24.926z\"] };\nvar faGitter = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'gitter', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f426\", \"M66.4 322.5H16V0h50.4v322.5zM166.9 76.1h-50.4V512h50.4V76.1zm100.6 0h-50.4V512h50.4V76.1zM368 76h-50.4v247H368V76z\"] };\nvar faGlide = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'glide', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f2a5\", \"M252.8 148.6c0 8.8-1.6 17.7-3.4 26.4-5.8 27.8-11.6 55.8-17.3 83.6-1.4 6.3-8.3 4.9-13.7 4.9-23.8 0-30.5-26-30.5-45.5 0-29.3 11.2-68.1 38.5-83.1 4.3-2.5 9.2-4.2 14.1-4.2 11.4 0 12.3 8.3 12.3 17.9zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-64 187c0-5.1-20.8-37.7-25.5-39.5-2.2-.9-7.2-2.3-9.6-2.3-23.1 0-38.7 10.5-58.2 21.5l-.5-.5c4.3-29.4 14.6-57.2 14.6-87.4 0-44.6-23.8-62.7-67.5-62.7-71.7 0-108 70.8-108 123.5 0 54.7 32 85 86.3 85 7.5 0 6.9-.6 6.9 2.3-10.5 80.3-56.5 82.9-56.5 58.9 0-24.4 28-36.5 28.3-38-.2-7.6-29.3-17.2-36.7-17.2-21.1 0-32.7 33-32.7 50.6 0 32.3 20.4 54.7 53.3 54.7 48.2 0 83.4-49.7 94.3-91.7 9.4-37.7 7-39.4 12.3-42.1 20-10.1 35.8-16.8 58.4-16.8 11.1 0 19 2.3 36.7 5.2 1.8.1 4.1-1.7 4.1-3.5z\"] };\nvar faGlideG = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'glide-g', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f2a6\", \"M407.1 211.2c-3.5-1.4-11.6-3.8-15.4-3.8-37.1 0-62.2 16.8-93.5 34.5l-.9-.9c7-47.3 23.5-91.9 23.5-140.4C320.8 29.1 282.6 0 212.4 0 97.3 0 39 113.7 39 198.4 39 286.3 90.3 335 177.6 335c12 0 11-1 11 3.8-16.9 128.9-90.8 133.1-90.8 94.6 0-39.2 45-58.6 45.5-61-.3-12.2-47-27.6-58.9-27.6-33.9.1-52.4 51.2-52.4 79.3C32 476 64.8 512 117.5 512c77.4 0 134-77.8 151.4-145.4 15.1-60.5 11.2-63.3 19.7-67.6 32.2-16.2 57.5-27 93.8-27 17.8 0 30.5 3.7 58.9 8.4 2.9 0 6.7-2.9 6.7-5.8 0-8-33.4-60.5-40.9-63.4zm-175.3-84.4c-9.3 44.7-18.6 89.6-27.8 134.3-2.3 10.2-13.3 7.8-22 7.8-38.3 0-49-41.8-49-73.1 0-47 18-109.3 61.8-133.4 7-4.1 14.8-6.7 22.6-6.7 18.6 0 20 13.3 20 28.7-.1 14.3-2.7 28.5-5.6 42.4z\"] };\nvar faGofore = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'gofore', icon: [400, 512, [], \"f3a7\", \"M324 319.8h-13.2v34.7c-24.5 23.1-56.3 35.8-89.9 35.8-73.2 0-132.4-60.2-132.4-134.4 0-74.1 59.2-134.4 132.4-134.4 35.3 0 68.6 14 93.6 39.4l62.3-63.3C335 55.3 279.7 32 220.7 32 98 32 0 132.6 0 256c0 122.5 97 224 220.7 224 63.2 0 124.5-26.2 171-82.5-2-27.6-13.4-77.7-67.7-77.7zm-12.1-112.5H205.6v89H324c33.5 0 60.5 15.1 76 41.8v-30.6c0-65.2-40.4-100.2-88.1-100.2z\"] };\nvar faGoodreads = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'goodreads', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3a8\", \"M299.9 191.2c5.1 37.3-4.7 79-35.9 100.7-22.3 15.5-52.8 14.1-70.8 5.7-37.1-17.3-49.5-58.6-46.8-97.2 4.3-60.9 40.9-87.9 75.3-87.5 46.9-.2 71.8 31.8 78.2 78.3zM448 88v336c0 30.9-25.1 56-56 56H56c-30.9 0-56-25.1-56-56V88c0-30.9 25.1-56 56-56h336c30.9 0 56 25.1 56 56zM330 313.2s-.1-34-.1-217.3h-29v40.3c-.8.3-1.2-.5-1.6-1.2-9.6-20.7-35.9-46.3-76-46-51.9.4-87.2 31.2-100.6 77.8-4.3 14.9-5.8 30.1-5.5 45.6 1.7 77.9 45.1 117.8 112.4 115.2 28.9-1.1 54.5-17 69-45.2.5-1 1.1-1.9 1.7- 3.8.2 30.7.1 34.5-.2 14.8-2 29.5-7.2 43.5-7.8 21-22.3 34.7-44.5 39.5-17.8 3.9-35.6 3.8-53.2-1.2-21.5-6.1-36.5-19-41.1-41.8-.3-1.6-1.3-1.3-2.3-1.3h-26.8c.8 10.6 3.2 20.3 8.5 29.2 24.2 40.5 82.7 48.5 128.2 37.4 49.9-12.3 67.3-54.9 67.4-106.3z\"] };\nvar faGoodreadsG = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'goodreads-g', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f3a9\", \"M42.6 403.3h2.8c12.7 0 25.5 0 38.2.1 1.6 0 3.1-.4 3.6 2.1 7.1 34.9 30 54.6 62.9 63.9 26.9 7.6 54.1 7.8 81.3 1.8 33.8-7.4 56-28.3 68-60.4 8-21.5 10.7-43.8 11-66.5.1-5.8.3-47-.2-52.8l-.9-.3c-.8 1.5-1.7 2.9-2.5 4.4-22.1 43.1-61.3 67.4-105.4 69.1-103 4-169.4-57-172-176.2-.5-23.7 1.8-46.9 8.3-69.7C58.3 47.7 112.3.6 191.6 0c61.3-.4 101.5 38.7 116.2 70.3.5 1.1 1.3 2.3 2.4 1.9V10.6h44.3c0 280.3.1 332.2.1 332.2-.1 78.5-26.7 143.7-103 162.2-69.5 16.9-159 4.8-196-57.2-8-13.5-11.8-28.3-13-44.5zM188.9 36.5c-52.5-.5-108.5 40.7-115 133.8-4.1 59 14.8 122.2 71.5 148.6 27.6 12.9 74.3 15 108.3-8.7 47.6-33.2 62.7-97 54.8-154-9.7-71.1-47.8-120-119.6-119.7z\"] };\nvar faGoogle = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'google', icon: [488, 512, [], \"f1a0\", \"M488 261.8C488 403.3 391.1 504 248 504 110.8 504 0 393.2 0 256S110.8 8 248 8c66.8 0 123 24.5 166.3 64.9l-67.5 64.9C258.5 52.6 94.3 116.6 94.3 256c0 86.5 69.1 156.6 153.7 156.6 98.2 0 135-70.4 140.8-106.9H248v-85.3h236.1c2.3 12.7 3.9 24.9 3.9 41.4z\"] };\nvar faGoogleDrive = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'google-drive', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f3aa\", \"M339 314.9L175.4 32h161.2l163.6 282.9H339zm-137.5 23.6L120.9 480h310.5L512 338.5H201.5zM154.1 67.4L0 338.5 80.6 480 237 208.8 154.1 67.4z\"] };\nvar faGooglePlay = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'google-play', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f3ab\", \"M325.3 234.3L104.6 13l280.8 161.2-60.1 60.1zM47 0C34 6.8 25.3 19.2 25.3 35.3v441.3c0 16.1 8.7 28.5 21.7 35.3l256.6-256L47 0zm425.2 225.6l-58.9-34.1-65.7 64.5 65.7 64.5 60.1-34.1c18-14.3 18-46.5-1.2-60.8zM104.6 499l280.8-161.2-60.1-60.1L104.6 499z\"] };\nvar faGooglePlus = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'google-plus', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f2b3\", \"M248 8C111.1 8 0 119.1 0 256s111.1 248 248 248 248-111.1 248-248S384.9 8 248 8zm-70.7 372c-68.8 0-124-55.5-124-124s55.2-124 124-124c31.3 0 60.1 11 83 32.3l-33.6 32.6c-13.2-12.9-31.3-19.1-49.4-19.1-42.9 0-77.2 35.5-77.2 78.1s34.2 78.1 77.2 78.1c32.6 0 64.9-19.1 70.1-53.3h-70.1v-42.6h116.9c1.3 6.8 1.9 13.6 1.9 20.7 0 70.8-47.5 121.2-118.8 121.2zm230.2-106.2v35.5H372v-35.5h-35.5v-35.5H372v-35.5h35.5v35.5h35.2v35.5h-35.2z\"] };\nvar faGooglePlusG = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'google-plus-g', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f0d5\", \"M386.061 228.496c1.834 9.692 3.143 19.384 3.143 31.956C389.204 370.205 315.599 448 204.8 448c-106.084 0-192-85.915-192-192s85.916-192 192-192c51.864 0 95.083 18.859 128.611 50.292l-52.126 50.03c-14.145-13.621-39.028-29.599-76.485-29.599-65.484 0-118.92 54.221-118.92 121.277 0 67.056 53.436 121.277 118.92 121.277 75.961 0 104.513-54.745 108.965-82.773H204.8v-66.009h181.261zm185.406 6.437V179.2h-56.001v55.733h-55.733v56.001h55.733v55.733h56.001v-55.733H627.2v-56.001h-55.733z\"] };\nvar faGooglePlusSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'google-plus-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f0d4\", \"M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM164 356c-55.3 0-100-44.7-100-100s44.7-100 100-100c27 0 49.5 9.8 67 26.2l-27.1 26.1c-7.4-7.1-20.3-15.4-39.8-15.4-34.1 0-61.9 28.2-61.9 63.2 0 34.9 27.8 63.2 61.9 63.2 39.6 0 54.4-28.5 56.8-43.1H164v-34.4h94.4c1 5 1.6 10.1 1.6 16.6 0 57.1-38.3 97.6-96 97.6zm220-81.8h-29v29h-29.2v-29h-29V245h29v-29H355v29h29v29.2z\"] };\nvar faGoogleWallet = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'google-wallet', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f1ee\", \"M156.8 126.8c37.6 60.6 64.2 113.1 84.3 162.5-8.3 33.8-18.8 66.5-31.3 98.3-13.2-52.3-26.5-101.3-56-148.5 6.5-36.4 2.3-73.6 3-112.3zM109.3 200H16.1c-6.5 0-10.5 7.5-6.5 12.7C51.8 267 81.3 330.5 101.3 400h103.5c-16.2-69.7-38.7-133.7-82.5-193.5-3-4-8-6.5-13-6.5zm47.8-88c68.5 108 130 234.5 138.2 368H409c-12-138-68.4-265-143.2-368H157.1zm251.8-68.5c-1.8-6.8-8.2-11.5-15.2-11.5h-88.3c-5.3 0-9 5-7.8 10.3 13.2 46.5 22.3 95.5 26.5 146 48.2 86.2 79.7 178.3 90.6 270.8 15.8-60.5 25.3-133.5 25.3-203 0-73.6-12.1-145.1-31.1-212.6z\"] };\nvar faGratipay = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'gratipay', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f184\", \"M248 8C111.1 8 0 119.1 0 256s111.1 248 248 248 248-111.1 248-248S384.9 8 248 8zm114.6 226.4l-113 152.7-112.7-152.7c-8.7-11.9-19.1-50.4 13.6-72 28.1-18.1 54.6-4.2 68.5 11.9 15.9 17.9 46.6 16.9 61.7 0 13.9-16.1 40.4-30 68.1-11.9 32.9 21.6 22.6 60 13.8 72z\"] };\nvar faGrav = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'grav', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f2d6\", \"M301.1 212c4.4 4.4 4.4 11.9 0 16.3l-9.7 9.7c-4.4 4.7-11.9 4.7-16.6 0l-10.5-10.5c-4.4-4.7-4.4-11.9 0-16.6l9.7-9.7c4.4-4.4 11.9-4.4 16.6 0l10.5 10.8zm-30.2-19.7c3-3 3-7.8 0-10.5-2.8-3-7.5-3-10.5 0-2.8 2.8-2.8 7.5 0 10.5 3.1 2.8 7.8 2.8 10.5 0zm-26 5.3c-3 2.8-3 7.5 0 10.2 2.8 3 7.5 3 10.5 0 2.8-2.8 2.8-7.5 0-10.2-3-3-7.7-3-10.5 0zm72.5-13.3c-19.9-14.4-33.8-43.2-11.9-68.1 21.6-24.9 40.7-17.2 59.8.8 11.9 11.3 29.3 24.9 17.2 48.2-12.5 23.5-45.1 33.2-65.1 19.1zm47.7-44.5c-8.9-10-23.3 6.9-15.5 16.1 7.4 9 32.1 2.4 15.5-16.1zM504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-66.2 42.6c2.5-16.1-20.2-16.6-25.2-25.7-13.6-24.1-27.7-36.8-54.5-30.4 11.6-8 23.5-6.1 23.5-6.1.3-6.4 0-13-9.4-24.9 3.9-12.5.3-22.4.3-22.4 15.5-8.6 26.8-24.4 29.1-43.2 3.6-31-18.8-59.2-49.8-62.8-22.1-2.5-43.7 7.7-54.3 25.7-23.2 40.1 1.4 70.9 22.4 81.4-14.4-1.4-34.3-11.9-40.1-34.3-6.6-25.7 2.8-49.8 8.9-61.4 0 0-4.4-5.8-8-8.9 0 0-13.8 0-24.6 5.3 11.9-15.2 25.2-14.4 25.2-14.4 0-6.4-.6-14.9-3.6-21.6-5.4-11-23.8-12.9-31.7 2.8.1-.2.3-.4.4-.5-5 11.9-1.1 55.9 16.9 87.2-2.5 1.4-9.1 6.1-13 10-21.6 9.7-56.2 60.3-56.2 60.3-28.2 10.8-77.2 50.9-70.6 79.7.3 3 1.4 5.5 3 7.5-2.8 2.2-5.5 5-8.3 8.3-11.9 13.8-5.3 35.2 17.7 24.4 15.8-7.2 29.6-20.2 36.3-30.4 0 0-5.5-5-16.3-4.4 27.7-6.6 34.3-9.4 46.2-9.1 8 3.9 8-34.3 8-34.3 0-14.7-2.2-31-11.1-41.5 12.5 12.2 29.1 32.7 28 60.6-.8 18.3-15.2 23-15.2 23-9.1 16.6-43.2 65.9-30.4 106 0 0-9.7-14.9-10.2-22.1-17.4 19.4-46.5 52.3-24.6 64.5 26.6 14.7 108.8-88.6 126.2-142.3 34.6-20.8 55.4-47.3 63.9-65 22 43.5 95.3 94.5 101.1 59z\"] };\nvar faGripfire = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'gripfire', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f3ac\", \"M171.8 503.8c0-5.3 4.8-12.2 4.8-22.3 0-15.2-13-39.9-78.1-86.6C64.2 365.8 32 336.4 32 286.6 32 171.9 179.1 110.1 179.1 18c0-3.3-.2-6.7-.6-10 5.1 2.4 39.1 43.3 39.1 90.4 0 80.5-105.1 129.2-105.1 203 0 26.9 16.6 47.2 32.6 69.5 22.5 30.2 44.2 56.9 44.2 86.5-.1 14.5-4.4 29.7-17.5 46.4zm146-241.4c1.5 8.4 2.2 16.6 2.2 24.6 0 51.8-29.4 97.5-67.3 136.8-1 1-2.2 2.4-3.2 2.4-3.6 0-35.5-41.6-35.5-53.2 0 0 41.8-55.7 41.8-96.9 0-10.8-2.7-21.7-9.1-33.4-1.5 32.3-55.7 87.7-58.1 87.7-2.7 0-17.9-22-17.9-42.1 0-5.3 1-10.7 3.2-15.8 2.4-5.5 56.6-72 56.6-116.7 0-6.2-1-12-3.4-17.1l-4-7.2c16.7 6.5 82.6 64.1 94.7 130.9\"] };\nvar faGrunt = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'grunt', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f3ad\", \"M61.3 189.3c-1.1 10 5.2 19.1 5.2 19.1.7-7.5 2.2-12.8 4-16.6.4 10.3 3.2 23.5 12.8 34.1 6.9 7.6 35.6 23.3 54.9 6.1 1 2.4 2.1 5.3 3 8.5 2.9 10.3-2.7 25.3-2.7 25.3s15.1-17.1 13.9-32.5c10.8-.5 21.4-8.4 21.1-19.5 0 0-18.9 10.4-35.5-8.8-9.7-11.2-40.9-42-83.1-31.8 4.3 1 8.9 2.4 13.5 4.1h-.1c-4.2 2-6.5 7.1-7 12zm28.3-1.8c19.5 11 37.4 25.7 44.9 37-5.7 3.3-21.7 10.4-38-1.7-10.3-7.6-9.8-26.2-6.9-35.3zm79.2 233.7c2.2 2.3 1.5 5.3.9 6.8-1.1 2.7-5.5 11.6-13 19.8-2.7 2.9-6.6 4.6-11 4.6-4.3 0-8.7-1.6-11.8-4.3-2.3-2.1-10.2-9.5-13.7-18.6-1.3-3.4-1-6.1.9-8.1 1.3-1.3 4-2.9 9.5-2.9H160c4.1 0 7 .9 8.8 2.7zm62.9-187.9c-1.2 15.5 13.9 32.5 13.9 32.5s-5.6-15-2.7-25.3c.9-3.2 2-6 3-8.5 19.3 17.3 48 1.5 54.8-6.1 9.6-10.6 12.3-23.8 12.8-34.1 1.8 3.8 3.4 9.1 4 16.6 0 0 6.4-9.1 5.2-19.1-.6-5-2.9-10-7-11.8h-.1c4.6-1.8 9.2-3.2 13.5-4.1-42.3-10.2-73.4 20.6-83.1 31.8-16.7 19.2-35.5 8.8-35.5 8.8-.2 10.9 10.4 18.9 21.2 19.3zm17.8-8.8c7.5-11.4 25.4-26 44.9-37 3 9.1 3.4 27.7-7 35.4-16.3 12.1-32.2 5-37.9 1.6-.1.1 0 0 0 0zM263 421.4c1.9 1.9 2.2 4.6.9 7.9-3.5 8.9-11.4 16.1-13.7 18.1-3.1 2.6-7.4 4.2-11.8 4.2s-8.3-1.6-11-4.5c-7.5-8-12-16.7-13-19.3-.6-1.5-1.3-4.4.9-6.7 1.7-1.8 4.7-2.7 8.9-2.7h29.4c5.4.1 8.1 1.7 9.4 3zm-98.3-251.5c9.9 6 18.8 8.1 27.3 8.3 8.5-.2 17.4-2.3 27.3-8.3 0 0-14.5 17.7-27.2 17.8h-.2c-12.7-.2-27.2-17.8-27.2-17.8zm184.5 147.4c-2.4 17.9-13 33.8-24.6 43.7-3.1-22.7-3.7-55.5-3.7-62.4 0-14.7 9.5-24.5 12.2-26.1 2.5-1.5 5.4-3 8.3-4.6 18-9.6 40.4-21.6 40.4-43.7 0-16.2-9.3-23.2-15.4-27.8-.8-.6-1.5-1.1-2.2-1.7-2.1-1.7-3.7-3-4.3-4.4-4.4-9.8-3.6-34.2-1.7-37.6.6-.6 16.7-20.9 11.8-39.2-2-7.4-6.9-13.3-14.1-17-5.3-2.7-11.9-4.2-19.5-4.5-.1-2-.5-3.9-.9-5.9-.6-2.6-1.1-5.3-.9-8.1.4-4.7.8-9 2.2-11.3 8.4-13.3 28.8-17.6 29-17.6l12.3-2.4-8.1-9.5c-.1-.2-17.3-17.5-46.3-17.5-7.9 0-16 1.3-24.1 3.9-24.2 7.8-42.9 30.5-49.4 39.3-3.1-1-6.3-1.9-9.6-2.7-4.2-15.8 9-38.5 9-38.5s-13.6-3-33.7 15.2c-2.6-6.5-8.1-20.5-1.8-37.2C184.6 10.1 177.2 26 175 40.4c-7.6-5.4-6.7-23.1-7.2-27.6-7.5.9-29.2 21.9-28.2 48.3-2 .5-3.9 1.1-5.9 1.7-6.5-8.8-25.1-31.5-49.4-39.3-7.9-2.2-16-3.5-23.9-3.5-29 0-46.1 17.3-46.3 17.5L6 46.9l12.3 2.4c.2 0 20.6 4.3 29 17.6 1.4 2.2 1.8 6.6 2.2 11.3.2 2.8-.4 5.5-.9 8.1-.4 1.9-.8 3.9-.9 5.9-7.7.3-14.2 1.8-19.5 4.5-7.2 3.7-12.1 9.6-14.1 17-5 18.2 11.2 38.5 11.8 39.2 1.9 3.4 2.7 27.8-1.7 37.6-.6 1.4-2.2 2.7-4.3 4.4-.7.5-1.4 1.1-2.2 1.7-6.1 4.6-15.4 11.7-15.4 27.8 0 22.1 22.4 34.1 40.4 43.7 3 1.6 5.8 3.1 8.3 4.6 2.7 1.6 12.2 11.4 12.2 26.1 0 6.9-.6 39.7-3.7 62.4-11.6-9.9-22.2-25.9-24.6-43.8 0 0-29.2 22.6-20.6 70.8 5.2 29.5 23.2 46.1 47 54.7 8.8 19.1 29.4 45.7 67.3 49.6C143 504.3 163 512 192.2 512h.2c29.1 0 49.1-7.7 63.6-19.5 37.9-3.9 58.5-30.5 67.3-49.6 23.8-8.7 41.7-25.2 47-54.7 8.2-48.4-21.1-70.9-21.1-70.9zM305.7 37.7c5.6-1.8 11.6-2.7 17.7-2.7 11 0 19.9 3 24.7 5-3.1 1.4-6.4 3.2-9.7 5.3-2.4-.4-5.6-.8-9.2-.8-10.5 0-20.5 3.1-28.7 8.9-12.3 8.7-18 16.9-20.7 22.4-2.2-1.3-4.5-2.5-7.1-3.7-1.6-.8-3.1-1.5-4.7-2.2 6.1-9.1 19.9-26.5 37.7-32.2zm21 18.2c-.8 1-1.6 2.1-2.3 3.2-3.3 5.2-3.9 11.6-4.4 17.8-.5 6.4-1.1 12.5-4.4 17-4.2.8-8.1 1.7-11.5 2.7-2.3-3.1-5.6-7-10.5-11.2 1.4-4.8 5.5-16.1 13.5-22.5 5.6-4.3 12.2-6.7 19.6-7zM45.6 45.3c-3.3-2.2-6.6-4-9.7-5.3 4.8-2 13.7-5 24.7-5 6.1 0 12 .9 17.7 2.7 17.8 5.8 31.6 23.2 37.7 32.1-1.6.7-3.2 1.4-4.8 2.2-2.5 1.2-4.9 2.5-7.1 3.7-2.6-5.4-8.3-13.7-20.7-22.4-8.3-5.8-18.2-8.9-28.8-8.9-3.4.1-6.6.5-9 .9zm44.7 40.1c-4.9 4.2-8.3 8-10.5 11.2-3.4-.9-7.3-1.9-11.5-2.7C65 89.5 64.5 83.4 64 77c-.5-6.2-1.1-12.6-4.4-17.8-.7-1.1-1.5-2.2-2.3-3.2 7.4.3 14 2.6 19.5 7 8 6.3 12.1 17.6 13.5 22.4zM58.1 259.9c-2.7-1.6-5.6-3.1-8.4-4.6-14.9-8-30.2-16.3-30.2-30.5 0-11.1 4.3-14.6 8.9-18.2l.5-.4c.7-.6 1.4-1.2 2.2-1.8-.9 7.2-1.9 13.3-2.7 14.9 0 0 12.1-15 15.7-44.3 1.4-11.5-1.1-34.3-5.1-43 .2 4.9 0 9.8-.3 14.4-.4-.8-.8-1.6-1.3-2.2-3.2-4-11.8-17.5-9.4-26.6.9-3.5 3.1-6 6.7-7.8 3.8-1.9 8.8-2.9 15.1-2.9 12.3 0 25.9 3.7 32.9 6 25.1 8 55.4 30.9 64.1 3.9-3.5-5.8c-.2-.3-19.1-31.4-53.2-46.5 2-2.9 7.4-8.1 21.6-15.1 21.4-10.5 46.5-15.8 74.3-15.8 27.9 0 52.9 5.3 74.3 15.8 14.2 6.9 19.6 12.2 21.6 15.1-34 15.1-52.9 46.2-53.1 46.5l-3.5 5.8 5.6-3.9s.2-.1.4-.3c8.7-6.8 39-29.8 64.1-37.7 7-2.2 20.6-6 32.9-6 6.3 0 11.3 1 15.1 2.9 3.5 1.8 5.7 4.4 6.7 7.8 2.5 9.1-6.1 22.6-9.4 26.6-.5.6-.9 1.3-1.3 2.2-.3-4.6-.5-9.5-.3-14.4-4 8.8-6.5 31.5-5.1 43 3.6 29.3 15.7 44.3 15.7 44.3-.8-1.6-1.8-7.7-2.7- 1.5 1.2 2.2 1.8l.5.4c4.6 3.7 8.9 7.1 8.9 18.2 0 14.2-15.4 22.5-30.2 30.5-2.9 1.5-5.7 3.1-8.4 4.6-8.7 5-18 16.7-19.1 34.2-.9 14.6.9 49.9 3.4 75.9-12.4 4.8-26.7 6.4-39.7 6.8-2-4.1-3.9-8.5-5.5-13.1-.7-2-19.6-51.1-26.4-62.2 5.5 39 17.5 73.7 23.5 89.6-3.5-.5-7.3-.7-11.7-.7h-117c-4.4 0-8.3.3-11.7.7 6-15.9 18.1-50.6 23.5-89.6-6.8 11.2-25.7 60.3-26.4 62.2-1.6 4.6-3.5 9-5.5 13.1-13-.4-27.2-2-39.7-6.8 2.5-26 4.3-61.2 3.4-75.9-.9-17.4-10.3-29.2-19-34.2zM34.8 404.6c-12.1-20-8.7-54.1-3.7-59.1 10.9 34.4 47.2 44.3 74.4 45.4-2.7 4.2-5.2 7.6-7 10l-1.4 1.4c-7.2 7.8-8.6 18.5-4.1 31.8-22.7-.1-46.3-9.8-58.2-29.5zm45.7 43.5c6 1.1 12.2 1.9 18.6 2.4 3.5 8 7.4 15.9 12.3 23.1-14.4-5.9-24.4-16-30.9-25.5zM192 498.2c-60.6-.1-78.3-45.8-84.9-64.7-3.7-10.5-3.4-18.2.9-23.1 2.9-3.3 9.5-7.2 24.6-7.2h118.8c15.1 0 21.8 3.9 24.6 7.2 4.2 4.8 4.5 12.6.9 23.1-6.6 18.8-24.3 64.6-84.9 64.7zm80.6-24.6c4.9-7.2 8.8-15.1 12.3-23.1 6.4-.5 12.6-1.3 18.6-2.4-6.5 9.5-16.5 19.6-30.9 25.5zm76.6-69c-12 19.7-35.6 29.3-58.1 29.7 4.5-13.3 3.1-24.1-4.1-31.8-.4-.5-.9-1-1.4-1.5-1.8-2.4-4.3-5.8-7-10 27.2-1.2 63.5-11 74.4-45.4 5 5 8.4 39.1-3.8 59z\"] };\nvar faGulp = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'gulp', icon: [256, 512, [], \"f3ae\", \"M209.8 391.1l-14.1 24.6-4.6 80.2c0 8.9-28.3 16.1-63.1 16.1s-63.1-7.2-63.1-16.1l-5.8-79.4-14.9-25.4c41.2 17.3 126 16.7 165.6 0zm-196-253.3l13.6 125.5c5.9-20 20.8-47 40-55.2 6.3-2.7 12.7-2.7 18.7.9 5.2 3 9.6 9.3 10.1 11.8 1.2 6.5-2 9.1-4.5 9.1-3 0-5.3-4.6-6.8-7.3-4.1-7.3-10.3-7.6-16.9-2.8-6.9 5-12.9 13.4-17.1 20.7-5.1 8.8-9.4 18.5-12 28.2-1.5 5.6-2.9 14.6-.6 19.9 1 2.2 2.5 3.6 4.9 3.6 5 0 12.3-6.6 15.8-10.1 4.5-4.5 10.3-11.5 12.5-16l5.2-15.5c2.6-6.8 9.9-5.6 9.9 0 0 10.2-3.7 13.6-10 34.7-5.8 19.5-7.6 25.8-7.6 25.8-.7 2.8-3.4 7.5-6.3 7.5-1.2 0-2.1-.4-2.6-1.2-1-1.4-.9-5.3-.8-6.3.2-3.2 6.3-22.2 7.3-25.2-2 2.2-4.1 4.4-6.4 6.6-5.4 5.1-14.1 11.8-21.5 11.8-3.4 0-5.6-.9-7.7-2.4l7.6 79.6c2 5 39.2 17.1 88.2 17.1 49.1 0 86.3-12.2 88.2-17.1l10.9-94.6c-5.7 5.2-12.3 11.6-19.6 14.8-5.4 2.3-17.4 3.8-17.4-5.7 0-5.2 9.1-14.8 14.4-21.5 1.4-1.7 4.7-5.9 4.7-8.1 0-2.9-6-2.2-11.7 2.5-3.2 2.7-6.2 6.3-8.7 9.7-4.3 6-6.6 11.2-8.5 15.5-6.2 14.2-4.1 8.6-9.1 22-5 13.3-4.2 11.8-5.2 14-.9 1.9-2.2 3.5-4 4.5-1.9 1-4.5.9-6.1-.3-.9-.6-1.3-1.9-1.3-3.7 0-.9.1-1.8.3-2.7 1.5-6.1 7.8-18.1 15-34.3 1.6-3.7 1-2.6.8-2.3-6.2 6-10.9 8.9-14.4 10.5-5.8 2.6-13 2.6-14.5-4.1-.1-.4-.1-.8-.2-1.2-11.8 9.2-24.3 11.7-20-8.1-4.6 8.2-12.6 14.9-22.4 14.9-4.1 0-7.1-1.4-8.6-5.1-2.3-5.5 1.3-14.9 4.6-23.8 1.7-4.5 4-9.9 7.1-16.2 1.6-3.4 4.2-5.4 7.6- 1.1.4 1.6.7 2.6 1.8 1.6 4.5.3 7.2-3.8 7.5-7.1 13-9.3 20.8-.9 3.3-2 9 1.5 9 2.4 0 4.7-.8 6.9-2.4 4.6-3.4 8.3-8.5 11.1-13.5 2-3.6 4.4-8.3 5.6-12.3.5-1.7 1.1-3.3 1.8-4.8 1.1-2.5 2.6-5.1 5.2-5.1 1.3 0 2.4.5 3.2 1.5 1.7 2.2 1.3 4.5.4 6.9-2 5.6-4.7 10.6-6.9 16.7-1.3 3.5-2.7 8-2.7 11.7 0 3.4 3.7 2.6 6.8 1.2 2.4-1.1 4.8-2.8 6.8-4.5 1.2-4.9.9-3.8 26.4-68.2 1.3-3.3 3.7-4.7 6.1-4.7 1.2 0 2.2.4 3.2 1.1 1.7 1.3 1.7 4.1 1 6.2-.7 1.9-.6 1.3-4.5 10.5-5.2 12.1-8.6 20.8-13.2 31.9-1.9 4.6-7.7 18.9-8.7 22.3-.6 2.2-1.3 5.8 1 5.8 5.4 0 19.3-13.1 23.1-17 .2-.3.5-.4.9-.6.6-1.9 1.2-3.7 1.7-5.5 1.4-3.8 2.7-8.2 5.3-11.3.8-1 1.7-1.6 2.7-1.6 2.8 0 4.2 1.2 4.2 4 0 1.1-.7 5.1-1.1 6.2 1.4-1.5 2.9-3 4.5-4.5 15-13.9 25.7-6.8 25.7.2 0 7.4-8.9 17.7-13.8 23.4-1.6 1.9-4.9 5.4-5 6.4 0 1.3.9 1.8 2.2 1.8 2 0 6.4-3.5 8-4.7 5-3.9 11.8-9.9 16.6-14.1l14.8-136.8c-30.5 17.1-197.6 17.2-228.3.2zm229.7-8.5c0 21-231.2 21-231.2 0 0-8.8 51.8-15.9 115.6-15.9 9 0 17.8.1 26.3.4l12.6-48.7L228.1.6c1.4-1.4 5.8-.2 9.9 3.5s6.6 7.9 5.3 9.3l-.1.1L185.9 74l-10 40.7c39.9 2.6 67.6 8.1 67.6 14.6zm-69.4 4.6c0-.8-.9-1.5-2.5-2.1l-.2.8c0 1.3-5 2.4-11.1 2.4s-11.1-1.1-11.1-2.4c0-.1 0-.2.1-.3l.2-.7c-1.8.6-3 1.4-3 2.3 0 2.1 6.2 3.7 13.7 3.7 7.7.1 13.9-1.6 13.9-3.7z\"] };\nvar faHackerNews = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'hacker-news', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f1d4\", \"M0 32v448h448V32H0zm21.2 197.2H21c.1-.1.2-.3.3-.4 0 .1 0 .3-.1.4zm218 53.9V384h-31.4V281.3L128 128h37.3c52.5 98.3 49.2 101.2 59.3 125.6 12.3-27 5.8-24.4 60.6-125.6H320l-80.8 155.1z\"] };\nvar faHackerNewsSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'hacker-news-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3af\", \"M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM21.2 229.2H21c.1-.1.2-.3.3-.4 0 .1 0 .3-.1.4zm218 53.9V384h-31.4V281.3L128 128h37.3c52.5 98.3 49.2 101.2 59.3 125.6 12.3-27 5.8-24.4 60.6-125.6H320l-80.8 155.1z\"] };\nvar faHackerrank = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'hackerrank', icon: [464, 512, [], \"f5f7\", \"M453.5 128C439.01 103.05 261.13 0 232.16 0 203.2 0 25.25 102.79 10.84 128c-14.41 25.21-14.49 230.8 0 256.01C25.33 409.21 203.22 512 232.16 512s206.85-102.92 221.33-128c14.48-25.08 14.49-231.05.01-256zM292.13 414.22c-3.96 0-40.91-35.77-38-38.69.87-.87 6.26-1.48 17.55-1.83 0-26.23.59-68.59.94-86.32.04-2.02-.44-3.43-.44-5.85h-79.93c0 7.1-.46 36.2 1.37 72.88.23 4.54-1.58 5.96-5.74 5.94-10.13-.03-20.27-.11-30.41-.08-4.1.01-5.87-1.53-5.74-6.11.92-33.44 2.96-84.02-.15-212.67v-3.17c-9.67-.35-16.38-.96-17.26-1.84-2.92-2.92 34.54-38.69 38.49-38.69 3.96 0 41.17 35.78 38.27 38.69-.87.87-7.9 1.49-16.77 1.84v3.16c-2.42 25.75-2.03 79.59-2.63 105.39h80.26c0-4.55.39-34.74-1.2-83.64-.1-3.39.95-5.17 4.21-5.2 11.07-.08 22.15-.13 33.23-.06 3.46.02 4.57 1.72 4.5 5.38-3.65 191.29-.66 177.94-.66 210.34 8.87.35 16.82.96 17.69 1.84 2.88 2.91-33.62 38.69-37.58 38.69z\"] };\nvar faHips = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'hips', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f452\", \"M0 80.2c0-1.8.9-2.7 2.7-2.7h40.9c1.9 0 2.8.9 2.8 2.7v81.2c15.2-7.7 31.7-11.5 49.8-11.4 24 .1 44.2 6.2 60.3 18 18.7 13.5 28 31.9 28 55.3v136.1c0 1.9-.9 2.8-2.7 2.8h-27.3c-9.1 0-16.4-7.3-16.4-16.3V223.3c0-.9 2.7-27-45.8-27-48.6 0-45.8 26.2-45.8 27v136.1c0 1.9-.9 2.8-2.8 2.8h-41c-1.8 0-2.7-.9-2.7-2.8V80.2zm497.7 221.5c13.7 10.2 34.1 19.1 58.4 19.1 23.3 0 32.8-4.5 36.5-13.6 3-7.9-.6-16.1-12.2-21.2l-53.6-23.5c-21.4-9.4-33.8-24-37.2-43.6-5.7-33.7 22.2-53.3 22.7-53.7 13.2-9.6 32-15.4 58.5-15.4 19 0 37.4 3.3 55.1 9.9 1.3.5 1.9 1.3 1.9 2.6V207c0 2.1-2.3 3.4-4 2.4-39.7-20.7-76.6-12.3-84-6.8-6.6 4.9-6 12.5 2.6 16.1L600 244c16.5 7.1 28.1 18.4 34.9 34.1 5.5 12.6 6.6 25.6 3.1 39.1-9.6 36.9-44.9 45.5-45.6 45.8-10.5 3.1-23.6 4.3-36.3 4.3-16.6 0-32.6-2.7-48.2-8.2-9.7-3.4-14.6-10.3-14.6-20.7V304c0-2.1 2.3-3.7 4.4-2.3zM376.2 149.8c-31.7 0-104.2 20.1-104.2 103.5v183.5c0 .8.6 2.7 2.7 2.7h40.9c1.9 0 2.8-.9 2.8-2.7V348c16.5 12.7 35.8 19.1 57.7 19.1 60.5 0 108.7-48.5 108.7-108.7.1-60.3-48.2-108.6-108.6-108.6zm0 170.9c-17.2 0-31.9-6.1-44-18.2-12.2-12.2-18.2-26.8-18.2-44 0-34.5 27.6-62.2 62.2-62.2 34.5 0 62.2 27.6 62.2 62.2.1 34.3-27.3 62.2-62.2 62.2zm-124.6 38.7c0 1.9-.9 2.8-2.8 2.8h-40.9c-1.6 0-2.7-1.4-2.7-2.8V157.6c0-1.4 1.1-2.8 2.7-2.8h40.9c1.9 0 2.8.9 2.8 2.8v201.8M228.3 72.5c15.9 0 28.9 12.7 28.9 28.9 0 15.8-12.7 28.9-28.9 28.9s-28.9-13.3-28.9-28.9c.1-16 13-28.9 28.9-28.9\"] };\nvar faHireAHelper = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'hire-a-helper', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f3b0\", \"M443.1 0H71.9C67.9 37.3 37.4 67.8 0 71.7v371.5c37.4 4.9 66 32.4 71.9 68.8h372.2c3-36.4 32.5-65.8 67.9-69.8V71.7c-36.4-5.9-65-35.3-68.9-71.7zm-37 404.9c-36.3 0-18.8-2-55.1-2-35.8 0-21 2-56.1 2-5.9 0-4.9-8.2 0-9.8 22.8-7.6 22.9-10.2 24.6-12.8 10.4-15.6 5.9-83 5.9-113 0-5.3-6.4-12.8-13.8-12.8H200.4c-7.4 0-13.8 7.5-13.8 12.8 0 30-4.5 97.4 5.9 113 1.7 2.5 1.8 5.2 24.6 12.8 4.9 1.6 6 9.8 0 9.8-35.1 0-20.3-2-56.1-2-36.3 0-18.8 2-55.1 2-7.9 0-5.8-10.8 0-10.8 10.2-3.4 13.5-3.5 21.7-13.8 7.7-12.9 7.9-44.4 7.9-127.8V151.3c0-22.2-12.2-28.3-28.6-32.4-8.8-2.2-4-11.8 1-11.8 36.5 0 20.6 2 57.1 2 32.7 0 16.5-2 49.2-2 3.3 0 8.5 8.3 1 10.8-4.9 1.6-27.6 3.7-27.6 39.3 0 45.6-.2 55.8 1 68.8 0 1.3 2.3 12.8 12.8 12.8h109.2c10.5 0 12.8-11.5 12.8-12.8 1.2-13 1-23.2 1-68.8 0-35.6-22.7-37.7-27.6-39.3-7.5-2.5-2.3-10.8 1-10.8 32.7 0 16.5 2 49.2 2 36.5 0 20.6-2 57.1-2 4.9 0 9.9 9.6 1 11.8-16.4 4.1-28.6 10.3-28.6 32.4v101.2c0 83.4.1 114.9 7.9 127.8 8.2 10.2 11.4 10.4 21.7 13.8 5.8 0 7.8 10.8 0 10.8z\"] };\nvar faHooli = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'hooli', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f427\", \"M508.4 352h57.9V156.7L508.4 184v168zm73.7-110.5V352H640V241.5h-57.9zm-250.7-8.9c-18.2-18.2-50.4-17.1-50.4-17.1s-32.2-1.1-50.4 17.1c-1.9 1.9-3.7 3.9-5.3 6-38.2-29.6-72.5-46.5-102.1-61.1v-20.7l-22.5 10.6c-54.4-22.1-89-18.2-97.3.1 0 0-24.9 32.8 61.9 110.9v-31c-48.8-54.6-39-76.1-35.3-79.2 13.5-11.4 37.5-8 64.4 2.1L65.2 184v63.3c13.1 14.7 30.5 31.5 53.5 50.4l4.5 3.6v-29.8c0-6.9 1.7-18.2 10.8-18.2s10.6 6.9 10.6 15V317c18 12.2 37.3 22.1 57.7 29.6v-93.9c0-18.7-13.4-37.4-40.6-37.4-15.8-.1-30.5 8.2-38.5 21.9v-54.3c41.9 20.9 83.9 46.5 99.9 58.3-10.2 14.6-9.3 28.1-9.3 43.7 0 18.7-1.4 34.3 16.8 52.5 18.2 18.2 50.4 17.1 50.4 17.1s32.3 1.1 50.4-17.1c18.2-18.2 16.7-33.8 16.7-52.5 0-18.5 1.5-34.2-16.7-52.3zm-39.7 71.9c0 3.6-1.8 12.5-10.7 12.5-8.9 0-10.7-8.9-10.7-12.5v-40.4c0-8.7 7.3-10.9 10.7-10.9 3.4 0 10.7 2.1 10.7 10.9v40.4zm185.7-71.9c-18.2-18.2-50.4-17.1-50.4-17.1s-32.3-1.1-50.4 17.1c-18.2 18.2-16.8 33.9-16.8 52.6 0 18.7-1.4 34.3 16.8 52.5 18.2 18.2 50.4 17.1 50.4 17.1s32.3 1.1 50.4-17.1c18.2-18.2 16.8-33.8 16.8-52.5-.1-18.8 1.3-34.5-16.8-52.6zm-39.8 71.9c0 3.6-1.8 12.5-10.7 12.5-8.9 0-10.7-8.9-10.7-12.5v-40.4c0-8.7 7.3-10.9 10.7-10.9 3.4 0 10.7 2.1 10.7 10.9v40.4zm173.5-73c15.9 0 28.9-12.9 28.9-28.9s-12.9-24.5-28.9-24.5c-15.9 0-28.9 8.6-28.9 24.5s12.9 28.9 28.9 28.9zM144.5 352l38.3.8c-13.2-4.6-26-10.2-38.3-16.8v16zm-21.4 0v-28.6c-6.5-4.2-13-8.7-19.4-13.6-14.8-11.2-27.5-21.7-38.5-31.5V352h57.9zm59.7.8c36.5 12.5 69.9 14.2 94.7 7.2-19.9.2-45.8-2.6-75.3-13.3v5.3l-19.4.8z\"] };\nvar faHornbill = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'hornbill', icon: [509, 512, [], \"f592\", \"M75.37 370.3c2.14 15.83-5.77 31.98-20.94 39.29-18.85 9.1-41.55 1.17-50.68-17.68-9.08-18.83-1.13-41.58 17.7-50.65 7.05-3.4 14.63-4.42 21.85-3.38-78.28-111.35 52-190.53 52-190.53-5.86 43.04-8.24 91.16-8.24 91.16-67.31 41.45.92 64.06 39.81 72.87 19.77 53.62 71.18 91.94 131.66 91.94 1.92 0 3.77-.21 5.67-.28l.11 18.86c-99.22 1.39-158.7-29.14-188.94-51.6zM183.38 42.6c.89-7-.1-14.33-3.39-21.15-9.1-18.84-31.82-26.78-50.66-17.69-18.86 9.1-26.8 31.83-17.69 50.68 6.98 14.47 22.02 22.42 37.18 21.23-22.55 29.91-53.83 89.57-52.42 190.03l21.84-.15c-.02-.9-.14-1.77-.14-2.68 0-58.95 36.37-109.33 87.85-130.16 8.01-37.75 30.74-114.3 73.84-44.29 0 0 48.14 2.38 91.18 8.24 0-.01-77.84-128.03-187.59-54.06zm304.18 134.17c18.84-9.09 26.81-31.81 17.7-50.65-9.1-18.85-31.83-26.77-50.67-17.69-15.27 7.37-23.19 23.69-20.87 39.64-31.71-21.94-89.84-49.05-183.45-47.74l.14 22.5c2.7-.15 5.39-.41 8.14-.41 59.3 0 109.9 36.8 130.49 88.76 39.1 9.02 105.06 31.58 38.46 72.54 0 0-2.34 48.13-8.21 91.16 0 0 133.45-81.16 48.96-194.61 6.43.5 13.07-.49 19.31-3.5zM373.05 436.24c21.43-32.46 46.42-89.69 45.14-179.66l-19.52.14c.08 2.06.3 4.07.3 6.15 0 60.27-38.05 111.55-91.39 131.45-8.85 38.95-31.44 106.66-72.77 39.49 0 0-48.12-2.34-91.19-8.22 0 0 79.92 131.34 191.9 50.97.31 4.72 1.45 9.45 3.64 13.97 9.06 18.89 31.8 26.78 50.64 17.71 18.86-9.1 26.79-31.83 17.7-50.65-6.56-13.62-20.26-21.43-34.45-21.35z\"] };\nvar faHotjar = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'hotjar', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3b1\", \"M414.9 161.5C340.2 29 121.1 0 121.1 0S222.2 110.4 93 197.7C11.3 252.8-21 324.4 14 402.6c26.8 59.9 83.5 84.3 144.6 93.4-29.2-55.1-6.6-122.4-4.1-129.6 57.1 86.4 165 0 110.8-93.9 71 15.4 81.6 138.6 27.1 215.5 80.5-25.3 134.1-88.9 148.8-145.6 15.5-59.3 3.7-127.9-26.3-180.9z\"] };\nvar faHouzz = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'houzz', icon: [414, 512, [], \"f27c\", \"M258.9 330.7H154.3V480H0V32h109.5v104.5l305.1 85.6V480H258.9V330.7z\"] };\nvar faHtml5 = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'html5', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f13b\", \"M0 32l34.9 395.8L191.5 480l157.6-52.2L384 32H0zm308.2 127.9H124.4l4.1 49.4h175.6l-13.6 148.4-97.9 27v.3h-1.1l-98.7-27.3-6-75.8h47.7L138 320l53.5 14.5 53.7-14.5 6-62.2H84.3L71.5 112.2h241.1l-4.4 47.7z\"] };\nvar faHubspot = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'hubspot', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f3b2\", \"M267.4 211.6c-25.1 23.7-40.8 57.3-40.8 94.6 0 29.3 9.7 56.3 26 78L203.1 434c-4.4-1.6-9.1-2.5-14-2.5-10.8 0-20.9 4.2-28.5 11.8-7.6 7.6-11.8 17.8-11.8 28.6s4.2 20.9 11.8 28.5c7.6 7.6 17.8 11.6 28.5 11.6 10.8 0 20.9-3.9 28.6-11.6 7.6-7.6 11.8-17.8 11.8-28.5 0-4.2-.6-8.2-1.9-12.1l50-50.2c22 16.9 49.4 26.9 79.3 26.9 71.9 0 130-58.3 130-130.2 0-65.2-47.7-119.2-110.2-128.7V116c17.5-7.4 28.2-23.8 28.2-42.9 0-26.1-20.9-47.9-47-47.9S311.2 47 311.2 73.1c0 19.1 10.7 35.5 28.2 42.9v61.2c-15.2 2.1-29.6 6.7-42.7 13.6-27.6-20.9-117.5-85.7-168.9-124.8 1.2-4.4 2-9 2-13.8C129.8 23.4 106.3 0 77.4 0 48.6 0 25.2 23.4 25.2 52.2c0 28.9 23.4 52.3 52.2 52.3 9.8 0 18.9-2.9 26.8-7.6l163.2 114.7zm89.5 163.6c-38.1 0-69-30.9-69-69s30.9-69 69-69 69 30.9 69 69-30.9 69-69 69z\"] };\nvar faImdb = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'imdb', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f2d8\", \"M350.5 288.7c0 5.4 1.6 14.4-6.2 14.4-1.6 0-3-.8-3.8-2.4-2.2-5.1-1.1-44.1-1.1-44.7 0-3.8-1.1-12.7 4.9-12.7 7.3 0 6.2 7.3 6.2 12.7v32.7zM265 229.9c0-9.7 1.6-16-10.3-16v83.7c12.2.3 10.3-8.7 10.3-18.4v-49.3zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM21.3 228.8c-.1.1-.2.3-.3.4h.3v-.4zM97 192H64v127.8h33V192zm113.3 0h-43.1l-7.6 59.9c-2.7-20-5.4-40.1-8.7-59.9h-42.8v127.8h29v-84.5l12.2 84.5h20.6l11.6-86.4v86.4h28.7V192zm86.3 45.3c0-8.1.3-16.8-1.4-24.4-4.3-22.5-31.4-20.9-49-20.9h-24.6v127.8c86.1.1 75 6 75-82.5zm85.9 17.3c0-17.3-.8-30.1-22.2-30.1-8.9 0-14.9 2.7-20.9 9.2V192h-31.7v127.8h29.8l1.9-8.1c5.7 6.8 11.9 9.8 20.9 9.8 19.8 0 22.2-15.2 22.2-30.9v-36z\"] };\nvar faInstagram = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'instagram', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f16d\", \"M224.1 141c-63.6 0-114.9 51.3-114.9 114.9s51.3 114.9 114.9 114.9S339 319.5 339 255.9 287.7 141 224.1 141zm0 189.6c-41.1 0-74.7-33.5-74.7-74.7s33.5-74.7 74.7-74.7 74.7 33.5 74.7 74.7-33.6 74.7-74.7 74.7zm146.4-194.3c0 14.9-12 26.8-26.8 26.8-14.9 0-26.8-12-26.8-26.8s12-26.8 26.8-26.8 26.8 12 26.8 26.8zm76.1 27.2c-1.7-35.9-9.9-67.7-36.2-93.9-26.2-26.2-58-34.4-93.9-36.2-37-2.1-147.9-2.1-184.9 0-35.8 1.7-67.6 9.9-93.9 36.1s-34.4 58-36.2 93.9c-2.1 37-2.1 147.9 0 184.9 1.7 35.9 9.9 67.7 36.2 93.9s58 34.4 93.9 36.2c37 2.1 147.9 2.1 184.9 0 35.9-1.7 67.7-9.9 93.9-36.2 26.2-26.2 34.4-58 36.2-93.9 2.1-37 2.1-147.8 0-184.8zM398.8 388c-7.8 19.6-22.9 34.7-42.6 42.6-29.5 11.7-99.5 9-132.1 9s-102.7 2.6-132.1-9c-19.6-7.8-34.7-22.9-42.6-42.6-11.7-29.5-9-99.5-9-132.1s-2.6-102.7 9-132.1c7.8-19.6 22.9-34.7 42.6-42.6 29.5-11.7 99.5-9 132.1-9s102.7-2.6 132.1 9c19.6 7.8 34.7 22.9 42.6 42.6 11.7 29.5 9 99.5 9 132.1s2.7 102.7-9 132.1z\"] };\nvar faInternetExplorer = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'internet-explorer', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f26b\", \"M483.049 159.706c10.855-24.575 21.424-60.438 21.424-87.871 0-72.722-79.641-98.371-209.673-38.577-107.632-7.181-211.221 73.67-237.098 186.457 30.852-34.862 78.271-82.298 121.977-101.158C125.404 166.85 79.128 228.002 43.992 291.725 23.246 329.651 0 390.94 0 436.747c0 98.575 92.854 86.5 180.251 42.006 31.423 15.43 66.559 15.573 101.695 15.573 97.124 0 184.249-54.294 216.814-146.022H377.927c-52.509 88.593-196.819 52.996-196.819-47.436H509.9c6.407-43.581-1.655-95.715-26.851-141.162zM64.559 346.877c17.711 51.15 53.703 95.871 100.266 123.304-88.741 48.94-173.267 29.096-100.266-123.304zm115.977-108.873c2-55.151 50.276-94.871 103.98-94.871 53.418 0 101.981 39.72 103.981 94.871H180.536zm184.536-187.6c21.425-10.287 48.563-22.003 72.558-22.003 31.422 0 54.274 21.717 54.274 53.722 0 20.003-7.427 49.007-14.569 67.867-26.28-42.292-65.986-81.584-112.263-99.586z\"] };\nvar faIoxhost = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'ioxhost', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f208\", \"M616 160h-67.3C511.2 70.7 422.9 8 320 8 183 8 72 119 72 256c0 16.4 1.6 32.5 4.7 48H24c-13.3 0-24 10.8-24 24 0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h67.3c37.5 89.3 125.8 152 228.7 152 137 0 248-111 248-248 0-16.4-1.6-32.5-4.7-48H616c13.3 0 24-10.8 24-24 0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24zm-96 96c0 110.5-89.5 200-200 200-75.7 0-141.6-42-175.5-104H424c13.3 0 24-10.8 24-24 0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H125.8c-3.8-15.4-5.8-31.4-5.8-48 0-110.5 89.5-200 200-200 75.7 0 141.6 42 175.5 104H216c-13.3 0-24 10.8-24 24 0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h298.2c3.8 15.4 5.8 31.4 5.8 48zm-304-24h208c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24 0 13.2-10.7 24-24 24H216c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24 0-13.2 10.7-24 24-24z\"] };\nvar faItunes = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'itunes', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3b4\", \"M223.6 80.3C129 80.3 52.5 157 52.5 251.5S129 422.8 223.6 422.8s171.2-76.7 171.2-171.2c0-94.6-76.7-171.3-171.2-171.3zm79.4 240c-3.2 13.6-13.5 21.2-27.3 23.8-12.1 2.2-22.2 2.8-31.9-5-11.8-10-12-26.4-1.4-36.8 8.4-8 20.3-9.6 38-12.8 3-.5 5.6-1.2 7.7-3.7 3.2-3.6 2.2-2 2.2-80.8 0-5.6-2.7-7.1-8.4-6.1-4 .7-91.9 17.1-91.9 17.1-5 1.1-6.7 2.6-6.7 8.3 0 116.1.5 110.8-1.2 118.5-2.1 9-7.6 15.8-14.9 19.6-8.3 4.6-23.4 6.6-31.4 5.2-21.4-4-28.9-28.7-14.4-42.9 8.4-8 20.3-9.6 38-12.8 3-.5 5.6-1.2 7.7-3.7 5-5.7.9-127 2.6-133.7.4-2.6 1.5-4.8 3.5-6.4 2.1-1.7 5.8-2.7 6.7-2.7 101-19 113.3-21.4 115.1-21.4 5.7-.4 9 3 9 8.7-.1 170.6.4 161.4-1 167.6zM345.2 32H102.8C45.9 32 0 77.9 0 134.8v242.4C0 434.1 45.9 480 102.8 480h242.4c57 0 102.8-45.9 102.8-102.8V134.8C448 77.9 402.1 32 345.2 32zM223.6 444c-106.3 0-192.5-86.2-192.5-192.5S117.3 59 223.6 59s192.5 86.2 192.5 192.5S329.9 444 223.6 444z\"] };\nvar faItunesNote = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'itunes-note', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f3b5\", \"M381.9 388.2c-6.4 27.4-27.2 42.8-55.1 48-24.5 4.5-44.9 5.6-64.5-10.2-23.9-20.1-24.2-53.4-2.7-74.4 17-16.2 40.9-19.5 76.8-25.8 6-1.1 11.2-2.5 15.6-7.4 6.4-7.2 4.4-4.1 4.4-163.2 0-11.2-5.5-14.3-17-12.3-8.2 1.4-185.7 34.6-185.7 34.6-10.2 2.2-13.4 5.2-13.4 16.7 0 234.7 1.1 223.9-2.5 239.5-4.2 18.2-15.4 31.9-30.2 39.5-16.8 9.3-47.2 13.4-63.4 10.4-43.2-8.1-58.4-58-29.1-86.6 17-16.2 40.9-19.5 76.8-25.8 6-1.1 11.2-2.5 15.6-7.4 10.1-11.5 1.8-256.6 5.2-270.2.8-5.2 3-9.6 7.1-12.9 4.2-3.5 11.8-5.5 13.4-5.5 204-38.2 228.9-43.1 232.4-43.1 11.5-.8 18.1 6 18.1 17.6.2 344.5 1.1 326-1.8 338.5z\"] };\nvar faJava = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'java', icon: [377, 512, [], \"f4e4\", \"M121.6 396s-19.6 11.4 13.9 15.2c40.6 4.6 61.3 4 106-4.5 0 0 11.8 7.4 28.2 13.8C169.5 463.4 42.9 418 121.6 396m-12.2-56.1s-21.9 16.2 11.6 19.7c43.3 4.5 77.6 4.8 136.8-6.6 0 0 8.2 8.3 21.1 12.8-121.3 35.5-256.3 2.9-169.5-25.9m103.2-95.1c24.7 28.4-6.5 54-6.5 54s62.7-32.4 33.9-72.9c-26.9-37.8-47.5-56.6 64.1-121.3.1 0-175.2 43.8-91.5 140.2m132.6 192.6s14.5 11.9-15.9 21.2c-57.9 17.5-240.8 22.8-291.6.7-18.3-7.9 16-19 26.8-21.3 11.2-2.4 17.7-2 17.7-2-20.3-14.3-131.3 28.1-56.4 40.2 204.2 33.2 372.4-14.9 319.4-38.8M131 281.8s-93.1 22.1-33 30.1c25.4 3.4 76 2.6 123.1-1.3 38.5-3.2 77.2-10.2 77.2-10.2s-13.6 5.8-23.4 12.5c-94.5 24.9-277 13.3-224.5-12.1 44.5-21.4 80.6-19 80.6-19m167 93.3c96.1-49.9 51.6-97.9 20.6-91.4-7.6 1.6-11 3-11 3s2.8-4.4 8.2-6.3c61.3-21.6 108.5 63.6-19.8 97.3 0-.1 1.5-1.4 2-2.6M240 0s53.2 53.2-50.5 135c-83.1 65.6-19 103.1 0 145.8-48.5-43.8-84.1-82.3-60.2-118.2C164.4 110.1 261.5 84.5 240 0m-99.5 510.4c92.2 5.9 233.8-3.3 237.1-46.9 0 0-6.4 16.5-76.2 29.7-78.7 14.8-175.8 13.1-233.3 3.6 0-.1 11.8 9.7 72.4 13.6\"] };\nvar faJediOrder = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'jedi-order', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f50e\", \"M231.89 335.72l31.44-45.89-20.18 55.5 62.56 9.09-62.56 9.08 24.22 47.43s-30.22-31.77-34.49-36.25c1.76 68.78 2.19 85.7 2.19 85.7s154.4-71.65 68.62-230.09c0 0 106.97-118.07 10.09-190.73 0 0 165.5 99.91 60.55 271.46 0 0 86.78-84.77 41.37-170.54 0 0 78.71 111.01-17.16 233.11 0 0 26.24-16.15 49.45-77.71 0 0-16.93 183.26-221.96 185.66v.02h-4.08v-.02C16.93 479.14 0 295.88 0 295.88c23.21 61.56 49.44 77.71 49.44 77.71-95.87-122.11-17.15-233.11-17.15-233.11-45.41 85.78 41.38 170.54 41.38 170.54-104.95-171.56 60.54-271.46 60.54-271.46-96.88 72.66 10.09 190.73 10.09 190.73-85.78 158.44 68.62 230.09 68.62 230.09s.43-16.93 2.19-85.7l-34.48 36.25 24.22-47.43-62.56-9.08 62.56-9.09-20.18-55.5 31.44 45.89c2.25-87.85 7.82-305.82 7.85-306.85l.01-2.43.02 1 .03-1 .01 2.43c.05 1.72 5.61 219.2 7.86 306.85z\"] };\nvar faJenkins = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'jenkins', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f3b6\", \"M487.1 425c-1.4-11.2-19-23.1-28.2-31.9-5.1-5-29-23.1-30.4-29.9-1.4-6.6 9.7-21.5 13.3-28.9 5.1-10.7 8.8-23.7 11.3-32.6 18.8-66.1 20.7-156.9-6.2-211.2-10.2-20.6-38.6-49-56.4-62.5-42-31.7-119.6-35.3-170.1-16.6-14.1 5.2-27.8 9.8-40.1 17.1-33.1 19.4-68.3 32.5-78.1 71.6-24.2 10.8-31.5 41.8-30.3 77.8.2 7 4.1 15.8 2.7 22.4-.7 3.3-5.2 7.6-6.1 9.8-11.6 27.7-2.3 64 11.1 83.7 8.1 11.9 21.5 22.4 39.2 25.2.7 10.6 3.3 19.7 8.2 30.4 3.1 6.8 14.7 19 10.4 27.7-2.2 4.4-21 13.8-27.3 17.6C89 407.2 73.7 415 54.2 429c-12.6 9-32.3 10.2-29.2 31.1 2.1 14.1 10.1 31.6 14.7 45.8.7 2 1.4 4.1 2.1 6h422c4.9-15.3 9.7-30.9 14.6-47.2 3.4-11.4 10.2-27.8 8.7-39.7zM205.9 33.7c1.8-.5 3.4.7 4.9 2.4-.2 5.2-5.4 5.1-8.9 6.8-5.4 6.7-13.4 9.8-20 17.2-6.8 7.5-14.4 27.7-23.4 30-4.5 1.1-9.7-.8-13.6-.5-10.4.7-17.7 6-28.3 7.5 13.6-29.9 56.1-54 89.3-63.4zm-104.8 93.6c13.5-14.9 32.1-24.1 54.8-25.9 11.7 29.7-8.4 65-.9 97.6 2.3 9.9 10.2 25.4-2.4 25.7.3-28.3-34.8-46.3-61.3-29.6-1.8-21.5-4.9-51.7 9.8-67.8zm36.7 200.2c-1-4.1-2.7-12.9-2.3-15.1 1.6-8.7 17.1-12.5 11-24.7-11.3-.1-13.8 10.2-24.1 11.3-26.7 2.6-45.6-35.4-44.4-58.4 1-19.5 17.6-38.2 40.1-35.8 16 1.8 21.4 19.2 24.5 34.7 9.2.5 22.5-.4 26.9-7.6-.6-17.5-8.8-31.6-8.2-47.7 1-30.3 17.5-57.6 4.8-87.4 13.6-30.9 53.5-55.3 83.1-70 36.6-18.3 94.9-3.7 129.3 15.8 19.7 11.1 34.4 32.7 48.3 50.7-19.5-5.8-36.1 4.2-33.1 20.3 16.3-14.9 44.2-.2 52.5 16.4 7.9 15.8 7.8 39.3 9 62.8 2.9 57-10.4 115.9-39.1 157.1-7.7 11-14.1 23-24.9 30.6-26 18.2-65.4 34.7-99.2 23.4-44.7-15-65-44.8-89.5-78.8.7 18.7 13.8 34.1 26.8 48.4 11.3 12.5 25 26.6 39.7 32.4-12.3-2.9-31.1-3.8-36.2 7.2-28.6-1.9-55.1-4.8-68.7-24.2-10.6-15.4-21.4-41.4-26.3-61.4zm222 124.1c4.1-3 11.1-2.9 17.4-3.6-5.4-2.7-13-3.7-19.3-2.2-.1-4.2-2-6.8-3.2-10.2 10.6-3.8 35.5-28.5 49.6-20.3 6.7 3.9 9.5 26.2 10.1 37 .4 9-.8 18-4.5 22.8-18.8-.6-35.8-2.8-50.7-7 .9-6.1-1-12.1.6-16.5zm-17.2-20c-16.8.8-26-1.2-38.3-10.8.2-.8 1.4-.5 1.5-1.4 18 8 40.8-3.3 59-4.9-7.9 5.1-14.6 11.6-22.2 17.1zm-12.1 33.2c-1.6-9.4-3.5-12-2.8-20.2 25-16.6 29.7 28.6 2.8 20.2zM226 438.6c-11.6-.7-48.1-14-38.5-23.7 9.4 6.5 27.5 4.9 41.3 7.3.8 4.4-2.8 10.2-2.8 16.4zM57.7 497.1c-4.3-12.7-9.2-25.1-14.8-36.9 30.8-23.8 65.3-48.9 102.2-63.5 2.8-1.1 23.2 25.4 26.2 27.6 16.5 11.7 37 21 56.2 30.2 1.2 8.8 3.9 20.2 8.7 35.5.7 2.3 1.4 4.7 2.2 7.2H57.7zm240.6 5.7h-.8c.3-.2.5-.4.8-.5v.5zm7.5-5.7c2.1-1.4 4.3-2.8 6.4-4.3 1.1 1.4 2.2 2.8 3.2 4.3h-9.6zm15.1-24.7c-10.8 7.3-20.6 18.3-33.3 25.2-6 3.3-27 11.7-33.4 10.2-3.6-.8-3.9-5.3-5.4-9.5-3.1-9-10.1-23.4-10.8-37-.8-17.2-2.5-46 16-42.4 14.9 2.9 32.3 9.7 43.9 16.1 7.1 3.9 11.1 8.6 21.9 9.5-.1 1.4-.1 2.8-.2 4.3-5.9 3.9-15.3 3.8-21.8 7.1 9.5.4 17 2.7 23.5 5.9-.1 3.4-.3 7-.4 10.6zm53.4 24.7h-14c-.1-3.2-2.8-5.8-6.1-5.8s-5.9 2.6-6.1 5.8h-17.4c-2.8-4.4-5.7-8.6-8.9-12.5 2.1-2.2 4-4.7 6-6.9 9 3.7 14.8-4.9 21.7-4.2 7.9.8 14.2 11.7 25.4 11l-.6 12.6zm8.7 0c.2-4 .4-7.8.6-11.5 15.6-7.3 29 1.3 35.7 11.5H383zm83.4-37c-2.3 11.2-5.8 24-9.9 37.1-.2-.1-.4-.1-.6-.1H428c.6-1.1 1.2-2.2 1.9-3.3-2.6-6.1-9-8.7-10.9-15.5 12.1-22.7 6.5-93.4-24.2-78.5 4.3-6.3 15.6-11.5 20.8-19.3 13 10.4 20.8 20.3 33.2 31.4 6.8 6 20 13.3 21.4 23.1.8 5.5-2.6 18.9-3.8 25.1zM222.2 130.5c5.4-14.9 27.2-34.7 45-32 7.7 1.2 18 8.2 12.2 17.7-30.2-7-45.2 12.6-54.4 33.1-8.1-2-4.9-13.1-2.8-18.8zm184.1 63.1c8.2-3.6 22.4-.7 29.6-5.3-4.2-11.5-10.3-21.4-9.3-37.7.5 0 1 0 1.4.1 6.8 14.2 12.7 29.2 21.4 41.7-5.7 13.5-43.6 25.4-43.1 1.2zm20.4-43zm-117.2 45.7c-6.8-10.9-19-32.5-14.5-45.3 6.5 11.9 8.6 24.4 17.8 33.3 4.1 4 12.2 9 8.2 20.2-.9 2.7-7.8 8.6-11.7 9.7-14.4 4.3-47.9.9-36.6-17.1 11.9.7 27.9 7.8 36.8-.8zm27.3 70c3.8 6.6 1.4 18.7 12.1 20.6 20.2 3.4 43.6-12.3 58.1-17.8 9-15.2-.8-20.7-8.9-30.5-16.6-20-38.8-44.8-38-74.7 6.7-4.9 7.3 7.4 8.2 9.7 8.7 20.3 30.4 46.2 46.3 63.5 3.9 4.3 10.3 8.4 11 11.2 2.1 8.2-5.4 18-4.5 23.5-21.7 13.9-45.8 29.1-81.4 25.6-7.4-6.7-10.3-21.4-2.9-31.1zm-201.3-9.2c-6.8-3.9-8.4-21-16.4-21.4-11.4-.7-9.3 22.2-9.3 35.5-7.8-7.1-9.2-29.1-3.5-40.3-6.6-3.2-9.5 3.6-13.1 5.9 4.7-34.1 49.8-15.8 42.3 20.3zm299.6 28.8c-10.1 19.2-24.4 40.4-54 41-.6-6.2-1.1-15.6 0-19.4 22.7-2.2 36.6-13.7 54-21.6zm-141.9 12.4c18.9 9.9 53.6 11 79.3 10.2 1.4 5.6 1.3 12.6 1.4 19.4-33 1.8-72-6.4-80.7-29.6zm92.2 46.7c-1.7 4.3-5.3 9.3-9.8 11.1-12.1 4.9-45.6 8.7-62.4-.3-10.7-5.7-17.5-18.5-23.4-26-2.8-3.6-16.9-12.9-.2-12.9 13.1 32.7 58 29 95.8 28.1z\"] };\nvar faJoget = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'joget', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f3b7\", \"M227.5 468.7c-9-13.6-19.9-33.3-23.7-42.4-5.7-13.7-27.2-45.6 31.2-67.1 51.7-19.1 176.7-16.5 208.8-17.6-4 9-8.6 17.9-13.9 26.6-40.4 65.5-110.4 101.5-182 101.5-6.8 0-13.6-.4-20.4-1M66.1 143.9C128 43.4 259.6 12.2 360.1 74.1c74.8 46.1 111.2 130.9 99.3 212.7-24.9-.5-179.3-3.6-230.3-4.9-55.5-1.4-81.7-20.8-58.5-48.2 23.2-27.4 51.1-40.7 68.9-51.2 17.9-10.5 27.3-33.7-23.6-29.7C87.3 161.5 48.6 252.1 37.6 293c-8.8-49.7-.1-102.7 28.5-149.1m-29.2-18c-71.9 116.6-35.6 269.3 81 341.2 116.6 71.9 269.3 35.6 341.2-80.9 71.9-116.6 35.6-269.4-81-341.2-40.5-25.1-85.5-37-129.9-37C165 8 83.8 49.9 36.9 125.9m244.4 110.4c-31.5 20.5-65.3 31.3-65.3 31.3l169.5-1.6 46.5-23.4s3.6-9.5-19.1-15.5c-22.7-6-57 11.3-86.7 27.2-29.7 15.8-31.1 8.2-31.1 8.2s40.2-28.1 50.7-34.5c10.5-6.4 31.9-14 13.4-24.6-3.2-1.8-6.7-2.7-10.4-2.7-17.8 0-41.5 18.7-67.5 35.6\"] };\nvar faJoomla = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'joomla', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f1aa\", \"M.6 92.1C.6 58.8 27.4 32 60.4 32c30 0 54.5 21.9 59.2 50.2 32.6-7.6 67.1.6 96.5 30l-44.3 44.3c-20.5-20.5-42.6-16.3-55.4-3.5-14.3 14.3-14.3 37.9 0 52.2l99.5 99.5-44 44.3c-87.7-87.2-49.7-49.7-99.8-99.7-26.8-26.5-35-64.8-24.8-98.9C20.4 144.6.6 120.7.6 92.1zm129.5 116.4l44.3 44.3c10-10 89.7-89.7 99.7-99.8 14.3-14.3 37.6-14.3 51.9 0 12.8 12.8 17 35-3.5 55.4l44 44.3c31.2-31.2 38.5-67.6 28.9-101.2 29.2-4.1 51.9-29.2 51.9-59.5 0-33.2-26.8-60.1-59.8-60.1-30.3 0-55.4 22.5-59.5 51.6-33.8-9.9-71.7-1.5-98.3 25.1-18.3 19.1-71.1 71.5-99.6 99.9zm266.3 152.2c8.2-32.7-.9-68.5-26.3-93.9-11.8-12.2 5 4.7-99.5-99.7l-44.3 44.3 99.7 99.7c14.3 14.3 14.3 37.6 0 51.9-12.8 12.8-35 17-55.4-3.5l-44 44.3c27.6 30.2 68 38.8 102.7 28 5.5 27.4 29.7 48.1 58.9 48.1 33 0 59.8-26.8 59.8-60.1 0-30.2-22.5-55-51.6-59.1zm-84.3-53.1l-44-44.3c-87 86.4-50.4 50.4-99.7 99.8-14.3 14.3-37.6 14.3-51.9 0-13.1-13.4-16.9-35.3 3.2-55.4l-44-44.3c-30.2 30.2-38 65.2-29.5 98.3-26.7 6-46.2 29.9-46.2 58.2C0 453.2 26.8 480 59.8 480c28.6 0 52.5-19.8 58.6-46.7 32.7 8.2 68.5-.6 94.2-26 32.1-32 12.2-12.4 99.5-99.7z\"] };\nvar faJs = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'js', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3b8\", \"M0 32v448h448V32H0zm243.8 349.4c0 43.6-25.6 63.5-62.9 63.5-33.7 0-53.2-17.4-63.2-38.5l34.3-20.7c6.6 11.7 12.6 21.6 27.1 21.6 13.8 0 22.6-5.4 22.6-26.5V237.7h42.1v143.7zm99.6 63.5c-39.1 0-64.4-18.6-76.7-43l34.3-19.8c9 14.7 20.8 25.6 41.5 25.6 17.4 0 28.6-8.7 28.6-20.8 0-14.4-11.4-19.5-30.7-28l-10.5-4.5c-30.4-12.9-50.5-29.2-50.5-63.5 0-31.6 24.1-55.6 61.6-55.6 26.8 0 46 9.3 59.8 33.7L368 290c-7.2-12.9-15-18-27.1-18-12.3 0-20.1 7.8-20.1 18 0 12.6 7.8 17.7 25.9 25.6l10.5 4.5c35.8 15.3 55.9 31 55.9 66.2 0 37.8-29.8 58.6-69.7 58.6z\"] };\nvar faJsSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'js-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3b9\", \"M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM243.8 381.4c0 43.6-25.6 63.5-62.9 63.5-33.7 0-53.2-17.4-63.2-38.5l34.3-20.7c6.6 11.7 12.6 21.6 27.1 21.6 13.8 0 22.6-5.4 22.6-26.5V237.7h42.1v143.7zm99.6 63.5c-39.1 0-64.4-18.6-76.7-43l34.3-19.8c9 14.7 20.8 25.6 41.5 25.6 17.4 0 28.6-8.7 28.6-20.8 0-14.4-11.4-19.5-30.7-28l-10.5-4.5c-30.4-12.9-50.5-29.2-50.5-63.5 0-31.6 24.1-55.6 61.6-55.6 26.8 0 46 9.3 59.8 33.7L368 290c-7.2-12.9-15-18-27.1-18-12.3 0-20.1 7.8-20.1 18 0 12.6 7.8 17.7 25.9 25.6l10.5 4.5c35.8 15.3 55.9 31 55.9 66.2 0 37.8-29.8 58.6-69.7 58.6z\"] };\nvar faJsfiddle = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'jsfiddle', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f1cc\", \"M510.634 237.462c-4.727-2.621-5.664-5.748-6.381-10.776-2.352-16.488-3.539-33.619-9.097-49.095-35.895-99.957-153.99-143.386-246.849-91.646-27.37 15.25-48.971 36.369-65.493 63.903-3.184-1.508-5.458-2.71-7.824-3.686-30.102-12.421-59.049-10.121-85.331 9.167-25.531 18.737-36.422 44.548-32.676 76.408.355 3.025-1.967 7.621-4.514 9.545-39.712 29.992-56.031 78.065-41.902 124.615 13.831 45.569 57.514 79.796 105.608 81.433 30.291 1.031 60.637.546 90.959.539 84.041-.021 168.09.531 252.12-.48 52.664-.634 96.108-36.873 108.212-87.293 11.54-48.074-11.144-97.3-56.832-122.634zm21.107 156.88c-18.23 22.432-42.343 35.253-71.28 35.65-56.874.781-113.767.23-170.652.23 0 .7-163.028.159-163.728.154-43.861-.332-76.739-19.766-95.175-59.995-18.902-41.245-4.004-90.848 34.186-116.106 9.182-6.073 12.505-11.566 10.096-23.136-5.49-26.361 4.453-47.956 26.42-62.981 22.987-15.723 47.422-16.146 72.034-3.083 10.269 5.45 14.607 11.564 22.198-2.527 14.222-26.399 34.557-46.727 60.671-61.294 97.46-54.366 228.37 7.568 230.24 132.697.122 8.15 2.412 12.428 9.848 15.894 57.56 26.829 74.456 96.122 35.142 144.497zm-87.789-80.499c-5.848 31.157-34.622 55.096-66.666 55.095-16.953-.001-32.058-6.545-44.079-17.705-27.697-25.713-71.141-74.98-95.937-93.387-20.056-14.888-41.99-12.333-60.272 3.782-49.996 44.071 15.859 121.775 67.063 77.188 4.548-3.96 7.84-9.543 12.744-12.844 8.184-5.509 20.766-.884 13.168 10.622-17.358 26.284-49.33 38.197-78.863 29.301-28.897-8.704-48.84-35.968-48.626-70.179 1.225-22.485 12.364-43.06 35.414-55.965 22.575-12.638 46.369-13.146 66.991 2.474C295.68 280.7 320.467 323.97 352.185 343.47c24.558 15.099 54.254 7.363 68.823-17.506 28.83-49.209-34.592-105.016-78.868-63.46-3.989 3.744-6.917 8.932-11.41 11.72-10.975 6.811-17.333-4.113-12.809-10.353 20.703-28.554 50.464-40.44 83.271-28.214 31.429 11.714 49.108 44.366 42.76 78.186z\"] };\nvar faKaggle = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'kaggle', icon: [291, 512, [], \"f5fa\", \"M291.72 508.98c-.51 2.01-2.51 3.01-6.01 3.01h-66.92c-4.02 0-7.51-1.75-10.52-5.27L97.74 366.14l-30.82 29.32v109.02c0 5.02-2.51 7.52-7.52 7.52H7.52C2.5 512 0 509.5 0 504.48V7.51C0 2.51 2.5 0 7.52 0H59.4c5.01 0 7.52 2.51 7.52 7.51v306l132.32-133.82c3.51-3.5 7.02-5.26 10.52-5.26h69.18c6.96 0 7.9 7.87 5.26 10.52L144.35 320.26l145.86 181.2\"] };\nvar faKeybase = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'keybase', icon: [412, 512, [], \"f4f5\", \"M177.2 430.9c0 9.8-8 17.8-17.8 17.8s-17.8-8-17.8-17.8 8-17.8 17.8-17.8c9.8-.1 17.8 7.9 17.8 17.8zM270 413c-9.8 0-17.8 8-17.8 17.8s8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8-8 17.8-17.8-8-17.8-17.8-17.8zm142.3-36c0 38.9-7.6 73.9-22.2 103h-27.3c23.5-38.7 30.5-94.8 22.4-134.3-16.1 29.5-52.1 38.6-85.9 28.8-127.8-37.5-192.5 19.7-234.6 50.3l18.9-59.3-39.9 42.3c4.8 26.7 15.7 51.3 31.2 72.3H46.1c-9.7-15.8-17.2-33-22.2-51.3L.1 454c0-74.9-5.5-147.6 61.5-215.2 20.2-20.4 43.7-36.2 69.1-46.7-6.8-13.5-9.5-29.2-7.8-46l-19.9-1.2c-17.9-1.1-31.6-16.5-30.6-34.4v-.1L74 84.2c1.1-17.1 15.4-30.6 32.5-30.6 1.3 0-.3-.1 28.2 1.7 13.9.8 21.5 9.8 22.8 11.4 7.1-10.4 14.5-20.5 24.6-34.5l20.6 12.1c-13.6 29-9.1 36.2-9 36.3 3.9 0 13.9-.5 32.4 5.7C246 92.9 262 107 271 126c.4.9 15.5 29 1.2 62.6 19 6.1 51.3 19.9 82.4 51.8 36.6 37.6 57.7 87.4 57.7 136.6zM128 122.3c3.2-10 7.7-19.7 13.1-29.4.1-2 2.2-13.1-7.8-13.8-28.5-1.8-26.3-1.6-26.7-1.6-4.6 0-8.3 3.5-8.6 8.1l-1.6 26.2c-.3 4.7 3.4 8.8 8.1 9.1l23.5 1.4zm25.8 61.8c5.6 9.4 14.1 16.1 22.3 20 0-21.2 28.5-41.9 52.8-17.5l8.4 10.3c20.8-18.8 19.4-45.3 12.1-60.9-13.8-29.1-46.9-32-54.3-31.7-10.3.4-19.7-5.4-23.7-15.3-13.7 21.2-37.2 62.5-17.6 95.1zm82.9 68.4L217 268.6c-1.9 1.6-2.2 4.4-.6 6.3l8.9 10.9c1 1.2 3.8 2.7 6.3.6l19.6-16 5.5 6.8c4.9 6 13.8-1.4 9-7.3-63.6-78.3-41.5-51.1-55.3-68.1-4.7-6-13.9 1.4-9 7.3 1.9 2.3 18.4 22.6 19.8 24.3l-9.6 7.9c-4.6 3.8 2.6 13.3 7.4 9.4l9.7-8 8 9.8zm118.4 25.7c-16.9-23.7-42.6-46.7-73.4-60.4-7.9-3.5-15-6.1-22.9-8.6-2 2.2-4.1 4.3-6.4 6.2l31.9 39.2c10.4 12.7 8.5 31.5-4.2 41.9-1.3 1.1-13.1 10.7-29 4.9-2.9 2.3-10.1 9.9-22.2 9.9-8.6 0-16.6-3.8-22.1-10.5l-8.9-10.9c-6.3-7.8-7.9-17.9-5-26.8-8.2-9.9-8.3-21.3-4.6-30-7.2-1.3-26.7-6.2-42.7-21.4-55.8 20.7-88 64.4-101.3 91.2-14.9 30.2-18.8 60.9-19.9 90.2 8.2-8.7-3.9 4.1 114-120.9l-29.9 93.6c57.8-31.1 124-36 197.4-14.4 23.6 6.9 45.1 1.6 56-13.9 11.1-15.6 8.5-37.7-6.8-59.3zM110.6 107.3l15.6 1 1-15.6-15.6-1-1 15.6z\"] };\nvar faKeycdn = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'keycdn', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f3ba\", \"M63.8 409.3l60.5-59c32.1 42.8 71.1 66 126.6 67.4 30.5.7 60.3-7 86.4-22.4 5.1 5.3 18.5 19.5 20.9 22-32.2 20.7-69.6 31.1-108.1 30.2-43.3-1.1-84.6-16.7-117.7-44.4.3-.6-38.2 37.5-38.6 37.9 9.5 29.8-13.1 62.4-46.3 62.4C20.7 503.3 0 481.7 0 454.9c0-34.3 33.1-56.6 63.8-45.6zm354.9-252.4c19.1 31.3 29.6 67.4 28.7 104-1.1 44.8-19 87.5-48.6 121 .3.3 23.8 25.2 24.1 25.5 9.6-1.3 19.2 2 25.9 9.1 11.3 12 10.9 30.9-1.1 42.4-12 11.3-30.9 10.9-42.4-1.1-6.7-7-9.4-16.8-7.6-26.3-24.9-26.6-44.4-47.2-44.4-47.2 42.7-34.1 63.3-79.6 64.4-124.2.7-28.9-7.2-57.2-21.1-82.2l22.1-21zM104 53.1c6.7 7 9.4 16.8 7.6 26.3l45.9 48.1c-4.7 3.8-13.3 10.4-22.8 21.3-25.4 28.5-39.6 64.8-40.7 102.9-.7 28.9 6.1 57.2 20 82.4l-22 21.5C72.7 324 63.1 287.9 64.2 250.9c1-44.6 18.3-87.6 47.5-121.1l-25.3-26.4c-9.6 1.3-19.2-2-25.9-9.1-11.3-12-10.9-30.9 1.1-42.4C73.5 40.7 92.2 41 104 53.1zM464.9 8c26 0 47.1 22.4 47.1 48.3S490.9 104 464.9 104c-6.3.1-14-1.1-15.9-1.8l-62.9 59.7c-32.7-43.6-76.7-65.9-126.9-67.2-30.5-.7-60.3 6.8-86.2 22.4l-21.1-22C184.1 74.3 221.5 64 260 64.9c43.3 1.1 84.6 16.7 117.7 44.6l41.1-38.6c-1.5-4.7-2.2-9.6-2.2-14.5C416.5 29.7 438.9 8 464.9 8zM256.7 113.4c5.5 0 10.9.4 16.4 1.1 78.1 9.8 133.4 81.1 123.8 159.1-9.8 78.1-81.1 133.4-159.1 123.8-78.1-9.8-133.4-81.1-123.8-159.2 9.3-72.4 70.1-124.6 142.7-124.8zm-59 119.4c.6 22.7 12.2 41.8 32.4 52.2l-11 51.7h73.7l-11-51.7c20.1-10.9 32.1-29 32.4-52.2-.4-32.8-25.8-57.5-58.3-58.3-32.1.8-57.3 24.8-58.2 58.3zM256 160\"] };\nvar faKickstarter = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'kickstarter', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3bb\", \"M400 480H48c-26.4 0-48-21.6-48-48V80c0-26.4 21.6-48 48-48h352c26.4 0 48 21.6 48 48v352c0 26.4-21.6 48-48 48zM199.6 178.5c0-30.7-17.6-45.1-39.7-45.1-25.8 0-40 19.8-40 44.5v154.8c0 25.8 13.7 45.6 40.5 45.6 21.5 0 39.2-14 39.2-45.6v-41.8l60.6 75.7c12.3 14.9 39 16.8 55.8 0 14.6-15.1 14.8-36.8 4-50.4l-49.1-62.8 40.5-58.7c9.4-13.5 9.5-34.5-5.6-49.1-16.4-15.9-44.6-17.3-61.4 7l-44.8 64.7v-38.8z\"] };\nvar faKickstarterK = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'kickstarter-k', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f3bc\", \"M147.3 114.4c0-56.2-32.5-82.4-73.4-82.4C26.2 32 0 68.2 0 113.4v283c0 47.3 25.3 83.4 74.9 83.4 39.8 0 72.4-25.6 72.4-83.4v-76.5l112.1 138.3c22.7 27.2 72.1 30.7 103.2 0 27-27.6 27.3-67.4 7.4-92.2l-90.8-114.8 74.9-107.4c17.4-24.7 17.5-63.1-10.4-89.8-30.3-29-82.4-31.6-113.6 12.8L147.3 185v-70.6z\"] };\nvar faKorvue = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'korvue', icon: [446, 512, [], \"f42f\", \"M386.5 34h-327C26.8 34 0 60.8 0 93.5v327.1C0 453.2 26.8 480 59.5 480h327.1c33 0 59.5-26.8 59.5-59.5v-327C446 60.8 419.2 34 386.5 34zM87.1 120.8h96v116l61.8-116h110.9l-81.2 132H87.1v-132zm161.8 272.1l-65.7-113.6v113.6h-96V262.1h191.5l88.6 130.8H248.9z\"] };\nvar faLaravel = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'laravel', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f3bd\", \"M637.5 241.6c-4.2-4.8-62.8-78.1-73.1-90.5-10.3-12.4-15.4-10.2-21.7-9.3-6.4.9-80.5 13.4-89.1 14.8-8.6 1.5-14 4.9-8.7 12.3 4.7 6.6 53.4 75.7 64.2 90.9l-193.7 46.4L161.2 48.7c-6.1-9.1-7.4-12.3-21.4-11.6-14 .6-120.9 9.5-128.5 10.2-7.6.6-16 4-8.4 22s129 279.6 132.4 287.2c3.4 7.6 12.2 20 32.8 15 21.1-5.1 94.3-24.2 134.3-34.7 21.1 38.3 64.2 115.9 72.2 127 10.6 14.9 18 12.4 34.3 7.4 12.8-3.9 199.6-71.1 208-74.5 8.4-3.5 13.6-5.9 7.9-14.4-4.2-6.2-53.5-72.2-79.3-106.8 17.7-4.7 80.6-21.4 87.3-23.3 7.9-2 9-5.8 4.7-10.6zm-352.2 72c-2.3.5-110.8 26.5-116.6 27.8-5.8 1.3-5.8.7-6.5-1.3-.7-2-129-266.7-130.8-270-1.8-3.3-1.7-5.9 0-5.9s102.5-9 106-9.2c3.6-.2 3.2.6 4.5 2.8 0 0 142.2 245.4 144.6 249.7 2.6 4.3 1.1 5.6-1.2 6.1zm306 57.4c1.7 2.7 3.5 4.5-2 6.4-5.4 2-183.7 62.1-187.1 63.6-3.5 1.5-6.2 2-10.6-4.5s-62.4-106.8-62.4-106.8L518 280.6c4.7-1.5 6.2-2.5 9.2 2.2 2.9 4.8 62.4 85.5 64.1 88.2zm12.1-134.1c-4.2.9-73.6 18.1-73.6 18.1l-56.7-77.8c-1.6-2.3-2.9-4.5 1.1-5s68.4-12.2 71.3-12.8c2.9-.7 5.4-1.5 9 3.4 3.6 4.9 52.6 67 54.5 69.4 1.8 2.3-1.4 3.7-5.6 4.7z\"] };\nvar faLastfm = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'lastfm', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f202\", \"M225.8 367.1l-18.8-51s-30.5 34-76.2 34c-40.5 0-69.2-35.2-69.2-91.5 0-72.1 36.4-97.9 72.1-97.9 66.5 0 74.8 53.3 100.9 134.9 18.8 56.9 54 102.6 155.4 102.6 72.7 0 122-22.3 122-80.9 0-72.9-62.7-80.6-115-92.1-25.8-5.9-33.4-16.4-33.4-34 0-19.9 15.8-31.7 41.6-31.7 28.2 0 43.4 10.6 45.7 35.8l58.6-7c-4.7-52.8-41.1-74.5-100.9-74.5-52.8 0-104.4 19.9-104.4 83.9 0 39.9 19.4 65.1 68 76.8 44.9 10.6 79.8 13.8 79.8 45.7 0 21.7-21.1 30.5-61 30.5-59.2 0-83.9-31.1-97.9-73.9-32-96.8-43.6-163-161.3-163C45.7 113.8 0 168.3 0 261c0 89.1 45.7 137.2 127.9 137.2 66.2 0 97.9-31.1 97.9-31.1z\"] };\nvar faLastfmSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'lastfm-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f203\", \"M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-92.2 312.9c-63.4 0-85.4-28.6-97.1-64.1-16.3-51-21.5-84.3-63-84.3-22.4 0-45.1 16.1-45.1 61.2 0 35.2 18 57.2 43.3 57.2 28.6 0 47.6-21.3 47.6-21.3l11.7 31.9s-19.8 19.4-61.2 19.4c-51.3 0-79.9-30.1-79.9-85.8 0-57.9 28.6-92 82.5-92 73.5 0 80.8 41.4 100.8 101.9 8.8 26.8 24.2 46.2 61.2 46.2 24.9 0 38.1-5.5 38.1-19.1 0-19.9-21.8-22-49.9-28.6-30.4-7.3-42.5-23.1-42.5-48 0-40 32.3-52.4 65.2-52.4 37.4 0 60.1 13.6 63 46.6l-36.7 4.4c-1.5-15.8-11-22.4-28.6-22.4-16.1 0-26 7.3-26 19.8 0 11 4.8 17.6 20.9 21.3 32.7 7.1 71.8 12 71.8 57.5.1 36.7-30.7 50.6-76.1 50.6z\"] };\nvar faLeanpub = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'leanpub', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f212\", \"M386.539 111.485l15.096 248.955-10.979-.275c-36.232-.824-71.64 8.783-102.657 27.997-31.016-19.214-66.424-27.997-102.657-27.997-45.564 0-82.07 10.705-123.516 27.723L93.117 129.6c28.546-11.803 61.484-18.115 92.226-18.115 41.173 0 73.836 13.175 102.657 42.544 27.723-28.271 59.013-41.721 98.539-42.544zM569.07 448c-25.526 0-47.485-5.215-70.542-15.645-34.31-15.645-69.993-24.978-107.871-24.978-38.977 0-74.934 12.901-102.657 40.623-27.723-27.723-63.68-40.623-102.657-40.623-37.878 0-73.561 9.333-107.871 24.978C55.239 442.236 32.731 448 8.303 448H6.93L49.475 98.859C88.726 76.626 136.486 64 181.775 64 218.83 64 256.984 71.685 288 93.095 319.016 71.685 357.17 64 394.225 64c45.289 0 93.049 12.626 132.3 34.859L569.07 448zm-43.368-44.741l-34.036-280.246c-30.742-13.999-67.248-21.41-101.009-21.41-38.428 0-74.385 12.077-102.657 38.702-28.272-26.625-64.228-38.702-102.657-38.702-33.761 0-70.267 7.411-101.009 21.41L50.298 403.259c47.211-19.487 82.894-33.486 135.045-33.486 37.604 0 70.817 9.606 102.657 29.644 31.84-20.038 65.052-29.644 102.657-29.644 52.151 0 87.834 13.999 135.045 33.486z\"] };\nvar faLess = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'less', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f41d\", \"M612.7 219c0-20.5 3.2-32.6 3.2-54.6 0-34.2-12.6-45.2-40.5-45.2h-20.5v24.2h6.3c14.2 0 17.3 4.7 17.3 22.1 0 16.3-1.6 32.6-1.6 51.5 0 24.2 7.9 33.6 23.6 37.3v1.6c-15.8 3.7-23.6 13.1-23.6 37.3 0 18.9 1.6 34.2 1.6 51.5 0 17.9-3.7 22.6-17.3 22.6v.5h-6.3V393h20.5c27.8 0 40.5-11 40.5-45.2 0-22.6-3.2-34.2-3.2-54.6 0-11 6.8-22.6 27.3-23.6v-27.3c-20.5-.7-27.3-12.3-27.3-23.3zm-105.6 32c-15.8-6.3-30.5-10-30.5-20.5 0-7.9 6.3-12.6 17.9-12.6s22.1 4.7 33.6 13.1l21-27.8c-13.1-10-31-20.5-55.2-20.5-35.7 0-59.9 20.5-59.9 49.4 0 25.7 22.6 38.9 41.5 46.2 16.3 6.3 32.1 11.6 32.1 22.1 0 7.9-6.3 13.1-20.5 13.1-13.1 0-26.3-5.3-40.5-16.3l-21 30.5c15.8 13.1 39.9 22.1 59.9 22.1 42 0 64.6-22.1 64.6-51s-22.5-41-43-47.8zm-358.9 59.4c-3.7 0-8.4-3.2-8.4-13.1V119.1H65.2c-28.4 0-41 11-41 45.2 0 22.6 3.2 35.2 3.2 54.6 0 11-6.8 22.6-27.3 23.6v27.3c20.5.5 27.3 12.1 27.3 23.1 0 19.4-3.2 31-3.2 53.6 0 34.2 12.6 45.2 40.5 45.2h20.5v-24.2h-6.3c-13.1 0-17.3-5.3-17.3-22.6s1.6-32.1 1.6-51.5c0-24.2-7.9-33.6-23.6-37.3v-1.6c15.8-3.7 23.6-13.1 23.6-37.3 0-18.9-1.6-34.2-1.6-51.5s3.7-22.1 17.3-22.1H93v150.8c0 32.1 11 53.1 43.1 53.1 10 0 17.9-1.6 23.6-3.7l-5.3-34.2c-3.1.8-4.6.8-6.2.8zM379.9 251c-16.3-6.3-31-10-31-20.5 0-7.9 6.3-12.6 17.9-12.6 11.6 0 22.1 4.7 33.6 13.1l21-27.8c-13.1-10-31-20.5-55.2-20.5-35.7 0-59.9 20.5-59.9 49.4 0 25.7 22.6 38.9 41.5 46.2 16.3 6.3 32.1 11.6 32.1 22.1 0 7.9-6.3 13.1-20.5 13.1-13.1 0-26.3-5.3-40.5-16.3l-20.5 30.5c15.8 13.1 39.9 22.1 59.9 22.1 42 0 64.6-22.1 64.6-51 .1-28.9-22.5-41-43-47.8zm-155-68.8c-38.4 0-75.1 32.1-74.1 82.5 0 52 34.2 82.5 79.3 82.5 18.9 0 39.9-6.8 56.2-17.9l-15.8-27.8c-11.6 6.8-22.6 10-34.2 10-21 0-37.3-10-41.5-34.2H290c.5-3.7 1.6-11 1.6-19.4.6-42.6-22.6-75.7-66.7-75.7zm-30 66.2c3.2-21 15.8-31 30.5-31 18.9 0 26.3 13.1 26.3 31h-56.8z\"] };\nvar faLine = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'line', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3c0\", \"M272.1 204.2v71.1c0 1.8-1.4 3.2-3.2 3.2h-11.4c-1.1 0-2.1-.6-2.6-1.3l-32.6-44v42.2c0 1.8-1.4 3.2-3.2 3.2h-11.4c-1.8 0-3.2-1.4-3.2-3.2v-71.1c0-1.8 1.4-3.2 3.2-3.2H219c1 0 2.1.5 2.6 1.4l32.6 44v-42.2c0-1.8 1.4-3.2 3.2-3.2h11.4c1.8-.1 3.3 1.4 3.3 3.1zm-82-3.2h-11.4c-1.8 0-3.2 1.4-3.2 3.2v71.1c0 1.8 1.4 3.2 3.2 3.2h11.4c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2v-71.1c0-1.7-1.4-3.2-3.2-3.2zm-27.5 59.6h-31.1v-56.4c0-1.8-1.4-3.2-3.2-3.2h-11.4c-1.8 0-3.2 1.4-3.2 3.2v71.1c0 .9.3 1.6.9 1.3.9 2.2.9h45.7c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2v-11.4c0-1.7-1.4-3.2-3.1-3.2zM332.1 201h-45.7c-1.7 0-3.2 1.4-3.2 3.2v71.1c0 1.7 1.4 3.2 3.2 3.2h45.7c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2v-11.4c0-1.8-1.4-3.2-3.2-3.2H301v-12h31.1c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2V234c0-1.8-1.4-3.2-3.2-3.2H301v-12h31.1c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2v-11.4c-.1-1.7-1.5-3.2-3.2-3.2zM448 113.7V399c-.1 44.8-36.8 81.1-81.7 81H81c-44.8-.1-81.1-36.9-81-81.7V113c.1-44.8 36.9-81.1 81.7-81H367c44.8.1 81.1 36.8 81 81.7zm-61.6 122.6c0-73-73.2-132.4-163.1-132.4-89.9 0-163.1 59.4-163.1 132.4 0 65.4 58 120.2 136.4 130.6 19.1 4.1 16.9 11.1 12.6 36.8-.7 4.1-3.3 16.1 14.1 8.8 17.4-7.3 93.9-55.3 128.2-94.7 23.6-26 34.9-52.3 34.9-81.5z\"] };\nvar faLinkedin = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'linkedin', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f08c\", \"M416 32H31.9C14.3 32 0 46.5 0 64.3v383.4C0 465.5 14.3 480 31.9 480H416c17.6 0 32-14.5 32-32.3V64.3c0-17.8-14.4-32.3-32-32.3zM135.4 416H69V202.2h66.5V416zm-33.2-243c-21.3 0-38.5-17.3-38.5-38.5S80.9 96 102.2 96c21.2 0 38.5 17.3 38.5 38.5 0 21.3-17.2 38.5-38.5 38.5zm282.1 243h-66.4V312c0-24.8-.5-56.7-34.5-56.7-34.6 0-39.9 27-39.9 54.9V416h-66.4V202.2h63.7v29.2h.9c8.9-16.8 30.6-34.5 62.9-34.5 67.2 0 79.7 44.3 79.7 101.9V416z\"] };\nvar faLinkedinIn = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'linkedin-in', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f0e1\", \"M100.3 480H7.4V180.9h92.9V480zM53.8 140.1C24.1 140.1 0 115.5 0 85.8 0 56.1 24.1 32 53.8 32c29.7 0 53.8 24.1 53.8 53.8 0 29.7-24.1 54.3-53.8 54.3zM448 480h-92.7V334.4c0-34.7-.7-79.2-48.3-79.2-48.3 0-55.7 37.7-55.7 76.7V480h-92.8V180.9h89.1v40.8h1.3c12.4-23.5 42.7-48.3 87.9-48.3 94 0 111.3 61.9 111.3 142.3V480z\"] };\nvar faLinode = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'linode', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f2b8\", \"M437.4 226.3c-.3-.9-.9-1.4-1.4-2l-70-38.6c-.9-.6-2-.6-3.1 0l-58.9 36c-.9.6-1.4 1.7-1.4 2.6l-.9 31.4-24-16c-.9-.6-2.3-.6-3.1 0L240 260.9l-1.4-35.1c0-.9-.6-2-1.4-2.3l-36-24.3 33.7-17.4c1.1-.6 1.7-1.7 1.7-2.9l-5.7-132.3c0-.9-.9-2-1.7-2.6L138.6.3c-.9-.3-1.7-.3-2.3-.3L12.6 38.6c-1.4.6-2.3 2-2 3.7L38 175.4c.9 3.4 34 27.4 38.6 30.9l-26.9 12.9c-1.4.9-2 2.3-1.7 3.4l20.6 100.3c.6 2.9 23.7 23.1 27.1 26.3l-17.4 10.6c-.9.6-1.7 2-1.4 3.1 1.4 7.1 15.4 77.7 16.9 79.1l65.1 69.1c.6.6 1.4.6 0 1.1-.3 1.7-.6l83.7-66.9c.9-.6 1.1-1.4 1.1-2.3l-2-46 28 23.7c1.1.9 2.9.9 4 0l66.9-53.4c.9-.6 1.1-1.4 1.1-2.3l2.3-33.4 20.3 14c1.1.9 2.6.9 3.7 0l54.6-43.7c.6-.3 1.1-1.1 1.1-2 .9-6.5 10.3-70.8 9.7-72.8zm-204.8 4.8l4 92.6-90.6 61.2-14-96.6 100.6-57.2zm-7.7-180l5.4 126-106.6 55.4L104 97.7l120.9-46.6zM44 173.1L18 48l79.7 49.4 19.4 132.9L44 173.1zm30.6 147.8L55.7 230l70 58.3 13.7 93.4-64.8-60.8zm24.3 117.7l-13.7-67.1 61.7 60.9 9.7 67.4-57.7-61.2zm64.5 64.5l-10.6-70.9 85.7-61.4 3.1 70-78.2 62.3zm82-115.1c0-3.4.9-22.9-2-25.1l-24.3-20 22.3-14.9c2.3-1.7 1.1-5.7 1.1-8l29.4 22.6.6 68.3-27.1-22.9zm94.3-25.4l-60.9 48.6-.6-68.6 65.7-46.9-4.2 66.9zm27.7-25.7l-19.1-13.4 2-34c.3-.9-.3-2-1.1-2.6L308 259.7l.6-30 64.6 40.6-5.8 66.6zm54.6-39.8l-48.3 38.3 5.7-65.1 51.1-36.6-8.5 63.4z\"] };\nvar faLinux = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'linux', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f17c\", \"M196.1 123.6c-.2-1.4 1.9-2.3 3.2-2.9 1.7-.7 3.9-1 5.5-. 1.1-.4 1.2-2.4 1-3.5 1.6-1 .5-1.8 1.7-3 1.7-1 .1-2.7-.4-2.8-1.4zm24.7-.3c1 .5 1.8 1.7 3 1.7 1.1 0 2.8-.4 2.9-1.5.2-1.4-1.9-2.3-3.2-2.9-1.7-.7-3.9-1-5.5-.1-.4.2-.8.7-.6 1.1.3 1.3 2.3 1.1 3.4 1.7zm214.7 310.2c-.5 8.2-6.5 13.8-13.9 18.3-14.9 9-37.3 15.8-50.9 32.2l-2.6-2.2 2.6 2.2c-14.2 16.9-31.7 26.6-48.3 27.9-16.5 1.3-32-6.3-40.3-23v-.1c-1.1-2.1-1.9-4.4-2.5-6.7-21.5 1.2-40.2-5.3-55.1-4.1-22 1.2-35.8 6.5-48.3 6.6-4.8 10.6-14.3 17.6-25.9 20.2-16 3.7-36.1 0-55.9-10.4l1.6-3-1.6 3c-18.5-9.8-42-8.9-59.3-12.5-8.7-1.8-16.3-5-20.1-12.3-3.7-7.3-3-17.3 2.2-31.7 1.7-5.1.4-12.7-.8-20.8-.6-3.9-1.2-7.9-1.2-11.8 0-4.3.7-8.5 2.8-12.4 4.5-8.5 11.8-12.1 18.5-14.5 6.7-2.4 12.8-4 17-8.3 5.2-5.5 10.1-14.4 16.6-20.2-2.6-17.2.2-35.4 6.2-53.3 12.6-37.9 39.2-74.2 58.1-96.7 16.1-22.9 20.8-41.3 22.5-64.7C158 103.4 132.4-.2 234.8 0c80.9.1 76.3 85.4 75.8 131.3-.3 30.1 16.3 50.5 33.4 72 15.2 18 35.1 44.3 46.5 74.4 9.3 24.6 12.9 51.8 3.7 79.1 1.4.5 2.8 1.2 4.1 2 1.4.8 2.7 1.8 4 2.9 6.6 5.6 8.7 14.3 10.5 22.4 1.9 8.1 3.6 15.7 7.2 19.7 11.1 12.4 15.9 21.5 15.5 29.7zM220.8 109.1c3.6.9 8.9 2.4 13 4.4-2.1-12.2 4.5-23.5 11.8-23 8.9.3 13.9 15.5 9.1 27.3-.8 1.9-2.8 3.4-3.9 4.6 6.7 2.3 11 4.1 12.6 4.9 7.9-9.5 10.8-26.2 4.3-40.4-9.8-21.4-34.2-21.8-44 .4-3.2 7.2-3.9 14.9-2.9 21.8zm-46.2 18.8c7.8-5.7 6.9-4.7 5.9-5.5-8-6.9-6.6-27.4 1.8-28.1 6.3-.5 10.8 10.7 9.6 19.6 3.1-2.1 6.7-3.6 10.2-4.6 1.7-19.3-9-33.5-19.1-33.5-18.9 0-24 37.5-8.4 52.1zm-9.4 20.9c1.5 4.9 6.1 10.5 14.7 15.3 7.8 4.6 12 11.5 20 15 2.6 1.1 5.7 1.9 9.6 2.1 18.4 1.1 27.1-11.3 38.2-14.9 11.7-3.7 20.1-11 22.7-18.1 3.2-8.5-2.1-14.7-10.5-18.2-11.3-4.9-16.3-5.2-22.6-9.3-10.3-6.6-18.8-8.9-25.9-8.9-14.4 0-23.2 9.8-27.9 14.2-.5.5-7.9 5.9-14.1 10.5-4.2 3.3-5.6 7.4-4.2 12.3zm-33.5 252.8L112.1 366c-6.8-9.2-13.8-14.8-21.9-16-7.7-1.2-12.6 1.4-17.7 6.9-4.8 5.1-8.8 12.3-14.3 18-7.8 6.5-9.3 6.2-19.6 9.9-6.3 2.2-11.3 4.6-14.8 11.3-2.7 5-2.1 12.2-.9 20 1.2 7.9 3 16.3.6 23.9v.2c-5 13.7-5 21.7-2.6 26.4 7.9 15.4 46.6 6.1 76.5 21.9 31.4 16.4 72.6 17.1 75.3-18 2.1-20.5-31.5-49-41-68.9zm153.9 35.8c3.2-11 6.3-21.3 6.8-29 .8-15.2 1.6-28.7 4.4-39.9 3.1-12.6 9.3-23.1 21.4-27.3 2.3-21.1 18.7-21.1 38.3-12.5 18.9 8.5 26 16 22.8 26.1 1 0 2-.1 4.2 0 5.2-16.9-14.3-28-30.7-34.8 2.9-12 2.4-24.1-.4-35.7-6-25.3-22.6-47.8-35.2-59-2.3-.1-2.1 1.9 2.6 6.5 11.6 10.7 37.1 49.2 23.3 84.9-3.9-1-7.6-1.5-10.9-1.4-5.3-29.1-17.5-53.2-23.6-64.6-11.5-21.4-29.5-65.3-37.2-95.7-4.5 6.4-12.4 11.9-22.3 15-4.7 1.5-9.7 5.5-15.9 9-13.9 8-30 8.8-42.4-1.2-4.5-3.6-8-7.6-12.6-10.3-1.6-.9-5.1-3.3-6.2-4.1-2 37.8-27.3 85.3-39.3 112.7-8.3 19.7-13.2 40.8-13.8 61.5-21.8-29.1-5.9-66.3 2.6-82.4 9.5-17.6 11-22.5 8.7-20.8-8.6 14-22 36.3-27.2 59.2-2.7 11.9-3.2 24 .3 35.2 3.5 11.2 11.1 21.5 24.6 29.9 0 0 24.8 14.3 38.3 32.5 7.4 10 9.7 18.7 7.4 24.9-2.5 6.7-9.6 8.9-16.7 8.9 4.8 6 10.3 13 14.4 19.6 37.6 25.7 82.2 15.7 114.3-7.2zM415 408.5c-10-11.3-7.2-33.1-17.1-41.6-6.9-6-13.6-5.4-22.6-5.1-7.7 8.8-25.8 19.6-38.4 16.3-11.5-2.9-18-16.3-18.8-29.5-.3.2-.7.3-1 .5-7.1 3.9-11.1 10.8-13.7 21.1-2.5 10.2-3.4 23.5-4.2 38.7-.7 11.8-6.2 26.4-9.9 40.6-3.5 13.2-5.8 25.2-1.1 36.3 7.2 14.5 19.5 20.4 33.7 19.3 14.2-1.1 30.4-9.8 43.6-25.5 22-26.6 62.3-29.7 63.2-46.5.3-5.1-3.1-13-13.7-24.6zM173.3 148.7c2 1.9 4.7 4.5 8 7.1 6.6 5.2 15.8 10.6 27.3 10.6 11.6 0 22.5-5.9 31.8-10.8 4.9-2.6 10.9-7 14.8-10.4 3.9-3.4 5.9-6.3 3.1-6.6-2.8-.3-2.6 2.6-6 5.1-4.4 3.2-9.7 7.4-13.9 9.8-7.4 4.2-19.5 10.2-29.9 10.2-10.4 0-18.7-4.8-24.9-9.7-3.1-2.5-5.7-5-7.7-6.9-1.5-1.4-1.9-4.6-4.3-4.9-1.4-.1-1.8 3.7 1.7 6.5z\"] };\nvar faLyft = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'lyft', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f3c3\", \"M0 81.1h77.8v208.7c0 33.1 15 52.8 27.2 61-12.7 11.1-51.2 20.9-80.2-2.8C7.8 334 0 310.7 0 289V81.1zm485.9 173.5v-22h23.8v-76.8h-26.1c-10.1-46.3-51.2-80.7-100.3-80.7-56.6 0-102.7 46-102.7 102.7V357c16 2.3 35.4-.3 51.7-14 17.1-14 24.8-37.2 24.8-59v-6.7h38.8v-76.8h-38.8v-23.3c0-34.6 52.2-34.6 52.2 0v77.1c0 56.6 46 102.7 102.7 102.7v-76.5c-14.5 0-26.1-11.7-26.1-25.9zm-294.3-99v113c0 15.4-23.8 15.4-23.8 0v-113H91v132.7c0 23.8 8 54 45 63.9 37 9.8 58.2-10.6 58.2-10.6-2.1 13.4-14.5 23.3-34.9 25.3-15.5 1.6-35.2-3.6-45-7.8v70.3c25.1 7.5 51.5 9.8 77.6 4.7 47.1-9.1 76.8-48.4 76.8-100.8V155.1h-77.1v.5z\"] };\nvar faMagento = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'magento', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3c4\", \"M445.7 127.9V384l-63.4 36.5V164.7L223.8 73.1 65.2 164.7l.4 255.9L2.3 384V128.1L224.2 0l221.5 127.9zM255.6 420.5L224 438.9l-31.8-18.2v-256l-63.3 36.6.1 255.9 94.9 54.9 95.1-54.9v-256l-63.4-36.6v255.9z\"] };\nvar faMailchimp = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'mailchimp', icon: [428, 512, [], \"f59e\", \"M426.56 323.72c-3.09-6.59-8.97-11.13-16.35-12.88-2.47-11.27-5.88-16.8-6.19-17.63 1.3-1.48 2.56-2.97 2.84-3.32 10.42-12.93 3.62-31.86-14.19-36.33-10.02-9.64-19.09-14.17-26.54-17.9-7.14-3.57-4.29-2.17-10.99-5.19-1.78-8.71-2.37-28.97-5.2-43.19-2.54-12.79-7.66-22.06-15.56-28.15-3.16-6.84-7.59-13.74-12.93-18.81 24.84-38.08 31.38-75.69 13.19-95.39-8.1-8.77-20.13-12.93-34.52-12.93-20.26 0-45.18 8.26-70.34 23.54 0 0-16.38-13.18-16.73-13.46-70.08-55.19-268.28 188.7-198.32 242l18.06 13.8c-11.34 31.54 4.43 69.14 37.29 81.21 7.26 2.67 15.14 3.97 23.31 3.51 0 0 53.09 97.36 165.1 97.39 129.58.04 162.55-126.72 162.9-127.86 0 .01 10.5-15.51 5.17-28.41zM20.12 267.95c-14.2-23.96 10.51-73.19 28.09-101.17C91.66 97.63 163.98 43.06 196.82 50.85l9.03-3.46c.03.03 24.67 20.85 24.7 20.87 16.97-10.19 38.58-20.57 58.8-22.64-12.3 2.77-27.29 9.15-45.05 20.01-.43.25-42.02 28.32-67.43 53.52-13.85 13.73-69.45 80.41-69.4 80.35 10.16-19.23 16.86-28.67 32.94-48.9 9.1-11.44 18.81-22.57 28.74-32.84 4.61-4.77 9.28-9.36 13.95-13.71 3.21-2.99 6.44-5.87 9.65-8.62 1.48-1.27 2.96-2.5 4.43-3.71l.01-.01L164.6 64.8l1.72 12.06 23.69 20.87s-20.96 14.11-31.39 23.01c-41.79 35.66-82.8 90.4-98.06 143.69l.73-.03c-7.6 4.19-15.14 10.91-21.73 20.05-.16-.04-17.04-12.43-19.44-16.5zm69.11 100.09c-25.03 0-45.33-21.37-45.33-47.72 0-26.36 20.29-47.72 45.33-47.72 6.49 0 12.66 1.44 18.24 4.02 0 0 9.63 4.86 12.34 27.81 2.82-7.17 4.24-13.06 4.24-13.06 3.23 9.88 4.88 20.26 4.23 30.76 2.68-3.56 5.55-10.27 5.55-10.27 5 29.33-16.4 56.18-44.6 56.18zm55.8-168.53s19.49-37.06 62.33-61.57c-3.19-.51-10.99.48-12.36.64 7.78-6.69 22.24-11.16 32.23-13.19-2.92-1.86-9.89-2.33-13.34-2.42-1.02-.03-1.01-.02-2.22.03 9.4-5.25 26.82-8.34 42.65-5.55-1.99-2.64-6.5-4.57-9.67-5.51-.28-.08-1.52-.39-1.52-.39l1.19-.28c9.54-1.84 20.69.15 29.5 3.69-1-2.32-3.45-5.03-5.29-6.74-.19-.18-1.29-.97-1.29-.97 9.22 1.91 18.06 5.94 24.71 10.5-.9-1.75-3.14-4.69-4.69-6.29 8.81 2.52 18.71 8.81 22.95 1.03-16.7-12.84-65.44-9.2-114.24 22.42-22.33 14.48-38.71 30.32-51.34 46.78zm263.32 146.34c-.59 1.15-6.73 34.4-41.86 62.01-44.37 34.86-102.66 31.33-124.67 11.8-11.76-11-16.85-26.73-16.85-26.73s-1.33 8.87-1.56 12.35c-8.87-15.09-8.12-33.52-8.12-33.52s-4.73 8.83-6.9 13.77c-6.53-16.62-3.16-33.78-3.16-33.78l-5.16 7.7s-2.42-18.81 3.52-34.47c6.36-16.74 18.68-28.9 21.11-30.42-9.35-2.97-20.12-11.49-20.14-11.51 0 0 4.28.28 7.26-.4 0 0-18.9-13.54-22.22-34.26 2.74 3.38 8.49 7.21 8.49 7.21-1.86-5.42-2.99-17.49-1.25-29.36l.01-.01c3.58-22.68 22.27-37.45 43.44-37.27 22.54.2 37.65 4.93 56.55-12.5 4-3.69 7.19-6.87 12.81-8.11.59-.13 2.06-.75 5.07-.75 3.05 0 5.98.69 8.67 2.29 10.25 6.1 12.46 22.01 13.56 33.68 4.07 43.28 2.43 35.57 19.94 44.49 8.36 4.25 17.74 8.29 28.43 13.65 7.31 9.5 12.47-30.23 36.1-72.46 53.39-119.51 54.84-1.94.05-6.32.15-6.34.15-19.01.58-25.19 25.16-13.27 39.95 7.54 9.35 22.03 12.42 33.97 12.46l.17-.06c51.45 1.04 103.14-35.37 112.07-55.44.06-.15.61-1.42.61-1.42-2.07 2.43-52.18 49.61-113.08 47.9 0 0-6.66-.14-12.93-1.6-8.27-1.92-14.55-5.56-16.95-13.8 5.05 1.01 11.45 1.66 18.87 1.66 43.96 0 75.63-19.98 72.33-20.25-.13 0-.26.03-.48.08-5.13 1.19-57.97 21.66-91.37 11.16.08-1.02.24-2.01.48-2.9 2.97-9.95 8.25-8.56 16.79-8.93 30.48-1.01 55.07-8.68 73.5-17.43 19.65-9.33 34.63-21.35 40.03-27.42 7 11.79 6.96 26.92 6.96 26.92s2.74-.96 6.38-.96c11.38.01 13.73 10.23 5.09 20.6zm-149.29 13.7c0-.05-.01-.1-.01-. 0-2.02-.02.74-.02 1.42 0 1.46c0 .02 0 .04.01.06 0-.02 0-.04-.01-.06zm.02.12c.2 1.58.51 2.31.55 2.4-.23-.49-.42-1.34-.55-2.4zM193.96 59.68l2.87-8.83 4.88 17.72-6.03-1.95-1.72-6.94zm22.38 17.72l-3.62-12.59 9.97 8.36c-2.24 1.44-4.36 2.86-6.35 4.23zm42.71 281.94c-.01-.13-.01-.26-.02-. 0-2.02-.03.75-.03 1.42 0 2.02zm.02.6c0-.05-.01-.1-.01-.15m.13 1.46c0-.02 0-.04-.01-.06m.02.12c.2 1.58.51 2.31.55 2.4-.23-.49-.42-1.34-.55-2.4zm52.1-138.61c-.07-3.36.47-8.92 3.63-9.95h.01c5.41-1.88 12.58 11.98 12.91 24.28-4.28-2.14-9.3-3.05-14.47-2.6-1.3-3.97-1.92-7.7-2.08-11.73zM205.38 85.27l-13.59-11.38 20.57 6.28c-2.65 1.88-5 3.6-6.98 5.1zm27.7 166.94c-3.41 1.3-5.83 2.31-7 2.14-1.89-.28-.06-3.75 4.08-7.11 8.33-6.64 19.76-8.7 29.53-5.07 4.28 1.57 9.08 4.72 11.6 8.39.95 1.39 1.21 2.44.82 2.88-.77.9-3.51-.31-7.55-1.89-10.35-3.86-17.98-4.45-31.48.66zm14.55 14.53c-2.31.94-3.81 1.66-4.42 1.17-.62-.48-.01-2.42 2.15-4.51 1.88-1.81 3.83-2.83 6.07-3.77.35-.15.72-.28 1.1-.38 1.04-.28 2.09-.63 3.23-.8 9.12-1.55 15.8 3.51 14.93 4.98-.39.69-2.08.53-4.6.36-5.23-.36-10.71-.27-18.46 2.95zM60.86 323.12zm24.3-25.78c-1.85.39-.81.17-2.64.68a7 7 0 0 0-.77.25c-.58.27-1.11.45-1.62.73-.43.24-4.07 1.86-7.03 5.48-3.99 4.95-5.44 11.43-5.19 17.67.24 6.06 2.02 9.41 2.35 10.23 1.38 2.96-1.85 3.57-4.79.39l-.01-.01c-2.35-2.49-3.86-6.29-4.6-9.66-2.98-13.95 3.24-27.97 17.61-33.57.8-.32 1.74-.51 2.5-.73h-.01c1.47-.44 6.72-1.5 12.07-.67 5.87.91 11.04 3.85 14.33 7.67l.01.01c2.53 2.87 4.43 6.92 4.09 10.53v.01c-.13 1.5-.79 3.65-2.14 4.21-.5.21-1.01.1-1.36-.25-.98-.96-.22-2.93-2.6-6.3-3.17-4.47-10.31-8.76-20.2-6.67zm30.28 31.17c1.88 10.82-6 20.5-15.52 20.7-6.67.15-10.31-4.02-9.66-4.93.3-.43 1.32-.24 2.88-.01 8.5 1.32 13.66-3.86 14.9-9.29.02-.09.35-1.54.34-2.54.07-.88-.03-1.76-.16-2.56-1-5.62-7.45-6.68-11.6-11.15-3.72-4.04-2.99-9.22-.65-11.71 2.81-2.77 6.83-1.76 6.78-.78 0 .52-.97.91-2.17 1.74-1.56 1.1-1.77 2.16-1.37 3.98.26 1 .71 1.65 1.68 2.42 3.48 2.76 12.85 4.7 14.55 14.13zm212.87-81.47c2.58.4 4.22 3.59 3.67 7.13-.55 3.54-3.09 6.08-5.67 5.67-2.58-.4-4.22-3.59-3.67-7.13.56-3.53 3.09-6.07 5.67-5.67zm-28.33 10.31c1.42-2.59 5.44-3.11 8.99-1.16 3.55 1.94 5.27 5.62 3.86 8.2-1.42 2.59-5.44 3.11-8.99 1.16-3.55-1.94-5.28-5.61-3.86-8.2z\"] };\nvar faMandalorian = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'mandalorian', icon: [390, 512, [], \"f50f\", \"M203.28 511.89c-.98-3.26-1.69-15.83-1.39-24.58.55-15.89.98-24.72 1.4-28.76.64-6.2 2.87-20.72 3.28-21.38.6-.96.4-27.87-.24-33.13-.31-2.58-.63-11.9-.69-20.73-.13-16.47-.53-20.12-2.73-24.76-1.1-2.32-1.23-3.84-.99-11.43.16-4.81 0-10.53-.34-12.71-2.05-12.97-3.46-27.7-3.25-33.9.21-6.12.43-7.15 2.06-9.67 3.05-4.71 6.51-14.04 8.62-23.27 2.26-9.86 3.88-17.18 4.59-20.74.89-4.42 2.43-9.72 4.36-15.05 2.27-6.25 2.49-15.39.37-15.39-.3 0-1.38 1.22-2.41 2.71-1.03 1.49-4.76 4.8-8.29 7.36-8.37 6.08-11.7 9.39-12.66 12.58-.93 3.11-1.02 7.23-.16 1.29 2.4 2.11 4.88 1.62 4.88 1.87 10.12.72 15.36-.39 1.77-1.05 5.47-1.46 8.23-.41 2.76-.98 6.46-1.25 8.22-.28 1.76-.97 3.68-1.55 4.26-.96.96-1.14.91-2.05-.53-.55-.87-1.2-3.01-1.44-4.75-.25-1.74-1.63-7.11-3.08-11.93-3.28-10.9-3.52-16.15-.96-20.96.92-1.73 1.67-3.81 1.67-4.61 0-2.39-2.2-5.32-7.41-9.89-7.05-6.18-8.63-7.92-10.23-11.3-1.71-3.6-3.06-4.06-4.54-1.54-1.78 3.01-2.6 9.11-2.97 22.02l-.35 12.13 1.95 2.25c3.21 3.7 12.07 16.45 13.78 19.83 3.41 6.74 4.34 11.69 4.41 23.56.07 11.84.95 22.75 2 1.35.34 1.52-.17.17.41 2.09 1.29 4.27.88 2.18 1.81 6.22 2.06 8.98.25 2.76 1.02 7.43 1.71 10.37 2.23 9.56 2.77 14.08 2.39 20.14-.2 3.27-.53 11.07-.73 17.32-1.31 41.76-1.85 57.98-2.04 61.21-.12 2.02-.39 11.51-.6 21.07-.36 16.3-1.3 27.37-2.42 28.65-.64.73-8.07-4.91-12.52-9.49-3.75-3.87-4.02-4.79-2.83-9.95.7-3.01 2.26-18.29 3.33-32.62.36-4.78.81-10.5 1.01-12.71.83-9.37 1.66-20.35 2.61-34.78.56-8.46 1.33-16.44 1.72-17.73.38-1.29.89-9.89 1.13-19.11l.43-16.77-2.26-4.3c-1.72-3.28-4.87-6.94-13.22-15.34-6.03-6.07-11.84-12.3-12.91-13.85l-1.95-2.81.75-10.9c1.09-15.71 1.1-48.57.02-59.06l-.89-8.7-3.28-4.52c-5.86-8.08-5.8-7.75-6.22-33.27-.1-6.07-.38-11.5-.63-12.06-.83-1.87-3.05-2.66-8.54-3.05-8.86-.62-10.96-1.9-23.85-14.55-6.15-6.04-12.34-11.97-13.75-13.19-2.81-2.42-2.79-1.99-.56-9.63l1.35-4.65-1.69-3.04c-.93-1.67-2.09-3.51-2.59-4.07-1.33-1.51-5.5-10.89-5.99-13.49-.31-1.66-.09-2.67.87-3.9 2.23-2.86 3.4-5.68 4.45-10.73 2.33-11.19 7.74-26.09 10.6-29.22 3.18-3.47 7.7-1.05 9.41 5.03 1.34 4.79 1.37 9.79.1 18.55-.53 3.68-.98 8.68-.99 11.11-.02 4.01.19 4.69 2.25 7.39 3.33 4.37 7.73 7.41 15.2 10.52 1.7.71 3.82 1.99 4.72 2.85 11.17 10.72 18.62 16.18 22.95 16.85 5.18.8 7.98 4.54 10.04 13.39 1.31 5.65 4 11.14 5.46 11.14.59 0 2.09-.63 3.33-1.39 1.98-1.22 2.25-1.73 2.25-4.18-.01-3.71-1.17-14.08-2-17.84-.37-1.66-.78-4.06-.93-5.35-.14-1.29-.61-3.85-1.03-5.69-2.55-11.16-3.65-15.46-4.1-16.05-1.55-2.02-4.08-10.2-4.93-15.92-1.64-11.11-3.96-14.23-12.91-17.39-4.64-1.64-8.89-4.12-13.32-7.78-1.15-.95-4.01-3.22-6.35-5.06-2.35-1.83-4.41-3.53-4.6-3.76-.18-.23-1.39-1.14-2.69-2.02-6.24-4.22-8.84-6.98-11.26-11.96l-2.44-5.02-.22-12.98-.22-12.98 6.91-6.55c3.95-3.75 8.48-7.35 10.59-8.43 3.31-1.69 4.45-1.89 11.37-2.05 8.53-.19 10.12.02 11.66 1.56 1.53 1.53 1.36 6.4-.29 8.5-.74.94-1.34 1.98-1.34 2.32 0 .58-2.61 4.91-5.42 8.99-.68.99-2.13 5.35-2.37 6.82 20.44 13.39 21.55 3.77 14.07 28.98l11.4 2.54c3.11-8.66 6.47-17.26 8.61-26.22.29-7.63-11.98-4.19-15.4-8.68-2.33-5.93 3.13-14.18 6.06-19.2 1.6-2.34 6.62-4.7 8.82- 4.16-.35 7.37-1.28 3.18-.92 6.58-1.68 7.55-1.68.97 0 3.66-.58 5.98-1.29 3.65-1.11 4.5-1.17 6.35-.4 1.17.48 3.79 1.09 5.82 1.36 2.02.26 4.72 1.12 6 1.91 1.28.79 3.53 1.77 5.02 2.17 2.51.68 3 .57 7.05-1.67l4.35-2.4 10.7-.41c10.44-.4 10.81-.47 15.26-2.68l4.58-2.3 2.46 1.43c1.76 1.02 3.14 2.73 4.85 5.98 2.36 4.51 2.38 4.58 1.37 7.37-.88 2.44-.89 3.3-.1 6.39.5 1.96 1.45 4.62 2.1 5.91.65 1.29 1.24 3.09 1.31 4.01.31 4.33-.03 5.3-2.41 6.92-2.17 1.47-6.98 7.91-6.98 9.34 0 .32-.48 1.69-1.07 3.03-5.04 11.51-6.76 13.56-14.26 16.98-9.2 4.2-12.3 5.19-16.21 5.19-3.1 0-4 .25-4.54 1.26-.37.69-2.21 2.37-4.09 3.71-2.04 1.47-3.8 3.38-4.38 4.78-.54 1.28-1.66 2.59-2.49 2.91-.83.32-1.94 1.08-2.45 1.71-.52.62-3.66 3.04-7 5.38-3.33 2.34-6.87 5.02-7.87 5.96-1 .94-2.07 1.71-2.39 1.71s-1.28.74-2.13 1.65c-1.31 1.39-1.49 2.11-1.14 4.6.22 1.63.86 4.27 1.42 5.88 1.32 3.8 1.31 7.86-.05 10.57-1.43 2.86-.89 6.65 1.35 9.59 2.01 2.63 2.16 4.56.71 8.84-.61 1.8-1.05 5.45-1.06 8.91-.02 4.88.22 6.28 1.46 8.38 1.2 2.04 1.82 2.48 3.24 2.32 1.98-.23 2.3-1.05 4.71-12.12 2.18-10.03 3.71-11.92 13.76-17.08 2.94-1.51 7.46-3.96 10.03-5.44 2.58-1.48 6.79-3.69 9.37-4.91 6.67-3.16 11.05-6.52 15.22-11.67 7.11-8.79 9.98-16.22 12.85-33.3.55-3.28 1.43-5.65 2.86-7.73 1.29-1.87 2.37-4.62 2.89-7.31 1.02-5.3 2.85-9.08 5.58-11.51 4.7-4.18 6-1.09 4.59 10.87-.46 3.86-1.1 10.33-1.44 14.38l-.61 7.36 4.45 4.09 4.45 4.09.11 8.42c.06 4.63.47 9.53.92 10.89l.82 2.47-6.43 6.28c-8.54 8.33-12.88 13.93-16.76 21.61-1.77 3.49-3.74 7.11-4.38 8.03-2.18 3.11-6.46 13.01-8.76 20.26l-2.29 7.22-6.97 6.49c-3.83 3.57-7.96 7.25-9.17 8.17-3.05 2.32-4.26 5.15-4.26 9.99 0 2.98.43 4.96 1.59 7.26.87 1.74 1.81 3.91 2.09 2.22 1.57 2.89 1.4 1.59 1.92 16.12.83 23.22-.68 4.48-3.63 12.02-4.7 12.02-1.79 0-4.06 9.27-5.07 20.74-.18 2.02-.62 5.94-.98 8.7-.36 2.76-.96 9.98-1.35 16.05-.77 12.22-.19 18.77 2.05 23.15 3.41 6.69.52 12.69-11.03 22.84l-3.97 3.49.07 5.19c.04 2.86.55 6.85 1.14 8.87 4.61 15.98 4.73 16.92 4.38 37.13-.46 26.4-.26 40.27.63 44.15.42 1.84.91 5 1.08 7.02.17 2.02.66 5.33 1.08 7.36.47 2.26.78 11.02.79 22.74l.02 19.06-1.81 2.63c-2.71 3.91-15.11 13.54-15.49 12.29zm29.53-45.11c-.18-.3-.33-6.87-.33-14.59 0-14.06-.89-27.54-2.26-34.45-.4-2.02-.81-9.7-.9-17.06-.15-11.93-1.4-24.37-2.64-26.38-.66-1.07-3.02-17.66-3.03-21.3-.01-4.23 1.02-6 5.28-9.13 4.14-3.04 4.86-3.14 5.48-.72.28 1.1 1.45 5.62 2.6 10.03 3.93 15.12 4.14 16.27 4.05 21.74-.1 5.78-.13 6.13-1.74 17.73-.98 7.07-1.17 12.39-1.04 28.43.17 19.4-.64 35.73-2.04 41.27-.71 2.78-2.8 5.48-3.43 4.43zm-70.99-37.58c-.24-.38-1.01-5.24-1.73-10.79-.72-5.56-1.49-10.41-1.73-10.79-.23-.38-.68-3.3-.99-6.49-.31-3.19-.91-7.46-1.33-9.48-.99-4.79-3.35-19.35-3.42-21.07-.03-.74-.34-4.05-.7-7.36-.67-6.21-.84-27.67-.22-28.29.96-.96 6.63 2.76 11.33 7.43l5.28 5.25-.45 6.47c-.25 3.56-.6 10.23-.78 14.83-.18 4.6-.49 9.87-.67 11.71-.18 1.84-.61 9.36-.94 16.72-.79 17.41-1.94 31.29-2.65 32-.32.3-.76.24-1-.14zM74.63 162.61c21.07 12.79 17.84 14.15 28.49 17.66 13.01 4.29 18.87 7.13 23.15 16.87-43.66 36.14-69.01 57.9-76.71 70.82-31.02 52.01-5.99 101.59 62.75 87.21-14.18 29.23-77.97 28.63-98.68-4.9-24.68-39.95-22.09-118.3 61-187.66zm210.79 179.02c56.66 6.88 82.32-37.74 46.54-89.23 0 0-26.87-29.34-64.28-67.96 2.98-15.45 9.49-32.12 30.57-53.82 89.2 63.51 92 141.61 92.46 149.36 4.27 70.58-78.66 91.12-105.29 61.65z\"] };\nvar faMarkdown = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'markdown', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f60f\", \"M593.85 452.92H46.15C20.7 452.92 0 432.22 0 406.77V105.23c0-25.45 20.7-46.15 46.15-46.15h547.69c25.45 0 46.15 20.7 46.15 46.15v301.54c.01 25.45-20.69 46.15-46.14 46.15zm-440-92.3v-120l61.54 76.92 61.54-76.92v120h61.54V151.38h-61.54l-61.54 76.92-61.54-76.92H92.31v209.23h61.54zM566.15 256h-61.54V151.38h-61.54V256h-61.54l92.31 107.69L566.15 256z\"] };\nvar faMastodon = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'mastodon', icon: [417, 512, [], \"f4f6\", \"M417.8 179.1c0-97.2-63.7-125.7-63.7-125.7-62.5-28.7-228.5-28.4-290.4 0 0 0-63.7 28.5-63.7 125.7 0 115.7-6.6 259.4 105.6 289.1 40.5 10.7 75.3 13 103.3 11.4 50.8-2.8 79.3-18.1 79.3-18.1l-1.7-36.9s-36.3 11.4-77.1 10.1c-40.4-1.4-83-4.4-89.6-54-.6-4.4-.9-9-.9-13.9 85.6 20.9 158.6 9.1 178.7 6.7 56.1-6.7 105-41.3 111.2-72.9 9.8-49.8 9-121.5 9-121.5zm-75.1 125.2h-46.6V190.1c0-49.7-64-51.6-64 6.9v62.5h-46.3V197c0-58.5-64-56.6-64-6.9v114.2H75.1c0-122.1-5.2-147.9 18.4-175 25.9-28.9 79.8-30.8 103.8 6.1l11.6 19.5 11.6-19.5c24.1-37.1 78.1-34.8 103.8-6.1 23.7 27.3 18.4 53 18.4 175z\"] };\nvar faMaxcdn = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'maxcdn', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f136\", \"M461.1 442.7h-97.4L415.6 200c2.3-10.2.9-19.5-4.4-25.7-5-6.1-13.7-9.6-24.2-9.6h-49.3l-59.5 278h-97.4l59.5-278h-83.4l-59.5 278H0l59.5-278-44.6-95.4H387c39.4 0 75.3 16.3 98.3 44.9 23.3 28.6 31.8 67.4 23.6 105.9l-47.8 222.6z\"] };\nvar faMedapps = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'medapps', icon: [320, 512, [], \"f3c6\", \"M118.3 238.4c3.5-12.5 6.9-33.6 13.2-33.6 8.3 1.8 9.6 23.4 18.6 36.6 4.6-23.5 5.3-85.1 14.1-86.7 9-.7 19.7 66.5 22 77.5 9.9 4.1 48.9 6.6 48.9 6.6 1.9 7.3-24 7.6-40 7.8-4.6 14.8-5.4 27.7-11.4 28-4.7.2-8.2-28.8-17.5-49.6l-9.4 65.5c-4.4 13-15.5-22.5-21.9-39.3-3.3-.1-62.4-1.6-47.6-7.8l31-5zM228 448c21.2 0 21.2-32 0-32H92c-21.2 0-21.2 32 0 32h136zm-24 64c21.2 0 21.2-32 0-32h-88c-21.2 0-21.2 32 0 32h88zm34.2-141.5c3.2-18.9 5.2-36.4 11.9-48.8 7.9-14.7 16.1-28.1 24-41 24.6-40.4 45.9-75.2 45.9-125.5C320 69.6 248.2 0 160 0S0 69.6 0 155.2c0 50.2 21.3 85.1 45.9 125.5 7.9 12.9 16 26.3 24 41 6.7 12.5 8.7 29.8 11.9 48.9 3.5 21 36.1 15.7 32.6-5.1-3.6-21.7-5.6-40.7-15.3-58.6C66.5 246.5 33 211.3 33 155.2 33 87.3 90 32 160 32s127 55.3 127 123.2c0 56.1-33.5 91.3-66.1 151.6-9.7 18-11.7 37.4-15.3 58.6-3.4 20.6 29 26.4 32.6 5.1z\"] };\nvar faMedium = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'medium', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f23a\", \"M0 32v448h448V32H0zm372.2 106.1l-24 23c-2.1 1.6-3.1 4.2-2.7 6.7v169.3c-.4 2.6.6 5.2 2.7 6.7l23.5 23v5.1h-118V367l24.3-23.6c2.4-2.4 2.4-3.1 2.4-6.7V199.8l-67.6 171.6h-9.1L125 199.8v115c-.7 4.8 1 9.7 4.4 13.2l31.6 38.3v5.1H71.2v-5.1l31.6-38.3c3.4-3.5 4.9-8.4 4.1-13.2v-133c.4-3.7-1-7.3-3.8-9.8L75 138.1V133h87.3l67.4 148L289 133.1h83.2v5z\"] };\nvar faMediumM = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'medium-m', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f3c7\", \"M71.5 142.3c.6-5.9-1.7-11.8-6.1-15.8L20.3 72.1V64h140.2l108.4 237.7L364.2 64h133.7v8.1l-38.6 37c-3.3 2.5-5 6.7-4.3 10.8v272c-.7 4.1 1 8.3 4.3 10.8l37.7 37v8.1H307.3v-8.1l39.1-37.9c3.8-3.8 3.8-5 3.8-10.8V171.2L241.5 447.1h-14.7L100.4 171.2v184.9c-1.1 7.8 1.5 15.6 7 21.2l50.8 61.6v8.1h-144v-8L65 377.3c5.4-5.6 7.9-13.5 6.5-21.2V142.3z\"] };\nvar faMedrt = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'medrt', icon: [544, 512, [], \"f3c8\", \"M113.7 256c0 121.8 83.9 222.8 193.5 241.1-18.7 4.5-38.2 6.9-58.2 6.9C111.4 504 0 393 0 256S111.4 8 248.9 8c20.1 0 39.6 2.4 58.2 6.9C197.5 33.2 113.7 134.2 113.7 256m297.4 100.3c-77.7 55.4-179.6 47.5-240.4-14.6 5.5 14.1 12.7 27.7 21.7 40.5 61.6 88.2 182.4 109.3 269.7 47 87.3-62.3 108.1-184.3 46.5-272.6-9-12.9-19.3-24.3-30.5-34.2 37.4 78.8 10.7 178.5-67 233.9m-218.8-244c-1.4 1-2.7 2.1-4 3.1 64.3-17.8 135.9 4 178.9 60.5 35.7 47 42.9 106.6 24.4 158 56.7-56.2 67.6-142.1 22.3-201.8-50-65.5-149.1-74.4-221.6-19.8M296 224c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-40c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-48c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v40c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-40c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v48c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h40c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v40c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h48c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-40c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h40c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-48c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-40z\"] };\nvar faMeetup = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'meetup', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f2e0\", \"M99 414.3c1.1 5.7-2.3 11.1-8 12.3-5.4 1.1-10.9-2.3-12-8-1.1-5.4 2.3-11.1 7.7-12.3 5.4-1.2 11.1 2.3 12.3 8zm143.1 71.4c-6.3 4.6-8 13.4-3.7 20 4.6 6.6 13.4 8.3 20 3.7 6.3-4.6 8-13.4 3.4-20-4.2-6.5-13.1-8.3-19.7-3.7zm-86-462.3c6.3-1.4 10.3-7.7 8.9-14-1.1-6.6-7.4-10.6-13.7-9.1-6.3 1.4-10.3 7.7-9.1 14 1.4 6.6 7.6 10.6 13.9 9.1zM34.4 226.3c-10-6.9-23.7-4.3-30.6 6-6.9 10-4.3 24 5.7 30.9 10 7.1 23.7 4.6 30.6-5.7 6.9-10.4 4.3-24.1-5.7-31.2zm272-170.9c10.6-6.3 13.7-20 7.7-30.3-6.3-10.6-19.7-14-30-7.7s-13.7 20-7.4 30.6c6 10.3 19.4 13.7 29.7 7.4zm-191.1 58c7.7-5.4 9.4-16 4.3-23.7s-15.7-9.4-23.1-4.3c-7.7 5.4-9.4 16-4.3 23.7 5.1 7.8 15.6 9.5 23.1 4.3zm372.3 156c-7.4 1.7-12.3 9.1-10.6 16.9 1.4 7.4 8.9 12.3 16.3 10.6 7.4-1.4 12.3-8.9 10.6-16.6-1.5-7.4-8.9-12.3-16.3-10.9zm39.7-56.8c-1.1-5.7-6.6-9.1-12-8-5.7 1.1-9.1 6.9-8 12.6 1.1 5.4 6.6 9.1 12.3 8 5.4-1.5 9.1-6.9 7.7-12.6zM447 138.9c-8.6 6-10.6 17.7-4.9 26.3 5.7 8.6 17.4 10.6 26 4.9 8.3-6 10.3-17.7 4.6-26.3-5.7-8.7-17.4-10.9-25.7-4.9zm-6.3 139.4c26.3 43.1 15.1 100-26.3 129.1-17.4 12.3-37.1 17.7-56.9 17.1-12 47.1-69.4 64.6-105.1 32.6-1.1.9-2.6 1.7-3.7 2.9-39.1 27.1-92.3 17.4-119.4-22.3-9.7-14.3-14.6-30.6-15.1-46.9-65.4-10.9-90-94-41.1-139.7-28.3-46.9.6-107.4 53.4-114.9C151.6 70 234.1 38.6 290.1 82c67.4-22.3 136.3 29.4 130.9 101.1 41.1 12.6 52.8 66.9 19.7 95.2zm-70 74.3c-3.1-20.6-40.9-4.6-43.1-27.1-3.1-32 43.7-101.1 40-128-3.4-24-19.4-29.1-33.4-29.4-13.4-.3-16.9 2-21.4 4.6-2.9 1.7-6.6 4.9-11.7-.3-6.3-6-11.1-11.7-19.4-12.9-12.3-2-17.7 2-26.6 9.7-3.4 2.9-12 12.9-20 9.1-3.4-1.7-15.4-7.7-24-11.4-16.3-7.1-40 4.6-48.6 20-12.9 22.9-38 113.1-41.7 125.1-8.6 26.6 10.9 48.6 36.9 47.1 11.1-.6 18.3-4.6 25.4-17.4 4-7.4 41.7-107.7 44.6-112.6 2-3.4 8.9-8 14.6-5.1 5.7 3.1 6.9 9.4 6 15.1-1.1 9.7-28 70.9-28.9 77.7-3.4 22.9 26.9 26.6 38.6 4 3.7-7.1 45.7-92.6 49.4-98.3 4.3-6.3 7.4-8.3 11.7-8 3.1 0 8.3.9 7.1 10.9-1.4 9.4-35.1 72.3-38.9 87.7-4.6 20.6 6.6 41.4 24.9 50.6 11.4 5.7 62.5 15.7 58.5-11.1zm5.7 92.3c-10.3 7.4-12.9 22-5.7 32.6 7.1 10.6 21.4 13.1 32 6 10.6-7.4 13.1-22 6-32.6-7.4-10.6-21.7-13.5-32.3-6z\"] };\nvar faMegaport = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'megaport', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f5a3\", \"M248 8C111.04 8 0 119.04 0 256c0 136.97 111.04 248 248 248 136.96 0 248-111.03 248-248C496 119.04 384.96 8 248 8zm85.46 267.67l59.66 59.67v87.05l-26.07 19.23L341 422.39v-65.46l-33.44-33.44-33.44 33.44v65.46L248 441.62l-26.12-19.23v-65.46l-33.44-33.44L155 356.92v65.46l-26.07 19.23-26.06-19.23v-87.05l59.47-59.47V188l59.5-59.5V52.88l26.06-19.23 26.06 19.23v75.64l59.5 59.5m-85.56-11.86l33.44 33.44V276L248 309.33l-33.54-33.54v-66.2l33.44-33.43z\"] };\nvar faMicrosoft = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'microsoft', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3ca\", \"M0 32h214.6v214.6H0V32zm233.4 0H448v214.6H233.4V32zM0 265.4h214.6V480H0V265.4zm233.4 0H448V480H233.4V265.4z\"] };\nvar faMix = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'mix', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3cb\", \"M0 64v348.9c0 56.2 88 58.1 88 0V174.3c7.9-52.9 88-50.4 88 6.5v175.3c0 57.9 96 58 96 0V240c5.3-54.7 88-52.5 88 4.3v23.8c0 59.9 88 56.6 88 0V64H0z\"] };\nvar faMixcloud = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'mixcloud', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f289\", \"M424.43 219.729C416.124 134.727 344.135 68 256.919 68c-72.266 0-136.224 46.516-159.205 114.074-54.545 8.029-96.63 54.822-96.63 111.582 0 62.298 50.668 112.966 113.243 112.966h289.614c52.329 0 94.969-42.362 94.969-94.693 0-45.131-32.118-83.063-74.48-92.2zm-20.489 144.53H114.327c-39.04 0-70.881-31.564-70.881-70.604s31.841-70.604 70.881-70.604c18.827 0 36.548 7.475 49.838 20.766 19.963 19.963 50.133-10.227 30.18-30.18-14.675-14.398-32.672-24.365-52.053-29.349 19.935-44.3 64.79-73.926 114.628-73.926 69.496 0 125.979 56.483 125.979 125.702 0 13.568-2.215 26.857-6.369 39.594-8.943 27.517 32.133 38.939 40.147 13.29 2.769-8.306 4.984-16.889 6.369-25.472 19.381 7.476 33.502 26.303 33.502 48.453 0 28.795-23.535 52.33-52.607 52.33zm235.069-52.33c0 44.024-12.737 86.386-37.102 122.657-4.153 6.092-10.798 9.414-17.72 9.414-16.317 0-27.127-18.826-17.443-32.949 19.381-29.349 29.903-63.682 29.903-99.122s-10.521-69.773-29.903-98.845c-15.655-22.831 19.361-47.24 35.163-23.534 24.366 35.993 37.102 78.356 37.102 122.379zm-70.88 0c0 31.565-9.137 62.021-26.857 88.325-4.153 6.091-10.798 9.136-17.72 9.136-17.201 0-27.022-18.979-17.443-32.948 13.013-19.104 19.658-41.255 19.658-64.513 0-22.981-6.645-45.408-19.658-64.512-15.761-22.986 19.008-47.095 35.163-23.535 17.719 26.026 26.857 56.483 26.857 88.047z\"] };\nvar faMizuni = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'mizuni', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f3cc\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119.1 0 256c0 137 111 248 248 248s248-111 248-248C496 119.1 385 8 248 8zm-80 351.9c-31.4 10.6-58.8 27.3-80 48.2V136c0-22.1 17.9-40 40-40s40 17.9 40 40v223.9zm120-9.9c-12.9-2-26.2-3.1-39.8-3.1-13.8 0-27.2 1.1-40.2 3.1V136c0-22.1 17.9-40 40-40s40 17.9 40 40v214zm120 57.7c-21.2-20.8-48.6-37.4-80-48V136c0-22.1 17.9-40 40-40s40 17.9 40 40v271.7z\"] };\nvar faModx = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'modx', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f285\", \"M356 241.8l36.7 23.7V480l-133-83.8L356 241.8zM440 75H226.3l-23 37.8 153.5 96.5L440 75zm-89 142.8L55.2 32v214.5l46 29L351 217.8zM97 294.2L8 437h213.7l125-200.5L97 294.2z\"] };\nvar faMonero = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'monero', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f3d0\", \"M352 384h108.4C417 455.9 338.1 504 248 504S79 455.9 35.6 384H144V256.2L248 361l104-105v128zM88 336V128l159.4 159.4L408 128v208h74.8c8.5-25.1 13.2-52 13.2-80C496 119 385 8 248 8S0 119 0 256c0 28 4.6 54.9 13.2 80H88z\"] };\nvar faNapster = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'napster', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f3d2\", \"M298.3 373.6c-14.2 13.6-31.3 24.1-50.4 30.5-19-6.4-36.2-16.9-50.3-30.5h100.7zm44-199.6c20-16.9 43.6-29.2 69.6-36.2V299c0 219.4-328 217.6-328 .3V137.7c25.9 6.9 49.6 19.6 69.5 36.4 56.8-40 132.5-39.9 188.9-.1zm-208.8-58.5c64.4-60 164.3-60.1 228.9-.2-7.1 3.5-13.9 7.3-20.6 11.5-58.7-30.5-129.2-30.4-187.9.1-6.3-4-13.9-8.2-20.4-11.4zM43.8 93.2v69.3c-58.4 36.5-58.4 121.1.1 158.3 26.4 245.1 381.7 240.3 407.6 1.5l.3-1.7c58.7-36.3 58.9-121.7.2-158.2V93.2c-17.3.5-34 3-50.1 7.4-82-91.5-225.5-91.5-307.5.1-16.3-4.4-33.1-7-50.6-7.5zM259.2 352s36-.3 61.3-1.5c10.2-.5 21.1-4 25.5-6.5 26.3-15.1 25.4-39.2 26.2-47.4-79.5-.6-99.9-3.9-113 55.4zm-135.5-55.3c.8 8.2-.1 32.3 26.2 47.4 4.4 2.5 15.2 6 25.5 6.5 25.3 1.1 61.3 1.5 61.3 1.5-13.2-59.4-33.7-56.1-113-55.4zm169.1 123.4c-3.2-5.3-6.9-7.3-6.9-7.3-24.8 7.3-52.2 6.9-75.9 0 0 0-2.9 1.5-6.4 6.6-2.8 4.1-3.7 9.6-3.7 9.6 29.1 17.6 67.1 17.6 96.2 0-.1-.1-.3-4-3.3-8.9z\"] };\nvar faNeos = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'neos', icon: [456, 512, [], \"f612\", \"M387.44 512h-95.11L184.12 357.46v91.1L97.69 512H0V29.82L40.47 0h108.05l123.74 176.13V63.45L358.69 0h97.69v461.5L387.44 512zM10.77 35.27v460.72l72.01-52.88V193.95l215.49 307.69h84.79l52.35-38.17h-78.27L40.96 12.98 10.77 35.27zm82.54 466.61l80.04-58.78V342.06L93.55 227.7v220.94l-72.58 53.25h72.34zM52.63 10.77l310.6 442.57h82.37V10.77h-79.75v317.56L142.91 10.77H52.63zm230.4 180.88l72.01 102.81V15.93l-72.01 52.96v122.76z\"] };\nvar faNimblr = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'nimblr', icon: [355, 512, [], \"f5a8\", \"M232.6 299.29c15.57 0 27.15 11.46 27.15 26.96 0 15.55-11.62 26.96-27.15 26.96-15.7 0-27.15-11.57-27.15-26.96 0-15.51 11.58-26.96 27.15-26.96zM99.01 326.25c0-15.61 11.68-26.96 27.15-26.96 15.57 0 27.15 11.46 27.15 26.96 0 15.41-11.47 26.96-27.15 26.96-15.44 0-27.15-11.31-27.15-26.96m78.75-167.3C143 158.95 75.45 178.77 45.25 227L0 0v335.48C0 433.13 79.61 512 177.76 512c98.24 0 177.76-78.95 177.76-176.52 0-97.46-79.39-176.53-177.76-176.53zm0 308.12c-73.27 0-132.51-58.9-132.51-131.59 0-72.68 59.24-131.59 132.51-131.59 73.27 0 132.51 58.91 132.51 131.59s-59.25 131.59-132.51 131.59z\"] };\nvar faNintendoSwitch = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'nintendo-switch', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f418\", \"M95.9 33.5c-44.6 8-80.5 41-91.8 84.4C0 133.6-.3 142.8.2 264.4.4 376 .5 378.6 2.4 387.3c10.3 46.5 43.3 79.6 90.3 90.5 6.1 1.4 13.9 1.7 64.1 1.9 51.9.4 57.3.3 58.7-1.1 1.4-1.4 1.5-19.3 1.5-222.2 0-150.5-.3-221.3-.9-222.6-.9-1.7-2.5-1.8-56.9-1.7-44.2.1-57.5.4-63.3 1.4zm83.9 222.6V444l-37.8-.5c-34.8-.4-38.5-.6-45.5-2.3-29.9-7.7-52-30.7-58.3-60.7-2-9.4-2-240.1-.1-249.3 5.6-26.1 23.7-47.7 48-57.4 12.2-4.9 17.9-5.5 57.6-5.6l35.9-.1v188zm-75.9-131.2c-5.8 1.1-14.7 5.6-19.5 9.7-9.7 8.4-14.6 20.4-13.8 34.5.4 7.3.8 9.3 3.8 15.2 4.4 9 10.9 15.6 19.9 20 6.2 3.1 7.8 3.4 15.9 3.7 7.3.3 9.9 0 14.8-1.7 20.1-6.8 32.3-26.3 28.8-46.4-3.9-23.7-26.6-39.7-49.9-35zm158.2-92.3c-.4.3-.6 100.8-.6 223.5 0 202.3.1 222.8 1.5 223.4 2.5.9 74.5.6 83.4-.4 37.7-4.3 71-27.2 89-61.2 2.3-4.4 5.4-11.7 7-16.2 5.8-17.4 5.7-12.8 5.7-146.1 0-106.4-.2-122.3-1.5-129-9.2-48.3-46.1-84.8-94.5-93.1-6.5-1.1-16.5-1.4-48.8-1.4-22.4-.1-40.9.2-41.2.5zm99.1 202.1c14.5 3.8 26.3 14.8 31.2 28.9 3.1 8.7 3 21.5-.1 29.5-5.7 14.7-16.8 25-31.1 28.8-23.2 6-47.9-8-54.6-31-2-7-1.9-18.9.4-26.2 6.9-22.7 31-36.1 54.2-30z\"] };\nvar faNode = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'node', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f419\", \"M316.3 452c-2.1 0-4.2-.6-6.1-1.6L291 439c-2.9-1.6-1.5-2.2-.5-2.5 3.8-1.3 4.6-1.6 8.7-4 .4-.2 1-.1 1.4.1l14.8 8.8c.5.3 1.3.3 1.8 0L375 408c.5-.3.9-.9.9-1.6v-66.7c0-.7-.3-1.3-.9-1.6l-57.8-33.3c-.5-.3-1.2-.3-1.8 0l-57.8 33.3c-.6.3-.9 1-.9 1.6v66.7c0 .6.4 1.2.9 1.5l15.8 9.1c8.6 4.3 13.9-.8 13.9-5.8v-65.9c0-.9.7-1.7 1.7-1.7h7.3c.9 0 1.7.7 1.7 1.7v65.9c0 11.5-6.2 18-17.1 18-3.3 0-6 0-13.3-3.6l-15.2-8.7c-3.7-2.2-6.1-6.2-6.1-10.5v-66.7c0-4.3 2.3-8.4 6.1-10.5l57.8-33.4c3.7-2.1 8.5-2.1 12.1 0l57.8 33.4c3.7 2.2 6.1 6.2 6.1 10.5v66.7c0 4.3-2.3 8.4-6.1 10.5l-57.8 33.4c-1.7 1.1-3.8 1.7-6 1.7zm46.7-65.8c0-12.5-8.4-15.8-26.2-18.2-18-2.4-19.8-3.6-19.8-7.8 0-3.5 1.5-8.1 14.8-8.1 11.9 0 16.3 2.6 18.1 1.3 1.6 1.3h7.5c.5 0 .9-.2 1.2-.5.3-.4.5-.8.4-1.3-1.2-13.8-10.3-20.2-28.8-20.2-16.5 0-26.3 7-26.3 18.6 0 12.7 9.8 16.1 25.6 17.7 18.9 1.9 20.4 4.6 20.4 8.3 0 6.5-5.2 9.2-17.4 9.2-15.3 0-18.7-3.8-19.8-11.4-.1-.8-.8-1.4-1.7-1.4h-7.5c-.9 0-1.7.7-1.7 1.7 0 9.7 5.3 21.3 30.6 21.3 18.5 0 29-7.2 29-19.8zm54.5-50.1c0 6.1-5 11.1-11.1 11.1s-11.1-5-11.1-11.1c0-6.3 5.2-11.1 11.1-11.1 6-.1 11.1 4.8 11.1 11.1zm-1.8 0c0-5.2-4.2-9.3-9.4-9.3-5.1 0-9.3 4.1-9.3 9.3 0 5.2 4.2 9.4 9.3 9.4 5.2-.1 9.4-4.3 9.4-9.4zm-4.5 6.2h-2.6c-.1-.6-.5-3.8-.5-3.9-.2-.7-.4-1.1-1.3-1.1h-2.2v5h-2.4v-12.5h4.3c1.5 0 4.4 0 4.4 3.3 0 2.3-1.5 2.8-2.4 3.1 1.7.1 1.8 1.2 2.1 2.8.1 1 .3 2.7.6 3.3zm-2.8-8.8c0-1.7-1.2-1.7-1.8-1.7h-2v3.5h1.9c1.6 0 1.9-1.1 1.9-1.8zM137.3 191c0-2.7-1.4-5.1-3.7-6.4l-61.3-35.3c-1-.6-2.2-.9-3.4-1h-.6c-1.2 0-2.3.4-3.4 1L3.7 184.6C1.4 185.9 0 188.4 0 191l.1 95c0 1.3.7 2.5 1.8 3.2 1.1.7 2.5.7 3.7 0L42 268.3c2.3-1.4 3.7-3.8 3.7-6.4v-44.4c0-2.6 1.4-5.1 3.7-6.4l15.5-8.9c1.2-.7 2.4-1 3.7-1 1.3 0 2.6.3 3.7 1l15.5 8.9c2.3 1.3 3.7 3.8 3.7 6.4v44.4c0 2.6 1.4 5.1 3.7 6.4l36.4 20.9c1.1.7 2.6.7 3.7 0 1.1-.6 1.8-1.9 1.8-3.2l.2-95zM472.5 87.3v176.4c0 2.6-1.4 5.1-3.7 6.4l-61.3 35.4c-2.3 1.3-5.1 1.3-7.4 0l-61.3-35.4c-2.3-1.3-3.7-3.8-3.7-6.4v-70.8c0-2.6 1.4-5.1 3.7-6.4l61.3-35.4c2.3-1.3 5.1-1.3 7.4 0l15.3 8.8c1.7 1 3.9-.3 3.9-2.2v-94c0-2.8 3-4.6 5.5-3.2l36.5 20.4c2.3 1.2 3.8 3.7 3.8 6.4zm-46 128.9c0-.7-.4-1.3-.9-1.6l-21-12.2c-.6-.3-1.3-.3-1.9 0l-21 12.2c-.6.3-.9.9-.9 1.6v24.3c0 .7.4 1.3.9 1.6l21 12.1c.6.3 1.3.3 1.8 0l21-12.1c.6-.3.9-.9.9-1.6v-24.3zm209.8-.7c2.3-1.3 3.7-3.8 3.7-6.4V192c0-2.6-1.4-5.1-3.7-6.4l-60.9-35.4c-2.3-1.3-5.1-1.3-7.4 0l-61.3 35.4c-2.3 1.3-3.7 3.8-3.7 6.4v70.8c0 2.7 1.4 5.1 3.7 6.4l60.9 34.7c2.2 1.3 5 1.3 7.3 0l36.8-20.5c2.5-1.4 2.5-5 0-6.4L550 241.6c-1.2-.7-1.9-1.9-1.9-3.2v-22.2c0-1.3.7-2.5 1.9-3.2l19.2-11.1c1.1-.7 2.6-.7 3.7 0l19.2 11.1c1.1.7 1.9 1.9 1.9 3.2v17.4c0 2.8 3.1 4.6 5.6 3.2l36.7-21.3zM559 219c-.4.3-.7.7-.7 1.2v13.6c0 .5.3 1 .7 1.2l11.8 6.8c.4.3 1 .3 1.4 0L584 235c.4-.3.7-.7.7-1.2v-13.6c0-.5-.3-1-.7-1.2l-11.8-6.8c-.4-.3-1-.3-1.4 0L559 219zm-254.2 43.5v-70.4c0-2.6-1.6-5.1-3.9-6.4l-61.1-35.2c-2.1-1.2-5-1.4-7.4 0l-61.1 35.2c-2.3 1.3-3.9 3.7-3.9 6.4v70.4c0 2.8 1.9 5.2 4 6.4l61.2 35.2c2.4 1.4 5.2 1.3 7.4 0l61-35.2c1.8-1 3.1-2.7 3.6-4.7.1-.5.2-1.1.2-1.7zm-74.3-124.9l-.8.5h1.1l-.3-.5zm76.2 130.2l-.4-.7v.9l.4-.2z\"] };\nvar faNodeJs = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'node-js', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3d3\", \"M224 508c-6.7 0-13.5-1.8-19.4-5.2l-61.7-36.5c-9.2-5.2-4.7-7-1.7-8 12.3-4.3 14.8-5.2 27.9-12.7 1.4-.8 3.2-.5 4.6.4l47.4 28.1c1.7 1 4.1 1 5.7 0l184.7-106.6c1.7-1 2.8-3 2.8-5V149.3c0-2.1-1.1-4-2.9-5.1L226.8 37.7c-1.7-1-4-1-5.7 0L36.6 144.3c-1.8 1-2.9 3-2.9 5.1v213.1c0 2 1.1 4 2.9 4.9l50.6 29.2c27.5 13.7 44.3-2.4 44.3-18.7V167.5c0-3 2.4-5.3 5.4-5.3h23.4c2.9 0 5.4 2.3 5.4 5.3V378c0 36.6-20 57.6-54.7 57.6-10.7 0-19.1 0-42.5-11.6l-48.4-27.9C8.1 389.2.7 376.3.7 362.4V149.3c0-13.8 7.4-26.8 19.4-33.7L204.6 9c11.7-6.6 27.2-6.6 38.8 0l184.7 106.7c12 6.9 19.4 19.8 19.4 33.7v213.1c0 13.8-7.4 26.7-19.4 33.7L243.4 502.8c-5.9 3.4-12.6 5.2-19.4 5.2zm149.1-210.1c0-39.9-27-50.5-83.7-58-57.4-7.6-63.2-11.5-63.2-24.9 0-11.1 4.9-25.9 47.4-25.9 37.9 0 51.9 8.2 57.7 33.8.5 2.4 2.7 4.2 5.2 4.2h24c1.5 0 2.9-.6 3.9-1.7s1.5-2.6 1.4-4.1c-3.7-44.1-33-64.6-92.2-64.6-52.7 0-84.1 22.2-84.1 59.5 0 40.4 31.3 51.6 81.8 56.6 60.5 5.9 65.2 14.8 65.2 26.7 0 20.6-16.6 29.4-55.5 29.4-48.9 0-59.6-12.3-63.2-36.6-.4-2.6-2.6-4.5-5.3-4.5h-23.9c-3 0-5.3 2.4-5.3 5.3 0 31.1 16.9 68.2 97.8 68.2 58.4-.1 92-23.2 92-63.4z\"] };\nvar faNpm = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'npm', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f3d4\", \"M288 288h-32v-64h32v64zm288-128v192H288v32H160v-32H0V160h576zm-416 32H32v128h64v-96h32v96h32V192zm160 0H192v160h64v-32h64V192zm224 0H352v128h64v-96h32v96h32v-96h32v96h32V192z\"] };\nvar faNs8 = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'ns8', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f3d5\", \"M187.1 159.9l-34.2 113.7-54.5-113.7H49L0 320h44.9L76 213.5 126.6 320h56.9L232 159.9h-44.9zm452.5-.9c-2.9-18-23.9-28.1-42.1-31.3-44.6-7.8-101.9 16.3-88.5 58.8v.1c-43.8 8.7-74.3 26.8-94.2 48.2-3-9.8-13.6-16.6-34-16.6h-87.6c-9.3 0-12.9-2.3-11.5-7.4 1.6-5.5 1.9-6.8 3.7-12.2 2.1-6.4 7.8-7.1 13.3-7.1h133.5l9.7-31.5c-139.7 0-144.5-.5-160.1 1.2-12.3 1.3-23.5 4.8-30.6 15-6.8 9.9-14.4 35.6-17.6 47.1-5.4 19.4-.6 28.6 32.8 28.6h87.3c7.8 0 8.8 2.7 7.7 6.6-1.1 4.4-2.8 10-4.5 14.6-1.6 4.2-4.7 7.4-13.8 7.4H216.3L204.7 320c139.9 0 145.3-.6 160.9-2.3 6.6-.7 13-2.1 18.5-4.9.2 3.7.5 7.3 1.2 10.8 5.4 30.5 27.4 52.3 56.8 59.5 48.6 11.9 108.7-16.8 135.1-68 18.7-36.2 14.1-76.2-3.4-105.5h.1c29.6-5.9 70.3-22 65.7-50.6zM530.7 263.7c-5.9 29.5-36.6 47.8-61.6 43.9-30.9-4.8-38.5-39.5-14.1-64.8 16.2-16.8 45.2-24 68.5-26.9 6.7 14.1 10.3 32 7.2 47.8zm21.8-83.1c-4.2-6-9.8-18.5-2.5-26.3 6.7-7.2 20.9-10.1 31.8-7.7 15.3 3.4 19.7 15.9 4.9 24.4-10.7 6.1-23.6 8.1-34.2 9.6z\"] };\nvar faNutritionix = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'nutritionix', icon: [400, 512, [], \"f3d6\", \"M88 8.1S221.4-.1 209 112.5c0 0 19.1-74.9 103-40.6 0 0-17.7 74-88 56 0 0 14.6-54.6 66.1-56.6 0 0-39.9-10.3-82.1 48.8 0 0-19.8-94.5-93.6-99.7 0 0 75.2 19.4 77.6 107.5 0 .1-106.4 7-104-119.8zm312 315.6c0 48.5-9.7 95.3-32 132.3-42.2 30.9-105 48-168 48-62.9 0-125.8-17.1-168-48C9.7 419 0 372.2 0 323.7 0 275.3 17.7 229 40 192c42.2-30.9 97.1-48.6 160-48.6 63 0 117.8 17.6 160 48.6 22.3 37 40 83.3 40 131.7zM120 428c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zM192 428c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zM264 428c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zM336 428c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm24-39.6c-4.8-22.3-7.4-36.9-16-56-38.8-19.9-90.5-32-144-32S94.8 180.1 56 200c-8.8 19.5-11.2 33.9-16 56 42.2-7.9 98.7-14.8 160-14.8s117.8 6.9 160 14.8z\"] };\nvar faOdnoklassniki = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'odnoklassniki', icon: [320, 512, [], \"f263\", \"M275.1 334c-27.4 17.4-65.1 24.3-90 26.9l20.9 20.6 76.3 76.3c27.9 28.6-17.5 73.3-45.7 45.7-19.1-19.4-47.1-47.4-76.3-76.6L84 503.4c-28.2 27.5-73.6-17.6-45.4-45.7 19.4-19.4 47.1-47.4 76.3-76.3l20.6-20.6c-24.6-2.6-62.9-9.1-90.6-26.9-32.6-21-46.9-33.3-34.3-59 7.4-14.6 27.7-26.9 54.6-5.7 0 0 36.3 28.9 94.9 28.9s94.9-28.9 94.9-28.9c26.9-21.1 47.1-8.9 54.6 5.7 12.4 25.7-1.9 38-34.5 59.1zM30.3 129.7C30.3 58 88.6 0 160 0s129.7 58 129.7 129.7c0 71.4-58.3 129.4-129.7 129.4s-129.7-58-129.7-129.4zm66 0c0 35.1 28.6 63.7 63.7 63.7s63.7-28.6 63.7-63.7c0-35.4-28.6-64-63.7-64s-63.7 28.6-63.7 64z\"] };\nvar faOdnoklassnikiSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'odnoklassniki-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f264\", \"M184.2 177.1c0-22.1 17.9-40 39.8-40s39.8 17.9 39.8 40c0 22-17.9 39.8-39.8 39.8s-39.8-17.9-39.8-39.8zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-305.1 97.1c0 44.6 36.4 80.9 81.1 80.9s81.1-36.2 81.1-80.9c0-44.8-36.4-81.1-81.1-81.1s-81.1 36.2-81.1 81.1zm174.5 90.7c-4.6-9.1-17.3-16.8-34.1-3.6 0 0-22.7 18-59.3 18s-59.3-18-59.3-18c-16.8-13.2-29.5-5.5-34.1 3.6-7.9 16.1 1.1 23.7 21.4 37 17.3 11.1 41.2 15.2 56.6 16.8l-12.9 12.9c-18.2 18-35.5 35.5-47.7 47.7-17.6 17.6 10.7 45.8 28.4 28.6l47.7-47.9c18.2 18.2 35.7 35.7 47.7 47.9 17.6 17.2 46-10.7 28.6-28.6l-47.7-47.7-13-12.9c15.5-1.6 39.1-5.9 56.2-16.8 20.4-13.3 29.3-21 21.5-37z\"] };\nvar faOldRepublic = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'old-republic', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f510\", \"M235.76 10.23c7.5-.31 15-.28 22.5-.09 3.61.14 7.2.4 10.79.73 4.92.27 9.79 1.03 14.67 1.62 2.93.43 5.83.98 8.75 1.46 7.9 1.33 15.67 3.28 23.39 5.4 12.24 3.47 24.19 7.92 35.76 13.21 26.56 12.24 50.94 29.21 71.63 49.88 20.03 20.09 36.72 43.55 48.89 69.19 1.13 2.59 2.44 5.1 3.47 7.74 2.81 6.43 5.39 12.97 7.58 19.63 4.14 12.33 7.34 24.99 9.42 37.83.57 3.14 1.04 6.3 1.4 9.47.55 3.83.94 7.69 1.18 11.56.83 8.34.84 16.73.77 25.1-.07 4.97-.26 9.94-.75 14.89-.24 3.38-.51 6.76-.98 10.12-.39 2.72-.63 5.46-1.11 8.17-.9 5.15-1.7 10.31-2.87 15.41-4.1 18.5-10.3 36.55-18.51 53.63-15.77 32.83-38.83 62.17-67.12 85.12a246.503 246.503 0 0 1-56.91 34.86c-6.21 2.68-12.46 5.25-18.87 7.41-3.51 1.16-7.01 2.38-10.57 3.39-6.62 1.88-13.29 3.64-20.04 5-4.66.91-9.34 1.73-14.03 2.48-5.25.66-10.5 1.44-15.79 1.74-6.69.66-13.41.84-20.12.81-6.82.03-13.65-.12-20.45-.79-3.29-.23-6.57-.5-9.83-.95-2.72-.39-5.46-.63-8.17-1.11-4.12-.72-8.25-1.37-12.35-2.22-4.25-.94-8.49-1.89-12.69-3.02-8.63-2.17-17.08-5.01-25.41-8.13-10.49-4.12-20.79-8.75-30.64-14.25-2.14-1.15-4.28-2.29-6.35-3.57-11.22-6.58-21.86-14.1-31.92-22.34-34.68-28.41-61.41-66.43-76.35-108.7-3.09-8.74-5.71-17.65-7.8-26.68-1.48-6.16-2.52-12.42-3.58-18.66-.4-2.35-.61-4.73-.95-7.09-.6-3.96-.75-7.96-1.17-11.94-.8-9.47-.71-18.99-.51-28.49.14-3.51.34-7.01.7-10.51.31-3.17.46-6.37.92-9.52.41-2.81.65-5.65 1.16-8.44.7-3.94 1.3-7.9 2.12-11.82 3.43-16.52 8.47-32.73 15.26-48.18 1.15-2.92 2.59-5.72 3.86-8.59 8.05-16.71 17.9-32.56 29.49-47.06 20-25.38 45.1-46.68 73.27-62.47 7.5-4.15 15.16-8.05 23.07-11.37 15.82-6.88 32.41-11.95 49.31-15.38 3.51-.67 7.04-1.24 10.56-1.85 2.62-.47 5.28-.7 7.91-1.08 3.53-.53 7.1-.68 10.65-1.04 2.46-.24 4.91-.36 7.36-.51m8.64 24.41c-9.23.1-18.43.99-27.57 2.23-7.3 1.08-14.53 2.6-21.71 4.3-13.91 3.5-27.48 8.34-40.46 14.42-10.46 4.99-20.59 10.7-30.18 17.22-4.18 2.92-8.4 5.8-12.34 9.03-5.08 3.97-9.98 8.17-14.68 12.59-2.51 2.24-4.81 4.7-7.22 7.06-28.22 28.79-48.44 65.39-57.5 104.69-2.04 8.44-3.54 17.02-4.44 25.65-1.1 8.89-1.44 17.85-1.41 26.8.11 7.14.38 14.28 1.22 21.37.62 7.12 1.87 14.16 3.2 21.18 1.07 4.65 2.03 9.32 3.33 13.91 6.29 23.38 16.5 45.7 30.07 65.75 8.64 12.98 18.78 24.93 29.98 35.77 16.28 15.82 35.05 29.04 55.34 39.22 7.28 3.52 14.66 6.87 22.27 9.63 5.04 1.76 10.06 3.57 15.22 4.98 11.26 3.23 22.77 5.6 34.39 7.06 2.91.29 5.81.61 8.72.9 13.82 1.08 27.74 1 41.54-.43 4.45-.6 8.92-.99 13.35-1.78 3.63-.67 7.28-1.25 10.87-2.1 4.13-.98 8.28-1.91 12.36-3.07 26.5-7.34 51.58-19.71 73.58-36.2 15.78-11.82 29.96-25.76 42.12-41.28 3.26-4.02 6.17-8.31 9.13-12.55 3.39-5.06 6.58-10.25 9.6-15.54 2.4-4.44 4.74-8.91 6.95-13.45 5.69-12.05 10.28-24.62 13.75-37.49 2.59-10.01 4.75-20.16 5.9-30.45 1.77-13.47 1.94-27.1 1.29-40.65-.29-3.89-.67-7.77-1-11.66-2.23-19.08-6.79-37.91-13.82-55.8-5.95-15.13-13.53-29.63-22.61-43.13-12.69-18.8-28.24-35.68-45.97-49.83-25.05-20-54.47-34.55-85.65-42.08-7.78-1.93-15.69-3.34-23.63-4.45-3.91-.59-7.85-.82-11.77-1.24-7.39-.57-14.81-.72-22.22-.58zM139.26 83.53c13.3-8.89 28.08-15.38 43.3-20.18-3.17 1.77-6.44 3.38-9.53 5.29-11.21 6.68-21.52 14.9-30.38 24.49-6.8 7.43-12.76 15.73-17.01 24.89-3.29 6.86-5.64 14.19-6.86 21.71-.93 4.85-1.3 9.81-1.17 14.75.13 13.66 4.44 27.08 11.29 38.82 5.92 10.22 13.63 19.33 22.36 27.26 4.85 4.36 10.24 8.09 14.95 12.6 2.26 2.19 4.49 4.42 6.43 6.91 2.62 3.31 4.89 6.99 5.99 11.1.9 3.02.66 6.2.69 9.31.02 4.1-.04 8.2.03 12.3.14 3.54-.02 7.09.11 10.63.08 2.38.02 4.76.05 7.14.16 5.77.06 11.53.15 17.3.11 2.91.02 5.82.13 8.74.03 1.63.13 3.28-.03 4.91-.91.12-1.82.18-2.73.16-10.99 0-21.88-2.63-31.95-6.93-6-2.7-11.81-5.89-17.09-9.83-5.75-4.19-11.09-8.96-15.79-14.31-6.53-7.24-11.98-15.39-16.62-23.95-1.07-2.03-2.24-4.02-3.18-6.12-1.16-2.64-2.62-5.14-3.67-7.82-4.05-9.68-6.57-19.94-8.08-30.31-.49-4.44-1.09-8.88-1.2-13.35-.7-15.73.84-31.55 4.67-46.82 2.12-8.15 4.77-16.18 8.31-23.83 6.32-14.2 15.34-27.18 26.3-38.19 6.28-6.2 13.13-11.84 20.53-16.67zm175.37-20.12c2.74.74 5.41 1.74 8.09 2.68 6.36 2.33 12.68 4.84 18.71 7.96 13.11 6.44 25.31 14.81 35.82 24.97 10.2 9.95 18.74 21.6 25.14 34.34 1.28 2.75 2.64 5.46 3.81 8.26 6.31 15.1 10 31.26 11.23 47.57.41 4.54.44 9.09.45 13.64.07 11.64-1.49 23.25-4.3 34.53-1.97 7.27-4.35 14.49-7.86 21.18-3.18 6.64-6.68 13.16-10.84 19.24-6.94 10.47-15.6 19.87-25.82 27.22-10.48 7.64-22.64 13.02-35.4 15.38-3.51.69-7.08 1.08-10.66 1.21-1.85.06-3.72.16-5.56-.1-.28-2.15 0-4.31-.01-6.46-.03-3.73.14-7.45.1-11.17.19-7.02.02-14.05.21-21.07.03-2.38-.03-4.76.03-7.14.17-5.07-.04-10.14.14-15.21.1-2.99-.24-6.04.51-8.96.66-2.5 1.78-4.86 3.09-7.08 4.46-7.31 11.06-12.96 17.68-18.26 5.38-4.18 10.47-8.77 15.02-13.84 7.68-8.37 14.17-17.88 18.78-28.27 2.5-5.93 4.52-12.1 5.55-18.46.86-4.37 1.06-8.83 1.01-13.27-.02-7.85-1.4-15.65-3.64-23.17-1.75-5.73-4.27-11.18-7.09-16.45-3.87-6.93-8.65-13.31-13.96-19.2-9.94-10.85-21.75-19.94-34.6-27.1-1.85-1.02-3.84-1.82-5.63-2.97zm-100.8 58.45c.98-1.18 1.99-2.33 3.12-3.38-.61.93-1.27 1.81-1.95 2.68-3.1 3.88-5.54 8.31-7.03 13.06-.87 3.27-1.68 6.6-1.73 10-.07 2.52-.08 5.07.32 7.57 1.13 7.63 4.33 14.85 8.77 21.12 2 2.7 4.25 5.27 6.92 7.33 1.62 1.27 3.53 2.09 5.34 3.05 3.11 1.68 6.32 3.23 9.07 5.48 2.67 2.09 4.55 5.33 4.4 8.79-.01 73.67 0 147.34-.01 221.02 0 1.35-.08 2.7.04 4.04.13 1.48.82 2.83 1.47 4.15.86 1.66 1.78 3.34 3.18 1.97 1.4 3.15 1.24 1.5-.2 2.66-1.35 3.45-2.57.96-1.51 1.68-3.16 2.28-4.85.76-2.13.44-4.42.54-6.63.14-4.03-.02-8.06.14-12.09.03-5.89.03-11.77.06-17.66.14-3.62.03-7.24.11-10.86.15-4.03-.02-8.06.14-12.09.03-5.99.03-11.98.07-17.97.14-3.62.02-7.24.11-10.86.14-3.93-.02-7.86.14-11.78.03-5.99.03-11.98.06-17.97.16-3.94-.01-7.88.19-11.82.29 1.44.13 2.92.22 4.38.19 3.61.42 7.23.76 10.84.32 3.44.44 6.89.86 10.32.37 3.1.51 6.22.95 9.31.57 4.09.87 8.21 1.54 12.29 1.46 9.04 2.83 18.11 5.09 26.99 1.13 4.82 2.4 9.61 4 14.3 2.54 7.9 5.72 15.67 10.31 22.62 1.73 2.64 3.87 4.98 6.1 1.31-.07 1.7-.57.71-.88 1.17-1.94 1.7-2.93 4.05-7.8 8.18-15.56 12.34-23.31.7-1.31 1.44-2.62 2.56-3.61 1.75-1.57 3.84-2.69 5.98-3.63 2.88-1.22 5.9-2.19 9.03-2.42 6.58-.62 13.11.75 19.56 1.85 3.69.58 7.4 1.17 11.13 1.41 3.74.1 7.48.05 11.21-.28 8.55-.92 16.99-2.96 24.94-6.25 5.3-2.24 10.46-4.83 15.31-7.93 11.46-7.21 21.46-16.57 30.04-27.01 1.17-1.42 2.25-2.9 3.46-4.28-1.2 3.24-2.67 6.37-4.16 9.48-1.25 2.9-2.84 5.61-4.27 8.42-5.16 9.63-11.02 18.91-17.75 27.52-4.03 5.21-8.53 10.05-13.33 14.57-6.64 6.05-14.07 11.37-22.43 14.76-8.21 3.37-17.31 4.63-26.09 3.29-3.56-.58-7.01-1.69-10.41-2.88-2.79-.97-5.39-2.38-8.03-3.69-3.43-1.71-6.64-3.81-9.71-6.08 2.71 3.06 5.69 5.86 8.7 8.61 4.27 3.76 8.74 7.31 13.63 10.23 3.98 2.45 8.29 4.4 12.84 5.51 1.46.37 2.96.46 4.45.6-1.25 1.1-2.63 2.04-3.99 2.98-9.61 6.54-20.01 11.86-30.69 16.43-20.86 8.7-43.17 13.97-65.74 15.34-4.66.24-9.32.36-13.98.36-4.98-.11-9.97-.13-14.92-.65-11.2-.76-22.29-2.73-33.17-5.43-10.35-2.71-20.55-6.12-30.3-10.55-8.71-3.86-17.12-8.42-24.99-13.79-1.83-1.31-3.74-2.53-5.37-4.08 6.6-1.19 13.03-3.39 18.99-6.48 5.74-2.86 10.99-6.66 15.63-11.07 2.24-2.19 4.29-4.59 6.19-7.09-3.43 2.13-6.93 4.15-10.62 5.78-4.41 2.16-9.07 3.77-13.81 5.02-5.73 1.52-11.74 1.73-17.61 1.14-8.13-.95-15.86-4.27-22.51-8.98-4.32-2.94-8.22-6.43-11.96-10.06-9.93-10.16-18.2-21.81-25.66-33.86-3.94-6.27-7.53-12.75-11.12-19.22-1.05-2.04-2.15-4.05-3.18-6.1 2.85 2.92 5.57 5.97 8.43 8.88 8.99 8.97 18.56 17.44 29.16 24.48 7.55 4.9 15.67 9.23 24.56 11.03 3.11.73 6.32.47 9.47.81 2.77.28 5.56.2 8.34.3 5.05.06 10.11.04 15.16-.16 3.65-.16 7.27-.66 10.89-1.09 2.07-.25 4.11-.71 6.14-1.2 3.88-.95 8.11-.96 11.83.61 4.76 1.85 8.44 5.64 11.38 9.71 2.16 3.02 4.06 6.22 5.66 9.58 1.16 2.43 2.46 4.79 3.55 7.26 1 2.24 2.15 4.42 3.42 6.52.67 1.02 1.4 2.15 2.62 2.55 1.06-.75 1.71-1.91 2.28-3.03 2.1-4.16 3.42-8.65 4.89-13.05 2.02-6.59 3.78-13.27 5.19-20.02 2.21-9.25 3.25-18.72 4.54-28.13.56-3.98.83-7.99 1.31-11.97.87-10.64 1.9-21.27 2.24-31.94.08-1.86.24-3.71.25-5.57.01-4.35.25-8.69.22-13.03-.01-2.38-.01-4.76 0-7.13.05-5.07-.2-10.14-.22-15.21-.2-6.61-.71-13.2-1.29-19.78-.73-5.88-1.55-11.78-3.12-17.51-2.05-7.75-5.59-15.03-9.8-21.82-3.16-5.07-6.79-9.88-11.09-14.03-3.88-3.86-8.58-7.08-13.94-8.45-1.5-.41-3.06-.45-4.59-.64.07-2.99.7-5.93 1.26-8.85 1.59-7.71 3.8-15.3 6.76-22.6 1.52-4.03 3.41-7.9 5.39-11.72 3.45-6.56 7.62-12.79 12.46-18.46zm31.27 1.7c.35-.06.71-.12 1.07-.19.19 1.79.09 3.58.1 5.37v38.13c-.01 1.74.13 3.49-.15 5.22-.36-.03-.71-.05-1.06-.05-.95-3.75-1.72-7.55-2.62-11.31-.38-1.53-.58-3.09-1.07-4.59-1.7-.24-3.43-.17-5.15-.2-5.06-.01-10.13 0-15.19-.01-1.66-.01-3.32.09-4.98-.03-.03-.39-.26-.91.16-1.18 1.28-.65 2.72-.88 4.06-1.35 3.43-1.14 6.88-2.16 10.31-3.31 1.39-.48 2.9-.72 4.16-1.54.04-.56.02-1.13-.05-1.68-1.23-.55-2.53-.87-3.81-1.28-3.13-1.03-6.29-1.96-9.41-3.02-1.79-.62-3.67-1-5.41-1.79-.03-.37-.07-.73-.11-1.09 5.09-.19 10.2.06 15.3-.12 3.36-.13 6.73.08 10.09-.07.12-.39.26-.77.37-1.16 1.08-4.94 2.33-9.83 3.39-14.75zm5.97-.2c. 3.85 1.73 7.76 2.71 11.61.36 1.42.56 2.88 1.03 4.27 2.53.18 5.07-.01 7.61.05 5.16.12 10.33.12 1.52.03 2.28.08-.04.36-.07.72-.1 1.08-1.82.83-3.78 1.25-5.67 1.89-3.73 1.23-7.48 2.39-11.22 3.57-.57.17-1.12.42-1.67.64-.15.55-.18 1.12-.12 1.82.81 2.77 1.09 4.88 1.52 9.73 3.14 14.63 1.18-1.66.13-3.31.03-4.97.04-5.17.01-10.33-.01-15.5.01-1.61.03-3.22-.02-4.82.21-.52 1.67-.72 3.42-1.17 5.11-.94 3.57-1.52 7.24-2.54 10.78-.36.01-.71.02-1.06.06-.29-1.73-.15-3.48-.15-5.22v-38.13c.02-1.78-.08-3.58.11-5.37zM65.05 168.33c1.12-2.15 2.08-4.4 3.37-6.46-1.82 7.56-2.91 15.27-3.62 23-.8 7.71-.85 15.49-.54 23.23 1.05 19.94 5.54 39.83 14.23 57.88 2.99 5.99 6.35 11.83 10.5 17.11 6.12 7.47 12.53 14.76 19.84 21.09 4.8 4.1 9.99 7.78 15.54 10.8 3.27 1.65 6.51 3.39 9.94 4.68 5.01 2.03 10.19 3.61 15.42 4.94 3.83.96 7.78 1.41 11.52 2.71 5 1.57 9.47 4.61 13.03 8.43 4.93 5.23 8.09 11.87 10.2 18.67.99 2.9 1.59 5.91 2.17 1.52.16 2.29-6.5 2.78-13.26 5.06-20.26 6.18-4.11.78-8.29.99-12.46 1.08-10.25.24-20.47-1.76-30.12-5.12-3.74-1.42-7.49-2.85-11.03-4.72-8.06-3.84-15.64-8.7-22.46-14.46-2.92-2.55-5.83-5.13-8.4-8.03-9.16-9.83-16.3-21.41-21.79-33.65-2.39-5.55-4.61-11.18-6.37-16.96-1.17-3.94-2.36-7.89-3.26-11.91-.75-2.94-1.22-5.95-1.87-8.92-.46-2.14-.69-4.32-1.03-6.48-.85-5.43-1.28-10.93-1.33-16.43.11-6.18.25-12.37 1.07-18.5.4-2.86.67-5.74 1.15-8.6.98-5.7 2.14-11.37 3.71-16.93 3.09-11.65 7.48-22.95 12.69-33.84zm363.73-6.44c1.1 1.66 1.91 3.48 2.78 5.26 2.1 4.45 4.24 8.9 6.02 13.49 7.61 18.76 12.3 38.79 13.04 59.05.02 1.76.07 3.52.11 5.29.13 9.57-1.27 19.09-3.18 28.45-.73 3.59-1.54 7.17-2.58 10.69-4.04 14.72-10 29-18.41 41.78-8.21 12.57-19.01 23.55-31.84 31.41-5.73 3.59-11.79 6.64-18.05 9.19-5.78 2.19-11.71 4.03-17.8 5.11-6.4 1.05-12.91 1.52-19.4 1.23-7.92-.48-15.78-2.07-23.21-4.85-1.94-.8-3.94-1.46-5.84-2.33-.21-1.51.25-2.99.53-4.46 1.16-5.74 3.03-11.36 5.7-16.58 2.37-4.51 5.52-8.65 9.46-11.9 2.43-2.05 5.24-3.61 8.16-4.83 3.58-1.5 7.47-1.97 11.24-2.83 7.23-1.71 14.37-3.93 21.15-7 10.35-4.65 19.71-11.38 27.65-19.46 1.59-1.61 3.23-3.18 4.74-4.87 3.37-3.76 6.71-7.57 9.85-11.53 7.48-10.07 12.82-21.59 16.71-33.48 1.58-5.3 3.21-10.6 4.21-16.05.63-2.87 1.04-5.78 1.52-8.68.87-6.09 1.59-12.22 1.68-18.38.12-6.65.14-13.32-.53-19.94-.73-7.99-1.87-15.96-3.71-23.78z\"] };\nvar faOpencart = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'opencart', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f23d\", \"M423.3 440.7c0 25.3-20.3 45.6-45.6 45.6s-45.8-20.3-45.8-45.6 20.6-45.8 45.8-45.8c25.4 0 45.6 20.5 45.6 45.8zm-253.9-45.8c-25.3 0-45.6 20.6-45.6 45.8s20.3 45.6 45.6 45.6 45.8-20.3 45.8-45.6-20.5-45.8-45.8-45.8zm291.7-270C158.9 124.9 81.9 112.1 0 25.7c34.4 51.7 53.3 148.9 373.1 144.2 333.3-5 130 86.1 70.8 188.9 186.7-166.7 319.4-233.9 17.2-233.9z\"] };\nvar faOpenid = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'openid', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f19b\", \"M271.5 432l-68 32C88.5 453.7 0 392.5 0 318.2c0-71.5 82.5-131 191.7-144.3v43c-71.5 12.5-124 53-124 101.3 0 51 58.5 93.3 135.7 103v-340l68-33.2v384zM448 291l-131.3-28.5 36.8-20.7c-19.5-11.5-43.5-20-70-24.8v-43c46.2 5.5 87.7 19.5 120.3 39.3l35-19.8L448 291z\"] };\nvar faOpera = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'opera', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f26a\", \"M313.9 32.7c-170.2 0-252.6 223.8-147.5 355.1 36.5 45.4 88.6 75.6 147.5 75.6 36.3 0 70.3-11.1 99.4-30.4-43.8 39.2-101.9 63-165.3 63-3.9 0-8 0-11.9-.3C104.6 489.6 0 381.1 0 248 0 111 111 0 248 0h.8c63.1.3 120.7 24.1 164.4 63.1-29-19.4-63.1-30.4-99.3-30.4zm101.8 397.7c-40.9 24.7-90.7 23.6-132-5.8 56.2-20.5 97.7-91.6 97.7-176.6 0-84.7-41.2-155.8-97.4-176.6 41.8-29.2 91.2-30.3 132.9-5 105.9 98.7 105.5 265.7-1.2 364z\"] };\nvar faOptinMonster = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'optin-monster', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f23c\", \"M550.671 450.303c0 11.62-15.673 19.457-32.158 14.863-12.16-3.243-31.346-17.565-36.211-27.294-5.674-11.62 4.054-32.698 18.916-30.806 15.674 1.621 49.453 25.401 49.453 43.237zM372.86 75.223c-3.783-72.151-100.796-79.718-125.928-23.51 44.588-24.321 90.257-15.673 125.928 23.51zM74.795 407.066c-15.673 1.621-49.452 25.401-49.452 43.237 0 11.62 15.673 19.457 32.157 14.863 12.16-3.243 31.076-17.565 35.94-27.294 5.946-11.62-3.782-32.698-18.645-30.806zm497.765 14.322c1.081 3.513 1.892 7.026 1.892 10.809.81 31.616-44.317 64.045-73.503 65.125-17.295.81-34.59-8.377-42.696-23.51-113.497 4.053-226.994 4.864-340.22 0-8.377 15.133-25.672 24.05-42.967 23.51-28.915-1.081-74.043-33.509-73.503-65.125.27-3.783.811-7.296 1.892-10.809-5.566-9.463-4.845-15.282 5.405-11.62 3.243-5.134 7.026-9.458 11.08-13.782-2.57-10.917 1.27-14.094 11.079-9.188 4.594-3.243 9.998-6.485 15.944-9.188 0-15.757 11.839-11.131 17.295-5.675 12.467-1.78 20.129.709 26.753 5.675v-19.726c-12.987 0-40.641-11.375-45.94-36.212-4.974-20.725 2.607-38.075 25.132-47.56.81-5.945 8.107-14.052 14.862-15.944 7.567-1.892 12.431 4.594 14.052 10.269 7.425 0 17.757 1.465 21.078 8.107 5.405-.541 11.079-1.352 16.484-1.892-2.432-1.892-5.134-3.513-8.107-4.594-5.134-8.917-13.782-11.079-24.591-11.62 0-.81 0-1.621.27-2.702-19.727-.541-44.048-5.675-54.857-17.835-21.321-23.638-15.935-83.577 12.16-103.498 8.377-5.675 21.618-.811 22.699 9.728 2.425 20.598.399 26.833 26.212 25.942 8.107-7.836 16.755-14.592 26.483-19.997-14.862-1.352-28.914 1.621-43.778 3.783 12.752-12.48 23.953-25.442 56.748-42.427 23.511-11.89 49.993-20.808 76.205-23.239-18.646-7.837-39.993-11.891-59.721-16.484 76.475-16.214 174.569-22.159 244.289 37.562 18.105 15.403 32.427 36.211 42.696 59.992 39.799 4.853 36.47-5.581 38.643-25.132 1.081-10.269 14.322-15.403 22.699-9.458 14.862 10.539 22.159 30.806 24.59 48.101 2.162 17.835.27 41.345-12.43 55.127-10.809 12.16-34.32 17.565-53.776 18.105v2.703c-11.08.27-20.268 2.432-25.673 11.62-2.972 1.081-5.674 2.703-8.377 4.594 5.675.54 11.35 1.351 16.755 1.891 1.869-5.619 12.535-8.377 21.077-8.377 1.621-5.405 6.756-11.89 14.052-10.269s14.052 9.998 14.863 15.944c10.809 4.324 22.159 12.16 25.131 25.672 1.892 8.107 1.621 15.133.27 21.888-5.726 25.262-33.361 36.212-45.939 36.212 0 6.756 0 13.241-.27 19.726 8.01-6.006 16.367-7.158 26.752-5.675 5.919-5.919 17.565-9.41 17.565 5.675 5.675 2.703 11.349 5.945 15.944 9.188 10.1-5.051 13.669-.539 10.809 9.188 4.053 4.323 8.107 8.917 11.079 13.782 10.136-3.62 11.021 2.078 5.409 11.62zm-73.773-254.016c17.295 6.756 26.212 22.159 30.265 35.67 1.081-10.539-2.702-39.453-13.782-51.073-7.296-7.296-14.052-5.134- 6.216-1.35 11.62-2.431 14.593zm-18.646 12.43c12.971 15.673 17.024 41.615 12.7 62.963 10.809-2.162 20.537-6.215 26.212-12.16 1.892-2.162 3.783-4.864 4.864-7.566-1.081-21.348-10.269-42.697-29.725-48.912-3.242 3.243-9.187 4.864-14.051 5.675zm-21.889.811c7.567 20.537 12.431 42.696 14.322 64.585 3.513 0 7.567-.27 11.62-.811 5.945-24.321-.27-51.614-14.052-63.504-3.783 0-8.107 0-11.89-.27zM77.768 167.372c-1.081-2.973-2.432-8.377-2.432-14.593 0-5.945-7.026-8.107-14.052-.81-11.35 11.62-14.863 40.534-13.782 51.073 4.053-13.512 12.971-28.915 30.266-35.67zm5.675 75.394c-4.324-21.348-.27-47.291 12.701-62.963-4.865-.811-10.809-2.432-14.052-5.675-19.457 6.215-28.375 27.563-29.726 48.912 1.351 2.702 2.972 5.404 4.864 7.566 5.675 6.215 15.403 9.998 26.213 12.16zm41.345-61.073c-5.134 1.081-9.998 2.973-14.862 4.865l-12.16 5.134v-.27c-7.296 14.052-9.999 34.319-5.405 52.965 4.594.541 8.647.811 12.7.811 2.432-22.159 9.188-43.778 19.727-63.505zm88.095-23.239c0 42.155 34.319 76.205 76.205 76.205s76.205-34.05 76.205-76.205c0-41.886-34.319-75.935-76.205-75.935s-76.205 34.049-76.205 75.935zm152.41 97.283c9.969 50.608 3.299 64.692 16.484 58.099 15.944-8.107 22.699-39.183 22.97-57.019-12.971-.81-26.213-.81-39.454-1.08zm-71.611-.541v-.27c-.27 5.134.27 38.103 4.324 41.075 11.079 5.405 39.453 4.594 51.073 1.081 5.405-1.621 2.432-37.022 1.621-41.886-18.916-.27-38.102-.27-57.018 0zm-14.053 0v-.27c-19.456.27-38.642.27-57.829.811-1.892 9.187-4.594 48.911 1.892 51.614 12.971 5.675 41.616 5.134 54.586 1.621 4.595-2.432 2.433-45.399 1.351-53.776zm-85.662 57.56c5.405 2.432 8.647 2.432 9.728-4.324 1.892-8.647 2.432-36.752 4.865-52.155-12.16.27-24.591.811-36.752 1.621-5.405 19.727.27 45.129 22.159 54.858zm-65.666-11.08c43.778 47.02 92.689 85.663 155.923 106.47 67.558-19.186 115.659-59.991 163.219-107.011-11.095-4.315-7.715-10.363-7.296-11.62-8.918-.81-17.835-1.892-26.483-2.702-9.458 32.968-35.94 52.965-46.75 31.616-2.702-5.134-3.513-11.62-4.594-16.754-3.783 8.377-13.242 8.107-24.591 8.918-13.241 1.081-31.617 1.351-44.048-2.972-2.972 12.971-11.079 12.971-26.752 14.322-14.052 1.352-48.642 4.054-54.857-10.809-1.081 28.644-35.13 9.998-45.129-7.026-3.243-5.675-5.405-11.35-7.026-17.565-7.837.81-15.673 1.621-23.511 2.702 2.443 3.663 1.549 9.052-8.105 12.431zM115.6 453.545c-5.674-23.239-18.646-49.722-33.508-54.046-22.429-6.756-68.909 23.51-66.207 54.586 12.701 19.457 39.994 35.67 59.181 36.481 17.835.81 35.94-11.08 39.724-28.914.539-2.432.81-5.134.81-8.107zm7.296-5.944c33.509-19.457 69.179-35.671 105.931-47.02-38.643-20.537-68.098-47.831-97.283-77.016-2.162 1.352-5.134 2.432-7.836 3.513-1.637 4.91 8.718 5.33 5.405 12.431-2.162 4.054-8.648 7.567-15.133 9.188-2.161 2.702-5.134 4.864-7.836 6.485h-.27c-.27 13.511-.27 27.024.27 40.535 8.939 15.964 15.426 33.314 16.752 51.884zm320.764 12.7c-36.752-21.348-74.044-41.345-115.659-52.965-13.782 6.215-27.833 11.349-42.155 15.403-2.162.811-2.162.811-4.324 0-11.89-3.783-23.239-8.107-34.859-13.241-40.265 11.62-77.286 29.185-112.416 50.803h-.27v.27c.27 0 .27 0 .27-.27 103.227 4.054 206.455 3.513 309.413 0zm27.023-64.045l-.27.27c.541-13.782.811-27.563.811-41.345-2.973-1.621-5.675-4.054-8.107-6.756-6.485-1.351-12.971-5.134-15.133-8.918-1.892-4.053 1.351-7.566 5.945-10.269-.27-.541-.541-1.621-.541-2.432-2.972-.811-5.405-1.892-7.567-3.243-31.616 29.455-65.396 56.749-103.498 76.746 38.914 11.62 75.935 28.104 111.875 47.561 1.05-14.692 7.231-35.749 16.485-51.614zm23.24 3.244c-14.593 4.323-27.834 30.806-33.509 54.046 0 23.826 21.278 37.897 40.534 37.022 19.186-.811 46.48-17.024 59.181-36.481 2.973-31.077-43.507-61.344-66.206-54.587zM290.709 134.133c.045 0 . 0 .09-.003.136-.003h-.27zm0 96.743c28.645 0 51.884-21.618 51.884-48.371 0-36.092-40.507-58.079-72.151-44.318 9.458 2.972 16.484 11.62 16.484 21.618 0 23.257-33.291 31.955-46.48 11.35-7.297 34.067 19.368 59.721 50.263 59.721zM68.039 474.083c.54 6.486 12.16 12.701 21.618 9.458 6.756-2.703 14.593-10.539 17.295-16.214 2.973-7.026-1.081-19.997-9.728-18.375-8.917 1.621-29.725 16.754-29.185 25.131zm410.75-25.131c-8.377-1.621-12.431 11.349-9.458 18.375 2.432 5.675 10.269 13.511 17.295 16.214 9.187 3.243 21.078-2.972 21.348-9.458.811-8.377-20.267-23.51-29.185-25.131z\"] };\nvar faOsi = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'osi', icon: [495, 512, [], \"f41a\", \"M0 259.2C2.3 123.4 97.4 26.8 213.8 11.1c138.8-18.6 255.6 75.8 278 201.1 21.3 118.8-44 230-151.6 274-9.3 3.8-14.4 1.7-18-7.7-17.8-46.3-35.6-92.7-53.4-139-3.1-8.1-1-13.2 7-16.8 24.2-11 39.3-29.4 43.3-55.8 6.4-42.4-24.5-78.7-64.5-82.2-39-3.4-71.8 23.7-77.5 59.7-5.2 33 11.1 63.7 41.9 77.7 9.6 4.4 11.5 8.6 7.8 18.4-17.9 46.6-35.8 93.2-53.7 139.9-2.6 6.9-8.3 9.3-15.5 6.5-52.6-20.3-101.4-61-130.8-119C1.9 318.7 1.6 280.2 0 259.2zm20.9-1.9c.4 6.6.6 14.3 1.3 22.1 6.3 71.9 49.6 143.5 131 183.1 3.2 1.5 4.4.8 5.6-2.3 14.9-39.1 29.9-78.2 45-117.3 1.3-3.3.6-4.8-2.4-6.7-31.6-19.9-47.3-48.5-45.6-86 1-21.6 9.3-40.5 23.8-56.3 30-32.7 77-39.8 115.5-17.6 31.9 18.4 49.5 53.8 45.2 90.4-3.6 30.6-19.3 53.9-45.7 69.8-2.7 1.6-3.5 2.9-2.3 6 15.2 39.2 30.2 78.4 45.2 117.7 1.2 3.1 2.4 3.8 5.6 2.3 35.5-16.6 65.2-40.3 88.1-72 34.8-48.2 49.1-101.9 42.3-161C459.8 112 354.1 14.7 218 31.5 111.9 44.5 22.7 134 20.9 257.3z\"] };\nvar faPage4 = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'page4', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f3d7\", \"M248 504C111 504 0 393 0 256S111 8 248 8c20.9 0 41.3 2.6 60.7 7.5L42.3 392H248v112zm0-143.6V146.8L98.6 360.4H248zm96 31.6v92.7c45.7-19.2 84.5-51.7 111.4-92.7H344zm57.4-138.2l-21.2 8.4 21.2 8.3v-16.7zm-20.3 54.5c-6.7 0-8 6.3-8 12.9v7.7h16.2v-10c0-5.9-2.3-10.6-8.2-10.6zM496 256c0 37.3-8.2 72.7-23 104.4H344V27.3C433.3 64.8 496 153.1 496 256zM360.4 143.6h68.2V96h-13.9v32.6h-13.9V99h-13.9v29.6h-12.7V96h-13.9v47.6zm68.1 185.3H402v-11c0-15.4-5.6-25.2-20.9-25.2-15.4 0-20.7 10.6-20.7 25.9v25.3h68.2v-15zm0-103l-68.2 29.7V268l68.2 29.5v-16.6l-14.4-5.7v-26.5l14.4-5.9v-16.9zm-4.8-68.5h-35.6V184H402v-12.2h11c8.6 15.8 1.3 35.3-18.6 35.3-22.5 0-28.3-25.3-15.5-37.7l-11.6-10.6c-16.2 17.5-12.2 63.9 27.1 63.9 34 0 44.7-35.9 29.3-65.3z\"] };\nvar faPagelines = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'pagelines', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f18c\", \"M384 312.7c-55.1 136.7-187.1 54-187.1 54-40.5 81.8-107.4 134.4-184.6 134.7-16.1 0-16.6-24.4 0-24.4 64.4-.3 120.5-42.7 157.2-110.1-41.1 15.9-118.6 27.9-161.6-82.2 109-44.9 159.1 11.2 178.3 45.5 9.9-24.4 17-50.9 21.6-79.7 0 0-139.7 21.9-149.5-98.1 119.1-47.9 152.6 76.7 152.6 76.7 1.6-16.7 3.3-52.6 3.3-53.4 0 0-106.3-73.7-38.1-165.2 124.6 43 61.4 162.4 61.4 162.4.5 1.6.5 23.8 0 33.4 0 0 45.2-89 136.4-57.5-4.2 134-141.9 106.4-141.9 106.4-4.4 27.4-11.2 53.4-20 77.5 0 0 83-91.8 172-20z\"] };\nvar faPalfed = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'palfed', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f3d8\", \"M384.9 193.9c0-47.4-55.2-44.2-95.4-29.8-1.3 39.4-2.5 80.7-3 119.8.7 2.8 2.6 6.2 15.1 6.2 36.8 0 83.4-42.8 83.3-96.2zm-194.5 72.2c.2 0 6.5-2.7 11.2-2.7 26.6 0 20.7 44.1-14.4 44.1-21.5 0-37.1-18.1-37.1-43 0-42 42.9-95.6 100.7-126.5 1-12.4 3-22 10.5-28.2 11.2-9 26.6-3.5 29.5 11.1 72.2-22.2 135.2 1 135.2 72 0 77.9-79.3 152.6-140.1 138.2-.1 39.4.9 74.4 2.7 100v.2c.2 3.4.6 12.5-5.3 19.1-9.6 10.6-33.4 10-36.4-22.3-4.1-44.4.2-206.1 1.4-242.5-21.5 15-58.5 50.3-58.5 75.9.2 2.5.4 4 .6 4.6zM8 181.1s-.1 37.4 38.4 37.4h30l22.4 217.2s0 44.3 44.7 44.3h288.9s44.7-.4 44.7-44.3l22.4-217.2h30s38.4 1.2 38.4-37.4c0 0 .1-37.4-38.4-37.4h-30.1c-7.3-25.6-30.2-74.3-119.4-74.3h-28V50.3s-2.7-18.4-21.1-18.4h-85.8s-21.1 0-21.1 18.4v19.1h-28.1s-105 4.2-120.5 74.3h-29S8 142.5 8 181.1z\"] };\nvar faPatreon = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'patreon', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f3d9\", \"M512 194.8c0 101.3-82.4 183.8-183.8 183.8-101.7 0-184.4-82.4-184.4-183.8 0-101.6 82.7-184.3 184.4-184.3C429.6 10.5 512 93.2 512 194.8zM0 501.5h90v-491H0v491z\"] };\nvar faPaypal = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'paypal', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f1ed\", \"M111.4 295.9c-3.5 19.2-17.4 108.7-21.5 134-.3 1.8-1 2.5-3 2.5H12.3c-7.6 0-13.1-6.6-12.1-13.9L58.8 46.6c1.5-9.6 10.1-16.9 20-16.9 152.3 0 165.1-3.7 204 11.4 60.1 23.3 65.6 79.5 44 140.3-21.5 62.6-72.5 89.5-140.1 90.3-43.4.7-69.5-7-75.3 24.2zM357.1 152c-1.8-1.3-2.5-1.8-3 1.3-2 11.4-5.1 22.5-8.8 33.6-39.9 113.8-150.5 103.9-204.5 103.9-6.1 0-10.1 3.3-10.9 9.4-22.6 140.4-27.1 169.7-27.1 169.7-1 7.1 3.5 12.9 10.6 12.9h63.5c8.6 0 15.7-6.3 17.4-14.9.7-5.4-1.1 6.1 14.4-91.3 4.6-22 14.3-19.7 29.3-19.7 71 0 126.4-28.8 142.9-112.3 6.5-34.8 4.6-71.4-23.8-92.6z\"] };\nvar faPeriscope = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'periscope', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3da\", \"M370 63.6C331.4 22.6 280.5 0 226.6 0 111.9 0 18.5 96.2 18.5 214.4c0 75.1 57.8 159.8 82.7 192.7C137.8 455.5 192.6 512 226.6 512c41.6 0 112.9-94.2 120.9-105 24.6-33.1 82-118.3 82-192.6 0-56.5-21.1-110.1-59.5-150.8zM226.6 493.9c-42.5 0-190-167.3-190-279.4 0-107.4 83.9-196.3 190-196.3 100.8 0 184.7 89 184.7 196.3.1 112.1-147.4 279.4-184.7 279.4zM338 206.8c0 59.1-51.1 109.7-110.8 109.7-100.6 0-150.7-108.2-92.9-181.8v.4c0 24.5 20.1 44.4 44.8 44.4 24.7 0 44.8-19.9 44.8-44.4 0-18.2-11.1-33.8-26.9-40.7 76.6-19.2 141 39.3 141 112.4z\"] };\nvar faPhabricator = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'phabricator', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f3db\", \"M323 262.1l-.1-13s21.7-19.8 21.1-21.2l-9.5-20c-.6-1.4-29.5-.5-29.5-.5l-9.4-9.3s.2-28.5-1.2-29.1l-20.1-9.2c-1.4-.6-20.7 21-20.7 21l-13.1-.2s-20.5-21.4-21.9-20.8l-20 8.3c- 28.9.2 28.9l-9.1 9.1s-29.2-.9-29.7.4l-8.1 19.8c-.6 1.4 21 21 21 21l.1 12.9s-21.7 19.8-21.1 21.2l9.5 20c.6 1.4 29.5.5 29.5.5l9.4 9.3s-.2 31.8 1.2 32.3l20.1 8.3c1.4.6 20.7-23.5 20.7-23.5l13.1.2s20.5 23.8 21.8 23.3l20-7.5c1.4-.6-.2-32.1-.2-32.1l9.1-9.1s29.2.9 29.7-.5l8.1-19.8c.7-1.1-20.9-20.7-20.9-20.7zm-44.9-8.7c.7 17.1-12.8 31.6-30.1 32.4-17.3.8-32.1-12.5-32.8-29.6-.7-17.1 12.8-31.6 30.1-32.3 17.3-.8 32.1 12.5 32.8 29.5zm201.2-37.9l-97-97-.1.1c-75.1-73.3-195.4-72.8-269.8 1.6-50.9 51-27.8 27.9-95.7 95.3-22.3 22.3-22.3 58.7 0 81 69.9 69.4 46.4 46 97.4 97l.1-.1c75.1 73.3 195.4 72.9 269.8-1.6 51-50.9 27.9-27.9 95.3-95.3 22.3-22.3 22.3-58.7 0-81zM140.4 363.8c-59.6-59.5-59.6-156 0-215.5 59.5-59.6 156-59.5 215.6 0 59.5 59.5 59.6 156 0 215.6-59.6 59.5-156 59.4-215.6-.1z\"] };\nvar faPhoenixFramework = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'phoenix-framework', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f3dc\", \"M212.9 344.3c3.8-.1 22.8-1.4 25.6-2.2-2.4-2.6-43.6-1-68-49.6-4.3-8.6-7.5-17.6-6.4-27.6 2.9-25.5 32.9-30 52-18.5 36 21.6 63.3 91.3 113.7 97.5 37 4.5 84.6-17 108.2-45.4-.6-.1-.8-.2-1-.1-.4.1-.8.2-1.1.3-33.3 12.1-94.3 9.7-134.7-14.8-37.6-22.8-53.1-58.7-51.8-74.6 1.8-21.3 22.9-23.2 35.9-19.6 14.4 3.9 24.4 17.6 38.9 27.4 15.6 10.4 32.9 13.7 51.3 10.3 14.9-2.7 34.4-12.3 36.5-14.5-1.1-.1-1.8-.1-2.5-.2-6.2-.6-12.4-.8-18.5-1.7C279.8 194.5 262.1 47.4 138.5 37.9 94.2 34.5 39.1 46 2.2 72.9c-.8.6-1.5 1.2-2.2 0 1.6-.1 2.4-.2 6.3-1 12.5-.8 18.7.3 23.8 4.3 47.7 23.1 55.9 76.5 5.3 34.3-.7 50.8 8 86.1 19 77.1 91 107.6 127.7 106.4zM75.3 64.9c-.9-1-.9-1.2-1.3-2 12.1-2.6 24.2-4.1 36.6-4.8-1.1 14.7-22.2 21.3-35.3 6.8zm196.9 350.5c-42.8 1.2-92-26.7-123.5-61.4-4.6-5-16.8-20.2-18.6-23.4l.4-.4c6.6 4.1 25.7 18.6 54.8 27 24.2 7 48.1 6.3 71.6-3.3 22.7-9.3 41-.5 43.1 2.9-18.5 3.8-20.1 4.4-24 7.9-5.1 4.4-4.6 11.7 7 17.2 26.2 12.4 63-2.8 97.2 25.4 2.4 2 8.1 7.8 10.1 10.7-.1.2-.3.3-.4.5-4.8-1.5-16.4-7.5-40.2-9.3-24.7-2-46.3 5.3-77.5 6.2zm174.8-252c16.4-5.2 41.3-13.4 66.5-3.3 16.1 6.5 26.2 18.7 32.1 34.6 3.5 9.4 5.1 19.7 5.1 28.7-.2 0-.4 0-.6.1-.2-.4-.4-.9-.5-1.3-5-22-29.9-43.8-67.6-29.9-50.2 18.6-130.4 9.7-176.9-48-.7-.9-2.4-1.7-1.3-3.2.1-.2 2.1.6 3 1.3 18.1 13.4 38.3 21.9 60.3 26.2 30.5 6.1 54.6 2.9 79.9-5.2zm102.7 117.5c-32.4.2-33.8 50.1-103.6 64.4-18.2 3.7-38.7 4.6-44.9 4.2v-.4c2.8-1.5 14.7-2.6 29.7-16.6 7.9-7.3 15.3-15.1 22.8-22.9 19.5-20.2 41.4-42.2 81.9-39 23.1 1.8 29.3 8.2 36.1 0-.7.1-.9 0-7-2.7-14.3-3.3-21.8-3.3zm-12.3-24.1c-.1.2-.1.4-.2.6-28.9-4.4-48-7.9-68.5 4-17 9.9-31.4 20.5-62 24.4-27.1 3.4-45.1 2.4-66.1-8-.3-.2-.6-.4-1-.6 0-.2.1-.3.1-.5 24.9 3.8 36.4 5.1 55.5-5.8 22.3-12.9 40.1-26.6 71.3-31 29.6-4.1 51.3 2.5 70.9 16.9zM268.6 97.3c-.6-.6-1.1-1.2-2.1-2.3 7.6 0 29.7-1.2 53.4 8.4 19.7 8 32.2 21 50.2 32.9 11.1 7.3 23.4 9.3 36.4 8.1 4.3-.4 8.5-1.2 12.8-1.7.4-.1.9 0 1.5.3-.6.4-1.2.9-1.8 1.2-8.1 4-16.7 6.3-25.6 7.1-26.1 2.6-50.3-3.7-73.4-15.4-19.3-9.9-36.4-22.9-51.4-38.6zM640 335.7c-3.5 3.1-22.7 11.6-42.7 5.3-12.3-3.9-19.5-14.9-31.6-24.1-10-7.6-20.9-7.9-28.1-8.4.6-.8.9-1.2 1.2-1.4 14.8-9.2 30.5-12.2 47.3-6.5 12.5 4.2 19.2 13.5 30.4 24.2 10.8 10.4 21 9.9 23.1 10.5.1-.1.2 0 .4.4zm-212.5 137c2.2 1.2 1.6 1.5 1.5 2-18.5-1.4-33.9-7.6-46.8-22.2-21.8-24.7-41.7-27.9-48.6-29.7.5-.2.8-.4 1.1-.4 13.1.1 26.1.7 38.9 3.9 25.3 6.4 35 25.4 41.6 35.3 3.2 4.8 7.3 8.3 12.3 11.1z\"] };\nvar faPhoenixSquadron = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'phoenix-squadron', icon: [513, 512, [], \"f511\", \"M96.24 62.81C142.91 26.57 202.15 6.57 261.28 8.08c29.67-.38 59.29 5.38 87.17 15.37-24.2-4.64-49.18-6.35-73.6-2.45-43 5.35-83.26 27.23-112.16 59.35 5.69-.99 10.81-3.68 16.07-5.88 18.19-7.89 37.6-13.29 57.4-14.87 19.8-2.14 39.75-.43 59.45 1.93-14.46 2.79-29.2 4.58-43.11 9.61-34.53 11.11-65.46 33.26-86.55 62.82-13.84 19.77-23.7 42.99-24.74 67.33-.35 16.54 5.23 34.91 19.89 44.17 11.13 6.66 24.85 9.39 37.63 6.76 15.49-2.47 30.16-8.67 43.73-16.38 11.55-6.84 22.73-14.59 32.05-24.32 3.8-3.23 2.54-8.48 2.63-12.83-2.13-.34-4.4-1.11-6.32.3a203.975 203.975 0 0 1-35.93 15.42c-20.07 6.19-42.28 8.48-62.28.78 12.83 1.73 26.14.31 37.85-5.46 20.29-9.75 36.92-25.27 54.6-38.88 27.84-21.29 57.64-40.11 89.17-55.47 25.78-12.01 53.09-22.85 81.81-24.2-15.68 13.76-32.25 26.6-46.92 41.51-14.55 14.04-27.54 29.58-40.23 45.31-3.53 4.61-8.98 6.96-13.62 10.19-22.24 15.03-40.6 35.96-52.04 60.28-9.36 19.74-14.55 41.97-11.81 63.84 1.95 13.73 8.74 27.67 20.96 35.01 12.94 7.99 29.14 8.09 43.61 5.11 32.9-7.47 61.61-28.97 81.28-56 20.5-27.6 30.61-62.38 29.25-96.64-.52-7.52-1.58-15-1.67-22.55 8.02 19.54 14.87 39.83 16.7 61.01 2.01 14.32.75 28.84-1.62 43.02-1.92 11.02-5.69 21.58-7.81 32.53 20.36-22.73 34.17-51.24 39.46-81.31 5.72-35.37.58-72.36-14.25-104.95 20.84 32.12 32.43 69.79 35.81 107.8.5 12.77.5 25.58 0 38.34-2.91 34.26-12.97 67.95-29.76 98-26.2 47.48-68.2 85.89-117.54 108.32-78.52 36.34-175.2 31.41-248.72-14.72-38.84-23.78-71.06-58.32-91.68-98.96C10.72 337.43 2.04 305.5 0 273.13V241.7c3.94-69.97 40.99-136.32 96.24-178.89m222.65 80.57c5.51-.8 10.82-2.57 16.02-4.5 4.99-1.77 9.27-5.95 10.35-11.25-8.91 5-17.95 9.95-26.37 15.75z\"] };\nvar faPhp = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'php', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f457\", \"M320 104.5c171.4 0 303.2 72.2 303.2 151.5S491.3 407.5 320 407.5c-171.4 0-303.2-72.2-303.2-151.5S148.7 104.5 320 104.5m0-16.8C143.3 87.7 0 163 0 256s143.3 168.3 320 168.3S640 349 640 256 496.7 87.7 320 87.7zM218.2 242.5c-7.9 40.5-35.8 36.3-70.1 36.3l13.7-70.6c38 0 63.8-4.1 56.4 34.3zM97.4 350.3h36.7l8.7-44.8c41.1 0 66.6 3 90.2-19.1 26.1-24 32.9-66.7 14.3-88.1-9.7-11.2-25.3-16.7-46.5-16.7h-70.7L97.4 350.3zm185.7-213.6h36.5l-8.7 44.8c31.5 0 60.7-2.3 74.8 10.7 14.8 13.6 7.7 31-8.3 113.1h-37c15.4-79.4 18.3-86 12.7-92-5.4-5.8-17.7-4.6-47.4-4.6l-18.8 96.6h-36.5l32.7-168.6zM505 242.5c-8 41.1-36.7 36.3-70.1 36.3l13.7-70.6c38.2 0 63.8-4.1 56.4 34.3zM384.2 350.3H421l8.7-44.8c43.2 0 67.1 2.5 90.2-19.1 26.1-24 32.9-66.7 14.3-88.1-9.7-11.2-25.3-16.7-46.5-16.7H417l-32.8 168.7z\"] };\nvar faPiedPiper = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'pied-piper', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f2ae\", \"M32 419L0 479.2l.8-328C.8 85.3 54 32 120 32h327.2c-93 28.9-189.9 94.2-253.9 168.6C122.7 282 82.6 338 32 419M448 32S305.2 98.8 261.6 199.1c-23.2 53.6-28.9 118.1-71 158.6-28.9 27.8-69.8 38.2-105.3 56.3-23.2 12-66.4 40.5-84.9 66h328.4c66 0 119.3-53.3 119.3-119.2-.1 0-.1-328.8-.1-328.8z\"] };\nvar faPiedPiperAlt = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'pied-piper-alt', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f1a8\", \"M242 187c6.3-11.8 13.2-17 25.9-21.8 27.3-10.3 40.2-30.5 58.9-51.1 11.9 8.4 12 24.6 31.6 23v21.8l6.3.3c37.4-14.4 74.7-30.2 106.6-54.6 48.3-36.8 52.9-50 81.3-100l2-2.6c-.6 14.1-6.3 27.3-12.4 39.9-30.5 63.8-78.7 100.3-146.8 116.7-12.4 2.9-26.4 3.2-37.6 8.9 1.4 9.8 13.2 18.1 13.2 23 0 3.4-5.5 7.2-7.5 8.6-11.2-12.9-16.1-19.3-22.7-22.1-7.6-3.5-63.9-6.4-98.8 10zm137.9 256.9c-19 0-64.1 9.5-79.9 19.8l6.9 45.1c35.7 6.1 70.1 3.6 106-9.8-4.8-10-23.5-55.1-33-55.1zM244 246c-3.2-2-6.3-2.9-10.1-2.9-6.6 0-12.6 3.2-19.3 3.7l1.7 4.9L244 246zm-12.6 31.8l24.1 61.2 21-13.8-31.3-50.9-13.8 3.5zM555.5 0l-.6 1.1-.3.9.6-.6.3-1.4zm-59.2 382.1c-33.9-56.9-75.3-118.4-150-115.5l-.3-6c-1.1-13.5 32.8 3.2 35.1-31l-14.4 7.2c-19.8-45.7-8.6-54.3-65.5-54.3-14.7 0-26.7 1.7-41.4 4.6 2.9 18.6 2.2 36.7-10.9 50.3l19.5 5.5c-1.7 3.2-2.9 6.3-2.9 9.8 0 21 42.8 2.9 42.8 33.6 0 18.4-36.8 60.1-54.9 60.1-8 0-53.7-50-53.4-60.1l.3-4.6 52.3-11.5c13-2.6 12.3-22.7-2.9-22.7-3.7 0-43.1 9.2-49.4 10.6-2-5.2-7.5-14.1-13.8-14.1-3.2 0-6.3 3.2-9.5 4-9.2 2.6-31 2.9-21.5 20.1L15.9 298.5c-5.5 1.1-8.9 6.3-8.9 11.8 0 6 5.5 10.9 11.5 10.9 8 0 131.3-28.4 147.4-32.2 2.6 3.2 4.6 6.3 7.8 8.6 20.1 14.4 59.8 85.9 76.4 85.9 24.1 0 58-22.4 71.3-41.9 3.2-4.3 6.9-7.5 12.4-6.9.6 13.8-31.6 34.2-33 43.7-1.4 10.2-1 35.2-.3 41.1 26.7 8.1 52-3.6 77.9-2.9 4.3-21 10.6-41.9 9.8-63.5l-.3-9.5c-1.4-34.2-10.9-38.5-34.8-58.6-1.1-1.1-2.6-2.6-3.7-4 2.2-1.4 1.1-1 4.6-1.7 88.5 0 56.3 183.6 111.5 229.9 33.1-15 72.5-27.9 103.5-47.2-29-25.6-52.6-45.7-72.7-79.9zm-196.2 46v27.3l11.8-3.4-2.9-23.8h-8.9zm76.1 2.9c0-1.4-.6-3.2-.9-4.6-26.8 0-36.9 3.8-59.5 6.3l2 12.4c9-1.5 58.4-6.6 58.4-14.1z\"] };\nvar faPiedPiperHat = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'pied-piper-hat', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f4e5\", \"M640 24.9c-80.8 53.6-89.4 92.5-96.4 104.4-6.7 12.2-11.7 60.3-23.3 83.6-11.7 23.6-54.2 42.2-66.1 50-11.7 7.8-28.3 38.1-41.9 64.2-108.1-4.4-167.4 38.8-259.2 93.6 29.4-9.7 43.3-16.7 43.3-16.7 94.2-36 139.3-68.3 281.1-49.2 1.1 0 1.9.6 2.8.8 3.9 2.2 5.3 6.9 3.1 10.8l-53.9 95.8c-2.5 4.7-7.8 7.2-13.1 6.1-126.8-23.8-226.9 17.3-318.9 18.6C24.1 488 0 453.4 0 451.8c0-1.1.6-1.7 1.7-1.7 0 0 38.3 0 103.1-15.3C178.4 294.5 244 245.4 315.4 245.4c0 0 71.7 0 90.6 61.9 22.8-39.7 28.3-49.2 28.3-49.2 5.3-9.4 35-77.2 86.4-141.4 51.5-64 90.4-79.9 119.3-91.8z\"] };\nvar faPiedPiperPp = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'pied-piper-pp', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f1a7\", \"M205.3 174.6c0 21.1-14.2 38.1-31.7 38.1-7.1 0-12.8-1.2-17.2-3.7v-68c4.4-2.7 10.1-4.2 17.2-4.2 17.5 0 31.7 16.9 31.7 37.8zm52.6 67c-7.1 0-12.8 1.5-17.2 4.2v68c4.4 2.5 10.1 3.7 17.2 3.7 17.4 0 31.7-16.9 31.7-37.8 0-21.1-14.3-38.1-31.7-38.1zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM185 255.1c41 0 74.2-35.6 74.2-79.6 0-44-33.2-79.6-74.2-79.6-12 0-24.1 3.2-34.6 8.8h-45.7V311l51.8-10.1v-50.6c8.6 3.1 18.1 4.8 28.5 4.8zm158.4 25.3c0-44-33.2-79.6-73.9-79.6-3.2 0-6.4.2-9.6.7-3.7 12.5-10.1 23.8-19.2 33.4-13.8 15-32.2 23.8-51.8 24.8V416l51.8-10.1v-50.6c8.6 3.2 18.2 4.7 28.7 4.7 40.8 0 74-35.6 74-79.6z\"] };\nvar faPinterest = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'pinterest', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f0d2\", \"M496 256c0 137-111 248-248 248-25.6 0-50.2-3.9-73.4-11.1 10.1-16.5 25.2-43.5 30.8-65 3-11.6 15.4-59 15.4-59 8.1 15.4 31.7 28.5 56.8 28.5 74.8 0 128.7-68.8 128.7-154.3 0-81.9-66.9-143.2-152.9-143.2-107 0-163.9 71.8-163.9 150.1 0 36.4 19.4 81.7 50.3 96.1 4.7 2.2 7.2 1.2 8.3-3.3.8-3.4 5-20.3 6.9-28.1.6-2.5.3-4.7-1.7-7.1-10.1-12.5-18.3-35.3-18.3-56.6 0-54.7 41.4-107.6 112-107.6 60.9 0 103.6 41.5 103.6 100.9 0 67.1-33.9 113.6-78 113.6-24.3 0-42.6-20.1-36.7-44.8 7-29.5 20.5-61.3 20.5-82.6 0-19-10.2-34.9-31.4-34.9-24.9 0-44.9 25.7-44.9 60.2 0 22 7.4 36.8 7.4 36.8s-24.5 103.8-29 123.2c-5 21.4-3 51.6-.9 71.2C65.4 450.9 0 361.1 0 256 0 119 111 8 248 8s248 111 248 248z\"] };\nvar faPinterestP = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'pinterest-p', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f231\", \"M204 6.5C101.4 6.5 0 74.9 0 185.6 0 256 39.6 296 63.6 296c9.9 0 15.6-27.6 15.6-35.4 0-9.3-23.7-29.1-23.7-67.8 0-80.4 61.2-137.4 140.4-137.4 68.1 0 118.5 38.7 118.5 109.8 0 53.1-21.3 152.7-90.3 152.7-24.9 0-46.2-18-46.2-43.8 0-37.8 26.4-74.4 26.4-113.4 0-66.2-93.9-54.2-93.9 25.8 0 16.8 2.1 35.4 9.6 50.7-13.8 59.4-42 147.9-42 209.1 0 18.9 2.7 37.5 4.5 56.4 3.4 3.8 1.7 3.4 6.9 1.5 50.4-69 48.6-82.5 71.4-172.8 12.3 23.4 44.1 36 69.3 36 106.2 0 153.9-103.5 153.9-196.8C384 71.3 298.2 6.5 204 6.5z\"] };\nvar faPinterestSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'pinterest-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f0d3\", \"M448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H154.4c9.8-16.4 22.4-40 27.4-59.3 3-11.5 15.3-58.4 15.3-58.4 8 15.3 31.4 28.2 56.3 28.2 74.1 0 127.4-68.1 127.4-152.7 0-81.1-66.2-141.8-151.4-141.8-106 0-162.2 71.1-162.2 148.6 0 36 19.2 80.8 49.8 95.1 4.7 2.2 7.1 1.2 8.2-3.3.8-3.4 5-20.1 6.8-27.8.6-2.5.3-4.6-1.7-7-10.1-12.3-18.3-34.9-18.3-56 0-54.2 41-106.6 110.9-106.6 60.3 0 102.6 41.1 102.6 99.9 0 66.4-33.5 112.4-77.2 112.4-24.1 0-42.1-19.9-36.4-44.4 6.9-29.2 20.3-60.7 20.3-81.8 0-53-75.5-45.7-75.5 25 0 21.7 7.3 36.5 7.3 36.5-31.4 132.8-36.1 134.5-29.6 192.6l2.2.8H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48z\"] };\nvar faPlaystation = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'playstation', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f3df\", \"M570.9 372.3c-11.3 14.2-38.8 24.3-38.8 24.3L327 470.2v-54.3l150.9-53.8c17.1-6.1 19.8-14.8 5.8-19.4-13.9-4.6-39.1-3.3-56.2 2.9L327 381.1v-56.4c23.2-7.8 47.1-13.6 75.7-16.8 40.9-4.5 90.9.6 130.2 15.5 44.2 14 49.2 34.7 38 48.9zm-224.4-92.5v-139c0-16.3-3-31.3-18.3-35.6-11.7-3.8-19 7.1-19 23.4v347.9l-93.8-29.8V32c39.9 7.4 98 24.9 129.2 35.4C424.1 94.7 451 128.7 451 205.2c0 74.5-46 102.8-104.5 74.6zM43.2 410.2c-45.4-12.8-53-39.5-32.3-54.8 19.1-14.2 51.7-24.9 51.7-24.9l134.5-47.8v54.5l-96.8 34.6c-17.1 6.1-19.7 14.8-5.8 19.4 13.9 4.6 39.1 3.3 56.2-2.9l46.4-16.9v48.8c-51.6 9.3-101.4 7.3-153.9-10z\"] };\nvar faProductHunt = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'product-hunt', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f288\", \"M326.3 218.8c0 20.5-16.7 37.2-37.2 37.2h-70.3v-74.4h70.3c20.5 0 37.2 16.7 37.2 37.2zM504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-128.1-37.2c0-47.9-38.9-86.8-86.8-86.8H169.2v248h49.6v-74.4h70.3c47.9 0 86.8-38.9 86.8-86.8z\"] };\nvar faPushed = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'pushed', icon: [432, 512, [], \"f3e1\", \"M407 111.9l-98.5-9 14-33.4c10.4-23.5-10.8-40.4-28.7-37L22.5 76.9c-15.1 2.7-26 18.3-21.4 36.6l105.1 348.3c6.5 21.3 36.7 24.2 47.7 7l35.3-80.8 235.2-231.3c16.4-16.8 4.3-42.9-17.4-44.8zM297.6 53.6c5.1-.7 7.5 2.5 5.2 7.4L286 100.9 108.6 84.6l189-31zM22.7 107.9c-3.1-5.1 1-10 6.1-9.1l248.7 22.7-96.9 230.7L22.7 107.9zM136 456.4c-2.6 4-7.9 3.1-9.4-1.2L43.5 179.7l127.7 197.6c-7 15-35.2 79.1-35.2 79.1zm272.8-314.5L210.1 337.3l89.7-213.7 106.4 9.7c4 1.1 5.7 5.3 2.6 8.6z\"] };\nvar faPython = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'python', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3e2\", \"M167.8 36.4c-45.2 8-53.4 24.7-53.4 55.6v40.7h106.9v13.6h-147c-31.1 0-58.3 18.7-66.8 54.2-9.8 40.7-10.2 66.1 0 108.6 7.6 31.6 25.7 54.2 56.8 54.2H101v-48.8c0-35.3 30.5-66.4 66.8-66.4h106.8c29.7 0 53.4-24.5 53.4-54.3V91.9c0-29-24.4-50.7-53.4-55.6-35.8-5.9-74.7-5.6-106.8.1zm-6.7 28.4c11 0 20.1 9.2 20.1 20.4s-9 20.3-20.1 20.3c-11.1 0-20.1-9.1-20.1-20.3.1-11.3 9-20.4 20.1-20.4zm185.2 81.4v47.5c0 36.8-31.2 67.8-66.8 67.8H172.7c-29.2 0-53.4 25-53.4 54.3v101.8c0 29 25.2 46 53.4 54.3 33.8 9.9 66.3 11.7 106.8 0 26.9-7.8 53.4-23.5 53.4-54.3v-40.7H226.2v-13.6h160.2c31.1 0 42.6-21.7 53.4-54.2 11.2-33.5 10.7-65.7 0-108.6-7.7-30.9-22.3-54.2-53.4-54.2h-40.1zM286.2 404c11.1 0 20.1 9.1 20.1 20.3 0 11.3-9 20.4-20.1 20.4-11 0-20.1-9.2-20.1-20.4.1-11.3 9.1-20.3 20.1-20.3z\"] };\nvar faQq = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'qq', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f1d6\", \"M433.754 420.445c-11.526 1.393-44.86-52.741-44.86-52.741 0 31.345-16.136 72.247-51.051 101.786 16.842 5.192 54.843 19.167 45.803 34.421-7.316 12.343-125.51 7.881-159.632 4.037-34.122 3.844-152.316 8.306-159.632-4.037-9.045-15.25 28.918-29.214 45.783-34.415-34.92-29.539-51.059-70.445-51.059-101.792 0 0-33.334 54.134-44.859 52.741-5.37-.65-12.424-29.644 9.347-99.704 10.261-33.024 21.995-60.478 40.144-105.779C60.683 98.063 108.982.006 224 0c113.737.006 163.156 96.133 160.264 214.963 18.118 45.223 29.912 72.85 40.144 105.778 21.768 70.06 14.716 99.053 9.346 99.704z\"] };\nvar faQuinscape = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'quinscape', icon: [489, 512, [], \"f459\", \"M301.9 474.6h-1.3c-87.3 0-158.1-70.8-158.1-158.1s70.8-158.1 158.1-158.1c94.9 0 168.2 83.1 157 176.6 4 5.1 8.2 9.6 11.2 15.3 13.4-30.3 20.3-62.4 20.3-97.7C489.1 117.5 379.6 8 244.5 8 109.5 8 0 117.5 0 252.6s109.5 244.6 244.5 244.6c24.8 0 47.8-3.2 70.4-10.1-5.2-3.5-9-8.2-13.4-12.6l.4.1zm-21.2-69.8c0-54.8 44.4-99.2 99.2-99.2 54.8 0 99.2 44.4 99.2 99.2 0 54.8-44.4 99.2-99.2 99.2-54.8 0-99.2-44.4-99.2-99.2\"] };\nvar faQuora = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'quora', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f2c4\", \"M440.5 386.7h-29.3c-1.5 13.5-10.5 30.8-33 30.8-20.5 0-35.3-14.2-49.5-35.8 44.2-34.2 74.7-87.5 74.7-153C403.5 111.2 306.8 32 205 32 105.3 32 7.3 111.7 7.3 228.7c0 134.1 131.3 221.6 249 189C276 451.3 302 480 351.5 480c81.8 0 90.8-75.3 89-93.3zM297 329.2C277.5 300 253.3 277 205.5 277c-30.5 0-54.3 10-69 22.8l12.2 24.3c6.2-3 13-4 19.8-4 35.5 0 53.7 30.8 69.2 61.3-10 3-20.7 4.2-32.7 4.2-75 0-107.5-53-107.5-156.7C97.5 124.5 130 71 205 71c76.2 0 108.7 53.5 108.7 157.7.1 41.8-5.4 75.6-16.7 100.5z\"] };\nvar faRProject = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'r-project', icon: [581, 512, [], \"f4f7\", \"M581 226.6C581 119.1 450.9 32 290.5 32S0 119.1 0 226.6C0 322.4 103.3 402 239.4 418.1V480h99.1v-61.5c24.3-2.7 47.6-7.4 69.4-13.9L448 480h112l-67.4-113.7c54.5-35.4 88.4-84.9 88.4-139.7zm-466.8 14.5c0-73.5 98.9-133 220.8-133s211.9 40.7 211.9 133c0 50.1-26.5 85-70.3 106.4-2.4-1.6-4.7-2.9-6.4-3.7-10.2-5.2-27.8-10.5-27.8-10.5s86.6-6.4 86.6-92.7-90.6-87.9-90.6-87.9h-199V361c-74.1-21.5-125.2-67.1-125.2-119.9zm225.1 38.3v-55.6c57.8 0 87.8-6.8 87.8 27.3 0 36.5-38.2 28.3-87.8 28.3zm-.9 72.5H365c10.8 0 18.9 11.7 24 19.2-16.1 1.9-33 2.8-50.6 2.9v-22.1z\"] };\nvar faRavelry = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'ravelry', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f2d9\", \"M407.4 61.5C331.6 22.1 257.8 31 182.9 66c-11.3 5.2-15.5 10.6-19.9 19-10.3 19.2-16.2 37.4-19.9 52.7-21.2 25.6-36.4 56.1-43.3 89.9-10.6 18-20.9 41.4-23.1 71.4 0 0-.7 7.6-.5 7.9-35.3-4.6-76.2-27-76.2-27 9.1 14.5 61.3 32.3 76.3 37.9 0 0 1.7 98 64.5 131.2-11.3-17.2-13.3-20.2-13.3-20.2S94.8 369 100.4 324.7c.7 0 1.5.2 2.2.2 23.9 87.4 103.2 151.4 196.9 151.4 6.2 0 12.1-.2 18-.7 14 1.5 27.6.5 40.1-3.9 6.9-2.2 13.8-6.4 20.2-10.8 70.2-39.1 100.9-82 123.1-147.7 5.4-16 8.1-35.5 9.8-52.2 8.7-82.3-30.6-161.6-103.3-199.5zM138.8 163.2s-1.2 12.3-.7 19.7c-3.4 2.5-10.1 8.1-18.2 16.7 5.2-12.8 11.3-25.1 18.9-36.4zm-31.2 121.9c4.4-17.2 13.3-39.1 29.8-55.1 0 0 1.7 48 15.8 90.1l-41.4-6.9c-2.2-9.2-3.5-18.5-4.2-28.1zm7.9 42.8c14.8 3.2 34 7.6 43.1 9.1 27.3 76.8 108.3 124.3 108.3 124.3 1 .5 1.7.7 2.7 1-73.1-11.6-132.7-64.7-154.1-134.4zM386 444.1c-14.5 4.7-36.2 8.4-64.7 3.7 0 0-91.1-23.1-127.5-107.8 38.2.7 52.4-.2 78-3.9 39.4-5.7 79-16.2 115-33 11.8-5.4 11.1-19.4 9.6-29.8-2-12.8-11.1-12.1-21.4-4.7 0 0-82 58.6-189.8 53.7-18.7-32-26.8-110.8-26.8-110.8 41.4-35.2 83.2-59.6 168.4-52.4.2-6.4 3-27.1-20.4-28.1 0 0-93.5-11.1-146 33.5 2.5-16.5 5.9-29.3 11.1-39.4 34.2-30.8 79-49.5 128.3-49.5 106.4 0 193 87.1 193 194.5-.2 76-43.8 142-106.8 174z\"] };\nvar faReact = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'react', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f41b\", \"M418.2 177.2c-5.4-1.8-10.8-3.5-16.2-5.1.9-3.7 1.7-7.4 2.5-11.1 12.3-59.6 4.2-107.5-23.1-123.3-26.3-15.1-69.2.6-112.6 38.4-4.3 3.7-8.5 7.6-12.5 11.5-2.7-2.6-5.5-5.2-8.3-7.7-45.5-40.4-91.1-57.4-118.4-41.5-26.2 15.2-34 60.3-23 116.7 1.1 5.6 2.3 11.1 3.7 16.7-6.4 1.8-12.7 3.8-18.6 5.9C38.3 196.2 0 225.4 0 255.6c0 31.2 40.8 62.5 96.3 81.5 4.5 1.5 9 3 13.6 4.3-1.5 6-2.8 11.9-4 18-10.5 55.5-2.3 99.5 23.9 114.6 27 15.6 72.4-.4 116.6-39.1 3.5-3.1 7-6.3 10.5-9.7 4.4 4.3 9 8.4 13.6 12.4 42.8 36.8 85.1 51.7 111.2 36.6 27-15.6 35.8-62.9 24.4-120.5-.9-4.4-1.9-8.9-3-13.5 3.2-.9 6.3-1.9 9.4-2.9 57.7-19.1 99.5-50 99.5-81.7 0-30.3-39.4-59.7-93.8-78.4zM282.9 92.3c37.2-32.4 71.9-45.1 87.7-36 16.9 9.7 23.4 48.9 12.8 100.4-.7 3.4-1.4 6.7-2.3 10-22.2-5-44.7-8.6-67.3-10.6-13-18.6-27.2-36.4-42.6-53.1 3.9-3.7 7.7-7.2 11.7-10.7zm-130 189.1c4.6 8.8 9.3 17.5 14.3 26.1 5.1 8.7 10.3 17.4 15.8 25.9-15.6-1.7-31.1-4.2-46.4-7.5 4.4-14.4 9.9-29.3 16.3-44.5zm0-50.6c-6.3-14.9-11.6-29.5-16-43.6 14.4-3.2 29.7-5.8 45.6-7.8-5.3 8.3-10.5 16.8-15.4 25.4-4.9 8.5-9.7 17.2-14.2 26zm11.4 25.3c6.6-13.8 13.8-27.3 21.4-40.6 7.6-13.3 15.8-26.2 24.4-38.9 15-1.1 30.3-1.7 45.9-1.7 15.6 0 31 .6 45.9 1.7 8.5 12.6 16.6 25.5 24.3 38.7 7.7 13.2 14.9 26.7 21.7 40.4-6.7 13.8-13.9 27.4-21.6 40.8-7.6 13.3-15.7 26.2-24.2 39-14.9 1.1-30.4 1.6-46.1 1.6-15.7 0-30.9-.5-45.6-1.4-8.7-12.7-16.9-25.7-24.6-39-7.7-13.3-14.8-26.8-21.5-40.6zm180.6 51.2c5.1-8.8 9.9-17.7 14.6-26.7 6.4 14.5 12 29.2 16.9 44.3-15.5 3.5-31.2 6.2-47 8 5.4-8.4 10.5-17 15.5-25.6zm14.4-76.5c-4.7-8.8-9.5-17.6-14.5-26.2-4.9-8.5-10-16.9-15.3-25.2 16.1 2 31.5 4.7 45.9 8-4.6 14.8-10 29.2-16.1 43.4zM256.2 118.3c10.5 11.4 20.4 23.4 29.6 35.8-19.8-.9-39.7-.9-59.5 0 9.8-12.9 19.9-24.9 29.9-35.8zM140.2 57c16.8-9.8 54.1 4.2 93.4 39 2.5 2.2 5 4.6 7.6 7-15.5 16.7-29.8 34.5-42.9 53.1-22.6 2-45 5.5-67.2 10.4-1.3-5.1-2.4-10.3-3.5-15.5-9.4-48.4-3.2-84.9 12.6-94zm-24.5 263.6c-4.2-1.2-8.3-2.5-12.4-3.9-21.3-6.7-45.5-17.3-63-31.2-10.1-7-16.9-17.8-18.8-29.9 0-18.3 31.6-41.7 77.2-57.6 5.7-2 11.5-3.8 17.3-5.5 6.8 21.7 15 43 24.5 63.6-9.6 20.9-17.9 42.5-24.8 64.5zm116.6 98c-16.5 15.1-35.6 27.1-56.4 35.3-11.1 5.3-23.9 5.8-35.3 1.3-15.9-9.2-22.5-44.5-13.5-92 1.1-5.6 2.3-11.2 3.7-16.7 22.4 4.8 45 8.1 67.9 9.8 13.2 18.7 27.7 36.6 43.2 53.4-3.2 3.1-6.4 6.1-9.6 8.9zm24.5-24.3c-10.2-11-20.4-23.2-30.3-36.3 9.6.4 19.5.6 29.5.6 10.3 0 20.4-.2 30.4-.7-9.2 12.7-19.1 24.8-29.6 36.4zm130.7 30c-.9 12.2-6.9 23.6-16.5 31.3-15.9 9.2-49.8-2.8-86.4-34.2-4.2-3.6-8.4-7.5-12.7-11.5 15.3-16.9 29.4-34.8 42.2-53.6 22.9-1.9 45.7-5.4 68.2-10.5 1 4.1 1.9 8.2 2.7 12.2 4.9 21.6 5.7 44.1 2.5 66.3zm18.2-107.5c-2.8.9-5.6 1.8-8.5 2.6-7-21.8-15.6-43.1-25.5-63.8 9.6-20.4 17.7-41.4 24.5-62.9 5.2 1.5 10.2 3.1 15 4.7 46.6 16 79.3 39.8 79.3 58 0 19.6-34.9 44.9-84.8 61.4zM256 210.2c25.3 0 45.8 20.5 45.8 45.8 0 25.3-20.5 45.8-45.8 45.8-25.3 0-45.8-20.5-45.8-45.8 0-25.3 20.5-45.8 45.8-45.8\"] };\nvar faReadme = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'readme', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f4d5\", \"M528.3 46.5H388.5c-48.1 0-89.9 33.3-100.4 80.3-10.6-47-52.3-80.3-100.4-80.3H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v245.8c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h89.7c102.2 0 132.7 24.4 147.3 75 .7 2.8 5.2 2.8 6 0 14.7-50.6 45.2-75 147.3-75H528c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V94.6c0-26.4-21.3-47.9-47.7-48.1zM242 311.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H78.2c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5V289c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5v22.9zm0-60.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H78.2c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5v-22.9c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5V251zm0-60.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H78.2c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5v-22.9c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5v22.9zm259.3 121.7c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H337.5c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5v-22.9c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5v22.9zm0-60.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H337.5c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5V228c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5v22.9zm0-60.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H337.5c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5v-22.8c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5V190z\"] };\nvar faRebel = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'rebel', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f1d0\", \"M256.5 504C117.2 504 9 387.8 13.2 249.9 16 170.7 56.4 97.7 129.7 49.5c.3 0 1.9-.6 1.1.8-5.8 5.5-111.3 129.8-14.1 226.4 49.8 49.5 90 2.5 90 2.5 38.5-50.1-.6-125.9-.6-125.9-10-24.9-45.7-40.1-45.7-40.1l28.8-31.8c24.4 10.5 43.2 38.7 43.2 38.7.8-29.6-21.9-61.4-21.9-61.4L255.1 8l44.3 50.1c-20.5 28.8-21.9 62.6-21.9 62.6 13.8-23 43.5-39.3 43.5-39.3l28.5 31.8c-27.4 8.9-45.4 39.9-45.4 39.9-15.8 28.5-27.1 89.4.6 127.3 32.4 44.6 87.7-2.8 87.7-2.8 102.7-91.9-10.5-225-10.5-225-6.1-5.5.8-2.8.8-2.8 50.1 36.5 114.6 84.4 116.2 204.8C500.9 400.2 399 504 256.5 504z\"] };\nvar faRedRiver = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'red-river', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3e3\", \"M353.2 32H94.8C42.4 32 0 74.4 0 126.8v258.4C0 437.6 42.4 480 94.8 480h258.4c52.4 0 94.8-42.4 94.8-94.8V126.8c0-52.4-42.4-94.8-94.8-94.8zM144.9 200.9v56.3c0 27-21.9 48.9-48.9 48.9V151.9c0-13.2 10.7-23.9 23.9-23.9h154.2c0 27-21.9 48.9-48.9 48.9h-56.3c-12.3-.6-24.6 11.6-24 24zm176.3 72h-56.3c-12.3-.6-24.6 11.6-24 24v56.3c0 27-21.9 48.9-48.9 48.9V247.9c0-13.2 10.7-23.9 23.9-23.9h154.2c0 27-21.9 48.9-48.9 48.9z\"] };\nvar faReddit = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'reddit', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f1a1\", \"M201.5 305.5c-13.8 0-24.9-11.1-24.9-24.6 0-13.8 11.1-24.9 24.9-24.9 13.6 0 24.6 11.1 24.6 24.9 0 13.6-11.1 24.6-24.6 24.6zM504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-132.3-41.2c-9.4 0-17.7 3.9-23.8 10-22.4-15.5-52.6-25.5-86.1-26.6l17.4-78.3 55.4 12.5c0 13.6 11.1 24.6 24.6 24.6 13.8 0 24.9-11.3 24.9-24.9s-11.1-24.9-24.9-24.9c-9.7 0-18 5.8-22.1 13.8l-61.2-13.6c-3-.8-6.1 1.4-6.9 4.4l-19.1 86.4c-33.2 1.4-63.1 11.3-85.5 26.8-6.1-6.4-14.7-10.2-24.1-10.2-34.9 0-46.3 46.9-14.4 62.8-1.1 5-1.7 10.2-1.7 15.5 0 52.6 59.2 95.2 132 95.2 73.1 0 132.3-42.6 132.3-95.2 0-5.3-.6-10.8-1.9-15.8 31.3-16 19.8-62.5-14.9-62.5zM302.8 331c-18.2 18.2-76.1 17.9-93.6 0-2.2-2.2-6.1-2.2-8.3 0-2.5 2.5-2.5 6.4 0 8.6 22.8 22.8 87.3 22.8 110.2 0 2.5-2.2 2.5-6.1 0-8.6-2.2-2.2-6.1-2.2-8.3 0zm7.7-75c-13.6 0-24.6 11.1-24.6 24.9 0 13.6 11.1 24.6 24.6 24.6 13.8 0 24.9-11.1 24.9-24.6 0-13.8-11-24.9-24.9-24.9z\"] };\nvar faRedditAlien = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'reddit-alien', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f281\", \"M440.3 203.5c-15 0-28.2 6.2-37.9 15.9-35.7-24.7-83.8-40.6-137.1-42.3L293 52.3l88.2 19.8c0 21.6 17.6 39.2 39.2 39.2 22 0 39.7-18.1 39.7-39.7s-17.6-39.7-39.7-39.7c-15.4 0-28.7 9.3-35.3 22l-97.4-21.6c-4.9-1.3-9.7 2.2-11 7.1L246.3 177c-52.9 2.2-100.5 18.1-136.3 42.8-9.7-10.1-23.4-16.3-38.4-16.3-55.6 0-73.8 74.6-22.9 100.1-1.8 7.9-2.6 16.3-2.6 24.7 0 83.8 94.4 151.7 210.3 151.7 116.4 0 210.8-67.9 210.8-151.7 0-8.4-.9-17.2-3.1-25.1 49.9-25.6 31.5-99.7-23.8-99.7zM129.4 308.9c0-22 17.6-39.7 39.7-39.7 21.6 0 39.2 17.6 39.2 39.7 0 21.6-17.6 39.2-39.2 39.2-22 .1-39.7-17.6-39.7-39.2zm214.3 93.5c-36.4 36.4-139.1 36.4-175.5 0-4-3.5-4-9.7 0-13.7 3.5-3.5 9.7-3.5 13.2 0 27.8 28.5 120 29 149 0 3.5-3.5 9.7-3.5 13.2 0 4.1 4 4.1 10.2.1 13.7zm-.8-54.2c-21.6 0-39.2-17.6-39.2-39.2 0-22 17.6-39.7 39.2-39.7 22 0 39.7 17.6 39.7 39.7-.1 21.5-17.7 39.2-39.7 39.2z\"] };\nvar faRedditSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'reddit-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f1a2\", \"M283.2 345.5c2.7 2.7 2.7 6.8 0 9.2-24.5 24.5-93.8 24.6-118.4 0-2.7-2.4-2.7-6.5 0-9.2 2.4-2.4 6.5-2.4 8.9 0 18.7 19.2 81 19.6 100.5 0 2.4-2.3 6.6-2.3 9 0zm-91.3-53.8c0-14.9-11.9-26.8-26.5-26.8-14.9 0-26.8 11.9-26.8 26.8 0 14.6 11.9 26.5 26.8 26.5 14.6 0 26.5-11.9 26.5-26.5zm90.7-26.8c-14.6 0-26.5 11.9-26.5 26.8 0 14.6 11.9 26.5 26.5 26.5 14.9 0 26.8-11.9 26.8-26.5 0-14.9-11.9-26.8-26.8-26.8zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-99.7 140.6c-10.1 0-19 4.2-25.6 10.7-24.1-16.7-56.5-27.4-92.5-28.6l18.7-84.2 59.5 13.4c0 14.6 11.9 26.5 26.5 26.5 14.9 0 26.8-12.2 26.8-26.8 0-14.6-11.9-26.8-26.8-26.8-10.4 0-19.3 6.2-23.8 14.9l-65.7-14.6c-3.3-.9-6.5 1.5-7.4 4.8l-20.5 92.8c-35.7 1.5-67.8 12.2-91.9 28.9-6.5-6.8-15.8-11-25.9-11-37.5 0-49.8 50.4-15.5 67.5-1.2 5.4-1.8 11-1.8 16.7 0 56.5 63.7 102.3 141.9 102.3 78.5 0 142.2-45.8 142.2-102.3 0-5.7-.6-11.6-2.1-17 33.6-17.2 21.2-67.2-16.1-67.2z\"] };\nvar faRendact = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'rendact', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f3e4\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248c18.6 0 36.7-2.1 54.1-5.9-5.6-7.4-10.8-14.4-15.9-21.3-12.4 2.1-25.2 3.3-38.3 3.3C124.3 480 24 379.7 24 256S124.3 32 248 32s224 100.3 224 224c0 71-33 134.2-84.5 175.3-25.9 18.8-39.1 21.4-83.5-44.2-78.7-112.9-48-71.1-73.7-108.3 72.8 8.9 228.5-72 168.6-168.6C314-26.8 15 93.8 59.7 226.4c3.2 9.8 14.4 38.6 45.6 38.6 2 0 2.6-.6 2-1.7-4.4-8.7-20.1-9.8-20.1-37.4 0-40.5 40.5-89.6 100.3-120 66.1-32.3 131.9-30.2 158.2 5.4 27.2 38.3-20.9 119.2-120.4 136.9 7.5-9.4 57-75.2 62.8-84 22.7-34.6 23.6-49 14-59.2-15.5-16.9-29.5-10.3-50.7-11.7-10.8-.9-113.7 181.2-136.4 216.9-5.9 9-21.2 34.1-21.2 50.9 0 21.3 2.8 51.4 20.6 51.4 10.6 0 8-18.7 8-26.6 0-12.9 27.4-49.4 74.8-104.6 20.4 36.1 57.7 114.3 130.2 209.7 98-33.1 168.5-125.8 168.5-235C496 119 385 8 248 8z\"] };\nvar faRenren = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'renren', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f18b\", \"M214 169.1c0 110.4-61 205.4-147.6 247.4C30 373.2 8 317.7 8 256.6 8 133.9 97.1 32.2 214 12.5v156.6zM255 504c-42.9 0-83.3-11-118.5-30.4C193.7 437.5 239.9 382.9 255 319c15.5 63.9 61.7 118.5 118.8 154.7C338.7 493 298.3 504 255 504zm190.6-87.5C359 374.5 298 279.6 298 169.1V12.5c116.9 19.7 206 121.4 206 244.1 0 61.1-22 116.6-58.4 159.9z\"] };\nvar faReplyd = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'replyd', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3e6\", \"M320 480H128C57.6 480 0 422.4 0 352V160C0 89.6 57.6 32 128 32h192c70.4 0 128 57.6 128 128v192c0 70.4-57.6 128-128 128zM193.4 273.2c-6.1-2-11.6-3.1-16.4-3.1-7.2 0-13.5 1.9-18.9 5.6-5.4 3.7-9.6 9-12.8 15.8h-1.1l-4.2-18.3h-28v138.9h36.1v-89.7c1.5-5.4 4.4-9.8 8.7-13.2 4.3-3.4 9.8-5.1 16.2-5.1 4.6 0 9.8 1 15.6 3.1l4.8-34zm115.2 103.4c-3.2 2.4-7.7 4.8-13.7 7.1-6 2.3-12.8 3.5-20.4 3.5-12.2 0-21.1-3-26.5-8.9-5.5-5.9-8.5-14.7-9-26.4h83.3c.9-4.8 1.6-9.4 2.1-13.9.5-4.4.7-8.6.7-12.5 0-10.7-1.6-19.7-4.7-26.9-3.2-7.2-7.3-13-12.5-17.2-5.2-4.3-11.1-7.3-17.8-9.2-6.7-1.8-13.5-2.8-20.6-2.8-21.1 0-37.5 6.1-49.2 18.3s-17.5 30.5-17.5 55c0 22.8 5.2 40.7 15.6 53.7 10.4 13.1 26.8 19.6 49.2 19.6 10.7 0 20.9-1.5 30.4-4.6 9.5-3.1 17.1-6.8 22.6-11.2l-12-23.6zm-21.8-70.3c3.8 5.4 5.3 13.1 4.6 23.1h-51.7c.9-9.4 3.7-17 8.2-22.6 4.5-5.6 11.5-8.5 21-8.5 8.2-.1 14.1 2.6 17.9 8zm79.9 2.5c4.1 3.9 9.4 5.8 16.1 5.8 7 0 12.6-1.9 16.7-5.8s6.1-9.1 6.1-15.6-2-11.6-6.1-15.4c-4.1-3.8-9.6-5.7-16.7-5.7-6.7 0-12 1.9-16.1 5.7-4.1 3.8-6.1 8.9-6.1 15.4s2 11.7 6.1 15.6zm0 100.5c4.1 3.9 9.4 5.8 16.1 5.8 7 0 12.6-1.9 16.7-5.8s6.1-9.1 6.1-15.6-2-11.6-6.1-15.4c-4.1-3.8-9.6-5.7-16.7-5.7-6.7 0-12 1.9-16.1 5.7-4.1 3.8-6.1 8.9-6.1 15.4 0 6.6 2 11.7 6.1 15.6z\"] };\nvar faResearchgate = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'researchgate', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f4f8\", \"M0 32v448h448V32H0zm262.2 334.4c-6.6 3-33.2 6-50-14.2-9.2-10.6-25.3-33.3-42.2-63.6-8.9 0-14.7 0-21.4-.6v46.4c0 23.5 6 21.2 25.8 23.9v8.1c-6.9-.3-23.1-.8-35.6-.8-13.1 0-26.1.6-33.6.8v-8.1c15.5-2.9 22-1.3 22-23.9V225c0-22.6-6.4-21-22-23.9V193c25.8 1 53.1-.6 70.9-.6 31.7 0 55.9 14.4 55.9 45.6 0 21.1-16.7 42.2-39.2 47.5 13.6 24.2 30 45.6 42.2 58.9 7.2 7.8 17.2 14.7 27.2 14.7v7.3zm22.9-135c-23.3 0-32.2-15.7-32.2-32.2V167c0-12.2 8.8-30.4 34-30.4s30.4 17.9 30.4 17.9l-10.7 7.2s-5.5-12.5-19.7-12.5c-7.9 0-19.7 7.3-19.7 19.7v26.8c0 13.4 6.6 23.3 17.9 23.3 14.1 0 21.5-10.9 21.5-26.8h-17.9v-10.7h30.4c0 20.5 4.7 49.9-34 49.9zm-116.5 44.7c-9.4 0-13.6-.3-20-.8v-69.7c6.4-.6 15-.6 22.5-.6 23.3 0 37.2 12.2 37.2 34.5 0 21.9-15 36.6-39.7 36.6z\"] };\nvar faResolving = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'resolving', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f3e7\", \"M281.2 278.2c46-13.3 49.6-23.5 44-43.4L314 195.5c-6.1-20.9-18.4-28.1-71.1-12.8L54.7 236.8l28.6 98.6 197.9-57.2zM248.5 8C131.4 8 33.2 88.7 7.2 197.5l221.9-63.9c34.8-10.2 54.2-11.7 79.3-8.2 36.3 6.1 52.7 25 61.4 55.2l10.7 37.8c8.2 28.1 1 50.6-23.5 73.6-19.4 17.4-31.2 24.5-61.4 33.2L203 351.8l220.4 27.1 9.7 34.2-48.1 13.3-286.8-37.3 23 80.2c36.8 22 80.3 34.7 126.3 34.7 137 0 248.5-111.4 248.5-248.3C497 119.4 385.5 8 248.5 8zM38.3 388.6L0 256.8c0 48.5 14.3 93.4 38.3 131.8z\"] };\nvar faRev = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'rev', icon: [410, 512, [], \"f5b2\", \"M270.67 274.89c0 36.16-29.41 65.57-65.56 65.57s-65.57-29.41-65.57-65.57 29.41-65.56 65.57-65.56 65.56 29.4 65.56 65.56zm139.55-5.05h-.13c-1.49-61.55-30.1-116.35-74.32-152.98l-45.38 26.2c43.17 28.03 71.81 76.63 71.81 131.82 0 86.62-70.47 157.09-157.09 157.09S48.02 361.5 48.02 274.88c0-81.86 62.96-149.27 142.99-156.43v39.12l108.76-62.79L191.01 32v38.32C84.31 77.57 0 166.36 0 274.89c0 111.59 89.12 202.29 200.06 204.98v.13h210.16V269.84z\"] };\nvar faRocketchat = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'rocketchat', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3e8\", \"M448 256.2c0-87.2-99.6-153.3-219.8-153.3-18.8 0-37.3 1.6-55.3 4.8-11.1-10.5-24.2-20-38-27.4C61.2 44.2 0 79.4 0 79.4s56.9 47.1 47.6 88.3c-52.3 52.3-52.5 124.1 0 176.6C56.9 385.6 0 432.6 0 432.6s61.2 35.2 134.9-.8c13.8-7.5 26.9-16.9 38-27.4 18 3.2 36.5 4.8 55.3 4.8 120.3-.1 219.8-65.8 219.8-153zm-219.7 124c-23.7 0-46.3-2.8-67.3-7.8-21.3 25.8-68.1 61.7-113.6 50.1 14.8-16 36.7-43.1 32-87.6-27.3-21.4-43.6-48.7-43.6-78.5 0-68.4 86.2-123.9 192.5-123.9S420.8 188 420.8 256.4c0 68.3-86.2 123.8-192.5 123.8zm25.6-123.9c0 14.2-11.5 25.8-25.6 25.8-14.1 0-25.6-11.5-25.6-25.8 0-14.2 11.5-25.8 25.6-25.8 14.1 0 25.6 11.6 25.6 25.8zm88.9 0c0 14.2-11.4 25.8-25.6 25.8-14.1 0-25.6-11.5-25.6-25.8 0-14.2 11.4-25.8 25.6-25.8 14.1 0 25.6 11.6 25.6 25.8zm-177.9 0c0 14.2-11.4 25.8-25.6 25.8-14.1 0-25.6-11.5-25.6-25.8 0-14.2 11.4-25.8 25.6-25.8 14.2 0 25.6 11.6 25.6 25.8z\"] };\nvar faRockrms = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'rockrms', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f3e9\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm157.4 419.5h-90l-112-131.3c-17.9-20.4-3.9-56.1 26.6-56.1h75.3l-84.6-99.3-84.3 98.9h-90L193.5 67.2c14.4-18.4 41.3-17.3 54.5 0l157.7 185.1c19 22.8 2 57.2-27.6 56.1-.6 0-74.2.2-74.2.2l101.5 118.9z\"] };\nvar faSafari = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'safari', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f267\", \"M236.9 256.8c0-9.1 6.6-17.7 16.3-17.7 8.9 0 17.4 6.4 17.4 16.1 0 9.1-6.4 17.7-16.1 17.7-9 0-17.6-6.7-17.6-16.1zM504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-26.6 0c0-122.3-99.1-221.4-221.4-221.4S34.6 133.7 34.6 256 133.7 477.4 256 477.4 477.4 378.3 477.4 256zm-72.5 96.6c0 3.6 13 10.2 16.3 12.2-27.4 41.5-69.8 71.4-117.9 83.3l-4.4-18.5c-.3-2.5-1.9-2.8-4.2-2.8-1.9 0-3 2.8-2.8 4.2l4.4 18.8c-13.3 2.8-26.8 4.2-40.4 4.2-36.3 0-72-10.2-103-29.1 1.7-2.8 12.2-18 12.2-20.2 0-1.9-1.7-3.6-3.6-3.6-3.9 0-12.2 16.6-14.7 19.9-41.8-27.7-72-70.6-83.6-119.6l19.1-4.2c2.2-.6 2.8-2.2 2.8-4.2 0-1.9-2.8-3-4.4-2.8L62 294.5c-2.5-12.7-3.9-25.5-3.9-38.5 0-37.1 10.5-73.6 30.2-104.9 2.8 1.7 16.1 10.8 18.3 10.8 1.9 0 3.6-1.4 3.6-3.3 0-3.9-14.7-11.3-18-13.6 28.2-41.2 71.1-70.9 119.8-81.9l4.2 18.5c.6 2.2 2.2 2.8 4.2 2.8s3-2.8 2.8-4.4L219 61.7c12.2-2.2 24.6-3.6 37.1-3.6 37.1 0 73.3 10.5 104.9 30.2-1.9 2.8-10.8 15.8-10.8 18 0 1.9 1.4 3.6 3.3 3.6 3.9 0 11.3-14.4 13.3-17.7 41 27.7 70.3 70 81.7 118.2l-15.5 3.3c-2.5.6-2.8 2.2-2.8 4.4 0 1.9 2.8 3 4.2 2.8l15.8-3.6c2.5 12.7 3.9 25.7 3.9 38.7 0 36.3-10 72-28.8 102.7-2.8-1.4-14.4-9.7-16.6-9.7-2.1 0-3.8 1.7-3.8 3.6zm-33.2-242.2c-13 12.2-134.2 123.7-137.6 129.5l-96.6 160.5c12.7-11.9 134.2-124 137.3-129.3l96.9-160.7z\"] };\nvar faSass = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'sass', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f41e\", \"M551.1 291.9c-22.4.1-41.8 5.5-58 13.5-5.9-11.9-12-22.3-13-30.1-1.2-9.1-2.5-14.5-1.1-25.3s7.7-26.1 7.6-27.2c-.1-1.1-1.4-6.6-14.3-6.7-12.9-.1-24 2.5-25.3 5.9-1.3 3.4-3.8 11.1-5.3 19.1-2.3 11.7-25.8 53.5-39.1 75.3-4.4-8.5-8.1-16-8.9-22-1.2-9.1-2.5-14.5-1.1-25.3s7.7-26.1 7.6-27.2c-.1-1.1-1.4-6.6-14.3-6.7-12.9-.1-24 2.5-25.3 5.9-1.3 3.4-2.7 11.4-5.3 19.1-2.6 7.7-33.9 77.3-42.1 95.4-4.2 9.2-7.8 16.6-10.4 21.6s-.2.3-.4.9c-2.2 4.3-3.5 6.7-3.5 6.7v.1c-1.7 3.2-3.6 6.1-4.5 6.1-.6 0-1.9-8.4.3-19.9 4.7-24.2 15.8-61.8 15.7-63.1-.1-.7 2.1-7.2-7.3-10.7-9.1-3.3-12.4 2.2-13.2 2.2-.8 0-1.4 2-1.4 2s10.1-42.4-19.4-42.4c-18.4 0-44 20.2-56.6 38.5-7.9 4.3-25 13.6-43 23.5-6.9 3.8-14 7.7-20.7 11.4-.5-.5-.9-1-1.4-1.5-35.8-38.2-101.9-65.2-99.1-116.5 1-18.7 7.5-67.8 127.1-127.4 98-48.8 176.4-35.4 189.9-5.6 19.4 42.5-41.9 121.6-143.7 133-38.8 4.3-59.2-10.7-64.3-16.3-5.3-5.9-6.1-6.2-8.1-5.1-3.3 1.8-1.2 7 0 10.1 3 7.9 15.5 21.9 36.8 28.9 18.7 6.1 64.2 9.5 119.2-11.8C367 196.5 415.1 130.2 401 74.7 386.6 18.3 293.1-.2 204.6 31.2 151.9 49.9 94.9 79.3 53.9 117.6 5.2 163.2-2.6 202.9.6 219.5c11.4 58.9 92.6 97.3 125.1 125.7-1.6.9-3.1 1.7-4.5 2.5-16.3 8.1-78.2 40.5-93.7 74.7-17.5 38.8 2.9 66.6 16.3 70.4 41.8 11.6 84.6-9.3 107.6-43.6s20.2-79.1 9.6-99.5c-.1-.3-.3-.5-.4-.8 4.2-2.5 8.5-5 12.8-7.5 8.3-4.9 16.4-9.4 23.5-13.3-4 10.8-6.9 23.8-8.4 42.6-1.8 22 7.3 50.5 19.1 61.7 5.2 4.9 11.5 5 15.4 5 13.8 0 20-11.4 26.9-25 8.5-16.6 16-35.9 16-35.9s-9.4 52.2 16.3 52.2c9.4 0 18.8-12.1 23-18.3v.1s.2-.4.7-1.2c1-1.5 1.5-2.4 1.5-2.4v-.3c3.8-6.5 12.1-21.4 24.6-46 16.2-31.8 31.7-71.5 31.7-71.5s1.4 9.7 6.2 25.8c2.8 9.5 8.7 19.9 13.4 30-3.8 5.2-6.1 8.2-6.1 8.2s0 .1.1.2c-3 4-6.4 8.3-9.9 12.5-12.8 15.2-28 32.6-30 37.6-2.4 5.9-1.8 10.3 2.8 13.7 3.4 2.6 9.4 3 15.7 2.5 11.5-.8 19.6-3.6 23.5-5.4 6.2-2.2 13.4-5.7 20.2-10.6 12.5-9.2 20.1-22.4 19.4-39.8-.4-9.6-3.5-19.2-7.3-28.2 1.1-1.6 2.3-3.3 3.4-5 19.8-28.9 35.1-60.6 35.1-60.6s1.4 9.7 6.2 25.8c2.4 8.1 7.1 17 11.4 25.7-18.6 15.1-30.1 32.6-34.1 44.1-7.4 21.3-1.6 30.9 9.3 33.1 4.9 1 11.9-1.3 17.1-3.5 6.5-2.2 14.3-5.7 21.6-11.1 12.5-9.2 24.6-22.1 23.8-39.6-.3-7.9-2.5-15.8-5.4-23.4 15.7-6.6 36.1-10.2 62.1-7.2 55.7 6.5 66.6 41.3 64.5 55.8-2.1 14.6-13.8 22.6-17.7 25-3.9 2.4-5.1 3.3-4.8 5.1.5 2.6 2.3 2.5 5.6 1.9 4.6-.8 29.2-11.8 30.3-38.7 1.6-34-31.1-71.4-89-71.1zM121.8 436.6c-18.4 20.1-44.2 27.7-55.3 21.3C54.6 451 59.3 421.4 82 400c13.8-13 31.6-25 43.4-32.4 2.7-1.6 6.6-4 11.4-6.9.8-.5 1.2-.7 1.2-.7.9-.6 1.9-1.1 2.9-1.7 8.3 30.4.3 57.2-19.1 78.3zm134.4-91.4c-6.4 15.7-19.9 55.7-28.1 53.6-7-1.8-11.3-32.3-1.4-62.3 5-15.1 15.6-33.1 21.9-40.1 10.1-11.3 21.2-14.9 23.8-10.4 3.5 5.9-12.2 49.4-16.2 59.2zm111 53c-2.7 1.4-5.2 2.3-6.4 1.6-.9-.5 1.1-2.4 1.1-2.4s13.9-14.9 19.4-21.7c3.2-4 6.9-8.7 10.9-13.9 0 .5.1 1 .1 1.6-.1 17.9-17.3 30-25.1 34.8zm85.6-19.5c-2-1.4-1.7-6.1 5-20.7 2.6-5.7 8.6-15.3 19-24.5 1.2 3.8 1.9 7.4 1.9 10.8-.1 22.5-16.2 30.9-25.9 34.4z\"] };\nvar faSchlix = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'schlix', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3ea\", \"M350.5 157.7l-54.2-46.1 73.4-39 78.3 44.2-97.5 40.9zM192 122.1l45.7-28.2 34.7 34.6-55.4 29-25-35.4zm-65.1 6.6l31.9-22.1L176 135l-36.7 22.5-12.4-28.8zm-23.3 88.2l-8.8-34.8 29.6-18.3 13.1 35.3-33.9 17.8zm-21.2-83.7l23.9-18.1 8.9 24-26.7 18.3-6.1-24.2zM59 206.5l-3.6-28.4 22.3-15.5 6.1 28.7L59 206.5zm-30.6 16.6l20.8-12.8 3.3 33.4-22.9 12-1.2-32.6zM1.4 268l19.2-10.2.4 38.2-21 8.8L1.4 268zm59.1 59.3l-28.3 8.3-1.6-46.8 25.1-10.7 4.8 49.2zM99 263.2l-31.1 13-5.2-40.8L90.1 221l8.9 42.2zM123.2 377l-41.6 5.9-8.1-63.5 35.2-10.8 14.5 68.4zm28.5-139.9l21.2 57.1-46.2 13.6-13.7-54.1 38.7-16.6zm85.7 230.5l-70.9-3.3-24.3-95.8 55.2-8.6 40 107.7zm-84.9-279.7l42.2-22.4 28 45.9-50.8 21.3-19.4-44.8zm41 94.9l61.3-18.7 52.8 86.6-79.8 11.3-34.3-79.2zm51.4-85.6l67.3-28.8 65.5 65.4-88.6 26.2-44.2-62.8z\"] };\nvar faScribd = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'scribd', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f28a\", \"M42.3 252.7c-16.1-19-24.7-45.9-24.8-79.9 0-100.4 75.2-153.1 167.2-153.1 98.6-1.6 156.8 49 184.3 70.6l-50.5 72.1-37.3-24.6 26.9-38.6c-36.5-24-79.4-36.5-123-35.8-50.7-.8-111.7 27.2-111.7 76.2 0 18.7 11.2 20.7 28.6 15.6 23.3-5.3 41.9.6 55.8 14 26.4 24.3 23.2 67.6-.7 91.9-29.2 29.5-85.2 27.3-114.8-8.4zm317.7 5.9c-15.5-18.8-38.9-29.4-63.2-28.6-38.1-2-71.1 28-70.5 67.2-.7 16.8 6 33 18.4 44.3 14.1 13.9 33 19.7 56.3 14.4 17.4-5.1 28.6-3.1 28.6 15.6 0 4.3-.5 8.5-1.4 12.7-16.7 40.9-59.5 64.4-121.4 64.4-51.9.2-102.4-16.4-144.1-47.3l33.7-39.4-35.6-27.4L0 406.3l15.4 13.8c52.5 46.8 120.4 72.5 190.7 72.2 51.4 0 94.4-10.5 133.6-44.1 57.1-51.4 54.2-149.2 20.3-189.6z\"] };\nvar faSearchengin = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'searchengin', icon: [460, 512, [], \"f3eb\", \"M220.6 130.3l-67.2 28.2V43.2L98.7 233.5l54.7-24.2v130.3l67.2-209.3zm-83.2-96.7l-1.3 4.7-15.2 52.9C80.6 106.7 52 145.8 52 191.5c0 52.3 34.3 95.9 83.4 105.5v53.6C57.5 340.1 0 272.4 0 191.6c0-80.5 59.8-147.2 137.4-158zm311.4 447.2c-11.2 11.2-23.1 12.3-28.6 10.5-5.4-1.8-27.1-19.9-60.4-44.4-33.3-24.6-33.6-35.7-43-56.7-9.4-20.9-30.4-42.6-57.5-52.4l-9.7-14.7c-24.7 16.9-53 26.9-81.3 28.7l2.1-6.6 15.9-49.5c46.5-11.9 80.9-54 80.9-104.2 0-54.5-38.4-102.1-96-107.1V32.3C254.4 37.4 320 106.8 320 191.6c0 33.6-11.2 64.7-29 90.4l14.6 9.6c9.8 27.1 31.5 48 52.4 57.4s32.2 9.7 56.8 43c24.6 33.2 42.7 54.9 44.5 60.3s.7 17.3-10.5 28.5zm-9.9-17.9c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8s-8 3.6-8 8 3.6 8 8 8 8-3.6 8-8z\"] };\nvar faSellcast = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'sellcast', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f2da\", \"M353.4 32H94.7C42.6 32 0 74.6 0 126.6v258.7C0 437.4 42.6 480 94.7 480h258.7c52.1 0 94.7-42.6 94.7-94.6V126.6c0-52-42.6-94.6-94.7-94.6zm-50 316.4c-27.9 48.2-89.9 64.9-138.2 37.2-22.9 39.8-54.9 8.6-42.3-13.2l15.7-27.2c5.9-10.3 19.2-13.9 29.5-7.9 18.6 10.8-.1-.1 18.5 10.7 27.6 15.9 63.4 6.3 79.4-21.3 15.9-27.6 6.3-63.4-21.3-79.4-17.8-10.2-.6-.4-18.6-10.6-24.6-14.2-3.4-51.9 21.6-37.5 18.6 10.8-.1-.1 18.5 10.7 48.4 28 65.1 90.3 37.2 138.5zm21.8-208.8c-17 29.5-16.3 28.8-19 31.5-6.5 6.5-16.3 8.7-26.5 3.6-18.6- 21.3s-6.3 63.4 21.3 79.4c0 0 18.5 10.6 18.6 10.6 24.6 14.2 3.4 51.9-21.6 37.5-18.6- 27.9-48.2 89.9-64.9 138.2-37.2l4.8-8.4c14.3-24.9 52-3.3 37.7 21.5z\"] };\nvar faSellsy = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'sellsy', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f213\", \"M539.71 237.308c3.064-12.257 4.29-24.821 4.29-37.384C544 107.382 468.618 32 376.076 32c-77.22 0-144.634 53.012-163.02 127.781-15.322-13.176-34.934-20.53-55.157-20.53-46.271 0-83.962 37.69-83.962 83.961 0 7.354.92 15.015 3.065 22.369-42.9 20.225-70.785 63.738-70.785 111.234C6.216 424.843 61.68 480 129.401 480h381.198c67.72 0 123.184-55.157 123.184-123.184.001-56.384-38.916-106.025-94.073-119.508zM199.88 401.554c0 8.274-7.048 15.321-15.321 15.321H153.61c-8.274 0-15.321-7.048-15.321-15.321V290.626c0-8.273 7.048-15.321 15.321-15.321h30.949c8.274 0 15.321 7.048 15.321 15.321v110.928zm89.477 0c0 8.274-7.048 15.321-15.322 15.321h-30.949c-8.274 0-15.321-7.048-15.321-15.321V270.096c0-8.274 7.048-15.321 15.321-15.321h30.949c8.274 0 15.322 7.048 15.322 15.321v131.458zm89.477 0c0 8.274-7.047 15.321-15.321 15.321h-30.949c-8.274 0-15.322-7.048-15.322-15.321V238.84c0-8.274 7.048-15.321 15.322-15.321h30.949c8.274 0 15.321 7.048 15.321 15.321v162.714zm87.027 0c0 8.274-7.048 15.321-15.322 15.321h-28.497c-8.274 0-15.321-7.048-15.321-15.321V176.941c0-8.579 7.047-15.628 15.321-15.628h28.497c8.274 0 15.322 7.048 15.322 15.628v224.613z\"] };\nvar faServicestack = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'servicestack', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f3ec\", \"M88 216c81.7 10.2 273.7 102.3 304 232H0c99.5-8.1 184.5-137 88-232zm32-152c32.3 35.6 47.7 83.9 46.4 133.6C249.3 231.3 373.7 321.3 400 448h96C455.3 231.9 222.8 79.5 120 64z\"] };\nvar faShirtsinbulk = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'shirtsinbulk', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f214\", \"M395.208 221.583H406v33.542h-10.792v-33.542zm0-9.625H406v-33.542h-10.792v33.542zm0 86.333H406V264.75h-10.792v33.541zM358.75 135.25h-33.542v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm36.458 206.208H406v-33.542h-10.792v33.542zM311.5 135.25h-33.542v10.5H311.5v-10.5zm-47.25 0H231v10.5h33.25v-10.5zm-47.25 0h-33.25v10.5H217v-10.5zm178.208 33.542H406V135.25h-33.542v10.5h22.75v23.042zm-255.792 259l30.625 13.417 4.375-9.917-30.625-13.417-4.375 9.917zM179.083 445l30.334 13.708 4.374-9.916-30.333-13.417-4.375 9.625zm216.125-60.375H406v-33.542h-10.792v33.542zm-334.833 8.167L91 406.208l4.375-9.624-30.625-13.709-4.375 9.917zm39.666 17.499l30.625 13.417 4.375-9.917-30.625-13.416-4.375 9.916zm132.417 38.501l4.375 9.916L267.459 445l-4.375-9.625-30.626 13.417zm118.417-52.208l4.375 9.624 30.624-13.416-4.374-9.917-30.625 13.709zM311.5 413.791l4.375 9.917 30.625-13.417-4.374-9.916-30.626 13.416zm-39.667 17.501l4.375 9.917 30.625-13.417-4.375-9.917-30.625 13.417zM311.5 46.583h-33.542v10.5H311.5v-10.5zm94.209 0h-33.251v10.5h33.251v-10.5zm-188.709 0h-33.25v10.5H217v-10.5zm141.75 0h-33.542v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm-94.5 0H231v10.5h33.25v-10.5zM448 3.708v406l-226.334 98.584L0 409.708v-406h448zm-29.166 116.958H29.166V390.75l192.792 85.75 196.875-85.75V120.666zm0-87.791H29.166V91.5h389.667V32.875zM75.542 46.583H42.291v10.5h33.251v-10.5zm94.5 0H136.5v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm-47.251 0H89.25v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm7.584 236.542c0-50.167 41.125-91.292 91.292-91.292 50.458 0 91.292 41.125 91.292 91.292 0 50.458-40.833 91.292-91.292 91.292-50.167-.001-91.292-40.834-91.292-91.292zm120.75 18.084c0 13.125-23.917 14.291-32.666 14.291-12.25 0-29.75-2.625-35.875-14.875h-.875L172.666 319c14.876 9.333 29.167 12.25 47.25 12.25 19.542 0 51.042-5.833 51.042-31.209 0-48.125-78.458-16.333-78.458-37.916 0-13.125 20.708-14.875 29.75-14.875 10.791 0 29.166 3.208 35.583 13.124h.875l8.751-16.916c-15.167-6.125-27.417-11.959-44.334-11.959-20.125 0-49.583 6.417-49.583 31.792 0 44.334 77.583 11.959 77.583 37.918zM122.791 135.25H89.25v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm-69.999 10.5h22.75v-10.5H42v33.542h10.792V145.75zm0 32.666H42v33.542h10.792v-33.542zm117.25-43.166H136.5v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm-117.25 86.333H42v33.542h10.792v-33.542zm0 86.334H42v33.542h10.792v-33.542zm0-43.167H42v33.542h10.792V264.75zm0 86.333H42v33.542h10.792v-33.542z\"] };\nvar faShopware = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'shopware', icon: [495, 512, [], \"f5b5\", \"M395.5 455.27c-42.95 31.79-93.95 48.59-147.48 48.59-137.21 0-248.02-111-248.02-248 0-137.19 111.04-248 248.02-248 61.3 0 120.14 22.55 165.68 63.5 2.62 2.36.58 6.64-2.86 6.18-17.67-2.43-36.75-3.66-56.71-3.66-129.36 0-222.4 53.47-222.4 155.35 0 109.04 92.13 145.88 176.83 178.73 33.64 13.04 65.4 25.36 86.96 41.59 1.9 1.44 1.89 4.31-.02 5.72zm99.46-222.32c-.08-.94-.55-1.83-1.27-2.44-51.76-42.96-93.62-60.48-144.48-60.48-84.13 0-80.25 52.17-80.25 53.63 0 42.6 52.06 62.01 112.34 84.49 31.07 11.59 63.19 23.57 92.68 39.93 1.88 1.05 4.26.19 5.05-1.82 18.89-48.39 17.94-90.23 15.93-113.31z\"] };\nvar faSimplybuilt = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'simplybuilt', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f215\", \"M481.2 64h-106c-14.5 0-26.6 11.8-26.6 26.3v39.6H163.3V90.3c0-14.5-12-26.3-26.6-26.3h-106C16.1 64 4.3 75.8 4.3 90.3v331.4c0 14.5 11.8 26.3 26.6 26.3h450.4c14.8 0 26.6-11.8 26.6-26.3V90.3c-.2-14.5-12-26.3-26.7-26.3zM149.8 355.8c-36.6 0-66.4-29.7-66.4-66.4 0-36.9 29.7-66.6 66.4-66.6 36.9 0 66.6 29.7 66.6 66.6 0 36.7-29.7 66.4-66.6 66.4zm212.4 0c-36.9 0-66.6-29.7-66.6-66.6 0-36.6 29.7-66.4 66.6-66.4 36.6 0 66.4 29.7 66.4 66.4 0 36.9-29.8 66.6-66.4 66.6z\"] };\nvar faSistrix = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'sistrix', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3ee\", \"M448 449L301.2 300.2c20-27.9 31.9-62.2 31.9-99.2 0-93.1-74.7-168.9-166.5-168.9C74.7 32 0 107.8 0 200.9s74.7 168.9 166.5 168.9c39.8 0 76.3-14.2 105-37.9l146 148.1 30.5-31zM166.5 330.8c-70.6 0-128.1-58.3-128.1-129.9S95.9 71 166.5 71s128.1 58.3 128.1 129.9-57.4 129.9-128.1 129.9z\"] };\nvar faSith = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'sith', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f512\", \"M0 32l69.71 118.75-58.86-11.52 69.84 91.03a146.741 146.741 0 0 0 0 51.45l-69.84 91.03 58.86-11.52L0 480l118.75-69.71-11.52 58.86 91.03-69.84c17.02 3.04 34.47 3.04 51.48 0l91.03 69.84-11.52-58.86L448 480l-69.71-118.78 58.86 11.52-69.84-91.03c3.03-17.01 3.04-34.44 0-51.45l69.84-91.03-58.86 11.52L448 32l-118.75 69.71 11.52-58.9-91.06 69.87c-8.5-1.52-17.1-2.29-25.71-2.29s-17.21.78-25.71 2.29l-91.06-69.87 11.52 58.9L0 32zm224 99.78c31.8 0 63.6 12.12 87.85 36.37 48.5 48.5 48.49 127.21 0 175.7s-127.2 48.46-175.7-.03c-48.5-48.5-48.49-127.21 0-175.7 24.24-24.25 56.05-36.34 87.85-36.34zm0 36.66c-22.42 0-44.83 8.52-61.92 25.61-34.18 34.18-34.19 89.68 0 123.87s89.65 34.18 123.84 0c34.18-34.18 34.19-89.68 0-123.87-17.09-17.09-39.5-25.61-61.92-25.61z\"] };\nvar faSkyatlas = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'skyatlas', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f216\", \"M640 329.3c0 65.9-52.5 114.4-117.5 114.4-165.9 0-196.6-249.7-359.7-249.7-146.9 0-147.1 212.2 5.6 212.2 42.5 0 90.9-17.8 125.3-42.5 5.6-4.1 16.9-16.3 22.8-16.3s10.9 5 10.9 10.9c0 7.8-13.1 19.1-18.7 24.1-40.9 35.6-100.3 61.2-154.7 61.2-83.4.1-154-59-154-144.9s67.5-149.1 152.8-149.1c185.3 0 222.5 245.9 361.9 245.9 99.9 0 94.8-139.7 3.4-139.7-17.5 0-35 11.6-46.9 11.6-8.4 0-15.9-7.2-15.9-15.6 0-11.6 5.3-23.7 5.3-36.3 0-66.6-50.9-114.7-116.9-114.7-53.1 0-80 36.9-88.8 36.9-6.2 0-11.2-5-11.2-11.2 0-5.6 4.1-10.3 7.8-14.4 25.3-28.8 64.7-43.7 102.8-43.7 79.4 0 139.1 58.4 139.1 137.8 0 6.9-.3 13.7-1.2 20.6 11.9-3.1 24.1-4.7 35.9-4.7 60.7 0 111.9 45.3 111.9 107.2z\"] };\nvar faSkype = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'skype', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f17e\", \"M424.7 299.8c2.9-14 4.7-28.9 4.7-43.8 0-113.5-91.9-205.3-205.3-205.3-14.9 0-29.7 1.7-43.8 4.7C161.3 40.7 137.7 32 112 32 50.2 32 0 82.2 0 144c0 25.7 8.7 49.3 23.3 68.2-2.9 14-4.7 28.9-4.7 43.8 0 113.5 91.9 205.3 205.3 205.3 14.9 0 29.7-1.7 43.8-4.7 19 14.6 42.6 23.3 68.2 23.3 61.8 0 112-50.2 112-112 .1-25.6-8.6-49.2-23.2-68.1zm-194.6 91.5c-65.6 0-120.5-29.2-120.5-65 0-16 9-30.6 29.5-30.6 31.2 0 34.1 44.9 88.1 44.9 25.7 0 42.3-11.4 42.3-26.3 0-18.7-16-21.6-42-28-62.5-15.4-117.8-22-117.8-87.2 0-59.2 58.6-81.1 109.1-81.1 55.1 0 110.8 21.9 110.8 55.4 0 16.9-11.4 31.8-30.3 31.8-28.3 0-29.2-33.5-75-33.5-25.7 0-42 7-42 22.5 0 19.8 20.8 21.8 69.1 33 41.4 9.3 90.7 26.8 90.7 77.6 0 59.1-57.1 86.5-112 86.5z\"] };\nvar faSlack = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'slack', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f198\", \"M244.2 217.5l19.3 57.7-59.8 20-19.3-57.7 59.8-20zm41.4 243.7C131.6 507.4 65 471.6 18.8 317.6S8.4 97 162.4 50.8C316.4 4.6 383 40.4 429.2 194.4c46.2 154 10.4 220.6-143.6 266.8zM366.2 265c-3.9-12.2-17.2-18.6-29.4-14.7l-29 9.7-19.3-57.7 29-9.7c12.2-3.9 18.6-17.2 14.7-29.4-3.9-12.2-17.2-18.6-29.4-14.7l-29 9.7-10-30.1c-3.9-12.2-17.2-18.6-29.4-14.7-12.2 3.9-18.6 17.2-14.7 29.4l10 30.1-59.8 20.1-10-30.1c-3.9-12.2-17.2-18.6-29.4-14.7-12.2 3.9-18.6 17.2-14.7 29.4l10 30.1-29 9.7c-12.2 3.9-18.6 17.2-14.7 29.4 3.2 9.3 12.2 15.4 21.5 15.8 4.3.6 7.7-1 36.9-10.7l19.3 57.7-29 9.7c-12.2 3.9-18.6 17.2-14.7 29.4 3.2 9.3 12.2 15.4 21.5 15.8 4.3.6 7.7-1 36.9-10.7l10 30.1c3.7 10.8 15.8 18.6 29.4 14.7 12.2-3.9 18.6-17.2 14.7-29.4l-10-30.1 59.8-20.1 10 30.1c3.7 10.8 15.8 18.6 29.4 14.7 12.2-3.9 18.6-17.2 14.7-29.4l-10-30.1 29-9.7c12.2-4.2 18.6-17.5 14.7-29.6z\"] };\nvar faSlackHash = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'slack-hash', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3ef\", \"M446.2 270.4c-6.2-19-26.9-29.1-46-22.9l-45.4 15.1-30.3-90 45.4-15.1c19.1-6.2 29.1-26.8 23-45.9-6.2-19-26.9-29.1-46-22.9l-45.4 15.1-15.7-47c-6.2-19-26.9-29.1-46-22.9-19.1 6.2-29.1 26.8-23 45.9l15.7 47-93.4 31.2-15.7-47c-6.2-19-26.9-29.1-46-22.9-19.1 6.2-29.1 26.8-23 45.9l15.7 47-45.3 15c-19.1 6.2-29.1 26.8-23 45.9 5 14.5 19.1 24 33.6 24.6 6.8 1 12-1.6 57.7-16.8l30.3 90L78 354.8c-19 6.2-29.1 26.9-23 45.9 5 14.5 19.1 24 33.6 24.6 6.8 1 12-1.6 57.7-16.8l15.7 47c5.9 16.9 24.7 29 46 22.9 19.1-6.2 29.1-26.8 23-45.9l-15.7-47 93.6-31.3 15.7 47c5.9 16.9 24.7 29 46 22.9 19.1-6.2 29.1-26.8 23-45.9l-15.7-47 45.4-15.1c19-6 29.1-26.7 22.9-45.7zm-254.1 47.2l-30.3-90.2 93.5-31.3 30.3 90.2-93.5 31.3z\"] };\nvar faSlideshare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'slideshare', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f1e7\", \"M249.429 211.436c0 31.716-27.715 57.717-61.717 57.717-34.001 0-61.716-26.001-61.716-57.717 0-32.001 27.715-57.716 61.716-57.716 34.001 0 61.717 25.715 61.717 57.716zm254.294 50.002c-18.286 22.573-53.144 50.288-106.289 72.003C453.722 525.163 260 555.735 263.143 457.446c0 1.714-.286-52.859-.286-93.432-4.285-.858-8.571-2-13.714-3.143 0 40.858-.286 98.289-.286 96.575C252 555.735 58.278 525.163 114.566 333.441c-53.145-21.715-88.003-49.43-106.29-72.003-9.143-13.714.858-28.287 16.001-17.715 2 1.428 4.285 2.857 6.285 4.285V49.716C30.563 22.287 51.135 0 76.565 0h359.157c25.429 0 46.002 22.287 46.002 49.716v198.293l6-4.285c15.143-10.573 25.143 4 15.999 17.714zm-46.572-189.15c0-32.858-10.572-45.716-40.859-45.716H98.566c-31.716 0-40.573 10.858-40.573 45.716v192.293c67.717 35.43 125.72 29.144 157.435 28.001 13.429-.286 22.001 2.286 27.144 7.715 1.689 1.687 10.023 9.446 20.287 17.143 1.143-15.715 10.001-25.715 33.716-24.858 32.287 1.428 91.718 7.715 160.577-29.716V72.288zM331.146 153.72c-34.002 0-61.716 25.715-61.716 57.716 0 31.716 27.715 57.717 61.716 57.717 34.287 0 61.716-26.001 61.716-57.717 0-32.001-27.429-57.716-61.716-57.716z\"] };\nvar faSnapchat = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'snapchat', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f2ab\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm169.5 338.9c-3.5 8.1-18.1 14-44.8 18.2-1.4 1.9-2.5 9.8-4.3 15.9-1.1 3.7-3.7 5.9-8.1 5.9h-.2c-6.2 0-12.8-2.9-25.8-2.9-17.6 0-23.7 4-37.4 13.7-14.5 10.3-28.4 19.1-49.2 18.2-21 1.6-38.6-11.2-48.5-18.2-13.8-9.7-19.8-13.7-37.4-13.7-12.5 0-20.4 3.1-25.8 3.1-5.4 0-7.5-3.3-8.3-6-1.8-6.1-2.9-14.1-4.3-16-13.8-2.1-44.8-7.5-45.5-21.4-.2-3.6 2.3-6.8 5.9-7.4 46.3-7.6 67.1-55.1 68-57.1 0-.1.1-.2.2-.3 2.5-5 3-9.2 1.6-12.5-3.4-7.9-17.9-10.7-24-13.2-15.8-6.2-18-13.4-17-18.3 1.6-8.5 14.4-13.8 21.9-10.3 5.9 2.8 11.2 4.2 15.7 4.2 3.3 0 5.5-.8 6.6-1.4-1.4-23.9-4.7-58 3.8-77.1C183.1 100 230.7 96 244.7 96c.6 0 6.1-.1 6.7-.1 34.7 0 68 17.8 84.3 54.3 8.5 19.1 5.2 53.1 3.8 77.1 1.1.6 2.9 1.3 5.7 1.4 4.3-.2 9.2-1.6 14.7-4.2 4-1.9 9.6-1.6 13.6 0 6.3 2.3 10.3 6.8 10.4 11.9.1 6.5-5.7 12.1-17.2 16.6-1.4.6-3.1 1.1-4.9 1.7-6.5 2.1-16.4 5.2-19 11.5-1.4 3.3-.8 7.5 1.6 2 21.7 49.5 68 57.1 4 1 7.1 5.5 4.9 10.8z\"] };\nvar faSnapchatGhost = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'snapchat-ghost', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f2ac\", \"M510.846 392.673c-5.211 12.157-27.239 21.089-67.36 27.318-2.064 2.786-3.775 14.686-6.507 23.956-1.625 5.566-5.623 8.869-12.128 8.869l-.297-.005c-9.395 0-19.203-4.323-38.852-4.323-26.521 0-35.662 6.043-56.254 20.588-21.832 15.438-42.771 28.764-74.027 27.399-31.646 2.334-58.025-16.908-72.871-27.404-20.714-14.643-29.828-20.582-56.241-20.582-18.864 0-30.736 4.72-38.852 4.72-8.073 0-11.213-4.922-12.422-9.04-2.703-9.189-4.404-21.263-6.523-24.13-20.679-3.209-67.31-11.344-68.498-32.15a10.627 10.627 0 0 1 8.877-11.069c69.583-11.455 100.924-82.901 102.227-85.934.074-.176.155-.344.237-.515 3.713-7.537 4.544-13.849 2.463-18.753-5.05-11.896-26.872-16.164-36.053-19.796-23.715-9.366-27.015-20.128-25.612-27.504 2.437-12.836 21.725-20.735 33.002-15.453 8.919 4.181 16.843 6.297 23.547 6.297 5.022 0 8.212-1.204 9.96-2.171-2.043-35.936-7.101-87.29 5.687-115.969C158.122 21.304 229.705 15.42 250.826 15.42c.944 0 9.141-.089 10.11-.089 52.148 0 102.254 26.78 126.723 81.643 12.777 28.65 7.749 79.792 5.695 116.009 1.582.872 4.357 1.942 8.599 2.139 6.397-.286 13.815-2.389 22.069-6.257 6.085-2.846 14.406-2.461 20.48.058l.029.01c9.476 3.385 15.439 10.215 15.589 17.87.184 9.747-8.522 18.165-25.878 25.018-2.118.835-4.694 1.655-7.434 2.525-9.797 3.106-24.6 7.805-28.616 17.271-2.079 4.904-1.256 11.211 2.46 18.748. 1.301 3.03 32.615 74.46 102.23 85.934 6.427 1.058 11.163 7.877 7.725 15.859z\"] };\nvar faSnapchatSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'snapchat-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f2ad\", \"M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-6.5 314.9c-3.5 8.1-18.1 14-44.8 18.2-1.4 1.9-2.5 9.8-4.3 15.9-1.1 3.7-3.7 5.9-8.1 5.9h-.2c-6.2 0-12.8-2.9-25.8-2.9-17.6 0-23.7 4-37.4 13.7-14.5 10.3-28.4 19.1-49.2 18.2-21 1.6-38.6-11.2-48.5-18.2-13.8-9.7-19.8-13.7-37.4-13.7-12.5 0-20.4 3.1-25.8 3.1-5.4 0-7.5-3.3-8.3-6-1.8-6.1-2.9-14.1-4.3-16-13.8-2.1-44.8-7.5-45.5-21.4-.2-3.6 2.3-6.8 5.9-7.4 46.3-7.6 67.1-55.1 68-57.1 0-.1.1-.2.2-.3 2.5-5 3-9.2 1.6-12.5-3.4-7.9-17.9-10.7-24-13.2-15.8-6.2-18-13.4-17-18.3 1.6-8.5 14.4-13.8 21.9-10.3 5.9 2.8 11.2 4.2 15.7 4.2 3.3 0 5.5-.8 6.6-1.4-1.4-23.9-4.7-58 3.8-77.1C159.1 100 206.7 96 220.7 96c.6 0 6.1-.1 6.7-.1 34.7 0 68 17.8 84.3 54.3 8.5 19.1 5.2 53.1 3.8 77.1 1.1.6 2.9 1.3 5.7 1.4 4.3-.2 9.2-1.6 14.7-4.2 4-1.9 9.6-1.6 13.6 0 6.3 2.3 10.3 6.8 10.4 11.9.1 6.5-5.7 12.1-17.2 16.6-1.4.6-3.1 1.1-4.9 1.7-6.5 2.1-16.4 5.2-19 11.5-1.4 3.3-.8 7.5 1.6 2 21.7 49.5 68 57.1 4 1 7.1 5.5 4.9 10.8z\"] };\nvar faSoundcloud = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'soundcloud', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f1be\", \"M111.4 256.3l5.8 65-5.8 68.3c-.3 2.5-2.2 4.4-4.4 4.4s-4.2-1.9-4.2-4.4l-5.6-68.3 5.6-65c0-2.2 1.9-4.2 4.2-4.2 2.2 0 4.1 2 4.4 4.2zm21.4-45.6c-2.8 0-4.7 2.2-5 5l-5 105.6 5 68.3c.3 2.8 2.2 5 5 5 2.5 0 4.7-2.2 4.7-5l5.8-68.3-5.8-105.6c0-2.8-2.2-5-4.7-5zm25.5-24.1c-3.1 0-5.3 2.2-5.6 5.3l-4.4 130 4.4 67.8c.3 3.1 2.5 5.3 5.6 5.3 2.8 0 5.3-2.2 5.3-5.3l5.3-67.8-5.3-130c0-3.1-2.5-5.3-5.3-5.3zM7.2 283.2c-1.4 0-2.2 1.1-2.5 2.5L0 321.3l4.7 35c.3 1.4 1.1 2.5 2.5 2.5s2.2-1.1 2.5-2.5l5.6-35-5.6-35.6c-.3-1.4-1.1-2.5-2.5-2.5zm23.6-21.9c-1.4 0-2.5 1.1-2.5 2.5l-6.4 57.5 6.4 56.1c0 1.7 1.1 2.8 2.5 2.8s2.5-1.1 2.8-2.5l7.2-56.4-7.2-57.5c-.3-1.4-1.4-2.5-2.8-2.5zm25.3-11.4c-1.7 0-3.1 1.4-3.3 3.3L47 321.3l5.8 65.8c.3 1.7 1.7 3.1 3.3 3.1 1.7 0 3.1-1.4 3.1-3.1l6.9-65.8-6.9-68.1c0-1.9-1.4-3.3-3.1-3.3zm25.3-2.2c-1.9 0-3.6 1.4-3.6 3.6l-5.8 70 5.8 67.8c0 2.2 1.7 3.6 3.6 3.6s3.6-1.4 3.9-3.6l6.4-67.8-6.4-70c-.3-2.2-2-3.6-3.9-3.6zm241.4-110.9c-1.1-.8-2.8-1.4-4.2-1.4-2.2 0-4.2.8-5.6 1.9-1.9 1.7-3.1 4.2-3.3 6.7v.8l-3.3 176.7 1.7 32.5 1.7 31.7c.3 4.7 4.2 8.6 8.9 8.6s8.6-3.9 8.6-8.6l3.9-64.2-3.9-177.5c-.4-3-2-5.8-4.5-7.2zm-26.7 15.3c-1.4-.8-2.8-1.4-4.4-1.4s-3.1.6-4.4 1.4c-2.2 1.4-3.6 3.9-3.6 6.7l-.3 1.7-2.8 160.8s0 .3 3.1 65.6v.3c0 1.7.6 3.3 1.7 4.7 1.7 1.9 3.9 3.1 6.4 3.1 2.2 0 4.2-1.1 5.6-2.5 1.7-1.4 2.5-3.3 2.5-5.6l.3-6.7 3.1-58.6-3.3-162.8c-.3-2.8-1.7-5.3-3.9-6.7zm-111.4 22.5c-3.1 0-5.8 2.8-5.8 6.1l-4.4 140.6 4.4 67.2c.3 3.3 2.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 3.3 0 5.8-2.5 6.1-5.8l5-67.2-5-140.6c-.2-3.3-2.7-6.1-6.1-6.1zm376.7 62.8c-10.8 0-21.1 2.2-30.6 6.1-6.4-70.8-65.8-126.4-138.3-126.4-17.8 0-35 3.3-50.3 9.4-6.1 2.2-7.8 4.4-7.8 9.2v249.7c0 5 3.9 8.6 8.6 9.2h218.3c43.3 0 78.6-35 78.6-78.3.1-43.6-35.2-78.9-78.5-78.9zm-296.7-60.3c-4.2 0-7.5 3.3-7.8 7.8l-3.3 136.7 3.3 65.6c.3 4.2 3.6 7.5 7.8 7.5 4.2 0 7.5-3.3 7.5-7.5l3.9-65.6-3.9-136.7c-.3-4.5-3.3-7.8-7.5-7.8zm-53.6-7.8c-3.3 0-6.4 3.1-6.4 6.7l-3.9 145.3 3.9 66.9c.3 3.6 3.1 6.4 6.4 6.4 3.6 0 6.4-2.8 6.7-6.4l4.4-66.9-4.4-145.3c-.3-3.6-3.1-6.7-6.7-6.7zm26.7 3.4c-3.9 0-6.9 3.1-6.9 6.9L227 321.3l3.9 66.4c.3 3.9 3.1 6.9 6.9 6.9s6.9-3.1 6.9-6.9l4.2-66.4-4.2-141.7c0-3.9-3-6.9-6.9-6.9z\"] };\nvar faSpeakap = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'speakap', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3f3\", \"M352 32H96C43.2 32 0 75.2 0 128v256c0 52.8 43.2 96 96 96h256c52.8 0 96-43.2 96-96V128c0-52.8-43.2-96-96-96zM221 382.9c-39.6 0-81.9-17.8-81.9-53.7V302H179v17.8c0 15.1 19.5 24.5 41.9 24.5 24.2 0 41.3-10.4 41.3-29.5 0-23.8-27.2-31.9-54.7-42.6-31.9-12.4-63.1-26.2-63.1-69.1 0-48 38.6-66.4 79.9-66.4 37.6 0 75.5 14.1 75.5 41.9v31.2h-39.9v-16.1c0-12.1-17.8-18.5-35.6-18.5-19.5 0-35.6 8.1-35.6 26.2 0 22.1 22.5 29.2 47 38.9 35.9 12.4 71.1 27.2 71.1 71.5.1 48.6-40.8 71.1-85.8 71.1z\"] };\nvar faSpotify = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'spotify', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f1bc\", \"M248 8C111.1 8 0 119.1 0 256s111.1 248 248 248 248-111.1 248-248S384.9 8 248 8zm100.7 364.9c-4.2 0-6.8-1.3-10.7-3.6-62.4-37.6-135-39.2-206.7-24.5-3.9 1-9 2.6-11.9 2.6-9.7 0-15.8-7.7-15.8-15.8 0-10.3 6.1-15.2 13.6-16.8 81.9-18.1 165.6-16.5 237 26.2 6.1 3.9 9.7 7.4 9.7 16.5s-7.1 15.4-15.2 15.4zm26.9-65.6c-5.2 0-8.7-2.3-12.3-4.2-62.5-37-155.7-51.9-238.6-29.4-4.8 1.3-7.4 2.6-11.9 2.6-10.7 0-19.4-8.7-19.4-19.4s5.2-17.8 15.5-20.7c27.8-7.8 56.2-13.6 97.8-13.6 64.9 0 127.6 16.1 177 45.5 8.1 4.8 11.3 11 11.3 19.7-.1 10.8-8.5 19.5-19.4 19.5zm31-76.2c-5.2 0-8.4-1.3-12.9-3.9-71.2-42.5-198.5-52.7-280.9-29.7-3.6 1-8.1 2.6-12.9 2.6-13.2 0-23.3-10.3-23.3-23.6 0-13.6 8.4-21.3 17.4-23.9 35.2-10.3 74.6-15.2 117.5-15.2 73 0 149.5 15.2 205.4 47.8 7.8 4.5 12.9 10.7 12.9 22.6 0 13.6-11 23.3-23.2 23.3z\"] };\nvar faSquarespace = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'squarespace', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f5be\", \"M186.12 343.34c-9.65 9.65-9.65 25.29 0 34.94 9.65 9.65 25.29 9.65 34.94 0L378.24 221.1c19.29-19.29 50.57-19.29 69.86 0s19.29 50.57 0 69.86L293.95 445.1c19.27 19.29 50.53 19.31 69.82.04l.04-.04 119.25-119.24c38.59-38.59 38.59-101.14 0-139.72-38.59-38.59-101.15-38.59-139.72 0l-157.22 157.2zm244.53-104.8c-9.65-9.65-25.29-9.65-34.93 0l-157.2 157.18c-19.27 19.29-50.53 19.31-69.82.05l-.05-.05c-9.64-9.64-25.27-9.65-34.92-.01l-.01.01c-9.65 9.64-9.66 25.28-.02 34.93l.02.02c38.58 38.57 101.14 38.57 139.72 0l157.2-157.2c9.65-9.65 9.65-25.29.01-34.93zm-261.99 87.33l157.18-157.18c9.64-9.65 9.64-25.29 0-34.94-9.64-9.64-25.27-9.64-34.91 0L133.72 290.93c-19.28 19.29-50.56 19.3-69.85.01l-.01-.01c-19.29-19.28-19.31-50.54-.03-69.84l.03-.03L218.03 66.89c-19.28-19.29-50.55-19.3-69.85-.02l-.02.02L28.93 186.14c-38.58 38.59-38.58 101.14 0 139.72 38.6 38.59 101.13 38.59 139.73.01zm-87.33-52.4c9.64 9.64 25.27 9.64 34.91 0l157.21-157.19c19.28-19.29 50.55-19.3 69.84-.02l.02.02c9.65 9.65 25.29 9.65 34.93 0 9.65-9.65 9.65-25.29 0-34.93-38.59-38.59-101.13-38.59-139.72 0L81.33 238.54c-9.65 9.64-9.65 25.28-.01 34.93h.01z\"] };\nvar faStackExchange = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'stack-exchange', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f18d\", \"M17.7 332.3h412.7v22c0 37.7-29.3 68-65.3 68h-19L259.3 512v-89.7H83c-36 0-65.3-30.3-65.3-68v-22zm0-23.6h412.7v-85H17.7v85zm0-109.4h412.7v-85H17.7v85zM365 0H83C47 0 17.7 30.3 17.7 67.7V90h412.7V67.7C430.3 30.3 401 0 365 0z\"] };\nvar faStackOverflow = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'stack-overflow', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f16c\", \"M293.7 300l-181.2-84.5 16.7-36.5 181.3 84.7-16.8 36.3zm48-76L188.2 95.7l-25.5 30.8 153.5 128.3 25.5-30.8zm39.6-31.7L262 32l-32 24 119.3 160.3 32-24zM290.7 311L95 269.7 86.8 309l195.7 41 8.2-39zm31.6 129H42.7V320h-40v160h359.5V320h-40v120zm-39.8-80h-200v39.7h200V360z\"] };\nvar faStaylinked = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'staylinked', icon: [440, 512, [], \"f3f5\", \"M201.6 127.4c4.1-3.2 10.3-3 13.8.5l170 167.3-2.7-2.7 44.3 41.3c3.7 3.5 3.3 9-.7 12.2l-198 163.9c-9.9 7.6-17.3.8-17.3.8L2.3 314.6c-3.5-3.5-3-9 1.2-12.2l45.8-34.9c4.2-3.2 10.4-3 13.9.5l151.9 147.5c3.7 3.5 10 3.7 14.2.4l93.2-74c4.1-3.2 4.5-8.7.9-12.2l-84-81.3c-3.6-3.5-9.9-3.7-14-.5l-.1.1c-4.1 3.2-10.4 3-14-.5l-68.1-64.3c-3.5-3.5-3.1-9 1.1-12.2l57.3-43.6m14.8 257.3c3.7 3.5 10.1 3.7 14.3.4l50.2-38.8-.3-.3 7.7-6c4.2-3.2 4.6-8.7.9-12.2l-57.1-54.4c-3.6-3.5-10-3.7-14.2-.5l-.1.1c-4.2 3.2-10.5 3.1-14.2-.4L109 180.8c-3.6-3.5-3.1-8.9 1.1-12.2l92.2-71.5c4.1-3.2 10.3-3 13.9.5l160.4 159c3.7 3.5 10 3.7 14.1.5l45.8-35.8c4.1-3.2 4.4-8.7.7-12.2L226.7 2.5c-1.5-1.2-8-5.5-16.3 1.1L3.6 165.7c-4.2 3.2-4.8 8.7-1.2 12.2l42.3 41.7\"] };\nvar faSteam = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'steam', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f1b6\", \"M496 256c0 137-111.2 248-248.4 248-113.8 0-209.6-76.3-239-180.4l95.2 39.3c6.4 32.1 34.9 56.4 68.9 56.4 39.2 0 71.9-32.4 70.2-73.5l84.5-60.2c52.1 1.3 95.8-40.9 95.8-93.5 0-51.6-42-93.5-93.7-93.5s-93.7 42-93.7 93.5v1.2L176.6 279c-15.5-.9-30.7 3.4-43.5 12.1L0 236.1C10.2 108.4 117.1 8 247.6 8 384.8 8 496 119 496 256zM155.7 384.3l-30.5-12.6a52.79 52.79 0 0 0 27.2 25.8c26.9 11.2 57.8-1.6 69-28.4 5.4-13 5.5-27.3.1-40.3-5.4-13-15.5-23.2-28.5-28.6-12.9-5.4-26.7-5.2-38.9-.6l31.5 13c19.8 8.2 29.2 30.9 20.9 50.7-8.3 19.9-31 29.2-50.8 21zm173.8-129.9c-34.4 0-62.4-28-62.4-62.3s28-62.3 62.4-62.3 62.4 28 62.4 62.3-27.9 62.3-62.4 62.3zm.1-15.6c25.9 0 46.9-21 46.9-46.8 0-25.9-21-46.8-46.9-46.8s-46.9 21-46.9 46.8c.1 25.8 21.1 46.8 46.9 46.8z\"] };\nvar faSteamSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'steam-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f1b7\", \"M185.2 356.5c7.7-18.5-1-39.7-19.6-47.4l-29.5-12.2c11.4-4.3 24.3-4.5 36.4.5 12.2 5.1 21.6 14.6 26.7 26.7 5 12.2 5 25.6-.1 37.7-10.5 25.1-39.4 37-64.6 26.5-11.6-4.8-20.4-13.6-25.4-24.2l28.5 11.8c18.6 7.8 39.9-.9 47.6-19.4zM400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v160.7l116.6 48.1c12-8.2 26.2-12.1 40.7-11.3l55.4-80.2v-1.1c0-48.2 39.3-87.5 87.6-87.5s87.6 39.3 87.6 87.5c0 49.2-40.9 88.7-89.6 87.5l-79 56.3c1.6 38.5-29.1 68.8-65.7 68.8-31.8 0-58.5-22.7-64.5-52.7L0 319.2V432c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-99.7 222.5c-32.2 0-58.4-26.1-58.4-58.3s26.2-58.3 58.4-58.3 58.4 26.2 58.4 58.3-26.2 58.3-58.4 58.3zm.1-14.6c24.2 0 43.9-19.6 43.9-43.8 0-24.2-19.6-43.8-43.9-43.8-24.2 0-43.9 19.6-43.9 43.8 0 24.2 19.7 43.8 43.9 43.8z\"] };\nvar faSteamSymbol = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'steam-symbol', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3f6\", \"M395.5 177.5c0 33.8-27.5 61-61 61-33.8 0-61-27.3-61-61s27.3-61 61-61c33.5 0 61 27.2 61 61zm52.5.2c0 63-51 113.8-113.7 113.8L225 371.3c-4 43-40.5 76.8-84.5 76.8-40.5 0-74.7-28.8-83-67L0 358V250.7L97.2 290c15.1-9.2 32.2-13.3 52-11.5l71-101.7c.5-62.3 51.5-112.8 114-112.8C397 64 448 115 448 177.7zM203 363c0-34.7-27.8-62.5-62.5-62.5-4.5 0-9 .5-13.5 1.5l26 10.5c25.5 10.2 38 39 27.7 64.5-10.2 25.5-39.2 38-64.7 27.5-10.2-4-20.5-8.3-30.7-12.2 10.5 19.7 31.2 33.2 55.2 33.2 34.7 0 62.5-27.8 62.5-62.5zm207.5-185.3c0-42-34.3-76.2-76.2-76.2-42.3 0-76.5 34.2-76.5 76.2 0 42.2 34.3 76.2 76.5 76.2 41.9.1 76.2-33.9 76.2-76.2z\"] };\nvar faStickerMule = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'sticker-mule', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f3f7\", \"M353.1 509.8c-5.9 2.9-32.1 3.2-36.5-.5-4.1-3-2.2-11.9-1.5-15 2.2-15-2.5-7.9-9.8-11.5-3.1-1.5-4.1-5.5-4.6-10-.5-1.5-1-2.5-1.5-3.5-1.7-10.7 6.8-33.6 8.2-43.4 4.9-23.7-.7-37.2 1.5-46.9 3.7-16.2 4.1-3.5 4.1-29.9-1.4-25.9 3.3-36.9.5-38.9-14.8 0-64.3 10.7-112.2 2-46.1-8.9-59.4-29-65.4-30.9-10.3-4.5-23.2.5-27.3 7-.1.1-35 70.6-39.6 87.8-6.2 20.5-.5 47.4 4.1 66.8 0 .1 4.5 14.6 10.3 19.5 2.1 1.5 5.1 2.5 7.2 4.5 2.8 2.7 9.4 15.2 9.8 16 2.6 4.5 3.6 8-1.5 10.5-3.6 2-9.3 2.5-14.4 2.5-2.6.5-1.5 3.5-3.1 5-2.9 2.8-20.7 6.1-29.9 2.5-2.6-1-5.7-3-6.2-5-1.5-4 2.1-9-1-12.5-4.5-2.9-13.1-2-17-12-2.2-5.4-2.6-7.6-2.6-49.4 0-9.7-5.9-38.7-8.2-46.9-1.5-5.5-1.5-11.5 0-16 .3-.9 4.1-4.6 4.1-13-1-1.5-4.6-.5-5.1-1.5-10.4-80.6-5.9-79-7.7-98.3-1.5-16-10.9-43.9-6.7-64.3.5-2.4 3.4-21 24.2-38.9 31-26.7 48.4-38.3 159-11.5 1.1.4 66.3 21.1 110.7-9 15.5-11.3 28.8-11.3 35.5-16 .1-.1 61.7-52.1 87-65.3 47.2-29.4 69.9-16.7 75.1-18 4.7-1 13.4-25.8 17-25.8 5.5 0 1.6 20.2 3.6 25.9.5 2 3.6 5 6.2 5 2.3 0 1.7-.8 10.3-5 8.4-5.4 14.9-17.6 20.6-17 11.7 1.6-19 41.6-19 46.9 0 2 .2.8 4.6 9.5 2.6 5.5 4.6 13.5 6.2 20 8.3 29.7 5.7 14.6 13.4 36.9 20.2 50.1 20.6 45.2 20.6 52.9 0 7.5-4.1 11-7.2 16.5-1.5 3-4.6 7.5-7.2 8-2.7.7 7-1.5-13.4 2.5-7.2 1-13.4-4.5-14.9-9.5-1.6-4.7 2.8-10.1-11.8-22.9-10.3-10-21.1-11.3-31.9-17-9.8-5.7-11.9 1-18 8-18 22.9-34 46.9-52 69.8-11.8 15-24.2 30.4-33.5 47.4-3.9 6.8-9.5 28.1-10.3 29.9-6.2 17.7-5.5 25.8-16.5 68.3-3.1 10-5.7 21.4-8.7 32.4-2.2 6.8-7.4 49.3-.5 59.4 2.1 3.5 8.7 4.5 11.3 8 .1.1 9.6 18.2 9.3 20 0 6.1-9.4 5.6-11.3 6.5-4.8 2.9-3.8 5.9-6.4 7.4\"] };\nvar faStrava = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'strava', icon: [369, 512, [], \"f428\", \"M301.6 292l-43.9 88.2-44.6-88.2h-67.6l112.2 220 111.5-220h-67.6zM151.4 0L0 292h89.2l62.2-116.1L213.1 292h88.5L151.4 0z\"] };\nvar faStripe = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'stripe', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f429\", \"M640 261.6c0-45.5-22-81.4-64.2-81.4s-67.9 35.9-67.9 81.1c0 53.5 30.3 78.2 73.5 78.2 21.2 0 37.1-4.8 49.2-11.5v-33.4c-12.1 6.1-26 9.8-43.6 9.8-17.3 0-32.5-6.1-34.5-26.9h86.9c.2-2.3.6-11.6.6-15.9m-87.9-16.8c0-20 12.3-28.4 23.4-28.4 10.9 0 22.5 8.4 22.5 28.4h-45.9zm-112.9-64.6c-17.4 0-28.6 8.2-34.8 13.9l-2.3-11H363v204.8l44.4-9.4.1-50.2c6.4 4.7 15.9 11.2 31.4 11.2 31.8 0 60.8-23.2 60.8-79.6.1-51.6-29.3-79.7-60.5-79.7m-10.6 122.5c-10.4 0-16.6-3.8-20.9-8.4l-.3-66c4.6-5.1 11-8.8 21.2-8.8 16.2 0 27.4 18.2 27.4 41.4.1 23.9-10.9 41.8-27.4 41.8M346.4 124v36.2l-44.6 9.5v-36.2l44.6-9.5m-44.5 59.2h44.6v153.2h-44.6V183.2zm-47.8 13.1c10.4-19.1 31.1-15.2 37.1-13.1V224c-5.7-1.8-23.4-4.5-33.9 9.3v103.1H213V183.2h38.4l2.7 13.1m-89-13.1h33.7V221h-33.7v63.2c0 26.2 28 18 33.7 15.7v33.8c-5.9 3.2-16.6 5.9-31.2 5.9-26.3 0-46.1-17-46.1-43.3l.2-142.4 43.3-9.2.1 38.5zM44.9 228.3c0 20 67.9 10.5 67.9 63.4 0 32-25.4 47.8-62.3 47.8-15.3 0-32-3-48.5-10.1v-40c14.9 8.1 33.9 14.2 48.6 14.2 9.9 0 17-2.7 17-10.9 0-21.2-67.5-13.2-67.5-62.4 0-31.4 24-50.2 60-50.2 14.7 0 29.4 2.3 44.1 8.1V230c-13.5-7.3-30.7-11.4-44.2-11.4-9.3.1-15.1 2.8-15.1 9.7\"] };\nvar faStripeS = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'stripe-s', icon: [362, 512, [], \"f42a\", \"M144.3 154.6c0-22.3 18.6-30.9 48.4-30.9 43.4 0 98.5 13.3 141.9 36.7V26.1C287.3 7.2 240.1 0 192.8 0 77.1 0 0 60.4 0 161.4c0 157.9 216.8 132.3 216.8 200.4 0 26.4-22.9 34.9-54.7 34.9-47.2 0-108.2-19.5-156.1-45.5v128.5c53 22.8 106.8 32.4 156 32.4 118.6 0 200.3-51 200.3-153.6 0-170.2-218-139.7-218-203.9\"] };\nvar faStudiovinari = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'studiovinari', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f3f8\", \"M480.3 187.7l4.2 28v28l-25.1 44.1-39.8 78.4-56.1 67.5-79.1 37.8-17.7 24.5-7.7 12-9.6 4s17.3-63.6 19.4-63.6c2.1 0 20.3.7 20.3.7l66.7-38.6-92.5 26.1-55.9 36.8-22.8 28-6.6 1.4 20.8-73.6 6.9-5.5 20.7 12.9 88.3-45.2 56.8-51.5 14.8-68.4-125.4 23.3 15.2-18.2-173.4-53.3 81.9-10.5-166-122.9L133.5 108 32.2 0l252.9 126.6-31.5-38L378 163 234.7 64l18.7 38.4-49.6-18.1L158.3 0l194.6 122L310 66.2l108 96.4 12-8.9-21-16.4 4.2-37.8L451 89.1l29.2 24.7 11.5 4.2-7 6.2 8.5 12-13.1 7.4-10.3 20.2 10.5 23.9z\"] };\nvar faStumbleupon = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'stumbleupon', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f1a4\", \"M502.9 266v69.7c0 62.1-50.3 112.4-112.4 112.4-61.8 0-112.4-49.8-112.4-111.3v-70.2l34.3 16 51.1-15.2V338c0 14.7 12 26.5 26.7 26.5S417 352.7 417 338v-72h85.9zm-224.7-58.2l34.3 16 51.1-15.2V173c0-60.5-51.1-109-112.1-109-60.8 0-112.1 48.2-112.1 108.2v162.4c0 14.9-12 26.7-26.7 26.7S86 349.5 86 334.6V266H0v69.7C0 397.7 50.3 448 112.4 448c61.6 0 112.4-49.5 112.4-110.8V176.9c0-14.7 12-26.7 26.7-26.7s26.7 12 26.7 26.7v30.9z\"] };\nvar faStumbleuponCircle = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'stumbleupon-circle', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f1a3\", \"M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 177.5c-9.8 0-17.8 8-17.8 17.8v106.9c0 40.9-33.9 73.9-74.9 73.9-41.4 0-74.9-33.5-74.9-74.9v-46.5h57.3v45.8c0 10 8 17.8 17.8 17.8s17.8-7.9 17.8-17.8V200.1c0-40 34.2-72.1 74.7-72.1 40.7 0 74.7 32.3 74.7 72.6v23.7l-34.1 10.1-22.9-10.7v-20.6c.1-9.6-7.9-17.6-17.7-17.6zm167.6 123.6c0 41.4-33.5 74.9-74.9 74.9-41.2 0-74.9-33.2-74.9-74.2V263l22.9 10.7 34.1-10.1v47.1c0 9.8 8 17.6 17.8 17.6s17.8-7.9 17.8-17.6v-48h57.3c-.1 45.9-.1 46.4-.1 46.4z\"] };\nvar faSuperpowers = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'superpowers', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f2dd\", \"M448 32c-83.3 11-166.8 22-250 33-92 12.5-163.3 86.7-169 180-3.3 55.5 18 109.5 57.8 148.2L0 480c83.3-11 166.5-22 249.8-33 91.8-12.5 163.3-86.8 168.7-179.8 3.5-55.5-18-109.5-57.7-148.2L448 32zm-79.7 232.3c-4.2 79.5-74 139.2-152.8 134.5-79.5-4.7-140.7-71-136.3-151 4.5-79.2 74.3-139.3 153-134.5 79.3 4.7 140.5 71 136.1 151z\"] };\nvar faSupple = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'supple', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f3f9\", \"M640 262.5c0 64.1-109 116.1-243.5 116.1-24.8 0-48.6-1.8-71.1-5 7.7.4 15.5.6 23.4.6 134.5 0 243.5-56.9 243.5-127.1 0-29.4-19.1-56.4-51.2-78 60 21.1 98.9 55.1 98.9 93.4zM47.7 227.9c-.1-70.2 108.8-127.3 243.3-127.6 7.9 0 15.6.2 23.3.5-22.5-3.2-46.3-4.9-71-4.9C108.8 96.3-.1 148.5 0 212.6c.1 38.3 39.1 72.3 99.3 93.3-32.3-21.5-51.5-48.6-51.6-78zm60.2 39.9s10.5 13.2 29.3 13.2c17.9 0 28.4-11.5 28.4-25.1 0-28-40.2-25.1-40.2-39.7 0-5.4 5.3-9.1 12.5-9.1 5.7 0 11.3 2.6 11.3 6.6v3.9h14.2v-7.9c0-12.1-15.4-16.8-25.4-16.8-16.5 0-28.5 10.2-28.5 24.1 0 26.6 40.2 25.4 40.2 39.9 0 6.6-5.8 10.1-12.3 10.1-11.9 0-20.7-10.1-20.7-10.1l-8.8 10.9zm120.8-73.6v54.4c0 11.3-7.1 17.8-17.8 17.8-10.7 0-17.8-6.5-17.8-17.7v-54.5h-15.8v55c0 18.9 13.4 31.9 33.7 31.9 20.1 0 33.4-13 33.4-31.9v-55h-15.7zm34.4 85.4h15.8v-29.5h15.5c16 0 27.2-11.5 27.2-28.1s-11.2-27.8-27.2-27.8h-39.1v13.4h7.8v72zm15.8-43v-29.1h12.9c8.7 0 13.7 5.7 13.7 14.4 0 8.9-5.1 14.7-14 14.7h-12.6zm57 43h15.8v-29.5h15.5c16 0 27.2-11.5 27.2-28.1s-11.2-27.8-27.2-27.8h-39.1v13.4h7.8v72zm15.7-43v-29.1h12.9c8.7 0 13.7 5.7 13.7 14.4 0 8.9-5 14.7-14 14.7h-12.6zm57.1 34.8c0 5.8 2.4 8.2 8.2 8.2h37.6c5.8 0 8.2-2.4 8.2-8.2v-13h-14.3v5.2c0 1.7-1 2.6-2.6 2.6h-18.6c-1.7 0-2.6-1-2.6-2.6v-61.2c0-5.7-2.4-8.2-8.2-8.2H401v13.4h5.2c1.7 0 2.6 1 2.6 2.6v61.2zm63.4 0c0 5.8 2.4 8.2 8.2 8.2H519c5.7 0 8.2-2.4 8.2-8.2v-13h-14.3v5.2c0 1.7-1 2.6-2.6 2.6h-19.7c-1.7 0-2.6-1-2.6-2.6v-20.3h27.7v-13.4H488v-22.4h19.2c1.7 0 2.6 1 2.6 2.6v5.2H524v-13c0-5.7-2.5-8.2-8.2-8.2h-51.6v13.4h7.8v63.9zm58.9-76v5.9h1.6v-5.9h2.7v-1.2h-7v1.2h2.7zm5.7-1.2v7.1h1.5v-5.7l2.3 5.7h1.3l2.3-5.7v5.7h1.5v-7.1h-2.3l-2.1 5.1-2.1-5.1h-2.4z\"] };\nvar faTeamspeak = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'teamspeak', icon: [511, 512, [], \"f4f9\", \"M.82 237.82c2.36-15.52 10.69-27.04 24.88-34.03 3.5-1.85 5.65-3.5 6.37-7.81 6.17-33.41 19.53-63.94 39.37-91.59 2.36-3.19 4.01-5.35 1.03-9.35-3.7-5.35-1.03-10.18 2.98-14.49 28.06-31.87 61.88-55.1 101.98-67.44 95.81-29.4 180.1-9.35 252.37 60.45 6.68 6.37 15.52 12.85 6.99 24.36-1.34 1.85 1.03 3.5 2.16 5.04 20.66 28.06 34.23 59.42 40.4 93.65.82 3.7 2.98 5.04 5.86 6.37 17.37 8.84 25.7 23.34 26.01 42.25 0 17.17 1.85 34.54-1.03 51.71-4.01 24.67-29.19 41.74-53.25 36.7-7.2-1.64-9.35-7.2-9.35-14.19 0-28.06.82-56.44 0-84.6-1.85-75.76-36.18-132.81-102.28-169.41C234.28 4.98 92.11 72.42 67.54 196.91c-6.06 30.42-1.74 48.27-3.7 125.82-.31 7.2-4.32 11.2-12.03 11.51C20.97 335.58 0 316.05 0 285.21v-20.87m221.74 106.81c11.82-4.32 20.05-11.82 22.51-24.36 2.36-12.34-12.03-30.02-32.38-48.73-20.87-19.22-48.22-39.06-63.43-46.57-21.69-12.03-41.74-1.85-46.26 22.72-5.04 26.21 0 51.4 14.49 73.91 10.18 15.52 25.39 22.72 43.38 24.05 11.62.62 52.54 2.16 61.69-1.02m129.83 5.55c36.5 2.81 59.33-28.55 58.39-60.45-2.14-45.17-66.17-16.48-87.79-8.02-73.16 28.14-45.05 54.92-22.2 60.75m149.26-1.33c-2.98-2.36-7.2-1.03-8.33 2.36-8.02 25.39-44.72 112.46-172.08 121.51-149.67 10.49 80.29 43.59 145.36-6.37 22.72-17.37 47.6-35.05 46.57-85.43-.32-10.07-4.84-26.72-11.52-32.07\"] };\nvar faTelegram = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'telegram', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f2c6\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm121.8 169.9l-40.7 191.8c-3 13.6-11.1 16.9-22.4 10.5l-62-45.7-29.9 28.8c-3.3 3.3-6.1 6.1-12.5 6.1l4.4-63.1 114.9-103.8c5-4.4-1.1-6.9-7.7-2.5l-142 89.4-61.2-19.1c-13.3-4.2-13.6-13.3 2.8-19.7l239.1-92.2c11.1-4 20.8 2.7 17.2 19.5z\"] };\nvar faTelegramPlane = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'telegram-plane', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f3fe\", \"M446.7 98.6l-67.6 318.8c-5.1 22.5-18.4 28.1-37.3 17.5l-103-75.9-49.7 47.8c-5.5 5.5-10.1 10.1-20.7 10.1l7.4-104.9 190.9-172.5c8.3-7.4-1.8-11.5-12.9-4.1L117.8 284 16.2 252.2c-22.1-6.9-22.5-22.1 4.6-32.7L418.2 66.4c18.4-6.9 34.5 4.1 28.5 32.2z\"] };\nvar faTencentWeibo = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'tencent-weibo', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f1d5\", \"M72.3 495.8c1.4 19.9-27.6 22.2-29.7 2.9C31 368.8 73.7 259.2 144 185.5c-15.6-34 9.2-77.1 50.6-77.1 30.3 0 55.1 24.6 55.1 55.1 0 44-49.5 70.8-86.9 45.1-65.7 71.3-101.4 169.8-90.5 287.2zM192 .1C66.1.1-12.3 134.3 43.7 242.4 52.4 259.8 79 246.9 70 229 23.7 136.4 91 29.8 192 29.8c75.4 0 136.9 61.4 136.9 136.9 0 90.8-86.9 153.9-167.7 133.1-19.1-4.1-25.6 24.4-6.6 29.1 110.7 23.2 204-60 204-162.3C358.6 74.7 284 .1 192 .1z\"] };\nvar faThemeco = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'themeco', icon: [441, 512, [], \"f5c6\", \"M199.74 12.29c9.74-5.64 25.59-5.73 35.39-.21l188.13 105.95c9.81 5.52 17.76 19.14 17.76 30.38v213.87c0 11.26-7.93 24.89-17.71 30.46L235.09 499.88c-9.78 5.57-25.58 5.48-35.29-.21L17.58 392.95C7.87 387.26 0 373.52 0 362.27V148.41c0-11.26 7.9-24.96 17.63-30.59L199.74 12.29zM123.54 209c-15.69 0-31.39.14-47.08.14v99.87h18.83v-29.39h28.25c48.94 0 48.79-70.62 0-70.62zm137.96 98.73l-30.25-34.1c36.4-7.39 34.26-64.21-10.7-64.49-15.84 0-31.67-.14-47.51-.14v100.01h18.83v-33.38H210l29.1 33.38h22.4v-1.28zm-40.94-81.04c22.98 0 22.9 31.96 0 31.96h-28.68v-31.96h28.68zm-94.07-1.57c20.85 0 20.78 38.24 0 38.24H94.68v-38.23l31.81-.01zm189.65-17.97c-67.4 0-69.86 104.15 0 104.15 68.39-.01 68.33-104.15 0-104.15zm0 17.12c43.43 0 44.1 69.76 0 69.76-44.12 0-43.74-69.76 0-69.76z\"] };\nvar faThemeisle = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'themeisle', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f2b2\", \"M208 88.286c0-10 6.286-21.714 17.715-21.714 11.142 0 17.714 11.714 17.714 21.714 0 10.285-6.572 21.714-17.714 21.714C214.286 110 208 98.571 208 88.286zm304 160c0 36.001-11.429 102.286-36.286 129.714-22.858 24.858-87.428 61.143-120.857 70.572l-1.143.286v32.571c0 16.286-12.572 30.571-29.143 30.571-10 0-19.429-5.714-24.572-14.286-5.427 8.572-14.856 14.286-24.856 14.286-10 0-19.429-5.714-24.858-14.286-5.142 8.572-14.571 14.286-24.57 14.286-10.286 0-19.429-5.714-24.858-14.286-5.143 8.572-14.571 14.286-24.571 14.286-18.857 0-29.429-15.714-29.429-32.857-16.286 12.285-35.715 19.428-56.571 19.428-22 0-43.429-8.285-60.286-22.857 10.285-.286 20.571-2.286 30.285-5.714-20.857-5.714-39.428-18.857-52-36.286 21.37 4.645 46.209 1.673 67.143-11.143-22-22-56.571-58.857-68.572-87.428C1.143 321.714 0 303.714 0 289.429c0-49.714 20.286-160 86.286-160 10.571 0 18.857 4.858 23.143 14.857a158.792 158.792 0 0 1 12-15.428c2-2.572 5.714-5.429 7.143-8.286 7.999-12.571 11.714-21.142 21.714-34C182.571 45.428 232 17.143 285.143 17.143c6 0 12 .285 17.714 1.143C313.714 6.571 328.857 0 344.572 0c14.571 0 29.714 6 40 16.286.857.858 1.428 2.286 1.428 3.428 0 3.714-10.285 13.429-12.857 16.286 4.286 1.429 15.714 6.858 15.714 12 0 2.857-2.857 5.143-4.571 7.143 31.429 27.714 49.429 67.143 56.286 108 4.286-5.143 10.285-8.572 17.143-8.572 10.571 0 20.857 7.144 28.571 14.001C507.143 187.143 512 221.714 512 248.286zM188 89.428c0 18.286 12.571 37.143 32.286 37.143 19.714 0 32.285-18.857 32.285-37.143 0-18-12.571-36.857-32.285-36.857-19.715 0-32.286 18.858-32.286 36.857zM237.714 194c0-19.714 3.714-39.143 8.571-58.286-52.039 79.534-13.531 184.571 68.858 184.571 21.428 0 42.571-7.714 60-20 2-7.429 3.714-14.857 3.714-22.572 0-14.286-6.286-21.428-20.572-21.428-4.571 0-9.143.857-13.429 1.714-63.343 12.668-107.142 3.669-107.142-63.999zm-41.142 254.858c0-11.143-8.858-20.857-20.286-20.857-11.429 0-20 9.715-20 20.857v32.571c0 11.143 8.571 21.142 20 21.142 11.428 0 20.286-9.715 20.286-21.142v-32.571zm49.143 0c0-11.143-8.572-20.857-20-20.857-11.429 0-20.286 9.715-20.286 20.857v32.571c0 11.143 8.857 21.142 20.286 21.142 11.428 0 20-10 20-21.142v-32.571zm49.713 0c0-11.143-8.857-20.857-20.285-20.857-11.429 0-20.286 9.715-20.286 20.857v32.571c0 11.143 8.857 21.142 20.286 21.142 11.428 0 20.285-9.715 20.285-21.142v-32.571zm49.715 0c0-11.143-8.857-20.857-20.286-20.857-11.428 0-20.286 9.715-20.286 20.857v32.571c0 11.143 8.858 21.142 20.286 21.142 11.429 0 20.286-10 20.286-21.142v-32.571zM421.714 286c-30.857 59.142-90.285 102.572-158.571 102.572-96.571 0-160.571-84.572-160.571-176.572 0-16.857 2-33.429 6-49.714-20 33.715-29.714 72.572-29.714 111.429 0 60.286 24.857 121.715 71.429 160.857 5.143-9.714 14.857-16.286 26-16.286 10 0 19.428 5.714 24.571 14.286 5.429-8.571 14.571-14.286 24.858-14.286 10 0 19.428 5.714 24.571 14.286 5.429-8.571 14.857-14.286 24.858-14.286 10 0 19.428 5.714 24.857 14.286 5.143-8.571 14.571-14.286 24.572-14.286 10.857 0 20.857 6.572 25.714 16 43.427-36.286 68.569-92 71.426-148.286zm10.572-99.714c0-53.714-34.571-105.714-92.572-105.714-30.285 0-58.571 15.143-78.857 36.857C240.862 183.812 233.41 254 302.286 254c28.805 0 97.357-28.538 84.286 36.857 28.857-26 45.714-65.714 45.714-104.571z\"] };\nvar faTradeFederation = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'trade-federation', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f513\", \"M202.45 108.42v81.61H38.94l48.22 61.91h114.73v196.75h64.61V252.96h83.27v-62.69h-83.18V171.1h145.62v-62.68H202.45zm4.86 6h197.77v50.68H259.44v30.93h83.18v50.93h-83.26v195.73h-52.73V245.94H89.86l-39.95-49.91h157.4v-81.61zM247.99 8.8C111.03 8.8 0 119.83 0 256.8s111.03 248 247.99 248S496 393.76 496 256.8 384.96 8.8 247.99 8.8zm.02 13.24c129.66 0 234.76 105.12 234.76 234.78s-105.1 234.76-234.76 234.76S13.23 386.47 13.23 256.81 118.35 22.04 248.01 22.04zm0 7.89c-125.3 0-226.89 101.57-226.89 226.87s101.59 226.89 226.89 226.89S474.88 382.1 474.88 256.8 373.31 29.93 248.01 29.93zm-.02 13.3c117.95 0 213.56 95.62 213.56 213.56s-95.62 213.56-213.56 213.56S34.43 374.75 34.43 256.8 130.04 43.23 247.99 43.23zm-73.32 104.8l15.66 18.05-22.16-9.45-12.33 20.47 2.15-23.99-23.28-5.4 23.48-5.37-2.06-23.81 12.37 20.67 22.01-9.32-15.84 18.15zm-47.14-46.54l8.01 12.4 12.69-5.86-9.32 11.45 9.5 10.25-13.77-5.32-6.82 12.2.81-14.74-13.71-2.71 14.27-3.78-1.66-13.89zm250.77 75.59l11.99 19.56 20.88-9.11-14.9 17.45 15.11 17.04-21.2-8.78-11.54 19.64 1.8-22.87-22.24-4.9 22.31-5.36-2.21-22.67zm-107.05 98.45l13.86-3.22-1.28-14.17 7.35 12.18 13.08-5.59-9.31 10.75 9.36 10.71-13.1-5.54-7.29 12.21 1.22-14.17-13.89-3.16zm-125.43 6.5l23.73-3.87-1.73-24.53 11.01 21.38 22.79-9.22-16.93 17.08 15.81 18.83-21.47-10.82-13.02 20.86 3.66-23.77-23.85-5.94zm63.44-165.66v81.61H54.16l36.72 46.01h117.7v196.75h48.82V245.01h83.27v-47.03H257.4v-34.83h145.73v-46.78H209.26zm10.86 11.2h171.8v24.36H246.88v56.23h82.93v23.94h-82.93v197.42h-26.76V232.1H96.31l-20.09-23.94h143.9v-80.59z\"] };\nvar faTrello = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'trello', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f181\", \"M392 32H56C25.1 32 0 57.1 0 88v336c0 30.9 25.1 56 56 56h336c30.9 0 56-25.1 56-56V88c0-30.9-25.1-56-56-56zM194.9 371.4c0 14.8-12 26.9-26.9 26.9H85.1c-14.8 0-26.9-12-26.9-26.9V117.1c0-14.8 12-26.9 26.9-26.9H168c14.8 0 26.9 12 26.9 26.9v254.3zm194.9-112c0 14.8-12 26.9-26.9 26.9H280c-14.8 0-26.9-12-26.9-26.9V117.1c0-14.8 12-26.9 26.9-26.9h82.9c14.8 0 26.9 12 26.9 26.9v142.3z\"] };\nvar faTripadvisor = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'tripadvisor', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f262\", \"M166.4 280.521c0 13.236-10.73 23.966-23.966 23.966s-23.966-10.73-23.966-23.966 10.73-23.966 23.966-23.966 23.966 10.729 23.966 23.966zm264.962-23.956c-13.23 0-23.956 10.725-23.956 23.956 0 13.23 10.725 23.956 23.956 23.956 13.23 0 23.956-10.725 23.956-23.956-.001-13.231-10.726-23.956-23.956-23.956zm89.388 139.49c-62.667 49.104-153.276 38.109-202.379-24.559l-30.979 46.325-30.683-45.939c-48.277 60.39-135.622 71.891-197.885 26.055-64.058-47.158-77.759-137.316-30.601-201.374A186.762 186.762 0 0 0 0 139.416l90.286-.05a358.48 358.48 0 0 1 197.065-54.03 350.382 350.382 0 0 1 192.181 53.349l96.218.074a185.713 185.713 0 0 0-28.352 57.649c46.793 62.747 34.964 151.37-26.648 199.647zM259.366 281.761c-.007-63.557-51.535-115.075-115.092-115.068C80.717 166.7 29.2 218.228 29.206 281.785c.007 63.557 51.535 115.075 115.092 115.068 63.513-.075 114.984-51.539 115.068-115.052v-.04zm28.591-10.455c5.433-73.44 65.51-130.884 139.12-133.022a339.146 339.146 0 0 0-139.727-27.812 356.31 356.31 0 0 0-140.164 27.253c74.344 1.582 135.299 59.424 140.771 133.581zm251.706-28.767c-21.992-59.634-88.162-90.148-147.795-68.157-59.634 21.992-90.148 88.162-68.157 147.795v.032c22.038 59.607 88.198 90.091 147.827 68.113 59.615-22.004 90.113-88.162 68.125-147.783zm-326.039 37.975v.115c-.057 39.328-31.986 71.163-71.314 71.106-39.328-.057-71.163-31.986-71.106-71.314.057-39.328 31.986-71.163 71.314-71.106 39.259.116 71.042 31.94 71.106 71.199zm-24.512 0v-.084c-.051-25.784-20.994-46.645-46.778-46.594-25.784.051-46.645 20.994-46.594 46.777.051 25.784 20.994 46.645 46.777 46.594 25.726-.113 46.537-20.968 46.595-46.693zm313.423 0v.048c-.02 39.328-31.918 71.194-71.247 71.173s-71.194-31.918-71.173-71.247c.02-39.328 31.918-71.194 71.247-71.173 39.29.066 71.121 31.909 71.173 71.199zm-24.504-.008c-.009-25.784-20.918-46.679-46.702-46.67-25.784.009-46.679 20.918-46.67 46.702.009 25.784 20.918 46.678 46.702 46.67 25.765-.046 46.636-20.928 46.67-46.693v-.009z\"] };\nvar faTumblr = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'tumblr', icon: [320, 512, [], \"f173\", \"M309.8 480.3c-13.6 14.5-50 31.7-97.4 31.7-120.8 0-147-88.8-147-140.6v-144H17.9c-5.5 0-10-4.5-10-10v-68c0-7.2 4.5-13.6 11.3-16 62-21.8 81.5-76 84.3-117.1.8-11 6.5-16.3 16.1-16.3h70.9c5.5 0 10 4.5 10 10v115.2h83c5.5 0 10 4.4 10 9.9v81.7c0 5.5-4.5 10-10 10h-83.4V360c0 34.2 23.7 53.6 68 35.8 4.8-1.9 9-3.2 12.7-2.2 3.5.9 5.8 3.4 7.4 7.9l22 64.3c1.8 5 3.3 10.6-.4 14.5z\"] };\nvar faTumblrSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'tumblr-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f174\", \"M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-82.3 364.2c-8.5 9.1-31.2 19.8-60.9 19.8-75.5 0-91.9-55.5-91.9-87.9v-90h-29.7c-3.4 0-6.2-2.8-6.2-6.2v-42.5c0-4.5 2.8-8.5 7.1-10 38.8-13.7 50.9-47.5 52.7-73.2.5-6.9 4.1-10.2 10-10.2h44.3c3.4 0 6.2 2.8 6.2 6.2v72h51.9c3.4 0 6.2 2.8 6.2 6.2v51.1c0 3.4-2.8 6.2-6.2 6.2h-52.1V321c0 21.4 14.8 33.5 42.5 22.4 3-1.2 5.6-2 8-1.4 2.2.5 3.6 2.1 4.6 4.9l13.8 40.2c1 3.2 2 6.7-.3 9.1z\"] };\nvar faTwitch = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'twitch', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f1e8\", \"M40.1 32L10 108.9v314.3h107V480h60.2l56.8-56.8h87l117-117V32H40.1zm357.8 254.1L331 353H224l-56.8 56.8V353H76.9V72.1h321v214zM331 149v116.9h-40.1V149H331zm-107 0v116.9h-40.1V149H224z\"] };\nvar faTwitter = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'twitter', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f099\", \"M459.37 151.716c.325 4.548.325 9.097.325 13.645 0 138.72-105.583 298.558-298.558 298.558-59.452 0-114.68-17.219-161.137-47.106 8.447.974 16.568 1.299 25.34 1.299 49.055 0 94.213-16.568 130.274-44.832-46.132-.975-84.792-31.188-98.112-72.772 6.498.974 12.995 1.624 19.818 1.624 9.421 0 18.843-1.3 27.614-3.573-48.081-9.747-84.143-51.98-84.143-102.985v-1.299c13.969 7.797 30.214 12.67 47.431 13.319-28.264-18.843-46.781-51.005-46.781-87.391 0-19.492 5.197-37.36 14.294-52.954 51.655 63.675 129.3 105.258 216.365 109.807-1.624-7.797-2.599-15.918-2.599-24.04 0-57.828 46.782-104.934 104.934-104.934 30.213 0 57.502 12.67 76.67 33.137 23.715-4.548 46.456-13.32 66.599-25.34-7.798 24.366-24.366 44.833-46.132 57.827 21.117-2.273 41.584-8.122 60.426-16.243-14.292 20.791-32.161 39.308-52.628 54.253z\"] };\nvar faTwitterSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'twitter-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f081\", \"M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-48.9 158.8c.2 2.8.2 5.7.2 8.5 0 86.7-66 186.6-186.6 186.6-37.2 0-71.7-10.8-100.7-29.4 5.3.6 10.4.8 15.8.8 30.7 0 58.9-10.4 81.4-28-28.8-.6-53-19.5-61.3-45.5 10.1 1.5 19.2 1.5 29.6-1.2-30-6.1-52.5-32.5-52.5-64.4v-.8c8.7 4.9 18.9 7.9 29.6 8.3a65.447 65.447 0 0 1-29.2-54.6c0-12.2 3.2-23.4 8.9-33.1 32.3 39.8 80.8 65.8 135.2 68.6-9.3-44.5 24-80.6 64-80.6 18.9 0 35.9 7.9 47.9 20.7 14.8-2.8 29-8.3 41.6-15.8-4.9 15.2-15.2 28-28.8 36.1 13.2-1.4 26-5.1 37.8-10.2-8.9 13.1-20.1 24.7-32.9 34z\"] };\nvar faTypo3 = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'typo3', icon: [433, 512, [], \"f42b\", \"M330.8 341c-7 2.3-11.6 2.3-18.5 2.3-57.2 0-140.6-198.5-140.6-264.9 0-24.7 5.4-32.4 13.9-39.4-69.5 8.5-149.3 34-176.3 66.4-5.4 7.7-9.3 20.8-9.3 37.1C0 246 106.8 480 184.1 480c36.3 0 97.3-59.5 146.7-139M294.5 32c71.8 0 138.8 11.6 138.8 52.5 0 82.6-52.5 182.3-78.8 182.3-47.9 0-101.7-132.1-101.7-198.5 0-30.9 11.6-36.3 41.7-36.3\"] };\nvar faUber = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'uber', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f402\", \"M414.1 32H33.9C15.2 32 0 47.2 0 65.9V446c0 18.8 15.2 34 33.9 34H414c18.7 0 33.9-15.2 33.9-33.9V65.9C448 47.2 432.8 32 414.1 32zM237.6 391.1C163 398.6 96.4 344.2 88.9 269.6h94.4V290c0 3.7 3 6.8 6.8 6.8H258c3.7 0 6.8-3 6.8-6.8v-67.9c0-3.7-3-6.8-6.8-6.8h-67.9c-3.7 0-6.8 3-6.8 6.8v20.4H88.9c7-69.4 65.4-122.2 135.1-122.2 69.7 0 128.1 52.8 135.1 122.2 7.5 74.5-46.9 141.1-121.5 148.6z\"] };\nvar faUikit = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'uikit', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f403\", \"M443.9 128v256L218 512 0 384V169.7l87.6 45.1v117l133.5 75.5 135.8-75.5v-151l-101.1-57.6 87.6-53.1L443.9 128zM308.6 49.1L223.8 0l-88.6 54.8 86 47.3 87.4-53z\"] };\nvar faUniregistry = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'uniregistry', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f404\", \"M281.1 220.1H384v-14.8H281.1v14.8zm0-37.1H384v-12.4H281.1V183zm0 74.2H384v-17.3H281.1v17.3zm-157.7 86.7H8.5c2.6 8.5 5.8 16.8 9.6 24.8h138.3c-12.9-5.7-24.1-14.2-33-24.8m145.7-12.4h109.7c1.8-7.3 3.1-14.7 3.9-22.3H278.3c-2.1 7.9-5.2 15.4-9.2 22.3m-41.5 37.1H367c3.7-8 5.8-16.2 8.5-24.8h-115c-8.8 10.7-20.1 19.2-32.9 24.8M384 32H281.1v2.5H384V32zM192 480c39.5 0 76.2-11.8 106.8-32.2H85.3C115.8 468.2 152.5 480 192 480m89.1-334.2H384V136H281.1v9.8zm0-37.1H384v-7.4H281.1v7.4zm0-37.1H384v-4.9H281.1v4.9zm-178.2 99H0V183h102.9v-12.4zM38.8 405.7h305.3c6.7-8.5 12.6-17.6 17.8-27.2H23c5.2 9.6 9.2 18.7 15.8 27.2m64.1-118.8v-12.4H0v12.4c0 2.5 0 5 .1 7.4h103.1c-.2-2.4-.3-4.9-.3-7.4m178.2 0c0 2.5-.1 5-.4 7.4h103.1c.1-2.5.2-4.9.2-7.4v-12.4H281.1v12.4zm-203 156h227.7c11.8-8.7 22.7-18.6 32.2-29.7H44.9c9.6 11 21.4 21 33.2 29.7m24.8-376.2H0v4.9h102.9v-4.9zm0-34.7H0v2.5h102.9V32zm0 173.3H0v14.8h102.9v-14.8zm0 34.6H0v17.3h102.9v-17.3zm0-103.9H0v9.9h102.9V136zm0-34.7H0v7.4h102.9v-7.4zm2.8 207.9H1.3c.9 7.6 2.2 15 3.9 22.3h109.7c-4-6.9-7.2-14.4-9.2-22.3\"] };\nvar faUntappd = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'untappd', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f405\", \"M401.3 49.9c-79.8 160.1-84.6 152.5-87.9 173.2l-5.2 32.8c-1.9 12-6.6 23.5-13.7 33.4L145.6 497.1c-7.6 10.6-20.4 16.2-33.4 14.6-40.3-5-77.8-32.2-95.3-68.5-5.7-11.8-4.5-25.8 3.1-36.4l148.9-207.9c7.1-9.9 16.4-18 27.2-23.7l29.3-15.5c18.5-9.8 9.7-11.9 135.6-138.9 1-4.8 1-7.3 3.6-8 3-.7 6.6-1 6.3-4.6l-.4-4.6c-.2-1.9 1.3-3.6 3.2-3.6 4.5-.1 13.2 1.2 25.6 10 12.3 8.9 16.4 16.8 17.7 21.1.6 1.8-.6 3.7-2.4 4.2l-4.5 1.1c-3.4.9-2.5 4.4-2.3 7.4.1 2.8-2.3 3.6-6.5 6.1zM230.1 36.4c3.4.9 2.5 4.4 2.3 7.4-.2 2.7 2.1 3.5 6.4 6 7.9 15.9 15.3 30.5 22.2 44 .7 1.3 2.3 1.5 3.3.5 11.2-12 24.6-26.2 40.5-42.6 1.3-1.4 1.4-3.5.1-4.9-8-8.2-16.5-16.9-25.6-26.1-1-4.7-1-7.3-3.6-8-3-.8-6.6-1-6.3-4.6.3-3.3 1.4-8.1-2.8-8.2-4.5-.1-13.2 1.1-25.6 10-12.3 8.9-16.4 16.8-17.7 21.1-1.4 4.2 3.6 4.6 6.8 5.4zM620 406.7L471.2 198.8c-13.2-18.5-26.6-23.4-56.4-39.1-11.2-5.9-14.2-10.9-30.5-28.9-1-1.1-2.9-.9-3.6.5-46.3 88.8-47.1 82.8-49 94.8-1.7 10.7-1.3 20 .3 29.8 1.9 12 6.6 23.5 13.7 33.4l148.9 207.9c7.6 10.6 20.2 16.2 33.1 14.7 40.3-4.9 78-32 95.7-68.6 5.4-11.9 4.3-25.9-3.4-36.6z\"] };\nvar faUsb = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'usb', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f287\", \"M641.5 256c0 3.1-1.7 6.1-4.5 7.5L547.9 317c-1.4.8-2.8 1.4-4.5 1.4-1.4 0-3.1-.3-4.5-1.1-2.8-1.7-4.5-4.5-4.5-7.8v-35.6H295.7c25.3 39.6 40.5 106.9 69.6 106.9H392V354c0-5 3.9-8.9 8.9-8.9H490c5 0 8.9 3.9 8.9 8.9v89.1c0 5-3.9 8.9-8.9 8.9h-89.1c-5 0-8.9-3.9-8.9-8.9v-26.7h-26.7c-75.4 0-81.1-142.5-124.7-142.5H140.3c-8.1 30.6-35.9 53.5-69 53.5C32 327.3 0 295.3 0 256s32-71.3 71.3-71.3c33.1 0 61 22.8 69 53.5 39.1 0 43.9 9.5 74.6-60.4C255 88.7 273 95.7 323.8 95.7c7.5-20.9 27-35.6 50.4-35.6 29.5 0 53.5 23.9 53.5 53.5s-23.9 53.5-53.5 53.5c-23.4 0-42.9-14.8-50.4-35.6H294c-29.1 0-44.3 67.4-69.6 106.9h310.1v-35.6c0-3.3 1.7-6.1 4.5-7.8 2.8-1.7 6.4-1.4 8.9.3l89.1 53.5c2.8 1.1 4.5 4.1 4.5 7.2z\"] };\nvar faUssunnah = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'ussunnah', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f407\", \"M156.8 285.1l5.7 14.4h-8.2c-1.3-3.2-3.1-7.7-3.8-9.5-2.5-6.3-1.1-8.4 0-10 1.9-2.7 3.2-4.4 3.6-5.2 0 2.2.8 5.7 2.7 10.3zm297.3 18.8c-2.1 13.8-5.7 27.1-10.5 39.7l43 23.4-44.8-18.8c-5.3 13.2-12 25.6-19.9 37.2l34.2 30.2-36.8-26.4c-8.4 11.8-18 22.6-28.7 32.3l24.9 34.7-28.1-31.8c-11 9.6-23.1 18-36.1 25.1l15.7 37.2-19.3-35.3c-13.1 6.8-27 12.1-41.6 15.9l6.7 38.4-10.5-37.4c-14.3 3.4-29.2 5.3-44.5 5.4L256 512l-1.9-38.4c-15.3-.1-30.2-2-44.5-5.3L199 505.6l6.7-38.2c-14.6-3.7-28.6-9.1-41.7-15.8l-19.2 35.1 15.6-37c-13-7-25.2-15.4-36.2-25.1l-27.9 31.6 24.7-34.4c-10.7-9.7-20.4-20.5-28.8-32.3l-36.5 26.2 33.9-29.9c-7.9-11.6-14.6-24.1-20-37.3l-44.4 18.7L67.8 344c-4.8-12.7-8.4-26.1-10.5-39.9l-51 9 50.3-14.2c-1.1-8.5-1.7-17.1-1.7-25.9 0-4.7.2-9.4.5-14.1L0 256l56-2.8c1.3-13.1 3.8-25.8 7.5-38.1L6.4 199l58.9 10.4c4-12 9.1-23.5 15.2-34.4l-55.1-30 58.3 24.6C90 159 97.2 149.2 105.3 140L55.8 96.4l53.9 38.7c8.1-8.6 17-16.5 26.6-23.6l-40-55.6 45.6 51.6c9.5-6.6 19.7-12.3 30.3-17.2l-27.3-64.9 33.8 62.1c10.5-4.4 21.4-7.9 32.7-10.4L199 6.4l19.5 69.2c11-2.1 22.3-3.2 33.8-3.4L256 0l3.6 72.2c11.5.2 22.8 1.4 33.8 3.5L313 6.4l-12.4 70.7c11.3 2.6 22.2 6.1 32.6 10.5l33.9-62.2-27.4 65.1c10.6 4.9 20.7 10.7 30.2 17.2l45.8-51.8-40.1 55.9c9.5 7.1 18.4 15 26.5 23.6l54.2-38.9-49.7 43.9c8 9.1 15.2 18.9 21.5 29.4l58.7-24.7-55.5 30.2c6.1 10.9 11.1 22.3 15.1 34.3l59.3-10.4-57.5 16.2c3.7 12.2 6.2 24.9 7.5 37.9L512 256l-56 2.8c.3 4.6.5 9.3.5 14.1 0 8.7-.6 17.3-1.6 25.8l50.7 14.3-51.5-9.1zm-21.8-31c0-97.5-79-176.5-176.5-176.5s-176.5 79-176.5 176.5 79 176.5 176.5 176.5 176.5-79 176.5-176.5zm-24 0c0 84.3-68.3 152.6-152.6 152.6s-152.6-68.3-152.6-152.6 68.3-152.6 152.6-152.6 152.6 68.3 152.6 152.6zM195 241c0 2.1 1.3 3.8 3.6 5.1 3.3 1.9 6.2 4.6 8.2 8.2 2.8-5.7 4.3-9.5 4.3-11.2 0-2.2-1.1-4.4-3.2-7-2.1-2.5-3.2-5.2-3.3-7.7-6.5 6.8-9.6 10.9-9.6 12.6zm-40.7-19c0 2.1 1.3 3.8 3.6 5.1 3.5 1.9 6.2 4.6 8.2 8.2 2.8-5.7 4.3-9.5 4.3-11.2 0-2.2-1.1-4.4-3.2-7-2.1-2.5-3.2-5.2-3.3-7.7-6.5 6.8-9.6 10.9-9.6 12.6zm-19 0c0 2.1 1.3 3.8 3.6 5.1 3.3 1.9 6.2 4.6 8.2 8.2 2.8-5.7 4.3-9.5 4.3-11.2 0-2.2-1.1-4.4-3.2-7-2.1-2.5-3.2-5.2-3.3-7.7-6.4 6.8-9.6 10.9-9.6 12.6zm204.9 87.9c-8.4-3-8.7-6.8-8.7-15.6V182c-8.2 12.5-14.2 18.6-18 18.6 6.3 14.4 9.5 23.9 9.5 28.3v64.3c0 2.2-2.2 6.5-4.7 6.5h-18c-2.8-7.5-10.2-26.9-15.3-40.3-2 2.5-7.2 9.2-10.7 13.7 2.4 1.6 4.1 3.6 5.2 6.3 2.6 6.7 6.4 16.5 7.9 20.2h-9.2c-3.9-10.4-9.6-25.4-11.8-31.1-2 2.5-7.2 9.2-10.7 13.7 2.4 1.6 4.1 3.6 5.2 6.3.8 2 2.8 7.3 4.3 10.9H256c-1.5-4.1-5.6-14.6-8.4-22-2 2.5-7.2 9.2-10.7 13.7 2.5 1.6 4.3 3.6 5.2 1.4.6 1.7H225c-4.6-13.9-11.4-27.7-11.4-34.1 0-2.2.3-5.1 1.1-8.2-8.8 10.8-14 15.9-14 25 0 7.5 10.4 28.3 10.4 33.3 0 1.7-.5 3.3-1.4 4.9-9.6-12.7-15.5-20.7-18.8-20.7h-12l-11.2-28c-3.8-9.6-5.7-16-5.7-18.8 0-3.8.5-7.7 1.7-12.2-1 1.3-3.7 4.7-5.5 7.1-.8-2.1-3.1-7.7-4.6-11.5-2.1 2.5-7.5 9.1-11.2 13.6.9 2.3 3.3 8.1 4.9 12.2-2.5 3.3-9.1 11.8-13.6 17.7-4 5.3-5.8 13.3-2.7 21.8 2.5 6.7 2 7.9-1.7 14.1H191c5.5 0 14.3 14 15.5 22 13.2-16 15.4-19.6 16.8-21.6h107c3.9 0 7.2-1.9 9.9-5.8zm20.1-26.6V181.7c-9 12.5-15.9 18.6-20.7 18.6 7.1 14.4 10.7 23.9 10.7 28.3v66.3c0 17.5 8.6 20.4 24 20.4 8.1 0 12.5-.8 13.7-2.7-4.3-1.6-7.6-2.5-9.9-3.3-8.1-3.2-17.8-7.4-17.8-26z\"] };\nvar faVaadin = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'vaadin', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f408\", \"M224.5 140.7c1.5-17.6 4.9-52.7 49.8-52.7h98.6c20.7 0 32.1-7.8 32.1-21.6V54.1c0-12.2 9.3-22.1 21.5-22.1S448 41.9 448 54.1v36.5c0 42.9-21.5 62-66.8 62H280.7c-30.1 0-33 14.7-33 27.1 0 1.3-.1 2.5-.2 3.7-.7 12.3-10.9 22.2-23.4 22.2s-22.7-9.8-23.4-22.2c-.1-1.2-.2-2.4-.2-3.7 0-12.3-3-27.1-33-27.1H66.8c-45.3 0-66.8-19.1-66.8-62V54.1C0 41.9 9.4 32 21.6 32s21.5 9.9 21.5 22.1v12.3C43.1 80.2 54.5 88 75.2 88h98.6c44.8 0 48.3 35.1 49.8 52.7h.9zM224 456c11.5 0 21.4-7 25.7-16.3 1.1-1.8 97.1-169.6 98.2-171.4 11.9-19.6-3.2-44.3-27.2-44.3-13.9 0-23.3 6.4-29.8 20.3L224 362l-66.9-117.7c-6.4-13.9-15.9-20.3-29.8-20.3-24 0-39.1 24.6-27.2 44.3 1.1 1.9 97.1 169.6 98.2 171.4 4.3 9.3 14.2 16.3 25.7 16.3z\"] };\nvar faViacoin = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'viacoin', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f237\", \"M384 32h-64l-80.7 192h-94.5L64 32H0l48 112H0v48h68.5l13.8 32H0v48h102.8L192 480l89.2-208H384v-48h-82.3l13.8-32H384v-48h-48l48-112zM192 336l-27-64h54l-27 64z\"] };\nvar faViadeo = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'viadeo', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f2a9\", \"M276.2 150.5v.7C258.3 98.6 233.6 47.8 205.4 0c43.3 29.2 67 100 70.8 150.5zm32.7 121.7c7.6 18.2 11 37.5 11 57 0 77.7-57.8 141-137.8 139.4l3.8-.3c74.2-46.7 109.3-118.6 109.3-205.1 0-38.1-6.5-75.9-18.9-112 1 11.7 1 23.7 1 35.4 0 91.8-18.1 241.6-116.6 280C95 455.2 49.4 398 49.4 329.2c0-75.6 57.4-142.3 135.4-142.3 16.8 0 33.7 3.1 49.1 9.6 1.7-15.1 6.5-29.9 13.4-43.3-19.9-7.2-41.2-10.7-62.5-10.7-161.5 0-238.7 195.9-129.9 313.7 67.9 74.6 192 73.9 259.8 0 56.6-61.3 60.9-142.4 36.4-201-12.7 8-27.1 13.9-42.2 17zM418.1 11.7c-31 66.5-81.3 47.2-115.8 80.1-12.4 12-20.6 34-20.6 50.5 0 14.1 4.5 27.1 12 38.8 47.4-11 98.3-46 118.2-90.7-.7 5.5-4.8 14.4-7.2 19.2-20.3 35.7-64.6 65.6-99.7 84.9 14.8 14.4 33.7 25.8 55 25.8 79 0 110.1-134.6 58.1-208.6z\"] };\nvar faViadeoSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'viadeo-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f2aa\", \"M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM280.7 381.2c-42.4 46.2-120 46.6-162.4 0-68-73.6-19.8-196.1 81.2-196.1 13.3 0 26.6 2.1 39.1 6.7-4.3 8.4-7.3 17.6-8.4 27.1-9.7-4.1-20.2-6-30.7-6-48.8 0-84.6 41.7-84.6 88.9 0 43 28.5 78.7 69.5 85.9 61.5-24 72.9-117.6 72.9-175 0-7.3 0-14.8-.6-22.1-11.2-32.9-26.6-64.6-44.2-94.5 27.1 18.3 41.9 62.5 44.2 94.1v.4c7.7 22.5 11.8 46.2 11.8 70 0 54.1-21.9 99-68.3 128.2l-2.4.2c50 1 86.2-38.6 86.2-87.2 0-12.2-2.1-24.3-6.9-35.7 9.5-1.9 18.5-5.6 26.4-10.5 15.3 36.6 12.6 87.3-22.8 125.6zM309 233.7c-13.3 0-25.1-7.1-34.4-16.1 21.9-12 49.6-30.7 62.3-53 1.5-3 4.1-8.6 4.5-12-12.5 27.9-44.2 49.8-73.9 56.7-4.7-7.3-7.5-15.5-7.5-24.3 0-10.3 5.2-24.1 12.9-31.6 21.6-20.5 53-8.5 72.4-50 32.5 46.2 13.1 130.3-36.3 130.3z\"] };\nvar faViber = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'viber', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f409\", \"M444 49.9C431.3 38.2 379.9.9 265.3.4c0 0-135.1-8.1-200.9 52.3C27.8 89.3 14.9 143 13.5 209.5c-1.4 66.5-3.1 191.1 117 224.9h.1l-.1 51.6s-.8 20.9 13 25.1c16.6 5.2 26.4-10.7 42.3-27.8 8.7-9.4 20.7-23.2 29.8-33.7 82.2 6.9 145.3-8.9 152.5-11.2 16.6-5.4 110.5-17.4 125.7-142 15.8-128.6-7.6-209.8-49.8-246.5zM457.9 287c-12.9 104-89 110.6-103 115.1-6 1.9-61.5 15.7-131.2 11.2 0 0-52 62.7-68.2 79-5.3 5.3-11.1 4.8-11-5.7 0-6.9.4-85.7.4-85.7-.1 0-.1 0 0 0-101.8-28.2-95.8-134.3-94.7-189.8 1.1-55.5 11.6-101 42.6-131.6 55.7-50.5 170.4-43 170.4-43 96.9.4 143.3 29.6 154.1 39.4 35.7 30.6 53.9 103.8 40.6 211.1zm-139-80.8c.4 8.6-12.5 9.2-12.9.6-1.1-22-11.4-32.7-32.6-33.9-8.6-.5-7.8-13.4.7-12.9 27.9 1.5 43.4 17.5 44.8 46.2zm20.3 11.3c1-42.4-25.5-75.6-75.8-79.3-8.5-.6-7.6-13.5.9-12.9 58 4.2 88.9 44.1 87.8 92.5-.1 8.6-13.1 8.2-12.9-.3zm47 13.4c.1 8.6-12.9 8.7-12.9.1-.6-81.5-54.9-125.9-120.8-126.4-8.5-.1-8.5-12.9 0-12.9 73.7.5 133 51.4 133.7 139.2zM374.9 329v.2c-10.8 19-31 40-51.8 33.3l-.2-.3c-21.1-5.9-70.8-31.5-102.2-56.5-16.2-12.8-31-27.9-42.4-42.4-10.3-12.9-20.7-28.2-30.8-46.6-21.3-38.5-26-55.7-26-55.7-6.7-20.8 14.2-41 33.3-51.8h.2c9.2-4.8 18-3.2 23.9 3.9 0 0 12.4 14.8 17.7 22.1 5 6.8 11.7 17.7 15.2 23.8 6.1 10.9 2.3 22-3.7 26.6l-12 9.6c-6.1 4.9-5.3 14-5.3 14s17.8 67.3 84.3 84.3c0 0 9.1.8 14-5.3l9.6-12c4.6-6 15.7-9.8 26.6-3.7 14.7 8.3 33.4 21.2 45.8 32.9 7 5.7 8.6 14.4 3.8 23.6z\"] };\nvar faVimeo = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'vimeo', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f40a\", \"M403.2 32H44.8C20.1 32 0 52.1 0 76.8v358.4C0 459.9 20.1 480 44.8 480h358.4c24.7 0 44.8-20.1 44.8-44.8V76.8c0-24.7-20.1-44.8-44.8-44.8zM377 180.8c-1.4 31.5-23.4 74.7-66 129.4-44 57.2-81.3 85.8-111.7 85.8-18.9 0-34.8-17.4-47.9-52.3-25.5-93.3-36.4-148-57.4-148-2.4 0-10.9 5.1-25.4 15.2l-15.2-19.6c37.3-32.8 72.9-69.2 95.2-71.2 25.2-2.4 40.7 14.8 46.5 51.7 20.7 131.2 29.9 151 67.6 91.6 13.5-21.4 20.8-37.7 21.8-48.9 3.5-33.2-25.9-30.9-45.8-22.4 15.9-52.1 46.3-77.4 91.2-76 33.3.9 49 22.5 47.1 64.7z\"] };\nvar faVimeoSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'vimeo-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f194\", \"M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-16.2 149.6c-1.4 31.1-23.2 73.8-65.3 127.9-43.5 56.5-80.3 84.8-110.4 84.8-18.7 0-34.4-17.2-47.3-51.6-25.2-92.3-35.9-146.4-56.7-146.4-2.4 0-10.8 5-25.1 15.1L64 192c36.9-32.4 72.1-68.4 94.1-70.4 24.9-2.4 40.2 14.6 46 51.1 20.5 129.6 29.6 149.2 66.8 90.5 13.4-21.2 20.6-37.2 21.5-48.3 3.4-32.8-25.6-30.6-45.2-22.2 15.7-51.5 45.8-76.5 90.1-75.1 32.9 1 48.4 22.4 46.5 64z\"] };\nvar faVimeoV = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'vimeo-v', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f27d\", \"M447.8 153.6c-2 43.6-32.4 103.3-91.4 179.1-60.9 79.2-112.4 118.8-154.6 118.8-26.1 0-48.2-24.1-66.3-72.3C100.3 250 85.3 174.3 56.2 174.3c-3.4 0-15.1 7.1-35.2 21.1L0 168.2c51.6-45.3 100.9-95.7 131.8-98.5 34.9-3.4 56.3 20.5 64.4 71.5 28.7 181.5 41.4 208.9 93.6 126.7 18.7-29.6 28.8-52.1 30.2-67.6 4.8-45.9-35.8-42.8-63.3-31 22-72.1 64.1-107.1 126.2-105.1 45.8 1.2 67.5 31.1 64.9 89.4z\"] };\nvar faVine = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'vine', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f1ca\", \"M384 254.7v52.1c-18.4 4.2-36.9 6.1-52.1 6.1-36.9 77.4-103 143.8-125.1 156.2-14 7.9-27.1 8.4-42.7-.8C137 452 34.2 367.7 0 102.7h74.5C93.2 261.8 139 343.4 189.3 404.5c27.9-27.9 54.8-65.1 75.6-106.9-49.8-25.3-80.1-80.9-80.1-145.6 0-65.6 37.7-115.1 102.2-115.1 114.9 0 106.2 127.9 81.6 181.5 0 0-46.4 9.2-63.5-20.5 3.4-11.3 8.2-30.8 8.2-48.5 0-31.3-11.3-46.6-28.4-46.6-18.2 0-30.8 17.1-30.8 50 .1 79.2 59.4 118.7 129.9 101.9z\"] };\nvar faVk = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'vk', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f189\", \"M545 117.7c3.7-12.5 0-21.7-17.8-21.7h-58.9c-15 0-21.9 7.9-25.6 16.7 0 0-30 73.1-72.4 120.5-13.7 13.7-20 18.1-27.5 18.1-3.7 0-9.4-4.4-9.4-16.9V117.7c0-15-4.2-21.7-16.6-21.7h-92.6c-9.4 0-15 7-15 13.5 0 14.2 21.2 17.5 23.4 57.5v86.8c0 19-3.4 22.5-10.9 22.5-20 0-68.6-73.4-97.4-157.4-5.8-16.3-11.5-22.9-26.6-22.9H38.8c-16.8 0-20.2 7.9-20.2 16.7 0 15.6 20 93.1 93.1 195.5C160.4 378.1 229 416 291.4 416c37.5 0 42.1-8.4 42.1-22.9 0-66.8-3.4-73.1 15.4-73.1 8.7 0 23.7 4.4 58.7 38.1 40 40 46.6 57.9 69 57.9h58.9c16.8 0 25.3-8.4 20.4-25-11.2-34.9-86.9-106.7-90.3-111.5-8.7-11.2-6.2-16.2 0-26.2.1-.1 72-101.3 79.4-135.6z\"] };\nvar faVnv = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'vnv', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f40b\", \"M104.9 352c-34.1 0-46.4-30.4-46.4-30.4L2.6 210.1S-7.8 192 13 192h32.8c10.4 0 13.2 8.7 18.8 18.1l36.7 74.5s5.2 13.1 21.1 13.1 21.1-13.1 21.1-13.1l36.7-74.5c5.6-9.5 8.4-18.1 18.8-18.1h32.8c20.8 0 10.4 18.1 10.4 18.1l-55.8 111.5S174.2 352 140 352h-35.1zm395 0c-34.1 0-46.4-30.4-46.4-30.4l-55.9-111.5S387.2 192 408 192h32.8c10.4 0 13.2 8.7 18.8 18.1l36.7 74.5s5.2 13.1 21.1 13.1 21.1-13.1 21.1-13.1l36.8-74.5c5.6-9.5 8.4-18.1 18.8-18.1H627c20.8 0 10.4 18.1 10.4 18.1l-55.9 111.5S569.3 352 535.1 352h-35.2zM337.6 192c34.1 0 46.4 30.4 46.4 30.4l55.9 111.5s10.4 18.1-10.4 18.1h-32.8c-10.4 0-13.2-8.7-18.8-18.1l-36.7-74.5s-5.2-13.1-21.1-13.1c-15.9 0-21.1 13.1-21.1 13.1l-36.7 74.5c-5.6 9.4-8.4 18.1-18.8 18.1h-32.9c-20.8 0-10.4-18.1-10.4-18.1l55.9-111.5s12.2-30.4 46.4-30.4h35.1z\"] };\nvar faVuejs = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'vuejs', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f41f\", \"M356.9 64.3H280l-56 88.6-48-88.6H0L224 448 448 64.3h-91.1zm-301.2 32h53.8L224 294.5 338.4 96.3h53.8L224 384.5 55.7 96.3z\"] };\nvar faWeebly = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'weebly', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f5cc\", \"M425.09 65.83c-39.88 0-73.28 25.73-83.66 64.33-18.16-58.06-65.5-64.33-84.95-64.33-19.78 0-66.8 6.28-85.28 64.33-10.38-38.6-43.45-64.33-83.66-64.33C38.59 65.83 0 99.72 0 143.03c0 28.96 4.18 33.27 77.17 233.48 22.37 60.57 67.77 69.35 92.74 69.35 39.23 0 70.04-19.46 85.93-53.98 15.89 34.83 46.69 54.29 85.93 54.29 24.97 0 70.36-9.1 92.74-69.67 76.55-208.65 77.5-205.58 77.5-227.2.63-48.32-36.01-83.47-86.92-83.47zm26.34 114.81l-65.57 176.44c-7.92 21.49-21.22 37.22-46.24 37.22-23.44 0-37.38-12.41-44.03-33.9l-39.28-117.42h-.95L216.08 360.4c-6.96 21.5-20.9 33.6-44.02 33.6-25.02 0-38.33-15.74-46.24-37.22L60.88 181.55c-5.38-14.83-7.92-23.91-7.92-34.5 0-16.34 15.84-29.36 38.33-29.36 18.69 0 31.99 11.8 36.11 29.05l44.03 139.82h.95l44.66-136.79c6.02-19.67 16.47-32.08 38.96-32.08s32.94 12.11 38.96 32.08l44.66 136.79h.95l44.03-139.82c4.12-17.25 17.42-29.05 36.11-29.05 22.17 0 38.33 13.32 38.33 35.71-.32 7.87-4.12 16.04-7.61 27.24z\"] };\nvar faWeibo = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'weibo', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f18a\", \"M407 177.6c7.6-24-13.4-46.8-37.4-41.7-22 4.8-28.8-28.1-7.1-32.8 50.1-10.9 92.3 37.1 76.5 84.8-6.8 21.2-38.8 10.8-32-10.3zM214.8 446.7C108.5 446.7 0 395.3 0 310.4c0-44.3 28-95.4 76.3-143.7C176 67 279.5 65.8 249.9 161c-4 13.1 12.3 5.7 12.3 6 79.5-33.6 140.5-16.8 114 51.4-3.7 9.4 1.1 10.9 8.3 13.1 135.7 42.3 34.8 215.2-169.7 215.2zm143.7-146.3c-5.4-55.7-78.5-94-163.4-85.7-84.8 8.6-148.8 60.3-143.4 116s78.5 94 163.4 85.7c84.8-8.6 148.8-60.3 143.4-116zM347.9 35.1c-25.9 5.6-16.8 43.7 8.3 38.3 72.3-15.2 134.8 52.8 111.7 124-7.4 24.2 29.1 37 37.4 12 31.9-99.8-55.1-195.9-157.4-174.3zm-78.5 311c-17.1 38.8-66.8 60-109.1 46.3-40.8-13.1-58-53.4-40.3-89.7 17.7-35.4 63.1-55.4 103.4-45.1 42 10.8 63.1 50.2 46 88.5zm-86.3-30c-12.9-5.4-30 .3-38 12.9-8.3 12.9-4.3 28 8.6 34 13.1 6 30.8.3 39.1-12.9 8-13.1 3.7-28.3-9.7-34zm32.6-13.4c-5.1-1.7-11.4.6-14.3 5.4-2.9 5.1-1.4 10.6 3.7 12.9 5.1 2 11.7-.3 14.6-5.4 2.8-5.2 1.1-10.9-4-12.9z\"] };\nvar faWeixin = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'weixin', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f1d7\", \"M385.2 167.6c6.4 0 12.6.3 18.8 1.1C387.4 90.3 303.3 32 207.7 32 100.5 32 13 104.8 13 197.4c0 53.4 29.3 97.5 77.9 131.6l-19.3 58.6 68-34.1c24.4 4.8 43.8 9.7 68.2 9.7 6.2 0 12.1-.3 18.3-.8-4-12.9-6.2-26.6-6.2-40.8-.1-84.9 72.9-154 165.3-154zm-104.5-52.9c14.5 0 24.2 9.7 24.2 24.4 0 14.5-9.7 24.2-24.2 24.2-14.8 0-29.3-9.7-29.3-24.2.1-14.7 14.6-24.4 29.3-24.4zm-136.4 48.6c-14.5 0-29.3-9.7-29.3-24.2 0-14.8 14.8-24.4 29.3-24.4 14.8 0 24.4 9.7 24.4 24.4 0 14.6-9.6 24.2-24.4 24.2zM563 319.4c0-77.9-77.9-141.3-165.4-141.3-92.7 0-165.4 63.4-165.4 141.3S305 460.7 397.6 460.7c19.3 0 38.9-5.1 58.6-9.9l53.4 29.3-14.8-48.6C534 402.1 563 363.2 563 319.4zm-219.1-24.5c-9.7 0-19.3-9.7-19.3-19.6 0-9.7 9.7-19.3 19.3-19.3 14.8 0 24.4 9.7 24.4 19.3 0 10-9.7 19.6-24.4 19.6zm107.1 0c-9.7 0-19.3-9.7-19.3-19.6 0-9.7 9.7-19.3 19.3-19.3 14.5 0 24.4 9.7 24.4 19.3.1 10-9.9 19.6-24.4 19.6z\"] };\nvar faWhatsapp = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'whatsapp', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f232\", \"M380.9 97.1C339 55.1 283.2 32 223.9 32c-122.4 0-222 99.6-222 222 0 39.1 10.2 77.3 29.6 111L0 480l117.7-30.9c32.4 17.7 68.9 27 106.1 27h.1c122.3 0 224.1-99.6 224.1-222 0-59.3-25.2-115-67.1-157zm-157 341.6c-33.2 0-65.7-8.9-94-25.7l-6.7-4-69.8 18.3L72 359.2l-4.4-7c-18.5-29.4-28.2-63.3-28.2-98.2 0-101.7 82.8-184.5 184.6-184.5 49.3 0 95.6 19.2 130.4 54.1 34.8 34.9 56.2 81.2 56.1 130.5 0 101.8-84.9 184.6-186.6 184.6zm101.2-138.2c-5.5-2.8-32.8-16.2-37.9-18-5.1-1.9-8.8-2.8-12.5 2.8-3.7 5.6-14.3 18-17.6 21.8-3.2 3.7-6.5 4.2-12 1.4-32.6-16.3-54-29.1-75.5-66-5.7-9.8 5.7-9.1 16.3-30.3 1.8-3.7.9-6.9-.5-9.7-1.4-2.8-12.5-30.1-17.1-41.2-4.5-10.8-9.1-9.3-12.5-9.5-3.2-.2-6.9-.2-10.6-.2-3.7 0-9.7 1.4-14.8 6.9-5.1 5.6-19.4 19-19.4 46.3 0 27.3 19.9 53.7 22.6 57.4 2.8 3.7 39.1 59.7 94.8 83.8 35.2 15.2 49 16.5 66.6 13.9 10.7-1.6 32.8-13.4 37.4-26.4 4.6-13 4.6-24.1 3.2-26.4-1.3-2.5-5-3.9-10.5-6.6z\"] };\nvar faWhatsappSquare = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'whatsapp-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f40c\", \"M224 122.8c-72.7 0-131.8 59.1-131.9 131.8 0 24.9 7 49.2 20.2 70.1l3.1 5-13.3 48.6 49.9-13.1 4.8 2.9c20.2 12 43.4 18.4 67.1 18.4h.1c72.6 0 133.3-59.1 133.3-131.8 0-35.2-15.2-68.3-40.1-93.2-25-25-58-38.7-93.2-38.7zm77.5 188.4c-3.3 9.3-19.1 17.7-26.7 18.8-12.6 1.9-22.4.9-47.5-9.9-39.7-17.2-65.7-57.2-67.7-59.8-2-2.6-16.2-21.5-16.2-41s10.2-29.1 13.9-33.1c3.6-4 7.9-5 10.6-5 2.6 0 5.3 0 7.6.1 2.4.1 5.7-.9 8.9 6.8 3.3 7.9 11.2 27.4 12.2 29.4s1.7 4.3.3 6.9c-7.6 15.2-15.7 14.6-11.6 21.6 15.3 26.3 30.6 35.4 53.9 47.1 4 2 6.3 1.7 8.6-1 2.3-2.6 9.9-11.6 12.5-15.5 2.6-4 5.3-3.3 8.9-2 3.6 1.3 23.1 10.9 27.1 12.9s6.6 3 7.6 4.6c.9 1.9.9 9.9-2.4 19.1zM400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM223.9 413.2c-26.6 0-52.7-6.7-75.8-19.3L64 416l22.5-82.2c-13.9-24-21.2-51.3-21.2-79.3C65.4 167.1 136.5 96 223.9 96c42.4 0 82.2 16.5 112.2 46.5 29.9 30 47.9 69.8 47.9 112.2 0 87.4-72.7 158.5-160.1 158.5z\"] };\nvar faWhmcs = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'whmcs', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f40d\", \"M448 161v-21.3l-28.5-8.8-2.2-10.4 20.1-20.7L427 80.4l-29 7.5-7.2-7.5 7.5-28.2-19.1-11.6-21.3 21-10.7-3.2-7-26.4h-22.6l-6.2 26.4-12.1 3.2-19.7-21-19.4 11 8.1 27.7-8.1 8.4-28.5-7.5-11 19.1 20.7 21-2.9 10.4-28.5 7.8-.3 21.7 28.8 7.5 2.4 12.1-20.1 19.9 10.4 18.5 29.6-7.5 7.2 8.6-8.1 26.9 19.9 11.6 19.4-20.4 11.6 2.9 6.7 28.5 22.6.3 6.7-28.8 11.6-3.5 20.7 21.6 20.4-12.1-8.8-28 7.8-8.1 28.8 8.8 10.3-20.1-20.9-18.8 2.2-12.1 29.1-7zm-119.2 45.2c-31.3 0-56.8-25.4-56.8-56.8s25.4-56.8 56.8-56.8 56.8 25.4 56.8 56.8c0 31.5-25.4 56.8-56.8 56.8zm72.3 16.4l46.9 14.5V277l-55.1 13.4-4.1 22.7 38.9 35.3-19.2 37.9-54-16.7-14.6 15.2 16.7 52.5-38.3 22.7-38.9-40.5-21.7 6.6-12.6 54-42.4-.5-12.6-53.6-21.7-5.6-36.4 38.4-37.4-21.7 15.2-50.5-13.7-16.1-55.5 14.1-19.7-34.8 37.9-37.4-4.8-22.8-54-14.1.5-40.9L54 219.9l5.7-19.7-38.9-39.4L41.5 125l53.6 14.1 15.2-15.7-15.2-52 36.4-20.7 36.8 39.4L191 84l11.6-52H245l11.6 45.9L234 72l-6.3-1.7-3.3 5.7-11 19.1-3.3 5.6 4.6 4.6 17.2 17.4-.3 1-23.8 6.5-6.2 1.7-.1 6.4-.2 12.9C153.8 161.6 118 204 118 254.7c0 58.3 47.3 105.7 105.7 105.7 50.5 0 92.7-35.4 103.2-82.8l13.2.2 6.9.1 1.6-6.7 5.6-24 1.9-.6 17.1 17.8 4.7 4.9 5.8-3.4 20.4-12.1 5.8-3.5-2-6.5-6.8-21.2z\"] };\nvar faWikipediaW = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'wikipedia-w', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f266\", \"M640 51.2l-.3 12.2c-28.1.8-45 15.8-55.8 40.3-25 57.8-103.3 240-155.3 358.6H415l-81.9-193.1c-32.5 63.6-68.3 130-99.2 193.1-.3.3-15 0-15-.3C172 352.3 122.8 243.4 75.8 133.4 64.4 106.7 26.4 63.4.2 63.7c0-3.1-.3-10-.3-14.2h161.9v13.9c-19.2 1.1-52.8 13.3-43.3 34.2 21.9 49.7 103.6 240.3 125.6 288.6 15-29.7 57.8-109.2 75.3-142.8-13.9-28.3-58.6-133.9-72.8-160-9.7-17.8-36.1-19.4-55.8-19.7V49.8l142.5.3v13.1c-19.4.6-38.1 7.8-29.4 26.1 18.9 40 30.6 68.1 48.1 104.7 5.6-10.8 34.7-69.4 48.1-100.8 8.9-20.6-3.9-28.6-38.6-29.4.3-3.6 0-10.3.3-13.6 44.4-.3 111.1-.3 123.1-.6v13.6c-22.5.8-45.8 12.8-58.1 31.7l-59.2 122.8c6.4 16.1 63.3 142.8 69.2 156.7L559.2 91.8c-8.6-23.1-36.4-28.1-47.2-28.3V49.6l127.8\"] };\nvar faWindows = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'windows', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f17a\", \"M0 93.7l183.6-25.3v177.4H0V93.7zm0 324.6l183.6 25.3V268.4H0v149.9zm203.8 28L448 480V268.4H203.8v177.9zm0-380.6v180.1H448V32L203.8 65.7z\"] };\nvar faWix = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'wix', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f5cf\", \"M393.38 131.69c0 13.03 2.08 32.69-28.68 43.83-9.52 3.45-15.95 9.66-15.95 9.66 0-31 4.72-42.22 17.4-48.86 9.75-5.11 27.23-4.63 27.23-4.63zm-115.8 35.54l-34.24 132.66-28.48-108.57c-7.69-31.99-20.81-48.53-48.43-48.53-27.37 0-40.66 16.18-48.43 48.53L89.52 299.89 55.28 167.23C49.73 140.51 23.86 128.96 0 131.96l65.57 247.93s21.63 1.56 32.46-3.96c14.22-7.25 20.98-12.84 29.59-46.57 7.67-30.07 29.11-118.41 31.12-124.7 4.76-14.94 11.09-13.81 15.4 0 1.97 6.3 23.45 94.63 31.12 124.7 8.6 33.73 15.37 39.32 29.59 46.57 10.82 5.52 32.46 3.96 32.46 3.96l65.57-247.93c-24.42-3.07-49.82 8.93-55.3 35.27zm115.78 5.21s-4.1 6.34-13.46 11.57c-6.01 3.36-11.78 5.64-17.97 8.61-15.14 7.26-13.18 13.95-13.18 35.2v152.07s16.55 2.09 27.37-3.43c13.93-7.1 17.13-13.95 17.26-44.78V181.41l-.02.01v-8.98zm163.44 84.08L640 132.78s-35.11-5.98-52.5 9.85c-13.3 12.1-24.41 29.55-54.18 72.47-.47.73-6.25 10.54-13.07 0-29.29-42.23-40.8-60.29-54.18-72.47-17.39-15.83-52.5-9.85-52.5-9.85l83.2 123.74-82.97 123.36s36.57 4.62 53.95-11.21c11.49-10.46 17.58-20.37 52.51-70.72 6.81-10.52 12.57-.77 13.07 0 29.4 42.38 39.23 58.06 53.14 70.72 17.39 15.83 53.32 11.21 53.32 11.21L556.8 256.52z\"] };\nvar faWolfPackBattalion = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'wolf-pack-battalion', icon: [456, 512, [], \"f514\", \"M239.73 471.53l10.56 15.84 5.28-12.32 5.28 7.04V512c21.06-7.92 21.11-66.86 25.51-97.21 4.62-31.89-.88-92.81 81.37-149.11-8.88-23.61-12-49.43-2.64-80.05 27.87 3.34 53.94 10.58 63.34 54.1l-30.35 8.36c11.15 23.04 17.01 46.76 13.2 72.14L384 313.18l-6.16 33.43-18.47-7.04-8.8 33.43-19.35-7.04 26.39 21.11 8.8-28.15 24.63 5.28 7.04-35.63 26.39 14.52c.25-20.02 6.97-58.06-8.8-84.45l26.39 5.28c3.99-22.07-2.38-39.21-7.92-56.74l22.43 9.68c-.44-25.07-29.94-56.79-61.58-58.5-20.22-1.09-56.74-25.17-54.1-51.9 1.96-19.87 17.45-42.62 43.11-49.7-43.99 36.51-9.68 67.3 5.28 73.46 4.4-11.44 17.54-69.08 0-130.2-40.47 22.87-89.73 65.1-93.25 147.79l-58.06 38.71-3.52 93.25 107.33-59.82 7.04 7.04-17.59 3.52-43.99 38.71-15.84-5.28-28.15 49.26-3.52 119.64 21.11 15.84-32.55 15.84-32.55-15.84 21.11-15.84-3.52-119.64-28.15-49.26-15.84 5.28-43.99-38.71-17.59-3.52 7.04-7.04 107.33 59.82-3.52-93.25-58.06-38.71C157.03 65.1 107.77 22.87 67.3 0c-17.54 61.12-4.4 118.76 0 130.2 14.96-6.16 49.26-36.95 5.28-73.46 25.66 7.08 41.15 29.83 43.11 49.7 2.63 26.74-33.88 50.81-54.1 51.9C29.94 160.06.44 191.78 0 216.85l22.43-9.68c-5.54 17.53-11.91 34.67-7.92 56.74l26.39-5.28c-15.76 26.39-9.05 64.43-8.8 84.45l26.39-14.52 7.04 35.63 24.63-5.28 8.8 28.15 26.39-21.11-19.34 7.05-8.8-33.43-18.47 7.04-6.16-33.43-27.27 7.04c-3.82-25.38 2.05-49.1 13.2-72.14l-30.35-8.36c9.4-43.52 35.47-50.77 63.34-54.1 9.36 30.62 6.24 56.45-2.64 80.05 82.25 56.3 76.75 117.23 81.37 149.11 4.4 30.35 4.45 89.29 25.51 97.21v-29.91l5.28-7.04 5.28 12.32 10.56-15.84 11.44 21.11 11.43-21.1zm79.17-95.01l-15.84-10.56c7.47-4.36 13.76-8.42 19.35-12.32-.6 7.26-.27 13.88-3.51 22.88zm28.15-49.26c-.4 10.94-.9 21.66-1.76 31.67-7.85-1.86-15.57-3.8-21.11-7.04 8.24-7.9 15.55-16.27 22.87-24.63zm24.63 5.28c-.02-13.43-2.05-24.21-5.28-33.43-5.38 9.09-11.23 18.18-18.47 27.27l23.75 6.16zm3.52-80.94c19.44 12.81 27.8 33.66 29.91 56.3-12.32-4.53-24.63-9.31-36.95-10.56 5.06-11.99 6.65-28.14 7.04-45.74zm-1.76-45.74c.81 14.3 1.84 28.82 1.76 42.23 19.22-8.11 29.78-9.72 43.99-14.08-10.6-18.95-27.22-25.52-45.75-28.15zM137.68 376.52l15.84-10.56c-7.47-4.36-13.76-8.42-19.35-12.32.6 7.26.27 13.88 3.51 22.88zm-28.15-49.26c.4 10.94.9 21.66 1.76 31.67 7.85-1.86 15.57-3.8 21.11-7.04-8.24-7.9-15.55-16.27-22.87-24.63zm-24.64 5.28c.02-13.43 2.05-24.21 5.28-33.43 5.38 9.09 11.23 18.18 18.47 27.27l-23.75 6.16zm-3.52-80.94c-19.44 12.81-27.8 33.66-29.91 56.3 12.32-4.53 24.63-9.31 36.95-10.56-5.05-11.99-6.65-28.14-7.04-45.74zm1.76-45.74c-.81 14.3-1.84 28.82-1.76 42.23-19.22-8.11-29.78-9.72-43.99-14.08 10.61-18.95 27.22-25.52 45.75-28.15z\"] };\nvar faWordpress = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'wordpress', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f19a\", \"M61.7 169.4l101.5 278C92.2 413 43.3 340.2 43.3 256c0-30.9 6.6-60.1 18.4-86.6zm337.9 75.9c0-26.3-9.4-44.5-17.5-58.7-10.8-17.5-20.9-32.4-20.9-49.9 0-19.6 14.8-37.8 35.7-37.8.9 0 1.8.1 2.8.2-37.9-34.7-88.3-55.9-143.7-55.9-74.3 0-139.7 38.1-177.8 95.9 5 .2 9.7.3 13.7.3 22.2 0 56.7-2.7 56.7-2.7 11.5-.7 12.8 16.2 1.4 17.5 0 0-11.5 1.3-24.3 2l77.5 230.4L249.8 247l-33.1-90.8c-11.5-.7-22.3-2-22.3-2-11.5-.7-10.1-18.2 1.3-17.5 0 0 35.1 2.7 56 2.7 22.2 0 56.7-2.7 56.7-2.7 11.5-.7 12.8 16.2 1.4 17.5 0 0-11.5 1.3-24.3 2l76.9 228.7 21.2-70.9c9-29.4 16-50.5 16-68.7zm-139.9 29.3l-63.8 185.5c19.1 5.6 39.2 8.7 60.1 8.7 24.8 0 48.5-4.3 70.6-12.1-.6-.9-1.1-1.9-1.5-2.9l-65.4-179.2zm183-120.7c.9 6.8 1.4 14 1.4 21.9 0 21.6-4 45.8-16.2 76.2l-65 187.9C426.2 403 468.7 334.5 468.7 256c0-37-9.4-71.8-26-102.1zM504 256c0 136.8-111.3 248-248 248C119.2 504 8 392.7 8 256 8 119.2 119.2 8 256 8c136.7 0 248 111.2 248 248zm-11.4 0c0-130.5-106.2-236.6-236.6-236.6C125.5 19.4 19.4 125.5 19.4 256S125.6 492.6 256 492.6c130.5 0 236.6-106.1 236.6-236.6z\"] };\nvar faWordpressSimple = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'wordpress-simple', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f411\", \"M256 8C119.3 8 8 119.2 8 256c0 136.7 111.3 248 248 248s248-111.3 248-248C504 119.2 392.7 8 256 8zM33 256c0-32.3 6.9-63 19.3-90.7l106.4 291.4C84.3 420.5 33 344.2 33 256zm223 223c-21.9 0-43-3.2-63-9.1l66.9-194.4 68.5 187.8c.5 1.1 1 2.1 1.6 3.1-23.1 8.1-48 12.6-74 12.6zm30.7-327.5c13.4-.7 25.5-2.1 25.5-2.1 12-1.4 10.6-19.1-1.4-18.4 0 0-36.1 2.8-59.4 2.8-21.9 0-58.7-2.8-58.7-2.8-12-.7-13.4 17.7-1.4 18.4 0 0 11.4 1.4 23.4 2.1l34.7 95.2L200.6 393l-81.2-241.5c13.4-.7 25.5-2.1 25.5-2.1 12-1.4 10.6-19.1-1.4-18.4 0 0-36.1 2.8-59.4 2.8-4.2 0-9.1-.1-14.4-.3C109.6 73 178.1 33 256 33c58 0 110.9 22.2 150.6 58.5-1-.1-1.9-.2-2.9-.2-21.9 0-37.4 19.1-37.4 39.6 0 18.4 10.6 33.9 21.9 52.3 8.5 14.8 18.4 33.9 18.4 61.5 0 19.1-7.3 41.2-17 72.1l-22.2 74.3-80.7-239.6zm81.4 297.2l68.1-196.9c12.7-31.8 17-57.2 17-79.9 0-8.2-.5-15.8-1.5-22.9 17.4 31.8 27.3 68.2 27.3 107 0 82.3-44.6 154.1-110.9 192.7z\"] };\nvar faWpbeginner = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'wpbeginner', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f297\", \"M462.799 322.374C519.01 386.682 466.961 480 370.944 480c-39.602 0-78.824-17.687-100.142-50.04-6.887.356-22.702.356-29.59 0C219.848 462.381 180.588 480 141.069 480c-95.49 0-148.348-92.996-91.855-157.626C-29.925 190.523 80.479 32 256.006 32c175.632 0 285.87 158.626 206.793 290.374zm-339.647-82.972h41.529v-58.075h-41.529v58.075zm217.18 86.072v-23.839c-60.506 20.915-132.355 9.198-187.589-33.971l.246 24.897c51.101 46.367 131.746 57.875 187.343 32.913zm-150.753-86.072h166.058v-58.075H189.579v58.075z\"] };\nvar faWpexplorer = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'wpexplorer', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f2de\", \"M512 256c0 141.2-114.7 256-256 256C114.8 512 0 397.3 0 256S114.7 0 256 0s256 114.7 256 256zm-32 0c0-123.2-100.3-224-224-224C132.5 32 32 132.5 32 256s100.5 224 224 224 224-100.5 224-224zM160.9 124.6l86.9 37.1-37.1 86.9-86.9-37.1 37.1-86.9zm110 169.1l46.6 94h-14.6l-50-100-48.9 100h-14l51.1-106.9-22.3-9.4 6-14 68.6 29.1-6 14.3-16.5-7.1zm-11.8-116.3l68.6 29.4-29.4 68.3L230 246l29.1-68.6zm80.3 42.9l54.6 23.1-23.4 54.3-54.3-23.1 23.1-54.3z\"] };\nvar faWpforms = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'wpforms', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f298\", \"M448 75.2v361.7c0 24.3-19 43.2-43.2 43.2H43.2C19.3 480 0 461.4 0 436.8V75.2C0 51.1 18.8 32 43.2 32h361.7c24 0 43.1 18.8 43.1 43.2zm-37.3 361.6V75.2c0-3-2.6-5.8-5.8-5.8h-9.3L285.3 144 224 94.1 162.8 144 52.5 69.3h-9.3c-3.2 0-5.8 2.8-5.8 5.8v361.7c0 3 2.6 5.8 5.8 5.8h361.7c3.2.1 5.8-2.7 5.8-5.8zM150.2 186v37H76.7v-37h73.5zm0 74.4v37.3H76.7v-37.3h73.5zm11.1-147.3l54-43.7H96.8l64.5 43.7zm210 72.9v37h-196v-37h196zm0 74.4v37.3h-196v-37.3h196zm-84.6-147.3l64.5-43.7H232.8l53.9 43.7zM371.3 335v37.3h-99.4V335h99.4z\"] };\nvar faXbox = { prefix: 'fab', iconName: 'xbox', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f412\", \"M369.9 318.2c44.3 54.3 64.7 98.8 54.4 118.7-7.9 15.1-56.7 44.6-92.6 55.9-29.6 9.3-68.4 13.3-100.4 10.2-38.2-3.7-76.9-17.4-110.1-39C93.3 445.8 87 438.3 87 423.4c0-29.9 32.9-82.3 89.2-142.1 32-33.9 76.5-73.7 81.4-72.6 9.4 2.1 84.3 75.1 112.3 109.5zM188.6 143.8c-29.7-26.9-58.1-53.9-86.4-63.4-15.2-5.1-16.3-4.8-28.7 8.1-29.2 30.4-53.5 79.7-60.3 122.4-5.4 34.2-6.1 43.8-4.2 60.5 5.6 50.5 17.3 85.4 40.5 120.9 9.5 14.6 12.1 17.3 9.3 9.9-4.2-11-.3-37.5 9.5-64 14.3-39 53.9-112.9 120.3-194.4zm311.6 63.5C483.3 127.3 432.7 77 425.6 77c-7.3 0-24.2 6.5-36 13.9-23.3 14.5-41 31.4-64.3 52.8C367.7 197 427.5 283.1 448.2 346c6.8 20.7 9.7 41.1 7.4 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faOdnoklassnikiSquare: faOdnoklassnikiSquare,\n faOldRepublic: faOldRepublic,\n faOpencart: faOpencart,\n faOpenid: faOpenid,\n faOpera: faOpera,\n faOptinMonster: faOptinMonster,\n faOsi: faOsi,\n faPage4: faPage4,\n faPagelines: faPagelines,\n faPalfed: faPalfed,\n faPatreon: faPatreon,\n faPaypal: faPaypal,\n faPeriscope: faPeriscope,\n faPhabricator: faPhabricator,\n faPhoenixFramework: faPhoenixFramework,\n faPhoenixSquadron: faPhoenixSquadron,\n faPhp: faPhp,\n faPiedPiper: faPiedPiper,\n faPiedPiperAlt: faPiedPiperAlt,\n faPiedPiperHat: faPiedPiperHat,\n faPiedPiperPp: faPiedPiperPp,\n faPinterest: faPinterest,\n faPinterestP: faPinterestP,\n faPinterestSquare: faPinterestSquare,\n faPlaystation: faPlaystation,\n faProductHunt: faProductHunt,\n faPushed: faPushed,\n faPython: faPython,\n faQq: faQq,\n faQuinscape: faQuinscape,\n faQuora: faQuora,\n faRProject: faRProject,\n faRavelry: faRavelry,\n faReact: faReact,\n faReadme: faReadme,\n faRebel: faRebel,\n faRedRiver: faRedRiver,\n faReddit: faReddit,\n faRedditAlien: faRedditAlien,\n faRedditSquare: faRedditSquare,\n faRendact: faRendact,\n faRenren: faRenren,\n faReplyd: faReplyd,\n faResearchgate: faResearchgate,\n faResolving: faResolving,\n faRev: faRev,\n faRocketchat: faRocketchat,\n faRockrms: faRockrms,\n faSafari: faSafari,\n faSass: faSass,\n faSchlix: faSchlix,\n faScribd: faScribd,\n faSearchengin: faSearchengin,\n faSellcast: faSellcast,\n faSellsy: faSellsy,\n faServicestack: faServicestack,\n faShirtsinbulk: faShirtsinbulk,\n faShopware: faShopware,\n faSimplybuilt: faSimplybuilt,\n faSistrix: faSistrix,\n faSith: faSith,\n faSkyatlas: faSkyatlas,\n faSkype: faSkype,\n faSlack: faSlack,\n faSlackHash: faSlackHash,\n faSlideshare: faSlideshare,\n faSnapchat: faSnapchat,\n faSnapchatGhost: faSnapchatGhost,\n faSnapchatSquare: faSnapchatSquare,\n faSoundcloud: faSoundcloud,\n faSpeakap: faSpeakap,\n faSpotify: faSpotify,\n faSquarespace: faSquarespace,\n faStackExchange: faStackExchange,\n faStackOverflow: faStackOverflow,\n faStaylinked: faStaylinked,\n faSteam: faSteam,\n faSteamSquare: faSteamSquare,\n faSteamSymbol: faSteamSymbol,\n faStickerMule: faStickerMule,\n faStrava: faStrava,\n faStripe: faStripe,\n faStripeS: faStripeS,\n faStudiovinari: faStudiovinari,\n faStumbleupon: faStumbleupon,\n faStumbleuponCircle: faStumbleuponCircle,\n faSuperpowers: faSuperpowers,\n faSupple: faSupple,\n faTeamspeak: faTeamspeak,\n faTelegram: faTelegram,\n faTelegramPlane: faTelegramPlane,\n faTencentWeibo: faTencentWeibo,\n faThemeco: faThemeco,\n faThemeisle: faThemeisle,\n faTradeFederation: faTradeFederation,\n faTrello: faTrello,\n faTripadvisor: faTripadvisor,\n faTumblr: faTumblr,\n faTumblrSquare: faTumblrSquare,\n faTwitch: faTwitch,\n faTwitter: faTwitter,\n faTwitterSquare: faTwitterSquare,\n faTypo3: faTypo3,\n faUber: faUber,\n faUikit: faUikit,\n faUniregistry: faUniregistry,\n faUntappd: faUntappd,\n faUsb: faUsb,\n faUssunnah: faUssunnah,\n faVaadin: faVaadin,\n faViacoin: faViacoin,\n faViadeo: faViadeo,\n faViadeoSquare: faViadeoSquare,\n faViber: faViber,\n faVimeo: faVimeo,\n faVimeoSquare: faVimeoSquare,\n faVimeoV: faVimeoV,\n faVine: faVine,\n faVk: faVk,\n faVnv: faVnv,\n faVuejs: faVuejs,\n faWeebly: faWeebly,\n faWeibo: faWeibo,\n faWeixin: faWeixin,\n faWhatsapp: faWhatsapp,\n faWhatsappSquare: faWhatsappSquare,\n faWhmcs: faWhmcs,\n faWikipediaW: faWikipediaW,\n faWindows: faWindows,\n faWix: faWix,\n faWolfPackBattalion: faWolfPackBattalion,\n faWordpress: faWordpress,\n faWordpressSimple: faWordpressSimple,\n faWpbeginner: faWpbeginner,\n faWpexplorer: faWpexplorer,\n faWpforms: faWpforms,\n faXbox: faXbox,\n faXing: faXing,\n faXingSquare: faXingSquare,\n faYCombinator: faYCombinator,\n faYahoo: faYahoo,\n faYandex: faYandex,\n faYandexInternational: faYandexInternational,\n faYelp: faYelp,\n faYoast: faYoast,\n faYoutube: faYoutube,\n faYoutubeSquare: faYoutubeSquare,\n faZhihu: faZhihu\n};\n\nexport { _iconsCache as fab, prefix, fa500px, faAccessibleIcon, faAccusoft, faAdn, faAdversal, faAffiliatetheme, faAlgolia, faAmazon, faAmazonPay, faAmilia, faAndroid, faAngellist, faAngrycreative, faAngular, faAppStore, faAppStoreIos, faApper, faApple, faApplePay, faAsymmetrik, faAudible, faAutoprefixer, faAvianex, faAviato, faAws, faBandcamp, faBehance, faBehanceSquare, faBimobject, faBitbucket, faBitcoin, faBity, faBlackTie, faBlackberry, faBlogger, faBloggerB, faBluetooth, faBluetoothB, faBtc, faBuromobelexperte, faBuysellads, faCcAmazonPay, faCcAmex, faCcApplePay, faCcDinersClub, faCcDiscover, faCcJcb, faCcMastercard, faCcPaypal, faCcStripe, faCcVisa, faCentercode, faChrome, faCloudscale, faCloudsmith, faCloudversify, faCodepen, faCodiepie, faConnectdevelop, faContao, faCpanel, faCreativeCommons, faCreativeCommonsBy, faCreativeCommonsNc, faCreativeCommonsNcEu, faCreativeCommonsNcJp, faCreativeCommonsNd, faCreativeCommonsPd, faCreativeCommonsPdAlt, faCreativeCommonsRemix, faCreativeCommonsSa, faCreativeCommonsSampling, faCreativeCommonsSamplingPlus, faCreativeCommonsShare, faCss3, faCss3Alt, faCuttlefish, faDAndD, faDashcube, faDelicious, faDeploydog, faDeskpro, faDeviantart, faDigg, faDigitalOcean, faDiscord, faDiscourse, faDochub, faDocker, faDraft2digital, faDribbble, faDribbbleSquare, faDropbox, faDrupal, faDyalog, faEarlybirds, faEbay, faEdge, faElementor, faEllo, faEmber, faEmpire, faEnvira, faErlang, faEthereum, faEtsy, faExpeditedssl, faFacebook, faFacebookF, faFacebookMessenger, faFacebookSquare, faFirefox, faFirstOrder, faFirstOrderAlt, faFirstdraft, faFlickr, faFlipboard, faFly, faFontAwesome, faFontAwesomeAlt, faFontAwesomeFlag, faFontAwesomeLogoFull, faFonticons, faFonticonsFi, faFortAwesome, faFortAwesomeAlt, faForumbee, faFoursquare, faFreeCodeCamp, faFreebsd, faFulcrum, faGalacticRepublic, faGalacticSenate, faGetPocket, faGg, faGgCircle, faGit, faGitSquare, faGithub, faGithubAlt, faGithubSquare, faGitkraken, faGitlab, faGitter, faGlide, faGlideG, faGofore, faGoodreads, faGoodreadsG, faGoogle, faGoogleDrive, faGooglePlay, faGooglePlus, faGooglePlusG, faGooglePlusSquare, faGoogleWallet, faGratipay, faGrav, faGripfire, faGrunt, faGulp, faHackerNews, faHackerNewsSquare, faHackerrank, faHips, faHireAHelper, faHooli, faHornbill, faHotjar, faHouzz, faHtml5, faHubspot, faImdb, faInstagram, faInternetExplorer, faIoxhost, faItunes, faItunesNote, faJava, faJediOrder, faJenkins, faJoget, faJoomla, faJs, faJsSquare, faJsfiddle, faKaggle, faKeybase, faKeycdn, faKickstarter, faKickstarterK, faKorvue, faLaravel, faLastfm, faLastfmSquare, faLeanpub, faLess, faLine, faLinkedin, faLinkedinIn, faLinode, faLinux, faLyft, faMagento, faMailchimp, faMandalorian, faMarkdown, faMastodon, faMaxcdn, faMedapps, faMedium, faMediumM, faMedrt, faMeetup, faMegaport, faMicrosoft, faMix, faMixcloud, faMizuni, faModx, faMonero, faNapster, faNeos, faNimblr, faNintendoSwitch, faNode, faNodeJs, faNpm, faNs8, faNutritionix, faOdnoklassniki, faOdnoklassnikiSquare, faOldRepublic, faOpencart, faOpenid, faOpera, faOptinMonster, faOsi, faPage4, faPagelines, faPalfed, faPatreon, faPaypal, faPeriscope, faPhabricator, faPhoenixFramework, faPhoenixSquadron, faPhp, faPiedPiper, faPiedPiperAlt, faPiedPiperHat, faPiedPiperPp, faPinterest, faPinterestP, faPinterestSquare, faPlaystation, faProductHunt, faPushed, faPython, faQq, faQuinscape, faQuora, faRProject, faRavelry, faReact, faReadme, faRebel, faRedRiver, faReddit, faRedditAlien, faRedditSquare, faRendact, faRenren, faReplyd, faResearchgate, faResolving, faRev, faRocketchat, faRockrms, faSafari, faSass, faSchlix, faScribd, faSearchengin, faSellcast, faSellsy, faServicestack, faShirtsinbulk, faShopware, faSimplybuilt, faSistrix, faSith, faSkyatlas, faSkype, faSlack, faSlackHash, faSlideshare, faSnapchat, faSnapchatGhost, faSnapchatSquare, faSoundcloud, faSpeakap, faSpotify, faSquarespace, faStackExchange, faStackOverflow, faStaylinked, faSteam, faSteamSquare, faSteamSymbol, faStickerMule, faStrava, faStripe, faStripeS, faStudiovinari, faStumbleupon, faStumbleuponCircle, faSuperpowers, faSupple, faTeamspeak, faTelegram, faTelegramPlane, faTencentWeibo, faThemeco, faThemeisle, faTradeFederation, faTrello, faTripadvisor, faTumblr, faTumblrSquare, faTwitch, faTwitter, faTwitterSquare, faTypo3, faUber, faUikit, faUniregistry, faUntappd, faUsb, faUssunnah, faVaadin, faViacoin, faViadeo, faViadeoSquare, faViber, faVimeo, faVimeoSquare, faVimeoV, faVine, faVk, faVnv, faVuejs, faWeebly, faWeibo, faWeixin, faWhatsapp, faWhatsappSquare, faWhmcs, faWikipediaW, faWindows, faWix, faWolfPackBattalion, faWordpress, faWordpressSimple, faWpbeginner, faWpexplorer, faWpforms, faXbox, faXing, faXingSquare, faYCombinator, faYahoo, faYandex, faYandexInternational, faYelp, faYoast, faYoutube, faYoutubeSquare, faZhihu };\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons/index.es.js\n// module id = DfMW\n// module chunks = 0","var g;\r\n\r\n// This works in non-strict mode\r\ng = (function() {\r\n\treturn this;\r\n})();\r\n\r\ntry {\r\n\t// This works if eval is allowed (see CSP)\r\n\tg = g || Function(\"return this\")() || (1,eval)(\"this\");\r\n} catch(e) {\r\n\t// This works if the window reference is available\r\n\tif(typeof window === \"object\")\r\n\t\tg = window;\r\n}\r\n\r\n// g can still be undefined, but nothing to do about it...\r\n// We return undefined, instead of nothing here, so it's\r\n// easier to handle this case. if(!global) { ...}\r\n\r\nmodule.exports = g;\r\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// (webpack)/buildin/global.js\n// module id = DuR2\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar enhanceError = require('./enhanceError');\n\n/**\n * Create an Error with the specified message, config, error code, request and response.\n *\n * @param {string} message The error message.\n * @param {Object} config The config.\n * @param {string} [code] The error code (for example, 'ECONNABORTED').\n * @param {Object} [request] The request.\n * @param {Object} [response] The response.\n * @returns {Error} The created error.\n */\nmodule.exports = function createError(message, config, code, request, response) {\n var error = new Error(message);\n return enhanceError(error, config, code, request, response);\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js\n// module id = FtD3\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\n\nmodule.exports = (\n utils.isStandardBrowserEnv() ?\n\n // Standard browser envs have full support of the APIs needed to test\n // whether the request URL is of the same origin as current location.\n (function standardBrowserEnv() {\n var msie = /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent);\n var urlParsingNode = document.createElement('a');\n var originURL;\n\n /**\n * Parse a URL to discover it's components\n *\n * @param {String} url The URL to be parsed\n * @returns {Object}\n */\n function resolveURL(url) {\n var href = url;\n\n if (msie) {\n // IE needs attribute set twice to normalize properties\n urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', href);\n href = urlParsingNode.href;\n }\n\n urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', href);\n\n // urlParsingNode provides the UrlUtils interface - http://url.spec.whatwg.org/#urlutils\n return {\n href: urlParsingNode.href,\n protocol: urlParsingNode.protocol ? urlParsingNode.protocol.replace(/:$/, '') : '',\n host: urlParsingNode.host,\n search: urlParsingNode.search ? urlParsingNode.search.replace(/^\\?/, '') : '',\n hash: urlParsingNode.hash ? urlParsingNode.hash.replace(/^#/, '') : '',\n hostname: urlParsingNode.hostname,\n port: urlParsingNode.port,\n pathname: (urlParsingNode.pathname.charAt(0) === '/') ?\n urlParsingNode.pathname :\n '/' + urlParsingNode.pathname\n };\n }\n\n originURL = resolveURL(window.location.href);\n\n /**\n * Determine if a URL shares the same origin as the current location\n *\n * @param {String} requestURL The URL to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if URL shares the same origin, otherwise false\n */\n return function isURLSameOrigin(requestURL) {\n var parsed = (utils.isString(requestURL)) ? resolveURL(requestURL) : requestURL;\n return (parsed.protocol === originURL.protocol &&\n parsed.host === originURL.host);\n };\n })() :\n\n // Non standard browser envs (web workers, react-native) lack needed support.\n (function nonStandardBrowserEnv() {\n return function isURLSameOrigin() {\n return true;\n };\n })()\n);\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/isURLSameOrigin.js\n// module id = GHBc\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nmodule.exports = function bind(fn, thisArg) {\n return function wrap() {\n var args = new Array(arguments.length);\n for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {\n args[i] = arguments[i];\n }\n return fn.apply(thisArg, args);\n };\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/bind.js\n// module id = JP+z\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./utils');\nvar normalizeHeaderName = require('./helpers/normalizeHeaderName');\n\nvar DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = {\n 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'\n};\n\nfunction setContentTypeIfUnset(headers, value) {\n if (!utils.isUndefined(headers) && utils.isUndefined(headers['Content-Type'])) {\n headers['Content-Type'] = value;\n }\n}\n\nfunction getDefaultAdapter() {\n var adapter;\n if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {\n // For browsers use XHR adapter\n adapter = require('./adapters/xhr');\n } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {\n // For node use HTTP adapter\n adapter = require('./adapters/http');\n }\n return adapter;\n}\n\nvar defaults = {\n adapter: getDefaultAdapter(),\n\n transformRequest: [function transformRequest(data, headers) {\n normalizeHeaderName(headers, 'Content-Type');\n if (utils.isFormData(data) ||\n utils.isArrayBuffer(data) ||\n utils.isBuffer(data) ||\n utils.isStream(data) ||\n utils.isFile(data) ||\n utils.isBlob(data)\n ) {\n return data;\n }\n if (utils.isArrayBufferView(data)) {\n return data.buffer;\n }\n if (utils.isURLSearchParams(data)) {\n setContentTypeIfUnset(headers, 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8');\n return data.toString();\n }\n if (utils.isObject(data)) {\n setContentTypeIfUnset(headers, 'application/json;charset=utf-8');\n return JSON.stringify(data);\n }\n return data;\n }],\n\n transformResponse: [function transformResponse(data) {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n if (typeof data === 'string') {\n try {\n data = JSON.parse(data);\n } catch (e) { /* Ignore */ }\n }\n return data;\n }],\n\n /**\n * A timeout in milliseconds to abort a request. If set to 0 (default) a\n * timeout is not created.\n */\n timeout: 0,\n\n xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',\n xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',\n\n maxContentLength: -1,\n\n validateStatus: function validateStatus(status) {\n return status >= 200 && status < 300;\n }\n};\n\ndefaults.headers = {\n common: {\n 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*'\n }\n};\n\nutils.forEach(['delete', 'get', 'head'], function forEachMethodNoData(method) {\n defaults.headers[method] = {};\n});\n\nutils.forEach(['post', 'put', 'patch'], function forEachMethodWithData(method) {\n defaults.headers[method] = utils.merge(DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);\n});\n\nmodule.exports = defaults;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/axios/lib/defaults.js\n// module id = KCLY\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", {\n value: true\n});\n\nvar _core = require('../core');\n\nvar Moment = (0, _core.twitterEmbedComponent)({\n embedComponent: function embedComponent(twttr) {\n var _twttr$widgets;\n\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n return (_twttr$widgets = twttr.widgets).createMoment.apply(_twttr$widgets, args);\n },\n\n props: {\n errorMessage: {\n type: String,\n default: 'Whoops! We couldn\\'t access this Moment.'\n },\n errorMessageClass: {\n type: String,\n required: false\n },\n widgetClass: {\n type: String,\n required: false\n }\n }\n});\n\nexports.default = Moment;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/vue-tweet-embed/dist/moment/index.js\n// module id = MTNH\n// module chunks = 0","// This file can be required in Browserify and Node.js for automatic polyfill\n// To use it: require('es6-promise/auto');\n'use strict';\nmodule.exports = require('./').polyfill();\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/es6-promise/auto.js\n// module id = MU8w\n// module chunks = 0","/*!\n * Determine if an object is a Buffer\n *\n * @author Feross Aboukhadijeh
\n * @license MIT\n */\n\n// The _isBuffer check is for Safari 5-7 support, because it's missing\n// Object.prototype.constructor. Remove this eventually\nmodule.exports = function (obj) {\n return obj != null && (isBuffer(obj) || isSlowBuffer(obj) || !!obj._isBuffer)\n}\n\nfunction isBuffer (obj) {\n return !!obj.constructor && typeof obj.constructor.isBuffer === 'function' && obj.constructor.isBuffer(obj)\n}\n\n// For Node v0.10 support. Remove this eventually.\nfunction isSlowBuffer (obj) {\n return typeof obj.readFloatLE === 'function' && typeof obj.slice === 'function' && isBuffer(obj.slice(0, 0))\n}\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/is-buffer/index.js\n// module id = Re3r\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\n\n/**\n * Transform the data for a request or a response\n *\n * @param {Object|String} data The data to be transformed\n * @param {Array} headers The headers for the request or response\n * @param {Array|Function} fns A single function or Array of functions\n * @returns {*} The resulting transformed data\n */\nmodule.exports = function transformData(data, headers, fns) {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n utils.forEach(fns, function transform(fn) {\n data = fn(data, headers);\n });\n\n return data;\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/axios/lib/core/transformData.js\n// module id = TNV1\n// module chunks = 0","(function (global, factory) {\n\ttypeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core')) :\n\ttypeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'], factory) :\n\t(factory((global['vue-fontawesome'] = {}),global.FontAwesome));\n}(this, (function (exports,fontawesomeSvgCore) { 'use strict';\n\n\tvar commonjsGlobal = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {};\n\n\tfunction createCommonjsModule(fn, module) {\n\t\treturn module = { exports: {} }, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports;\n\t}\n\n\tvar humps = createCommonjsModule(function (module) {\n\t(function(global) {\n\n\t var _processKeys = function(convert, obj, options) {\n\t if(!_isObject(obj) || _isDate(obj) || _isRegExp(obj) || _isBoolean(obj) || _isFunction(obj)) {\n\t return obj;\n\t }\n\n\t var output,\n\t i = 0,\n\t l = 0;\n\n\t if(_isArray(obj)) {\n\t output = [];\n\t for(l=obj.length; i= 0) continue;\n\t if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, i)) continue;\n\t target[i] = obj[i];\n\t }\n\n\t return target;\n\t};\n\n\tvar toConsumableArray = function (arr) {\n\t if (Array.isArray(arr)) {\n\t for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];\n\n\t return arr2;\n\t } else {\n\t return Array.from(arr);\n\t }\n\t};\n\n\tfunction styleToObject(style) {\n\t return style.split(';').map(function (s) {\n\t return s.trim();\n\t }).filter(function (s) {\n\t return s;\n\t }).reduce(function (acc, pair) {\n\t var i = pair.indexOf(':');\n\t var prop = humps.camelize(pair.slice(0, i));\n\t var value = pair.slice(i + 1).trim();\n\n\t acc[prop] = value;\n\n\t return acc;\n\t }, {});\n\t}\n\n\tfunction classToObject(cls) {\n\t return cls.split(/\\s+/).reduce(function (acc, c) {\n\t acc[c] = true;\n\n\t return acc;\n\t }, {});\n\t}\n\n\tfunction combineClassObjects() {\n\t for (var _len = arguments.length, objs = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n\t objs[_key] = arguments[_key];\n\t }\n\n\t return objs.reduce(function (acc, obj) {\n\t if (Array.isArray(obj)) {\n\t acc = acc.concat(obj);\n\t } else {\n\t acc.push(obj);\n\t }\n\n\t return acc;\n\t }, []);\n\t}\n\n\tfunction convert(h, element) {\n\t var props = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n\t var data = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : {};\n\n\t var children = (element.children || []).map(convert.bind(null, h));\n\n\t var mixins = Object.keys(element.attributes || {}).reduce(function (acc, key) {\n\t var val = element.attributes[key];\n\n\t switch (key) {\n\t case 'class':\n\t acc['class'] = classToObject(val);\n\t break;\n\t case 'style':\n\t acc['style'] = styleToObject(val);\n\t break;\n\t default:\n\t acc.attrs[key] = val;\n\t }\n\n\t return acc;\n\t }, { 'class': {}, style: {}, attrs: {} });\n\n\t var _data$class = data.class,\n\t dClass = _data$class === undefined ? {} : _data$class,\n\t _data$style = data.style,\n\t dStyle = _data$style === undefined ? {} : _data$style,\n\t _data$attrs = data.attrs,\n\t dAttrs = _data$attrs === undefined ? {} : _data$attrs,\n\t remainingData = objectWithoutProperties(data, ['class', 'style', 'attrs']);\n\n\n\t if (typeof element === 'string') {\n\t return element;\n\t } else {\n\t return h(element.tag, _extends({\n\t class: combineClassObjects(mixins.class, dClass),\n\t style: _extends({}, mixins.style, dStyle),\n\t attrs: _extends({}, mixins.attrs, dAttrs)\n\t }, remainingData, {\n\t props: props\n\t }), children);\n\t }\n\t}\n\n\tvar PRODUCTION = false;\n\n\ttry {\n\t PRODUCTION = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';\n\t} catch (e) {}\n\n\tfunction log () {\n\t if (!PRODUCTION && console && typeof console.error === 'function') {\n\t var _console;\n\n\t (_console = console).error.apply(_console, arguments);\n\t }\n\t}\n\n\tfunction objectWithKey(key, value) {\n\t return Array.isArray(value) && value.length > 0 || !Array.isArray(value) && value ? defineProperty({}, key, value) : {};\n\t}\n\n\tfunction classList(props) {\n\t var _classes;\n\n\t var classes = (_classes = {\n\t 'fa-spin': props.spin,\n\t 'fa-pulse': props.pulse,\n\t 'fa-fw': props.fixedWidth,\n\t 'fa-border': props.border,\n\t 'fa-li': props.listItem,\n\t 'fa-flip-horizontal': props.flip === 'horizontal' || props.flip === 'both',\n\t 'fa-flip-vertical': props.flip === 'vertical' || props.flip === 'both'\n\t }, defineProperty(_classes, 'fa-' + props.size, props.size !== null), defineProperty(_classes, 'fa-rotate-' + props.rotation, props.rotation !== null), defineProperty(_classes, 'fa-pull-' + props.pull, props.pull !== null), _classes);\n\n\t return Object.keys(classes).map(function (key) {\n\t return classes[key] ? key : null;\n\t }).filter(function (key) {\n\t return key;\n\t });\n\t}\n\n\tfunction addStaticClass(to, what) {\n\t var val = (to || '').length === 0 ? [] : [to];\n\n\t return val.concat(what).join(' ');\n\t}\n\n\tfunction normalizeIconArgs(icon) {\n\t if (icon === null) {\n\t return null;\n\t }\n\n\t if ((typeof icon === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(icon)) === 'object' && icon.prefix && icon.iconName) {\n\t return icon;\n\t }\n\n\t if (Array.isArray(icon) && icon.length === 2) {\n\t return { prefix: icon[0], iconName: icon[1] };\n\t }\n\n\t if (typeof icon === 'string') {\n\t return { prefix: 'fas', iconName: icon };\n\t }\n\t}\n\n\tvar FontAwesomeIcon = {\n\t name: 'FontAwesomeIcon',\n\n\t functional: true,\n\n\t props: {\n\t border: {\n\t type: Boolean,\n\t default: false\n\t },\n\t fixedWidth: {\n\t type: Boolean,\n\t default: false\n\t },\n\t flip: {\n\t type: String,\n\t default: null,\n\t validator: function validator(value) {\n\t return ['horizontal', 'vertical', 'both'].indexOf(value) > -1;\n\t }\n\t },\n\t icon: {\n\t type: [Object, Array, String],\n\t required: true\n\t },\n\t mask: {\n\t type: [Object, Array, String],\n\t default: null\n\t },\n\t listItem: {\n\t type: Boolean,\n\t default: false\n\t },\n\t pull: {\n\t type: String,\n\t default: null,\n\t validator: function validator(value) {\n\t return ['right', 'left'].indexOf(value) > -1;\n\t }\n\t },\n\t pulse: {\n\t type: Boolean,\n\t default: false\n\t },\n\t rotation: {\n\t type: Number,\n\t default: null,\n\t validator: function validator(value) {\n\t return [90, 180, 270].indexOf(value) > -1;\n\t }\n\t },\n\t size: {\n\t type: String,\n\t default: null,\n\t validator: function validator(value) {\n\t return ['lg', 'xs', 'sm', '1x', '2x', '3x', '4x', '5x', '6x', '7x', '8x', '9x', '10x'].indexOf(value) > -1;\n\t }\n\t },\n\t spin: {\n\t type: Boolean,\n\t default: false\n\t },\n\t transform: {\n\t type: [String, Object],\n\t default: null\n\t },\n\t symbol: {\n\t type: [Boolean, String],\n\t default: false\n\t }\n\t },\n\n\t render: function render(createElement, context) {\n\t var props = context.props;\n\t var iconArgs = props.icon,\n\t maskArgs = props.mask,\n\t symbol = props.symbol;\n\n\t var icon = normalizeIconArgs(iconArgs);\n\t var classes = objectWithKey('classes', classList(props));\n\t var transform = objectWithKey('transform', typeof props.transform === 'string' ? fontawesomeSvgCore.parse.transform(props.transform) : props.transform);\n\t var mask = objectWithKey('mask', normalizeIconArgs(maskArgs));\n\n\t var renderedIcon = fontawesomeSvgCore.icon(icon, _extends({}, classes, transform, mask, { symbol: symbol }));\n\n\t if (!renderedIcon) {\n\t return log('Could not find one or more icon(s)', icon, mask);\n\t }\n\n\t var abstract = renderedIcon.abstract;\n\n\t var convertCurry = convert.bind(null, createElement);\n\n\t return convertCurry(abstract[0], {}, context.data);\n\t }\n\t};\n\n\tvar FontAwesomeLayers = {\n\t name: 'FontAwesomeLayers',\n\n\t functional: true,\n\n\t props: {\n\t fixedWidth: {\n\t type: Boolean,\n\t default: false\n\t }\n\t },\n\n\t render: function render(createElement, context) {\n\t var familyPrefix = fontawesomeSvgCore.config.familyPrefix;\n\t var staticClass = context.data.staticClass;\n\n\n\t var classes = [familyPrefix + '-layers'].concat(toConsumableArray(context.props.fixedWidth ? [familyPrefix + '-fw'] : []));\n\n\t return createElement('div', _extends({}, context.data, {\n\t staticClass: addStaticClass(staticClass, classes)\n\t }), context.children);\n\t }\n\t};\n\n\tvar FontAwesomeLayersText = {\n\t name: 'FontAwesomeLayersText',\n\n\t functional: true,\n\n\t props: {\n\t value: {\n\t type: [String, Number],\n\t default: ''\n\t },\n\t transform: {\n\t type: [String, Object],\n\t default: null\n\t }\n\t },\n\n\t render: function render(createElement, context) {\n\t var props = context.props;\n\n\t var transform = objectWithKey('transform', typeof props.transform === 'string' ? fontawesomeSvgCore.parse.transform(props.transform) : props.transform);\n\n\t var renderedText = fontawesomeSvgCore.text(props.value.toString(), _extends({}, transform));\n\n\t var abstract = renderedText.abstract;\n\n\n\t var convertCurry = convert.bind(null, createElement);\n\n\t return convertCurry(abstract[0], {}, context.data);\n\t }\n\t};\n\n\texports.FontAwesomeIcon = FontAwesomeIcon;\n\texports.FontAwesomeLayers = FontAwesomeLayers;\n\texports.FontAwesomeLayersText = FontAwesomeLayersText;\n\n\tObject.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });\n\n})));\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome/index.js\n// module id = U0v6\n// module chunks = 0","/* globals __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ */\n\n// IMPORTANT: Do NOT use ES2015 features in this file.\n// This module is a runtime utility for cleaner component module output and will\n// be included in the final webpack user bundle.\n\nmodule.exports = function normalizeComponent (\n rawScriptExports,\n compiledTemplate,\n functionalTemplate,\n injectStyles,\n scopeId,\n moduleIdentifier /* server only */\n) {\n var esModule\n var scriptExports = rawScriptExports = rawScriptExports || {}\n\n // ES6 modules interop\n var type = typeof rawScriptExports.default\n if (type === 'object' || type === 'function') {\n esModule = rawScriptExports\n scriptExports = rawScriptExports.default\n }\n\n // Vue.extend constructor export interop\n var options = typeof scriptExports === 'function'\n ? scriptExports.options\n : scriptExports\n\n // render functions\n if (compiledTemplate) {\n options.render = compiledTemplate.render\n options.staticRenderFns = compiledTemplate.staticRenderFns\n options._compiled = true\n }\n\n // functional template\n if (functionalTemplate) {\n options.functional = true\n }\n\n // scopedId\n if (scopeId) {\n options._scopeId = scopeId\n }\n\n var hook\n if (moduleIdentifier) { // server build\n hook = function (context) {\n // 2.3 injection\n context =\n context || // cached call\n (this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext) || // stateful\n (this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext) // functional\n // 2.2 with runInNewContext: true\n if (!context && typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ !== 'undefined') {\n context = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__\n }\n // inject component styles\n if (injectStyles) {\n injectStyles.call(this, context)\n }\n // register component module identifier for async chunk inferrence\n if (context && context._registeredComponents) {\n context._registeredComponents.add(moduleIdentifier)\n }\n }\n // used by ssr in case component is cached and beforeCreate\n // never gets called\n options._ssrRegister = hook\n } else if (injectStyles) {\n hook = injectStyles\n }\n\n if (hook) {\n var functional = options.functional\n var existing = functional\n ? options.render\n : options.beforeCreate\n\n if (!functional) {\n // inject component registration as beforeCreate hook\n options.beforeCreate = existing\n ? [].concat(existing, hook)\n : [hook]\n } else {\n // for template-only hot-reload because in that case the render fn doesn't\n // go through the normalizer\n options._injectStyles = hook\n // register for functioal component in vue file\n options.render = function renderWithStyleInjection (h, context) {\n hook.call(context)\n return existing(h, context)\n }\n }\n }\n\n return {\n esModule: esModule,\n exports: scriptExports,\n options: options\n }\n}\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/vue-loader/lib/component-normalizer.js\n// module id = VU/8\n// module chunks = 0","// shim for using process in browser\nvar process = module.exports = {};\n\n// cached from whatever global is present so that test runners that stub it\n// don't break things. But we need to wrap it in a try catch in case it is\n// wrapped in strict mode code which doesn't define any globals. It's inside a\n// function because try/catches deoptimize in certain engines.\n\nvar cachedSetTimeout;\nvar cachedClearTimeout;\n\nfunction defaultSetTimout() {\n throw new Error('setTimeout has not been defined');\n}\nfunction defaultClearTimeout () {\n throw new Error('clearTimeout has not been defined');\n}\n(function () {\n try {\n if (typeof setTimeout === 'function') {\n cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;\n } else {\n cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;\n }\n try {\n if (typeof clearTimeout === 'function') {\n cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;\n } else {\n cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;\n }\n} ())\nfunction runTimeout(fun) {\n if (cachedSetTimeout === setTimeout) {\n //normal enviroments in sane situations\n return setTimeout(fun, 0);\n }\n // if setTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined\n if ((cachedSetTimeout === defaultSetTimout || !cachedSetTimeout) && setTimeout) {\n cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;\n return setTimeout(fun, 0);\n }\n try {\n // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness\n return cachedSetTimeout(fun, 0);\n } catch(e){\n try {\n // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally\n return cachedSetTimeout.call(null, fun, 0);\n } catch(e){\n // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error\n return cachedSetTimeout.call(this, fun, 0);\n }\n }\n\n\n}\nfunction runClearTimeout(marker) {\n if (cachedClearTimeout === clearTimeout) {\n //normal enviroments in sane situations\n return clearTimeout(marker);\n }\n // if clearTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined\n if ((cachedClearTimeout === defaultClearTimeout || !cachedClearTimeout) && clearTimeout) {\n cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;\n return clearTimeout(marker);\n }\n try {\n // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness\n return cachedClearTimeout(marker);\n } catch (e){\n try {\n // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally\n return cachedClearTimeout.call(null, marker);\n } catch (e){\n // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error.\n // Some versions of I.E. have different rules for clearTimeout vs setTimeout\n return cachedClearTimeout.call(this, marker);\n }\n }\n\n\n\n}\nvar queue = [];\nvar draining = false;\nvar currentQueue;\nvar queueIndex = -1;\n\nfunction cleanUpNextTick() {\n if (!draining || !currentQueue) {\n return;\n }\n draining = false;\n if (currentQueue.length) {\n queue = currentQueue.concat(queue);\n } else {\n queueIndex = -1;\n }\n if (queue.length) {\n drainQueue();\n }\n}\n\nfunction drainQueue() {\n if (draining) {\n return;\n }\n var timeout = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);\n draining = true;\n\n var len = queue.length;\n while(len) {\n currentQueue = queue;\n queue = [];\n while (++queueIndex < len) {\n if (currentQueue) {\n currentQueue[queueIndex].run();\n }\n }\n queueIndex = -1;\n len = queue.length;\n }\n currentQueue = null;\n draining = false;\n runClearTimeout(timeout);\n}\n\nprocess.nextTick = function (fun) {\n var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1);\n if (arguments.length > 1) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n args[i - 1] = arguments[i];\n }\n }\n queue.push(new Item(fun, args));\n if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) {\n runTimeout(drainQueue);\n }\n};\n\n// v8 likes predictible objects\nfunction Item(fun, array) {\n this.fun = fun;\n this.array = array;\n}\nItem.prototype.run = function () {\n this.fun.apply(null, this.array);\n};\nprocess.title = 'browser';\nprocess.browser = true;\nprocess.env = {};\nprocess.argv = [];\nprocess.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues\nprocess.versions = {};\n\nfunction noop() {}\n\nprocess.on = noop;\nprocess.addListener = noop;\nprocess.once = noop;\nprocess.off = noop;\nprocess.removeListener = noop;\nprocess.removeAllListeners = noop;\nprocess.emit = noop;\nprocess.prependListener = noop;\nprocess.prependOnceListener = noop;\n\nprocess.listeners = function (name) { return [] }\n\nprocess.binding = function (name) {\n throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');\n};\n\nprocess.cwd = function () { return '/' };\nprocess.chdir = function (dir) {\n throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');\n};\nprocess.umask = function() { return 0; };\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/process/browser.js\n// module id = W2nU\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar defaults = require('./../defaults');\nvar utils = require('./../utils');\nvar InterceptorManager = require('./InterceptorManager');\nvar dispatchRequest = require('./dispatchRequest');\n\n/**\n * Create a new instance of Axios\n *\n * @param {Object} instanceConfig The default config for the instance\n */\nfunction Axios(instanceConfig) {\n this.defaults = instanceConfig;\n this.interceptors = {\n request: new InterceptorManager(),\n response: new InterceptorManager()\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Dispatch a request\n *\n * @param {Object} config The config specific for this request (merged with this.defaults)\n */\nAxios.prototype.request = function request(config) {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n // Allow for axios('example/url'[, config]) a la fetch API\n if (typeof config === 'string') {\n config = utils.merge({\n url: arguments[0]\n }, arguments[1]);\n }\n\n config = utils.merge(defaults, {method: 'get'}, this.defaults, config);\n config.method = config.method.toLowerCase();\n\n // Hook up interceptors middleware\n var chain = [dispatchRequest, undefined];\n var promise = Promise.resolve(config);\n\n this.interceptors.request.forEach(function unshiftRequestInterceptors(interceptor) {\n chain.unshift(interceptor.fulfilled, interceptor.rejected);\n });\n\n this.interceptors.response.forEach(function pushResponseInterceptors(interceptor) {\n chain.push(interceptor.fulfilled, interceptor.rejected);\n });\n\n while (chain.length) {\n promise = promise.then(chain.shift(), chain.shift());\n }\n\n return promise;\n};\n\n// Provide aliases for supported request methods\nutils.forEach(['delete', 'get', 'head', 'options'], function forEachMethodNoData(method) {\n /*eslint func-names:0*/\n Axios.prototype[method] = function(url, config) {\n return this.request(utils.merge(config || {}, {\n method: method,\n url: url\n }));\n };\n});\n\nutils.forEach(['post', 'put', 'patch'], function forEachMethodWithData(method) {\n /*eslint func-names:0*/\n Axios.prototype[method] = function(url, data, config) {\n return this.request(utils.merge(config || {}, {\n method: method,\n url: url,\n data: data\n }));\n };\n});\n\nmodule.exports = Axios;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/axios/lib/core/Axios.js\n// module id = XmWM\n// module chunks = 0","/*!\n * Font Awesome Free 5.2.0 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com\n * License - https://fontawesome.com/license (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)\n */\nvar prefix = \"far\";\nvar faAddressBook = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'address-book', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f2b9\", \"M436 160c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-20V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h320c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-48h20c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-20v-64h20c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-20v-64h20zm-68 304H48V48h320v416zM208 256c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64zm-89.6 128h179.2c12.4 0 22.4-8.6 22.4-19.2v-19.2c0-31.8-30.1-57.6-67.2-57.6-10.8 0-18.7 8-44.8 8-26.9 0-33.4-8-44.8-8-37.1 0-67.2 25.8-67.2 57.6v19.2c0 10.6 10 19.2 22.4 19.2z\"] };\nvar faAddressCard = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'address-card', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f2bb\", \"M528 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm0 400H48V80h480v352zM208 256c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64zm-89.6 128h179.2c12.4 0 22.4-8.6 22.4-19.2v-19.2c0-31.8-30.1-57.6-67.2-57.6-10.8 0-18.7 8-44.8 8-26.9 0-33.4-8-44.8-8-37.1 0-67.2 25.8-67.2 57.6v19.2c0 10.6 10 19.2 22.4 19.2zM360 320h112c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-16c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm0-64h112c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-16c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm0-64h112c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-16c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8z\"] };\nvar faAngry = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'angry', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f556\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm0-144c-33.6 0-65.2 14.8-86.8 40.6-8.5 10.2-7.1 25.3 3.1 33.8s25.3 7.2 33.8-3c24.8-29.7 75-29.7 99.8 0 8.1 9.7 23.2 11.9 33.8 3 10.2-8.5 11.5-23.6 3.1-33.8-21.6-25.8-53.2-40.6-86.8-40.6zm-48-72c10.3 0 19.9-6.7 23-17.1 3.8-12.7-3.4-26.1-16.1-29.9l-80-24c-12.8-3.9-26.1 3.4-29.9 16.1-3.8 12.7 3.4 26.1 16.1 29.9l28.2 8.5c-3.1 4.9-5.3 10.4-5.3 16.6 0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32s32-14.4 32-32.1zm199-54.9c-3.8-12.7-17.1-19.9-29.9-16.1l-80 24c-12.7 3.8-19.9 17.2-16.1 29.9 3.1 10.4 12.7 17.1 23 17.1 0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32s32-14.3 32-32c0-6.2-2.2-11.7-5.3-16.6l28.2-8.5c12.7-3.7 19.9-17.1 16.1-29.8z\"] };\nvar faArrowAltCircleDown = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'arrow-alt-circle-down', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f358\", \"M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.5 0-200-89.5-200-200S145.5 56 256 56s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200zm-32-316v116h-67c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l99 99c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0l99-99c7.6-7.6 2.2-20.5-8.5-20.5h-67V140c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12z\"] };\nvar faArrowAltCircleLeft = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'arrow-alt-circle-left', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f359\", \"M8 256c0 137 111 248 248 248s248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8 8 119 8 256zm448 0c0 110.5-89.5 200-200 200S56 366.5 56 256 145.5 56 256 56s200 89.5 200 200zm-72-20v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H256v67c0 10.7-12.9 16-20.5 8.5l-99-99c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l99-99c7.6-7.6 20.5-2.2 20.5 8.5v67h116c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12z\"] };\nvar faArrowAltCircleRight = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'arrow-alt-circle-right', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f35a\", \"M504 256C504 119 393 8 256 8S8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248zm-448 0c0-110.5 89.5-200 200-200s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200S56 366.5 56 256zm72 20v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h116v-67c0-10.7 12.9-16 20.5-8.5l99 99c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17l-99 99c-7.6 7.6-20.5 2.2-20.5-8.5v-67H140c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12z\"] };\nvar faArrowAltCircleUp = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'arrow-alt-circle-up', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f35b\", \"M256 504c137 0 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248zm0-448c110.5 0 200 89.5 200 200s-89.5 200-200 200S56 366.5 56 256 145.5 56 256 56zm20 328h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V256h-67c-10.7 0-16-12.9-8.5-20.5l99-99c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l99 99c7.6 7.6 2.2 20.5-8.5 20.5h-67v116c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12z\"] };\nvar faBell = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'bell', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f0f3\", \"M439.39 362.29c-19.32-20.76-55.47-51.99-55.47-154.29 0-77.7-54.48-139.9-127.94-155.16V32c0-17.67-14.32-32-31.98-32s-31.98 14.33-31.98 32v20.84C118.56 68.1 64.08 130.3 64.08 208c0 102.3-36.15 133.53-55.47 154.29-6 6.45-8.66 14.16-8.61 21.71.11 16.4 12.98 32 32.1 32h383.8c19.12 0 32-15.6 32.1-32 .05-7.55-2.61-15.27-8.61-21.71zM67.53 368c21.22-27.97 44.42-74.33 44.53-159.42 0-.2-.06-.38-.06-.58 0-61.86 50.14-112 112-112s112 50.14 112 112c0 .2-.06.38-.06.58.11 85.1 23.31 131.46 44.53 159.42H67.53zM224 512c35.32 0 63.97-28.65 63.97-64H160.03c0 35.35 28.65 64 63.97 64z\"] };\nvar faBellSlash = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'bell-slash', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f1f6\", \"M633.99 471.02L36 3.51C29.1-2.01 19.03-.9 13.51 6l-10 12.49C-2.02 25.39-.9 35.46 6 40.98l598 467.51c6.9 5.52 16.96 4.4 22.49-2.49l10-12.49c5.52-6.9 4.41-16.97-2.5-22.49zM163.53 368c16.71-22.03 34.48-55.8 41.4-110.58l-45.47-35.55c-3.27 90.73-36.47 120.68-54.84 140.42-6 6.45-8.66 14.16-8.61 21.71.11 16.4 12.98 32 32.1 32h279.66l-61.4-48H163.53zM320 96c61.86 0 112 50.14 112 112 0 .2-.06.38-.06.58.02 16.84 1.16 31.77 2.79 45.73l59.53 46.54c-8.31-22.13-14.34-51.49-14.34-92.85 0-77.7-54.48-139.9-127.94-155.16V32c0-17.67-14.32-32-31.98-32s-31.98 14.33-31.98 32v20.84c-26.02 5.41-49.45 16.94-69.13 32.72l38.17 29.84C275 103.18 296.65 96 320 96zm0 416c35.32 0 63.97-28.65 63.97-64H256.03c0 35.35 28.65 64 63.97 64z\"] };\nvar faBookmark = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'bookmark', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f02e\", \"M336 0H48C21.49 0 0 21.49 0 48v464l192-112 192 112V48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm0 428.43l-144-84-144 84V54a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h276c3.314 0 6 2.683 6 5.996V428.43z\"] };\nvar faBuilding = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'building', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f1ad\", \"M128 148v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12zm140 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12zm-128 96h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12zm128 0h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12zm-76 84v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm76 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12zm180 124v36H0v-36c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h19.5V24c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h337c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24v440H436c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zM79.5 463H192v-67c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v67h112.5V49L80 48l-.5 415z\"] };\nvar faCalendar = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'calendar', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f133\", \"M400 64h-48V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v52H160V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v52H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-6 400H54c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V160h352v298c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6z\"] };\nvar faCalendarAlt = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'calendar-alt', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f073\", \"M148 288h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12zm108-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm-96 96v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm-96 0v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm192 0v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm96-260v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V112c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V160H48v298c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z\"] };\nvar faCalendarCheck = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'calendar-check', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f274\", \"M400 64h-48V12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v52H160V12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v52H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V112c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-6 400H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V160h352v298a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zm-52.849-200.65L198.842 404.519c-4.705 4.667-12.303 4.637-16.971-.068l-75.091-75.699c-4.667-4.705-4.637-12.303.068-16.971l22.719-22.536c4.705-4.667 12.303-4.637 16.97.069l44.104 44.461 111.072-110.181c4.705-4.667 12.303-4.637 16.971.068l22.536 22.718c4.667 4.705 4.636 12.303-.069 16.97z\"] };\nvar faCalendarMinus = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'calendar-minus', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f272\", \"M124 328c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-24c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h200c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v24c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H124zm324-216v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V112c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V160H48v298c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z\"] };\nvar faCalendarPlus = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'calendar-plus', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f271\", \"M336 292v24c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-76v76c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-24c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-76h-76c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-24c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h76v-76c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h24c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v76h76c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm112-180v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V112c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V160H48v298c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z\"] };\nvar faCalendarTimes = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'calendar-times', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f273\", \"M311.7 374.7l-17 17c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0L224 337.9l-53.7 53.7c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0l-17-17c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l53.7-53.7-53.7-53.7c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l17-17c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l53.7 53.7 53.7-53.7c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l17 17c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17L257.9 304l53.7 53.7c4.8 4.7 4.8 12.3.1 17zM448 112v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V112c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V160H48v298c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z\"] };\nvar faCaretSquareDown = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'caret-square-down', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f150\", \"M125.1 208h197.8c10.7 0 16.1 13 8.5 20.5l-98.9 98.3c-4.7 4.7-12.2 4.7-16.9 0l-98.9-98.3c-7.7-7.5-2.3-20.5 8.4-20.5zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z\"] };\nvar faCaretSquareLeft = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'caret-square-left', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f191\", \"M272 157.1v197.8c0 10.7-13 16.1-20.5 8.5l-98.3-98.9c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.2 0-16.9l98.3-98.9c7.5-7.7 20.5-2.3 20.5 8.4zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z\"] };\nvar faCaretSquareRight = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'caret-square-right', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f152\", \"M176 354.9V157.1c0-10.7 13-16.1 20.5-8.5l98.3 98.9c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.2 0 16.9l-98.3 98.9c-7.5 7.7-20.5 2.3-20.5-8.4zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z\"] };\nvar faCaretSquareUp = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'caret-square-up', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f151\", \"M322.9 304H125.1c-10.7 0-16.1-13-8.5-20.5l98.9-98.3c4.7-4.7 12.2-4.7 16.9 0l98.9 98.3c7.7 7.5 2.3 20.5-8.4 20.5zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z\"] };\nvar faChartBar = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'chart-bar', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f080\", \"M500 400c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v24c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V76c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h24c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v324h452zm-356-60v-72c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-24c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v72c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h24c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm96 0V140c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-24c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v200c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h24c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm96 0V204c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-24c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v136c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h24c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm96 0V108c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-24c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v232c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h24c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12z\"] };\nvar faCheckCircle = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'check-circle', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f058\", \"M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 48c110.532 0 200 89.451 200 200 0 110.532-89.451 200-200 200-110.532 0-200-89.451-200-200 0-110.532 89.451-200 200-200m140.204 130.267l-22.536-22.718c-4.667-4.705-12.265-4.736-16.97-.068L215.346 303.697l-59.792-60.277c-4.667-4.705-12.265-4.736-16.97-.069l-22.719 22.536c-4.705 4.667-4.736 12.265-.068 16.971l90.781 91.516c4.667 4.705 12.265 4.736 16.97.068l172.589-171.204c4.704-4.668 4.734-12.266.067-16.971z\"] };\nvar faCheckSquare = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'check-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f14a\", \"M400 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm0 400H48V80h352v352zm-35.864-241.724L191.547 361.48c-4.705 4.667-12.303 4.637-16.97-.068l-90.781-91.516c-4.667-4.705-4.637-12.303.069-16.971l22.719-22.536c4.705-4.667 12.303-4.637 16.97.069l59.792 60.277 141.352-140.216c4.705-4.667 12.303-4.637 16.97.068l22.536 22.718c4.667 4.706 4.637 12.304-.068 16.971z\"] };\nvar faCircle = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'circle', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f111\", \"M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.5 0-200-89.5-200-200S145.5 56 256 56s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200z\"] };\nvar faClipboard = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'clipboard', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f328\", \"M336 64h-80c0-35.29-28.71-64-64-64s-64 28.71-64 64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h288c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V112c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-6 400H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V118a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h42v36c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h168c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-36h42a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v340a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zM192 40c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24s-10.745 24-24 24-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24\"] };\nvar faClock = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'clock', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f017\", \"M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.5 0-200-89.5-200-200S145.5 56 256 56s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200zm61.8-104.4l-84.9-61.7c-3.1-2.3-4.9-5.9-4.9-9.7V116c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h32c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v141.7l66.8 48.6c5.4 3.9 6.5 11.4 2.6 16.8L334.6 349c-3.9 5.3-11.4 6.5-16.8 2.6z\"] };\nvar faClone = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'clone', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f24d\", \"M464 0H144c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v48H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v320c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h320c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-48h48c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM362 464H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V150a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h42v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h224v42a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zm96-96H150a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V54a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h308a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v308a6 6 0 0 1-6 6z\"] };\nvar faClosedCaptioning = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'closed-captioning', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f20a\", \"M464 64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-6 336H54c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V118c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h404c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v276c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6zm-211.1-85.7c1.7 2.4 1.5 5.6-.5 7.7-53.6 56.8-172.8 32.1-172.8-67.9 0-97.3 121.7-119.5 172.5-70.1 2.1 2 2.5 3.2 1 5.7l-17.5 30.5c-1.9 3.1-6.2 4-9.1 1.7-40.8-32-94.6-14.9-94.6 31.2 0 48 51 70.5 92.2 32.6 2.8-2.5 7.1-2.1 9.2.9l19.6 27.7zm190.4 0c1.7 2.4 1.5 5.6-.5 7.7-53.6 56.9-172.8 32.1-172.8-67.9 0-97.3 121.7-119.5 172.5-70.1 2.1 2 2.5 3.2 1 5.7L420 220.2c-1.9 3.1-6.2 4-9.1 1.7-40.8-32-94.6-14.9-94.6 31.2 0 48 51 70.5 92.2 32.6 2.8-2.5 7.1-2.1 9.2.9l19.6 27.7z\"] };\nvar faComment = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'comment', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f075\", \"M256 32C114.6 32 0 125.1 0 240c0 47.6 19.9 91.2 52.9 126.3C38 405.7 7 439.1 6.5 439.5c-6.6 7-8.4 17.2-4.6 26S14.4 480 24 480c61.5 0 110-25.7 139.1-46.3C192 442.8 223.2 448 256 448c141.4 0 256-93.1 256-208S397.4 32 256 32zm0 368c-26.7 0-53.1-4.1-78.4-12.1l-22.7-7.2-19.5 13.8c-14.3 10.1-33.9 21.4-57.5 29 7.3-12.1 14.4-25.7 19.9-40.2l10.6-28.1-20.6-21.8C69.7 314.1 48 282.2 48 240c0-88.2 93.3-160 208-160s208 71.8 208 160-93.3 160-208 160z\"] };\nvar faCommentAlt = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'comment-alt', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f27a\", \"M448 0H64C28.7 0 0 28.7 0 64v288c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64h96v84c0 7.1 5.8 12 12 12 2.4 0 4.9-.7 7.1-2.4L304 416h144c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V64c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64zm16 352c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16H288l-12.8 9.6L208 428v-60H64c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V64c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h384c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v288z\"] };\nvar faCommentDots = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'comment-dots', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f4ad\", \"M144 208c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm112 0c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm112 0c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zM256 32C114.6 32 0 125.1 0 240c0 47.6 19.9 91.2 52.9 126.3C38 405.7 7 439.1 6.5 439.5c-6.6 7-8.4 17.2-4.6 26S14.4 480 24 480c61.5 0 110-25.7 139.1-46.3C192 442.8 223.2 448 256 448c141.4 0 256-93.1 256-208S397.4 32 256 32zm0 368c-26.7 0-53.1-4.1-78.4-12.1l-22.7-7.2-19.5 13.8c-14.3 10.1-33.9 21.4-57.5 29 7.3-12.1 14.4-25.7 19.9-40.2l10.6-28.1-20.6-21.8C69.7 314.1 48 282.2 48 240c0-88.2 93.3-160 208-160s208 71.8 208 160-93.3 160-208 160z\"] };\nvar faComments = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'comments', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f086\", \"M532 386.2c27.5-27.1 44-61.1 44-98.2 0-80-76.5-146.1-176.2-157.9C368.3 72.5 294.3 32 208 32 93.1 32 0 103.6 0 192c0 37 16.5 71 44 98.2-15.3 30.7-37.3 54.5-37.7 54.9-6.3 6.7-8.1 16.5-4.4 25 3.6 8.5 12 14 21.2 14 53.5 0 96.7-20.2 125.2-38.8 9.2 2.1 18.7 3.7 28.4 4.9C208.1 407.6 281.8 448 368 448c20.8 0 40.8-2.4 59.8-6.8C456.3 459.7 499.4 480 553 480c9.2 0 17.5-5.5 21.2-14 3.6-8.5 1.9-18.3-4.4-25-.4-.3-22.5-24.1-37.8-54.8zm-392.8-92.3L122.1 305c-14.1 9.1-28.5 16.3-43.1 21.4 2.7-4.7 5.4-9.7 8-14.8l15.5-31.1L77.7 256C64.2 242.6 48 220.7 48 192c0-60.7 73.3-112 160-112s160 51.3 160 112-73.3 112-160 112c-16.5 0-33-1.9-49-5.6l-19.8-4.5zM498.3 352l-24.7 24.4 15.5 31.1c2.6 5.1 5.3 10.1 8 14.8-14.6-5.1-29-12.3-43.1-21.4l-17.1-11.1-19.9 4.6c-16 3.7-32.5 5.6-49 5.6-54 0-102.2-20.1-131.3-49.7C338 339.5 416 272.9 416 192c0-3.4-.4-6.7-.7-10C479.7 196.5 528 238.8 528 288c0 28.7-16.2 50.6-29.7 64z\"] };\nvar faCompass = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'compass', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f14e\", \"M347.94 129.86L203.6 195.83a31.938 31.938 0 0 0-15.77 15.77l-65.97 144.34c-7.61 16.65 9.54 33.81 26.2 26.2l144.34-65.97a31.938 31.938 0 0 0 15.77-15.77l65.97-144.34c7.61-16.66-9.54-33.81-26.2-26.2zm-77.36 148.72c-12.47 12.47-32.69 12.47-45.16 0-12.47-12.47-12.47-32.69 0-45.16 12.47-12.47 32.69-12.47 45.16 0 12.47 12.47 12.47 32.69 0 45.16zM248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.28 0-200-89.72-200-200S137.72 56 248 56s200 89.72 200 200-89.72 200-200 200z\"] };\nvar faCopy = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'copy', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f0c5\", \"M433.941 65.941l-51.882-51.882A48 48 0 0 0 348.118 0H176c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v48H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v320c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h224c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-48h80c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V99.882a48 48 0 0 0-14.059-33.941zM266 464H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V150a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h74v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h96v42a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zm128-96H182a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V54a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h106v88c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h88v202a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zm6-256h-64V48h9.632c1.591 0 3.117.632 4.243 1.757l48.368 48.368a6 6 0 0 1 1.757 4.243V112z\"] };\nvar faCopyright = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'copyright', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f1f9\", \"M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.532 0-200-89.451-200-200 0-110.531 89.451-200 200-200 110.532 0 200 89.451 200 200 0 110.532-89.451 200-200 200zm107.351-101.064c-9.614 9.712-45.53 41.396-104.065 41.396-82.43 0-140.484-61.425-140.484-141.567 0-79.152 60.275-139.401 139.762-139.401 55.531 0 88.738 26.62 97.593 34.779a11.965 11.965 0 0 1 1.936 15.322l-18.155 28.113c-3.841 5.95-11.966 7.282-17.499 2.921-8.595-6.776-31.814-22.538-61.708-22.538-48.303 0-77.916 35.33-77.916 80.082 0 41.589 26.888 83.692 78.277 83.692 32.657 0 56.843-19.039 65.726-27.225 5.27-4.857 13.596-4.039 17.82 1.738l19.865 27.17a11.947 11.947 0 0 1-1.152 15.518z\"] };\nvar faCreditCard = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'credit-card', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f09d\", \"M527.9 32H48.1C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48.1 48h479.8c26.6 0 48.1-21.5 48.1-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48.1-48zM54.1 80h467.8c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v42H48.1V86c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6zm467.8 352H54.1c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V256h479.8v170c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6zM192 332v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-72c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h72c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm192 0v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H236c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h136c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12z\"] };\nvar faDizzy = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'dizzy', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f567\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-33.8-217.9c7.8-7.8 7.8-20.5 0-28.3L196.3 192l17.9-17.9c7.8-7.8 7.8-20.5 0-28.3-7.8-7.8-20.5-7.8-28.3 0L168 163.7l-17.8-17.8c-7.8-7.8-20.5-7.8-28.3 0-7.8 7.8-7.8 20.5 0 28.3l17.9 17.9-17.9 17.9c-7.8 7.8-7.8 20.5 0 28.3 7.8 7.8 20.5 7.8 28.3 0l17.8-17.8 17.8 17.8c7.9 7.7 20.5 7.7 28.4-.2zm160-92.2c-7.8-7.8-20.5-7.8-28.3 0L328 163.7l-17.8-17.8c-7.8-7.8-20.5-7.8-28.3 0-7.8 7.8-7.8 20.5 0 28.3l17.9 17.9-17.9 17.9c-7.8 7.8-7.8 20.5 0 28.3 7.8 7.8 20.5 7.8 28.3 0l17.8-17.8 17.8 17.8c7.8 7.8 20.5 7.8 28.3 0 7.8-7.8 7.8-20.5 0-28.3l-17.8-18 17.9-17.9c7.7-7.8 7.7-20.4 0-28.2zM248 272c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64s28.7 64 64 64 64-28.7 64-64-28.7-64-64-64z\"] };\nvar faDotCircle = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'dot-circle', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f192\", \"M256 56c110.532 0 200 89.451 200 200 0 110.532-89.451 200-200 200-110.532 0-200-89.451-200-200 0-110.532 89.451-200 200-200m0-48C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 168c-44.183 0-80 35.817-80 80s35.817 80 80 80 80-35.817 80-80-35.817-80-80-80z\"] };\nvar faEdit = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'edit', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f044\", \"M402.3 344.9l32-32c5-5 13.7-1.5 13.7 5.7V464c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V112c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h273.5c7.1 0 10.7 8.6 5.7 13.7l-32 32c-1.5 1.5-3.5 2.3-5.7 2.3H48v352h352V350.5c0-2.1.8-4.1 2.3-5.6zm156.6-201.8L296.3 405.7l-90.4 10c-26.2 2.9-48.5-19.2-45.6-45.6l10-90.4L432.9 17.1c22.9-22.9 59.9-22.9 82.7 0l43.2 43.2c22.9 22.9 22.9 60 .1 82.8zM460.1 174L402 115.9 216.2 301.8l-7.3 65.3 65.3-7.3L460.1 174zm64.8-79.7l-43.2-43.2c-4.1-4.1-10.8-4.1-14.8 0L436 82l58.1 58.1 30.9-30.9c4-4.2 4-10.8-.1-14.9z\"] };\nvar faEnvelope = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'envelope', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f0e0\", \"M464 64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V112c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm0 48v40.805c-22.422 18.259-58.168 46.651-134.587 106.49-16.841 13.247-50.201 45.072-73.413 44.701-23.208.375-56.579-31.459-73.413-44.701C106.18 199.465 70.425 171.067 48 152.805V112h416zM48 400V214.398c22.914 18.251 55.409 43.862 104.938 82.646 21.857 17.205 60.134 55.186 103.062 54.955 42.717.231 80.509-37.199 103.053-54.947 49.528-38.783 82.032-64.401 104.947-82.653V400H48z\"] };\nvar faEnvelopeOpen = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'envelope-open', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f2b6\", \"M494.586 164.516c-4.697-3.883-111.723-89.95-135.251-108.657C337.231 38.191 299.437 0 256 0c-43.205 0-80.636 37.717-103.335 55.859-24.463 19.45-131.07 105.195-135.15 108.549A48.004 48.004 0 0 0 0 201.485V464c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V201.509a48 48 0 0 0-17.414-36.993zM464 458a6 6 0 0 1-6 6H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V204.347c0-1.813.816-3.526 2.226-4.665 15.87-12.814 108.793-87.554 132.364-106.293C200.755 78.88 232.398 48 256 48c23.693 0 55.857 31.369 73.41 45.389 23.573 18.741 116.503 93.493 132.366 106.316a5.99 5.99 0 0 1 2.224 4.663V458zm-31.991-187.704c4.249 5.159 3.465 12.795-1.745 16.981-28.975 23.283-59.274 47.597-70.929 56.863C336.636 362.283 299.205 400 256 400c-43.452 0-81.287-38.237-103.335-55.86-11.279-8.967-41.744-33.413-70.927-56.865-5.21-4.187-5.993-11.822-1.745-16.981l15.258-18.528c4.178-5.073 11.657-5.843 16.779-1.726 28.618 23.001 58.566 47.035 70.56 56.571C200.143 320.631 232.307 352 256 352c23.602 0 55.246-30.88 73.41-45.389 11.994-9.535 41.944-33.57 70.563-56.568 5.122-4.116 12.601-3.346 16.778 1.727l15.258 18.526z\"] };\nvar faEye = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'eye', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f06e\", \"M569.354 231.631C512.97 135.949 407.81 72 288 72 168.14 72 63.004 135.994 6.646 231.631a47.999 47.999 0 0 0 0 48.739C63.031 376.051 168.19 440 288 440c119.86 0 224.996-63.994 281.354-159.631a47.997 47.997 0 0 0 0-48.738zM288 392c-102.556 0-192.091-54.701-240-136 44.157-74.933 123.677-127.27 216.162-135.007C273.958 131.078 280 144.83 280 160c0 30.928-25.072 56-56 56s-56-25.072-56-56l.001-.042C157.794 179.043 152 200.844 152 224c0 75.111 60.889 136 136 136s136-60.889 136-136c0-31.031-10.4-59.629-27.895-82.515C451.704 164.638 498.009 205.106 528 256c-47.908 81.299-137.444 136-240 136z\"] };\nvar faEyeSlash = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'eye-slash', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f070\", \"M272.702 359.139c-80.483-9.011-136.212-86.886-116.93-167.042l116.93 167.042zM288 392c-102.556 0-192.092-54.701-240-136 21.755-36.917 52.1-68.342 88.344-91.658l-27.541-39.343C67.001 152.234 31.921 188.741 6.646 231.631a47.999 47.999 0 0 0 0 48.739C63.004 376.006 168.14 440 288 440a332.89 332.89 0 0 0 39.648-2.367l-32.021-45.744A284.16 284.16 0 0 1 288 392zm281.354-111.631c-33.232 56.394-83.421 101.742-143.554 129.492l48.116 68.74c3.801 5.429 2.48 12.912-2.949 16.712L450.23 509.83c-5.429 3.801-12.912 2.48-16.712-2.949L102.084 33.399c-3.801-5.429-2.48-12.912 2.949-16.712L125.77 2.17c5.429-3.801 12.912-2.48 16.712 2.949l55.526 79.325C226.612 76.343 256.808 72 288 72c119.86 0 224.996 63.994 281.354 159.631a48.002 48.002 0 0 1 0 48.738zM528 256c-44.157-74.933-123.677-127.27-216.162-135.007C302.042 131.078 296 144.83 296 160c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56s56-25.072 56-56l-.001-.042c30.632 57.277 16.739 130.26-36.928 171.719l26.695 38.135C452.626 346.551 498.308 306.386 528 256z\"] };\nvar faFile = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'file', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f15b\", \"M369.9 97.9L286 14C277 5 264.8-.1 252.1-.1H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V131.9c0-12.7-5.1-25-14.1-34zM332.1 128H256V51.9l76.1 76.1zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h104v288H48z\"] };\nvar faFileAlt = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'file-alt', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f15c\", \"M288 248v28c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H108c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-28c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h168c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm-12 72H108c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v28c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h168c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-28c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zm108-188.1V464c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V48C0 21.5 21.5 0 48 0h204.1C264.8 0 277 5.1 286 14.1L369.9 98c9 8.9 14.1 21.2 14.1 33.9zm-128-80V128h76.1L256 51.9zM336 464V176H232c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V48H48v416h288z\"] };\nvar faFileArchive = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'file-archive', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f1c6\", \"M369.941 97.941l-83.882-83.882A48 48 0 0 0 252.118 0H48C21.49 0 0 21.49 0 48v416c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h288c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V131.882a48 48 0 0 0-14.059-33.941zM256 51.882L332.118 128H256V51.882zM336 464H48V48h79.714v16h32V48H208v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h104v288zM192.27 96h-32V64h32v32zm-32 0v32h-32V96h32zm0 64v32h-32v-32h32zm32 0h-32v-32h32v32zm1.909 105.678A12 12 0 0 0 182.406 256H160.27v-32h-32v32l-19.69 97.106C101.989 385.611 126.834 416 160 416c33.052 0 57.871-30.192 51.476-62.62l-17.297-87.702zM160.27 390.073c-17.918 0-32.444-12.105-32.444-27.036 0-14.932 14.525-27.036 32.444-27.036s32.444 12.105 32.444 27.036c0 14.931-14.526 27.036-32.444 27.036zm32-166.073h-32v-32h32v32z\"] };\nvar faFileAudio = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'file-audio', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f1c7\", \"M369.941 97.941l-83.882-83.882A48 48 0 0 0 252.118 0H48C21.49 0 0 21.49 0 48v416c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h288c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V131.882a48 48 0 0 0-14.059-33.941zM332.118 128H256V51.882L332.118 128zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h104v288H48zm144-76.024c0 10.691-12.926 16.045-20.485 8.485L136 360.486h-28c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-56c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h28l35.515-36.947c7.56-7.56 20.485-2.206 20.485 8.485v135.952zm41.201-47.13c9.051-9.297 9.06-24.133.001-33.439-22.149-22.752 12.235-56.246 34.395-33.481 27.198 27.94 27.212 72.444.001 100.401-21.793 22.386-56.947-10.315-34.397-33.481z\"] };\nvar faFileCode = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'file-code', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f1c9\", \"M369.941 97.941l-83.882-83.882A48 48 0 0 0 252.118 0H48C21.49 0 0 21.49 0 48v416c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h288c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V131.882a48 48 0 0 0-14.059-33.941zM332.118 128H256V51.882L332.118 128zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h104v288H48zm101.677-115.115L116.854 320l32.822-28.885a8.793 8.793 0 0 0 .605-12.624l-17.403-18.564c-3.384-3.613-8.964-3.662-12.438-.401L62.78 313.58c-3.703 3.474-3.704 9.367.001 12.84l57.659 54.055a8.738 8.738 0 0 0 6.012 2.381 8.746 8.746 0 0 0 6.427-2.782l17.403-18.563a8.795 8.795 0 0 0-.605-12.626zm84.284-127.85l-24.401-7.084a8.796 8.796 0 0 0-10.905 5.998L144.04 408.061c-1.353 4.66 1.338 9.552 5.998 10.905l24.403 7.084c4.68 1.355 9.557-1.354 10.905-5.998l54.612-188.112c1.354-4.66-1.337-9.552-5.997-10.905zm87.258 92.545l-57.658-54.055c-3.526-3.307-9.099-3.165-12.439.401l-17.403 18.563a8.795 8.795 0 0 0 .605 12.625L267.146 320l-32.822 28.885a8.793 8.793 0 0 0-.605 12.624l17.403 18.564a8.797 8.797 0 0 0 12.439.401h-.001l57.66-54.055c3.703-3.473 3.703-9.366-.001-12.839z\"] };\nvar faFileExcel = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'file-excel', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f1c3\", \"M369.9 97.9L286 14C277 5 264.8-.1 252.1-.1H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V131.9c0-12.7-5.1-25-14.1-34zM332.1 128H256V51.9l76.1 76.1zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h104v288H48zm212-240h-28.8c-4.4 0-8.4 2.4-10.5 6.3-18 33.1-22.2 42.4-28.6 57.7-13.9-29.1-6.9-17.3-28.6-57.7-2.1-3.9-6.2-6.3-10.6-6.3H124c-9.3 0-15 10-10.4 18l46.3 78-46.3 78c-4.7 8 1.1 18 10.4 18h28.9c4.4 0 8.4-2.4 10.5-6.3 21.7-40 23-45 28.6-57.7 14.9 30.2 5.9 15.9 28.6 57.7 2.1 3.9 6.2 6.3 10.6 6.3H260c9.3 0 15-10 10.4-18L224 320c.7-1.1 30.3-50.5 46.3-78 4.7-8-1.1-18-10.3-18z\"] };\nvar faFileImage = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'file-image', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f1c5\", \"M369.9 97.9L286 14C277 5 264.8-.1 252.1-.1H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V131.9c0-12.7-5.1-25-14.1-34zM332.1 128H256V51.9l76.1 76.1zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h104v288H48zm32-48h224V288l-23.5-23.5c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0L176 352l-39.5-39.5c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0L80 352v64zm48-240c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48s21.5 48 48 48 48-21.5 48-48-21.5-48-48-48z\"] };\nvar faFilePdf = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'file-pdf', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f1c1\", \"M369.9 97.9L286 14C277 5 264.8-.1 252.1-.1H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V131.9c0-12.7-5.1-25-14.1-34zM332.1 128H256V51.9l76.1 76.1zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h104v288H48zm250.2-143.7c-12.2-12-47-8.7-64.4-6.5-17.2-10.5-28.7-25-36.8-46.3 3.9-16.1 10.1-40.6 5.4-56-4.2-26.2-37.8-23.6-42.6-5.9-4.4 16.1-.4 38.5 7 67.1-10 23.9-24.9 56-35.4 74.4-20 10.3-47 26.2-51 46.2-3.3 15.8 26 55.2 76.1-31.2 22.4-7.4 46.8-16.5 68.4-20.1 18.9 10.2 41 17 55.8 17 25.5 0 28-28.2 17.5-38.7zm-198.1 77.8c5.1-13.7 24.5-29.5 30.4-35-19 30.3-30.4 35.7-30.4 35zm81.6-190.6c7.4 0 6.7 32.1 1.8 40.8-4.4-13.9-4.3-40.8-1.8-40.8zm-24.4 136.6c9.7-16.9 18-37 24.7-54.7 8.3 15.1 18.9 27.2 30.1 35.5-20.8 4.3-38.9 13.1-54.8 19.2zm131.6-5s-5 6-37.3-7.8c35.1-2.6 40.9 5.4 37.3 7.8z\"] };\nvar faFilePowerpoint = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'file-powerpoint', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f1c4\", \"M369.9 97.9L286 14C277 5 264.8-.1 252.1-.1H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V131.9c0-12.7-5.1-25-14.1-34zM332.1 128H256V51.9l76.1 76.1zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h104v288H48zm72-60V236c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h69.2c36.7 0 62.8 27 62.8 66.3 0 74.3-68.7 66.5-95.5 66.5V404c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H132c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12zm48.5-87.4h23c7.9 0 13.9-2.4 18.1-7.2 8.5-9.8 8.4-28.5.1-37.8-4.1-4.6-9.9-7-17.4-7h-23.9v52z\"] };\nvar faFileVideo = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'file-video', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f1c8\", \"M369.941 97.941l-83.882-83.882A48 48 0 0 0 252.118 0H48C21.49 0 0 21.49 0 48v416c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h288c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V131.882a48 48 0 0 0-14.059-33.941zM332.118 128H256V51.882L332.118 128zM48 464V48h160v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h104v288H48zm228.687-211.303L224 305.374V268c0-11.046-8.954-20-20-20H100c-11.046 0-20 8.954-20 20v104c0 11.046 8.954 20 20 20h104c11.046 0 20-8.954 20-20v-37.374l52.687 52.674C286.704 397.318 304 390.28 304 375.986V264.011c0-14.311-17.309-21.319-27.313-11.314z\"] };\nvar faFileWord = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'file-word', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f1c2\", \"M369.9 97.9L286 14C277 5 264.8-.1 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16 16 16h16c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-83.443C109.869 395.28 143.259 384 199.826 384c49.132 0 93.305 32 161.913 32 58.479 0 101.972-22.617 128.548-39.981C503.846 367.161 512 352.051 512 335.855V95.937c0-34.459-35.264-57.768-66.904-44.117C409.193 67.309 371.641 80 336.174 80zM464 336c-21.783 15.412-60.824 32-102.261 32-59.945 0-102.002-32-161.913-32-43.361 0-96.379 9.403-127.826 24V128c21.784-15.412 60.824-32 102.261-32 59.945 0 102.002 32 161.913 32 43.271 0 96.32-17.366 127.826-32v240z\"] };\nvar faFlushed = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'flushed', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f579\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm96-312c-44.2 0-80 35.8-80 80s35.8 80 80 80 80-35.8 80-80-35.8-80-80-80zm0 128c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm0-72c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24 24-10.7 24-24-10.7-24-24-24zm-112 24c0-44.2-35.8-80-80-80s-80 35.8-80 80 35.8 80 80 80 80-35.8 80-80zm-80 48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm0-72c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24 24-10.7 24-24-10.7-24-24-24zm160 144H184c-13.2 0-24 10.8-24 24s10.8 24 24 24h128c13.2 0 24-10.8 24-24s-10.8-24-24-24z\"] };\nvar faFolder = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'folder', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f07b\", \"M464 128H272l-64-64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V176c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-6 272H54c-3.314 0-6-2.678-6-5.992V117.992A5.993 5.993 0 0 1 54 112h134.118l64 64H458a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v212a6 6 0 0 1-6 6z\"] };\nvar faFolderOpen = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'folder-open', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f07c\", \"M527.943 224H480v-48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48H272l-64-64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h400a48.001 48.001 0 0 0 40.704-22.56l79.942-128c19.948-31.917-3.038-73.44-40.703-73.44zM54 112h134.118l64 64H426a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v42H152a48 48 0 0 0-41.098 23.202L48 351.449V117.993A5.993 5.993 0 0 1 54 112zm394 288H72l77.234-128H528l-80 128z\"] };\nvar faFontAwesomeLogoFull = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'font-awesome-logo-full', icon: [3992, 512, [\"Font Awesome\"], \"f4e6\", \"M454.6 0H57.4C25.9 0 0 25.9 0 57.4v397.3C0 486.1 25.9 512 57.4 512h397.3c31.4 0 57.4-25.9 57.4-57.4V57.4C512 25.9 486.1 0 454.6 0zm-58.9 324.9c0 4.8-4.1 6.9-8.9 8.9-19.2 8.1-39.7 15.7-61.5 15.7-40.5 0-68.7-44.8-163.2 2.5v51.8c0 30.3-45.7 30.2-45.7 0v-250c-9-7-15-17.9-15-30.3 0-21 17.1-38.2 38.2-38.2 21 0 38.2 17.1 38.2 38.2 0 12.2-5.8 23.2-14.9 30.2v21c37.1-12 65.5-34.4 146.1-3.4 26.6 11.4 68.7-15.7 76.5-15.7 5.5 0 10.3 4.1 10.3 8.9v160.4zm432.9-174.2h-137v70.1H825c39.8 0 40.4 62.2 0 62.2H691.6v105.6c0 45.5-70.7 46.4-70.7 0V128.3c0-22 18-39.8 39.8-39.8h167.8c39.6 0 40.5 62.2.1 62.2zm191.1 23.4c-169.3 0-169.1 252.4 0 252.4 169.9 0 169.9-252.4 0-252.4zm0 196.1c-81.6 0-82.1-139.8 0-139.8 82.5 0 82.4 139.8 0 139.8zm372.4 53.4c-17.5 0-31.4-13.9-31.4-31.4v-117c0-62.4-72.6-52.5-99.1-16.4v133.4c0 41.5-63.3 41.8-63.3 0V208c0-40 63.1-41.6 63.1 0v3.4c43.3-51.6 162.4-60.4 162.4 39.3v141.5c.3 30.4-31.5 31.4-31.7 31.4zm179.7 2.9c-44.3 0-68.3-22.9-68.3-65.8V235.2H1488c-35.6 0-36.7-55.3 0-55.3h15.5v-37.3c0-41.3 63.8-42.1 63.8 0v37.5h24.9c35.4 0 35.7 55.3 0 55.3h-24.9v108.5c0 29.6 26.1 26.3 27.4 26.3 31.4 0 52.6 56.3-22.9 56.3zM1992 123c-19.5-50.2-95.5-50-114.5 0-107.3 275.7-99.5 252.7-99.5 262.8 0 42.8 58.3 51.2 72.1 14.4l13.5-35.9H2006l13 35.9c14.2 37.7 72.1 27.2 72.1-14.4 0-10.1 5.3 6.8-99.1-262.8zm-108.9 179.1l51.7-142.9 51.8 142.9h-103.5zm591.3-85.6l-53.7 176.3c-12.4 41.2-72 41-84 0l-42.3-135.9-42.3 135.9c-12.4 40.9-72 41.2-84.5 0l-54.2-176.3c-12.5-39.4 49.8-56.1 60.2-16.9L2213 342l45.3-139.5c10.9-32.7 59.6-34.7 71.2 0l45.3 139.5 39.3-142.4c10.3-38.3 72.6-23.8 60.3 16.9zm275.4 75.1c0-42.4-33.9-117.5-119.5-117.5-73.2 0-124.4 56.3-124.4 126 0 77.2 55.3 126.4 128.5 126.4 31.7 0 93-11.5 93-39.8 0-18.3-21.1-31.5-39.3-22.4-49.4 26.2-109 8.4-115.9-43.8h148.3c16.3 0 29.3-13.4 29.3-28.9zM2571 277.7c9.5-73.4 113.9-68.6 118.6 0H2571zm316.7 148.8c-31.4 0-81.6-10.5-96.6-31.9-12.4-17 2.5-39.8 21.8-39.8 16.3 0 36.8 22.9 77.7 22.9 27.4 0 40.4-11 40.4-25.8 0-39.8-142.9-7.4-142.9-102 0-40.4 35.3-75.7 98.6-75.7 31.4 0 74.1 9.9 87.6 29.4 10.8 14.8-1.4 36.2-20.9 36.2-15.1 0-26.7-17.3-66.2-17.3-22.9 0-37.8 10.5-37.8 23.8 0 35.9 142.4 6 142.4 103.1-.1 43.7-37.4 77.1-104.1 77.1zm266.8-252.4c-169.3 0-169.1 252.4 0 252.4 170.1 0 169.6-252.4 0-252.4zm0 196.1c-81.8 0-82-139.8 0-139.8 82.5 0 82.4 139.8 0 139.8zm476.9 22V268.7c0-53.8-61.4-45.8-85.7-10.5v134c0 41.3-63.8 42.1-63.8 0V268.7c0-52.1-59.5-47.4-85.7-10.1v133.6c0 41.5-63.3 41.8-63.3 0V208c0-40 63.1-41.6 63.1 0v3.4c9.9-14.4 41.8-37.3 78.6-37.3 35.3 0 57.7 16.4 66.7 43.8 13.9-21.8 45.8-43.8 82.6-43.8 44.3 0 70.7 23.4 70.7 72.7v145.3c.5 17.3-13.5 31.4-31.9 31.4 3.5.1-31.3 1.1-31.3-31.3zM3992 291.6c0-42.4-32.4-117.5-117.9-117.5-73.2 0-127.5 56.3-127.5 126 0 77.2 58.3 126.4 131.6 126.4 31.7 0 91.5-11.5 91.5-39.8 0-18.3-21.1-31.5-39.3-22.4-49.4 26.2-110.5 8.4-117.5-43.8h149.8c16.3 0 29.1-13.4 29.3-28.9zm-180.5-13.9c9.7-74.4 115.9-68.3 120.1 0h-120.1z\"] };\nvar faFrown = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'frown', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f119\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-80-216c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160-64c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm-80 128c-40.2 0-78 17.7-103.8 48.6-8.5 10.2-7.1 25.3 3.1 33.8 10.2 8.4 25.3 7.1 33.8-3.1 16.6-19.9 41-31.4 66.9-31.4s50.3 11.4 66.9 31.4c8.1 9.7 23.1 11.9 33.8 3.1 10.2-8.5 11.5-23.6 3.1-33.8C326 321.7 288.2 304 248 304z\"] };\nvar faFrownOpen = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'frown-open', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f57a\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-48-248c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32s-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32zm128-32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm-80 112c-35.6 0-88.8 21.3-95.8 61.2-2 11.8 9 21.5 20.5 18.1 31.2-9.6 59.4-15.3 75.3-15.3s44.1 5.7 75.3 15.3c11.4 3.5 22.5-6.3 20.5-18.1-7-39.9-60.2-61.2-95.8-61.2z\"] };\nvar faFutbol = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'futbol', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f1e3\", \"M483.8 179.4C449.8 74.6 352.6 8 248.1 8c-25.4 0-51.2 3.9-76.7 12.2C41.2 62.5-30.1 202.4 12.2 332.6 46.2 437.4 143.4 504 247.9 504c25.4 0 51.2-3.9 76.7-12.2 130.2-42.3 201.5-182.2 159.2-312.4zm-74.5 193.7l-52.2 6.4-43.7-60.9 24.4-75.2 71.1-22.1 38.9 36.4c-.2 30.7-7.4 61.1-21.7 89.2-4.7 9.3-10.7 17.8-16.8 26.2zm0-235.4l-10.4 53.1-70.7 22-64.2-46.5V92.5l47.4-26.2c39.2 13 73.4 38 97.9 71.4zM184.9 66.4L232 92.5v73.8l-64.2 46.5-70.6-22-10.1-52.5c24.3-33.4 57.9-58.6 97.8-71.9zM139 379.5L85.9 373c-14.4-20.1-37.3-59.6-37.8-115.3l39-36.4 71.1 22.2 24.3 74.3-43.5 61.7zm48.2 67l-22.4-48.1 43.6-61.7H287l44.3 61.7-22.4 48.1c-6.2 1.8-57.6 20.4-121.7 0z\"] };\nvar faGem = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'gem', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f3a5\", \"M464 0H112c-4 0-7.8 2-10 5.4L2 152.6c-2.9 4.4-2.6 10.2.7 14.2l276 340.8c4.8 5.9 13.8 5.9 18.6 0l276-340.8c3.3-4.1 3.6-9.8.7-14.2L474.1 5.4C471.8 2 468.1 0 464 0zm-19.3 48l63.3 96h-68.4l-51.7-96h56.8zm-202.1 0h90.7l51.7 96H191l51.6-96zm-111.3 0h56.8l-51.7 96H68l63.3-96zm-43 144h51.4L208 352 88.3 192zm102.9 0h193.6L288 435.3 191.2 192zM368 352l68.2-160h51.4L368 352z\"] };\nvar faGrimace = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'grimace', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f57f\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-80-216c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160 0c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm16 16H152c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v32c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h192c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-32c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-168 96h-24c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16v-8h40v24zm0-40h-40v-8c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h24v24zm64 40h-48v-24h48v24zm0-40h-48v-24h48v24zm64 40h-48v-24h48v24zm0-40h-48v-24h48v24zm56 24c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-24v-24h40v8zm0-24h-40v-24h24c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v8z\"] };\nvar faGrin = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'grin', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f580\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm105.6-151.4c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.4-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.1 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3zM168 240c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160 0c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32z\"] };\nvar faGrinAlt = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'grin-alt', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f581\", \"M200.3 248c12.4-18.7 15.1-37.3 15.7-56-.5-18.7-3.3-37.3-15.7-56-8-12-25.1-11.4-32.7 0-12.4 18.7-15.1 37.3-15.7 56 .5 18.7 3.3 37.3 15.7 56 8.1 12 25.2 11.4 32.7 0zm128 0c12.4-18.7 15.1-37.3 15.7-56-.5-18.7-3.3-37.3-15.7-56-8-12-25.1-11.4-32.7 0-12.4 18.7-15.1 37.3-15.7 56 .5 18.7 3.3 37.3 15.7 56 8.1 12 25.2 11.4 32.7 0zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm105.6-151.4c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.2 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3z\"] };\nvar faGrinBeam = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'grin-beam', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f582\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm105.6-151.4c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.8-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.1 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3zm-235.9-72.9c3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3zm160 0c3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3z\"] };\nvar faGrinBeamSweat = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'grin-beam-sweat', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f583\", \"M440 160c29.5 0 53.3-26.3 53.3-58.7 0-25-31.7-75.5-46.2-97.3-3.6-5.3-10.7-5.3-14.2 0-14.5 21.8-46.2 72.3-46.2 97.3 0 32.4 23.8 58.7 53.3 58.7zM248 400c51.9 0 115.3-32.9 123.3-80 1.7-9.9-7.7-18.5-17.7-15.3-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.8-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 8 47.1 71.4 80 123.3 80zm130.3-168.3c3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.6 6.2 4.6 9.3 3.7zm105.3-52.9c-24.6 15.7-46 12.9-46.4 12.9 6.9 20.2 10.8 41.8 10.8 64.3 0 110.3-89.7 200-200 200S48 366.3 48 256 137.7 56 248 56c39.8 0 76.8 11.8 108 31.9 1.7-9.5 6.3-24.1 17.2-45.7C336.4 20.6 293.7 8 248 8 111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248c0-27-4.4-52.9-12.4-77.2zM168 189.4c12.3 0 23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.8 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6z\"] };\nvar faGrinHearts = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'grin-hearts', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f584\", \"M353.6 304.6c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.8-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.2 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3zm-152.8-48.9c4.5 1.2 9.2-1.5 10.5-6l19.4-69.9c5.6-20.3-7.4-41.1-28.8-44.5-18.6-3-36.4 9.8-41.5 27.9l-2 7.1-7.1-1.9c-18.2-4.7-38.2 4.3-44.9 22-7.7 20.2 3.8 41.9 24.2 47.2l70.2 18.1zm188.8-65.3c-6.7-17.6-26.7-26.7-44.9-22l-7.1 1.9-2-7.1c-5-18.1-22.8-30.9-41.5-27.9-21.4 3.4-34.4 24.2-28.8 44.5l19.4 69.9c1.2 4.5 5.9 7.2 10.5 6l70.2-18.2c20.4-5.3 31.9-26.9 24.2-47.1zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200z\"] };\nvar faGrinSquint = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'grin-squint', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f585\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm105.6-151.4c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.4-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.1 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3zm-234.7-40.8c3.6 4.2 9.9 5.7 15.3 2.5l80-48c3.6-2.2 5.8-6.1 5.8-10.3s-2.2-8.1-5.8-10.3l-80-48c-5.1-3-11.4-1.9-15.3 2.5-3.8 4.5-3.8 11-.1 15.5l33.6 40.3-33.6 40.3c-3.8 4.5-3.7 11.1.1 15.5zm242.9 2.5c5.4 3.2 11.7 1.7 15.3-2.5 3.8-4.5 3.8-11 .1-15.5L343.6 208l33.6-40.3c3.8-4.5 3.7-11-.1-15.5-3.8-4.4-10.2-5.4-15.3-2.5l-80 48c-3.6 2.2-5.8 6.1-5.8 10.3s2.2 8.1 5.8 10.3l80 48z\"] };\nvar faGrinSquintTears = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'grin-squint-tears', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f586\", \"M117.1 384.1c-25.8 3.7-84 13.7-100.9 30.6-21.9 21.9-21.5 57.9.9 80.3s58.3 22.8 80.3.9C114.3 479 124.3 420.8 128 395c.8-6.4-4.6-11.8-10.9-10.9zm-41.2-41.7C40.3 268 53 176.1 114.6 114.6 152.4 76.8 202.6 56 256 56c36.2 0 70.8 9.8 101.2 27.7 3.8-20.3 8-36.1 12-48.3C333.8 17.2 294.9 8 256 8 192.5 8 129.1 32.2 80.6 80.6c-74.1 74.1-91.3 183.4-52 274 12.2-4.1 27.7-8.3 47.3-12.2zm352.3-187.6c45 76.6 34.9 176.9-30.8 242.6-37.8 37.8-88 58.6-141.4 58.6-30.5 0-59.8-7-86.4-19.8-3.9 19.5-8 35-12.2 47.2 31.4 13.6 65 20.6 98.7 20.6 63.5 0 126.9-24.2 175.4-72.6 78.1-78.1 93.1-195.4 45.2-288.6-12.3 4-28.2 8.1-48.5 12zm-33.3-26.9c25.8-3.7 84-13.7 100.9-30.6 21.9-21.9 21.5-57.9-.9-80.3s-58.3-22.8-80.3-.9C397.7 33 387.7 91.2 384 117c-.8 6.4 4.6 11.8 10.9 10.9zm-187 108.3c-3-3-7.2-4.2-11.4-3.2L106 255.7c-5.7 1.4-9.5 6.7-9.1 12.6.5 5.8 5.1 10.5 10.9 11l52.3 4.8 4.8 52.3c.5 5.8 5.2 10.4 11 10.9h.9c5.5 0 10.3-3.7 11.7-9.1l22.6-90.5c1-4.2-.2-8.5-3.2-11.5zm39.7-25.1l90.5-22.6c5.7-1.4 9.5-6.7 9.1-12.6-.5-5.8-5.1-10.5-10.9-11l-52.3-4.8-4.8-52.3c-.5-5.8-5.2-10.4-11-10.9-5.6-.1-11.2 3.4-12.6 9.1L233 196.5c-1 4.1.2 8.4 3.2 11.4 5 5 11.3 3.2 11.4 3.2zm52 88.5c-29.1 29.1-59.7 52.9-83.9 65.4-9.2 4.8-10 17.5-1.7 23.4 38.9 27.7 107 6.2 143.7-30.6S416 253 388.3 214.1c-5.8-8.2-18.5-7.6-23.4 1.7-12.3 24.2-36.2 54.7-65.3 83.8z\"] };\nvar faGrinStars = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'grin-stars', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f587\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm105.6-151.4c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.8-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.2 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3zm-227.9-57.5c-1 6.2 5.4 11 11 7.9l31.3-16.3 31.3 16.3c5.6 3.1 12-1.7 11-7.9l-6-34.9 25.4-24.6c4.5-4.5 1.9-12.2-4.3-13.2l-34.9-5-15.5-31.6c-2.9-5.8-11-5.8-13.9 0l-15.5 31.6-34.9 5c-6.2.9-8.9 8.6-4.3 13.2l25.4 24.6-6.1 34.9zm259.7-72.7l-34.9-5-15.5-31.6c-2.9-5.8-11-5.8-13.9 0l-15.5 31.6-34.9 5c-6.2.9-8.9 8.6-4.3 13.2l25.4 24.6-6 34.9c-1 6.2 5.4 11 11 7.9l31.3-16.3 31.3 16.3c5.6 3.1 12-1.7 11-7.9l-6-34.9 25.4-24.6c4.5-4.6 1.8-12.2-4.4-13.2z\"] };\nvar faGrinTears = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'grin-tears', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f588\", \"M117.1 256.1c-25.8 3.7-84 13.7-100.9 30.6-21.9 21.9-21.5 57.9.9 80.3s58.3 22.8 80.3.9C114.3 351 124.3 292.8 128 267c.8-6.4-4.6-11.8-10.9-10.9zm506.7 30.6c-16.9-16.9-75.1-26.9-100.9-30.6-6.3-.9-11.7 4.5-10.8 10.8 3.7 25.8 13.7 84 30.6 100.9 21.9 21.9 57.9 21.5 80.3-.9 22.3-22.3 22.7-58.3.8-80.2zm-126.6 61.7C463.8 412.3 396.9 456 320 456c-76.9 0-143.8-43.7-177.2-107.6-12.5 37.4-25.2 43.9-28.3 46.5C159.1 460.7 234.5 504 320 504s160.9-43.3 205.5-109.1c-3.2-2.7-15.9-9.2-28.3-46.5zM122.7 224.5C137.9 129.2 220.5 56 320 56c99.5 0 182.1 73.2 197.3 168.5 2.1-.2 5.2-2.4 49.5 7C554.4 106 448.7 8 320 8S85.6 106 73.2 231.4c44.5-9.4 47.1-7.2 49.5-6.9zM320 400c51.9 0 115.3-32.9 123.3-80 1.7-9.9-7.7-18.5-17.7-15.3-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.8-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 8 47.1 71.4 80 123.3 80zm130.3-168.3c3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.6 6.2 4.6 9.3 3.7zM240 189.4c12.3 0 23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.8 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6z\"] };\nvar faGrinTongue = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'grin-tongue', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f589\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm64 400c0 35.6-29.1 64.5-64.9 64-35.1-.5-63.1-29.8-63.1-65v-42.8l17.7-8.8c15-7.5 31.5 1.7 34.9 16.5l2.8 12.1c2.1 9.2 15.2 9.2 17.3 0l2.8-12.1c3.4-14.8 19.8-24.1 34.9-16.5l17.7 8.8V408zm28.2 25.3c2.2-8.1 3.8-16.5 3.8-25.3v-43.5c14.2-12.4 24.4-27.5 27.3-44.5 1.7-9.9-7.7-18.5-17.7-15.3-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 2.9 17 13.1 32.1 27.3 44.5V408c0 8.8 1.6 17.2 3.8 25.3C91.8 399.9 48 333 48 256c0-110.3 89.7-200 200-200s200 89.7 200 200c0 77-43.8 143.9-107.8 177.3zM168 176c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm160 0c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32z\"] };\nvar faGrinTongueSquint = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'grin-tongue-squint', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f58a\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm64 400c0 35.6-29.1 64.5-64.9 64-35.1-.5-63.1-29.8-63.1-65v-42.8l17.7-8.8c15-7.5 31.5 1.7 34.9 16.5l2.8 12.1c2.1 9.2 15.2 9.2 17.3 0l2.8-12.1c3.4-14.8 19.8-24.1 34.9-16.5l17.7 8.8V408zm28.2 25.3c2.2-8.1 3.8-16.5 3.8-25.3v-43.5c14.2-12.4 24.4-27.5 27.3-44.5 1.7-9.9-7.7-18.5-17.7-15.3-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 2.9 17 13.1 32.1 27.3 44.5V408c0 8.8 1.6 17.2 3.8 25.3C91.8 399.9 48 333 48 256c0-110.3 89.7-200 200-200s200 89.7 200 200c0 77-43.8 143.9-107.8 177.3zm36.9-281.1c-3.8-4.4-10.3-5.5-15.3-2.5l-80 48c-3.6 2.2-5.8 6.1-5.8 10.3s2.2 8.1 5.8 10.3l80 48c5.4 3.2 11.7 1.7 15.3-2.5 3.8-4.5 3.8-11 .1-15.5L343.6 208l33.6-40.3c3.8-4.5 3.7-11.1-.1-15.5zm-162.9 45.5l-80-48c-5-3-11.4-2-15.3 2.5-3.8 4.5-3.8 11-.1 15.5l33.6 40.3-33.6 40.3c-3.8 4.5-3.7 11 .1 15.5 3.6 4.2 9.9 5.7 15.3 2.5l80-48c3.6-2.2 5.8-6.1 5.8-10.3s-2.2-8.1-5.8-10.3z\"] };\nvar faGrinTongueWink = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'grin-tongue-wink', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f58b\", \"M152 180c-25.7 0-55.9 16.9-59.8 42.1-.8 5 1.7 10 6.1 12.4 4.4 2.4 9.9 1.8 13.7-1.6l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0l9.5 8.5c2.5 2.2 8 4.7 13.7 1.6 4.4-2.4 6.9-7.4 6.1-12.4-3.9-25.2-34.1-42.1-59.8-42.1zm176-52c-44.2 0-80 35.8-80 80s35.8 80 80 80 80-35.8 80-80-35.8-80-80-80zm0 128c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm0-72c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24 24-10.7 24-24-10.7-24-24-24zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm64 400c0 35.6-29.1 64.5-64.9 64-35.1-.5-63.1-29.8-63.1-65v-42.8l17.7-8.8c15-7.5 31.5 1.7 34.9 16.5l2.8 12.1c2.1 9.2 15.2 9.2 17.3 0l2.8-12.1c3.4-14.8 19.8-24.1 34.9-16.5l17.7 8.8V408zm28.2 25.3c2.2-8.1 3.8-16.5 3.8-25.3v-43.5c14.2-12.4 24.4-27.5 27.3-44.5 1.7-9.9-7.7-18.5-17.7-15.3-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 2.9 17 13.1 32.1 27.3 44.5V408c0 8.8 1.6 17.2 3.8 25.3C91.8 399.9 48 333 48 256c0-110.3 89.7-200 200-200s200 89.7 200 200c0 77-43.8 143.9-107.8 177.3z\"] };\nvar faGrinWink = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'grin-wink', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f58c\", \"M328 180c-25.69 0-55.88 16.92-59.86 42.12-1.75 11.22 11.5 18.24 19.83 10.84l9.55-8.48c14.81-13.19 46.16-13.19 60.97 0l9.55 8.48c8.48 7.43 21.56.25 19.83-10.84C383.88 196.92 353.69 180 328 180zm-160 60c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32s-14.33-32-32-32-32 14.33-32 32 14.33 32 32 32zm185.55 64.64c-25.93 8.3-64.4 13.06-105.55 13.06s-79.62-4.75-105.55-13.06c-9.94-3.13-19.4 5.37-17.71 15.34C132.67 367.13 196.06 400 248 400s115.33-32.87 123.26-80.02c1.68-9.89-7.67-18.48-17.71-15.34zM248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.28 0-200-89.72-200-200S137.72 56 248 56s200 89.72 200 200-89.72 200-200 200z\"] };\nvar faHandLizard = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'hand-lizard', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f258\", \"M556.686 290.542L410.328 64.829C397.001 44.272 374.417 32 349.917 32H56C25.121 32 0 57.122 0 88v8c0 44.112 35.888 80 80 80h196.042l-18.333 48H144c-48.523 0-88 39.477-88 88 0 30.879 25.121 56 56 56h131.552c2.987 0 5.914.549 8.697 1.631L352 408.418V480h224V355.829c0-23.225-6.679-45.801-19.314-65.287zM528 432H400v-23.582c0-19.948-12.014-37.508-30.604-44.736l-99.751-38.788A71.733 71.733 0 0 0 243.552 320H112c-4.411 0-8-3.589-8-8 0-22.056 17.944-40 40-40h113.709c19.767 0 37.786-12.407 44.84-30.873l24.552-64.281c8.996-23.553-8.428-48.846-33.63-48.846H80c-17.645 0-32-14.355-32-32v-8c0-4.411 3.589-8 8-8h293.917c8.166 0 15.693 4.09 20.137 10.942l146.358 225.715A71.84 71.84 0 0 1 528 355.829V432z\"] };\nvar faHandPaper = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'hand-paper', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f256\", \"M372.57 112.641v-10.825c0-43.612-40.52-76.691-83.039-65.546-25.629-49.5-94.09-47.45-117.982.747C130.269 26.456 89.144 57.945 89.144 102v126.13c-19.953-7.427-43.308-5.068-62.083 8.871-29.355 21.796-35.794 63.333-14.55 93.153L132.48 498.569a32 32 0 0 0 26.062 13.432h222.897c14.904 0 27.835-10.289 31.182-24.813l30.184-130.958A203.637 203.637 0 0 0 448 310.564V179c0-40.62-35.523-71.992-75.43-66.359zm27.427 197.922c0 11.731-1.334 23.469-3.965 34.886L368.707 464h-201.92L51.591 302.303c-14.439-20.27 15.023-42.776 29.394-22.605l27.128 38.079c8.995 12.626 29.031 6.287 29.031-9.283V102c0-25.645 36.571-24.81 36.571.691V256c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h6.856c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V67c0-25.663 36.571-24.81 36.571.691V256c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h6.856c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V101.125c0-25.672 36.57-24.81 36.57.691V256c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h6.857c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-76.309c0-26.242 36.57-25.64 36.57-.691v131.563z\"] };\nvar faHandPeace = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'hand-peace', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f25b\", \"M362.146 191.976c-13.71-21.649-38.761-34.016-65.006-30.341V74c0-40.804-32.811-74-73.141-74-40.33 0-73.14 33.196-73.14 74L160 168l-18.679-78.85C126.578 50.843 83.85 32.11 46.209 47.208 8.735 62.238-9.571 104.963 5.008 142.85l55.757 144.927c-30.557 24.956-43.994 57.809-24.733 92.218l54.853 97.999C102.625 498.97 124.73 512 148.575 512h205.702c30.744 0 57.558-21.44 64.555-51.797l27.427-118.999a67.801 67.801 0 0 0 1.729-15.203L448 256c0-44.956-43.263-77.343-85.854-64.024zM399.987 326c0 1.488-.169 2.977-.502 4.423l-27.427 119.001c-1.978 8.582-9.29 14.576-17.782 14.576H148.575c-6.486 0-12.542-3.621-15.805-9.449l-54.854-98c-4.557-8.141-2.619-18.668 4.508-24.488l26.647-21.764a16 16 0 0 0 4.812-18.139l-64.09-166.549C37.226 92.956 84.37 74.837 96.51 106.389l59.784 155.357A16 16 0 0 0 171.227 272h11.632c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V74c0-34.375 50.281-34.43 50.281 0v182c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h6.856c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-28c0-25.122 36.567-25.159 36.567 0v28c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h6.856c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16 0-25.12 36.567-25.16 36.567 0v70z\"] };\nvar faHandPointDown = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'hand-point-down', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f0a7\", \"M188.8 512c45.616 0 83.2-37.765 83.2-83.2v-35.647a93.148 93.148 0 0 0 22.064-7.929c22.006 2.507 44.978-3.503 62.791-15.985C409.342 368.1 448 331.841 448 269.299V248c0-60.063-40-98.512-40-127.2v-2.679c4.952-5.747 8-13.536 8-22.12V32c0-17.673-12.894-32-28.8-32H156.8C140.894 0 128 14.327 128 32v64c0 8.584 3.048 16.373 8 22.12v2.679c0 6.964-6.193 14.862-23.668 30.183l-.148.129-.146.131c-9.937 8.856-20.841 18.116-33.253 25.851C48.537 195.798 0 207.486 0 252.8c0 56.928 35.286 92 83.2 92 8.026 0 15.489-.814 22.4-2.176V428.8c0 45.099 38.101 83.2 83.2 83.2zm0-48c-18.7 0-35.2-16.775-35.2-35.2V270.4c-17.325 0-35.2 26.4-70.4 26.4-26.4 0-35.2-20.625-35.2-44 0-8.794 32.712-20.445 56.1-34.926 14.575-9.074 27.225-19.524 39.875-30.799 18.374-16.109 36.633-33.836 39.596-59.075h176.752C364.087 170.79 400 202.509 400 248v21.299c0 40.524-22.197 57.124-61.325 50.601-8.001 14.612-33.979 24.151-53.625 12.925-18.225 19.365-46.381 17.787-61.05 4.95V428.8c0 18.975-16.225 35.2-35.2 35.2zM328 64c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24s24 10.745 24 24-10.745 24-24 24-24-10.745-24-24z\"] };\nvar faHandPointLeft = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'hand-point-left', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f0a5\", \"M0 220.8C0 266.416 37.765 304 83.2 304h35.647a93.148 93.148 0 0 0 7.929 22.064c-2.507 22.006 3.503 44.978 15.985 62.791C143.9 441.342 180.159 480 242.701 480H264c60.063 0 98.512-40 127.2-40h2.679c5.747 4.952 13.536 8 22.12 8h64c17.673 0 32-12.894 32-28.8V188.8c0-15.906-14.327-28.8-32-28.8h-64c-8.584 0-16.373 3.048-22.12 8H391.2c-6.964 0-14.862-6.193-30.183-23.668l-.129-.148-.131-.146c-8.856-9.937-18.116-20.841-25.851-33.253C316.202 80.537 304.514 32 259.2 32c-56.928 0-92 35.286-92 83.2 0 8.026.814 15.489 2.176 22.4H83.2C38.101 137.6 0 175.701 0 220.8zm48 0c0-18.7 16.775-35.2 35.2-35.2h158.4c0-17.325-26.4-35.2-26.4-70.4 0-26.4 20.625-35.2 44-35.2 8.794 0 20.445 32.712 34.926 56.1 9.074 14.575 19.524 27.225 30.799 39.875 16.109 18.374 33.836 36.633 59.075 39.596v176.752C341.21 396.087 309.491 432 264 432h-21.299c-40.524 0-57.124-22.197-50.601-61.325-14.612-8.001-24.151-33.979-12.925-53.625-19.365-18.225-17.787-46.381-4.95-61.05H83.2C64.225 256 48 239.775 48 220.8zM448 360c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24s-10.745 24-24 24-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24z\"] };\nvar faHandPointRight = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'hand-point-right', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f0a4\", \"M428.8 137.6h-86.177a115.52 115.52 0 0 0 2.176-22.4c0-47.914-35.072-83.2-92-83.2-45.314 0-57.002 48.537-75.707 78.784-7.735 12.413-16.994 23.317-25.851 33.253l-.131.146-.129.148C135.662 161.807 127.764 168 120.8 168h-2.679c-5.747-4.952-13.536-8-22.12-8H32c-17.673 0-32 12.894-32 28.8v230.4C0 435.106 14.327 448 32 448h64c8.584 0 16.373-3.048 22.12-8h2.679c28.688 0 67.137 40 127.2 40h21.299c62.542 0 98.8-38.658 99.94-91.145 12.482-17.813 18.491-40.785 15.985-62.791A93.148 93.148 0 0 0 393.152 304H428.8c45.435 0 83.2-37.584 83.2-83.2 0-45.099-38.101-83.2-83.2-83.2zm0 118.4h-91.026c12.837 14.669 14.415 42.825-4.95 61.05 11.227 19.646 1.687 45.624-12.925 53.625 6.524 39.128-10.076 61.325-50.6 61.325H248c-45.491 0-77.21-35.913-120-39.676V215.571c25.239-2.964 42.966-21.222 59.075-39.596 11.275-12.65 21.725-25.3 30.799-39.875C232.355 112.712 244.006 80 252.8 80c23.375 0 44 8.8 44 35.2 0 35.2-26.4 53.075-26.4 70.4h158.4c18.425 0 35.2 16.5 35.2 35.2 0 18.975-16.225 35.2-35.2 35.2zM88 384c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24s-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24 24 10.745 24 24z\"] };\nvar faHandPointUp = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'hand-point-up', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f0a6\", \"M105.6 83.2v86.177a115.52 115.52 0 0 0-22.4-2.176c-47.914 0-83.2 35.072-83.2 92 0 45.314 48.537 57.002 78.784 75.707 12.413 7.735 23.317 16.994 33.253 25.851l. 376.338 136 384.236 136 391.2v2.679c-4.952 5.747-8 13.536-8 22.12v64c0 17.673 12.894 32 28.8 32h230.4c15.906 0 28.8-14.327 28.8-32v-64c0-8.584-3.048-16.373-8-22.12V391.2c0-28.688 40-67.137 40-127.2v-21.299c0-62.542-38.658-98.8-91.145-99.94-17.813-12.482-40.785-18.491-62.791-15.985A93.148 93.148 0 0 0 272 118.847V83.2C272 37.765 234.416 0 188.8 0c-45.099 0-83.2 38.101-83.2 83.2zm118.4 0v91.026c14.669-12.837 42.825-14.415 61.05 4.95 19.646-11.227 45.624-1.687 53.625 12.925 39.128-6.524 61.325 10.076 61.325 50.6V264c0 45.491-35.913 77.21-39.676 120H183.571c-2.964-25.239-21.222-42.966-39.596-59.075-12.65-11.275-25.3-21.725-39.875-30.799C80.712 279.645 48 267.994 48 259.2c0-23.375 8.8-44 35.2-44 35.2 0 53.075 26.4 70.4 26.4V83.2c0-18.425 16.5-35.2 35.2-35.2 18.975 0 35.2 16.225 35.2 35.2zM352 424c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24s-10.745 24-24 24-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24z\"] };\nvar faHandPointer = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'hand-pointer', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f25a\", \"M358.182 179.361c-19.493-24.768-52.679-31.945-79.872-19.098-15.127-15.687-36.182-22.487-56.595-19.629V67c0-36.944-29.736-67-66.286-67S89.143 30.056 89.143 67v161.129c-19.909-7.41-43.272-5.094-62.083 8.872-29.355 21.795-35.793 63.333-14.55 93.152l109.699 154.001C134.632 501.59 154.741 512 176 512h178.286c30.802 0 57.574-21.5 64.557-51.797l27.429-118.999A67.873 67.873 0 0 0 448 326v-84c0-46.844-46.625-79.273-89.818-62.639zM80.985 279.697l27.126 38.079c8.995 12.626 29.031 6.287 29.031-9.283V67c0-25.12 36.571-25.16 36.571 0v175c0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16h6.857c8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16v-35c0-25.12 36.571-25.16 36.571 0v35c0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16H272c8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16v-21c0-25.12 36.571-25.16 36.571 0v21c0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16h6.857c8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16 0-25.121 36.571-25.16 36.571 0v84c0 1.488-.169 2.977-.502 4.423l-27.43 119.001c-1.978 8.582-9.29 14.576-17.782 14.576H176c-5.769 0-11.263-2.878-14.697-7.697l-109.712-154c-14.406-20.223 14.994-42.818 29.394-22.606zM176.143 400v-96c0-8.837 6.268-16 14-16h6c7.732 0 14 7.163 14 16v96c0 8.837-6.268 16-14 16h-6c-7.733 0-14-7.163-14-16zm75.428 0v-96c0-8.837 6.268-16 14-16h6c7.732 0 14 7.163 14 16v96c0 8.837-6.268 16-14 16h-6c-7.732 0-14-7.163-14-16zM327 400v-96c0-8.837 6.268-16 14-16h6c7.732 0 14 7.163 14 16v96c0 8.837-6.268 16-14 16h-6c-7.732 0-14-7.163-14-16z\"] };\nvar faHandRock = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'hand-rock', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f255\", \"M408.864 79.052c-22.401-33.898-66.108-42.273-98.813-23.588-29.474-31.469-79.145-31.093-108.334-.022-47.16-27.02-108.71 5.055-110.671 60.806C44.846 105.407 0 140.001 0 187.429v56.953c0 32.741 14.28 63.954 39.18 85.634l97.71 85.081c4.252 3.702 3.11 5.573 3.11 32.903 0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32h252c17.673 0 32-14.327 32-32 0-23.513-1.015-30.745 3.982-42.37l42.835-99.656c6.094-14.177 9.183-29.172 9.183-44.568V146.963c0-52.839-54.314-88.662-103.136-67.911zM464 261.406a64.505 64.505 0 0 1-5.282 25.613l-42.835 99.655c-5.23 12.171-7.883 25.04-7.883 38.25V432H188v-10.286c0-16.37-7.14-31.977-19.59-42.817l-97.71-85.08C56.274 281.255 48 263.236 48 244.381v-56.953c0-33.208 52-33.537 52 .677v41.228a16 16 0 0 0 5.493 12.067l7 6.095A16 16 0 0 0 139 235.429V118.857c0-33.097 52-33.725 52 .677v26.751c0 8.836 7.164 16 16 16h7c8.836 0 16-7.164 16-16v-41.143c0-33.134 52-33.675 52 .677v40.466c0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16h7c8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16v-27.429c0-33.03 52-33.78 52 .677v26.751c0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16h7c8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16 0-33.146 52-33.613 52 .677v114.445z\"] };\nvar faHandScissors = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'hand-scissors', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f257\", \"M256 480l70-.013c5.114 0 10.231-.583 15.203-1.729l118.999-27.427C490.56 443.835 512 417.02 512 386.277V180.575c0-23.845-13.03-45.951-34.005-57.69l-97.999-54.853c-34.409-19.261-67.263-5.824-92.218 24.733L142.85 37.008c-37.887-14.579-80.612 3.727-95.642 41.201-15.098 37.642 3.635 80.37 41.942 95.112L168 192l-94-9.141c-40.804 0-74 32.811-74 73.14 0 40.33 33.196 73.141 74 73.141h87.635c-3.675 26.245 8.692 51.297 30.341 65.006C178.657 436.737 211.044 480 256 480zm0-48.013c-25.16 0-25.12-36.567 0-36.567 8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-6.856c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-28c-25.159 0-25.122-36.567 0-36.567h28c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-6.856c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H74c-34.43 0-34.375-50.281 0-50.281h182c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-11.632a16 16 0 0 0-10.254-14.933L106.389 128.51c-31.552-12.14-13.432-59.283 19.222-46.717l166.549 64.091a16.001 16.001 0 0 0 18.139-4.812l21.764-26.647c5.82-7.127 16.348-9.064 24.488-4.508l98 54.854c5.828 3.263 9.449 9.318 9.449 15.805v205.701c0 8.491-5.994 15.804-14.576 17.782l-119.001 27.427a19.743 19.743 0 0 1-4.423.502h-70z\"] };\nvar faHandSpock = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'hand-spock', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f259\", \"M21.096 381.79l129.092 121.513a32 32 0 0 0 21.932 8.698h237.6c14.17 0 26.653-9.319 30.68-22.904l31.815-107.313A115.955 115.955 0 0 0 477 348.811v-36.839c0-4.051.476-8.104 1.414-12.045l31.73-133.41c10.099-42.412-22.316-82.738-65.544-82.525-4.144-24.856-22.543-47.165-49.85-53.992-35.803-8.952-72.227 12.655-81.25 48.75L296.599 184 274.924 52.01c-8.286-36.07-44.303-58.572-80.304-50.296-29.616 6.804-50.138 32.389-51.882 61.295-42.637.831-73.455 40.563-64.071 81.844l31.04 136.508c-27.194-22.515-67.284-19.992-91.482 5.722-25.376 26.961-24.098 69.325 2.871 94.707zm32.068-61.811l.002-.001c7.219-7.672 19.241-7.98 26.856-.813l53.012 49.894C143.225 378.649 160 371.4 160 357.406v-69.479c0-1.193-.134-2.383-.397-3.546l-34.13-150.172c-5.596-24.617 31.502-32.86 37.054-8.421l30.399 133.757a16 16 0 0 0 15.603 12.454h8.604c10.276 0 17.894-9.567 15.594-19.583l-41.62-181.153c-5.623-24.469 31.39-33.076 37.035-8.508l45.22 196.828A16 16 0 0 0 288.956 272h13.217a16 16 0 0 0 15.522-12.119l42.372-169.49c6.104-24.422 42.962-15.159 36.865 9.217L358.805 252.12c-2.521 10.088 5.115 19.88 15.522 19.88h9.694a16 16 0 0 0 15.565-12.295L426.509 146.6c5.821-24.448 42.797-15.687 36.966 8.802L431.72 288.81a100.094 100.094 0 0 0-2.72 23.162v36.839c0 6.548-.943 13.051-2.805 19.328L397.775 464h-219.31L53.978 346.836c-7.629-7.18-7.994-19.229-.814-26.857z\"] };\nvar faHandshake = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'handshake', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f2b5\", \"M519.2 127.9l-47.6-47.6A56.252 56.252 0 0 0 432 64H205.2c-14.8 0-29.1 5.9-39.6 16.3L118 127.9H0v255.7h64c17.6 0 31.8-14.2 31.9-31.7h9.1l84.6 76.4c30.9 25.1 73.8 25.7 105.6 3.8 12.5 10.8 26 15.9 41.1 15.9 18.2 0 35.3-7.4 48.8-24 22.1 8.7 48.2 2.6 64-16.8l26.2-32.3c5.6-6.9 9.1-14.8 10.9-23h57.9c.1 17.5 14.4 31.7 31.9 31.7h64V127.9H519.2zM48 351.6c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16c0 8.9-7.2 16-16 16zm390-6.9l-26.1 32.2c-2.8 3.4-7.8 4-11.3 1.2l-23.9-19.4-30 36.5c-6 7.3-15 4.8-18 2.4l-36.8-31.5-15.6 19.2c-13.9 17.1-39.2 19.7-55.3 6.6l-97.3-88H96V175.8h41.9l61.7-61.6c2-.8 3.7-1.5 5.7-2.3H262l-38.7 35.5c-29.4 26.9-31.1 72.3-4.4 101.3 14.8 16.2 61.2 41.2 101.5 4.4l8.2-7.5 108.2 87.8c3.4 2.8 3.9 7.9 1.2 11.3zm106-40.8h-69.2c-2.3-2.8-4.9-5.4-7.7-7.7l-102.7-83.4 12.5-11.4c6.5-6 7-16.1 1-22.6L367 167.1c-6-6.5-16.1-6.9-22.6-1l-55.2 50.6c-9.5 8.7-25.7 9.4-34.6 0-9.3-9.9-8.5-25.1 1.2-33.9l65.6-60.1c7.4-6.8 17-10.5 27-10.5l83.7-.2c2.1 0 4.1.8 5.5 2.3l61.7 61.6H544v128zm48 47.7c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16c0 8.9-7.2 16-16 16z\"] };\nvar faHdd = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'hdd', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f0a0\", \"M567.403 235.642L462.323 84.589A48 48 0 0 0 422.919 64H153.081a48 48 0 0 0-39.404 20.589L8.597 235.642A48.001 48.001 0 0 0 0 263.054V400c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h480c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V263.054c0-9.801-3-19.366-8.597-27.412zM153.081 112h269.838l77.913 112H75.168l77.913-112zM528 400H48V272h480v128zm-32-64c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32s-32-14.327-32-32 14.327-32 32-32 32 14.327 32 32zm-96 0c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32s-32-14.327-32-32 14.327-32 32-32 32 14.327 32 32z\"] };\nvar faHeart = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'heart', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f004\", \"M458.4 64.3C400.6 15.7 311.3 23 256 79.3 200.7 23 111.4 15.6 53.6 64.3-21.6 127.6-10.6 230.8 43 285.5l175.4 178.7c10 10.2 23.4 15.9 37.6 15.9 14.3 0 27.6-5.6 37.6-15.8L469 285.6c53.5-54.7 64.7-157.9-10.6-221.3zm-23.6 187.5L259.4 430.5c-2.4 2.4-4.4 2.4-6.8 0L77.2 251.8c-36.5-37.2-43.9-107.6 7.3-150.7 38.9-32.7 98.9-27.8 136.5 10.5l35 35.7 35-35.7c37.8-38.5 97.8-43.2 136.5-10.6 51.1 43.1 43.5 113.9 7.3 150.8z\"] };\nvar faHospital = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'hospital', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f0f8\", \"M128 244v-40c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-40c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm140 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12zm-76 84v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm76 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12zm180 124v36H0v-36c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h19.5V85.035C31.5 73.418 42.245 64 55.5 64H144V24c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h112c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v40h88.5c13.255 0 24 9.418 24 21.035V464H436c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zM79.5 463H192v-67c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v67h112.5V112H304v24c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H168c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-24H79.5v351zM266 64h-26V38a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-20a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v26h-26a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v20a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h26v26a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h20a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V96h26a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V70a6 6 0 0 0-6-6z\"] };\nvar faHourglass = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'hourglass', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f254\", \"M368 48h4c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12C5.373 0 0 5.373 0 12v24c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h4c0 80.564 32.188 165.807 97.18 208C47.899 298.381 16 383.9 16 464h-4c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v24c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h360c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-24c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-4c0-80.564-32.188-165.807-97.18-208C336.102 213.619 368 128.1 368 48zM64 48h256c0 101.62-57.307 184-128 184S64 149.621 64 48zm256 416H64c0-101.62 57.308-184 128-184s128 82.38 128 184z\"] };\nvar faIdBadge = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'id-badge', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f2c1\", \"M336 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm0 464H48V48h288v416zM144 112h96c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16s-7.2-16-16-16h-96c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16s7.2 16 16 16zm48 176c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64zm-89.6 128h179.2c12.4 0 22.4-8.6 22.4-19.2v-19.2c0-31.8-30.1-57.6-67.2-57.6-10.8 0-18.7 8-44.8 8-26.9 0-33.4-8-44.8-8-37.1 0-67.2 25.8-67.2 57.6v19.2c0 10.6 10 19.2 22.4 19.2z\"] };\nvar faIdCard = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'id-card', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f2c2\", \"M528 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm0 400H303.2c.9-4.5.8 3.6.8-22.4 0-31.8-30.1-57.6-67.2-57.6-10.8 0-18.7 8-44.8 8-26.9 0-33.4-8-44.8-8-37.1 0-67.2 25.8-67.2 57.6 0 26-.2 17.9.8 22.4H48V144h480v288zm-168-80h112c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-16c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm0-64h112c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-16c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm0-64h112c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-16c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm-168 96c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64z\"] };\nvar faImage = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'image', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f03e\", \"M464 64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V112c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-6 336H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V118a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h404a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v276a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zM128 152c-22.091 0-40 17.909-40 40s17.909 40 40 40 40-17.909 40-40-17.909-40-40-40zM96 352h320v-80l-87.515-87.515c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0L192 304l-39.515-39.515c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0L96 304v48z\"] };\nvar faImages = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'images', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f302\", \"M480 416v16c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V176c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h16v48H54a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v244a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h372a6 6 0 0 0 6-6v-10h48zm42-336H150a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v244a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h372a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V86a6 6 0 0 0-6-6zm6-48c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v256c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H144c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h384zM264 144c0 22.091-17.909 40-40 40s-40-17.909-40-40 17.909-40 40-40 40 17.909 40 40zm-72 96l39.515-39.515c4.686-4.686 12.284-4.686 16.971 0L288 240l103.515-103.515c4.686-4.686 12.284-4.686 16.971 0L480 208v80H192v-48z\"] };\nvar faKeyboard = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'keyboard', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f11c\", \"M528 64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h480c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V112c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm8 336c0 4.411-3.589 8-8 8H48c-4.411 0-8-3.589-8-8V112c0-4.411 3.589-8 8-8h480c4.411 0 8 3.589 8 8v288zM170 270v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm-336 82v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H82c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm384 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zM122 188v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H82c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm-98 158v-16c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H180c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v16c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h216c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12z\"] };\nvar faKiss = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'kiss', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f596\", \"M168 176c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm136 132c0-19.2-28.8-41.5-71.5-44-3.8-.4-7.4 2.4-8.2 6.2-.9 3.8 1.1 7.7 4.7 9.2l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-5.7 2.4-6 12.2 0 14.8l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-3.6 1.5-5.6 5.4-4.7 9.2.8 3.6 4.1 6.2 7.8 6.2h.5c42.8-2.5 71.5-24.8 71.5-44 0-13-13.4-27.3-35.2-36C290.6 335.3 304 321 304 308zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm80-280c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32z\"] };\nvar faKissBeam = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'kiss-beam', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f597\", \"M168 152c-23.8 0-52.7 29.3-56 71.4-.3 3.7 2 7.2 5.6 8.3 3.5 1 7.5-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 5.9-4.5 5.6-8.3-3.1-42.1-32-71.4-55.8-71.4zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm56-148c0-19.2-28.8-41.5-71.5-44-3.8-.4-7.4 2.4-8.2 6.2-.9 3.8 1.1 7.7 4.7 9.2l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-5.7 2.4-6 12.2 0 14.8l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-3.6 1.5-5.6 5.4-4.7 9.2.8 3.6 4.1 6.2 7.8 6.2h.5c42.8-2.5 71.5-24.8 71.5-44 0-13-13.4-27.3-35.2-36C290.6 335.3 304 321 304 308zm24-156c-23.8 0-52.7 29.3-56 71.4-.3 3.7 2 7.2 5.6 8.3 3.5 1 7.5-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 5.9-4.5 5.6-8.3-3.1-42.1-32-71.4-55.8-71.4z\"] };\nvar faKissWinkHeart = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'kiss-wink-heart', icon: [504, 512, [], \"f598\", \"M304 308.5c0-19.2-28.8-41.5-71.5-44-3.8-.4-7.4 2.4-8.2 6.2-.9 3.8 1.1 7.7 4.7 9.2l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-5.7 2.4-6 12.2 0 14.8l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-3.6 1.5-5.6 5.4-4.7 9.2.8 3.6 4.1 6.2 7.8 6.2h.5c42.8-2.5 71.5-24.8 71.5-44 0-13-13.4-27.3-35.2-36 21.7-9.1 35.1-23.4 35.1-36.4zm70.5-83.5l9.5 8.5c3.8 3.3 9.3 4 13.7 1.6 4.4-2.4 6.9-7.4 6.1-12.4-4-25.2-34.2-42.1-59.8-42.1s-55.9 16.9-59.8 42.1c-.8 5 1.7 10 6.1 12.4 5.8 3.1 11.2.7 13.7-1.6l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0zM136 208.5c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32s32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32zm365.1 194c-8-20.8-31.5-31.5-53.1-25.9l-8.4 2.2-2.3-8.4c-5.9-21.4-27-36.5-49-33-25.2 4-40.6 28.6-34 52.6l22.9 82.6c1.5 5.3 7 8.5 12.4 7.1l83-21.5c24.1-6.3 37.7-31.8 28.5-55.7zM334 436.3c-26.1 12.5-55.2 19.7-86 19.7-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200c0 22.1-3.7 43.3-10.4 63.2 9 6.4 17 14.2 22.6 23.9 6.4.1 12.6 1.4 18.6 2.9 10.9-27.9 17.1-58.2 17.1-90C496 119 385 8 248 8S0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248c35.4 0 68.9-7.5 99.4-20.9-2.5-7.3 4.3 17.2-13.4-46.8z\"] };\nvar faLaugh = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'laugh', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f599\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm141.4 389.4c-37.8 37.8-88 58.6-141.4 58.6s-103.6-20.8-141.4-58.6S48 309.4 48 256s20.8-103.6 58.6-141.4S194.6 56 248 56s103.6 20.8 141.4 58.6S448 202.6 448 256s-20.8 103.6-58.6 141.4zM328 224c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm-160 0c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm194.4 64H133.6c-8.2 0-14.5 7-13.5 15 7.5 59.2 58.9 105 121.1 105h13.6c62.2 0 113.6-45.8 121.1-105 1-8-5.3-15-13.5-15z\"] };\nvar faLaughBeam = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'laugh-beam', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f59a\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm141.4 389.4c-37.8 37.8-88 58.6-141.4 58.6s-103.6-20.8-141.4-58.6S48 309.4 48 256s20.8-103.6 58.6-141.4S194.6 56 248 56s103.6 20.8 141.4 58.6S448 202.6 448 256s-20.8 103.6-58.6 141.4zM328 152c-23.8 0-52.7 29.3-56 71.4-.7 8.6 10.8 11.9 14.9 4.5l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c4.1 7.4 15.6 4 14.9-4.5-3.1-42.1-32-71.4-55.8-71.4zm-201 75.9l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c4.1 7.4 15.6 4 14.9-4.5-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.6 8.5 10.9 11.9 15.1 4.5zM362.4 288H133.6c-8.2 0-14.5 7-13.5 15 7.5 59.2 58.9 105 121.1 105h13.6c62.2 0 113.6-45.8 121.1-105 1-8-5.3-15-13.5-15z\"] };\nvar faLaughSquint = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'laugh-squint', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f59b\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm141.4 389.4c-37.8 37.8-88 58.6-141.4 58.6s-103.6-20.8-141.4-58.6S48 309.4 48 256s20.8-103.6 58.6-141.4S194.6 56 248 56s103.6 20.8 141.4 58.6S448 202.6 448 256s-20.8 103.6-58.6 141.4zM343.6 196l33.6-40.3c8.6-10.3-3.8-24.8-15.4-18l-80 48c-7.8 4.7-7.8 15.9 0 20.6l80 48c11.5 6.8 24-7.6 15.4-18L343.6 196zm-209.4 58.3l80-48c7.8-4.7 7.8-15.9 0-20.6l-80-48c-11.6-6.9-24 7.7-15.4 18l33.6 40.3-33.6 40.3c-8.7 10.4 3.8 24.8 15.4 18zM362.4 288H133.6c-8.2 0-14.5 7-13.5 15 7.5 59.2 58.9 105 121.1 105h13.6c62.2 0 113.6-45.8 121.1-105 1-8-5.3-15-13.5-15z\"] };\nvar faLaughWink = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'laugh-wink', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f59c\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm141.4 389.4c-37.8 37.8-88 58.6-141.4 58.6s-103.6-20.8-141.4-58.6C68.8 359.6 48 309.4 48 256s20.8-103.6 58.6-141.4C144.4 76.8 194.6 56 248 56s103.6 20.8 141.4 58.6c37.8 37.8 58.6 88 58.6 141.4s-20.8 103.6-58.6 141.4zM328 164c-25.7 0-55.9 16.9-59.9 42.1-1.7 11.2 11.5 18.2 19.8 10.8l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0l9.5 8.5c8.5 7.4 21.6.3 19.8-10.8-3.8-25.2-34-42.1-59.7-42.1zm-160 60c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm194.4 64H133.6c-8.2 0-14.5 7-13.5 15 7.5 59.2 58.9 105 121.1 105h13.6c62.2 0 113.6-45.8 121.1-105 1-8-5.3-15-13.5-15z\"] };\nvar faLemon = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'lemon', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f094\", \"M484.112 27.889C455.989-.233 416.108-8.057 387.059 8.865 347.604 31.848 223.504-41.111 91.196 91.197-41.277 223.672 31.923 347.472 8.866 387.058c-16.922 29.051-9.1 68.932 19.022 97.054 28.135 28.135 68.011 35.938 97.057 19.021 39.423-22.97 163.557 49.969 295.858-82.329 132.474-132.477 59.273-256.277 82.331-295.861 16.922-29.05 9.1-68.931-19.022-97.054zm-22.405 72.894c-38.8 66.609 45.6 165.635-74.845 286.08-120.44 120.443-219.475 36.048-286.076 74.843-22.679 13.207-64.035-27.241-50.493-50.488 38.8-66.609-45.6-165.635 74.845-286.08C245.573 4.702 344.616 89.086 411.219 50.292c22.73-13.24 64.005 27.288 50.488 50.491zm-169.861 8.736c1.37 10.96-6.404 20.957-17.365 22.327-54.846 6.855-135.779 87.787-142.635 142.635-1.373 10.989-11.399 18.734-22.326 17.365-10.961-1.37-18.735-11.366-17.365-22.326 9.162-73.286 104.167-168.215 177.365-177.365 10.953-1.368 20.956 6.403 22.326 17.364z\"] };\nvar faLifeRing = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'life-ring', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f1cd\", \"M256 504c136.967 0 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248zm-103.398-76.72l53.411-53.411c31.806 13.506 68.128 13.522 99.974 0l53.411 53.411c-63.217 38.319-143.579 38.319-206.796 0zM336 256c0 44.112-35.888 80-80 80s-80-35.888-80-80 35.888-80 80-80 80 35.888 80 80zm91.28 103.398l-53.411-53.411c13.505-31.806 13.522-68.128 0-99.974l53.411-53.411c38.319 63.217 38.319 143.579 0 206.796zM359.397 84.72l-53.411 53.411c-31.806-13.505-68.128-13.522-99.973 0L152.602 84.72c63.217-38.319 143.579-38.319 206.795 0zM84.72 152.602l53.411 53.411c-13.506 31.806-13.522 68.128 0 99.974L84.72 359.398c-38.319-63.217-38.319-143.579 0-206.796z\"] };\nvar faLightbulb = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'lightbulb', icon: [384, 512, [], \"f0eb\", \"M272 428v28c0 10.449-6.68 19.334-16 22.629V488c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24h-80c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-9.371c-9.32-3.295-16-12.18-16-22.629v-28c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h136c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zM128 176c0-35.29 28.71-64 64-64 8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16s-7.163-16-16-16c-52.935 0-96 43.065-96 96 0 8.836 7.164 16 16 16s16-7.164 16-16zm64-128c70.734 0 128 57.254 128 128 0 77.602-37.383 60.477-80.98 160h-94.04C101.318 236.33 64 253.869 64 176c0-70.735 57.254-128 128-128m0-48C94.805 0 16 78.803 16 176c0 101.731 51.697 91.541 90.516 192.674 3.55 9.249 12.47 15.326 22.376 15.326h126.215c9.906 0 18.826-6.078 22.376-15.326C316.303 267.541 368 277.731 368 176 368 78.803 289.195 0 192 0z\"] };\nvar faListAlt = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'list-alt', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f022\", \"M464 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-6 400H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V86a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h404a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v340a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zm-42-92v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H204c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h200c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zm0-96v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H204c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h200c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zm0-96v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H204c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h200c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zm-252 12c0 19.882-16.118 36-36 36s-36-16.118-36-36 16.118-36 36-36 36 16.118 36 36zm0 96c0 19.882-16.118 36-36 36s-36-16.118-36-36 16.118-36 36-36 36 16.118 36 36zm0 96c0 19.882-16.118 36-36 36s-36-16.118-36-36 16.118-36 36-36 36 16.118 36 36z\"] };\nvar faMap = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'map', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f279\", \"M560.02 32c-1.96 0-3.98.37-5.96 1.16L384.01 96H384L212 35.28A64.252 64.252 0 0 0 191.76 32c-6.69 0-13.37 1.05-19.81 3.14L20.12 87.95A32.006 32.006 0 0 0 0 117.66v346.32C0 473.17 7.53 480 15.99 480c1.96 0 3.97-.37 5.96-1.16L192 416l172 60.71a63.98 63.98 0 0 0 40.05.15l151.83-52.81A31.996 31.996 0 0 0 576 394.34V48.02c0-9.19-7.53-16.02-15.98-16.02zM224 90.42l128 45.19v285.97l-128-45.19V90.42zM48 418.05V129.07l128-44.53v286.2l-.64.23L48 418.05zm480-35.13l-128 44.53V141.26l.64-.24L528 93.95v288.97z\"] };\nvar faMeh = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'meh', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f11a\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-80-216c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160-64c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm8 144H160c-13.2 0-24 10.8-24 24s10.8 24 24 24h176c13.2 0 24-10.8 24-24s-10.8-24-24-24z\"] };\nvar faMehBlank = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'meh-blank', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f5a4\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-80-280c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm160 0c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32z\"] };\nvar faMehRollingEyes = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'meh-rolling-eyes', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f5a5\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm88-304c-39.8 0-72 32.2-72 72s32.2 72 72 72 72-32.2 72-72-32.2-72-72-72zm0 112c-22.1 0-40-17.9-40-40 0-13.6 7.3-25.1 17.7-32.3-1 2.6-1.7 5.3-1.7 8.3 0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24s24-10.7 24-24c0-2.9-.7-5.7-1.7-8.3 10.4 7.2 17.7 18.7 17.7 32.3 0 22.1-17.9 40-40 40zm-104-40c0-39.8-32.2-72-72-72s-72 32.2-72 72 32.2 72 72 72 72-32.2 72-72zm-112 0c0-13.6 7.3-25.1 17.7-32.3-1 2.6-1.7 5.3-1.7 8.3 0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24s24-10.7 24-24c0-2.9-.7-5.7-1.7-8.3 10.4 7.2 17.7 18.7 17.7 32.3 0 22.1-17.9 40-40 40s-40-17.9-40-40zm192 128H184c-13.2 0-24 10.8-24 24s10.8 24 24 24h128c13.2 0 24-10.8 24-24s-10.8-24-24-24z\"] };\nvar faMinusSquare = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'minus-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f146\", \"M108 284c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-32c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h232c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v32c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H108zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z\"] };\nvar faMoneyBillAlt = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'money-bill-alt', icon: [640, 512, [], \"f3d1\", \"M320 144c-53.02 0-96 50.14-96 112 0 61.85 42.98 112 96 112 53 0 96-50.13 96-112 0-61.86-42.98-112-96-112zm40 168c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-64c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16v-55.44l-.47.31a7.992 7.992 0 0 1-11.09-2.22l-8.88-13.31a7.992 7.992 0 0 1 2.22-11.09l15.33-10.22a23.99 23.99 0 0 1 13.31-4.03H328c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v88h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16zM608 64H32C14.33 64 0 78.33 0 96v320c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h576c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm-16 272c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64H112c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64V176c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64h416c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64v160z\"] };\nvar faMoon = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'moon', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f186\", \"M279.135 512c78.756 0 150.982-35.804 198.844-94.775 28.27-34.831-2.558-85.722-46.249-77.401-82.348 15.683-158.272-47.268-158.272-130.792 0-48.424 26.06-92.292 67.434-115.836 38.745-22.05 28.999-80.788-15.022-88.919A257.936 257.936 0 0 0 279.135 0c-141.36 0-256 114.575-256 256 0 141.36 114.576 256 256 256zm0-464c12.985 0 25.689 1.201 38.016 3.478-54.76 31.163-91.693 90.042-91.693 157.554 0 113.848 103.641 199.2 215.252 177.944C402.574 433.964 344.366 464 279.135 464c-114.875 0-208-93.125-208-208s93.125-208 208-208z\"] };\nvar faNewspaper = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'newspaper', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f1ea\", \"M552 64H112c-20.858 0-38.643 13.377-45.248 32H24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v272c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56h496c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V88c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zM48 392V144h16v248c0 4.411-3.589 8-8 8s-8-3.589-8-8zm480 8H111.422c.374-2.614.578-5.283.578-8V112h416v288zM172 280h136c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-96c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H172c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v96c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12zm28-80h80v40h-80v-40zm-40 140v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h136c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H172c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm192 0v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h104c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H364c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm0-144v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h104c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H364c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm0 72v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h104c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H364c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12z\"] };\nvar faObjectGroup = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'object-group', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f247\", \"M500 128c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-72c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12H96V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12C5.373 32 0 37.373 0 44v72c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h12v256H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v72c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-12h320v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-72c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-12V128h12zm-52-64h32v32h-32V64zM32 64h32v32H32V64zm32 384H32v-32h32v32zm416 0h-32v-32h32v32zm-40-64h-12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12H96v-12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H72V128h12c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-12h320v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h12v256zm-36-192h-84v-52c0-6.628-5.373-12-12-12H108c-6.627 0-12 5.372-12 12v168c0 6.628 5.373 12 12 12h84v52c0 6.628 5.373 12 12 12h200c6.627 0 12-5.372 12-12V204c0-6.628-5.373-12-12-12zm-268-24h144v112H136V168zm240 176H232v-24h76c6.627 0 12-5.372 12-12v-76h56v112z\"] };\nvar faObjectUngroup = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'object-ungroup', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f248\", \"M564 224c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-72c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-72c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12h-88v-24h12c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-72c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12H96V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12C5.373 32 0 37.373 0 44v72c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h12v160H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v72c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-12h88v24h-12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v72c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-12h224v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-72c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-12V224h12zM352 64h32v32h-32V64zm0 256h32v32h-32v-32zM64 352H32v-32h32v32zm0-256H32V64h32v32zm32 216v-12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H72V128h12c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-12h224v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h12v160h-12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12H96zm128 136h-32v-32h32v32zm280-64h-12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12H256v-12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-12v-24h88v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-72c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-12v-88h88v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h12v160zm40 64h-32v-32h32v32zm0-256h-32v-32h32v32z\"] };\nvar faPaperPlane = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'paper-plane', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f1d8\", \"M440 6.5L24 246.4c-34.4 19.9-31.1 70.8 5.7 85.9L144 379.6V464c0 46.4 59.2 65.5 86.6 28.6l43.8-59.1 111.9 46.2c5.9 2.4 12.1 3.6 18.3 3.6 8.2 0 16.3-2.1 23.6-6.2 12.8-7.2 21.6-20 23.9-34.5l59.4-387.2c6.1-40.1-36.9-68.8-71.5-48.9zM192 464v-64.6l36.6 15.1L192 464zm212.6-28.7l-153.8-63.5L391 169.5c10.7-15.5-9.5-33.5-23.7-21.2L155.8 332.6 48 288 464 48l-59.4 387.3z\"] };\nvar faPauseCircle = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'pause-circle', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f28b\", \"M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.5 0-200-89.5-200-200S145.5 56 256 56s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200zm96-280v160c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-48c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h48c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16zm-112 0v160c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-48c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h48c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16z\"] };\nvar faPlayCircle = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'play-circle', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f144\", \"M371.7 238l-176-107c-15.8-8.8-35.7 2.5-35.7 21v208c0 18.4 19.8 29.8 35.7 21l176-101c16.4-9.1 16.4-32.8 0-42zM504 256C504 119 393 8 256 8S8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248zm-448 0c0-110.5 89.5-200 200-200s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200S56 366.5 56 256z\"] };\nvar faPlusSquare = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'plus-square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f0fe\", \"M352 240v32c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-88v88c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-32c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-88h-88c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-32c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h88v-88c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h32c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v88h88c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm96-160v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z\"] };\nvar faQuestionCircle = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'question-circle', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f059\", \"M256 8C119.043 8 8 119.083 8 256c0 136.997 111.043 248 248 248s248-111.003 248-248C504 119.083 392.957 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.532 0-200-89.431-200-200 0-110.495 89.472-200 200-200 110.491 0 200 89.471 200 200 0 110.53-89.431 200-200 200zm107.244-255.2c0 67.052-72.421 68.084-72.421 92.863V300c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-45.647c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-8.659c0-35.745 27.1-50.034 47.579-61.516 17.561-9.845 28.324-16.541 28.324-29.579 0-17.246-21.999-28.693-39.784-28.693-23.189 0-33.894 10.977-48.942 29.969-4.057 5.12-11.46 6.071-16.666 2.124l-27.824-21.098c-5.107-3.872-6.251-11.066-2.644-16.363C184.846 131.491 214.94 112 261.794 112c49.071 0 101.45 38.304 101.45 88.8zM298 368c0 23.159-18.841 42-42 42s-42-18.841-42-42 18.841-42 42-42 42 18.841 42 42z\"] };\nvar faRegistered = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'registered', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f25d\", \"M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.532 0-200-89.451-200-200 0-110.531 89.451-200 200-200 110.532 0 200 89.451 200 200 0 110.532-89.451 200-200 200zm110.442-81.791c-53.046-96.284-50.25-91.468-53.271-96.085 24.267-13.879 39.482-41.563 39.482-73.176 0-52.503-30.247-85.252-101.498-85.252h-78.667c-6.617 0-12 5.383-12 12V380c0 6.617 5.383 12 12 12h38.568c6.617 0 12-5.383 12-12v-83.663h31.958l47.515 89.303a11.98 11.98 0 0 0 10.593 6.36h42.81c9.14 0 14.914-9.799 10.51-17.791zM256.933 239.906h-33.875v-64.14h27.377c32.417 0 38.929 12.133 38.929 31.709-.001 20.913-11.518 32.431-32.431 32.431z\"] };\nvar faSadCry = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'sad-cry', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f5b3\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm144 386.4V280c0-13.2-10.8-24-24-24s-24 10.8-24 24v151.4C315.5 447 282.8 456 248 456s-67.5-9-96-24.6V280c0-13.2-10.8-24-24-24s-24 10.8-24 24v114.4c-34.6-36-56-84.7-56-138.4 0-110.3 89.7-200 200-200s200 89.7 200 200c0 53.7-21.4 102.5-56 138.4zM205.8 234.5c4.4-2.4 6.9-7.4 6.1-12.4-4-25.2-34.2-42.1-59.8-42.1s-55.9 16.9-59.8 42.1c-.8 5 1.7 10 6.1 12.4 4.4 2.4 9.9 1.8 13.7-1.6l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0l9.5 8.5c2.5 2.3 7.9 4.8 13.7 1.6zM344 180c-25.7 0-55.9 16.9-59.8 42.1-.8 5 1.7 10 6.1 12.4 4.5 2.4 9.9 1.8 13.7-1.6l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0l9.5 8.5c2.5 2.2 8 4.7 13.7 1.6 4.4-2.4 6.9-7.4 6.1-12.4-3.9-25.2-34.1-42.1-59.8-42.1zm-96 92c-30.9 0-56 28.7-56 64s25.1 64 56 64 56-28.7 56-64-25.1-64-56-64z\"] };\nvar faSadTear = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'sad-tear', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f5b4\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm8-152c-13.2 0-24 10.8-24 24s10.8 24 24 24c23.8 0 46.3 10.5 61.6 28.8 8.1 9.8 23.2 11.9 33.8 3.1 10.2-8.5 11.6-23.6 3.1-33.8C330 320.8 294.1 304 256 304zm-88-64c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160-64c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm-165.6 98.8C151 290.1 126 325.4 126 342.9c0 22.7 18.8 41.1 42 41.1s42-18.4 42-41.1c0-17.5-25-52.8-36.4-68.1-2.8-3.7-8.4-3.7-11.2 0z\"] };\nvar faSave = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'save', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f0c7\", \"M433.941 129.941l-83.882-83.882A48 48 0 0 0 316.118 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V163.882a48 48 0 0 0-14.059-33.941zM272 80v80H144V80h128zm122 352H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V86a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h42v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h176c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V83.882l78.243 78.243a6 6 0 0 1 1.757 4.243V426a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zM224 232c-48.523 0-88 39.477-88 88s39.477 88 88 88 88-39.477 88-88-39.477-88-88-88zm0 128c-22.056 0-40-17.944-40-40s17.944-40 40-40 40 17.944 40 40-17.944 40-40 40z\"] };\nvar faShareSquare = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'share-square', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f14d\", \"M561.938 158.06L417.94 14.092C387.926-15.922 336 5.097 336 48.032v57.198c-42.45 1.88-84.03 6.55-120.76 17.99-35.17 10.95-63.07 27.58-82.91 49.42C108.22 199.2 96 232.6 96 271.94c0 61.697 33.178 112.455 84.87 144.76 37.546 23.508 85.248-12.651 71.02-55.74-15.515-47.119-17.156-70.923 84.11-78.76V336c0 42.993 51.968 63.913 81.94 33.94l143.998-144c18.75-18.74 18.75-49.14 0-67.88zM384 336V232.16C255.309 234.082 166.492 255.35 206.31 376 176.79 357.55 144 324.08 144 271.94c0-109.334 129.14-118.947 240-119.85V48l144 144-144 144zm24.74 84.493a82.658 82.658 0 0 0 20.974-9.303c7.976-4.952 18.286.826 18.286 10.214V464c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V112c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h132c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v4.486c0 4.917-2.987 9.369-7.569 11.152-13.702 5.331-26.396 11.537-38.05 18.585a12.138 12.138 0 0 1-6.28 1.777H54a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v340a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h340a6 6 0 0 0 6-6v-25.966c0-5.37 3.579-10.059 8.74-11.541z\"] };\nvar faSmile = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'smile', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f118\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-80-216c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160 0c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm4 72.6c-20.8 25-51.5 39.4-84 39.4s-63.2-14.3-84-39.4c-8.5-10.2-23.7-11.5-33.8-3.1-10.2 8.5-11.5 23.6-3.1 33.8 30 36 74.1 56.6 120.9 56.6s90.9-20.6 120.9-56.6c8.5-10.2 7.1-25.3-3.1-33.8-10.1-8.4-25.3-7.1-33.8 3.1z\"] };\nvar faSmileBeam = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'smile-beam', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f5b8\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm84-143.4c-20.8 25-51.5 39.4-84 39.4s-63.2-14.3-84-39.4c-8.5-10.2-23.6-11.5-33.8-3.1-10.2 8.5-11.5 23.6-3.1 33.8 30 36 74.1 56.6 120.9 56.6s90.9-20.6 120.9-56.6c8.5-10.2 7.1-25.3-3.1-33.8-10.2-8.4-25.3-7.1-33.8 3.1zM136.5 211c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.4 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17zM328 152c-23.8 0-52.7 29.3-56 71.4-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4z\"] };\nvar faSmileWink = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'smile-wink', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f4da\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm117.8-146.4c-10.2-8.5-25.3-7.1-33.8 3.1-20.8 25-51.5 39.4-84 39.4s-63.2-14.3-84-39.4c-8.5-10.2-23.7-11.5-33.8-3.1-10.2 8.5-11.5 23.6-3.1 33.8 30 36 74.1 56.6 120.9 56.6s90.9-20.6 120.9-56.6c8.5-10.2 7.1-25.3-3.1-33.8zM168 240c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160-60c-25.7 0-55.9 16.9-59.9 42.1-1.7 11.2 11.5 18.2 19.8 10.8l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0l9.5 8.5c8.5 7.4 21.6.3 19.8-10.8-3.8-25.2-34-42.1-59.7-42.1z\"] };\nvar faSnowflake = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'snowflake', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f2dc\", \"M438.237 355.927l-66.574-38.54 59.448-10.327c5.846-1.375 10.609-5.183 13.458-10.13 2.48-4.307 3.506-9.478 2.524-14.651-2.11-11.115-12.686-18.039-23.621-15.467l-85.423 31.115L255.914 256l82.136-41.926 85.423 31.115c10.936 2.572 21.512-4.352 23.621-15.467 2.111-11.115-5.046-22.209-15.981-24.781l-59.448-10.327 66.573-38.54c9.54-5.523 12.615-18.092 6.867-28.074-5.748-9.982-18.14-13.596-27.68-8.074l-66.574 38.54 20.805-56.787c3.246-10.782-2.758-22.542-13.413-26.268-10.654-3.725-21.922 1.997-25.168 12.779l-15.838 89.735-72.423 41.926V136l69.585-58.621c7.689-8.21 6.997-20.856-1.548-28.245-8.545-7.391-21.705-6.723-29.394 1.486l-38.644 46.46V20c0-11.046-9.318-20-20.813-20s-20.813 8.954-20.813 20v77.08l-38.644-46.46c-7.689-8.21-20.849-8.876-29.394-1.486-8.544 7.389-9.236 20.035-1.547 28.245L203.187 136v83.853l-72.423-41.926-15.838-89.736c-3.247-10.782-14.515-16.504-25.169-12.779-10.656 3.725-16.659 15.486-13.413 26.268l20.805 56.787-66.573-38.54c-9.54-5.523-21.933-1.908-27.68 8.074s-2.673 22.551 6.867 28.074l66.574 38.54-59.449 10.328C5.953 207.515-1.202 218.609.907 229.724c2.11 11.114 12.686 18.038 23.622 15.466l85.422-31.115L192.086 256l-82.136 41.926-85.423-31.115c-10.936-2.572-21.511 4.352-23.622 15.466-2.109 11.113 5.046 22.209 15.981 24.781l59.449 10.328-66.574 38.54C.223 361.449-2.852 374.018 2.896 384s18.14 13.597 27.68 8.074l66.574-38.54-20.805 56.786c-1.735 5.764-.828 11.805 2.02 16.751 2.48 4.307 6.433 7.784 11.392 9.517 10.655 3.725 21.923-1.997 25.169-12.779l15.838-89.736 72.423-41.926V376l-69.585 58.621c-7.69 8.21-6.997 20.855 1.547 28.245 8.544 7.388 21.705 6.723 29.394-1.487l38.644-46.46V492c0 11.046 9.318 20 20.813 20s20.813-8.954 20.813-20v-77.081l38.644 46.46c4.111 4.389 9.782 6.621 15.478 6.621 4.96 0 9.939-1.694 13.916-5.134 8.545-7.39 9.237-20.035 1.548-28.245L244.813 376v-83.853l72.423 41.926 15.838 89.736c3.246 10.782 14.514 16.504 25.168 12.779 10.653-3.726 16.659-15.487 13.412-26.268l-20.805-56.787 66.574 38.54c9.54 5.523 21.933 1.908 27.68-8.074 5.749-9.981 2.675-22.55-6.866-28.072z\"] };\nvar faSquare = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'square', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f0c8\", \"M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-6 400H54c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V86c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h340c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v340c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6z\"] };\nvar faStar = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'star', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f005\", \"M528.1 171.5L382 150.2 316.7 17.8c-11.7-23.6-45.6-23.9-57.4 0L194 150.2 47.9 171.5c-26.2 3.8-36.7 36.1-17.7 54.6l105.7 103-25 145.5c-4.5 26.3 23.2 46 46.4 33.7L288 439.6l130.7 68.7c23.2 12.2 50.9-7.4 46.4-33.7l-25-145.5 105.7-103c19-18.5 8.5-50.8-17.7-54.6zM388.6 312.3l23.7 138.4L288 385.4l-124.3 65.3 23.7-138.4-100.6-98 139-20.2 62.2-126 62.2 126 139 20.2-100.6 98z\"] };\nvar faStarHalf = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'star-half', icon: [576, 512, [], \"f089\", \"M288 385.3l-124.3 65.4 23.7-138.4-100.6-98 139-20.2 62.2-126V0c-11.4 0-22.8 5.9-28.7 17.8L194 150.2 47.9 171.4c-26.2 3.8-36.7 36.1-17.7 54.6l105.7 103-25 145.5c-4.5 26.1 23 46 46.4 33.7L288 439.6v-54.3z\"] };\nvar faStickyNote = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'sticky-note', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f249\", \"M448 348.106V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v351.988c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h268.118a48 48 0 0 0 33.941-14.059l83.882-83.882A48 48 0 0 0 448 348.106zm-128 80v-76.118h76.118L320 428.106zM400 80v223.988H296c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v104H48V80h352z\"] };\nvar faStopCircle = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'stop-circle', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f28d\", \"M504 256C504 119 393 8 256 8S8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248zm-448 0c0-110.5 89.5-200 200-200s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200S56 366.5 56 256zm296-80v160c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16H176c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h160c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16z\"] };\nvar faSun = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'sun', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f185\", \"M220.116 487.936l-20.213-49.425a3.992 3.992 0 0 0-5.808-1.886l-45.404 28.104c-29.466 18.24-66.295-8.519-58.054-42.179l12.699-51.865a3.993 3.993 0 0 0-3.59-4.941l-53.251-3.951c-34.554-2.562-48.632-45.855-22.174-68.247L65.08 259.05a3.992 3.992 0 0 0 0-6.106l-40.76-34.497c-26.45-22.384-12.39-65.682 22.174-68.246l53.251-3.951a3.993 3.993 0 0 0 3.59-4.941L90.637 89.443c-8.239-33.656 28.581-60.42 58.054-42.179l45.403 28.104a3.993 3.993 0 0 0 5.808-1.887l20.213-49.425c13.116-32.071 58.638-32.081 71.758 0l20.212 49.424a3.994 3.994 0 0 0 5.809 1.887l45.403-28.104c29.464-18.236 66.297 8.513 58.054 42.179l-12.699 51.865a3.995 3.995 0 0 0 3.59 4.941l53.251 3.951c34.553 2.563 48.633 45.854 22.175 68.246l-40.76 34.497a3.993 3.993 0 0 0 0 6.107l40.76 34.496c26.511 22.441 12.322 65.689-22.175 68.247l-53.251 3.951a3.993 3.993 0 0 0-3.589 4.942l12.698 51.864c8.241 33.658-28.583 60.421-58.054 42.18l-45.403-28.104a3.994 3.994 0 0 0-5.809 1.887l-20.212 49.424c-13.159 32.178-58.675 31.993-71.757 0zm16.814-64.568l19.064 46.616 19.064-46.615c10.308-25.2 40.778-35.066 63.892-20.759l42.822 26.507-11.976-48.919c-6.475-26.444 12.38-52.339 39.487-54.349l50.226-3.726-38.444-32.536c-20.782-17.591-20.747-49.621.001-67.18l38.442-32.536-50.225-3.727c-27.151-2.015-45.95-27.948-39.488-54.349l11.978-48.919-42.823 26.507c-23.151 14.327-53.603 4.4-63.892-20.76l-19.064-46.615-19.064 46.617c-10.305 25.198-40.778 35.066-63.891 20.76l-42.823-26.508 11.977 48.918c6.474 26.446-12.381 52.338-39.488 54.35l-50.224 3.726 38.443 32.537c20.782 17.588 20.747 49.619 0 67.178L52.48 322.123l50.226 3.726c27.151 2.014 45.95 27.947 39.487 54.349l-11.977 48.919 42.823-26.507c23.188-14.355 53.622-4.352 63.891 20.758zM256 384c-70.58 0-128-57.421-128-128 0-70.58 57.42-128 128-128 70.579 0 128 57.42 128 128 0 70.579-57.421 128-128 128zm0-208c-44.112 0-80 35.888-80 80s35.888 80 80 80 80-35.888 80-80-35.888-80-80-80z\"] };\nvar faSurprise = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'surprise', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f5c2\", \"M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm0-176c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64s28.7 64 64 64 64-28.7 64-64-28.7-64-64-64zm-48-72c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32s-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32zm128-32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32z\"] };\nvar faThumbsDown = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'thumbs-down', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f165\", \"M466.27 225.31c4.674-22.647.864-44.538-8.99-62.99 2.958-23.868-4.021-48.565-17.34-66.99C438.986 39.423 404.117 0 327 0c-7 0-15 .01-22.22.01C201.195.01 168.997 40 128 40h-10.845c-5.64-4.975-13.042-8-21.155-8H32C14.327 32 0 46.327 0 64v240c0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32h64c11.842 0 22.175-6.438 27.708-16h7.052c19.146 16.953 46.013 60.653 68.76 83.4 13.667 13.667 10.153 108.6 71.76 108.6 57.58 0 95.27-31.936 95.27-104.73 0-18.41-3.93-33.73-8.85-46.54h36.48c48.602 0 85.82-41.565 85.82-85.58 0-19.15-4.96-34.99-13.73-49.84zM64 296c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24s10.745-24 24-24 24 10.745 24 24-10.745 24-24 24zm330.18 16.73H290.19c0 37.82 28.36 55.37 28.36 94.54 0 23.75 0 56.73-47.27 56.73-18.91-18.91-9.46-66.18-37.82-94.54C206.9 342.89 167.28 272 138.92 272H128V85.83c53.611 0 100.001-37.82 171.64-37.82h37.82c35.512 0 60.82 17.12 53.12 65.9 15.2 8.16 26.5 36.44 13.94 57.57 21.581 20.384 18.699 51.065 5.21 65.62 9.45 0 22.36 18.91 22.27 37.81-.09 18.91-16.71 37.82-37.82 37.82z\"] };\nvar faThumbsUp = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'thumbs-up', icon: [512, 512, [], \"f164\", \"M466.27 286.69C475.04 271.84 480 256 480 236.85c0-44.015-37.218-85.58-85.82-85.58H357.7c4.92-12.81 8.85-28.13 8.85-46.54C366.55 31.936 328.86 0 271.28 0c-61.607 0-58.093 94.933-71.76 108.6-22.747 22.747-49.615 66.447-68.76 83.4H32c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32v240c0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32h64c14.893 0 27.408-10.174 30.978-23.95 44.509 1.001 75.06 39.94 177.802 39.94 7.22 0 15.22.01 22.22.01 77.117 0 111.986-39.423 112.94-95.33 13.319-18.425 20.299-43.122 17.34-66.99 9.854-18.452 13.664-40.343 8.99-62.99zm-61.75 53.83c12.56 21.13 1.26 49.41-13.94 57.57 7.7 48.78-17.608 65.9-53.12 65.9h-37.82c-71.639 0-118.029-37.82-171.64-37.82V240h10.92c28.36 0 67.98-70.89 94.54-97.46 28.36-28.36 18.91-75.63 37.82-94.54 47.27 0 47.27 32.98 47.27 56.73 0 39.17-28.36 56.72-28.36 94.54h103.99c21.11 0 37.73 18.91 37.82 37.82.09 18.9-12.82 37.81-22.27 37.81 13.489 14.555 16.371 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173.589 0h100.823a48 48 0 0 1 41.16 23.304L349.589 80H424zm-269.611 0h139.223L276.16 50.913A6 6 0 0 0 271.015 48h-94.028a6 6 0 0 0-5.145 2.913L154.389 80zM368 128H80v330a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h276a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V128z\"] };\nvar faUser = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'user', icon: [448, 512, [], \"f007\", \"M313.6 304c-28.7 0-42.5 16-89.6 16-47.1 0-60.8-16-89.6-16C60.2 304 0 364.2 0 438.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-25.6c0-74.2-60.2-134.4-134.4-134.4zM400 464H48v-25.6c0-47.6 38.8-86.4 86.4-86.4 14.6 0 38.3 16 89.6 16 51.7 0 74.9-16 89.6-16 47.6 0 86.4 38.8 86.4 86.4V464zM224 288c79.5 0 144-64.5 144-144S303.5 0 224 0 80 64.5 80 144s64.5 144 144 144zm0-240c52.9 0 96 43.1 96 96s-43.1 96-96 96-96-43.1-96-96 43.1-96 96-96z\"] };\nvar faUserCircle = { prefix: 'far', iconName: 'user-circle', icon: [496, 512, [], \"f2bd\", \"M248 104c-53 0-96 43-96 96s43 96 96 96 96-43 96-96-43-96-96-96zm0 144c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm0-240C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 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faCopyright: faCopyright,\n faCreditCard: faCreditCard,\n faDizzy: faDizzy,\n faDotCircle: faDotCircle,\n faEdit: faEdit,\n faEnvelope: faEnvelope,\n faEnvelopeOpen: faEnvelopeOpen,\n faEye: faEye,\n faEyeSlash: faEyeSlash,\n faFile: faFile,\n faFileAlt: faFileAlt,\n faFileArchive: faFileArchive,\n faFileAudio: faFileAudio,\n faFileCode: faFileCode,\n faFileExcel: faFileExcel,\n faFileImage: faFileImage,\n faFilePdf: faFilePdf,\n faFilePowerpoint: faFilePowerpoint,\n faFileVideo: faFileVideo,\n faFileWord: faFileWord,\n faFlag: faFlag,\n faFlushed: faFlushed,\n faFolder: faFolder,\n faFolderOpen: faFolderOpen,\n faFontAwesomeLogoFull: faFontAwesomeLogoFull,\n faFrown: faFrown,\n faFrownOpen: faFrownOpen,\n faFutbol: faFutbol,\n faGem: faGem,\n faGrimace: faGrimace,\n faGrin: faGrin,\n faGrinAlt: faGrinAlt,\n faGrinBeam: faGrinBeam,\n faGrinBeamSweat: faGrinBeamSweat,\n faGrinHearts: faGrinHearts,\n faGrinSquint: faGrinSquint,\n faGrinSquintTears: faGrinSquintTears,\n faGrinStars: faGrinStars,\n faGrinTears: faGrinTears,\n faGrinTongue: faGrinTongue,\n faGrinTongueSquint: faGrinTongueSquint,\n faGrinTongueWink: faGrinTongueWink,\n faGrinWink: faGrinWink,\n faHandLizard: faHandLizard,\n faHandPaper: faHandPaper,\n faHandPeace: faHandPeace,\n faHandPointDown: faHandPointDown,\n faHandPointLeft: faHandPointLeft,\n faHandPointRight: faHandPointRight,\n faHandPointUp: faHandPointUp,\n faHandPointer: faHandPointer,\n faHandRock: faHandRock,\n faHandScissors: faHandScissors,\n faHandSpock: faHandSpock,\n faHandshake: faHandshake,\n faHdd: faHdd,\n faHeart: faHeart,\n faHospital: faHospital,\n faHourglass: faHourglass,\n faIdBadge: faIdBadge,\n faIdCard: faIdCard,\n faImage: faImage,\n faImages: faImages,\n faKeyboard: faKeyboard,\n faKiss: faKiss,\n faKissBeam: faKissBeam,\n faKissWinkHeart: faKissWinkHeart,\n faLaugh: faLaugh,\n faLaughBeam: faLaughBeam,\n faLaughSquint: faLaughSquint,\n faLaughWink: faLaughWink,\n faLemon: faLemon,\n faLifeRing: faLifeRing,\n faLightbulb: faLightbulb,\n faListAlt: faListAlt,\n faMap: faMap,\n faMeh: faMeh,\n faMehBlank: faMehBlank,\n faMehRollingEyes: faMehRollingEyes,\n faMinusSquare: faMinusSquare,\n faMoneyBillAlt: faMoneyBillAlt,\n faMoon: faMoon,\n faNewspaper: faNewspaper,\n faObjectGroup: faObjectGroup,\n faObjectUngroup: faObjectUngroup,\n faPaperPlane: faPaperPlane,\n faPauseCircle: faPauseCircle,\n faPlayCircle: faPlayCircle,\n faPlusSquare: faPlusSquare,\n faQuestionCircle: faQuestionCircle,\n faRegistered: faRegistered,\n faSadCry: faSadCry,\n faSadTear: faSadTear,\n faSave: faSave,\n faShareSquare: faShareSquare,\n faSmile: faSmile,\n faSmileBeam: faSmileBeam,\n faSmileWink: faSmileWink,\n faSnowflake: faSnowflake,\n faSquare: faSquare,\n faStar: faStar,\n faStarHalf: faStarHalf,\n faStickyNote: faStickyNote,\n faStopCircle: faStopCircle,\n faSun: faSun,\n faSurprise: faSurprise,\n faThumbsDown: faThumbsDown,\n faThumbsUp: faThumbsUp,\n faTimesCircle: faTimesCircle,\n faTired: faTired,\n faTrashAlt: faTrashAlt,\n faUser: faUser,\n faUserCircle: faUserCircle,\n faWindowClose: faWindowClose,\n faWindowMaximize: faWindowMaximize,\n faWindowMinimize: faWindowMinimize,\n faWindowRestore: faWindowRestore\n};\n\nexport { _iconsCache as far, prefix, faAddressBook, faAddressCard, faAngry, faArrowAltCircleDown, faArrowAltCircleLeft, faArrowAltCircleRight, faArrowAltCircleUp, faBell, faBellSlash, faBookmark, faBuilding, faCalendar, faCalendarAlt, faCalendarCheck, faCalendarMinus, faCalendarPlus, faCalendarTimes, faCaretSquareDown, faCaretSquareLeft, faCaretSquareRight, faCaretSquareUp, faChartBar, faCheckCircle, faCheckSquare, faCircle, faClipboard, faClock, faClone, faClosedCaptioning, faComment, faCommentAlt, faCommentDots, faComments, faCompass, faCopy, faCopyright, faCreditCard, faDizzy, faDotCircle, faEdit, faEnvelope, faEnvelopeOpen, faEye, faEyeSlash, faFile, faFileAlt, faFileArchive, faFileAudio, faFileCode, faFileExcel, faFileImage, faFilePdf, faFilePowerpoint, faFileVideo, faFileWord, faFlag, faFlushed, faFolder, faFolderOpen, faFontAwesomeLogoFull, faFrown, faFrownOpen, faFutbol, faGem, faGrimace, faGrin, faGrinAlt, faGrinBeam, faGrinBeamSweat, faGrinHearts, faGrinSquint, faGrinSquintTears, faGrinStars, faGrinTears, faGrinTongue, faGrinTongueSquint, faGrinTongueWink, faGrinWink, faHandLizard, faHandPaper, faHandPeace, faHandPointDown, faHandPointLeft, faHandPointRight, faHandPointUp, faHandPointer, faHandRock, faHandScissors, faHandSpock, faHandshake, faHdd, faHeart, faHospital, faHourglass, faIdBadge, faIdCard, faImage, faImages, faKeyboard, faKiss, faKissBeam, faKissWinkHeart, faLaugh, faLaughBeam, faLaughSquint, faLaughWink, faLemon, faLifeRing, faLightbulb, faListAlt, faMap, faMeh, faMehBlank, faMehRollingEyes, faMinusSquare, faMoneyBillAlt, faMoon, faNewspaper, faObjectGroup, faObjectUngroup, faPaperPlane, faPauseCircle, faPlayCircle, faPlusSquare, faQuestionCircle, faRegistered, faSadCry, faSadTear, faSave, faShareSquare, faSmile, faSmileBeam, faSmileWink, faSnowflake, faSquare, faStar, faStarHalf, faStickyNote, faStopCircle, faSun, faSurprise, faThumbsDown, faThumbsUp, faTimesCircle, faTired, faTrashAlt, faUser, faUserCircle, faWindowClose, faWindowMaximize, faWindowMinimize, faWindowRestore };\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons/index.es.js\n// module id = Yu89\n// module chunks = 0","/**!\n * @fileOverview Kickass library to create and place poppers near their reference elements.\n * @version 1.14.3\n * @license\n * Copyright (c) 2016 Federico Zivolo and contributors\n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all\n * copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE\n * SOFTWARE.\n */\nvar isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined';\n\nvar longerTimeoutBrowsers = ['Edge', 'Trident', 'Firefox'];\nvar timeoutDuration = 0;\nfor (var i = 0; i < longerTimeoutBrowsers.length; i += 1) {\n if (isBrowser && navigator.userAgent.indexOf(longerTimeoutBrowsers[i]) >= 0) {\n timeoutDuration = 1;\n break;\n }\n}\n\nfunction microtaskDebounce(fn) {\n var called = false;\n return function () {\n if (called) {\n return;\n }\n called = true;\n window.Promise.resolve().then(function () {\n called = false;\n fn();\n });\n };\n}\n\nfunction taskDebounce(fn) {\n var scheduled = false;\n return function () {\n if (!scheduled) {\n scheduled = true;\n setTimeout(function () {\n scheduled = false;\n fn();\n }, timeoutDuration);\n }\n };\n}\n\nvar supportsMicroTasks = isBrowser && window.Promise;\n\n/**\n* Create a debounced version of a method, that's asynchronously deferred\n* but called in the minimum time possible.\n*\n* @method\n* @memberof Popper.Utils\n* @argument {Function} fn\n* @returns {Function}\n*/\nvar debounce = supportsMicroTasks ? microtaskDebounce : taskDebounce;\n\n/**\n * Check if the given variable is a function\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Any} functionToCheck - variable to check\n * @returns {Boolean} answer to: is a function?\n */\nfunction isFunction(functionToCheck) {\n var getType = {};\n return functionToCheck && getType.toString.call(functionToCheck) === '[object Function]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Get CSS computed property of the given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Eement} element\n * @argument {String} property\n */\nfunction getStyleComputedProperty(element, property) {\n if (element.nodeType !== 1) {\n return [];\n }\n // NOTE: 1 DOM access here\n var css = getComputedStyle(element, null);\n return property ? css[property] : css;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the parentNode or the host of the element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Element} parent\n */\nfunction getParentNode(element) {\n if (element.nodeName === 'HTML') {\n return element;\n }\n return element.parentNode || element.host;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the scrolling parent of the given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Element} scroll parent\n */\nfunction getScrollParent(element) {\n // Return body, `getScroll` will take care to get the correct `scrollTop` from it\n if (!element) {\n return document.body;\n }\n\n switch (element.nodeName) {\n case 'HTML':\n case 'BODY':\n return element.ownerDocument.body;\n case '#document':\n return element.body;\n }\n\n // Firefox want us to check `-x` and `-y` variations as well\n\n var _getStyleComputedProp = getStyleComputedProperty(element),\n overflow = _getStyleComputedProp.overflow,\n overflowX = _getStyleComputedProp.overflowX,\n overflowY = _getStyleComputedProp.overflowY;\n\n if (/(auto|scroll|overlay)/.test(overflow + overflowY + overflowX)) {\n return element;\n }\n\n return getScrollParent(getParentNode(element));\n}\n\nvar isIE11 = isBrowser && !!(window.MSInputMethodContext && document.documentMode);\nvar isIE10 = isBrowser && /MSIE 10/.test(navigator.userAgent);\n\n/**\n * Determines if the browser is Internet Explorer\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {Number} version to check\n * @returns {Boolean} isIE\n */\nfunction isIE(version) {\n if (version === 11) {\n return isIE11;\n }\n if (version === 10) {\n return isIE10;\n }\n return isIE11 || isIE10;\n}\n\n/**\n * Returns the offset parent of the given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Element} offset parent\n */\nfunction getOffsetParent(element) {\n if (!element) {\n return document.documentElement;\n }\n\n var noOffsetParent = isIE(10) ? document.body : null;\n\n // NOTE: 1 DOM access here\n var offsetParent = element.offsetParent;\n // Skip hidden elements which don't have an offsetParent\n while (offsetParent === noOffsetParent && element.nextElementSibling) {\n offsetParent = (element = element.nextElementSibling).offsetParent;\n }\n\n var nodeName = offsetParent && offsetParent.nodeName;\n\n if (!nodeName || nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {\n return element ? element.ownerDocument.documentElement : document.documentElement;\n }\n\n // .offsetParent will return the closest TD or TABLE in case\n // no offsetParent is present, I hate this job...\n if (['TD', 'TABLE'].indexOf(offsetParent.nodeName) !== -1 && getStyleComputedProperty(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static') {\n return getOffsetParent(offsetParent);\n }\n\n return offsetParent;\n}\n\nfunction isOffsetContainer(element) {\n var nodeName = element.nodeName;\n\n if (nodeName === 'BODY') {\n return false;\n }\n return nodeName === 'HTML' || getOffsetParent(element.firstElementChild) === element;\n}\n\n/**\n * Finds the root node (document, shadowDOM root) of the given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} node\n * @returns {Element} root node\n */\nfunction getRoot(node) {\n if (node.parentNode !== null) {\n return getRoot(node.parentNode);\n }\n\n return node;\n}\n\n/**\n * Finds the offset parent common to the two provided nodes\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element1\n * @argument {Element} element2\n * @returns {Element} common offset parent\n */\nfunction findCommonOffsetParent(element1, element2) {\n // This check is needed to avoid errors in case one of the elements isn't defined for any reason\n if (!element1 || !element1.nodeType || !element2 || !element2.nodeType) {\n return document.documentElement;\n }\n\n // Here we make sure to give as \"start\" the element that comes first in the DOM\n var order = element1.compareDocumentPosition(element2) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING;\n var start = order ? element1 : element2;\n var end = order ? element2 : element1;\n\n // Get common ancestor container\n var range = document.createRange();\n range.setStart(start, 0);\n range.setEnd(end, 0);\n var commonAncestorContainer = range.commonAncestorContainer;\n\n // Both nodes are inside #document\n\n if (element1 !== commonAncestorContainer && element2 !== commonAncestorContainer || start.contains(end)) {\n if (isOffsetContainer(commonAncestorContainer)) {\n return commonAncestorContainer;\n }\n\n return getOffsetParent(commonAncestorContainer);\n }\n\n // one of the nodes is inside shadowDOM, find which one\n var element1root = getRoot(element1);\n if (element1root.host) {\n return findCommonOffsetParent(element1root.host, element2);\n } else {\n return findCommonOffsetParent(element1, getRoot(element2).host);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Gets the scroll value of the given element in the given side (top and left)\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @argument {String} side `top` or `left`\n * @returns {number} amount of scrolled pixels\n */\nfunction getScroll(element) {\n var side = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'top';\n\n var upperSide = side === 'top' ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft';\n var nodeName = element.nodeName;\n\n if (nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {\n var html = element.ownerDocument.documentElement;\n var scrollingElement = element.ownerDocument.scrollingElement || html;\n return scrollingElement[upperSide];\n }\n\n return element[upperSide];\n}\n\n/*\n * Sum or subtract the element scroll values (left and top) from a given rect object\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {Object} rect - Rect object you want to change\n * @param {HTMLElement} element - The element from the function reads the scroll values\n * @param {Boolean} subtract - set to true if you want to subtract the scroll values\n * @return {Object} rect - The modifier rect object\n */\nfunction includeScroll(rect, element) {\n var subtract = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;\n\n var scrollTop = getScroll(element, 'top');\n var scrollLeft = getScroll(element, 'left');\n var modifier = subtract ? -1 : 1;\n rect.top += scrollTop * modifier;\n rect.bottom += scrollTop * modifier;\n rect.left += scrollLeft * modifier;\n rect.right += scrollLeft * modifier;\n return rect;\n}\n\n/*\n * Helper to detect borders of a given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} styles\n * Result of `getStyleComputedProperty` on the given element\n * @param {String} axis - `x` or `y`\n * @return {number} borders - The borders size of the given axis\n */\n\nfunction getBordersSize(styles, axis) {\n var sideA = axis === 'x' ? 'Left' : 'Top';\n var sideB = sideA === 'Left' ? 'Right' : 'Bottom';\n\n return parseFloat(styles['border' + sideA + 'Width'], 10) + parseFloat(styles['border' + sideB + 'Width'], 10);\n}\n\nfunction getSize(axis, body, html, computedStyle) {\n return Math.max(body['offset' + axis], body['scroll' + axis], html['client' + axis], html['offset' + axis], html['scroll' + axis], isIE(10) ? html['offset' + axis] + computedStyle['margin' + (axis === 'Height' ? 'Top' : 'Left')] + computedStyle['margin' + (axis === 'Height' ? 'Bottom' : 'Right')] : 0);\n}\n\nfunction getWindowSizes() {\n var body = document.body;\n var html = document.documentElement;\n var computedStyle = isIE(10) && getComputedStyle(html);\n\n return {\n height: getSize('Height', body, html, computedStyle),\n width: getSize('Width', body, html, computedStyle)\n };\n}\n\nvar classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) {\n if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {\n throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\");\n }\n};\n\nvar createClass = function () {\n function defineProperties(target, props) {\n for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {\n var descriptor = props[i];\n descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;\n descriptor.configurable = true;\n if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;\n Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);\n }\n }\n\n return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {\n if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);\n if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);\n return Constructor;\n };\n}();\n\n\n\n\n\nvar defineProperty = function (obj, key, value) {\n if (key in obj) {\n Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {\n value: value,\n enumerable: true,\n configurable: true,\n writable: true\n });\n } else {\n obj[key] = value;\n }\n\n return obj;\n};\n\nvar _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n var source = arguments[i];\n\n for (var key in source) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return target;\n};\n\n/**\n * Given element offsets, generate an output similar to getBoundingClientRect\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Object} offsets\n * @returns {Object} ClientRect like output\n */\nfunction getClientRect(offsets) {\n return _extends({}, offsets, {\n right: offsets.left + offsets.width,\n bottom: offsets.top + offsets.height\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Get bounding client rect of given element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {HTMLElement} element\n * @return {Object} client rect\n */\nfunction getBoundingClientRect(element) {\n var rect = {};\n\n // IE10 10 FIX: Please, don't ask, the element isn't\n // considered in DOM in some circumstances...\n // This isn't reproducible in IE10 compatibility mode of IE11\n try {\n if (isIE(10)) {\n rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();\n var scrollTop = getScroll(element, 'top');\n var scrollLeft = getScroll(element, 'left');\n rect.top += scrollTop;\n rect.left += scrollLeft;\n rect.bottom += scrollTop;\n rect.right += scrollLeft;\n } else {\n rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n\n var result = {\n left: rect.left,\n top: rect.top,\n width: rect.right - rect.left,\n height: rect.bottom - rect.top\n };\n\n // subtract scrollbar size from sizes\n var sizes = element.nodeName === 'HTML' ? getWindowSizes() : {};\n var width = sizes.width || element.clientWidth || result.right - result.left;\n var height = sizes.height || element.clientHeight || result.bottom - result.top;\n\n var horizScrollbar = element.offsetWidth - width;\n var vertScrollbar = element.offsetHeight - height;\n\n // if an hypothetical scrollbar is detected, we must be sure it's not a `border`\n // we make this check conditional for performance reasons\n if (horizScrollbar || vertScrollbar) {\n var styles = getStyleComputedProperty(element);\n horizScrollbar -= getBordersSize(styles, 'x');\n vertScrollbar -= getBordersSize(styles, 'y');\n\n result.width -= horizScrollbar;\n result.height -= vertScrollbar;\n }\n\n return getClientRect(result);\n}\n\nfunction getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(children, parent) {\n var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;\n\n var isIE10 = isIE(10);\n var isHTML = parent.nodeName === 'HTML';\n var childrenRect = getBoundingClientRect(children);\n var parentRect = getBoundingClientRect(parent);\n var scrollParent = getScrollParent(children);\n\n var styles = getStyleComputedProperty(parent);\n var borderTopWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderTopWidth, 10);\n var borderLeftWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderLeftWidth, 10);\n\n // In cases where the parent is fixed, we must ignore negative scroll in offset calc\n if (fixedPosition && parent.nodeName === 'HTML') {\n parentRect.top = Math.max(parentRect.top, 0);\n parentRect.left = Math.max(parentRect.left, 0);\n }\n var offsets = getClientRect({\n top: childrenRect.top - parentRect.top - borderTopWidth,\n left: childrenRect.left - parentRect.left - borderLeftWidth,\n width: childrenRect.width,\n height: childrenRect.height\n });\n offsets.marginTop = 0;\n offsets.marginLeft = 0;\n\n // Subtract margins of documentElement in case it's being used as parent\n // we do this only on HTML because it's the only element that behaves\n // differently when margins are applied to it. The margins are included in\n // the box of the documentElement, in the other cases not.\n if (!isIE10 && isHTML) {\n var marginTop = parseFloat(styles.marginTop, 10);\n var marginLeft = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft, 10);\n\n offsets.top -= borderTopWidth - marginTop;\n offsets.bottom -= borderTopWidth - marginTop;\n offsets.left -= borderLeftWidth - marginLeft;\n offsets.right -= borderLeftWidth - marginLeft;\n\n // Attach marginTop and marginLeft because in some circumstances we may need them\n offsets.marginTop = marginTop;\n offsets.marginLeft = marginLeft;\n }\n\n if (isIE10 && !fixedPosition ? parent.contains(scrollParent) : parent === scrollParent && scrollParent.nodeName !== 'BODY') {\n offsets = includeScroll(offsets, parent);\n }\n\n return offsets;\n}\n\nfunction getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode(element) {\n var excludeScroll = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n\n var html = element.ownerDocument.documentElement;\n var relativeOffset = getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(element, html);\n var width = Math.max(html.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);\n var height = Math.max(html.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);\n\n var scrollTop = !excludeScroll ? getScroll(html) : 0;\n var scrollLeft = !excludeScroll ? getScroll(html, 'left') : 0;\n\n var offset = {\n top: scrollTop - relativeOffset.top + relativeOffset.marginTop,\n left: scrollLeft - relativeOffset.left + relativeOffset.marginLeft,\n width: width,\n height: height\n };\n\n return getClientRect(offset);\n}\n\n/**\n * Check if the given element is fixed or is inside a fixed parent\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @argument {Element} customContainer\n * @returns {Boolean} answer to \"isFixed?\"\n */\nfunction isFixed(element) {\n var nodeName = element.nodeName;\n if (nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {\n return false;\n }\n if (getStyleComputedProperty(element, 'position') === 'fixed') {\n return true;\n }\n return isFixed(getParentNode(element));\n}\n\n/**\n * Finds the first parent of an element that has a transformed property defined\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Element} first transformed parent or documentElement\n */\n\nfunction getFixedPositionOffsetParent(element) {\n // This check is needed to avoid errors in case one of the elements isn't defined for any reason\n if (!element || !element.parentElement || isIE()) {\n return document.documentElement;\n }\n var el = element.parentElement;\n while (el && getStyleComputedProperty(el, 'transform') === 'none') {\n el = el.parentElement;\n }\n return el || document.documentElement;\n}\n\n/**\n * Computed the boundaries limits and return them\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {HTMLElement} popper\n * @param {HTMLElement} reference\n * @param {number} padding\n * @param {HTMLElement} boundariesElement - Element used to define the boundaries\n * @param {Boolean} fixedPosition - Is in fixed position mode\n * @returns {Object} Coordinates of the boundaries\n */\nfunction getBoundaries(popper, reference, padding, boundariesElement) {\n var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : false;\n\n // NOTE: 1 DOM access here\n\n var boundaries = { top: 0, left: 0 };\n var offsetParent = fixedPosition ? getFixedPositionOffsetParent(popper) : findCommonOffsetParent(popper, reference);\n\n // Handle viewport case\n if (boundariesElement === 'viewport') {\n boundaries = getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode(offsetParent, fixedPosition);\n } else {\n // Handle other cases based on DOM element used as boundaries\n var boundariesNode = void 0;\n if (boundariesElement === 'scrollParent') {\n boundariesNode = getScrollParent(getParentNode(reference));\n if (boundariesNode.nodeName === 'BODY') {\n boundariesNode = popper.ownerDocument.documentElement;\n }\n } else if (boundariesElement === 'window') {\n boundariesNode = popper.ownerDocument.documentElement;\n } else {\n boundariesNode = boundariesElement;\n }\n\n var offsets = getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(boundariesNode, offsetParent, fixedPosition);\n\n // In case of HTML, we need a different computation\n if (boundariesNode.nodeName === 'HTML' && !isFixed(offsetParent)) {\n var _getWindowSizes = getWindowSizes(),\n height = _getWindowSizes.height,\n width = _getWindowSizes.width;\n\n boundaries.top += offsets.top - offsets.marginTop;\n boundaries.bottom = height + offsets.top;\n boundaries.left += offsets.left - offsets.marginLeft;\n boundaries.right = width + offsets.left;\n } else {\n // for all the other DOM elements, this one is good\n boundaries = offsets;\n }\n }\n\n // Add paddings\n boundaries.left += padding;\n boundaries.top += padding;\n boundaries.right -= padding;\n boundaries.bottom -= padding;\n\n return boundaries;\n}\n\nfunction getArea(_ref) {\n var width = _ref.width,\n height = _ref.height;\n\n return width * height;\n}\n\n/**\n * Utility used to transform the `auto` placement to the placement with more\n * available space.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction computeAutoPlacement(placement, refRect, popper, reference, boundariesElement) {\n var padding = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : 0;\n\n if (placement.indexOf('auto') === -1) {\n return placement;\n }\n\n var boundaries = getBoundaries(popper, reference, padding, boundariesElement);\n\n var rects = {\n top: {\n width: boundaries.width,\n height: refRect.top - boundaries.top\n },\n right: {\n width: boundaries.right - refRect.right,\n height: boundaries.height\n },\n bottom: {\n width: boundaries.width,\n height: boundaries.bottom - refRect.bottom\n },\n left: {\n width: refRect.left - boundaries.left,\n height: boundaries.height\n }\n };\n\n var sortedAreas = Object.keys(rects).map(function (key) {\n return _extends({\n key: key\n }, rects[key], {\n area: getArea(rects[key])\n });\n }).sort(function (a, b) {\n return b.area - a.area;\n });\n\n var filteredAreas = sortedAreas.filter(function (_ref2) {\n var width = _ref2.width,\n height = _ref2.height;\n return width >= popper.clientWidth && height >= popper.clientHeight;\n });\n\n var computedPlacement = filteredAreas.length > 0 ? filteredAreas[0].key : sortedAreas[0].key;\n\n var variation = placement.split('-')[1];\n\n return computedPlacement + (variation ? '-' + variation : '');\n}\n\n/**\n * Get offsets to the reference element\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {Object} state\n * @param {Element} popper - the popper element\n * @param {Element} reference - the reference element (the popper will be relative to this)\n * @param {Element} fixedPosition - is in fixed position mode\n * @returns {Object} An object containing the offsets which will be applied to the popper\n */\nfunction getReferenceOffsets(state, popper, reference) {\n var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null;\n\n var commonOffsetParent = fixedPosition ? getFixedPositionOffsetParent(popper) : findCommonOffsetParent(popper, reference);\n return getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(reference, commonOffsetParent, fixedPosition);\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the outer sizes of the given element (offset size + margins)\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Object} object containing width and height properties\n */\nfunction getOuterSizes(element) {\n var styles = getComputedStyle(element);\n var x = parseFloat(styles.marginTop) + parseFloat(styles.marginBottom);\n var y = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft) + parseFloat(styles.marginRight);\n var result = {\n width: element.offsetWidth + y,\n height: element.offsetHeight + x\n };\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the opposite placement of the given one\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {String} placement\n * @returns {String} flipped placement\n */\nfunction getOppositePlacement(placement) {\n var hash = { left: 'right', right: 'left', bottom: 'top', top: 'bottom' };\n return placement.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, function (matched) {\n return hash[matched];\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Get offsets to the popper\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {Object} position - CSS position the Popper will get applied\n * @param {HTMLElement} popper - the popper element\n * @param {Object} referenceOffsets - the reference offsets (the popper will be relative to this)\n * @param {String} placement - one of the valid placement options\n * @returns {Object} popperOffsets - An object containing the offsets which will be applied to the popper\n */\nfunction getPopperOffsets(popper, referenceOffsets, placement) {\n placement = placement.split('-')[0];\n\n // Get popper node sizes\n var popperRect = getOuterSizes(popper);\n\n // Add position, width and height to our offsets object\n var popperOffsets = {\n width: popperRect.width,\n height: popperRect.height\n };\n\n // depending by the popper placement we have to compute its offsets slightly differently\n var isHoriz = ['right', 'left'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;\n var mainSide = isHoriz ? 'top' : 'left';\n var secondarySide = isHoriz ? 'left' : 'top';\n var measurement = isHoriz ? 'height' : 'width';\n var secondaryMeasurement = !isHoriz ? 'height' : 'width';\n\n popperOffsets[mainSide] = referenceOffsets[mainSide] + referenceOffsets[measurement] / 2 - popperRect[measurement] / 2;\n if (placement === secondarySide) {\n popperOffsets[secondarySide] = referenceOffsets[secondarySide] - popperRect[secondaryMeasurement];\n } else {\n popperOffsets[secondarySide] = referenceOffsets[getOppositePlacement(secondarySide)];\n }\n\n return popperOffsets;\n}\n\n/**\n * Mimics the `find` method of Array\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Array} arr\n * @argument prop\n * @argument value\n * @returns index or -1\n */\nfunction find(arr, check) {\n // use native find if supported\n if (Array.prototype.find) {\n return arr.find(check);\n }\n\n // use `filter` to obtain the same behavior of `find`\n return arr.filter(check)[0];\n}\n\n/**\n * Return the index of the matching object\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Array} arr\n * @argument prop\n * @argument value\n * @returns index or -1\n */\nfunction findIndex(arr, prop, value) {\n // use native findIndex if supported\n if (Array.prototype.findIndex) {\n return arr.findIndex(function (cur) {\n return cur[prop] === value;\n });\n }\n\n // use `find` + `indexOf` if `findIndex` isn't supported\n var match = find(arr, function (obj) {\n return obj[prop] === value;\n });\n return arr.indexOf(match);\n}\n\n/**\n * Loop trough the list of modifiers and run them in order,\n * each of them will then edit the data object.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {dataObject} data\n * @param {Array} modifiers\n * @param {String} ends - Optional modifier name used as stopper\n * @returns {dataObject}\n */\nfunction runModifiers(modifiers, data, ends) {\n var modifiersToRun = ends === undefined ? modifiers : modifiers.slice(0, findIndex(modifiers, 'name', ends));\n\n modifiersToRun.forEach(function (modifier) {\n if (modifier['function']) {\n // eslint-disable-line dot-notation\n console.warn('`modifier.function` is deprecated, use `modifier.fn`!');\n }\n var fn = modifier['function'] || modifier.fn; // eslint-disable-line dot-notation\n if (modifier.enabled && isFunction(fn)) {\n // Add properties to offsets to make them a complete clientRect object\n // we do this before each modifier to make sure the previous one doesn't\n // mess with these values\n data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(data.offsets.popper);\n data.offsets.reference = getClientRect(data.offsets.reference);\n\n data = fn(data, modifier);\n }\n });\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Updates the position of the popper, computing the new offsets and applying\n * the new style.
\n * Prefer `scheduleUpdate` over `update` because of performance reasons.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nfunction update() {\n // if popper is destroyed, don't perform any further update\n if (this.state.isDestroyed) {\n return;\n }\n\n var data = {\n instance: this,\n styles: {},\n arrowStyles: {},\n attributes: {},\n flipped: false,\n offsets: {}\n };\n\n // compute reference element offsets\n data.offsets.reference = getReferenceOffsets(this.state, this.popper, this.reference, this.options.positionFixed);\n\n // compute auto placement, store placement inside the data object,\n // modifiers will be able to edit `placement` if needed\n // and refer to originalPlacement to know the original value\n data.placement = computeAutoPlacement(this.options.placement, data.offsets.reference, this.popper, this.reference, this.options.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement, this.options.modifiers.flip.padding);\n\n // store the computed placement inside `originalPlacement`\n data.originalPlacement = data.placement;\n\n data.positionFixed = this.options.positionFixed;\n\n // compute the popper offsets\n data.offsets.popper = getPopperOffsets(this.popper, data.offsets.reference, data.placement);\n\n data.offsets.popper.position = this.options.positionFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute';\n\n // run the modifiers\n data = runModifiers(this.modifiers, data);\n\n // the first `update` will call `onCreate` callback\n // the other ones will call `onUpdate` callback\n if (!this.state.isCreated) {\n this.state.isCreated = true;\n this.options.onCreate(data);\n } else {\n this.options.onUpdate(data);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Helper used to know if the given modifier is enabled.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @returns {Boolean}\n */\nfunction isModifierEnabled(modifiers, modifierName) {\n return modifiers.some(function (_ref) {\n var name = _ref.name,\n enabled = _ref.enabled;\n return enabled && name === modifierName;\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the prefixed supported property name\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {String} property (camelCase)\n * @returns {String} prefixed property (camelCase or PascalCase, depending on the vendor prefix)\n */\nfunction getSupportedPropertyName(property) {\n var prefixes = [false, 'ms', 'Webkit', 'Moz', 'O'];\n var upperProp = property.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + property.slice(1);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {\n var prefix = prefixes[i];\n var toCheck = prefix ? '' + prefix + upperProp : property;\n if (typeof document.body.style[toCheck] !== 'undefined') {\n return toCheck;\n }\n }\n return null;\n}\n\n/**\n * Destroy the popper\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nfunction destroy() {\n this.state.isDestroyed = true;\n\n // touch DOM only if `applyStyle` modifier is enabled\n if (isModifierEnabled(this.modifiers, 'applyStyle')) {\n this.popper.removeAttribute('x-placement');\n this.popper.style.position = '';\n this.popper.style.top = '';\n this.popper.style.left = '';\n this.popper.style.right = '';\n this.popper.style.bottom = '';\n this.popper.style.willChange = '';\n this.popper.style[getSupportedPropertyName('transform')] = '';\n }\n\n this.disableEventListeners();\n\n // remove the popper if user explicity asked for the deletion on destroy\n // do not use `remove` because IE11 doesn't support it\n if (this.options.removeOnDestroy) {\n this.popper.parentNode.removeChild(this.popper);\n }\n return this;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the window associated with the element\n * @argument {Element} element\n * @returns {Window}\n */\nfunction getWindow(element) {\n var ownerDocument = element.ownerDocument;\n return ownerDocument ? ownerDocument.defaultView : window;\n}\n\nfunction attachToScrollParents(scrollParent, event, callback, scrollParents) {\n var isBody = scrollParent.nodeName === 'BODY';\n var target = isBody ? scrollParent.ownerDocument.defaultView : scrollParent;\n target.addEventListener(event, callback, { passive: true });\n\n if (!isBody) {\n attachToScrollParents(getScrollParent(target.parentNode), event, callback, scrollParents);\n }\n scrollParents.push(target);\n}\n\n/**\n * Setup needed event listeners used to update the popper position\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @private\n */\nfunction setupEventListeners(reference, options, state, updateBound) {\n // Resize event listener on window\n state.updateBound = updateBound;\n getWindow(reference).addEventListener('resize', state.updateBound, { passive: true });\n\n // Scroll event listener on scroll parents\n var scrollElement = getScrollParent(reference);\n attachToScrollParents(scrollElement, 'scroll', state.updateBound, state.scrollParents);\n state.scrollElement = scrollElement;\n state.eventsEnabled = true;\n\n return state;\n}\n\n/**\n * It will add resize/scroll events and start recalculating\n * position of the popper element when they are triggered.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nfunction enableEventListeners() {\n if (!this.state.eventsEnabled) {\n this.state = setupEventListeners(this.reference, this.options, this.state, this.scheduleUpdate);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Remove event listeners used to update the popper position\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @private\n */\nfunction removeEventListeners(reference, state) {\n // Remove resize event listener on window\n getWindow(reference).removeEventListener('resize', state.updateBound);\n\n // Remove scroll event listener on scroll parents\n state.scrollParents.forEach(function (target) {\n target.removeEventListener('scroll', state.updateBound);\n });\n\n // Reset state\n state.updateBound = null;\n state.scrollParents = [];\n state.scrollElement = null;\n state.eventsEnabled = false;\n return state;\n}\n\n/**\n * It will remove resize/scroll events and won't recalculate popper position\n * when they are triggered. It also won't trigger onUpdate callback anymore,\n * unless you call `update` method manually.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nfunction disableEventListeners() {\n if (this.state.eventsEnabled) {\n cancelAnimationFrame(this.scheduleUpdate);\n this.state = removeEventListeners(this.reference, this.state);\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Tells if a given input is a number\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {*} input to check\n * @return {Boolean}\n */\nfunction isNumeric(n) {\n return n !== '' && !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the style to the given popper\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element - Element to apply the style to\n * @argument {Object} styles\n * Object with a list of properties and values which will be applied to the element\n */\nfunction setStyles(element, styles) {\n Object.keys(styles).forEach(function (prop) {\n var unit = '';\n // add unit if the value is numeric and is one of the following\n if (['width', 'height', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'].indexOf(prop) !== -1 && isNumeric(styles[prop])) {\n unit = 'px';\n }\n element.style[prop] = styles[prop] + unit;\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the attributes to the given popper\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {Element} element - Element to apply the attributes to\n * @argument {Object} styles\n * Object with a list of properties and values which will be applied to the element\n */\nfunction setAttributes(element, attributes) {\n Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (prop) {\n var value = attributes[prop];\n if (value !== false) {\n element.setAttribute(prop, attributes[prop]);\n } else {\n element.removeAttribute(prop);\n }\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} data.styles - List of style properties - values to apply to popper element\n * @argument {Object} data.attributes - List of attribute properties - values to apply to popper element\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The same data object\n */\nfunction applyStyle(data) {\n // any property present in `data.styles` will be applied to the popper,\n // in this way we can make the 3rd party modifiers add custom styles to it\n // Be aware, modifiers could override the properties defined in the previous\n // lines of this modifier!\n setStyles(data.instance.popper, data.styles);\n\n // any property present in `data.attributes` will be applied to the popper,\n // they will be set as HTML attributes of the element\n setAttributes(data.instance.popper, data.attributes);\n\n // if arrowElement is defined and arrowStyles has some properties\n if (data.arrowElement && Object.keys(data.arrowStyles).length) {\n setStyles(data.arrowElement, data.arrowStyles);\n }\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Set the x-placement attribute before everything else because it could be used\n * to add margins to the popper margins needs to be calculated to get the\n * correct popper offsets.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.modifiers\n * @param {HTMLElement} reference - The reference element used to position the popper\n * @param {HTMLElement} popper - The HTML element used as popper\n * @param {Object} options - Popper.js options\n */\nfunction applyStyleOnLoad(reference, popper, options, modifierOptions, state) {\n // compute reference element offsets\n var referenceOffsets = getReferenceOffsets(state, popper, reference, options.positionFixed);\n\n // compute auto placement, store placement inside the data object,\n // modifiers will be able to edit `placement` if needed\n // and refer to originalPlacement to know the original value\n var placement = computeAutoPlacement(options.placement, referenceOffsets, popper, reference, options.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement, options.modifiers.flip.padding);\n\n popper.setAttribute('x-placement', placement);\n\n // Apply `position` to popper before anything else because\n // without the position applied we can't guarantee correct computations\n setStyles(popper, { position: options.positionFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute' });\n\n return options;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction computeStyle(data, options) {\n var x = options.x,\n y = options.y;\n var popper = data.offsets.popper;\n\n // Remove this legacy support in Popper.js v2\n\n var legacyGpuAccelerationOption = find(data.instance.modifiers, function (modifier) {\n return modifier.name === 'applyStyle';\n }).gpuAcceleration;\n if (legacyGpuAccelerationOption !== undefined) {\n console.warn('WARNING: `gpuAcceleration` option moved to `computeStyle` modifier and will not be supported in future versions of Popper.js!');\n }\n var gpuAcceleration = legacyGpuAccelerationOption !== undefined ? legacyGpuAccelerationOption : options.gpuAcceleration;\n\n var offsetParent = getOffsetParent(data.instance.popper);\n var offsetParentRect = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent);\n\n // Styles\n var styles = {\n position: popper.position\n };\n\n // Avoid blurry text by using full pixel integers.\n // For pixel-perfect positioning, top/bottom prefers rounded\n // values, while left/right prefers floored values.\n var offsets = {\n left: Math.floor(popper.left),\n top: Math.round(popper.top),\n bottom: Math.round(popper.bottom),\n right: Math.floor(popper.right)\n };\n\n var sideA = x === 'bottom' ? 'top' : 'bottom';\n var sideB = y === 'right' ? 'left' : 'right';\n\n // if gpuAcceleration is set to `true` and transform is supported,\n // we use `translate3d` to apply the position to the popper we\n // automatically use the supported prefixed version if needed\n var prefixedProperty = getSupportedPropertyName('transform');\n\n // now, let's make a step back and look at this code closely (wtf?)\n // If the content of the popper grows once it's been positioned, it\n // may happen that the popper gets misplaced because of the new content\n // overflowing its reference element\n // To avoid this problem, we provide two options (x and y), which allow\n // the consumer to define the offset origin.\n // If we position a popper on top of a reference element, we can set\n // `x` to `top` to make the popper grow towards its top instead of\n // its bottom.\n var left = void 0,\n top = void 0;\n if (sideA === 'bottom') {\n top = -offsetParentRect.height + offsets.bottom;\n } else {\n top = offsets.top;\n }\n if (sideB === 'right') {\n left = -offsetParentRect.width + offsets.right;\n } else {\n left = offsets.left;\n }\n if (gpuAcceleration && prefixedProperty) {\n styles[prefixedProperty] = 'translate3d(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px, 0)';\n styles[sideA] = 0;\n styles[sideB] = 0;\n styles.willChange = 'transform';\n } else {\n // othwerise, we use the standard `top`, `left`, `bottom` and `right` properties\n var invertTop = sideA === 'bottom' ? -1 : 1;\n var invertLeft = sideB === 'right' ? -1 : 1;\n styles[sideA] = top * invertTop;\n styles[sideB] = left * invertLeft;\n styles.willChange = sideA + ', ' + sideB;\n }\n\n // Attributes\n var attributes = {\n 'x-placement': data.placement\n };\n\n // Update `data` attributes, styles and arrowStyles\n data.attributes = _extends({}, attributes, data.attributes);\n data.styles = _extends({}, styles, data.styles);\n data.arrowStyles = _extends({}, data.offsets.arrow, data.arrowStyles);\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Helper used to know if the given modifier depends from another one.
\n * It checks if the needed modifier is listed and enabled.\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @param {Array} modifiers - list of modifiers\n * @param {String} requestingName - name of requesting modifier\n * @param {String} requestedName - name of requested modifier\n * @returns {Boolean}\n */\nfunction isModifierRequired(modifiers, requestingName, requestedName) {\n var requesting = find(modifiers, function (_ref) {\n var name = _ref.name;\n return name === requestingName;\n });\n\n var isRequired = !!requesting && modifiers.some(function (modifier) {\n return modifier.name === requestedName && modifier.enabled && modifier.order < requesting.order;\n });\n\n if (!isRequired) {\n var _requesting = '`' + requestingName + '`';\n var requested = '`' + requestedName + '`';\n console.warn(requested + ' modifier is required by ' + _requesting + ' modifier in order to work, be sure to include it before ' + _requesting + '!');\n }\n return isRequired;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction arrow(data, options) {\n var _data$offsets$arrow;\n\n // arrow depends on keepTogether in order to work\n if (!isModifierRequired(data.instance.modifiers, 'arrow', 'keepTogether')) {\n return data;\n }\n\n var arrowElement = options.element;\n\n // if arrowElement is a string, suppose it's a CSS selector\n if (typeof arrowElement === 'string') {\n arrowElement = data.instance.popper.querySelector(arrowElement);\n\n // if arrowElement is not found, don't run the modifier\n if (!arrowElement) {\n return data;\n }\n } else {\n // if the arrowElement isn't a query selector we must check that the\n // provided DOM node is child of its popper node\n if (!data.instance.popper.contains(arrowElement)) {\n console.warn('WARNING: `arrow.element` must be child of its popper element!');\n return data;\n }\n }\n\n var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];\n var _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference;\n\n var isVertical = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;\n\n var len = isVertical ? 'height' : 'width';\n var sideCapitalized = isVertical ? 'Top' : 'Left';\n var side = sideCapitalized.toLowerCase();\n var altSide = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';\n var opSide = isVertical ? 'bottom' : 'right';\n var arrowElementSize = getOuterSizes(arrowElement)[len];\n\n //\n // extends keepTogether behavior making sure the popper and its\n // reference have enough pixels in conjuction\n //\n\n // top/left side\n if (reference[opSide] - arrowElementSize < popper[side]) {\n data.offsets.popper[side] -= popper[side] - (reference[opSide] - arrowElementSize);\n }\n // bottom/right side\n if (reference[side] + arrowElementSize > popper[opSide]) {\n data.offsets.popper[side] += reference[side] + arrowElementSize - popper[opSide];\n }\n data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(data.offsets.popper);\n\n // compute center of the popper\n var center = reference[side] + reference[len] / 2 - arrowElementSize / 2;\n\n // Compute the sideValue using the updated popper offsets\n // take popper margin in account because we don't have this info available\n var css = getStyleComputedProperty(data.instance.popper);\n var popperMarginSide = parseFloat(css['margin' + sideCapitalized], 10);\n var popperBorderSide = parseFloat(css['border' + sideCapitalized + 'Width'], 10);\n var sideValue = center - data.offsets.popper[side] - popperMarginSide - popperBorderSide;\n\n // prevent arrowElement from being placed not contiguously to its popper\n sideValue = Math.max(Math.min(popper[len] - arrowElementSize, sideValue), 0);\n\n data.arrowElement = arrowElement;\n data.offsets.arrow = (_data$offsets$arrow = {}, defineProperty(_data$offsets$arrow, side, Math.round(sideValue)), defineProperty(_data$offsets$arrow, altSide, ''), _data$offsets$arrow);\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the opposite placement variation of the given one\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {String} placement variation\n * @returns {String} flipped placement variation\n */\nfunction getOppositeVariation(variation) {\n if (variation === 'end') {\n return 'start';\n } else if (variation === 'start') {\n return 'end';\n }\n return variation;\n}\n\n/**\n * List of accepted placements to use as values of the `placement` option.
\n * Valid placements are:\n * - `auto`\n * - `top`\n * - `right`\n * - `bottom`\n * - `left`\n *\n * Each placement can have a variation from this list:\n * - `-start`\n * - `-end`\n *\n * Variations are interpreted easily if you think of them as the left to right\n * written languages. Horizontally (`top` and `bottom`), `start` is left and `end`\n * is right.
\n * Vertically (`left` and `right`), `start` is top and `end` is bottom.\n *\n * Some valid examples are:\n * - `top-end` (on top of reference, right aligned)\n * - `right-start` (on right of reference, top aligned)\n * - `bottom` (on bottom, centered)\n * - `auto-right` (on the side with more space available, alignment depends by placement)\n *\n * @static\n * @type {Array}\n * @enum {String}\n * @readonly\n * @method placements\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nvar placements = ['auto-start', 'auto', 'auto-end', 'top-start', 'top', 'top-end', 'right-start', 'right', 'right-end', 'bottom-end', 'bottom', 'bottom-start', 'left-end', 'left', 'left-start'];\n\n// Get rid of `auto` `auto-start` and `auto-end`\nvar validPlacements = placements.slice(3);\n\n/**\n * Given an initial placement, returns all the subsequent placements\n * clockwise (or counter-clockwise).\n *\n * @method\n * @memberof Popper.Utils\n * @argument {String} placement - A valid placement (it accepts variations)\n * @argument {Boolean} counter - Set to true to walk the placements counterclockwise\n * @returns {Array} placements including their variations\n */\nfunction clockwise(placement) {\n var counter = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;\n\n var index = validPlacements.indexOf(placement);\n var arr = validPlacements.slice(index + 1).concat(validPlacements.slice(0, index));\n return counter ? arr.reverse() : arr;\n}\n\nvar BEHAVIORS = {\n FLIP: 'flip',\n CLOCKWISE: 'clockwise',\n COUNTERCLOCKWISE: 'counterclockwise'\n};\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction flip(data, options) {\n // if `inner` modifier is enabled, we can't use the `flip` modifier\n if (isModifierEnabled(data.instance.modifiers, 'inner')) {\n return data;\n }\n\n if (data.flipped && data.placement === data.originalPlacement) {\n // seems like flip is trying to loop, probably there's not enough space on any of the flippable sides\n return data;\n }\n\n var boundaries = getBoundaries(data.instance.popper, data.instance.reference, options.padding, options.boundariesElement, data.positionFixed);\n\n var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];\n var placementOpposite = getOppositePlacement(placement);\n var variation = data.placement.split('-')[1] || '';\n\n var flipOrder = [];\n\n switch (options.behavior) {\n case BEHAVIORS.FLIP:\n flipOrder = [placement, placementOpposite];\n break;\n case BEHAVIORS.CLOCKWISE:\n flipOrder = clockwise(placement);\n break;\n case BEHAVIORS.COUNTERCLOCKWISE:\n flipOrder = clockwise(placement, true);\n break;\n default:\n flipOrder = options.behavior;\n }\n\n flipOrder.forEach(function (step, index) {\n if (placement !== step || flipOrder.length === index + 1) {\n return data;\n }\n\n placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];\n placementOpposite = getOppositePlacement(placement);\n\n var popperOffsets = data.offsets.popper;\n var refOffsets = data.offsets.reference;\n\n // using floor because the reference offsets may contain decimals we are not going to consider here\n var floor = Math.floor;\n var overlapsRef = placement === 'left' && floor(popperOffsets.right) > floor(refOffsets.left) || placement === 'right' && floor(popperOffsets.left) < floor(refOffsets.right) || placement === 'top' && floor(popperOffsets.bottom) > floor(refOffsets.top) || placement === 'bottom' && floor(popperOffsets.top) < floor(refOffsets.bottom);\n\n var overflowsLeft = floor(popperOffsets.left) < floor(boundaries.left);\n var overflowsRight = floor(popperOffsets.right) > floor(boundaries.right);\n var overflowsTop = floor(popperOffsets.top) < floor(boundaries.top);\n var overflowsBottom = floor(popperOffsets.bottom) > floor(boundaries.bottom);\n\n var overflowsBoundaries = placement === 'left' && overflowsLeft || placement === 'right' && overflowsRight || placement === 'top' && overflowsTop || placement === 'bottom' && overflowsBottom;\n\n // flip the variation if required\n var isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;\n var flippedVariation = !!options.flipVariations && (isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsLeft || isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsRight || !isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsTop || !isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsBottom);\n\n if (overlapsRef || overflowsBoundaries || flippedVariation) {\n // this boolean to detect any flip loop\n data.flipped = true;\n\n if (overlapsRef || overflowsBoundaries) {\n placement = flipOrder[index + 1];\n }\n\n if (flippedVariation) {\n variation = getOppositeVariation(variation);\n }\n\n data.placement = placement + (variation ? '-' + variation : '');\n\n // this object contains `position`, we want to preserve it along with\n // any additional property we may add in the future\n data.offsets.popper = _extends({}, data.offsets.popper, getPopperOffsets(data.instance.popper, data.offsets.reference, data.placement));\n\n data = runModifiers(data.instance.modifiers, data, 'flip');\n }\n });\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction keepTogether(data) {\n var _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference;\n\n var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];\n var floor = Math.floor;\n var isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;\n var side = isVertical ? 'right' : 'bottom';\n var opSide = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';\n var measurement = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height';\n\n if (popper[side] < floor(reference[opSide])) {\n data.offsets.popper[opSide] = floor(reference[opSide]) - popper[measurement];\n }\n if (popper[opSide] > floor(reference[side])) {\n data.offsets.popper[opSide] = floor(reference[side]);\n }\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Converts a string containing value + unit into a px value number\n * @function\n * @memberof {modifiers~offset}\n * @private\n * @argument {String} str - Value + unit string\n * @argument {String} measurement - `height` or `width`\n * @argument {Object} popperOffsets\n * @argument {Object} referenceOffsets\n * @returns {Number|String}\n * Value in pixels, or original string if no values were extracted\n */\nfunction toValue(str, measurement, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets) {\n // separate value from unit\n var split = str.match(/((?:\\-|\\+)?\\d*\\.?\\d*)(.*)/);\n var value = +split[1];\n var unit = split[2];\n\n // If it's not a number it's an operator, I guess\n if (!value) {\n return str;\n }\n\n if (unit.indexOf('%') === 0) {\n var element = void 0;\n switch (unit) {\n case '%p':\n element = popperOffsets;\n break;\n case '%':\n case '%r':\n default:\n element = referenceOffsets;\n }\n\n var rect = getClientRect(element);\n return rect[measurement] / 100 * value;\n } else if (unit === 'vh' || unit === 'vw') {\n // if is a vh or vw, we calculate the size based on the viewport\n var size = void 0;\n if (unit === 'vh') {\n size = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);\n } else {\n size = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);\n }\n return size / 100 * value;\n } else {\n // if is an explicit pixel unit, we get rid of the unit and keep the value\n // if is an implicit unit, it's px, and we return just the value\n return value;\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Parse an `offset` string to extrapolate `x` and `y` numeric offsets.\n * @function\n * @memberof {modifiers~offset}\n * @private\n * @argument {String} offset\n * @argument {Object} popperOffsets\n * @argument {Object} referenceOffsets\n * @argument {String} basePlacement\n * @returns {Array} a two cells array with x and y offsets in numbers\n */\nfunction parseOffset(offset, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets, basePlacement) {\n var offsets = [0, 0];\n\n // Use height if placement is left or right and index is 0 otherwise use width\n // in this way the first offset will use an axis and the second one\n // will use the other one\n var useHeight = ['right', 'left'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;\n\n // Split the offset string to obtain a list of values and operands\n // The regex addresses values with the plus or minus sign in front (+10, -20, etc)\n var fragments = offset.split(/(\\+|\\-)/).map(function (frag) {\n return frag.trim();\n });\n\n // Detect if the offset string contains a pair of values or a single one\n // they could be separated by comma or space\n var divider = fragments.indexOf(find(fragments, function (frag) {\n return frag.search(/,|\\s/) !== -1;\n }));\n\n if (fragments[divider] && fragments[divider].indexOf(',') === -1) {\n console.warn('Offsets separated by white space(s) are deprecated, use a comma (,) instead.');\n }\n\n // If divider is found, we divide the list of values and operands to divide\n // them by ofset X and Y.\n var splitRegex = /\\s*,\\s*|\\s+/;\n var ops = divider !== -1 ? [fragments.slice(0, divider).concat([fragments[divider].split(splitRegex)[0]]), [fragments[divider].split(splitRegex)[1]].concat(fragments.slice(divider + 1))] : [fragments];\n\n // Convert the values with units to absolute pixels to allow our computations\n ops = ops.map(function (op, index) {\n // Most of the units rely on the orientation of the popper\n var measurement = (index === 1 ? !useHeight : useHeight) ? 'height' : 'width';\n var mergeWithPrevious = false;\n return op\n // This aggregates any `+` or `-` sign that aren't considered operators\n // e.g.: 10 + +5 => [10, +, +5]\n .reduce(function (a, b) {\n if (a[a.length - 1] === '' && ['+', '-'].indexOf(b) !== -1) {\n a[a.length - 1] = b;\n mergeWithPrevious = true;\n return a;\n } else if (mergeWithPrevious) {\n a[a.length - 1] += b;\n mergeWithPrevious = false;\n return a;\n } else {\n return a.concat(b);\n }\n }, [])\n // Here we convert the string values into number values (in px)\n .map(function (str) {\n return toValue(str, measurement, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets);\n });\n });\n\n // Loop trough the offsets arrays and execute the operations\n ops.forEach(function (op, index) {\n op.forEach(function (frag, index2) {\n if (isNumeric(frag)) {\n offsets[index] += frag * (op[index2 - 1] === '-' ? -1 : 1);\n }\n });\n });\n return offsets;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @argument {Number|String} options.offset=0\n * The offset value as described in the modifier description\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction offset(data, _ref) {\n var offset = _ref.offset;\n var placement = data.placement,\n _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference;\n\n var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];\n\n var offsets = void 0;\n if (isNumeric(+offset)) {\n offsets = [+offset, 0];\n } else {\n offsets = parseOffset(offset, popper, reference, basePlacement);\n }\n\n if (basePlacement === 'left') {\n popper.top += offsets[0];\n popper.left -= offsets[1];\n } else if (basePlacement === 'right') {\n popper.top += offsets[0];\n popper.left += offsets[1];\n } else if (basePlacement === 'top') {\n popper.left += offsets[0];\n popper.top -= offsets[1];\n } else if (basePlacement === 'bottom') {\n popper.left += offsets[0];\n popper.top += offsets[1];\n }\n\n data.popper = popper;\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction preventOverflow(data, options) {\n var boundariesElement = options.boundariesElement || getOffsetParent(data.instance.popper);\n\n // If offsetParent is the reference element, we really want to\n // go one step up and use the next offsetParent as reference to\n // avoid to make this modifier completely useless and look like broken\n if (data.instance.reference === boundariesElement) {\n boundariesElement = getOffsetParent(boundariesElement);\n }\n\n // NOTE: DOM access here\n // resets the popper's position so that the document size can be calculated excluding\n // the size of the popper element itself\n var transformProp = getSupportedPropertyName('transform');\n var popperStyles = data.instance.popper.style; // assignment to help minification\n var top = popperStyles.top,\n left = popperStyles.left,\n transform = popperStyles[transformProp];\n\n popperStyles.top = '';\n popperStyles.left = '';\n popperStyles[transformProp] = '';\n\n var boundaries = getBoundaries(data.instance.popper, data.instance.reference, options.padding, boundariesElement, data.positionFixed);\n\n // NOTE: DOM access here\n // restores the original style properties after the offsets have been computed\n popperStyles.top = top;\n popperStyles.left = left;\n popperStyles[transformProp] = transform;\n\n options.boundaries = boundaries;\n\n var order = options.priority;\n var popper = data.offsets.popper;\n\n var check = {\n primary: function primary(placement) {\n var value = popper[placement];\n if (popper[placement] < boundaries[placement] && !options.escapeWithReference) {\n value = Math.max(popper[placement], boundaries[placement]);\n }\n return defineProperty({}, placement, value);\n },\n secondary: function secondary(placement) {\n var mainSide = placement === 'right' ? 'left' : 'top';\n var value = popper[mainSide];\n if (popper[placement] > boundaries[placement] && !options.escapeWithReference) {\n value = Math.min(popper[mainSide], boundaries[placement] - (placement === 'right' ? popper.width : popper.height));\n }\n return defineProperty({}, mainSide, value);\n }\n };\n\n order.forEach(function (placement) {\n var side = ['left', 'top'].indexOf(placement) !== -1 ? 'primary' : 'secondary';\n popper = _extends({}, popper, check[side](placement));\n });\n\n data.offsets.popper = popper;\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction shift(data) {\n var placement = data.placement;\n var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];\n var shiftvariation = placement.split('-')[1];\n\n // if shift shiftvariation is specified, run the modifier\n if (shiftvariation) {\n var _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper;\n\n var isVertical = ['bottom', 'top'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;\n var side = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';\n var measurement = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height';\n\n var shiftOffsets = {\n start: defineProperty({}, side, reference[side]),\n end: defineProperty({}, side, reference[side] + reference[measurement] - popper[measurement])\n };\n\n data.offsets.popper = _extends({}, popper, shiftOffsets[shiftvariation]);\n }\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction hide(data) {\n if (!isModifierRequired(data.instance.modifiers, 'hide', 'preventOverflow')) {\n return data;\n }\n\n var refRect = data.offsets.reference;\n var bound = find(data.instance.modifiers, function (modifier) {\n return modifier.name === 'preventOverflow';\n }).boundaries;\n\n if (refRect.bottom < bound.top || refRect.left > bound.right || refRect.top > bound.bottom || refRect.right < bound.left) {\n // Avoid unnecessary DOM access if visibility hasn't changed\n if (data.hide === true) {\n return data;\n }\n\n data.hide = true;\n data.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries'] = '';\n } else {\n // Avoid unnecessary DOM access if visibility hasn't changed\n if (data.hide === false) {\n return data;\n }\n\n data.hide = false;\n data.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries'] = false;\n }\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * @function\n * @memberof Modifiers\n * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified\n */\nfunction inner(data) {\n var placement = data.placement;\n var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];\n var _data$offsets = data.offsets,\n popper = _data$offsets.popper,\n reference = _data$offsets.reference;\n\n var isHoriz = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;\n\n var subtractLength = ['top', 'left'].indexOf(basePlacement) === -1;\n\n popper[isHoriz ? 'left' : 'top'] = reference[basePlacement] - (subtractLength ? popper[isHoriz ? 'width' : 'height'] : 0);\n\n data.placement = getOppositePlacement(placement);\n data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(popper);\n\n return data;\n}\n\n/**\n * Modifier function, each modifier can have a function of this type assigned\n * to its `fn` property.
\n * These functions will be called on each update, this means that you must\n * make sure they are performant enough to avoid performance bottlenecks.\n *\n * @function ModifierFn\n * @argument {dataObject} data - The data object generated by `update` method\n * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options\n * @returns {dataObject} The data object, properly modified\n */\n\n/**\n * Modifiers are plugins used to alter the behavior of your poppers.
\n * Popper.js uses a set of 9 modifiers to provide all the basic functionalities\n * needed by the library.\n *\n * Usually you don't want to override the `order`, `fn` and `onLoad` props.\n * All the other properties are configurations that could be tweaked.\n * @namespace modifiers\n */\nvar modifiers = {\n /**\n * Modifier used to shift the popper on the start or end of its reference\n * element.
\n * It will read the variation of the `placement` property.
\n * It can be one either `-end` or `-start`.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n shift: {\n /** @prop {number} order=100 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 100,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: shift\n },\n\n /**\n * The `offset` modifier can shift your popper on both its axis.\n *\n * It accepts the following units:\n * - `px` or unitless, interpreted as pixels\n * - `%` or `%r`, percentage relative to the length of the reference element\n * - `%p`, percentage relative to the length of the popper element\n * - `vw`, CSS viewport width unit\n * - `vh`, CSS viewport height unit\n *\n * For length is intended the main axis relative to the placement of the popper.
\n * This means that if the placement is `top` or `bottom`, the length will be the\n * `width`. In case of `left` or `right`, it will be the height.\n *\n * You can provide a single value (as `Number` or `String`), or a pair of values\n * as `String` divided by a comma or one (or more) white spaces.
\n * The latter is a deprecated method because it leads to confusion and will be\n * removed in v2.
\n * Additionally, it accepts additions and subtractions between different units.\n * Note that multiplications and divisions aren't supported.\n *\n * Valid examples are:\n * ```\n * 10\n * '10%'\n * '10, 10'\n * '10%, 10'\n * '10 + 10%'\n * '10 - 5vh + 3%'\n * '-10px + 5vh, 5px - 6%'\n * ```\n * > **NB**: If you desire to apply offsets to your poppers in a way that may make them overlap\n * > with their reference element, unfortunately, you will have to disable the `flip` modifier.\n * > More on this [reading this issue](https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js/issues/373)\n *\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n offset: {\n /** @prop {number} order=200 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 200,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: offset,\n /** @prop {Number|String} offset=0\n * The offset value as described in the modifier description\n */\n offset: 0\n },\n\n /**\n * Modifier used to prevent the popper from being positioned outside the boundary.\n *\n * An scenario exists where the reference itself is not within the boundaries.
\n * We can say it has \"escaped the boundaries\" — or just \"escaped\".
\n * In this case we need to decide whether the popper should either:\n *\n * - detach from the reference and remain \"trapped\" in the boundaries, or\n * - if it should ignore the boundary and \"escape with its reference\"\n *\n * When `escapeWithReference` is set to`true` and reference is completely\n * outside its boundaries, the popper will overflow (or completely leave)\n * the boundaries in order to remain attached to the edge of the reference.\n *\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n preventOverflow: {\n /** @prop {number} order=300 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 300,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: preventOverflow,\n /**\n * @prop {Array} [priority=['left','right','top','bottom']]\n * Popper will try to prevent overflow following these priorities by default,\n * then, it could overflow on the left and on top of the `boundariesElement`\n */\n priority: ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'],\n /**\n * @prop {number} padding=5\n * Amount of pixel used to define a minimum distance between the boundaries\n * and the popper this makes sure the popper has always a little padding\n * between the edges of its container\n */\n padding: 5,\n /**\n * @prop {String|HTMLElement} boundariesElement='scrollParent'\n * Boundaries used by the modifier, can be `scrollParent`, `window`,\n * `viewport` or any DOM element.\n */\n boundariesElement: 'scrollParent'\n },\n\n /**\n * Modifier used to make sure the reference and its popper stay near eachothers\n * without leaving any gap between the two. Expecially useful when the arrow is\n * enabled and you want to assure it to point to its reference element.\n * It cares only about the first axis, you can still have poppers with margin\n * between the popper and its reference element.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n keepTogether: {\n /** @prop {number} order=400 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 400,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: keepTogether\n },\n\n /**\n * This modifier is used to move the `arrowElement` of the popper to make\n * sure it is positioned between the reference element and its popper element.\n * It will read the outer size of the `arrowElement` node to detect how many\n * pixels of conjuction are needed.\n *\n * It has no effect if no `arrowElement` is provided.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n arrow: {\n /** @prop {number} order=500 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 500,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: arrow,\n /** @prop {String|HTMLElement} element='[x-arrow]' - Selector or node used as arrow */\n element: '[x-arrow]'\n },\n\n /**\n * Modifier used to flip the popper's placement when it starts to overlap its\n * reference element.\n *\n * Requires the `preventOverflow` modifier before it in order to work.\n *\n * **NOTE:** this modifier will interrupt the current update cycle and will\n * restart it if it detects the need to flip the placement.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n flip: {\n /** @prop {number} order=600 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 600,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: flip,\n /**\n * @prop {String|Array} behavior='flip'\n * The behavior used to change the popper's placement. It can be one of\n * `flip`, `clockwise`, `counterclockwise` or an array with a list of valid\n * placements (with optional variations).\n */\n behavior: 'flip',\n /**\n * @prop {number} padding=5\n * The popper will flip if it hits the edges of the `boundariesElement`\n */\n padding: 5,\n /**\n * @prop {String|HTMLElement} boundariesElement='viewport'\n * The element which will define the boundaries of the popper position,\n * the popper will never be placed outside of the defined boundaries\n * (except if keepTogether is enabled)\n */\n boundariesElement: 'viewport'\n },\n\n /**\n * Modifier used to make the popper flow toward the inner of the reference element.\n * By default, when this modifier is disabled, the popper will be placed outside\n * the reference element.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n inner: {\n /** @prop {number} order=700 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 700,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=false - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: false,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: inner\n },\n\n /**\n * Modifier used to hide the popper when its reference element is outside of the\n * popper boundaries. It will set a `x-out-of-boundaries` attribute which can\n * be used to hide with a CSS selector the popper when its reference is\n * out of boundaries.\n *\n * Requires the `preventOverflow` modifier before it in order to work.\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n hide: {\n /** @prop {number} order=800 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 800,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: hide\n },\n\n /**\n * Computes the style that will be applied to the popper element to gets\n * properly positioned.\n *\n * Note that this modifier will not touch the DOM, it just prepares the styles\n * so that `applyStyle` modifier can apply it. This separation is useful\n * in case you need to replace `applyStyle` with a custom implementation.\n *\n * This modifier has `850` as `order` value to maintain backward compatibility\n * with previous versions of Popper.js. Expect the modifiers ordering method\n * to change in future major versions of the library.\n *\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n computeStyle: {\n /** @prop {number} order=850 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 850,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: computeStyle,\n /**\n * @prop {Boolean} gpuAcceleration=true\n * If true, it uses the CSS 3d transformation to position the popper.\n * Otherwise, it will use the `top` and `left` properties.\n */\n gpuAcceleration: true,\n /**\n * @prop {string} [x='bottom']\n * Where to anchor the X axis (`bottom` or `top`). AKA X offset origin.\n * Change this if your popper should grow in a direction different from `bottom`\n */\n x: 'bottom',\n /**\n * @prop {string} [x='left']\n * Where to anchor the Y axis (`left` or `right`). AKA Y offset origin.\n * Change this if your popper should grow in a direction different from `right`\n */\n y: 'right'\n },\n\n /**\n * Applies the computed styles to the popper element.\n *\n * All the DOM manipulations are limited to this modifier. This is useful in case\n * you want to integrate Popper.js inside a framework or view library and you\n * want to delegate all the DOM manipulations to it.\n *\n * Note that if you disable this modifier, you must make sure the popper element\n * has its position set to `absolute` before Popper.js can do its work!\n *\n * Just disable this modifier and define you own to achieve the desired effect.\n *\n * @memberof modifiers\n * @inner\n */\n applyStyle: {\n /** @prop {number} order=900 - Index used to define the order of execution */\n order: 900,\n /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */\n enabled: true,\n /** @prop {ModifierFn} */\n fn: applyStyle,\n /** @prop {Function} */\n onLoad: applyStyleOnLoad,\n /**\n * @deprecated since version 1.10.0, the property moved to `computeStyle` modifier\n * @prop {Boolean} gpuAcceleration=true\n * If true, it uses the CSS 3d transformation to position the popper.\n * Otherwise, it will use the `top` and `left` properties.\n */\n gpuAcceleration: undefined\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * The `dataObject` is an object containing all the informations used by Popper.js\n * this object get passed to modifiers and to the `onCreate` and `onUpdate` callbacks.\n * @name dataObject\n * @property {Object} data.instance The Popper.js instance\n * @property {String} data.placement Placement applied to popper\n * @property {String} data.originalPlacement Placement originally defined on init\n * @property {Boolean} data.flipped True if popper has been flipped by flip modifier\n * @property {Boolean} data.hide True if the reference element is out of boundaries, useful to know when to hide the popper.\n * @property {HTMLElement} data.arrowElement Node used as arrow by arrow modifier\n * @property {Object} data.styles Any CSS property defined here will be applied to the popper, it expects the JavaScript nomenclature (eg. `marginBottom`)\n * @property {Object} data.arrowStyles Any CSS property defined here will be applied to the popper arrow, it expects the JavaScript nomenclature (eg. `marginBottom`)\n * @property {Object} data.boundaries Offsets of the popper boundaries\n * @property {Object} data.offsets The measurements of popper, reference and arrow elements.\n * @property {Object} data.offsets.popper `top`, `left`, `width`, `height` values\n * @property {Object} data.offsets.reference `top`, `left`, `width`, `height` values\n * @property {Object} data.offsets.arrow] `top` and `left` offsets, only one of them will be different from 0\n */\n\n/**\n * Default options provided to Popper.js constructor.
\n * These can be overriden using the `options` argument of Popper.js.
\n * To override an option, simply pass as 3rd argument an object with the same\n * structure of this object, example:\n * ```\n * new Popper(ref, pop, {\n * modifiers: {\n * preventOverflow: { enabled: false }\n * }\n * })\n * ```\n * @type {Object}\n * @static\n * @memberof Popper\n */\nvar Defaults = {\n /**\n * Popper's placement\n * @prop {Popper.placements} placement='bottom'\n */\n placement: 'bottom',\n\n /**\n * Set this to true if you want popper to position it self in 'fixed' mode\n * @prop {Boolean} positionFixed=false\n */\n positionFixed: false,\n\n /**\n * Whether events (resize, scroll) are initially enabled\n * @prop {Boolean} eventsEnabled=true\n */\n eventsEnabled: true,\n\n /**\n * Set to true if you want to automatically remove the popper when\n * you call the `destroy` method.\n * @prop {Boolean} removeOnDestroy=false\n */\n removeOnDestroy: false,\n\n /**\n * Callback called when the popper is created.
\n * By default, is set to no-op.
\n * Access Popper.js instance with `data.instance`.\n * @prop {onCreate}\n */\n onCreate: function onCreate() {},\n\n /**\n * Callback called when the popper is updated, this callback is not called\n * on the initialization/creation of the popper, but only on subsequent\n * updates.
\n * By default, is set to no-op.
\n * Access Popper.js instance with `data.instance`.\n * @prop {onUpdate}\n */\n onUpdate: function onUpdate() {},\n\n /**\n * List of modifiers used to modify the offsets before they are applied to the popper.\n * They provide most of the functionalities of Popper.js\n * @prop {modifiers}\n */\n modifiers: modifiers\n};\n\n/**\n * @callback onCreate\n * @param {dataObject} data\n */\n\n/**\n * @callback onUpdate\n * @param {dataObject} data\n */\n\n// Utils\n// Methods\nvar Popper = function () {\n /**\n * Create a new Popper.js instance\n * @class Popper\n * @param {HTMLElement|referenceObject} reference - The reference element used to position the popper\n * @param {HTMLElement} popper - The HTML element used as popper.\n * @param {Object} options - Your custom options to override the ones defined in [Defaults](#defaults)\n * @return {Object} instance - The generated Popper.js instance\n */\n function Popper(reference, popper) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};\n classCallCheck(this, Popper);\n\n this.scheduleUpdate = function () {\n return requestAnimationFrame(_this.update);\n };\n\n // make update() debounced, so that it only runs at most once-per-tick\n this.update = debounce(this.update.bind(this));\n\n // with {} we create a new object with the options inside it\n this.options = _extends({}, Popper.Defaults, options);\n\n // init state\n this.state = {\n isDestroyed: false,\n isCreated: false,\n scrollParents: []\n };\n\n // get reference and popper elements (allow jQuery wrappers)\n this.reference = reference && reference.jquery ? reference[0] : reference;\n this.popper = popper && popper.jquery ? popper[0] : popper;\n\n // Deep merge modifiers options\n this.options.modifiers = {};\n Object.keys(_extends({}, Popper.Defaults.modifiers, options.modifiers)).forEach(function (name) {\n _this.options.modifiers[name] = _extends({}, Popper.Defaults.modifiers[name] || {}, options.modifiers ? options.modifiers[name] : {});\n });\n\n // Refactoring modifiers' list (Object => Array)\n this.modifiers = Object.keys(this.options.modifiers).map(function (name) {\n return _extends({\n name: name\n }, _this.options.modifiers[name]);\n })\n // sort the modifiers by order\n .sort(function (a, b) {\n return a.order - b.order;\n });\n\n // modifiers have the ability to execute arbitrary code when Popper.js get inited\n // such code is executed in the same order of its modifier\n // they could add new properties to their options configuration\n // BE AWARE: don't add options to `options.modifiers.name` but to `modifierOptions`!\n this.modifiers.forEach(function (modifierOptions) {\n if (modifierOptions.enabled && isFunction(modifierOptions.onLoad)) {\n modifierOptions.onLoad(_this.reference, _this.popper, _this.options, modifierOptions, _this.state);\n }\n });\n\n // fire the first update to position the popper in the right place\n this.update();\n\n var eventsEnabled = this.options.eventsEnabled;\n if (eventsEnabled) {\n // setup event listeners, they will take care of update the position in specific situations\n this.enableEventListeners();\n }\n\n this.state.eventsEnabled = eventsEnabled;\n }\n\n // We can't use class properties because they don't get listed in the\n // class prototype and break stuff like Sinon stubs\n\n\n createClass(Popper, [{\n key: 'update',\n value: function update$$1() {\n return update.call(this);\n }\n }, {\n key: 'destroy',\n value: function destroy$$1() {\n return destroy.call(this);\n }\n }, {\n key: 'enableEventListeners',\n value: function enableEventListeners$$1() {\n return enableEventListeners.call(this);\n }\n }, {\n key: 'disableEventListeners',\n value: function disableEventListeners$$1() {\n return disableEventListeners.call(this);\n }\n\n /**\n * Schedule an update, it will run on the next UI update available\n * @method scheduleUpdate\n * @memberof Popper\n */\n\n\n /**\n * Collection of utilities useful when writing custom modifiers.\n * Starting from version 1.7, this method is available only if you\n * include `popper-utils.js` before `popper.js`.\n *\n * **DEPRECATION**: This way to access PopperUtils is deprecated\n * and will be removed in v2! Use the PopperUtils module directly instead.\n * Due to the high instability of the methods contained in Utils, we can't\n * guarantee them to follow semver. Use them at your own risk!\n * @static\n * @private\n * @type {Object}\n * @deprecated since version 1.8\n * @member Utils\n * @memberof Popper\n */\n\n }]);\n return Popper;\n}();\n\n/**\n * The `referenceObject` is an object that provides an interface compatible with Popper.js\n * and lets you use it as replacement of a real DOM node.
\n * You can use this method to position a popper relatively to a set of coordinates\n * in case you don't have a DOM node to use as reference.\n *\n * ```\n * new Popper(referenceObject, popperNode);\n * ```\n *\n * NB: This feature isn't supported in Internet Explorer 10\n * @name referenceObject\n * @property {Function} data.getBoundingClientRect\n * A function that returns a set of coordinates compatible with the native `getBoundingClientRect` method.\n * @property {number} data.clientWidth\n * An ES6 getter that will return the width of the virtual reference element.\n * @property {number} data.clientHeight\n * An ES6 getter that will return the height of the virtual reference element.\n */\n\n\nPopper.Utils = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global).PopperUtils;\nPopper.placements = placements;\nPopper.Defaults = Defaults;\n\nexport default Popper;\n//# sourceMappingURL=popper.js.map\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/popper.js/dist/esm/popper.js\n// module id = Zgw8\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar bind = require('./helpers/bind');\nvar isBuffer = require('is-buffer');\n\n/*global toString:true*/\n\n// utils is a library of generic helper functions non-specific to axios\n\nvar toString = Object.prototype.toString;\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is an Array\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an Array, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isArray(val) {\n return toString.call(val) === '[object Array]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is an ArrayBuffer\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an ArrayBuffer, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isArrayBuffer(val) {\n return toString.call(val) === '[object ArrayBuffer]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a FormData\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an FormData, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isFormData(val) {\n return (typeof FormData !== 'undefined') && (val instanceof FormData);\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a view on an ArrayBuffer\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a view on an ArrayBuffer, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isArrayBufferView(val) {\n var result;\n if ((typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined') && (ArrayBuffer.isView)) {\n result = ArrayBuffer.isView(val);\n } else {\n result = (val) && (val.buffer) && (val.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer);\n }\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a String\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a String, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isString(val) {\n return typeof val === 'string';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Number\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Number, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isNumber(val) {\n return typeof val === 'number';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is undefined\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if the value is undefined, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isUndefined(val) {\n return typeof val === 'undefined';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is an Object\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is an Object, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isObject(val) {\n return val !== null && typeof val === 'object';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Date\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Date, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isDate(val) {\n return toString.call(val) === '[object Date]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a File\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a File, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isFile(val) {\n return toString.call(val) === '[object File]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Blob\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Blob, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isBlob(val) {\n return toString.call(val) === '[object Blob]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Function\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Function, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isFunction(val) {\n return toString.call(val) === '[object Function]';\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a Stream\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a Stream, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isStream(val) {\n return isObject(val) && isFunction(val.pipe);\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if a value is a URLSearchParams object\n *\n * @param {Object} val The value to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if value is a URLSearchParams object, otherwise false\n */\nfunction isURLSearchParams(val) {\n return typeof URLSearchParams !== 'undefined' && val instanceof URLSearchParams;\n}\n\n/**\n * Trim excess whitespace off the beginning and end of a string\n *\n * @param {String} str The String to trim\n * @returns {String} The String freed of excess whitespace\n */\nfunction trim(str) {\n return str.replace(/^\\s*/, '').replace(/\\s*$/, '');\n}\n\n/**\n * Determine if we're running in a standard browser environment\n *\n * This allows axios to run in a web worker, and react-native.\n * Both environments support XMLHttpRequest, but not fully standard globals.\n *\n * web workers:\n * typeof window -> undefined\n * typeof document -> undefined\n *\n * react-native:\n * navigator.product -> 'ReactNative'\n */\nfunction isStandardBrowserEnv() {\n if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.product === 'ReactNative') {\n return false;\n }\n return (\n typeof window !== 'undefined' &&\n typeof document !== 'undefined'\n );\n}\n\n/**\n * Iterate over an Array or an Object invoking a function for each item.\n *\n * If `obj` is an Array callback will be called passing\n * the value, index, and complete array for each item.\n *\n * If 'obj' is an Object callback will be called passing\n * the value, key, and complete object for each property.\n *\n * @param {Object|Array} obj The object to iterate\n * @param {Function} fn The callback to invoke for each item\n */\nfunction forEach(obj, fn) {\n // Don't bother if no value provided\n if (obj === null || typeof obj === 'undefined') {\n return;\n }\n\n // Force an array if not already something iterable\n if (typeof obj !== 'object') {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n obj = [obj];\n }\n\n if (isArray(obj)) {\n // Iterate over array values\n for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {\n fn.call(null, obj[i], i, obj);\n }\n } else {\n // Iterate over object keys\n for (var key in obj) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) {\n fn.call(null, obj[key], key, obj);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n/**\n * Accepts varargs expecting each argument to be an object, then\n * immutably merges the properties of each object and returns result.\n *\n * When multiple objects contain the same key the later object in\n * the arguments list will take precedence.\n *\n * Example:\n *\n * ```js\n * var result = merge({foo: 123}, {foo: 456});\n * console.log(result.foo); // outputs 456\n * ```\n *\n * @param {Object} obj1 Object to merge\n * @returns {Object} Result of all merge properties\n */\nfunction merge(/* obj1, obj2, obj3, ... */) {\n var result = {};\n function assignValue(val, key) {\n if (typeof result[key] === 'object' && typeof val === 'object') {\n result[key] = merge(result[key], val);\n } else {\n result[key] = val;\n }\n }\n\n for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {\n forEach(arguments[i], assignValue);\n }\n return result;\n}\n\n/**\n * Extends object a by mutably adding to it the properties of object b.\n *\n * @param {Object} a The object to be extended\n * @param {Object} b The object to copy properties from\n * @param {Object} thisArg The object to bind function to\n * @return {Object} The resulting value of object a\n */\nfunction extend(a, b, thisArg) {\n forEach(b, function assignValue(val, key) {\n if (thisArg && typeof val === 'function') {\n a[key] = bind(val, thisArg);\n } else {\n a[key] = val;\n }\n });\n return a;\n}\n\nmodule.exports = {\n isArray: isArray,\n isArrayBuffer: isArrayBuffer,\n isBuffer: isBuffer,\n isFormData: isFormData,\n isArrayBufferView: isArrayBufferView,\n isString: isString,\n isNumber: isNumber,\n isObject: isObject,\n isUndefined: isUndefined,\n isDate: isDate,\n isFile: isFile,\n isBlob: isBlob,\n isFunction: isFunction,\n isStream: isStream,\n isURLSearchParams: isURLSearchParams,\n isStandardBrowserEnv: isStandardBrowserEnv,\n forEach: forEach,\n merge: merge,\n extend: extend,\n trim: trim\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/axios/lib/utils.js\n// module id = cGG2\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\nvar Cancel = require('./Cancel');\n\n/**\n * A `CancelToken` is an object that can be used to request cancellation of an operation.\n *\n * @class\n * @param {Function} executor The executor function.\n */\nfunction CancelToken(executor) {\n if (typeof executor !== 'function') {\n throw new TypeError('executor must be a function.');\n }\n\n var resolvePromise;\n this.promise = new Promise(function promiseExecutor(resolve) {\n resolvePromise = resolve;\n });\n\n var token = this;\n executor(function cancel(message) {\n if (token.reason) {\n // Cancellation has already been requested\n return;\n }\n\n token.reason = new Cancel(message);\n resolvePromise(token.reason);\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Throws a `Cancel` if cancellation has been requested.\n */\nCancelToken.prototype.throwIfRequested = function throwIfRequested() {\n if (this.reason) {\n throw this.reason;\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Returns an object that contains a new `CancelToken` and a function that, when called,\n * cancels the `CancelToken`.\n */\nCancelToken.source = function source() {\n var cancel;\n var token = new CancelToken(function executor(c) {\n cancel = c;\n });\n return {\n token: token,\n cancel: cancel\n };\n};\n\nmodule.exports = CancelToken;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/axios/lib/cancel/CancelToken.js\n// module id = cWxy\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\n/**\n * Determines whether the specified URL is absolute\n *\n * @param {string} url The URL to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if the specified URL is absolute, otherwise false\n */\nmodule.exports = function isAbsoluteURL(url) {\n // A URL is considered absolute if it begins with \"://\" or \"//\" (protocol-relative URL).\n // RFC 3986 defines scheme name as a sequence of characters beginning with a letter and followed\n // by any combination of letters, digits, plus, period, or hyphen.\n return /^([a-z][a-z\\d\\+\\-\\.]*:)?\\/\\//i.test(url);\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/axios/lib/helpers/isAbsoluteURL.js\n// module id = dIwP\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\n/**\n * A `Cancel` is an object that is thrown when an operation is canceled.\n *\n * @class\n * @param {string=} message The message.\n */\nfunction Cancel(message) {\n this.message = message;\n}\n\nCancel.prototype.toString = function toString() {\n return 'Cancel' + (this.message ? ': ' + this.message : '');\n};\n\nCancel.prototype.__CANCEL__ = true;\n\nmodule.exports = Cancel;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/axios/lib/cancel/Cancel.js\n// module id = dVOP\n// module chunks = 0","var __assign=Object.assign||function(e){for(var a,s=1,t=arguments.length;s 0 ? 1 : -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(number));\n };\n var maxSafeInteger = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1;\n var toLength = function toLength(value) {\n return Math.min(Math.max(toInteger(value), 0), maxSafeInteger);\n };\n\n // The length property of the from method is 1.\n return function from(arrayLike /*, mapFn, thisArg */) {\n // 1. Let C be the this value.\n var C = this;\n\n // 2. Let items be ToObject(arrayLike).\n var items = Object(arrayLike);\n\n // 3. ReturnIfAbrupt(items).\n if (arrayLike == null) {\n throw new TypeError('Array.from requires an array-like object - not null or undefined');\n }\n\n // 4. If mapfn is undefined, then let mapping be false.\n var mapFn = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : void undefined;\n var T = void 0;\n\n if (typeof mapFn !== 'undefined') {\n // 5. else\n // 5. a If IsCallable(mapfn) is false, throw a TypeError exception.\n if (!isCallable(mapFn)) {\n throw new TypeError('Array.from: when provided, the second argument must be a function');\n }\n\n // 5. b. If thisArg was supplied, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.\n if (arguments.length > 2) {\n T = arguments[2];\n }\n }\n\n // 10. Let lenValue be Get(items, \"length\").\n // 11. Let len be ToLength(lenValue).\n var len = toLength(items.length);\n\n // 13. If IsConstructor(C) is true, then\n // 13. a. Let A be the result of calling the [[Construct]] internal method\n // of C with an argument list containing the single item len.\n // 14. a. Else, Let A be ArrayCreate(len).\n var A = isCallable(C) ? Object(new C(len)) : new Array(len);\n\n // 16. Let k be 0.\n var k = 0;\n // 17. Repeat, while k < len… (also steps a - h)\n var kValue = void 0;\n while (k < len) {\n kValue = items[k];\n if (mapFn) {\n A[k] = typeof T === 'undefined' ? mapFn(kValue, k) : mapFn.call(T, kValue, k);\n } else {\n A[k] = kValue;\n }\n k += 1;\n }\n // 18. Let putStatus be Put(A, \"length\", len, true).\n A.length = len;\n // 20. Return A.\n return A;\n };\n }();\n}\n\n// https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-array.prototype.find\n// Needed for IE support\nif (!Array.prototype.find) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-extend-native\n Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'find', {\n value: function value(predicate) {\n // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value).\n if (this == null) {\n throw new TypeError('\"this\" is null or not defined');\n }\n\n var o = Object(this);\n\n // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, \"length\")).\n var len = o.length >>> 0;\n\n // 3. If IsCallable(predicate) is false, throw a TypeError exception.\n if (typeof predicate !== 'function') {\n throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function');\n }\n\n // 4. If thisArg was supplied, let T be thisArg; else let T be undefined.\n var thisArg = arguments[1];\n\n // 5. Let k be 0.\n var k = 0;\n\n // 6. Repeat, while k < len\n while (k < len) {\n // a. Let Pk be ! ToString(k).\n // b. Let kValue be ? Get(O, Pk).\n // c. Let testResult be ToBoolean(? Call(predicate, T, « kValue, k, O »)).\n // d. If testResult is true, return kValue.\n var kValue = o[k];\n if (predicate.call(thisArg, kValue, k, o)) {\n return kValue;\n }\n // e. Increase k by 1.\n k++;\n }\n\n // 7. Return undefined.\n return undefined;\n }\n });\n}\n\nif (!Array.isArray) {\n Array.isArray = function (arg) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(arg) === '[object Array]';\n };\n}\n\n// Static\nexport var from = Array.from;\nexport var isArray = Array.isArray;\n\n// Instance\nexport var arrayIncludes = function arrayIncludes(array, value) {\n return array.indexOf(value) !== -1;\n};\nexport var arrayFind = function arrayFind(array, fn, thisArg) {\n return array.find(fn, thisArg);\n};\nexport function concat() {\n return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arguments);\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/array.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","export default function identity(x) {\n return x;\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/identity.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { keys } from './object';\nimport { isArray } from './array';\nimport identity from './identity';\n\n/**\n * Given an array of properties or an object of property keys,\n * plucks all the values off the target object.\n * @param {{}|string[]} keysToPluck\n * @param {{}} objToPluck\n * @param {Function} transformFn\n * @return {{}}\n */\nexport default function pluckProps(keysToPluck, objToPluck) {\n var transformFn = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : identity;\n\n return (isArray(keysToPluck) ? keysToPluck.slice() : keys(keysToPluck)).reduce(function (memo, prop) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-sequences\n return memo[transformFn(prop)] = objToPluck[prop], memo;\n }, {});\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/pluck-props.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","var _typeof = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; };\n\nimport { assign, keys } from '../../utils/object';\nimport { arrayIncludes, concat } from '../../utils/array';\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\n/**\n * The Link component is used in many other BV components.\n * As such, sharing its props makes supporting all its features easier.\n * However, some components need to modify the defaults for their own purpose.\n * Prefer sharing a fresh copy of the props to ensure mutations\n * do not affect other component references to the props.\n *\n * https://github.com/vuejs/vue-router/blob/dev/src/components/link.js\n * @return {{}}\n */\nexport function propsFactory() {\n return {\n href: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n rel: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n target: {\n type: String,\n default: '_self'\n },\n active: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n activeClass: {\n type: String,\n default: 'active'\n },\n append: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n disabled: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n event: {\n type: [String, Array],\n default: 'click'\n },\n exact: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n exactActiveClass: {\n type: String,\n default: 'active'\n },\n replace: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n routerTag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'a'\n },\n to: {\n type: [String, Object],\n default: null\n }\n };\n}\n\nexport var props = propsFactory();\n\nexport function pickLinkProps(propsToPick) {\n var freshLinkProps = propsFactory();\n // Normalize everything to array.\n propsToPick = concat(propsToPick);\n\n return keys(freshLinkProps).reduce(function (memo, prop) {\n if (arrayIncludes(propsToPick, prop)) {\n memo[prop] = freshLinkProps[prop];\n }\n\n return memo;\n }, {});\n}\n\nexport function omitLinkProps(propsToOmit) {\n var freshLinkProps = propsFactory();\n // Normalize everything to array.\n propsToOmit = concat(propsToOmit);\n\n return keys(props).reduce(function (memo, prop) {\n if (!arrayIncludes(propsToOmit, prop)) {\n memo[prop] = freshLinkProps[prop];\n }\n\n return memo;\n }, {});\n}\n\nexport var computed = {\n linkProps: function linkProps() {\n var linkProps = {};\n var propKeys = keys(props);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < propKeys.length; i++) {\n var prop = propKeys[i];\n // Computed Vue getters are bound to the instance.\n linkProps[prop] = this[prop];\n }\n\n return linkProps;\n }\n};\n\nfunction computeTag(props, parent) {\n return Boolean(parent.$router) && props.to && !props.disabled ? 'router-link' : 'a';\n}\n\nfunction computeHref(_ref, tag) {\n var disabled = _ref.disabled,\n href = _ref.href,\n to = _ref.to;\n\n // We've already checked the parent.$router in computeTag,\n // so router-link means live router.\n // When deferring to Vue Router's router-link,\n // don't use the href attr at all.\n // Must return undefined for router-link to populate href.\n if (tag === 'router-link') return void 0;\n // If href explicitly provided\n if (href) return href;\n // Reconstruct href when `to` used, but no router\n if (to) {\n // Fallback to `to` prop (if `to` is a string)\n if (typeof to === 'string') return to;\n // Fallback to `to.path` prop (if `to` is an object)\n if ((typeof to === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(to)) === 'object' && typeof to.path === 'string') return to.path;\n }\n // If nothing is provided use '#'\n return '#';\n}\n\nfunction computeRel(_ref2) {\n var target = _ref2.target,\n rel = _ref2.rel;\n\n if (target === '_blank' && rel === null) {\n return 'noopener';\n }\n return rel || null;\n}\n\nfunction clickHandlerFactory(_ref3) {\n var disabled = _ref3.disabled,\n tag = _ref3.tag,\n href = _ref3.href,\n suppliedHandler = _ref3.suppliedHandler,\n parent = _ref3.parent;\n\n var isRouterLink = tag === 'router-link';\n\n return function onClick(e) {\n if (disabled && e instanceof Event) {\n // Stop event from bubbling up.\n e.stopPropagation();\n // Kill the event loop attached to this specific EventTarget.\n e.stopImmediatePropagation();\n } else {\n parent.$root.$emit('clicked::link', e);\n\n if (isRouterLink && e.target.__vue__) {\n e.target.__vue__.$emit('click', e);\n }\n if (typeof suppliedHandler === 'function') {\n suppliedHandler.apply(undefined, arguments);\n }\n }\n\n if (!isRouterLink && href === '#' || disabled) {\n // Stop scroll-to-top behavior or navigation.\n e.preventDefault();\n }\n };\n}\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: propsFactory(),\n render: function render(h, _ref4) {\n var props = _ref4.props,\n data = _ref4.data,\n parent = _ref4.parent,\n children = _ref4.children;\n\n var tag = computeTag(props, parent);\n var rel = computeRel(props);\n var href = computeHref(props, tag);\n var eventType = tag === 'router-link' ? 'nativeOn' : 'on';\n var suppliedHandler = (data[eventType] || {}).click;\n var handlers = { click: clickHandlerFactory({ tag: tag, href: href, disabled: props.disabled, suppliedHandler: suppliedHandler, parent: parent }) };\n\n var componentData = mergeData(data, {\n class: [props.active ? props.exact ? props.exactActiveClass : props.activeClass : null, { disabled: props.disabled }],\n attrs: {\n rel: rel,\n href: href,\n target: props.target,\n tabindex: props.disabled ? '-1' : data.attrs ? data.attrs.tabindex : null,\n 'aria-disabled': tag === 'a' && props.disabled ? 'true' : null\n },\n props: assign(props, { tag: props.routerTag })\n });\n\n // If href prop exists on router-link (even undefined or null) it fails working on SSR\n if (!componentData.attrs.href) {\n delete componentData.attrs.href;\n }\n\n // We want to overwrite any click handler since our callback\n // will invoke the supplied handler if !props.disabled\n componentData[eventType] = assign(componentData[eventType] || {}, handlers);\n\n return h(tag, componentData, children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/link/link.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nimport pluckProps from '../../utils/pluck-props';\nimport { assign } from '../../utils/object';\nimport Link, { propsFactory as linkPropsFactory } from '../link/link';\n\nvar linkProps = linkPropsFactory();\ndelete linkProps.href.default;\ndelete linkProps.to.default;\n\nexport var props = assign(linkProps, {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'span'\n },\n variant: {\n type: String,\n default: 'secondary'\n },\n pill: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n});\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n var tag = !props.href && !props.to ? props.tag : Link;\n\n var componentData = {\n staticClass: 'badge',\n class: [!props.variant ? 'badge-secondary' : 'badge-' + props.variant, {\n 'badge-pill': Boolean(props.pill),\n active: props.active,\n disabled: props.disabled\n }],\n props: pluckProps(linkProps, props)\n };\n\n return h(tag, mergeData(data, componentData), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/badge/badge.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bBadge from './badge';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bBadge: bBadge\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/badge/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport pluckProps from '../../utils/pluck-props';\nimport { assign } from '../../utils/object';\nimport Link, { propsFactory as linkPropsFactory } from '../link/link';\n\nexport var props = assign(linkPropsFactory(), {\n text: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n active: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n href: {\n type: String,\n default: '#'\n },\n ariaCurrent: {\n type: String,\n default: 'location'\n }\n});\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var suppliedProps = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n var tag = suppliedProps.active ? 'span' : Link;\n\n var componentData = { props: pluckProps(props, suppliedProps) };\n if (suppliedProps.active) {\n componentData.attrs = { 'aria-current': suppliedProps.ariaCurrent };\n } else {\n componentData.attrs = { href: suppliedProps.href };\n }\n\n return h(tag, mergeData(data, componentData), children || suppliedProps.text);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/breadcrumb/breadcrumb-link.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport { assign } from '../../utils/object';\nimport BreadcrumbLink, { props as crumbLinks } from './breadcrumb-link';\n\nexport var props = assign({}, crumbLinks, {\n text: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n href: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n }\n});\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h('li', mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'breadcrumb-item',\n class: { active: props.active },\n attrs: { role: 'presentation' }\n }), [h(BreadcrumbLink, { props: props }, children)]);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/breadcrumb/breadcrumb-item.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","var _typeof = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; };\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport { isArray } from '../../utils/array';\nimport { assign } from '../../utils/object';\nimport BreadcrumbItem from './breadcrumb-item';\n\nexport var props = {\n items: {\n type: Array,\n default: null\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n var childNodes = children;\n // Build child nodes from items if given.\n if (isArray(props.items)) {\n var activeDefined = false;\n childNodes = props.items.map(function (item, idx) {\n if ((typeof item === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(item)) !== 'object') {\n item = { text: item };\n }\n // Copy the value here so we can normalize it.\n var active = item.active;\n if (active) {\n activeDefined = true;\n }\n if (!active && !activeDefined) {\n // Auto-detect active by position in list.\n active = idx + 1 === props.items.length;\n }\n\n return h(BreadcrumbItem, { props: assign({}, item, { active: active }) });\n });\n }\n\n return h('ol', mergeData(data, { staticClass: 'breadcrumb' }), childNodes);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/breadcrumb/breadcrumb.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bBreadcrumb from './breadcrumb';\nimport bBreadcrumbItem from './breadcrumb-item';\nimport bBreadcrumbLink from './breadcrumb-link';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bBreadcrumb: bBreadcrumb,\n bBreadcrumbItem: bBreadcrumbItem,\n bBreadcrumbLink: bBreadcrumbLink\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/breadcrumb/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { from as arrayFrom } from './array';\n\n// Determine if an element is an HTML Element\nexport var isElement = function isElement(el) {\n return el && el.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE;\n};\n\n// Determine if an HTML element is visible - Faster than CSS check\nexport var isVisible = function isVisible(el) {\n return isElement(el) && document.body.contains(el) && el.getBoundingClientRect().height > 0 && el.getBoundingClientRect().width > 0;\n};\n\n// Determine if an element is disabled\nexport var isDisabled = function isDisabled(el) {\n return !isElement(el) || el.disabled || el.classList.contains('disabled') || Boolean(el.getAttribute('disabled'));\n};\n\n// Cause/wait-for an element to reflow it's content (adjusting it's height/width)\nexport var reflow = function reflow(el) {\n // requsting an elements offsetHight will trigger a reflow of the element content\n return isElement(el) && el.offsetHeight;\n};\n\n// Select all elements matching selector. Returns [] if none found\nexport var selectAll = function selectAll(selector, root) {\n if (!isElement(root)) {\n root = document;\n }\n return arrayFrom(root.querySelectorAll(selector));\n};\n\n// Select a single element, returns null if not found\nexport var select = function select(selector, root) {\n if (!isElement(root)) {\n root = document;\n }\n return root.querySelector(selector) || null;\n};\n\n// Determine if an element matches a selector\nexport var matches = function matches(el, selector) {\n if (!isElement(el)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/matches#Polyfill\n // Prefer native implementations over polyfill function\n var proto = Element.prototype;\n var Matches = proto.matches || proto.matchesSelector || proto.mozMatchesSelector || proto.msMatchesSelector || proto.oMatchesSelector || proto.webkitMatchesSelector ||\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n function (sel) {\n var element = this;\n var m = selectAll(sel, element.document || element.ownerDocument);\n var i = m.length;\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty\n while (--i >= 0 && m.item(i) !== element) {}\n return i > -1;\n };\n\n return Matches.call(el, selector);\n};\n\n// Finds closest element matching selector. Returns null if not found\nexport var closest = function closest(selector, root) {\n if (!isElement(root)) {\n return null;\n }\n\n // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/closest\n // Since we dont support IE < 10, we can use the \"Matches\" version of the polyfill for speed\n // Prefer native implementation over polyfill function\n var Closest = Element.prototype.closest ||\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n function (sel) {\n var element = this;\n if (!document.documentElement.contains(element)) {\n return null;\n }\n do {\n // Use our \"patched\" matches function\n if (matches(element, sel)) {\n return element;\n }\n element = element.parentElement;\n } while (element !== null);\n return null;\n };\n\n var el = Closest.call(root, selector);\n // Emulate jQuery closest and return null if match is the passed in element (root)\n return el === root ? null : el;\n};\n\n// Get an element given an ID\nexport var getById = function getById(id) {\n return document.getElementById(/^#/.test(id) ? id.slice(1) : id) || null;\n};\n\n// Add a class to an element\nexport var addClass = function addClass(el, className) {\n if (className && isElement(el)) {\n el.classList.add(className);\n }\n};\n\n// Remove a class from an element\nexport var removeClass = function removeClass(el, className) {\n if (className && isElement(el)) {\n el.classList.remove(className);\n }\n};\n\n// Test if an element has a class\nexport var hasClass = function hasClass(el, className) {\n if (className && isElement(el)) {\n return el.classList.contains(className);\n }\n return false;\n};\n\n// Set an attribute on an element\nexport var setAttr = function setAttr(el, attr, value) {\n if (attr && isElement(el)) {\n el.setAttribute(attr, value);\n }\n};\n\n// Remove an attribute from an element\nexport var removeAttr = function removeAttr(el, attr) {\n if (attr && isElement(el)) {\n el.removeAttribute(attr);\n }\n};\n\n// Get an attribute value from an element (returns null if not found)\nexport var getAttr = function getAttr(el, attr) {\n if (attr && isElement(el)) {\n return el.getAttribute(attr);\n }\n return null;\n};\n\n// Determine if an attribute exists on an element (returns true or false, or null if element not found)\nexport var hasAttr = function hasAttr(el, attr) {\n if (attr && isElement(el)) {\n return el.hasAttribute(attr);\n }\n return null;\n};\n\n// Return the Bounding Client Rec of an element. Retruns null if not an element\nexport var getBCR = function getBCR(el) {\n return isElement(el) ? el.getBoundingClientRect() : null;\n};\n\n// Get computed style object for an element\nexport var getCS = function getCS(el) {\n return isElement(el) ? window.getComputedStyle(el) : {};\n};\n\n// Return an element's offset wrt document element\n// https://j11y.io/jquery/#v=git&fn=jQuery.fn.offset\nexport var offset = function offset(el) {\n if (isElement(el)) {\n if (!el.getClientRects().length) {\n return { top: 0, left: 0 };\n }\n var bcr = getBCR(el);\n var win = el.ownerDocument.defaultView;\n return {\n top: bcr.top + win.pageYOffset,\n left: bcr.left + win.pageXOffset\n };\n }\n};\n\n// Return an element's offset wrt to it's offsetParent\n// https://j11y.io/jquery/#v=git&fn=jQuery.fn.position\nexport var position = function position(el) {\n if (!isElement(el)) {\n return;\n }\n var parentOffset = { top: 0, left: 0 };\n var offsetSelf = void 0;\n var offsetParent = void 0;\n if (getCS(el).position === 'fixed') {\n offsetSelf = getBCR(el);\n } else {\n offsetSelf = offset(el);\n var doc = el.ownerDocument;\n offsetParent = el.offsetParent || doc.documentElement;\n while (offsetParent && (offsetParent === doc.body || offsetParent === doc.documentElement) && getCS(offsetParent).position === 'static') {\n offsetParent = offsetParent.parentNode;\n }\n if (offsetParent && offsetParent !== el && offsetParent.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {\n parentOffset = offset(offsetParent);\n parentOffset.top += parseFloat(getCS(offsetParent).borderTopWidth);\n parentOffset.left += parseFloat(getCS(offsetParent).borderLeftWidth);\n }\n }\n return {\n top: offsetSelf.top - parentOffset.top - parseFloat(getCS(el).marginTop),\n left: offsetSelf.left - parentOffset.left - parseFloat(getCS(el).marginLeft)\n };\n};\n\n// Attach an event listener to an element\nexport var eventOn = function eventOn(el, evtName, handler) {\n if (el && el.addEventListener) {\n el.addEventListener(evtName, handler);\n }\n};\n\n// Remove an event listener from an element\nexport var eventOff = function eventOff(el, evtName, handler) {\n if (el && el.removeEventListener) {\n el.removeEventListener(evtName, handler);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/dom.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport pluckProps from '../../utils/pluck-props';\nimport { concat } from '../../utils/array';\nimport { assign, keys } from '../../utils/object';\nimport { addClass, removeClass } from '../../utils/dom';\nimport Link, { propsFactory as linkPropsFactory } from '../link/link';\n\nvar btnProps = {\n block: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n disabled: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n size: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n variant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n type: {\n type: String,\n default: 'button'\n },\n pressed: {\n // tri-state prop: true, false or null\n // => on, off, not a toggle\n type: Boolean,\n default: null\n }\n};\n\nvar linkProps = linkPropsFactory();\ndelete linkProps.href.default;\ndelete linkProps.to.default;\nvar linkPropKeys = keys(linkProps);\n\nexport var props = assign(linkProps, btnProps);\n\nfunction handleFocus(evt) {\n if (evt.type === 'focusin') {\n addClass(evt.target, 'focus');\n } else if (evt.type === 'focusout') {\n removeClass(evt.target, 'focus');\n }\n}\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var _ref2;\n\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n listeners = _ref.listeners,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n var isLink = Boolean(props.href || props.to);\n var isToggle = typeof props.pressed === 'boolean';\n var on = {\n click: function click(e) {\n if (props.disabled && e instanceof Event) {\n e.stopPropagation();\n e.preventDefault();\n } else if (isToggle) {\n // Concat will normalize the value to an array\n // without double wrapping an array value in an array.\n concat(listeners['update:pressed']).forEach(function (fn) {\n if (typeof fn === 'function') {\n fn(!props.pressed);\n }\n });\n }\n }\n };\n\n if (isToggle) {\n on.focusin = handleFocus;\n on.focusout = handleFocus;\n }\n\n var componentData = {\n staticClass: 'btn',\n class: [props.variant ? 'btn-' + props.variant : 'btn-secondary', (_ref2 = {}, _defineProperty(_ref2, 'btn-' + props.size, Boolean(props.size)), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'btn-block', props.block), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'disabled', props.disabled), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'active', props.pressed), _ref2)],\n props: isLink ? pluckProps(linkPropKeys, props) : null,\n attrs: {\n type: isLink ? null : props.type,\n disabled: isLink ? null : props.disabled,\n // Data attribute not used for js logic,\n // but only for BS4 style selectors.\n 'data-toggle': isToggle ? 'button' : null,\n 'aria-pressed': isToggle ? String(props.pressed) : null,\n // Tab index is used when the component becomes a link.\n // Links are tabable, but don't allow disabled,\n // so we mimic that functionality by disabling tabbing.\n tabindex: props.disabled && isLink ? '-1' : data.attrs ? data.attrs['tabindex'] : null\n },\n on: on\n };\n\n return h(isLink ? Link : 'button', mergeData(data, componentData), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/button/button.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bButton from './button';\nimport bButtonClose from './button-close';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bButton: bButton,\n bBtn: bButton,\n bButtonClose: bButtonClose,\n bBtnClose: bButtonClose\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/button/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport { arrayIncludes } from '../../utils/array';\n\nexport var props = {\n vertical: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n size: {\n type: String,\n default: null,\n validator: function validator(size) {\n return arrayIncludes(['sm', '', 'lg'], size);\n }\n },\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n ariaRole: {\n type: String,\n default: 'group'\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n class: _defineProperty({\n 'btn-group': !props.vertical,\n 'btn-group-vertical': props.vertical\n }, 'btn-group-' + props.size, Boolean(props.size)),\n attrs: { 'role': props.ariaRole }\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/button-group/button-group.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bButtonGroup from './button-group';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bButtonGroup: bButtonGroup,\n bBtnGroup: bButtonGroup\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/button-group/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","/*\n * Key Codes (events)\n */\n\nexport default {\n SPACE: 32,\n ENTER: 13,\n ESC: 27,\n LEFT: 37,\n UP: 38,\n RIGHT: 39,\n DOWN: 40,\n PAGEUP: 33,\n PAGEDOWN: 34,\n HOME: 36,\n END: 35\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/key-codes.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { isVisible, selectAll } from '../../utils/dom';\nimport KeyCodes from '../../utils/key-codes';\n\nvar ITEM_SELECTOR = ['.btn:not(.disabled):not([disabled]):not(.dropdown-item)', '.form-control:not(.disabled):not([disabled])', 'select:not(.disabled):not([disabled])', 'input[type=\"checkbox\"]:not(.disabled)', 'input[type=\"radio\"]:not(.disabled)'].join(',');\n\nexport default {\n render: function render(h) {\n return h('div', {\n class: this.classObject,\n attrs: {\n role: 'toolbar',\n tabindex: this.keyNav ? '0' : null\n },\n on: {\n focusin: this.onFocusin,\n keydown: this.onKeydown\n }\n }, [this.$slots.default]);\n },\n\n computed: {\n classObject: function classObject() {\n return ['btn-toolbar', this.justify && !this.vertical ? 'justify-content-between' : ''];\n }\n },\n props: {\n justify: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n keyNav: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onFocusin: function onFocusin(evt) {\n if (evt.target === this.$el) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n evt.stopPropagation();\n this.focusFirst(evt);\n }\n },\n onKeydown: function onKeydown(evt) {\n if (!this.keyNav) {\n return;\n }\n var key = evt.keyCode;\n var shift = evt.shiftKey;\n if (key === KeyCodes.UP || key === KeyCodes.LEFT) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n evt.stopPropagation();\n if (shift) {\n this.focusFirst(evt);\n } else {\n this.focusNext(evt, true);\n }\n } else if (key === KeyCodes.DOWN || key === KeyCodes.RIGHT) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n evt.stopPropagation();\n if (shift) {\n this.focusLast(evt);\n } else {\n this.focusNext(evt, false);\n }\n }\n },\n setItemFocus: function setItemFocus(item) {\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n item.focus();\n });\n },\n focusNext: function focusNext(evt, prev) {\n var items = this.getItems();\n if (items.length < 1) {\n return;\n }\n var index = items.indexOf(evt.target);\n if (prev && index > 0) {\n index--;\n } else if (!prev && index < items.length - 1) {\n index++;\n }\n if (index < 0) {\n index = 0;\n }\n this.setItemFocus(items[index]);\n },\n focusFirst: function focusFirst(evt) {\n var items = this.getItems();\n if (items.length > 0) {\n this.setItemFocus(items[0]);\n }\n },\n focusLast: function focusLast(evt) {\n var items = this.getItems();\n if (items.length > 0) {\n this.setItemFocus([items.length - 1]);\n }\n },\n getItems: function getItems() {\n var items = selectAll(ITEM_SELECTOR, this.$el);\n items.forEach(function (item) {\n // Ensure tabfocus is -1 on any new elements\n item.tabIndex = -1;\n });\n return items.filter(function (el) {\n return isVisible(el);\n });\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n if (this.keyNav) {\n // Pre-set the tabindexes if the markup does not include tabindex=\"-1\" on the toolbar items\n this.getItems();\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/button-toolbar/button-toolbar.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bButtonToolbar from './button-toolbar';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bButtonToolbar: bButtonToolbar,\n bBtnToolbar: bButtonToolbar\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/button-toolbar/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n props: props,\n functional: true,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'input-group-text'\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/input-group/input-group-text.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport InputGroupText from './input-group-text';\n\nexport var propsFactory = function propsFactory(append) {\n return {\n id: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n append: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: append\n },\n isText: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n };\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: propsFactory(false),\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'input-group-' + (props.append ? 'append' : 'prepend'),\n attrs: {\n id: props.id\n }\n }), props.isText ? [h(InputGroupText, children)] : children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/input-group/input-group-addon.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import InputGroupAddon, { propsFactory } from './input-group-addon';\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: propsFactory(false),\n render: InputGroupAddon.render\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/input-group/input-group-prepend.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import InputGroupAddon, { propsFactory } from './input-group-addon';\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: propsFactory(true),\n render: InputGroupAddon.render\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/input-group/input-group-append.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport InputGroupPrepend from './input-group-prepend';\nimport InputGroupAppend from './input-group-append';\nimport InputGroupText from './input-group-text';\n\nexport var props = {\n id: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n size: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n prepend: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n append: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n slots = _ref.slots;\n\n var $slots = slots();\n\n var childNodes = [];\n\n // Prepend prop\n if (props.prepend) {\n childNodes.push(h(InputGroupPrepend, [h(InputGroupText, { domProps: { innerHTML: props.prepend } })]));\n }\n\n // Prepend slot\n if ($slots.prepend) {\n childNodes.push(h(InputGroupPrepend, $slots.prepend));\n }\n\n // Default slot\n childNodes.push($slots.default);\n\n // Append prop\n if (props.append) {\n childNodes.push(h(InputGroupAppend, [h(InputGroupText, { domProps: { innerHTML: props.append } })]));\n }\n\n // Append slot\n if ($slots.append) {\n childNodes.push(h(InputGroupAppend, $slots.append));\n }\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'input-group',\n class: _defineProperty({}, 'input-group-' + props.size, Boolean(props.size)),\n attrs: {\n id: props.id || null,\n role: 'group'\n }\n }), childNodes);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/input-group/input-group.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nimport bInputGroup from './input-group';\nimport bInputGroupAddon from './input-group-addon';\nimport bInputGroupPrepend from './input-group-prepend';\nimport bInputGroupAppend from './input-group-append';\nimport bInputGroupText from './input-group-text';\n\nvar components = {\n bInputGroup: bInputGroup,\n bInputGroupAddon: bInputGroupAddon,\n bInputGroupPrepend: bInputGroupPrepend,\n bInputGroupAppend: bInputGroupAppend,\n bInputGroupText: bInputGroupText\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/input-group/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","/**\n * @param {string} str\n */\nexport default function upperFirst(str) {\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n str = String(str);\n }\n return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/upper-first.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import upperFirst from './upper-first';\n\n/**\n * @param {string} prefix\n * @param {string} value\n */\nexport default function prefixPropName(prefix, value) {\n return prefix + upperFirst(value);\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/prefix-prop-name.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import lowerFirst from './lower-first';\n\n/**\n * @param {string} prefix\n * @param {string} value\n */\nexport default function unPrefixPropName(prefix, value) {\n return lowerFirst(value.replace(prefix, ''));\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/unprefix-prop-name.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","/**\n * @param {string} str\n */\nexport default function lowerFirst(str) {\n if (typeof str !== 'string') {\n str = String(str);\n }\n return str.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + str.slice(1);\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/lower-first.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","var _typeof = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; };\n\nimport { isArray } from './array';\nimport { assign } from './object';\nimport identity from './identity';\n\n/**\n * @param {[]|{}} props\n * @param {Function} transformFn\n */\nexport default function copyProps(props) {\n var transformFn = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : identity;\n\n if (isArray(props)) {\n return props.map(transformFn);\n }\n // Props as an object.\n var copied = {};\n\n for (var prop in props) {\n if (props.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {\n if ((typeof prop === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(prop)) === 'object') {\n copied[transformFn(prop)] = assign({}, props[prop]);\n } else {\n copied[transformFn(prop)] = props[prop];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return copied;\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/copyProps.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","export default {\n props: {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n bgVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n borderVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n textVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/mixins/card-mixin.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport prefixPropName from '../../utils/prefix-prop-name';\nimport copyProps from '../../utils/copyProps';\nimport { assign } from '../../utils/object';\nimport cardMixin from '../../mixins/card-mixin';\n\nexport var props = assign({}, copyProps(cardMixin.props, prefixPropName.bind(null, 'body')), {\n bodyClass: {\n type: [String, Object, Array],\n default: null\n },\n title: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n titleTag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'h4'\n },\n subTitle: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n subTitleTag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'h6'\n },\n overlay: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n});\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var _ref2;\n\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n slots = _ref.slots;\n\n var cardBodyChildren = [];\n if (props.title) {\n cardBodyChildren.push(h(props.titleTag, {\n staticClass: 'card-title',\n domProps: { innerHTML: props.title }\n }));\n }\n if (props.subTitle) {\n cardBodyChildren.push(h(props.subTitleTag, {\n staticClass: 'card-subtitle mb-2 text-muted',\n domProps: { innerHTML: props.subTitle }\n }));\n }\n cardBodyChildren.push(slots().default);\n\n return h(props.bodyTag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'card-body',\n class: [(_ref2 = {\n 'card-img-overlay': props.overlay\n }, _defineProperty(_ref2, 'bg-' + props.bodyBgVariant, Boolean(props.bodyBgVariant)), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'border-' + props.bodyBorderVariant, Boolean(props.bodyBorderVariant)), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'text-' + props.bodyTextVariant, Boolean(props.bodyTextVariant)), _ref2), props.bodyClass || {}]\n }), cardBodyChildren);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/card/card-body.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nimport prefixPropName from '../../utils/prefix-prop-name';\nimport copyProps from '../../utils/copyProps';\nimport { assign } from '../../utils/object';\nimport cardMixin from '../../mixins/card-mixin';\n\nexport var props = assign({}, copyProps(cardMixin.props, prefixPropName.bind(null, 'header')), {\n header: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n headerClass: {\n type: [String, Object, Array],\n default: null\n }\n});\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var _ref2;\n\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n slots = _ref.slots,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.headerTag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'card-header',\n class: [props.headerClass, (_ref2 = {}, _defineProperty(_ref2, 'bg-' + props.headerBgVariant, Boolean(props.headerBgVariant)), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'border-' + props.headerBorderVariant, Boolean(props.headerBorderVariant)), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'text-' + props.headerTextVariant, Boolean(props.headerTextVariant)), _ref2)]\n }), children || [h('div', { domProps: { innerHTML: props.header } })]);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/card/card-header.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nimport prefixPropName from '../../utils/prefix-prop-name';\nimport copyProps from '../../utils/copyProps';\nimport { assign } from '../../utils/object';\nimport cardMixin from '../../mixins/card-mixin';\n\nexport var props = assign({}, copyProps(cardMixin.props, prefixPropName.bind(null, 'footer')), {\n footer: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n footerClass: {\n type: [String, Object, Array],\n default: null\n }\n});\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var _ref2;\n\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n slots = _ref.slots,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.footerTag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'card-footer',\n class: [props.footerClass, (_ref2 = {}, _defineProperty(_ref2, 'bg-' + props.footerBgVariant, Boolean(props.footerBgVariant)), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'border-' + props.footerBorderVariant, Boolean(props.footerBorderVariant)), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'text-' + props.footerTextVariant, Boolean(props.footerTextVariant)), _ref2)]\n }), children || [h('div', { domProps: { innerHTML: props.footer } })]);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/card/card-footer.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n src: {\n type: String,\n default: null,\n required: true\n },\n alt: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n top: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n bottom: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n fluid: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n slots = _ref.slots;\n\n var staticClass = 'card-img';\n if (props.top) {\n staticClass += '-top';\n } else if (props.bottom) {\n staticClass += '-bottom';\n }\n\n return h('img', mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: staticClass,\n class: { 'img-fluid': props.fluid },\n attrs: { src: props.src, alt: props.alt }\n }));\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/card/card-img.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nimport prefixPropName from '../../utils/prefix-prop-name';\nimport unPrefixPropName from '../../utils/unprefix-prop-name';\nimport copyProps from '../../utils/copyProps';\nimport pluckProps from '../../utils/pluck-props';\nimport { assign } from '../../utils/object';\nimport cardMixin from '../../mixins/card-mixin';\nimport CardBody, { props as bodyProps } from './card-body';\nimport CardHeader, { props as headerProps } from './card-header';\nimport CardFooter, { props as footerProps } from './card-footer';\nimport CardImg, { props as imgProps } from './card-img';\n\nvar cardImgProps = copyProps(imgProps, prefixPropName.bind(null, 'img'));\ncardImgProps.imgSrc.required = false;\n\nexport var props = assign({}, bodyProps, headerProps, footerProps, cardImgProps, copyProps(cardMixin.props), {\n align: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n noBody: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n});\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var _class;\n\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n slots = _ref.slots,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n // The order of the conditionals matter.\n // We are building the component markup in order.\n var childNodes = [];\n var $slots = slots();\n var img = props.imgSrc ? h(CardImg, {\n props: pluckProps(cardImgProps, props, unPrefixPropName.bind(null, 'img'))\n }) : null;\n\n if (img) {\n // Above the header placement.\n if (props.imgTop || !props.imgBottom) {\n childNodes.push(img);\n }\n }\n if (props.header || $slots.header) {\n childNodes.push(h(CardHeader, { props: pluckProps(headerProps, props) }, $slots.header));\n }\n if (props.noBody) {\n childNodes.push($slots.default);\n } else {\n childNodes.push(h(CardBody, { props: pluckProps(bodyProps, props) }, $slots.default));\n }\n if (props.footer || $slots.footer) {\n childNodes.push(h(CardFooter, { props: pluckProps(footerProps, props) }, $slots.footer));\n }\n if (img && props.imgBottom) {\n // Below the footer placement.\n childNodes.push(img);\n }\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'card',\n class: (_class = {}, _defineProperty(_class, 'text-' + props.align, Boolean(props.align)), _defineProperty(_class, 'bg-' + props.bgVariant, Boolean(props.bgVariant)), _defineProperty(_class, 'border-' + props.borderVariant, Boolean(props.borderVariant)), _defineProperty(_class, 'text-' + props.textVariant, Boolean(props.textVariant)), _class)\n }), childNodes);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/card/card.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n deck: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n columns: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n var staticClass = 'card-group';\n if (props.columns) {\n staticClass = 'card-columns';\n }\n if (props.deck) {\n staticClass = 'card-deck';\n }\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, { staticClass: staticClass }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/card/card-group.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bCard from './card';\nimport bCardHeader from './card-header';\nimport bCardBody from './card-body';\nimport bCardFooter from './card-footer';\nimport bCardImg from './card-img';\nimport bCardGroup from './card-group';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bCard: bCard,\n bCardHeader: bCardHeader,\n bCardBody: bCardBody,\n bCardFooter: bCardFooter,\n bCardImg: bCardImg,\n bCardGroup: bCardGroup\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/card/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { assign } from './object';\nimport { isElement } from '../utils/dom';\n\n/**\n * Observe a DOM element changes, falls back to eventListener mode\n * @param {Element} el The DOM element to observe\n * @param {Function} callback callback to be called on change\n * @param {object} [opts={childList: true, subtree: true}] observe options\n * @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3219758\n */\nexport default function observeDOM(el, callback, opts) {\n var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver || window.MozMutationObserver;\n var eventListenerSupported = window.addEventListener;\n\n // Handle case where we might be passed a vue instance\n el = el ? el.$el || el : null;\n /* istanbul ignore next: dificult to test in JSDOM */\n if (!isElement(el)) {\n // We can't observe somthing that isn't an element\n return null;\n }\n\n var obs = null;\n\n /* istanbul ignore next: dificult to test in JSDOM */\n if (MutationObserver) {\n // Define a new observer\n obs = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) {\n var changed = false;\n // A Mutation can contain several change records, so we loop through them to see what has changed.\n // We break out of the loop early if any \"significant\" change has been detected\n for (var i = 0; i < mutations.length && !changed; i++) {\n // The muttion record\n var mutation = mutations[i];\n // Mutation Type\n var type = mutation.type;\n // DOM Node (could be any DOM Node type - HTMLElement, Text, comment, etc)\n var target = mutation.target;\n if (type === 'characterData' && target.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {\n // We ignore nodes that are not TEXt (i.e. comments, etc) as they don't change layout\n changed = true;\n } else if (type === 'attributes') {\n changed = true;\n } else if (type === 'childList' && (mutation.addedNodes.length > 0 || mutation.removedNodes.length > 0)) {\n // This includes HTMLElement and Text Nodes being added/removed/re-arranged\n changed = true;\n }\n }\n if (changed) {\n // We only call the callback if a change that could affect layout/size truely happened.\n callback();\n }\n });\n\n // Have the observer observe foo for changes in children, etc\n obs.observe(el, assign({ childList: true, subtree: true }, opts));\n } else if (eventListenerSupported) {\n // Legacy interface. most likely not used in modern browsers\n el.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', callback, false);\n el.addEventListener('DOMNodeRemoved', callback, false);\n }\n\n // We return a reference to the observer so that obs.disconnect() can be called if necessary\n // To reduce overhead when the root element is hiiden\n return obs;\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/observe-dom.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","/*\n * SSR Safe Client Side ID attribute generation\n *\n */\n\nexport default {\n props: {\n id: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n }\n },\n methods: {\n safeId: function safeId() {\n var suffix = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : '';\n\n var id = this.id || this.localId_ || null;\n if (!id) {\n return null;\n }\n suffix = String(suffix).replace(/\\s+/g, '_');\n return suffix ? id + '_' + suffix : id;\n }\n },\n computed: {\n localId_: function localId_() {\n if (!this.$isServer && !this.id && typeof this._uid !== 'undefined') {\n return '__BVID__' + this._uid;\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/mixins/id.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import observeDom from '../../utils/observe-dom';\nimport KeyCodes from '../../utils/key-codes';\nimport { selectAll, reflow, addClass, removeClass, setAttr, eventOn, eventOff } from '../../utils/dom';\nimport idMixin from '../../mixins/id';\n\n// Slide directional classes\nvar DIRECTION = {\n next: {\n dirClass: 'carousel-item-left',\n overlayClass: 'carousel-item-next'\n },\n prev: {\n dirClass: 'carousel-item-right',\n overlayClass: 'carousel-item-prev'\n }\n\n // Fallback Transition duration (with a little buffer) in ms\n};var TRANS_DURATION = 600 + 50;\n\n// Transition Event names\nvar TransitionEndEvents = {\n WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd',\n MozTransition: 'transitionend',\n OTransition: 'otransitionend oTransitionEnd',\n transition: 'transitionend'\n\n // Return the browser specific transitionEnd event name\n};function getTransisionEndEvent(el) {\n for (var name in TransitionEndEvents) {\n if (el.style[name] !== undefined) {\n return TransitionEndEvents[name];\n }\n }\n // fallback\n return null;\n}\n\nexport default {\n mixins: [idMixin],\n render: function render(h) {\n var _this = this;\n\n // Wrapper for slides\n var inner = h('div', {\n ref: 'inner',\n class: ['carousel-inner'],\n attrs: {\n id: this.safeId('__BV_inner_'),\n role: 'list'\n }\n }, [this.$slots.default]);\n\n // Prev and Next Controls\n var controls = h(false);\n if (this.controls) {\n controls = [h('a', {\n class: ['carousel-control-prev'],\n attrs: { href: '#', role: 'button', 'aria-controls': this.safeId('__BV_inner_') },\n on: {\n click: function click(evt) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n evt.stopPropagation();\n _this.prev();\n },\n keydown: function keydown(evt) {\n var keyCode = evt.keyCode;\n if (keyCode === KeyCodes.SPACE || keyCode === KeyCodes.ENTER) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n evt.stopPropagation();\n _this.prev();\n }\n }\n }\n }, [h('span', { class: ['carousel-control-prev-icon'], attrs: { 'aria-hidden': 'true' } }), h('span', { class: ['sr-only'] }, [this.labelPrev])]), h('a', {\n class: ['carousel-control-next'],\n attrs: { href: '#', role: 'button', 'aria-controls': this.safeId('__BV_inner_') },\n on: {\n click: function click(evt) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n evt.stopPropagation();\n _this.next();\n },\n keydown: function keydown(evt) {\n var keyCode = evt.keyCode;\n if (keyCode === KeyCodes.SPACE || keyCode === KeyCodes.ENTER) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n evt.stopPropagation();\n _this.next();\n }\n }\n }\n }, [h('span', { class: ['carousel-control-next-icon'], attrs: { 'aria-hidden': 'true' } }), h('span', { class: ['sr-only'] }, [this.labelNext])])];\n }\n\n // Indicators\n var indicators = h('ol', {\n class: ['carousel-indicators'],\n directives: [{ name: 'show', rawName: 'v-show', value: this.indicators, expression: 'indicators' }],\n attrs: {\n id: this.safeId('__BV_indicators_'),\n 'aria-hidden': this.indicators ? 'false' : 'true',\n 'aria-label': this.labelIndicators,\n 'aria-owns': this.safeId('__BV_inner_')\n }\n }, this.slides.map(function (slide, n) {\n return h('li', {\n key: 'slide_' + n,\n class: { active: n === _this.index },\n attrs: {\n role: 'button',\n id: _this.safeId('__BV_indicator_' + (n + 1) + '_'),\n tabindex: _this.indicators ? '0' : '-1',\n 'aria-current': n === _this.index ? 'true' : 'false',\n 'aria-label': _this.labelGotoSlide + ' ' + (n + 1),\n 'aria-describedby': _this.slides[n].id || null,\n 'aria-controls': _this.safeId('__BV_inner_')\n },\n on: {\n click: function click(evt) {\n _this.setSlide(n);\n },\n keydown: function keydown(evt) {\n var keyCode = evt.keyCode;\n if (keyCode === KeyCodes.SPACE || keyCode === KeyCodes.ENTER) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n evt.stopPropagation();\n _this.setSlide(n);\n }\n }\n }\n });\n }));\n\n // Return the carousel\n return h('div', {\n class: ['carousel', 'slide'],\n style: { background: this.background },\n attrs: {\n role: 'region',\n id: this.safeId(),\n 'aria-busy': this.isSliding ? 'true' : 'false'\n },\n on: {\n mouseenter: this.pause,\n mouseleave: this.restart,\n focusin: this.pause,\n focusout: this.restart,\n keydown: function keydown(evt) {\n var keyCode = evt.keyCode;\n if (keyCode === KeyCodes.LEFT || keyCode === KeyCodes.RIGHT) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n evt.stopPropagation();\n _this[keyCode === KeyCodes.LEFT ? 'prev' : 'next']();\n }\n }\n }\n }, [inner, controls, indicators]);\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n index: this.value || 0,\n isSliding: false,\n intervalId: null,\n transitionEndEvent: null,\n slides: [],\n direction: null\n };\n },\n\n props: {\n labelPrev: {\n type: String,\n default: 'Previous Slide'\n },\n labelNext: {\n type: String,\n default: 'Next Slide'\n },\n labelGotoSlide: {\n type: String,\n default: 'Goto Slide'\n },\n labelIndicators: {\n type: String,\n default: 'Select a slide to display'\n },\n interval: {\n type: Number,\n default: 5000\n },\n indicators: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n controls: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n imgWidth: {\n // Sniffed by carousel-slide\n type: [Number, String]\n },\n imgHeight: {\n // Sniffed by carousel-slide\n type: [Number, String]\n },\n background: {\n type: String\n },\n value: {\n type: Number,\n default: 0\n }\n },\n computed: {\n isCycling: function isCycling() {\n return Boolean(this.intervalId);\n }\n },\n methods: {\n // Set slide\n setSlide: function setSlide(slide) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n // Don't animate when page is not visible\n if (typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.visibilityState && document.hidden) {\n return;\n }\n var len = this.slides.length;\n // Don't do anything if nothing to slide to\n if (len === 0) {\n return;\n }\n // Don't change slide while transitioning, wait until transition is done\n if (this.isSliding) {\n // Schedule slide after sliding complete\n this.$once('sliding-end', function () {\n return _this2.setSlide(slide);\n });\n return;\n }\n // Make sure we have an integer (you never know!)\n slide = Math.floor(slide);\n // Set new slide index. Wrap around if necessary\n this.index = slide >= len ? 0 : slide >= 0 ? slide : len - 1;\n },\n\n // Previous slide\n prev: function prev() {\n this.direction = 'prev';\n this.setSlide(this.index - 1);\n },\n\n // Next slide\n next: function next() {\n this.direction = 'next';\n this.setSlide(this.index + 1);\n },\n\n // Pause auto rotation\n pause: function pause() {\n if (this.isCycling) {\n clearInterval(this.intervalId);\n this.intervalId = null;\n if (this.slides[this.index]) {\n // Make current slide focusable for screen readers\n this.slides[this.index].tabIndex = 0;\n }\n }\n },\n\n // Start auto rotate slides\n start: function start() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n // Don't start if no interval, or if we are already running\n if (!this.interval || this.isCycling) {\n return;\n }\n this.slides.forEach(function (slide) {\n slide.tabIndex = -1;\n });\n this.intervalId = setInterval(function () {\n _this3.next();\n }, Math.max(1000, this.interval));\n },\n\n // Re-Start auto rotate slides when focus/hover leaves the carousel\n restart: function restart(evt) {\n if (!this.$el.contains(document.activeElement)) {\n this.start();\n }\n },\n\n // Update slide list\n updateSlides: function updateSlides() {\n this.pause();\n // Get all slides as DOM elements\n this.slides = selectAll('.carousel-item', this.$refs.inner);\n var numSlides = this.slides.length;\n // Keep slide number in range\n var index = Math.max(0, Math.min(Math.floor(this.index), numSlides - 1));\n this.slides.forEach(function (slide, idx) {\n var n = idx + 1;\n if (idx === index) {\n addClass(slide, 'active');\n } else {\n removeClass(slide, 'active');\n }\n setAttr(slide, 'aria-current', idx === index ? 'true' : 'false');\n setAttr(slide, 'aria-posinset', String(n));\n setAttr(slide, 'aria-setsize', String(numSlides));\n slide.tabIndex = -1;\n });\n // Set slide as active\n this.setSlide(index);\n this.start();\n },\n calcDirection: function calcDirection() {\n var direction = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null;\n var curIndex = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;\n var nextIndex = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 0;\n\n if (!direction) {\n return nextIndex > curIndex ? DIRECTION.next : DIRECTION.prev;\n }\n return DIRECTION[direction];\n }\n },\n watch: {\n value: function value(newVal, oldVal) {\n if (newVal !== oldVal) {\n this.setSlide(newVal);\n }\n },\n interval: function interval(newVal, oldVal) {\n if (newVal === oldVal) {\n return;\n }\n if (!newVal) {\n // Pausing slide show\n this.pause();\n } else {\n // Restarting or Changing interval\n this.pause();\n this.start();\n }\n },\n index: function index(val, oldVal) {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n if (val === oldVal || this.isSliding) {\n return;\n }\n // Determine sliding direction\n var direction = this.calcDirection(this.direction, oldVal, val);\n // Determine current and next slides\n var currentSlide = this.slides[oldVal];\n var nextSlide = this.slides[val];\n // Don't do anything if there aren't any slides to slide to\n if (!currentSlide || !nextSlide) {\n return;\n }\n // Start animating\n this.isSliding = true;\n this.$emit('sliding-start', val);\n // Update v-model\n this.$emit('input', this.index);\n nextSlide.classList.add(direction.overlayClass);\n // Trigger a reflow of next slide\n reflow(nextSlide);\n addClass(currentSlide, direction.dirClass);\n addClass(nextSlide, direction.dirClass);\n // Transition End handler\n var called = false;\n /* istanbul ignore next: dificult to test */\n var onceTransEnd = function onceTransEnd(evt) {\n if (called) {\n return;\n }\n called = true;\n if (_this4.transitionEndEvent) {\n var events = _this4.transitionEndEvent.split(/\\s+/);\n events.forEach(function (event) {\n eventOff(currentSlide, event, onceTransEnd);\n });\n }\n _this4._animationTimeout = null;\n removeClass(nextSlide, direction.dirClass);\n removeClass(nextSlide, direction.overlayClass);\n addClass(nextSlide, 'active');\n removeClass(currentSlide, 'active');\n removeClass(currentSlide, direction.dirClass);\n removeClass(currentSlide, direction.overlayClass);\n setAttr(currentSlide, 'aria-current', 'false');\n setAttr(nextSlide, 'aria-current', 'true');\n setAttr(currentSlide, 'aria-hidden', 'true');\n setAttr(nextSlide, 'aria-hidden', 'false');\n currentSlide.tabIndex = -1;\n nextSlide.tabIndex = -1;\n if (!_this4.isCycling) {\n // Focus the next slide for screen readers if not in play mode\n nextSlide.tabIndex = 0;\n _this4.$nextTick(function () {\n nextSlide.focus();\n });\n }\n _this4.isSliding = false;\n _this4.direction = null;\n // Notify ourselves that we're done sliding (slid)\n _this4.$nextTick(function () {\n return _this4.$emit('sliding-end', val);\n });\n };\n // Clear transition classes after transition ends\n if (this.transitionEndEvent) {\n var events = this.transitionEndEvent.split(/\\s+/);\n events.forEach(function (event) {\n eventOn(currentSlide, event, onceTransEnd);\n });\n }\n // Fallback to setTimeout\n this._animationTimeout = setTimeout(onceTransEnd, TRANS_DURATION);\n }\n },\n created: function created() {\n // Create private non-reactive props\n this._animationTimeout = null;\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n // Cache current browser transitionend event name\n this.transitionEndEvent = getTransisionEndEvent(this.$el) || null;\n // Get all slides\n this.updateSlides();\n // Observe child changes so we can update slide list\n observeDom(this.$refs.inner, this.updateSlides.bind(this), {\n subtree: false,\n childList: true,\n attributes: true,\n attributeFilter: ['id']\n });\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next: dificult to test */\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n clearInterval(this.intervalId);\n clearTimeout(this._animationTimeout);\n this.intervalId = null;\n this._animationTimeout = null;\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/carousel/carousel.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\n// Blank image with fill template\nvar BLANK_TEMPLATE = '';\n\nfunction makeBlankImgSrc(width, height, color) {\n var src = encodeURIComponent(BLANK_TEMPLATE.replace('%{w}', String(width)).replace('%{h}', String(height)).replace('%{f}', color));\n return 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,' + src;\n}\n\nexport var props = {\n src: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n alt: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n width: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: null\n },\n height: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: null\n },\n block: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n fluid: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n fluidGrow: {\n // Gives fluid images class `w-100` to make them grow to fit container\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n rounded: {\n // rounded can be:\n // false: no rounding of corners\n // true: slightly rounded corners\n // 'top': top corners rounded\n // 'right': right corners rounded\n // 'bottom': bottom corners rounded\n // 'left': left corners rounded\n // 'circle': circle/oval\n // '0': force rounding off\n type: [Boolean, String],\n default: false\n },\n thumbnail: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n left: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n right: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n center: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n blank: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n blankColor: {\n type: String,\n default: 'transparent'\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var _class;\n\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data;\n\n var src = props.src;\n var width = parseInt(props.width, 10) ? parseInt(props.width, 10) : null;\n var height = parseInt(props.height, 10) ? parseInt(props.height, 10) : null;\n var align = null;\n var block = props.block;\n if (props.blank) {\n if (!height && Boolean(width)) {\n height = width;\n } else if (!width && Boolean(height)) {\n width = height;\n }\n if (!width && !height) {\n width = 1;\n height = 1;\n }\n // Make a blank SVG image\n src = makeBlankImgSrc(width, height, props.blankColor || 'transparent');\n }\n if (props.left) {\n align = 'float-left';\n } else if (props.right) {\n align = 'float-right';\n } else if (props.center) {\n align = 'mx-auto';\n block = true;\n }\n return h('img', mergeData(data, {\n attrs: {\n 'src': src,\n 'alt': props.alt,\n 'width': width ? String(width) : null,\n 'height': height ? String(height) : null\n },\n class: (_class = {\n 'img-thumbnail': props.thumbnail,\n 'img-fluid': props.fluid || props.fluidGrow,\n 'w-100': props.fluidGrow,\n 'rounded': props.rounded === '' || props.rounded === true\n }, _defineProperty(_class, 'rounded-' + props.rounded, typeof props.rounded === 'string' && props.rounded !== ''), _defineProperty(_class, align, Boolean(align)), _defineProperty(_class, 'd-block', block), _class)\n }));\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/image/img.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","/**\n * Log a warning message to the console with bootstrap-vue formatting sugar.\n * @param {string} message\n */\n/* istanbul ignore next */\nfunction warn(message) {\n console.warn(\"[Bootstrap-Vue warn]: \" + message);\n}\n\nexport default warn;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/warn.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bCarousel from './carousel';\nimport bCarouselSlide from './carousel-slide';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bCarousel: bCarousel,\n bCarouselSlide: bCarouselSlide\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/carousel/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bImg from '../image/img';\nimport warn from '../../utils/warn';\nimport idMixin from '../../mixins/id';\n\nexport default {\n components: { bImg: bImg },\n mixins: [idMixin],\n render: function render(h) {\n var $slots = this.$slots;\n\n var img = $slots.img;\n if (!img && (this.imgSrc || this.imgBlank)) {\n img = h('b-img', {\n props: {\n fluidGrow: true,\n block: true,\n src: this.imgSrc,\n blank: this.imgBlank,\n blankColor: this.imgBlankColor,\n width: this.computedWidth,\n height: this.computedHeight,\n alt: this.imgAlt\n }\n });\n }\n\n var content = h(this.contentTag, { class: this.contentClasses }, [this.caption ? h(this.captionTag, { domProps: { innerHTML: this.caption } }) : h(false), this.text ? h(this.textTag, { domProps: { innerHTML: this.text } }) : h(false), $slots.default]);\n\n return h('div', {\n class: ['carousel-item'],\n style: { background: this.background },\n attrs: { id: this.safeId(), role: 'listitem' }\n }, [img, content]);\n },\n\n props: {\n imgSrc: {\n type: String,\n default: function _default() {\n if (this && this.src) {\n // Deprecate src\n warn(\"b-carousel-slide: prop 'src' has been deprecated. Use 'img-src' instead\");\n return this.src;\n }\n return null;\n }\n },\n src: {\n // Deprecated: use img-src instead\n type: String\n },\n imgAlt: {\n type: String\n },\n imgWidth: {\n type: [Number, String]\n },\n imgHeight: {\n type: [Number, String]\n },\n imgBlank: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n imgBlankColor: {\n type: String,\n default: 'transparent'\n },\n contentVisibleUp: {\n type: String\n },\n contentTag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n caption: {\n type: String\n },\n captionTag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'h3'\n },\n text: {\n type: String\n },\n textTag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'p'\n },\n background: {\n type: String\n }\n },\n computed: {\n contentClasses: function contentClasses() {\n return ['carousel-caption', this.contentVisibleUp ? 'd-none' : '', this.contentVisibleUp ? 'd-' + this.contentVisibleUp + '-block' : ''];\n },\n computedWidth: function computedWidth() {\n // Use local width, or try parent width\n return this.imgWidth || this.$parent.imgWidth;\n },\n computedHeight: function computedHeight() {\n // Use local height, or try parent height\n return this.imgHeight || this.$parent.imgHeight;\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/carousel/carousel-slide.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n fluid: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n class: {\n 'container': !props.fluid,\n 'container-fluid': props.fluid\n }\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/layout/container.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport { arrayIncludes } from '../../utils/array';\n\nvar COMMON_ALIGNMENT = ['start', 'end', 'center'];\n\nexport var props = {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n noGutters: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n alignV: {\n type: String,\n default: null,\n validator: function validator(str) {\n return arrayIncludes(COMMON_ALIGNMENT.concat(['baseline', 'stretch']), str);\n }\n },\n alignH: {\n type: String,\n default: null,\n validator: function validator(str) {\n return arrayIncludes(COMMON_ALIGNMENT.concat(['between', 'around']), str);\n }\n },\n alignContent: {\n type: String,\n default: null,\n validator: function validator(str) {\n return arrayIncludes(COMMON_ALIGNMENT.concat(['between', 'around', 'stretch']), str);\n }\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var _class;\n\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'row',\n class: (_class = {\n 'no-gutters': props.noGutters\n }, _defineProperty(_class, 'align-items-' + props.alignV, props.alignV), _defineProperty(_class, 'justify-content-' + props.alignH, props.alignH), _defineProperty(_class, 'align-content-' + props.alignContent, props.alignContent), _class)\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/layout/row.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import upperFirst from './upper-first';\n\n/**\n * Suffix can be a falsey value so nothing is appended to string.\n * (helps when looping over props & some shouldn't change)\n * Use data last parameters to allow for currying.\n * @param {string} suffix\n * @param {string} str\n */\nexport default function suffixPropName(suffix, str) {\n return str + (suffix ? upperFirst(suffix) : '');\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/suffix-prop-name.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport memoize from '../../utils/memoize';\nimport suffixPropName from '../../utils/suffix-prop-name';\nimport { keys, assign, create } from '../../utils/object';\nimport { arrayIncludes } from '../../utils/array';\n\n/**\n * Generates a prop object with a type of\n * [Boolean, String, Number]\n */\nfunction boolStrNum() {\n return {\n type: [Boolean, String, Number],\n default: false\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * Generates a prop object with a type of\n * [String, Number]\n */\nfunction strNum() {\n return {\n type: [String, Number],\n default: null\n };\n}\n\nexport var computeBkPtClass = memoize(function computeBkPt(type, breakpoint, val) {\n var className = type;\n if (val === false || val === null || val === undefined) {\n return undefined;\n }\n if (breakpoint) {\n className += '-' + breakpoint;\n }\n // Handling the boolean style prop when accepting [Boolean, String, Number]\n // means Vue will not convert to sm: true for us.\n // Since the default is false, an empty string indicates the prop's presence.\n if (type === 'col' && (val === '' || val === true)) {\n // .col-md\n return className.toLowerCase();\n }\n // .order-md-6\n className += '-' + val;\n return className.toLowerCase();\n});\n\nvar BREAKPOINTS = ['sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl'];\n// Supports classes like: .col-sm, .col-md-6, .col-lg-auto\nvar breakpointCol = BREAKPOINTS.reduce(\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-sequences\nfunction (propMap, breakpoint) {\n return propMap[breakpoint] = boolStrNum(), propMap;\n}, create(null));\n// Supports classes like: .offset-md-1, .offset-lg-12\nvar breakpointOffset = BREAKPOINTS.reduce(\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-sequences\nfunction (propMap, breakpoint) {\n return propMap[suffixPropName(breakpoint, 'offset')] = strNum(), propMap;\n}, create(null));\n// Supports classes like: .order-md-1, .order-lg-12\nvar breakpointOrder = BREAKPOINTS.reduce(\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-sequences\nfunction (propMap, breakpoint) {\n return propMap[suffixPropName(breakpoint, 'order')] = strNum(), propMap;\n}, create(null));\n\n// For loop doesn't need to check hasOwnProperty\n// when using an object created from null\nvar breakpointPropMap = assign(create(null), {\n col: keys(breakpointCol),\n offset: keys(breakpointOffset),\n order: keys(breakpointOrder)\n});\n\nexport var props = assign({}, breakpointCol, breakpointOffset, breakpointOrder, {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n // Generic flexbox .col\n col: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n // .col-[1-12]|auto\n cols: strNum(),\n // .offset-[1-12]\n offset: strNum(),\n // Flex ordering utility .order-[1-12]\n order: strNum(),\n alignSelf: {\n type: String,\n default: null,\n validator: function validator(str) {\n return arrayIncludes(['auto', 'start', 'end', 'center', 'baseline', 'stretch'], str);\n }\n }\n});\n\n/**\n * We need \".col\" to default in when no other props are passed,\n * but always render when col=true.\n */\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var _classList$push;\n\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n var classList = [];\n // Loop through `col`, `offset`, `order` breakpoint props\n for (var type in breakpointPropMap) {\n // Returns colSm, offset, offsetSm, orderMd, etc.\n var _keys = breakpointPropMap[type];\n for (var i = 0; i < _keys.length; i++) {\n // computeBkPt(col, colSm => Sm, value=[String, Number, Boolean])\n var c = computeBkPtClass(type, _keys[i].replace(type, ''), props[_keys[i]]);\n // If a class is returned, push it onto the array.\n if (c) {\n classList.push(c);\n }\n }\n }\n\n classList.push((_classList$push = {\n // Default to .col if no other classes generated nor `cols` specified.\n col: props.col || classList.length === 0 && !props.cols\n }, _defineProperty(_classList$push, 'col-' + props.cols, props.cols), _defineProperty(_classList$push, 'offset-' + props.offset, props.offset), _defineProperty(_classList$push, 'order-' + props.order, props.order), _defineProperty(_classList$push, 'align-self-' + props.alignSelf, props.alignSelf), _classList$push));\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, { class: classList }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/layout/col.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { create } from './object';\n\nexport default function memoize(fn) {\n var cache = create(null);\n\n return function memoizedFn() {\n var args = JSON.stringify(arguments);\n return cache[args] = cache[args] || fn.apply(null, arguments);\n };\n}\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/memoize.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'form-row'\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/layout/form-row.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bContainer from './container';\nimport bRow from './row';\nimport bCol from './col';\nimport bFormRow from './form-row';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bContainer: bContainer,\n bRow: bRow,\n bCol: bCol,\n bFormRow: bFormRow\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/layout/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }\n\nimport { isArray } from '../utils/array';\n/**\n * Issue #569: collapse::toggle::state triggered too many times\n * @link https://github.com/bootstrap-vue/bootstrap-vue/issues/569\n */\n\nvar BVRL = '__BV_root_listeners__';\n\nexport default {\n methods: {\n /**\n * Safely register event listeners on the root Vue node.\n * While Vue automatically removes listeners for individual components,\n * when a component registers a listener on root and is destroyed,\n * this orphans a callback because the node is gone,\n * but the root does not clear the callback.\n *\n * This adds a non-reactive prop to a vm on the fly\n * in order to avoid object observation and its performance costs\n * to something that needs no reactivity.\n * It should be highly unlikely there are any naming collisions.\n * @param {string} event\n * @param {function} callback\n * @chainable\n */\n listenOnRoot: function listenOnRoot(event, callback) {\n if (!this[BVRL] || !isArray(this[BVRL])) {\n this[BVRL] = [];\n }\n this[BVRL].push({ event: event, callback: callback });\n this.$root.$on(event, callback);\n return this;\n },\n\n\n /**\n * Convenience method for calling vm.$emit on vm.$root.\n * @param {string} event\n * @param {*} args\n * @chainable\n */\n emitOnRoot: function emitOnRoot(event) {\n var _$root;\n\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n (_$root = this.$root).$emit.apply(_$root, [event].concat(_toConsumableArray(args)));\n return this;\n }\n },\n\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n if (this[BVRL] && isArray(this[BVRL])) {\n while (this[BVRL].length > 0) {\n // shift to process in order\n var _BVRL$shift = this[BVRL].shift(),\n event = _BVRL$shift.event,\n callback = _BVRL$shift.callback;\n\n this.$root.$off(event, callback);\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/mixins/listen-on-root.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import listenOnRootMixin from '../../mixins/listen-on-root';\nimport { hasClass, reflow } from '../../utils/dom';\n\n// Events we emit on $root\nvar EVENT_STATE = 'bv::collapse::state';\nvar EVENT_ACCORDION = 'bv::collapse::accordion';\n// Events we listen to on $root\nvar EVENT_TOGGLE = 'bv::toggle::collapse';\n\nexport default {\n mixins: [listenOnRootMixin],\n render: function render(h) {\n var content = h(this.tag, {\n class: this.classObject,\n directives: [{ name: 'show', value: this.show }],\n attrs: { id: this.id || null },\n on: { click: this.clickHandler }\n }, [this.$slots.default]);\n return h('transition', {\n props: {\n enterClass: '',\n enterActiveClass: 'collapsing',\n enterToClass: '',\n leaveClass: '',\n leaveActiveClass: 'collapsing',\n leaveToClass: ''\n },\n on: {\n enter: this.onEnter,\n afterEnter: this.onAfterEnter,\n leave: this.onLeave,\n afterLeave: this.onAfterLeave\n }\n }, [content]);\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n show: this.visible,\n transitioning: false\n };\n },\n\n model: {\n prop: 'visible',\n event: 'input'\n },\n props: {\n id: {\n type: String,\n required: true\n },\n isNav: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n accordion: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n visible: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n }\n },\n watch: {\n visible: function visible(newVal) {\n if (newVal !== this.show) {\n this.show = newVal;\n }\n },\n show: function show(newVal, oldVal) {\n if (newVal !== oldVal) {\n this.emitState();\n }\n }\n },\n computed: {\n classObject: function classObject() {\n return {\n 'navbar-collapse': this.isNav,\n 'collapse': !this.transitioning,\n 'show': this.show && !this.transitioning\n };\n }\n },\n methods: {\n toggle: function toggle() {\n this.show = !this.show;\n },\n onEnter: function onEnter(el) {\n el.style.height = 0;\n reflow(el);\n el.style.height = el.scrollHeight + 'px';\n this.transitioning = true;\n // This should be moved out so we can add cancellable events\n this.$emit('show');\n },\n onAfterEnter: function onAfterEnter(el) {\n el.style.height = null;\n this.transitioning = false;\n this.$emit('shown');\n },\n onLeave: function onLeave(el) {\n el.style.height = 'auto';\n el.style.display = 'block';\n el.style.height = el.getBoundingClientRect().height + 'px';\n reflow(el);\n this.transitioning = true;\n el.style.height = 0;\n // This should be moved out so we can add cancellable events\n this.$emit('hide');\n },\n onAfterLeave: function onAfterLeave(el) {\n el.style.height = null;\n this.transitioning = false;\n this.$emit('hidden');\n },\n emitState: function emitState() {\n this.$emit('input', this.show);\n // Let v-b-toggle know the state of this collapse\n this.$root.$emit(EVENT_STATE, this.id, this.show);\n if (this.accordion && this.show) {\n // Tell the other collapses in this accordion to close\n this.$root.$emit(EVENT_ACCORDION, this.id, this.accordion);\n }\n },\n clickHandler: function clickHandler(evt) {\n // If we are in a nav/navbar, close the collapse when non-disabled link clicked\n var el = evt.target;\n if (!this.isNav || !el || getComputedStyle(this.$el).display !== 'block') {\n return;\n }\n if (hasClass(el, 'nav-link') || hasClass(el, 'dropdown-item')) {\n this.show = false;\n }\n },\n handleToggleEvt: function handleToggleEvt(target) {\n if (target !== this.id) {\n return;\n }\n this.toggle();\n },\n handleAccordionEvt: function handleAccordionEvt(openedId, accordion) {\n if (!this.accordion || accordion !== this.accordion) {\n return;\n }\n if (openedId === this.id) {\n // Open this collapse if not shown\n if (!this.show) {\n this.toggle();\n }\n } else {\n // Close this collapse if shown\n if (this.show) {\n this.toggle();\n }\n }\n },\n handleResize: function handleResize() {\n // Handler for orientation/resize to set collapsed state in nav/navbar\n this.show = getComputedStyle(this.$el).display === 'block';\n }\n },\n created: function created() {\n // Listen for toggle events to open/close us\n this.listenOnRoot(EVENT_TOGGLE, this.handleToggleEvt);\n // Listen to otehr collapses for accordion events\n this.listenOnRoot(EVENT_ACCORDION, this.handleAccordionEvt);\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n if (this.isNav && typeof document !== 'undefined') {\n // Set up handlers\n window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize, false);\n window.addEventListener('orientationchange', this.handleResize, false);\n this.handleResize();\n }\n this.emitState();\n },\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n if (this.isNav && typeof document !== 'undefined') {\n window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize, false);\n window.removeEventListener('orientationchange', this.handleResize, false);\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/collapse/collapse.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { keys } from '../utils/object';\n\nvar allListenTypes = { hover: true, click: true, focus: true };\n\nvar BVBoundListeners = '__BV_boundEventListeners__';\n\nvar bindTargets = function bindTargets(vnode, binding, listenTypes, fn) {\n var targets = keys(binding.modifiers || {}).filter(function (t) {\n return !allListenTypes[t];\n });\n\n if (binding.value) {\n targets.push(binding.value);\n }\n\n var listener = function listener() {\n fn({ targets: targets, vnode: vnode });\n };\n\n keys(allListenTypes).forEach(function (type) {\n if (listenTypes[type] || binding.modifiers[type]) {\n vnode.elm.addEventListener(type, listener);\n var boundListeners = vnode.elm[BVBoundListeners] || {};\n boundListeners[type] = boundListeners[type] || [];\n boundListeners[type].push(listener);\n vnode.elm[BVBoundListeners] = boundListeners;\n }\n });\n\n // Return the list of targets\n return targets;\n};\n\nvar unbindTargets = function unbindTargets(vnode, binding, listenTypes) {\n keys(allListenTypes).forEach(function (type) {\n if (listenTypes[type] || binding.modifiers[type]) {\n var boundListeners = vnode.elm[BVBoundListeners] && vnode.elm[BVBoundListeners][type];\n if (boundListeners) {\n boundListeners.forEach(function (listener) {\n return vnode.elm.removeEventListener(type, listener);\n });\n delete vnode.elm[BVBoundListeners][type];\n }\n }\n });\n};\n\nexport { bindTargets, unbindTargets };\n\nexport default bindTargets;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/target.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import target from '../../utils/target';\nimport { setAttr, addClass, removeClass } from '../../utils/dom';\n\n// Are we client side?\nvar inBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined';\n\n// target listen types\nvar listenTypes = { click: true\n\n // Property key for handler storage\n};var BVT = '__BV_toggle__';\n\n// Emitted Control Event for collapse (emitted to collapse)\nvar EVENT_TOGGLE = 'bv::toggle::collapse';\n\n// Listen to Event for toggle state update (Emited by collapse)\nvar EVENT_STATE = 'bv::collapse::state';\n\nexport default {\n bind: function bind(el, binding, vnode) {\n var targets = target(vnode, binding, listenTypes, function (_ref) {\n var targets = _ref.targets,\n vnode = _ref.vnode;\n\n targets.forEach(function (target) {\n vnode.context.$root.$emit(EVENT_TOGGLE, target);\n });\n });\n\n if (inBrowser && vnode.context && targets.length > 0) {\n // Add aria attributes to element\n setAttr(el, 'aria-controls', targets.join(' '));\n setAttr(el, 'aria-expanded', 'false');\n if (el.tagName !== 'BUTTON') {\n // If element is not a button, we add `role=\"button\"` for accessibility\n setAttr(el, 'role', 'button');\n }\n\n // Toggle state hadnler, stored on element\n el[BVT] = function toggleDirectiveHandler(id, state) {\n if (targets.indexOf(id) !== -1) {\n // Set aria-expanded state\n setAttr(el, 'aria-expanded', state ? 'true' : 'false');\n // Set/Clear 'collapsed' class state\n if (state) {\n removeClass(el, 'collapsed');\n } else {\n addClass(el, 'collapsed');\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Listen for toggle state changes\n vnode.context.$root.$on(EVENT_STATE, el[BVT]);\n }\n },\n unbind: function unbind(el, binding, vnode) {\n if (el[BVT]) {\n // Remove our $root listener\n vnode.context.$root.$off(EVENT_STATE, el[BVT]);\n el[BVT] = null;\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/directives/toggle/toggle.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bToggle from './toggle';\nimport { registerDirectives, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar directives = {\n bToggle: bToggle\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerDirectives(Vue, directives);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/directives/toggle/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bCollapse from './collapse';\nimport togglePlugin from '../../directives/toggle';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bCollapse: bCollapse\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n Vue.use(togglePlugin);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/collapse/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","export default {\n mounted: function mounted() {\n if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {\n document.documentElement.addEventListener('click', this._clickOutListener);\n }\n },\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {\n document.documentElement.removeEventListener('click', this._clickOutListener);\n }\n },\n\n methods: {\n _clickOutListener: function _clickOutListener(e) {\n if (!this.$el.contains(e.target)) {\n if (this.clickOutListener) {\n this.clickOutListener();\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/mixins/clickout.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if (\"value\" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }();\n\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError(\"Cannot call a class as a function\"); } }\n\nimport { assign, defineProperty, defineProperties, readonlyDescriptor } from '../utils/object';\n\nvar BvEvent = function () {\n function BvEvent(type) {\n var eventInit = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n\n _classCallCheck(this, BvEvent);\n\n // Start by emulating native Event constructor.\n if (!type) {\n throw new TypeError('Failed to construct \\'' + this.constructor.name + '\\'. 1 argument required, ' + arguments.length + ' given.');\n }\n // Assign defaults first, the eventInit,\n // and the type last so it can't be overwritten.\n assign(this, BvEvent.defaults(), eventInit, { type: type });\n // Freeze some props as readonly, but leave them enumerable.\n defineProperties(this, {\n type: readonlyDescriptor(),\n cancelable: readonlyDescriptor(),\n nativeEvent: readonlyDescriptor(),\n target: readonlyDescriptor(),\n relatedTarget: readonlyDescriptor(),\n vueTarget: readonlyDescriptor()\n });\n // Create a private variable using closure scoping.\n var defaultPrevented = false;\n // Recreate preventDefault method. One way setter.\n this.preventDefault = function preventDefault() {\n if (this.cancelable) {\n defaultPrevented = true;\n }\n };\n // Create 'defaultPrevented' publicly accessible prop\n // that can only be altered by the preventDefault method.\n defineProperty(this, 'defaultPrevented', {\n enumerable: true,\n get: function get() {\n return defaultPrevented;\n }\n });\n }\n\n _createClass(BvEvent, null, [{\n key: 'defaults',\n value: function defaults() {\n return {\n type: '',\n cancelable: true,\n nativeEvent: null,\n target: null,\n relatedTarget: null,\n vueTarget: null\n };\n }\n }]);\n\n return BvEvent;\n}();\n\nexport default BvEvent;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/bv-event.class.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import Popper from 'popper.js';\nimport clickoutMixin from './clickout';\nimport listenOnRootMixin from './listen-on-root';\nimport { from as arrayFrom } from '../utils/array';\nimport { assign } from '../utils/object';\nimport KeyCodes from '../utils/key-codes';\nimport BvEvent from '../utils/bv-event.class';\nimport warn from '../utils/warn';\nimport { isVisible, closest, selectAll, getAttr, eventOn, eventOff } from '../utils/dom';\n\n// Return an Array of visible items\nfunction filterVisible(els) {\n return (els || []).filter(isVisible);\n}\n\n// Dropdown item CSS selectors\n// TODO: .dropdown-form handling\nvar ITEM_SELECTOR = '.dropdown-item:not(.disabled):not([disabled])';\n\n// Popper attachment positions\nvar AttachmentMap = {\n // DropUp Left Align\n TOP: 'top-start',\n // DropUp Right Align\n TOPEND: 'top-end',\n // Dropdown left Align\n BOTTOM: 'bottom-start',\n // Dropdown Right Align\n BOTTOMEND: 'bottom-end'\n};\n\nexport default {\n mixins: [clickoutMixin, listenOnRootMixin],\n props: {\n disabled: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n text: {\n // Button label\n type: String,\n default: ''\n },\n dropup: {\n // place on top if possible\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n right: {\n // Right align menu (default is left align)\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n offset: {\n // Number of pixels to offset menu, or a CSS unit value (i.e. 1px, 1rem, etc)\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n },\n noFlip: {\n // Disable auto-flipping of menu from bottom<=>top\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n popperOpts: {\n type: Object,\n default: function _default() {}\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n visible: false,\n inNavbar: null,\n visibleChangePrevented: false\n };\n },\n created: function created() {\n // Create non-reactive property\n this._popper = null;\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n // To keep one dropdown opened on page\n this.listenOnRoot('bv::dropdown::shown', this.rootCloseListener);\n // Hide when clicked on links\n this.listenOnRoot('clicked::link', this.rootCloseListener);\n // Use new namespaced events\n this.listenOnRoot('bv::link::clicked', this.rootCloseListener);\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next: not easy to test */\n deactivated: function deactivated() {\n // In case we are inside a ``\n this.visible = false;\n this.setTouchStart(false);\n this.removePopper();\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next: not easy to test */\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n this.visible = false;\n this.setTouchStart(false);\n this.removePopper();\n },\n\n watch: {\n visible: function visible(newValue, oldValue) {\n if (this.visibleChangePrevented) {\n this.visibleChangePrevented = false;\n return;\n }\n\n if (newValue !== oldValue) {\n var evtName = newValue ? 'show' : 'hide';\n var bvEvt = new BvEvent(evtName, {\n cancelable: true,\n vueTarget: this,\n target: this.$refs.menu,\n relatedTarget: null\n });\n this.emitEvent(bvEvt);\n if (bvEvt.defaultPrevented) {\n // Reset value and exit if canceled\n this.visibleChangePrevented = true;\n this.visible = oldValue;\n return;\n }\n if (evtName === 'show') {\n this.showMenu();\n } else {\n this.hideMenu();\n }\n }\n },\n disabled: function disabled(newValue, oldValue) {\n if (newValue !== oldValue && newValue && this.visible) {\n // Hide dropdown if disabled changes to true\n this.visible = false;\n }\n }\n },\n computed: {\n toggler: function toggler() {\n return this.$refs.toggle.$el || this.$refs.toggle;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n // Event emitter\n emitEvent: function emitEvent(bvEvt) {\n var type = bvEvt.type;\n this.$emit(type, bvEvt);\n this.emitOnRoot('bv::dropdown::' + type, bvEvt);\n },\n showMenu: function showMenu() {\n if (this.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n // Ensure other menus are closed\n this.emitOnRoot('bv::dropdown::shown', this);\n\n // Are we in a navbar ?\n if (this.inNavbar === null && this.isNav) {\n this.inNavbar = Boolean(closest('.navbar', this.$el));\n }\n\n // Disable totally Popper.js for Dropdown in Navbar\n /* istnbul ignore next: can't test popper in JSDOM */\n if (!this.inNavbar) {\n if (typeof Popper === 'undefined') {\n warn('b-dropdown: Popper.js not found. Falling back to CSS positioning.');\n } else {\n // for dropup with alignment we use the parent element as popper container\n var element = this.dropup && this.right || this.split ? this.$el : this.$refs.toggle;\n // Make sure we have a reference to an element, not a component!\n element = element.$el || element;\n // Instantiate popper.js\n this.createPopper(element);\n }\n }\n\n this.setTouchStart(true);\n this.$emit('shown');\n\n // Focus on the first item on show\n this.$nextTick(this.focusFirstItem);\n },\n hideMenu: function hideMenu() {\n this.setTouchStart(false);\n this.emitOnRoot('bv::dropdown::hidden', this);\n this.$emit('hidden');\n this.removePopper();\n },\n createPopper: function createPopper(element) {\n this.removePopper();\n this._popper = new Popper(element, this.$refs.menu, this.getPopperConfig());\n },\n removePopper: function removePopper() {\n if (this._popper) {\n // Ensure popper event listeners are removed cleanly\n this._popper.destroy();\n }\n this._popper = null;\n },\n getPopperConfig /* istanbul ignore next: can't test popper in JSDOM */: function getPopperConfig() {\n var placement = AttachmentMap.BOTTOM;\n if (this.dropup && this.right) {\n // dropup + right\n placement = AttachmentMap.TOPEND;\n } else if (this.dropup) {\n // dropup + left\n placement = AttachmentMap.TOP;\n } else if (this.right) {\n // dropdown + right\n placement = AttachmentMap.BOTTOMEND;\n }\n var popperConfig = {\n placement: placement,\n modifiers: {\n offset: {\n offset: this.offset || 0\n },\n flip: {\n enabled: !this.noFlip\n }\n }\n };\n if (this.boundary) {\n popperConfig.modifiers.preventOverflow = {\n boundariesElement: this.boundary\n };\n }\n return assign(popperConfig, this.popperOpts || {});\n },\n setTouchStart: function setTouchStart(on) {\n var _this = this;\n\n /*\n * If this is a touch-enabled device we add extra\n * empty mouseover listeners to the body's immediate children;\n * only needed because of broken event delegation on iOS\n * https://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2014/02/mouse_event_bub.html\n */\n if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {\n var children = arrayFrom(document.body.children);\n children.forEach(function (el) {\n if (on) {\n eventOn('mouseover', _this._noop);\n } else {\n eventOff('mouseover', _this._noop);\n }\n });\n }\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next: not easy to test */\n _noop: function _noop() {\n // Do nothing event handler (used in touchstart event handler)\n },\n rootCloseListener: function rootCloseListener(vm) {\n if (vm !== this) {\n this.visible = false;\n }\n },\n clickOutListener: function clickOutListener() {\n this.visible = false;\n },\n show: function show() {\n // Public method to show dropdown\n if (this.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n this.visible = true;\n },\n hide: function hide() {\n // Public method to hide dropdown\n if (this.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n this.visible = false;\n },\n toggle: function toggle(evt) {\n // Called only by a button that toggles the menu\n evt = evt || {};\n var type = evt.type;\n var key = evt.keyCode;\n if (type !== 'click' && !(type === 'keydown' && (key === KeyCodes.ENTER || key === KeyCodes.SPACE || key === KeyCodes.DOWN))) {\n // We only toggle on Click, Enter, Space, and Arrow Down\n return;\n }\n if (this.disabled) {\n this.visible = false;\n return;\n }\n this.$emit('toggle', evt);\n if (evt.defaultPrevented) {\n // Exit if canceled\n return;\n }\n evt.preventDefault();\n evt.stopPropagation();\n // Toggle visibility\n this.visible = !this.visible;\n },\n click: function click(evt) {\n // Calle only in split button mode, for the split button\n if (this.disabled) {\n this.visible = false;\n return;\n }\n this.$emit('click', evt);\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next: not easy to test */\n onKeydown: function onKeydown(evt) {\n // Called from dropdown menu context\n var key = evt.keyCode;\n if (key === KeyCodes.ESC) {\n // Close on ESC\n this.onEsc(evt);\n } else if (key === KeyCodes.TAB) {\n // Close on tab out\n this.onTab(evt);\n } else if (key === KeyCodes.DOWN) {\n // Down Arrow\n this.focusNext(evt, false);\n } else if (key === KeyCodes.UP) {\n // Up Arrow\n this.focusNext(evt, true);\n }\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next: not easy to test */\n onEsc: function onEsc(evt) {\n if (this.visible) {\n this.visible = false;\n evt.preventDefault();\n evt.stopPropagation();\n // Return focus to original trigger button\n this.$nextTick(this.focusToggler);\n }\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next: not easy to test */\n onTab: function onTab(evt) {\n if (this.visible) {\n // TODO: Need special handler for dealing with form inputs\n // Tab, if in a text-like input, we should just focus next item in the dropdown\n // Note: Inputs are in a special .dropdown-form container\n this.visible = false;\n }\n },\n onFocusOut: function onFocusOut(evt) {\n if (this.$refs.menu.contains(evt.relatedTarget)) {\n return;\n }\n this.visible = false;\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next: not easy to test */\n onMouseOver: function onMouseOver(evt) {\n // Focus the item on hover\n // TODO: Special handling for inputs? Inputs are in a special .dropdown-form container\n var item = evt.target;\n if (item.classList.contains('dropdown-item') && !item.disabled && !item.classList.contains('disabled') && item.focus) {\n item.focus();\n }\n },\n focusNext: function focusNext(evt, up) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n if (!this.visible) {\n return;\n }\n evt.preventDefault();\n evt.stopPropagation();\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n var items = _this2.getItems();\n if (items.length < 1) {\n return;\n }\n var index = items.indexOf(evt.target);\n if (up && index > 0) {\n index--;\n } else if (!up && index < items.length - 1) {\n index++;\n }\n if (index < 0) {\n index = 0;\n }\n _this2.focusItem(index, items);\n });\n },\n focusItem: function focusItem(idx, items) {\n var el = items.find(function (el, i) {\n return i === idx;\n });\n if (el && getAttr(el, 'tabindex') !== '-1') {\n el.focus();\n }\n },\n getItems: function getItems() {\n // Get all items\n return filterVisible(selectAll(ITEM_SELECTOR, this.$refs.menu));\n },\n getFirstItem: function getFirstItem() {\n // Get the first non-disabled item\n var item = this.getItems()[0];\n return item || null;\n },\n focusFirstItem: function focusFirstItem() {\n var item = this.getFirstItem();\n if (item) {\n this.focusItem(0, [item]);\n }\n },\n focusToggler: function focusToggler() {\n var toggler = this.toggler;\n if (toggler && toggler.focus) {\n toggler.focus();\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/mixins/dropdown.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import idMixin from '../../mixins/id';\nimport dropdownMixin from '../../mixins/dropdown';\nimport bButton from '../button/button';\n\nimport './dropdown.css';\n\nexport default {\n mixins: [idMixin, dropdownMixin],\n components: { bButton: bButton },\n render: function render(h) {\n var split = h(false);\n if (this.split) {\n split = h('b-button', {\n ref: 'button',\n props: {\n disabled: this.disabled,\n variant: this.variant,\n size: this.size\n },\n attrs: {\n id: this.safeId('_BV_button_')\n },\n on: {\n click: this.click\n }\n }, [this.$slots['button-content'] || this.$slots.text || this.text]);\n }\n var toggle = h('b-button', {\n ref: 'toggle',\n class: this.toggleClasses,\n props: {\n variant: this.variant,\n size: this.size,\n disabled: this.disabled\n },\n attrs: {\n id: this.safeId('_BV_toggle_'),\n 'aria-haspopup': 'true',\n 'aria-expanded': this.visible ? 'true' : 'false'\n },\n on: {\n click: this.toggle, // click\n keydown: this.toggle // enter, space, down\n }\n }, [this.split ? h('span', { class: ['sr-only'] }, [this.toggleText]) : this.$slots['button-content'] || this.$slots.text || this.text]);\n var menu = h('div', {\n ref: 'menu',\n class: this.menuClasses,\n attrs: {\n role: this.role,\n 'aria-labelledby': this.safeId(this.split ? '_BV_button_' : '_BV_toggle_')\n },\n on: {\n mouseover: this.onMouseOver,\n keydown: this.onKeydown // tab, up, down, esc\n }\n }, [this.$slots.default]);\n return h('div', { attrs: { id: this.safeId() }, class: this.dropdownClasses }, [split, toggle, menu]);\n },\n\n props: {\n split: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n toggleText: {\n type: String,\n default: 'Toggle Dropdown'\n },\n size: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n variant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n menuClass: {\n type: [String, Array],\n default: null\n },\n toggleClass: {\n type: [String, Array],\n default: null\n },\n noCaret: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n role: {\n type: String,\n default: 'menu'\n },\n boundary: {\n // String: `scrollParent`, `window` or `viewport`\n // Object: HTML Element reference\n type: [String, Object],\n default: 'scrollParent'\n }\n },\n computed: {\n dropdownClasses: function dropdownClasses() {\n var position = '';\n // Position `static` is needed to allow menu to \"breakout\" of the scrollParent boundaries\n // when boundary is anything other than `scrollParent`\n // See https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/24251#issuecomment-341413786\n if (this.boundary !== 'scrollParent' || !this.boundary) {\n position = 'position-static';\n }\n return ['btn-group', 'b-dropdown', 'dropdown', this.dropup ? 'dropup' : '', this.visible ? 'show' : '', position];\n },\n menuClasses: function menuClasses() {\n return ['dropdown-menu', {\n 'dropdown-menu-right': this.right,\n 'show': this.visible\n }, this.menuClass];\n },\n toggleClasses: function toggleClasses() {\n return [{\n 'dropdown-toggle': !this.noCaret || this.split,\n 'dropdown-toggle-split': this.split\n }, this.toggleClass];\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/dropdown/dropdown.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport Link, { propsFactory as linkPropsFactory } from '../link/link';\n\nexport var props = linkPropsFactory();\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(Link, mergeData(data, {\n props: props,\n staticClass: 'dropdown-item',\n attrs: { role: 'menuitem' }\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/dropdown/dropdown-item.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n disabled: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n parent = _ref.parent,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h('button', mergeData(data, {\n props: props,\n staticClass: 'dropdown-item',\n attrs: { role: 'menuitem', type: 'button', disabled: props.disabled },\n on: {\n click: function click(e) {\n parent.$root.$emit('clicked::link', e);\n }\n }\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/dropdown/dropdown-item-button.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n id: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'h6'\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'dropdown-header',\n attrs: { id: props.id || null }\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/dropdown/dropdown-header.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data;\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'dropdown-divider',\n attrs: { role: 'separator' }\n }));\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/dropdown/dropdown-divider.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bDropdown from './dropdown';\nimport bDropdownItem from './dropdown-item';\nimport bDropdownItemButton from './dropdown-item-button';\nimport bDropdownHeader from './dropdown-header';\nimport bDropdownDivider from './dropdown-divider';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bDropdown: bDropdown,\n bDd: bDropdown,\n bDropdownItem: bDropdownItem,\n bDdItem: bDropdownItem,\n bDropdownItemButton: bDropdownItemButton,\n bDropdownItemBtn: bDropdownItemButton,\n bDdItemButton: bDropdownItemButton,\n bDdItemBtn: bDropdownItemButton,\n bDropdownHeader: bDropdownHeader,\n bDdHeader: bDropdownHeader,\n bDropdownDivider: bDropdownDivider,\n bDdDivider: bDropdownDivider\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/dropdown/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport { arrayIncludes } from '../../utils/array';\n\nexport var props = {\n type: {\n type: String,\n default: 'iframe',\n validator: function validator(str) {\n return arrayIncludes(['iframe', 'embed', 'video', 'object', 'img', 'b-img', 'b-img-lazy'], str);\n }\n },\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n aspect: {\n type: String,\n default: '16by9'\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.tag, {\n ref: data.ref,\n staticClass: 'embed-responsive',\n class: _defineProperty({}, 'embed-responsive-' + props.aspect, Boolean(props.aspect))\n }, [h(props.type, mergeData(data, { ref: '', staticClass: 'embed-responsive-item' }), children)]);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/embed/embed.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bEmbed from './embed';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bEmbed: bEmbed\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/embed/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n id: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n inline: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n novalidate: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n validated: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h('form', mergeData(data, {\n class: {\n 'form-inline': props.inline,\n 'was-validated': props.validated\n },\n attrs: {\n id: props.id,\n novalidate: props.novalidate\n }\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form/form.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n id: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'small'\n },\n textVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: 'muted'\n },\n inline: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n class: _defineProperty({\n 'form-text': !props.inline\n }, 'text-' + props.textVariant, Boolean(props.textVariant)),\n attrs: {\n id: props.id\n }\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form/form-text.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n id: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n forceShow: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'invalid-feedback',\n class: { 'd-block': props.forceShow },\n attrs: { id: props.id }\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form/form-invalid-feedback.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n id: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n forceShow: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'valid-feedback',\n class: { 'd-block': props.forceShow },\n attrs: { id: props.id }\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form/form-valid-feedback.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bForm from './form';\nimport bFormRow from './form-row';\nimport bFormText from './form-text';\nimport bFormInvalidFeedback from './form-invalid-feedback';\nimport bFormValidFeedback from './form-valid-feedback';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bForm: bForm,\n bFormRow: bFormRow,\n bFormText: bFormText,\n bFormInvalidFeedback: bFormInvalidFeedback,\n bFormFeedback: bFormInvalidFeedback,\n bFormValidFeedback: bFormValidFeedback\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bFormRow from '../layout/form-row';\n\nexport default bFormRow;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form/form-row.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","/* Form control contextual state class computation\n *\n * Returned class is either 'is-valid' or 'is-invalid' based on the 'state' prop\n * state can be one of five values:\n * - true or 'valid' for is-valid\n * - false or 'invalid' for is-invalid\n * - null (or empty string) for no contextual state\n */\n\nexport default {\n props: {\n state: {\n // true/'valid', false/'invalid', '',null\n type: [Boolean, String],\n default: null\n }\n },\n computed: {\n computedState: function computedState() {\n var state = this.state;\n if (state === true || state === 'valid') {\n return true;\n } else if (state === false || state === 'invalid') {\n return false;\n }\n return null;\n },\n stateClass: function stateClass() {\n var state = this.computedState;\n if (state === true) {\n return 'is-valid';\n } else if (state === false) {\n return 'is-invalid';\n }\n return null;\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/mixins/form-state.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import warn from '../../utils/warn';\nimport { select, selectAll, isVisible, setAttr, removeAttr, getAttr } from '../../utils/dom';\nimport idMixin from '../../mixins/id';\nimport formStateMixin from '../../mixins/form-state';\nimport bFormRow from '../layout/form-row';\nimport bFormText from '../form/form-text';\nimport bFormInvalidFeedback from '../form/form-invalid-feedback';\nimport bFormValidFeedback from '../form/form-valid-feedback';\n\n// Selector for finding firt input in the form-group\nvar SELECTOR = 'input:not(:disabled),textarea:not(:disabled),select:not(:disabled)';\n\nexport default {\n mixins: [idMixin, formStateMixin],\n components: { bFormRow: bFormRow, bFormText: bFormText, bFormInvalidFeedback: bFormInvalidFeedback, bFormValidFeedback: bFormValidFeedback },\n render: function render(h) {\n var $slots = this.$slots;\n\n // Label / Legend\n var legend = h(false);\n if (this.hasLabel) {\n var children = $slots['label'];\n var legendTag = this.labelFor ? 'label' : 'legend';\n var legendDomProps = children ? {} : { innerHTML: this.label };\n var legendAttrs = { id: this.labelId, for: this.labelFor || null };\n var legendClick = this.labelFor || this.labelSrOnly ? {} : { click: this.legendClick };\n if (this.horizontal) {\n // Horizontal layout with label\n if (this.labelSrOnly) {\n // SR Only we wrap label/legend in a div to preserve layout\n children = h(legendTag, { class: ['sr-only'], attrs: legendAttrs, domProps: legendDomProps }, children);\n legend = h('div', { class: this.labelLayoutClasses }, [children]);\n } else {\n legend = h(legendTag, {\n class: [this.labelLayoutClasses, this.labelClasses],\n attrs: legendAttrs,\n domProps: legendDomProps,\n on: legendClick\n }, children);\n }\n } else {\n // Vertical layout with label\n legend = h(legendTag, {\n class: this.labelSrOnly ? ['sr-only'] : this.labelClasses,\n attrs: legendAttrs,\n domProps: legendDomProps,\n on: legendClick\n }, children);\n }\n } else if (this.horizontal) {\n // No label but has horizontal layout, so we need a spacer element for layout\n legend = h('div', { class: this.labelLayoutClasses });\n }\n\n // Invalid feeback text (explicitly hidden if state is valid)\n var invalidFeedback = h(false);\n if (this.hasInvalidFeedback) {\n var domProps = {};\n if (!$slots['invalid-feedback'] && !$slots['feedback']) {\n domProps = { innerHTML: this.invalidFeedback || this.feedback || '' };\n }\n invalidFeedback = h('b-form-invalid-feedback', {\n props: {\n id: this.invalidFeedbackId,\n forceShow: this.computedState === false\n },\n attrs: {\n role: 'alert',\n 'aria-live': 'assertive',\n 'aria-atomic': 'true'\n },\n domProps: domProps\n }, $slots['invalid-feedback'] || $slots['feedback']);\n }\n\n // Valid feeback text (explicitly hidden if state is invalid)\n var validFeedback = h(false);\n if (this.hasValidFeedback) {\n var _domProps = $slots['valid-feedback'] ? {} : { innerHTML: this.validFeedback || '' };\n validFeedback = h('b-form-valid-feedback', {\n props: {\n id: this.validFeedbackId,\n forceShow: this.computedState === true\n },\n attrs: {\n role: 'alert',\n 'aria-live': 'assertive',\n 'aria-atomic': 'true'\n },\n domProps: _domProps\n }, $slots['valid-feedback']);\n }\n\n // Form help text (description)\n var description = h(false);\n if (this.hasDescription) {\n var _domProps2 = $slots['description'] ? {} : { innerHTML: this.description || '' };\n description = h('b-form-text', { attrs: { id: this.descriptionId }, domProps: _domProps2 }, $slots['description']);\n }\n\n // Build content layout\n var content = h('div', {\n ref: 'content',\n class: this.inputLayoutClasses,\n attrs: this.labelFor ? {} : { role: 'group', 'aria-labelledby': this.labelId }\n }, [$slots['default'], invalidFeedback, validFeedback, description]);\n\n // Generate main form-group wrapper\n return h(this.labelFor ? 'div' : 'fieldset', {\n class: this.groupClasses,\n attrs: {\n id: this.safeId(),\n disabled: this.disabled,\n role: 'group',\n 'aria-invalid': this.computedState === false ? 'true' : null,\n 'aria-labelledby': this.labelId,\n 'aria-describedby': this.labelFor ? null : this.describedByIds\n }\n }, this.horizontal ? [h('b-form-row', {}, [legend, content])] : [legend, content]);\n },\n\n props: {\n horizontal: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n labelCols: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 3,\n validator: function validator(value) {\n if (Number(value) >= 1 && Number(value) <= 11) {\n return true;\n }\n warn('b-form-group: label-cols must be a value between 1 and 11');\n return false;\n }\n },\n breakpoint: {\n type: String,\n default: 'sm'\n },\n labelTextAlign: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n label: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n labelFor: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n labelSize: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n labelSrOnly: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n labelClass: {\n type: [String, Array],\n default: null\n },\n description: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n invalidFeedback: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n feedback: {\n // Deprecated in favor of invalid-feedback\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n validFeedback: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n validated: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n },\n computed: {\n groupClasses: function groupClasses() {\n return ['b-form-group', 'form-group', this.validated ? 'was-validated' : null, this.stateClass];\n },\n labelClasses: function labelClasses() {\n return ['col-form-label', this.labelSize ? 'col-form-label-' + this.labelSize : null, this.labelTextAlign ? 'text-' + this.labelTextAlign : null, this.horizontal ? null : 'pt-0', this.labelClass];\n },\n labelLayoutClasses: function labelLayoutClasses() {\n return [this.horizontal ? 'col-' + this.breakpoint + '-' + this.labelCols : null];\n },\n inputLayoutClasses: function inputLayoutClasses() {\n return [this.horizontal ? 'col-' + this.breakpoint + '-' + (12 - Number(this.labelCols)) : null];\n },\n hasLabel: function hasLabel() {\n return this.label || this.$slots['label'];\n },\n hasDescription: function hasDescription() {\n return this.description || this.$slots['description'];\n },\n hasInvalidFeedback: function hasInvalidFeedback() {\n if (this.computedState === true) {\n // If the form-group state is explicityly valid, we return false\n return false;\n }\n return this.invalidFeedback || this.feedback || this.$slots['invalid-feedback'] || this.$slots['feedback'];\n },\n hasValidFeedback: function hasValidFeedback() {\n if (this.computedState === false) {\n // If the form-group state is explicityly invalid, we return false\n return false;\n }\n return this.validFeedback || this.$slots['valid-feedback'];\n },\n labelId: function labelId() {\n return this.hasLabel ? this.safeId('_BV_label_') : null;\n },\n descriptionId: function descriptionId() {\n return this.hasDescription ? this.safeId('_BV_description_') : null;\n },\n invalidFeedbackId: function invalidFeedbackId() {\n return this.hasInvalidFeedback ? this.safeId('_BV_feedback_invalid_') : null;\n },\n validFeedbackId: function validFeedbackId() {\n return this.hasValidFeedback ? this.safeId('_BV_feedback_valid_') : null;\n },\n describedByIds: function describedByIds() {\n return [this.descriptionId, this.invalidFeedbackId, this.validFeedbackId].filter(function (i) {\n return i;\n }).join(' ') || null;\n }\n },\n watch: {\n describedByIds: function describedByIds(add, remove) {\n if (add !== remove) {\n this.setInputDescribedBy(add, remove);\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n legendClick: function legendClick(evt) {\n var tagName = evt.target ? evt.target.tagName : '';\n if (/^(input|select|textarea|label)$/i.test(tagName)) {\n // If clicked an input inside legend, we just let the default happen\n return;\n }\n // Focus the first non-disabled visible input when the legend element is clicked\n var inputs = selectAll(SELECTOR, this.$refs.content).filter(isVisible);\n if (inputs[0] && inputs[0].focus) {\n inputs[0].focus();\n }\n },\n setInputDescribedBy: function setInputDescribedBy(add, remove) {\n // Sets the `aria-describedby` attribute on the input if label-for is set.\n // Optionally accepts a string of IDs to remove as the second parameter\n if (this.labelFor && typeof document !== 'undefined') {\n var input = select('#' + this.labelFor, this.$refs.content);\n if (input) {\n var adb = 'aria-describedby';\n var ids = (getAttr(input, adb) || '').split(/\\s+/);\n remove = (remove || '').split(/\\s+/);\n // Update ID list, preserving any original IDs\n ids = ids.filter(function (id) {\n return remove.indexOf(id) === -1;\n }).concat(add || '').join(' ').trim();\n if (ids) {\n setAttr(input, adb, ids);\n } else {\n removeAttr(input, adb);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n // Set the adia-describedby IDs on the input specified by label-for\n // We do this in a nextTick to ensure the children have finished rendering\n _this.setInputDescribedBy(_this.describedByIds);\n });\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-group/form-group.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bFormGroup from './form-group';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bFormGroup: bFormGroup,\n bFormFieldset: bFormGroup\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-group/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","/*\n * form-radio & form-check mixin\n *\n */\n\nexport default {\n data: function data() {\n return {\n localChecked: this.checked,\n hasFocus: false\n };\n },\n\n model: {\n prop: 'checked',\n event: 'input'\n },\n props: {\n value: {},\n checked: {\n // This is the model, except when in group mode\n },\n buttonVariant: {\n // Only applicable when rendered with button style\n type: String,\n default: null\n }\n },\n computed: {\n computedLocalChecked: {\n get: function get() {\n if (this.is_Child) {\n return this.$parent.localChecked;\n } else {\n return this.localChecked;\n }\n },\n set: function set(val) {\n if (this.is_Child) {\n this.$parent.localChecked = val;\n } else {\n this.localChecked = val;\n }\n }\n },\n is_Child: function is_Child() {\n return Boolean(this.$parent && this.$parent.is_RadioCheckGroup);\n },\n is_Disabled: function is_Disabled() {\n // Child can be disabled while parent isn't\n return Boolean(this.is_Child ? this.$parent.disabled || this.disabled : this.disabled);\n },\n is_Required: function is_Required() {\n return Boolean(this.is_Child ? this.$parent.required : this.required);\n },\n is_Plain: function is_Plain() {\n return Boolean(this.is_Child ? this.$parent.plain : this.plain);\n },\n is_Custom: function is_Custom() {\n return !this.is_Plain;\n },\n get_Size: function get_Size() {\n return this.is_Child ? this.$parent.size : this.size;\n },\n get_State: function get_State() {\n // This is a tri-state prop (true, false, null)\n if (this.is_Child && typeof this.$parent.get_State === 'boolean') {\n return this.$parent.get_State;\n }\n return this.computedState;\n },\n get_StateClass: function get_StateClass() {\n // This is a tri-state prop (true, false, null)\n return typeof this.get_State === 'boolean' ? this.get_State ? 'is-valid' : 'is-invalid' : '';\n },\n is_Stacked: function is_Stacked() {\n return Boolean(this.is_Child && this.$parent.stacked);\n },\n is_Inline: function is_Inline() {\n return !this.is_Stacked;\n },\n is_ButtonMode: function is_ButtonMode() {\n return Boolean(this.is_Child && this.$parent.buttons);\n },\n get_ButtonVariant: function get_ButtonVariant() {\n // Local variant trumps parent variant\n return this.buttonVariant || (this.is_Child ? this.$parent.buttonVariant : null) || 'secondary';\n },\n get_Name: function get_Name() {\n return (this.is_Child ? this.$parent.name || this.$parent.safeId() : this.name) || null;\n },\n buttonClasses: function buttonClasses() {\n // Same for radio & check\n return ['btn', 'btn-' + this.get_ButtonVariant, this.get_Size ? 'btn-' + this.get_Size : '',\n // 'disabled' class makes \"button\" look disabled\n this.is_Disabled ? 'disabled' : '',\n // 'active' class makes \"button\" look pressed\n this.is_Checked ? 'active' : '',\n // Focus class makes button look focused\n this.hasFocus ? 'focus' : ''];\n }\n },\n methods: {\n handleFocus: function handleFocus(evt) {\n // When in buttons mode, we need to add 'focus' class to label when radio focused\n if (this.is_ButtonMode && evt.target) {\n if (evt.type === 'focus') {\n this.hasFocus = true;\n } else if (evt.type === 'blur') {\n this.hasFocus = false;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/mixins/form-radio-check.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","export default {\n props: {\n name: {\n type: String\n },\n id: {\n type: String\n },\n disabled: {\n type: Boolean\n },\n required: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/mixins/form.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","export default {\n props: {\n size: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n }\n },\n computed: {\n sizeFormClass: function sizeFormClass() {\n return [this.size ? \"form-control-\" + this.size : null];\n },\n sizeBtnClass: function sizeBtnClass() {\n return [this.size ? \"btn-\" + this.size : null];\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/mixins/form-size.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","export default {\n computed: {\n custom: function custom() {\n return !this.plain;\n }\n },\n props: {\n plain: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/mixins/form-custom.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","var _typeof = typeof Symbol === \"function\" && typeof Symbol.iterator === \"symbol\" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === \"function\" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? \"symbol\" : typeof obj; };\n\nimport { isArray } from './array';\nimport { keys } from './object';\n\n/**\n * Quick object check - this is primarily used to tell\n * Objects from primitive values when we know the value\n * is a JSON-compliant type.\n */\nfunction isObject(obj) {\n return obj !== null && (typeof obj === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(obj)) === 'object';\n}\n\n/**\n * Check if two values are loosely equal - that is,\n * if they are plain objects, do they have the same shape?\n * Returns boolean true or false\n */\nfunction looseEqual(a, b) {\n if (a === b) return true;\n var isObjectA = isObject(a);\n var isObjectB = isObject(b);\n if (isObjectA && isObjectB) {\n try {\n var isArrayA = isArray(a);\n var isArrayB = isArray(b);\n if (isArrayA && isArrayB) {\n return a.length === b.length && a.every(function (e, i) {\n return looseEqual(e, b[i]);\n });\n } else if (!isArrayA && !isArrayB) {\n var keysA = keys(a);\n var keysB = keys(b);\n return keysA.length === keysB.length && keysA.every(function (key) {\n return looseEqual(a[key], b[key]);\n });\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n } catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n } else if (!isObjectA && !isObjectB) {\n return String(a) === String(b);\n } else {\n return false;\n }\n}\n\nexport default looseEqual;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/loose-equal.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import idMixin from '../../mixins/id';\nimport formRadioCheckMixin from '../../mixins/form-radio-check';\nimport formMixin from '../../mixins/form';\nimport formSizeMixin from '../../mixins/form-size';\nimport formStateMixin from '../../mixins/form-state';\nimport formCustomMixin from '../../mixins/form-custom';\nimport { isArray } from '../../utils/array';\nimport looseEqual from '../../utils/loose-equal';\n\nexport default {\n mixins: [idMixin, formRadioCheckMixin, formMixin, formSizeMixin, formStateMixin, formCustomMixin],\n render: function render(h) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var input = h('input', {\n ref: 'check',\n class: [this.is_ButtonMode ? '' : this.is_Plain ? 'form-check-input' : 'custom-control-input', this.get_StateClass],\n directives: [{\n name: 'model',\n rawName: 'v-model',\n value: this.computedLocalChecked,\n expression: 'computedLocalChecked'\n }],\n attrs: {\n id: this.safeId(),\n type: 'checkbox',\n name: this.get_Name,\n disabled: this.is_Disabled,\n required: this.is_Required,\n autocomplete: 'off',\n 'true-value': this.value,\n 'false-value': this.uncheckedValue,\n 'aria-required': this.is_Required ? 'true' : null\n },\n domProps: { value: this.value, checked: this.is_Checked },\n on: {\n focus: this.handleFocus,\n blur: this.handleFocus,\n change: this.emitChange,\n __c: function __c(evt) {\n var $$a = _this.computedLocalChecked;\n var $$el = evt.target;\n if (isArray($$a)) {\n // Multiple checkbox\n var $$v = _this.value;\n var $$i = _this._i($$a, $$v); // Vue's 'loose' Array.indexOf\n if ($$el.checked) {\n // Append value to array\n $$i < 0 && (_this.computedLocalChecked = $$a.concat([$$v]));\n } else {\n // Remove value from array\n $$i > -1 && (_this.computedLocalChecked = $$a.slice(0, $$i).concat($$a.slice($$i + 1)));\n }\n } else {\n // Single checkbox\n _this.computedLocalChecked = $$el.checked ? _this.value : _this.uncheckedValue;\n }\n }\n }\n });\n\n var description = h(this.is_ButtonMode ? 'span' : 'label', {\n class: this.is_ButtonMode ? null : this.is_Plain ? 'form-check-label' : 'custom-control-label',\n attrs: { for: this.is_ButtonMode ? null : this.safeId() }\n }, [this.$slots.default]);\n\n if (!this.is_ButtonMode) {\n return h('div', {\n class: [this.is_Plain ? 'form-check' : this.labelClasses, { 'form-check-inline': this.is_Plain && !this.is_Stacked }, { 'custom-control-inline': !this.is_Plain && !this.is_Stacked }]\n }, [input, description]);\n } else {\n return h('label', { class: [this.buttonClasses] }, [input, description]);\n }\n },\n\n props: {\n value: {\n default: true\n },\n uncheckedValue: {\n // Not applicable in multi-check mode\n default: false\n },\n indeterminate: {\n // Not applicable in multi-check mode\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n },\n computed: {\n labelClasses: function labelClasses() {\n return ['custom-control', 'custom-checkbox', this.get_Size ? 'form-control-' + this.get_Size : '', this.get_StateClass];\n },\n is_Checked: function is_Checked() {\n var checked = this.computedLocalChecked;\n if (isArray(checked)) {\n for (var i = 0; i < checked.length; i++) {\n if (looseEqual(checked[i], this.value)) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n } else {\n return looseEqual(checked, this.value);\n }\n }\n },\n watch: {\n computedLocalChecked: function computedLocalChecked(newVal, oldVal) {\n if (looseEqual(newVal, oldVal)) {\n return;\n }\n this.$emit('input', newVal);\n this.$emit('update:indeterminate', this.$refs.check.indeterminate);\n },\n checked: function checked(newVal, oldVal) {\n if (this.is_Child || looseEqual(newVal, oldVal)) {\n return;\n }\n this.computedLocalChecked = newVal;\n },\n indeterminate: function indeterminate(newVal, oldVal) {\n this.setIndeterminate(newVal);\n }\n },\n methods: {\n emitChange: function emitChange(_ref) {\n var checked = _ref.target.checked;\n\n // Change event is only fired via user interaction\n // And we only emit the value of this checkbox\n if (this.is_Child || isArray(this.computedLocalChecked)) {\n this.$emit('change', checked ? this.value : null);\n if (this.is_Child) {\n // If we are a child of form-checkbbox-group, emit change on parent\n this.$parent.$emit('change', this.computedLocalChecked);\n }\n } else {\n // Single radio mode supports unchecked value\n this.$emit('change', checked ? this.value : this.uncheckedValue);\n }\n this.$emit('update:indeterminate', this.$refs.check.indeterminate);\n },\n setIndeterminate: function setIndeterminate(state) {\n // Indeterminate only supported in single checkbox mode\n if (this.is_Child || isArray(this.computedLocalChecked)) {\n return;\n }\n this.$refs.check.indeterminate = state;\n // Emit update event to prop\n this.$emit('update:indeterminate', this.$refs.check.indeterminate);\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n // Set initial indeterminate state\n this.setIndeterminate(this.indeterminate);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-checkbox/form-checkbox.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { isArray } from '../utils/array';\nimport { keys } from '../utils/object';\n\nfunction isObject(obj) {\n return obj && {}.toString.call(obj) === '[object Object]';\n}\n\nexport default {\n\n props: {\n options: {\n type: [Array, Object],\n default: function _default() {\n return [];\n }\n },\n valueField: {\n type: String,\n default: 'value'\n },\n textField: {\n type: String,\n default: 'text'\n },\n disabledField: {\n type: String,\n default: 'disabled'\n }\n },\n computed: {\n formOptions: function formOptions() {\n var options = this.options;\n\n var valueField = this.valueField;\n var textField = this.textField;\n var disabledField = this.disabledField;\n\n if (isArray(options)) {\n // Normalize flat-ish arrays to Array of Objects\n return options.map(function (option) {\n if (isObject(option)) {\n return {\n value: option[valueField],\n text: String(option[textField]),\n disabled: option[disabledField] || false\n };\n }\n return {\n value: option,\n text: String(option),\n disabled: false\n };\n });\n } else {\n // options is Object\n // Normalize Objects to Array of Objects\n return keys(options).map(function (key) {\n var option = options[key] || {};\n if (isObject(option)) {\n var value = option[valueField];\n var text = option[textField];\n return {\n value: typeof value === 'undefined' ? key : value,\n text: typeof text === 'undefined' ? key : String(text),\n disabled: option[disabledField] || false\n };\n }\n return {\n value: key,\n text: String(option),\n disabled: false\n };\n });\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/mixins/form-options.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import idMixin from '../../mixins/id';\nimport formMixin from '../../mixins/form';\nimport formOptionsMixin from '../../mixins/form-options';\nimport formSizeMixin from '../../mixins/form-size';\nimport formStateMixin from '../../mixins/form-state';\nimport formCustomMixin from '../../mixins/form-custom';\n\nimport bFormCheckbox from './form-checkbox';\n\nexport default {\n mixins: [idMixin, formMixin, formSizeMixin, formStateMixin, formCustomMixin, formOptionsMixin],\n components: { bFormCheckbox: bFormCheckbox },\n render: function render(h) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var $slots = this.$slots;\n\n var checks = this.formOptions.map(function (option, idx) {\n return h('b-form-checkbox', {\n key: 'check_' + idx + '_opt',\n props: {\n id: _this.safeId('_BV_check_' + idx + '_opt_'),\n name: _this.name,\n value: option.value,\n required: _this.name && _this.required,\n disabled: option.disabled\n }\n }, [h('span', { domProps: { innerHTML: option.text } })]);\n });\n return h('div', {\n class: this.groupClasses,\n attrs: {\n id: this.safeId(),\n role: 'group',\n tabindex: '-1',\n 'aria-required': this.required ? 'true' : null,\n 'aria-invalid': this.computedAriaInvalid\n }\n }, [$slots.first, checks, $slots.default]);\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n localChecked: this.checked || [],\n // Flag for children\n is_RadioCheckGroup: true\n };\n },\n\n model: {\n prop: 'checked',\n event: 'input'\n },\n props: {\n checked: {\n type: [String, Number, Object, Array, Boolean],\n default: null\n },\n validated: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n ariaInvalid: {\n type: [Boolean, String],\n default: false\n },\n stacked: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n buttons: {\n // Render as button style\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n buttonVariant: {\n // Only applicable when rendered with button style\n type: String,\n default: 'secondary'\n }\n },\n watch: {\n checked: function checked(newVal, oldVal) {\n this.localChecked = this.checked;\n },\n localChecked: function localChecked(newVal, oldVal) {\n this.$emit('input', newVal);\n }\n },\n computed: {\n groupClasses: function groupClasses() {\n if (this.buttons) {\n return ['btn-group-toggle', this.stacked ? 'btn-group-vertical' : 'btn-group', this.size ? 'btn-group-' + this.size : '', this.validated ? 'was-validated' : ''];\n }\n return [this.sizeFormClass, this.stacked && this.custom ? 'custom-controls-stacked' : '', this.validated ? 'was-validated' : ''];\n },\n computedAriaInvalid: function computedAriaInvalid() {\n if (this.ariaInvalid === true || this.ariaInvalid === 'true' || this.ariaInvalid === '') {\n return 'true';\n }\n return this.get_State === false ? 'true' : null;\n },\n get_State: function get_State() {\n // Child radios sniff this value\n return this.computedState;\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-checkbox/form-checkbox-group.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bFormCheckbox from './form-checkbox';\nimport bFormCheckboxGroup from './form-checkbox-group';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bFormCheckbox: bFormCheckbox,\n bCheckbox: bFormCheckbox,\n bCheck: bFormCheckbox,\n bFormCheckboxGroup: bFormCheckboxGroup,\n bCheckboxGroup: bFormCheckboxGroup,\n bCheckGroup: bFormCheckboxGroup\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-checkbox/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import idMixin from '../../mixins/id';\nimport formMixin from '../../mixins/form';\nimport formStateMixin from '../../mixins/form-state';\nimport formRadioCheckMixin from '../../mixins/form-radio-check';\nimport looseEqual from '../../utils/loose-equal';\n\nexport default {\n mixins: [idMixin, formRadioCheckMixin, formMixin, formStateMixin],\n render: function render(h) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var input = h('input', {\n ref: 'radio',\n class: [this.is_ButtonMode ? '' : this.is_Plain ? 'form-check-input' : 'custom-control-input', this.get_StateClass],\n directives: [{\n name: 'model',\n rawName: 'v-model',\n value: this.computedLocalChecked,\n expression: 'computedLocalChecked'\n }],\n attrs: {\n id: this.safeId(),\n type: 'radio',\n name: this.get_Name,\n required: this.get_Name && this.is_Required,\n disabled: this.is_Disabled,\n autocomplete: 'off'\n },\n domProps: {\n value: this.value,\n checked: looseEqual(this.computedLocalChecked, this.value)\n },\n on: {\n focus: this.handleFocus,\n blur: this.handleFocus,\n change: this.emitChange,\n __c: function __c(evt) {\n _this.computedLocalChecked = _this.value;\n }\n }\n });\n\n var description = h(this.is_ButtonMode ? 'span' : 'label', {\n class: this.is_ButtonMode ? null : this.is_Plain ? 'form-check-label' : 'custom-control-label',\n attrs: { for: this.is_ButtonMode ? null : this.safeId() }\n }, [this.$slots.default]);\n\n if (!this.is_ButtonMode) {\n return h('div', {\n class: [this.is_Plain ? 'form-check' : this.labelClasses, { 'form-check-inline': this.is_Plain && !this.is_Stacked }, { 'custom-control-inline': !this.is_Plain && !this.is_Stacked }]\n }, [input, description]);\n } else {\n return h('label', { class: [this.buttonClasses] }, [input, description]);\n }\n },\n\n watch: {\n // Radio Groups can only have a single value, so our watchers are simple\n checked: function checked(newVal, oldVal) {\n this.computedLocalChecked = newVal;\n },\n computedLocalChceked: function computedLocalChceked(newVal, oldVal) {\n this.$emit('input', this.computedLocalChceked);\n }\n },\n computed: {\n is_Checked: function is_Checked() {\n return looseEqual(this.value, this.computedLocalChecked);\n },\n labelClasses: function labelClasses() {\n // Specific to radio\n return [this.get_Size ? 'form-control-' + this.get_Size : '', 'custom-control', 'custom-radio', this.get_StateClass];\n }\n },\n methods: {\n emitChange: function emitChange(_ref) {\n var checked = _ref.target.checked;\n\n // Change is only emitted on user interaction\n this.$emit('change', checked ? this.value : null);\n // If this is a child of form-radio-group, we emit a change event on it as well\n if (this.is_Child) {\n this.$parent.$emit('change', this.computedLocalChecked);\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-radio/form-radio.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import idMixin from '../../mixins/id';\nimport formOptionsMixin from '../../mixins/form-options';\nimport formMixin from '../../mixins/form';\nimport formSizeMixin from '../../mixins/form-size';\nimport formStateMixin from '../../mixins/form-state';\nimport formCustomMixin from '../../mixins/form-custom';\nimport bFormRadio from './form-radio';\n\nexport default {\n mixins: [idMixin, formMixin, formSizeMixin, formStateMixin, formCustomMixin, formOptionsMixin],\n components: { bFormRadio: bFormRadio },\n render: function render(h) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var $slots = this.$slots;\n\n var radios = this.formOptions.map(function (option, idx) {\n return h('b-form-radio', {\n key: 'radio_' + idx + '_opt',\n props: {\n id: _this.safeId('_BV_radio_' + idx + '_opt_'),\n name: _this.name,\n value: option.value,\n required: Boolean(_this.name && _this.required),\n disabled: option.disabled\n }\n }, [h('span', { domProps: { innerHTML: option.text } })]);\n });\n return h('div', {\n class: this.groupClasses,\n attrs: {\n id: this.safeId(),\n role: 'radiogroup',\n tabindex: '-1',\n 'aria-required': this.required ? 'true' : null,\n 'aria-invalid': this.computedAriaInvalid\n }\n }, [$slots.first, radios, $slots.default]);\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n localChecked: this.checked,\n // Flag for children\n is_RadioCheckGroup: true\n };\n },\n\n model: {\n prop: 'checked',\n event: 'input'\n },\n props: {\n checked: {\n type: [String, Object, Number, Boolean],\n default: null\n },\n validated: {\n // Used for applying hte `was-validated` class to the group\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n ariaInvalid: {\n type: [Boolean, String],\n default: false\n },\n stacked: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n buttons: {\n // Render as button style\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n buttonVariant: {\n // Only applicable when rendered with button style\n type: String,\n default: 'secondary'\n }\n },\n watch: {\n checked: function checked(newVal, oldVal) {\n this.localChecked = this.checked;\n },\n localChecked: function localChecked(newVal, oldVal) {\n this.$emit('input', newVal);\n }\n },\n computed: {\n groupClasses: function groupClasses() {\n if (this.buttons) {\n return ['btn-group-toggle', this.stacked ? 'btn-group-vertical' : 'btn-group', this.size ? 'btn-group-' + this.size : '', this.validated ? 'was-validated' : ''];\n }\n return [this.sizeFormClass, this.stacked && this.custom ? 'custom-controls-stacked' : '', this.validated ? 'was-validated' : ''];\n },\n computedAriaInvalid: function computedAriaInvalid() {\n if (this.ariaInvalid === true || this.ariaInvalid === 'true' || this.ariaInvalid === '') {\n return 'true';\n }\n return this.get_State === false ? 'true' : null;\n },\n get_State: function get_State() {\n // Required by child radios\n return this.computedState;\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-radio/form-radio-group.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bFormRadio from './form-radio';\nimport bFormRadioGroup from './form-radio-group';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bFormRadio: bFormRadio,\n bRadio: bFormRadio,\n bFormRadioGroup: bFormRadioGroup,\n bRadioGroup: bFormRadioGroup\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-radio/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import idMixin from '../../mixins/id';\nimport formMixin from '../../mixins/form';\nimport formSizeMixin from '../../mixins/form-size';\nimport formStateMixin from '../../mixins/form-state';\nimport { arrayIncludes } from '../../utils/array';\n\n// Import styles\nimport './form-input.css';\n\n// Valid supported input types\nvar TYPES = ['text', 'password', 'email', 'number', 'url', 'tel', 'search', 'range', 'color', 'date', 'time', 'datetime', 'datetime-local', 'month', 'week'];\n\nexport default {\n mixins: [idMixin, formMixin, formSizeMixin, formStateMixin],\n render: function render(h) {\n return h('input', {\n ref: 'input',\n class: this.inputClass,\n attrs: {\n id: this.safeId(),\n name: this.name,\n type: this.localType,\n disabled: this.disabled,\n required: this.required,\n readonly: this.readonly || this.plaintext,\n placeholder: this.placeholder,\n autocomplete: this.autocomplete || null,\n 'aria-required': this.required ? 'true' : null,\n 'aria-invalid': this.computedAriaInvalid,\n value: this.value\n },\n on: {\n input: this.onInput,\n change: this.onChange\n }\n });\n },\n\n props: {\n value: {\n default: null\n },\n type: {\n type: String,\n default: 'text',\n validator: function validator(type) {\n return arrayIncludes(TYPES, type);\n }\n },\n ariaInvalid: {\n type: [Boolean, String],\n default: false\n },\n readonly: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n plaintext: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n autocomplete: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n placeholder: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n formatter: {\n type: Function\n },\n lazyFormatter: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n },\n computed: {\n localType: function localType() {\n // We only allow certain types\n return arrayIncludes(TYPES, this.type) ? this.type : 'text';\n },\n inputClass: function inputClass() {\n return [this.plaintext ? 'form-control-plaintext' : 'form-control', this.sizeFormClass, this.stateClass];\n },\n computedAriaInvalid: function computedAriaInvalid() {\n if (!this.ariaInvalid || this.ariaInvalid === 'false') {\n // this.ariaInvalid is null or false or 'false'\n return this.computedState === false ? 'true' : null;\n }\n if (this.ariaInvalid === true) {\n // User wants explicit aria-invalid=true\n return 'true';\n }\n // Most likely a string value (which could be 'true')\n return this.ariaInvalid;\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n if (this.value) {\n var fValue = this.format(this.value, null);\n this.setValue(fValue);\n }\n },\n\n watch: {\n value: function value(newVal) {\n if (this.lazyFormatter) {\n this.setValue(newVal);\n } else {\n var fValue = this.format(newVal, null);\n this.setValue(fValue);\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n format: function format(value, e) {\n if (this.formatter) {\n return this.formatter(value, e);\n }\n return value;\n },\n setValue: function setValue(value) {\n this.$emit('input', value);\n // When formatter removes last typed character, value of text input should update to formatted value\n this.$refs.input.value = value;\n },\n onInput: function onInput(evt) {\n var value = evt.target.value;\n\n if (this.lazyFormatter) {\n this.setValue(value);\n } else {\n var fValue = this.format(value, evt);\n this.setValue(fValue);\n }\n },\n onChange: function onChange(evt) {\n var fValue = this.format(evt.target.value, evt);\n this.setValue(fValue);\n this.$emit('change', fValue);\n },\n focus: function focus() {\n if (!this.disabled) {\n this.$el.focus();\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-input/form-input.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bFormInput from './form-input';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bFormInput: bFormInput,\n bInput: bFormInput\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-input/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import idMixin from '../../mixins/id';\nimport formMixin from '../../mixins/form';\nimport formSizeMixin from '../../mixins/form-size';\nimport formStateMixin from '../../mixins/form-state';\n\nexport default {\n mixins: [idMixin, formMixin, formSizeMixin, formStateMixin],\n render: function render(h) {\n var _this = this;\n\n return h('textarea', {\n ref: 'input',\n class: this.inputClass,\n style: this.inputStyle,\n directives: [{\n name: 'model',\n rawName: 'v-model',\n value: this.localValue,\n expression: 'localValue'\n }],\n domProps: { value: this.value },\n attrs: {\n id: this.safeId(),\n name: this.name,\n disabled: this.disabled,\n placeholder: this.placeholder,\n required: this.required,\n autocomplete: this.autocomplete || null,\n readonly: this.readonly || this.plaintext,\n rows: this.rowsCount,\n wrap: this.wrap || null,\n 'aria-required': this.required ? 'true' : null,\n 'aria-invalid': this.computedAriaInvalid\n },\n on: {\n input: function input(evt) {\n _this.localValue = evt.target.value;\n }\n }\n });\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n localValue: this.value\n };\n },\n\n props: {\n value: {\n type: String,\n default: ''\n },\n ariaInvalid: {\n type: [Boolean, String],\n default: false\n },\n readonly: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n plaintext: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n autocomplete: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n placeholder: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n rows: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: null\n },\n maxRows: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: null\n },\n wrap: {\n // 'soft', 'hard' or 'off'. Browser default is 'soft'\n type: String,\n default: 'soft'\n },\n noResize: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n },\n computed: {\n rowsCount: function rowsCount() {\n // A better option could be based on https://codepen.io/vsync/pen/frudD\n // As linebreaks aren't added until the input is submitted\n var rows = parseInt(this.rows, 10) || 1;\n var maxRows = parseInt(this.maxRows, 10) || 0;\n var lines = (this.localValue || '').toString().split('\\n').length;\n return maxRows ? Math.min(maxRows, Math.max(rows, lines)) : Math.max(rows, lines);\n },\n inputClass: function inputClass() {\n return [this.plaintext ? 'form-control-plaintext' : 'form-control', this.sizeFormClass, this.stateClass];\n },\n inputStyle: function inputStyle() {\n // We set width 100% in plaintext mode to get around a shortcoming in bootstrap CSS\n // setting noResize to true will disable the ability for the user to resize the textarea\n return {\n width: this.plaintext ? '100%' : null,\n resize: this.noResize ? 'none' : null\n };\n },\n computedAriaInvalid: function computedAriaInvalid() {\n if (!this.ariaInvalid || this.ariaInvalid === 'false') {\n // this.ariaInvalid is null or false or 'false'\n return this.computedState === false ? 'true' : null;\n }\n if (this.ariaInvalid === true) {\n // User wants explicit aria-invalid=true\n return 'true';\n }\n // Most likely a string value (which could be the string 'true')\n return this.ariaInvalid;\n }\n },\n watch: {\n value: function value(newVal, oldVal) {\n // Update our localValue\n if (newVal !== oldVal) {\n this.localValue = newVal;\n }\n },\n localValue: function localValue(newVal, oldVal) {\n // update Parent value\n if (newVal !== oldVal) {\n this.$emit('input', newVal);\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n focus: function focus() {\n // For external handler that may want a focus method\n if (!this.disabled) {\n this.$el.focus();\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-textarea/form-textarea.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bFormTextarea from './form-textarea';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bFormTextarea: bFormTextarea,\n bTextarea: bFormTextarea\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-textarea/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import idMixin from '../../mixins/id';\nimport formMixin from '../../mixins/form';\nimport formStateMixin from '../../mixins/form-state';\nimport formCustomMixin from '../../mixins/form-custom';\nimport { from as arrayFrom } from '../../utils/array';\n\nexport default {\n mixins: [idMixin, formMixin, formStateMixin, formCustomMixin],\n render: function render(h) {\n // Form Input\n var input = h('input', {\n ref: 'input',\n class: [{\n 'form-control-file': this.plain,\n 'custom-file-input': this.custom,\n focus: this.custom && this.hasFocus\n }, this.stateClass],\n attrs: {\n type: 'file',\n id: this.safeId(),\n name: this.name,\n disabled: this.disabled,\n required: this.required,\n capture: this.capture || null,\n accept: this.accept || null,\n multiple: this.multiple,\n webkitdirectory: this.directory,\n 'aria-required': this.required ? 'true' : null,\n 'aria-describedby': this.plain ? null : this.safeId('_BV_file_control_')\n },\n on: {\n change: this.onFileChange,\n focusin: this.focusHandler,\n focusout: this.focusHandler\n }\n });\n\n if (this.plain) {\n return input;\n }\n\n // Overlay Labels\n var label = h('label', {\n class: ['custom-file-label', this.dragging ? 'dragging' : null],\n attrs: {\n id: this.safeId('_BV_file_control_')\n }\n }, this.selectLabel);\n\n // Return rendered custom file input\n return h('div', {\n class: ['custom-file', 'b-form-file', this.stateClass],\n attrs: { id: this.safeId('_BV_file_outer_') },\n on: { dragover: this.dragover }\n }, [input, label]);\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n selectedFile: null,\n dragging: false,\n hasFocus: false\n };\n },\n\n props: {\n accept: {\n type: String,\n default: ''\n },\n // Instruct input to capture from camera\n capture: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n placeholder: {\n type: String,\n default: undefined\n },\n multiple: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n directory: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n noTraverse: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n noDrop: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n },\n computed: {\n selectLabel: function selectLabel() {\n // No file choosen\n if (!this.selectedFile || this.selectedFile.length === 0) {\n return this.placeholder;\n }\n\n // Multiple files\n if (this.multiple) {\n if (this.selectedFile.length === 1) {\n return this.selectedFile[0].name;\n }\n return this.selectedFile.map(function (file) {\n return file.name;\n }).join(', ');\n }\n\n // Single file\n return this.selectedFile.name;\n }\n },\n watch: {\n selectedFile: function selectedFile(newVal, oldVal) {\n if (newVal === oldVal) {\n return;\n }\n if (!newVal && this.multiple) {\n this.$emit('input', []);\n } else {\n this.$emit('input', newVal);\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n focusHandler: function focusHandler(evt) {\n // Boostrap v4.beta doesn't have focus styling for custom file input\n // Firefox has a borked '[type=file]:focus ~ sibling' selector issue,\n // So we add a 'focus' class to get around these \"bugs\"\n if (this.plain || evt.type === 'focusout') {\n this.hasFocus = false;\n } else {\n // Add focus styling for custom file input\n this.hasFocus = true;\n }\n },\n reset: function reset() {\n try {\n // Wrapped in try in case IE < 11 craps out\n this.$refs.input.value = '';\n } catch (e) {}\n // IE < 11 doesn't support setting input.value to '' or null\n // So we use this little extra hack to reset the value, just in case\n // This also appears to work on modern browsers as well.\n this.$refs.input.type = '';\n this.$refs.input.type = 'file';\n this.selectedFile = this.multiple ? [] : null;\n },\n onFileChange: function onFileChange(evt) {\n var _this = this;\n\n // Always emit original event\n this.$emit('change', evt);\n // Check if special `items` prop is available on event (drop mode)\n // Can be disabled by setting no-traverse\n var items = evt.dataTransfer && evt.dataTransfer.items;\n if (items && !this.noTraverse) {\n var queue = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {\n var item = items[i].webkitGetAsEntry();\n if (item) {\n queue.push(this.traverseFileTree(item));\n }\n }\n Promise.all(queue).then(function (filesArr) {\n _this.setFiles(arrayFrom(filesArr));\n });\n return;\n }\n // Normal handling\n this.setFiles(evt.target.files || evt.dataTransfer.files);\n },\n setFiles: function setFiles(files) {\n if (!files) {\n this.selectedFile = null;\n return;\n }\n if (!this.multiple) {\n this.selectedFile = files[0];\n return;\n }\n // Convert files to array\n var filesArray = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {\n if (files[i].type.match(this.accept)) {\n filesArray.push(files[i]);\n }\n }\n this.selectedFile = filesArray;\n },\n dragover: function dragover(evt) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n evt.stopPropagation();\n if (this.noDrop || !this.custom) {\n return;\n }\n this.dragging = true;\n evt.dataTransfer.dropEffect = 'copy';\n },\n dragleave: function dragleave(evt) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n evt.stopPropagation();\n this.dragging = false;\n },\n drop: function drop(evt) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n evt.stopPropagation();\n if (this.noDrop) {\n return;\n }\n this.dragging = false;\n if (evt.dataTransfer.files && evt.dataTransfer.files.length > 0) {\n this.onFileChange(evt);\n }\n },\n traverseFileTree: function traverseFileTree(item, path) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n // Based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3590058\n return new Promise(function (resolve) {\n path = path || '';\n if (item.isFile) {\n // Get file\n item.file(function (file) {\n file.$path = path; // Inject $path to file obj\n resolve(file);\n });\n } else if (item.isDirectory) {\n // Get folder contents\n item.createReader().readEntries(function (entries) {\n var queue = [];\n for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) {\n queue.push(_this2.traverseFileTree(entries[i], path + item.name + '/'));\n }\n Promise.all(queue).then(function (filesArr) {\n resolve(arrayFrom(filesArr));\n });\n });\n }\n });\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-file/form-file.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bFormFile from './form-file';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bFormFile: bFormFile,\n bFile: bFormFile\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-file/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import idMixin from '../../mixins/id';\nimport formOptionsMixin from '../../mixins/form-options';\nimport formMixin from '../../mixins/form';\nimport formSizeMixin from '../../mixins/form-size';\nimport formStateMixin from '../../mixins/form-state';\nimport formCustomMixin from '../../mixins/form-custom';\nimport { from as arrayFrom } from '../../utils/array';\n\nexport default {\n mixins: [idMixin, formMixin, formSizeMixin, formStateMixin, formCustomMixin, formOptionsMixin],\n render: function render(h) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var $slots = this.$slots;\n var options = this.formOptions.map(function (option, index) {\n return h('option', {\n key: 'option_' + index + '_opt',\n attrs: { disabled: Boolean(option.disabled) },\n domProps: { innerHTML: option.text, value: option.value }\n });\n });\n return h('select', {\n ref: 'input',\n class: this.inputClass,\n directives: [{\n name: 'model',\n rawName: 'v-model',\n value: this.localValue,\n expression: 'localValue'\n }],\n attrs: {\n id: this.safeId(),\n name: this.name,\n multiple: this.multiple || null,\n size: this.computedSelectSize,\n disabled: this.disabled,\n required: this.required,\n 'aria-required': this.required ? 'true' : null,\n 'aria-invalid': this.computedAriaInvalid\n },\n on: {\n change: function change(evt) {\n var target = evt.target;\n var selectedVal = arrayFrom(target.options).filter(function (o) {\n return o.selected;\n }).map(function (o) {\n return '_value' in o ? o._value : o.value;\n });\n _this.localValue = target.multiple ? selectedVal : selectedVal[0];\n _this.$emit('change', _this.localValue);\n }\n }\n }, [$slots.first, options, $slots.default]);\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n localValue: this.value\n };\n },\n\n watch: {\n value: function value(newVal, oldVal) {\n this.localValue = newVal;\n },\n localValue: function localValue(newVal, oldVal) {\n this.$emit('input', this.localValue);\n }\n },\n props: {\n value: {},\n multiple: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n selectSize: {\n // Browsers default size to 0, which shows 4 rows in most browsers in multiple mode\n // Size of 1 can bork out firefox\n type: Number,\n default: 0\n },\n ariaInvalid: {\n type: [Boolean, String],\n default: false\n }\n },\n computed: {\n computedSelectSize: function computedSelectSize() {\n // Custom selects with a size of zero causes the arrows to be hidden,\n // so dont render the size attribute in this case\n return !this.plain && this.selectSize === 0 ? null : this.selectSize;\n },\n inputClass: function inputClass() {\n return ['form-control', this.stateClass, this.sizeFormClass,\n // Awaiting for https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/23058\n this.plain ? null : 'custom-select', this.plain || !this.size ? null : 'custom-select-' + this.size];\n },\n computedAriaInvalid: function computedAriaInvalid() {\n if (this.ariaInvalid === true || this.ariaInvalid === 'true') {\n return 'true';\n }\n return this.stateClass === 'is-invalid' ? 'true' : null;\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-select/form-select.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bFormSelect from './form-select';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bFormSelect: bFormSelect,\n bSelect: bFormSelect\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/form-select/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bImg from './img';\nimport bImgLazy from './img-lazy';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bImg: bImg,\n bImgLazy: bImgLazy\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/image/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bImg from './img';\nimport { isVisible, getBCR, eventOn, eventOff } from '../../utils/dom';\nvar THROTTLE = 100;\n\nexport default {\n components: { bImg: bImg },\n render: function render(h) {\n return h('b-img', {\n props: {\n src: this.computedSrc,\n alt: this.alt,\n blank: this.computedBlank,\n blankColor: this.blankColor,\n width: this.computedWidth,\n height: this.computedHeight,\n fluid: this.fluid,\n fluidGrow: this.fluidGrow,\n block: this.block,\n thumbnail: this.thumbnail,\n rounded: this.rounded,\n left: this.left,\n right: this.right,\n center: this.center\n }\n });\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n isShown: false,\n scrollTimeout: null\n };\n },\n\n props: {\n src: {\n type: String,\n default: null,\n required: true\n },\n alt: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n width: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: null\n },\n height: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: null\n },\n blankSrc: {\n // If null, a blank image is generated\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n blankColor: {\n type: String,\n default: 'transparent'\n },\n blankWidth: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: null\n },\n blankHeight: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: null\n },\n fluid: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n fluidGrow: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n block: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n thumbnail: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n rounded: {\n type: [Boolean, String],\n default: false\n },\n left: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n right: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n center: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n offset: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 360\n },\n throttle: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: THROTTLE\n }\n },\n computed: {\n computedSrc: function computedSrc() {\n return !this.blankSrc || this.isShown ? this.src : this.blankSrc;\n },\n computedBlank: function computedBlank() {\n return !(this.isShown || this.blankSrc);\n },\n computedWidth: function computedWidth() {\n return this.isShown ? this.width : this.blankWidth || this.width;\n },\n computedHeight: function computedHeight() {\n return this.isShown ? this.height : this.blankHeight || this.height;\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.setListeners(true);\n this.checkView();\n },\n activated: function activated() {\n this.setListeners(true);\n this.checkView();\n },\n deactivated: function deactivated() {\n this.setListeners(false);\n },\n beforeDdestroy: function beforeDdestroy() {\n this.setListeners(false);\n },\n\n methods: {\n setListeners: function setListeners(on) {\n clearTimeout(this.scrollTimer);\n this.scrollTimeout = null;\n var root = window;\n if (on) {\n eventOn(root, 'scroll', this.onScroll);\n eventOn(root, 'resize', this.onScroll);\n eventOn(root, 'orientationchange', this.onScroll);\n } else {\n eventOff(root, 'scroll', this.onScroll);\n eventOff(root, 'resize', this.onScroll);\n eventOff(root, 'orientationchange', this.onScroll);\n }\n },\n checkView: function checkView() {\n // check bounding box + offset to see if we should show\n if (!isVisible(this.$el)) {\n // Element is hidden, so skip for now\n return;\n }\n var offset = parseInt(this.offset, 10) || 0;\n var docElement = document.documentElement;\n var view = {\n l: 0 - offset,\n t: 0 - offset,\n b: docElement.clientHeight + offset,\n r: docElement.clientWidth + offset\n };\n var box = getBCR(this.$el);\n if (box.right >= view.l && box.bottom >= view.t && box.left <= view.r && box.top <= view.b) {\n // image is in view (or about to be in view)\n this.isShown = true;\n this.setListeners(false);\n }\n },\n onScroll: function onScroll() {\n if (this.isShown) {\n this.setListeners(false);\n } else {\n clearTimeout(this.scrollTimeout);\n this.scrollTimeout = setTimeout(this.checkView, parseInt(this.throttle, 10) || THROTTLE);\n }\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/image/img-lazy.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport Container from '../layout/container';\n\nexport var props = {\n fluid: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n containerFluid: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n header: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n headerTag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'h1'\n },\n headerLevel: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: '3'\n },\n lead: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n leadTag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'p'\n },\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n bgVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n borderVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n textVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var _class2;\n\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n slots = _ref.slots;\n\n // The order of the conditionals matter.\n // We are building the component markup in order.\n var childNodes = [];\n var $slots = slots();\n\n // Header\n if (props.header || $slots.header) {\n childNodes.push(h(props.headerTag, {\n class: _defineProperty({}, 'display-' + props.headerLevel, Boolean(props.headerLevel))\n }, $slots.header || props.header));\n }\n\n // Lead\n if (props.lead || $slots.lead) {\n childNodes.push(h(props.leadTag, { staticClass: 'lead' }, $slots.lead || props.lead));\n }\n\n // Default slot\n if ($slots.default) {\n childNodes.push($slots.default);\n }\n\n // If fluid, wrap content in a container/container-fluid\n if (props.fluid) {\n // Children become a child of a container\n childNodes = [h(Container, { props: { 'fluid': props.containerFluid } }, childNodes)];\n }\n // Return the jumbotron\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'jumbotron',\n class: (_class2 = {\n 'jumbotron-fluid': props.fluid\n }, _defineProperty(_class2, 'text-' + props.textVariant, Boolean(props.textVariant)), _defineProperty(_class2, 'bg-' + props.bgVariant, Boolean(props.bgVariant)), _defineProperty(_class2, 'border-' + props.borderVariant, Boolean(props.borderVariant)), _defineProperty(_class2, 'border', Boolean(props.borderVariant)), _class2)\n }), childNodes);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/jumbotron/jumbotron.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bJumbotron from './jumbotron';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bJumbotron: bJumbotron\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/jumbotron/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bLink from './link';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bLink: bLink\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/link/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n flush: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n var componentData = {\n staticClass: 'list-group',\n class: { 'list-group-flush': props.flush }\n };\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, componentData), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/list-group/list-group.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport pluckProps from '../../utils/pluck-props';\nimport { assign } from '../../utils/object';\nimport { arrayIncludes } from '../../utils/array';\nimport Link, { propsFactory as linkPropsFactory } from '../link/link';\n\nvar actionTags = ['a', 'router-link', 'button', 'b-link'];\nvar linkProps = linkPropsFactory();\ndelete linkProps.href.default;\ndelete linkProps.to.default;\n\nexport var props = assign({\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n action: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: null\n },\n button: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: null\n },\n variant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n }\n}, linkProps);\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var _class;\n\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n var tag = props.button ? 'button' : !props.href && !props.to ? props.tag : Link;\n var isAction = Boolean(props.href || props.to || props.action || props.button || arrayIncludes(actionTags, props.tag));\n var componentData = {\n staticClass: 'list-group-item',\n class: (_class = {}, _defineProperty(_class, 'list-group-item-' + props.variant, Boolean(props.variant)), _defineProperty(_class, 'list-group-item-action', isAction), _defineProperty(_class, 'active', props.active), _defineProperty(_class, 'disabled', props.disabled), _class),\n attrs: tag === 'button' && props.disabled ? { disabled: true } : {},\n props: props.button ? {} : pluckProps(linkProps, props)\n };\n\n return h(tag, mergeData(data, componentData), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/list-group/list-group-item.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bListGroup from './list-group';\nimport bListGroupItem from './list-group-item';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bListGroup: bListGroup,\n bListGroupItem: bListGroupItem\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/list-group/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'media-body'\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/media/media-body.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n verticalAlign: {\n type: String,\n default: 'top'\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'd-flex',\n class: _defineProperty({}, 'align-self-' + props.verticalAlign, props.verticalAlign)\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/media/media-aside.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bMedia from './media';\nimport bMediaAside from './media-aside';\nimport bMediaBody from './media-body';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bMedia: bMedia,\n bMediaAside: bMediaAside,\n bMediaBody: bMediaBody\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/media/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport MediaBody from './media-body';\nimport MediaAside from './media-aside';\n\nexport var props = {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n rightAlign: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n verticalAlign: {\n type: String,\n default: 'top'\n },\n noBody: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n slots = _ref.slots,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n var childNodes = props.noBody ? children : [];\n var $slots = slots();\n\n if (!props.noBody) {\n if ($slots.aside && !props.rightAlign) {\n childNodes.push(h(MediaAside, { staticClass: 'mr-3', props: { verticalAlign: props.verticalAlign } }, $slots.aside));\n }\n\n childNodes.push(h(MediaBody, $slots.default));\n\n if ($slots.aside && props.rightAlign) {\n childNodes.push(h(MediaAside, { staticClass: 'ml-3', props: { verticalAlign: props.verticalAlign } }, $slots.aside));\n }\n }\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, { staticClass: 'media' }), childNodes);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/media/media.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport bBtn from '../button/button';\nimport bBtnClose from '../button/button-close';\nimport idMixin from '../../mixins/id';\nimport listenOnRootMixin from '../../mixins/listen-on-root';\nimport observeDom from '../../utils/observe-dom';\nimport warn from '../../utils/warn';\nimport KeyCodes from '../../utils/key-codes';\nimport BvEvent from '../../utils/bv-event.class';\n\nimport { isVisible, selectAll, select, getBCR, addClass, removeClass, hasClass, setAttr, removeAttr, getAttr, hasAttr, eventOn, eventOff } from '../../utils/dom';\n\n// Selectors for padding/margin adjustments\nvar Selector = {\n FIXED_CONTENT: '.fixed-top, .fixed-bottom, .is-fixed, .sticky-top',\n STICKY_CONTENT: '.sticky-top',\n NAVBAR_TOGGLER: '.navbar-toggler'\n\n // ObserveDom config\n};var OBSERVER_CONFIG = {\n subtree: true,\n childList: true,\n characterData: true,\n attributes: true,\n attributeFilter: ['style', 'class']\n};\n\nexport default {\n mixins: [idMixin, listenOnRootMixin],\n components: { bBtn: bBtn, bBtnClose: bBtnClose },\n render: function render(h) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var $slots = this.$slots;\n // Modal Header\n var header = h(false);\n if (!this.hideHeader) {\n var modalHeader = $slots['modal-header'];\n if (!modalHeader) {\n var closeButton = h(false);\n if (!this.hideHeaderClose) {\n closeButton = h('b-btn-close', {\n props: {\n disabled: this.is_transitioning,\n ariaLabel: this.headerCloseLabel,\n textVariant: this.headerTextVariant\n },\n on: {\n click: function click(evt) {\n _this.hide('header-close');\n }\n }\n }, [$slots['modal-header-close']]);\n }\n modalHeader = [h(this.titleTag, { class: ['modal-title'] }, [$slots['modal-title'] || this.title]), closeButton];\n }\n header = h('header', {\n ref: 'header',\n class: this.headerClasses,\n attrs: { id: this.safeId('__BV_modal_header_') }\n }, [modalHeader]);\n }\n // Modal Body\n var body = h('div', {\n ref: 'body',\n class: this.bodyClasses,\n attrs: { id: this.safeId('__BV_modal_body_') }\n }, [$slots.default]);\n // Modal Footer\n var footer = h(false);\n if (!this.hideFooter) {\n var modalFooter = $slots['modal-footer'];\n if (!modalFooter) {\n var cancelButton = h(false);\n if (!this.okOnly) {\n cancelButton = h('b-btn', {\n props: {\n variant: this.cancelVariant,\n size: this.buttonSize,\n disabled: this.cancelDisabled || this.busy || this.is_transitioning\n },\n on: {\n click: function click(evt) {\n _this.hide('cancel');\n }\n }\n }, [$slots['modal-cancel'] || this.cancelTitle]);\n }\n var okButton = h('b-btn', {\n props: {\n variant: this.okVariant,\n size: this.buttonSize,\n disabled: this.okDisabled || this.busy || this.is_transitioning\n },\n on: {\n click: function click(evt) {\n _this.hide('ok');\n }\n }\n }, [$slots['modal-ok'] || this.okTitle]);\n modalFooter = [cancelButton, okButton];\n }\n footer = h('footer', {\n ref: 'footer',\n class: this.footerClasses,\n attrs: { id: this.safeId('__BV_modal_footer_') }\n }, [modalFooter]);\n }\n // Assemble Modal Content\n var modalContent = h('div', {\n ref: 'content',\n class: ['modal-content'],\n attrs: {\n tabindex: '-1',\n role: 'document',\n 'aria-labelledby': this.hideHeader ? null : this.safeId('__BV_modal_header_'),\n 'aria-describedby': this.safeId('__BV_modal_body_')\n },\n on: {\n focusout: this.onFocusout,\n click: function click(evt) {\n evt.stopPropagation();\n // https://github.com/bootstrap-vue/bootstrap-vue/issues/1528\n _this.$root.$emit('bv::dropdown::shown');\n }\n }\n }, [header, body, footer]);\n // Modal Dialog wrapper\n var modalDialog = h('div', { class: this.dialogClasses }, [modalContent]);\n // Modal\n var modal = h('div', {\n ref: 'modal',\n class: this.modalClasses,\n directives: [{\n name: 'show',\n rawName: 'v-show',\n value: this.is_visible,\n expression: 'is_visible'\n }],\n attrs: {\n id: this.safeId(),\n role: 'dialog',\n 'aria-hidden': this.is_visible ? null : 'true'\n },\n on: {\n click: this.onClickOut,\n keydown: this.onEsc\n }\n }, [modalDialog]);\n // Wrap modal in transition\n modal = h('transition', {\n props: {\n enterClass: '',\n enterToClass: '',\n enterActiveClass: '',\n leaveClass: '',\n leaveActiveClass: '',\n leaveToClass: ''\n },\n on: {\n 'before-enter': this.onBeforeEnter,\n enter: this.onEnter,\n 'after-enter': this.onAfterEnter,\n 'before-leave': this.onBeforeLeave,\n leave: this.onLeave,\n 'after-leave': this.onAfterLeave\n }\n }, [modal]);\n // Modal Backdrop\n var backdrop = h(false);\n if (!this.hideBackdrop && (this.is_visible || this.is_transitioning)) {\n backdrop = h('div', {\n class: this.backdropClasses,\n attrs: { id: this.safeId('__BV_modal_backdrop_') }\n });\n }\n // Assemble modal and backdrop\n var outer = h(false);\n if (!this.is_hidden) {\n outer = h('div', { attrs: { id: this.safeId('__BV_modal_outer_') } }, [modal, backdrop]);\n }\n // Wrap in DIV to maintain thi.$el reference for hide/show method aceess\n return h('div', {}, [outer]);\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n is_hidden: this.lazy || false,\n is_visible: false,\n is_transitioning: false,\n is_show: false,\n is_block: false,\n scrollbarWidth: 0,\n isBodyOverflowing: false,\n return_focus: this.returnFocus || null\n };\n },\n\n model: {\n prop: 'visible',\n event: 'change'\n },\n props: {\n title: {\n type: String,\n default: ''\n },\n titleTag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'h5'\n },\n size: {\n type: String,\n default: 'md'\n },\n centered: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n buttonSize: {\n type: String,\n default: ''\n },\n noFade: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n noCloseOnBackdrop: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n noCloseOnEsc: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n noEnforceFocus: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n headerBgVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n headerBorderVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n headerTextVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n headerClass: {\n type: [String, Array],\n default: null\n },\n bodyBgVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n bodyTextVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n modalClass: {\n type: [String, Array],\n default: null\n },\n bodyClass: {\n type: [String, Array],\n default: null\n },\n footerBgVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n footerBorderVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n footerTextVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n footerClass: {\n type: [String, Array],\n default: null\n },\n hideHeader: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n hideFooter: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n hideHeaderClose: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n hideBackdrop: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n okOnly: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n okDisabled: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n cancelDisabled: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n visible: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n returnFocus: {\n default: null\n },\n headerCloseLabel: {\n type: String,\n default: 'Close'\n },\n cancelTitle: {\n type: String,\n default: 'Cancel'\n },\n okTitle: {\n type: String,\n default: 'OK'\n },\n cancelVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: 'secondary'\n },\n okVariant: {\n type: String,\n default: 'primary'\n },\n lazy: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n busy: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n },\n computed: {\n modalClasses: function modalClasses() {\n return ['modal', {\n fade: !this.noFade,\n show: this.is_show,\n 'd-block': this.is_block\n }, this.modalClass];\n },\n dialogClasses: function dialogClasses() {\n var _ref;\n\n return ['modal-dialog', (_ref = {}, _defineProperty(_ref, 'modal-' + this.size, Boolean(this.size)), _defineProperty(_ref, 'modal-dialog-centered', this.centered), _ref)];\n },\n backdropClasses: function backdropClasses() {\n return ['modal-backdrop', {\n fade: !this.noFade,\n show: this.is_show || this.noFade\n }];\n },\n headerClasses: function headerClasses() {\n var _ref2;\n\n return ['modal-header', (_ref2 = {}, _defineProperty(_ref2, 'bg-' + this.headerBgVariant, Boolean(this.headerBgVariant)), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'text-' + this.headerTextVariant, Boolean(this.headerTextVariant)), _defineProperty(_ref2, 'border-' + this.headerBorderVariant, Boolean(this.headerBorderVariant)), _ref2), this.headerClass];\n },\n bodyClasses: function bodyClasses() {\n var _ref3;\n\n return ['modal-body', (_ref3 = {}, _defineProperty(_ref3, 'bg-' + this.bodyBgVariant, Boolean(this.bodyBgVariant)), _defineProperty(_ref3, 'text-' + this.bodyTextVariant, Boolean(this.bodyTextVariant)), _ref3), this.bodyClass];\n },\n footerClasses: function footerClasses() {\n var _ref4;\n\n return ['modal-footer', (_ref4 = {}, _defineProperty(_ref4, 'bg-' + this.footerBgVariant, Boolean(this.footerBgVariant)), _defineProperty(_ref4, 'text-' + this.footerTextVariant, Boolean(this.footerTextVariant)), _defineProperty(_ref4, 'border-' + this.footerBorderVariant, Boolean(this.footerBorderVariant)), _ref4), this.footerClass];\n }\n },\n watch: {\n visible: function visible(newVal, oldVal) {\n if (newVal === oldVal) {\n return;\n }\n this[newVal ? 'show' : 'hide']();\n }\n },\n methods: {\n // Public Methods\n show: function show() {\n if (this.is_visible) {\n return;\n }\n var showEvt = new BvEvent('show', {\n cancelable: true,\n vueTarget: this,\n target: this.$refs.modal,\n relatedTarget: null\n });\n this.emitEvent(showEvt);\n if (showEvt.defaultPrevented || this.is_visible) {\n // Don't show if canceled\n return;\n }\n if (hasClass(document.body, 'modal-open')) {\n // If another modal is already open, wait for it to close\n this.$root.$once('bv::modal::hidden', this.doShow);\n } else {\n // Show the modal\n this.doShow();\n }\n },\n hide: function hide(trigger) {\n if (!this.is_visible) {\n return;\n }\n var hideEvt = new BvEvent('hide', {\n cancelable: true,\n vueTarget: this,\n target: this.$refs.modal,\n // this could be the trigger element/component reference\n relatedTarget: null,\n isOK: trigger || null,\n trigger: trigger || null,\n cancel: function cancel() {\n // Backwards compatibility\n warn('b-modal: evt.cancel() is deprecated. Please use evt.preventDefault().');\n this.preventDefault();\n }\n });\n if (trigger === 'ok') {\n this.$emit('ok', hideEvt);\n } else if (trigger === 'cancel') {\n this.$emit('cancel', hideEvt);\n }\n this.emitEvent(hideEvt);\n // Hide if not canceled\n if (hideEvt.defaultPrevented || !this.is_visible) {\n return;\n }\n // stop observing for content changes\n if (this._observer) {\n this._observer.disconnect();\n this._observer = null;\n }\n this.is_visible = false;\n this.$emit('change', false);\n },\n\n // Private method to finish showing modal\n doShow: function doShow() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n // Plce modal in DOM if lazy\n this.is_hidden = false;\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n // We do this in nextTick to ensure the modal is in DOM first before we show it\n _this2.is_visible = true;\n _this2.$emit('change', true);\n // Observe changes in modal content and adjust if necessary\n _this2._observer = observeDom(_this2.$refs.content, _this2.adjustDialog.bind(_this2), OBSERVER_CONFIG);\n });\n },\n\n // Transition Handlers\n onBeforeEnter: function onBeforeEnter() {\n this.is_transitioning = true;\n this.checkScrollbar();\n this.setScrollbar();\n this.adjustDialog();\n addClass(document.body, 'modal-open');\n this.setResizeEvent(true);\n },\n onEnter: function onEnter() {\n this.is_block = true;\n this.$refs.modal.scrollTop = 0;\n },\n onAfterEnter: function onAfterEnter() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n this.is_show = true;\n this.is_transitioning = false;\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this3.focusFirst();\n var shownEvt = new BvEvent('shown', {\n cancelable: false,\n vueTarget: _this3,\n target: _this3.$refs.modal,\n relatedTarget: null\n });\n _this3.emitEvent(shownEvt);\n });\n },\n onBeforeLeave: function onBeforeLeave() {\n this.is_transitioning = true;\n this.setResizeEvent(false);\n },\n onLeave: function onLeave() {\n // Remove the 'show' class\n this.is_show = false;\n },\n onAfterLeave: function onAfterLeave() {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n this.is_block = false;\n this.resetAdjustments();\n this.resetScrollbar();\n this.is_transitioning = false;\n removeClass(document.body, 'modal-open');\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this4.is_hidden = _this4.lazy || false;\n _this4.returnFocusTo();\n var hiddenEvt = new BvEvent('hidden', {\n cancelable: false,\n vueTarget: _this4,\n target: _this4.lazy ? null : _this4.$refs.modal,\n relatedTarget: null\n });\n _this4.emitEvent(hiddenEvt);\n });\n },\n\n // Event emitter\n emitEvent: function emitEvent(bvEvt) {\n var type = bvEvt.type;\n this.$emit(type, bvEvt);\n this.$root.$emit('bv::modal::' + type, bvEvt);\n },\n\n // UI Event Handlers\n onClickOut: function onClickOut(evt) {\n // If backdrop clicked, hide modal\n if (this.is_visible && !this.noCloseOnBackdrop) {\n this.hide('backdrop');\n }\n },\n onEsc: function onEsc(evt) {\n // If ESC pressed, hide modal\n if (evt.keyCode === KeyCodes.ESC && this.is_visible && !this.noCloseOnEsc) {\n this.hide('esc');\n }\n },\n onFocusout: function onFocusout(evt) {\n // If focus leaves modal, bring it back\n // 'focusout' Event Listener bound on content\n var content = this.$refs.content;\n if (!this.noEnforceFocus && this.is_visible && content && !content.contains(evt.relatedTarget)) {\n content.focus();\n }\n },\n\n // Resize Listener\n setResizeEvent: function setResizeEvent(on) {\n var _this5 = this;\n\n ;['resize', 'orientationchange'].forEach(function (evtName) {\n if (on) {\n eventOn(window, evtName, _this5.adjustDialog);\n } else {\n eventOff(window, evtName, _this5.adjustDialog);\n }\n });\n },\n\n // Root Listener handlers\n showHandler: function showHandler(id, triggerEl) {\n if (id === this.id) {\n this.return_focus = triggerEl || null;\n this.show();\n }\n },\n hideHandler: function hideHandler(id) {\n if (id === this.id) {\n this.hide();\n }\n },\n modalListener: function modalListener(bvEvt) {\n // If another modal opens, close this one\n if (bvEvt.vueTarget !== this) {\n this.hide();\n }\n },\n\n // Focus control handlers\n focusFirst: function focusFirst() {\n // Don't try and focus if we are SSR\n if (typeof document === 'undefined') {\n return;\n }\n var content = this.$refs.content;\n var modal = this.$refs.modal;\n var activeElement = document.activeElement;\n if (activeElement && content && content.contains(activeElement)) {\n // If activeElement is child of content, no need to change focus\n } else if (content) {\n if (modal) {\n modal.scrollTop = 0;\n }\n // Focus the modal content wrapper\n content.focus();\n }\n },\n returnFocusTo: function returnFocusTo() {\n // Prefer returnFocus prop over event specified return_focus value\n var el = this.returnFocus || this.return_focus || null;\n if (typeof el === 'string') {\n // CSS Selector\n el = select(el);\n }\n if (el) {\n el = el.$el || el;\n if (isVisible(el)) {\n el.focus();\n }\n }\n },\n\n // Utility methods\n getScrollbarWidth: function getScrollbarWidth() {\n var scrollDiv = document.createElement('div');\n scrollDiv.className = 'modal-scrollbar-measure';\n document.body.appendChild(scrollDiv);\n this.scrollbarWidth = scrollDiv.getBoundingClientRect().width - scrollDiv.clientWidth;\n document.body.removeChild(scrollDiv);\n },\n adjustDialog: function adjustDialog() {\n if (!this.is_visible) {\n return;\n }\n var modal = this.$refs.modal;\n var isModalOverflowing = modal.scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight;\n if (!this.isBodyOverflowing && isModalOverflowing) {\n modal.style.paddingLeft = this.scrollbarWidth + 'px';\n }\n if (this.isBodyOverflowing && !isModalOverflowing) {\n modal.style.paddingRight = this.scrollbarWidth + 'px';\n }\n },\n resetAdjustments: function resetAdjustments() {\n var modal = this.$refs.modal;\n if (modal) {\n modal.style.paddingLeft = '';\n modal.style.paddingRight = '';\n }\n },\n checkScrollbar: function checkScrollbar() {\n var rect = getBCR(document.body);\n this.isBodyOverflowing = rect.left + rect.right < window.innerWidth;\n },\n setScrollbar: function setScrollbar() {\n if (this.isBodyOverflowing) {\n // Note: DOMNode.style.paddingRight returns the actual value or '' if not set\n // while $(DOMNode).css('padding-right') returns the calculated value or 0 if not set\n var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle;\n var body = document.body;\n var scrollbarWidth = this.scrollbarWidth;\n // Adjust fixed content padding\n selectAll(Selector.FIXED_CONTENT).forEach(function (el) {\n var actualPadding = el.style.paddingRight;\n var calculatedPadding = computedStyle(el).paddingRight || 0;\n setAttr(el, 'data-padding-right', actualPadding);\n el.style.paddingRight = parseFloat(calculatedPadding) + scrollbarWidth + 'px';\n });\n // Adjust sticky content margin\n selectAll(Selector.STICKY_CONTENT).forEach(function (el) {\n var actualMargin = el.style.marginRight;\n var calculatedMargin = computedStyle(el).marginRight || 0;\n setAttr(el, 'data-margin-right', actualMargin);\n el.style.marginRight = parseFloat(calculatedMargin) - scrollbarWidth + 'px';\n });\n // Adjust navbar-toggler margin\n selectAll(Selector.NAVBAR_TOGGLER).forEach(function (el) {\n var actualMargin = el.style.marginRight;\n var calculatedMargin = computedStyle(el).marginRight || 0;\n setAttr(el, 'data-margin-right', actualMargin);\n el.style.marginRight = parseFloat(calculatedMargin) + scrollbarWidth + 'px';\n });\n // Adjust body padding\n var actualPadding = body.style.paddingRight;\n var calculatedPadding = computedStyle(body).paddingRight;\n setAttr(body, 'data-padding-right', actualPadding);\n body.style.paddingRight = parseFloat(calculatedPadding) + scrollbarWidth + 'px';\n }\n },\n resetScrollbar: function resetScrollbar() {\n // Restore fixed content padding\n selectAll(Selector.FIXED_CONTENT).forEach(function (el) {\n if (hasAttr(el, 'data-padding-right')) {\n el.style.paddingRight = getAttr(el, 'data-padding-right') || '';\n removeAttr(el, 'data-padding-right');\n }\n });\n // Restore sticky content and navbar-toggler margin\n selectAll(Selector.STICKY_CONTENT + ', ' + Selector.NAVBAR_TOGGLER).forEach(function (el) {\n if (hasAttr(el, 'data-margin-right')) {\n el.style.marginRight = getAttr(el, 'data-margin-right') || '';\n removeAttr(el, 'data-margin-right');\n }\n });\n // Restore body padding\n var body = document.body;\n if (hasAttr(body, 'data-padding-right')) {\n body.style.paddingRight = getAttr(body, 'data-padding-right') || '';\n removeAttr(body, 'data-padding-right');\n }\n }\n },\n created: function created() {\n // create non-reactive property\n this._observer = null;\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n // Measure scrollbar\n this.getScrollbarWidth();\n // Listen for events from others to either open or close ourselves\n this.listenOnRoot('bv::show::modal', this.showHandler);\n this.listenOnRoot('bv::hide::modal', this.hideHandler);\n // Listen for bv:modal::show events, and close ourselves if the opening modal not us\n this.listenOnRoot('bv::modal::show', this.modalListener);\n // Initially show modal?\n if (this.visible === true) {\n this.show();\n }\n },\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n // Ensure everything is back to normal\n if (this._observer) {\n this._observer.disconnect();\n this._observer = null;\n }\n this.setResizeEvent(false);\n // Re-adjust body/navbar/fixed padding/margins (if needed)\n removeClass(document.body, 'modal-open');\n this.resetAdjustments();\n this.resetScrollbar();\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/modal/modal.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { bindTargets, unbindTargets } from '../../utils/target';\nimport { setAttr, removeAttr } from '../../utils/dom';\n\nvar listenTypes = { click: true };\n\nexport default {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow-restricted-names\n bind: function bind(el, binding, vnode) {\n bindTargets(vnode, binding, listenTypes, function (_ref) {\n var targets = _ref.targets,\n vnode = _ref.vnode;\n\n targets.forEach(function (target) {\n vnode.context.$root.$emit('bv::show::modal', target, vnode.elm);\n });\n });\n if (el.tagName !== 'BUTTON') {\n // If element is not a button, we add `role=\"button\"` for accessibility\n setAttr(el, 'role', 'button');\n }\n },\n unbind: function unbind(el, binding, vnode) {\n unbindTargets(vnode, binding, listenTypes);\n if (el.tagName !== 'BUTTON') {\n // If element is not a button, we add `role=\"button\"` for accessibility\n removeAttr(el, 'role', 'button');\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/directives/modal/modal.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bModal from './modal';\nimport { registerDirectives, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar directives = {\n bModal: bModal\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerDirectives(Vue, directives);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/directives/modal/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bModal from './modal';\nimport modalPlugin from '../../directives/modal';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bModal: bModal\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n Vue.use(modalPlugin);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/modal/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport warn from '../../utils/warn';\n\nexport var props = {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'ul'\n },\n fill: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n justified: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n tabs: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n pills: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n vertical: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n isNavBar: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n if (props.isNavBar) {\n warn(\"b-nav: Prop 'is-nav-bar' is deprecated. Please use component '' instead.\");\n }\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n class: {\n 'nav': !props.isNavBar,\n 'navbar-nav': props.isNavBar,\n 'nav-tabs': props.tabs && !props.isNavBar,\n 'nav-pills': props.pills && !props.isNavBar,\n 'flex-column': props.vertical && !props.isNavBar,\n 'nav-fill': props.fill,\n 'nav-justified': props.justified\n }\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/nav/nav.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport Link, { propsFactory as linkPropsFactory } from '../link/link';\n\nexport var props = linkPropsFactory();\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h('li', mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'nav-item'\n }), [h(Link, { staticClass: 'nav-link', props: props }, children)]);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/nav/nav-item.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'span'\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, { staticClass: 'navbar-text' }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/nav/nav-text.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import Form from '../form/form';\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: {\n id: {\n type: String,\n default: null\n }\n },\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(Form, mergeData(data, { attrs: { id: props.id }, props: { inline: true } }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/nav/nav-form.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import idMixin from '../../mixins/id';\nimport dropdownMixin from '../../mixins/dropdown';\n\nexport default {\n mixins: [idMixin, dropdownMixin],\n render: function render(h) {\n var button = h('a', {\n class: this.toggleClasses,\n ref: 'toggle',\n attrs: {\n href: '#',\n id: this.safeId('_BV_button_'),\n disabled: this.disabled,\n 'aria-haspopup': 'true',\n 'aria-expanded': this.visible ? 'true' : 'false'\n },\n on: {\n click: this.toggle,\n keydown: this.toggle // space, enter, down\n }\n }, [this.$slots['button-content'] || this.$slots.text || h('span', { domProps: { innerHTML: this.text } })]);\n var menu = h('div', {\n class: this.menuClasses,\n ref: 'menu',\n attrs: { 'aria-labelledby': this.safeId('_BV_button_') },\n on: {\n mouseover: this.onMouseOver,\n keydown: this.onKeydown // tab, up, down, esc\n }\n }, [this.$slots.default]);\n return h('li', { attrs: { id: this.safeId() }, class: this.dropdownClasses }, [button, menu]);\n },\n\n computed: {\n isNav: function isNav() {\n // Signal to dropdown mixin that we are in a navbar\n return true;\n },\n dropdownClasses: function dropdownClasses() {\n return ['nav-item', 'b-nav-dropdown', 'dropdown', this.dropup ? 'dropup' : '', this.visible ? 'show' : ''];\n },\n toggleClasses: function toggleClasses() {\n return ['nav-link', this.noCaret ? '' : 'dropdown-toggle', this.disabled ? 'disabled' : '', this.extraToggleClasses ? this.extraToggleClasses : ''];\n },\n menuClasses: function menuClasses() {\n return ['dropdown-menu', this.right ? 'dropdown-menu-right' : 'dropdown-menu-left', this.visible ? 'show' : '', this.extraMenuClasses ? this.extraMenuClasses : ''];\n }\n },\n props: {\n noCaret: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n extraToggleClasses: {\n // Extra Toggle classes\n type: String,\n default: ''\n },\n extraMenuClasses: {\n // Extra Menu classes\n type: String,\n default: ''\n },\n role: {\n type: String,\n default: 'menu'\n }\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/nav/nav-item-dropdown.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bNav from './nav';\nimport bNavItem from './nav-item';\nimport bNavText from './nav-text';\nimport bNavForm from './nav-form';\nimport bNavItemDropdown from './nav-item-dropdown';\nimport dropdownPlugin from '../dropdown';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bNav: bNav,\n bNavItem: bNavItem,\n bNavText: bNavText,\n bNavForm: bNavForm,\n bNavItemDropdown: bNavItemDropdown,\n bNavItemDd: bNavItemDropdown,\n bNavDropdown: bNavItemDropdown,\n bNavDd: bNavItemDropdown\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n Vue.use(dropdownPlugin);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/nav/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'nav'\n },\n type: {\n type: String,\n default: 'light'\n },\n variant: {\n type: String\n },\n toggleable: {\n type: [Boolean, String],\n default: false\n },\n toggleBreakpoint: {\n // Deprecated. Set toggleable to a string breakpoint\n type: String,\n default: null\n },\n fixed: {\n type: String\n },\n sticky: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var _class;\n\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n var breakpoint = props.toggleBreakpoint || (props.toggleable === true ? 'sm' : props.toggleable) || 'sm';\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'navbar',\n class: (_class = {}, _defineProperty(_class, 'navbar-' + props.type, Boolean(props.type)), _defineProperty(_class, 'bg-' + props.variant, Boolean(props.variant)), _defineProperty(_class, 'fixed-' + props.fixed, Boolean(props.fixed)), _defineProperty(_class, 'sticky-top', props.sticky), _defineProperty(_class, 'navbar-expand-' + breakpoint, props.toggleable !== false), _class)\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/navbar/navbar.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\n\nexport var props = {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'ul'\n },\n fill: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n justified: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'navbar-nav',\n class: {\n 'nav-fill': props.fill,\n 'nav-justified': props.justified\n }\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/navbar/navbar-nav.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import Link, { propsFactory } from '../link/link';\nimport { mergeData } from 'vue-functional-data-merge';\nimport pluckProps from '../../utils/pluck-props';\nimport { assign } from '../../utils/object';\n\nvar linkProps = propsFactory();\nlinkProps.href.default = undefined;\nlinkProps.to.default = undefined;\n\nexport var props = assign(linkProps, {\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n }\n});\n\nexport default {\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n\n var isLink = Boolean(props.to || props.href);\n var tag = isLink ? Link : props.tag;\n\n return h(tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'navbar-brand',\n props: isLink ? pluckProps(linkProps, props) : {}\n }), children);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/navbar/navbar-brand.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import listenOnRootMixin from '../../mixins/listen-on-root';\n\nexport default {\n mixins: [listenOnRootMixin],\n render: function render(h) {\n return h('button', {\n class: ['navbar-toggler'],\n attrs: {\n type: 'button',\n 'aria-label': this.label,\n 'aria-controls': this.target,\n 'aria-expanded': this.toggleState ? 'true' : 'false'\n },\n on: { click: this.onClick }\n }, [this.$slots.default || h('span', { class: ['navbar-toggler-icon'] })]);\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n toggleState: false\n };\n },\n\n props: {\n label: {\n type: String,\n default: 'Toggle navigation'\n },\n target: {\n type: String,\n required: true\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onClick: function onClick() {\n this.$root.$emit('bv::toggle::collapse', this.target);\n },\n handleStateEvt: function handleStateEvt(id, state) {\n if (id === this.target) {\n this.toggleState = state;\n }\n }\n },\n created: function created() {\n this.listenOnRoot('bv::collapse::state', this.handleStateEvt);\n }\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/navbar/navbar-toggle.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","import bNavbar from './navbar';\nimport bNavbarNav from './navbar-nav';\nimport bNavbarBrand from './navbar-brand';\nimport bNavbarToggle from './navbar-toggle';\nimport navPlugin from '../nav';\nimport collapsePlugin from '../collapse';\nimport dropdownPlugin from '../dropdown';\nimport { registerComponents, vueUse } from '../../utils/plugins';\n\nvar components = {\n bNavbar: bNavbar,\n bNavbarNav: bNavbarNav,\n bNavbarBrand: bNavbarBrand,\n bNavbarToggle: bNavbarToggle,\n bNavToggle: bNavbarToggle\n};\n\nvar VuePlugin = {\n install: function install(Vue) {\n registerComponents(Vue, components);\n Vue.use(navPlugin);\n Vue.use(collapsePlugin);\n Vue.use(dropdownPlugin);\n }\n};\n\nvueUse(VuePlugin);\n\nexport default VuePlugin;\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/components/navbar/index.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","/**\n * @param {number} length\n * @return {Array}\n */\nexport default (function (length) {\n return Array.apply(null, { length: length });\n});\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/bootstrap-vue/es/utils/range.js\n// module id = null\n// module chunks = ","/*\n * Comon props, computed, data, render function, and methods for b-pagination and b-pagination-nav\n */\n\nimport range from '../utils/range';\nimport KeyCodes from '../utils/key-codes';\nimport { isVisible, isDisabled, selectAll, getAttr } from '../utils/dom';\nimport bLink from '../components/link/link';\n\n// Make an array of N to N+X\nfunction makePageArray(startNum, numPages) {\n return range(numPages).map(function (value, index) {\n return { number: index + startNum, className: null };\n });\n}\n\n// Threshold of limit size when we start/stop showing ellipsis\nvar ELLIPSIS_THRESHOLD = 3;\n\n// Props object\nvar props = {\n disabled: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n value: {\n type: Number,\n default: 1\n },\n limit: {\n type: Number,\n default: 5\n },\n size: {\n type: String,\n default: 'md'\n },\n align: {\n type: String,\n default: 'left'\n },\n hideGotoEndButtons: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n ariaLabel: {\n type: String,\n default: 'Pagination'\n },\n labelFirstPage: {\n type: String,\n default: 'Goto first page'\n },\n firstText: {\n type: String,\n default: '«'\n },\n labelPrevPage: {\n type: String,\n default: 'Goto previous page'\n },\n prevText: {\n type: String,\n default: '‹'\n },\n labelNextPage: {\n type: String,\n default: 'Goto next page'\n },\n nextText: {\n type: String,\n default: '›'\n },\n labelLastPage: {\n type: String,\n default: 'Goto last page'\n },\n lastText: {\n type: String,\n default: '»'\n },\n labelPage: {\n type: String,\n default: 'Goto page'\n },\n hideEllipsis: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n ellipsisText: {\n type: String,\n default: '…'\n }\n};\n\nexport default {\n components: { bLink: bLink },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n showFirstDots: false,\n showLastDots: false,\n currentPage: this.value\n };\n },\n\n props: props,\n render: function render(h) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var buttons = [];\n\n // Factory function for prev/next/first/last buttons\n var makeEndBtns = function makeEndBtns(linkTo, ariaLabel, btnText, pageTest) {\n var button = void 0;\n pageTest = pageTest || linkTo; // Page # to test against to disable\n if (_this.disabled || _this.isActive(pageTest)) {\n button = h('li', {\n class: ['page-item', 'disabled'],\n attrs: { role: 'none presentation', 'aria-hidden': 'true' }\n }, [h('span', {\n class: ['page-link'],\n domProps: { innerHTML: btnText }\n })]);\n } else {\n button = h('li', {\n class: ['page-item'],\n attrs: { role: 'none presentation' }\n }, [h('b-link', {\n class: ['page-link'],\n props: _this.linkProps(linkTo),\n attrs: {\n role: 'menuitem',\n tabindex: '-1',\n 'aria-label': ariaLabel,\n 'aria-controls': _this.ariaControls || null\n },\n on: {\n click: function click(evt) {\n _this.onClick(linkTo, evt);\n },\n keydown: function keydown(evt) {\n // Links don't normally respond to SPACE, so we add that functionality\n if (evt.keyCode === KeyCodes.SPACE) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n _this.onClick(linkTo, evt);\n }\n }\n }\n }, [h('span', {\n attrs: { 'aria-hidden': 'true' },\n domProps: { innerHTML: btnText }\n })])]);\n }\n return button;\n };\n\n // Ellipsis factory\n var makeEllipsis = function makeEllipsis() {\n return h('li', {\n class: ['page-item', 'disabled', 'd-none', 'd-sm-flex'],\n attrs: { role: 'separator' }\n }, [h('span', {\n class: ['page-link'],\n domProps: { innerHTML: _this.ellipsisText }\n })]);\n };\n\n // Goto First Page button\n buttons.push(this.hideGotoEndButtons ? h(false) : makeEndBtns(1, this.labelFirstPage, this.firstText));\n\n // Goto Previous page button\n buttons.push(makeEndBtns(this.currentPage - 1, this.labelPrevPage, this.prevText, 1));\n\n // First Ellipsis Bookend\n buttons.push(this.showFirstDots ? makeEllipsis() : h(false));\n\n // Individual Page links\n this.pageList.forEach(function (page) {\n var inner = void 0;\n var pageNum = _this.makePage(page.number);\n if (_this.disabled) {\n inner = h('span', {\n class: ['page-link'],\n domProps: { innerHTML: pageNum }\n });\n } else {\n var active = _this.isActive(page.number);\n inner = h('b-link', {\n class: _this.pageLinkClasses(page),\n props: _this.linkProps(page.number),\n attrs: {\n role: 'menuitemradio',\n tabindex: active ? '0' : '-1',\n 'aria-controls': _this.ariaControls || null,\n 'aria-label': _this.labelPage + ' ' + page.number,\n 'aria-checked': active ? 'true' : 'false',\n 'aria-posinset': page.number,\n 'aria-setsize': _this.numberOfPages\n },\n domProps: { innerHTML: pageNum },\n on: {\n click: function click(evt) {\n _this.onClick(page.number, evt);\n },\n keydown: function keydown(evt) {\n if (evt.keyCode === KeyCodes.SPACE) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n _this.onClick(page.number, evt);\n }\n }\n }\n });\n }\n buttons.push(h('li', {\n key: page.number,\n class: _this.pageItemClasses(page),\n attrs: { role: 'none presentation' }\n }, [inner]));\n });\n\n // Last Ellipsis Bookend\n buttons.push(this.showLastDots ? makeEllipsis() : h(false));\n\n // Goto Next page button\n buttons.push(makeEndBtns(this.currentPage + 1, this.labelNextPage, this.nextText, this.numberOfPages));\n\n // Goto Last Page button\n buttons.push(this.hideGotoEndButtons ? h(false) : makeEndBtns(this.numberOfPages, this.labelLastPage, this.lastText));\n\n // Assemble the paginatiom buttons\n var pagination = h('ul', {\n ref: 'ul',\n class: ['pagination', 'b-pagination', this.btnSize, this.alignment],\n attrs: {\n role: 'menubar',\n 'aria-disabled': this.disabled ? 'true' : 'false',\n 'aria-label': this.ariaLabel || null\n },\n on: {\n keydown: function keydown(evt) {\n var keyCode = evt.keyCode;\n var shift = evt.shiftKey;\n if (keyCode === KeyCodes.LEFT) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n shift ? _this.focusFirst() : _this.focusPrev();\n } else if (keyCode === KeyCodes.RIGHT) {\n evt.preventDefault();\n shift ? _this.focusLast() : _this.focusNext();\n }\n }\n }\n }, buttons);\n\n // if we are pagination-nav, wrap in '